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and make it more visible both day and night. These signs also assist the Fire Department and Emergency Medical Services in locating your home in case assistance is needed.
During winter, it is not unusual for house number signs and posts to get knocked down or bent. If that is the case at your residence, please correct this problem as soon as possible. It has been proven that clearly visible reflective house numbers are lifesavers.
When checking on the condition of your reflective house number sign, please be sure that your sign is posted at least four feet off the ground. If your investigation reveals that the sign does not meet that specification, consider reinstalling the sign so that it does. Signs posted lower to the ground than four feet may get partially or totally obscured by plowed snow during the winter months.
If you need assistance in reinstalling your existing sign or installing a new one, contact Roger Stobert, Mobile Watch Coordinator (contact information is at the bottom). Roger will dispatch someone to help you.
These signs are available at ACE Hardware. In addition, applications to purchase professionally made signs through Morton Township are available at the CLPOC Office or the Morton Township Office in Mecosta. The form can also be downloaded from the Morton Township Website: mortontownship.org/wp-content/ uploads/2019/02/911_SIGN.pdf.
You should have installed your 2023 Canadian Lakes registration stickers by now, but if not, please do so soon. Timely application minimizes delays when accessing amenities like the Canadian Lakes Yard Waste and the boat ramps and can prevent a warning sticker from Canadian Lakes Safety when parked at any of our beaches or other common areas.
The proper display of current year stickers also helps Safety and Mobile Watch identify vehicles that belong here and those that do not.
Please remember to provide your guests with personal guest passes and vehicle guest tags to hang on the vehicles rear view mirror.

Guest tags and IDs can be obtained at the CLPOC Office.

Pedestrian Safety Tips
The number of residents and guests walking, jogging, and running on our roads increases dramatically with warmer weather. For your personal safety, please walk, run, and jog on the LEFT side of the road, against traffic. Wear bright or reflective clothing and carry a flashlight at night to make it easier for drivers to see you. Be mindful of loose gravel, potholes, and debris on and next to your walking pathway.
Vehicular Safety Tips
Please remember the speed limit throughout Canadian Lakes is 25 mph. With the number of pedestrians, bicyclists, ATVs, and golf carts, not to mention the deer and other wildlife sharing our roads, we must remain alert. Distracted driving is one of the major contributors to accidents. For your safety and that of your loved ones, please keep your attention on the road whether driving a car, truck, ATV, or golf cart! AND PLEASE WATCH YOUR SPEED!
Your Assistance Is Needed
One of the goals of the Mobile Watch is to have at least two patrols every day in each of the nine Mobile Watch patrol areas. With the return of our snowbird members, we have been able to increase our patrol efforts. However, we now have members who are leaving due to seasonal employment opportunities. While we have been successful in attracting some new Mobile Watch members, we need to continue to ask for volunteers to fill vacancies. Even if you cannot serve on a full-time basis, we welcome your assistance as a backup or part-time member. Remember, that we are all Canadian Lakers, and our strong suit has always been helping one another. If you can devote about an hour a week to help keep your Canadian Lakes a safe place to live, please contact Roger Stobert at 231-288-0148 or at spankky@charter.net.
231-288-0148 spankky@charter.net
As open burning of yard waste is not allowed in Canadian Lakes and to preclude the dumping of these wastes on neighboring lots and common areas, Canadian Lakes Yard Waste was established to provide CLPOC members in good standing with a place to dispose of their residential yard waste.
Canadian Lakes Yard Waste is located on the south side of Pierce Road between 110th Avenue and Tullymore Drive.
Canadian Lakes Yard Waste is OPEN every Wednesday and Sunday, 10 a.m.– 4 p.m. April through November except Easter Sunday. Access is not permitted at any other time.
To gain access you will need a current CLPOC ID, vehicle sticker, or guest pass. A resident who hires a contractor to perform landscape maintenance services is required to inform the provider that to gain access to Canadian Lakes Yard Waste, the company owner or supervisor must present to the Yard Waste Attendant with his/her client’s CLPOC ID card or guest pass. In lieu of the CLPOC ID or guest pass, the contractor must be prepared to provide the company or provider’s name, CLPOC member’s name, street address and/or lot number.
Items allowed at Canadian Lakes Yard Waste include tree and shrub branches and limbs less than 4 inches in diameter and plant-based materials normally associated with residential yard maintenance such as grass clippings, leaves, and discarded mulch. Household trash, garbage, including food scraps such as rinds, peels, cores, etc., campfire ashes, construction debris, and yard waste containers of any kind are NOT allowed to be left at the site.
Your friendly on-duty Yard Waste Attendant will answer any question you may have, or you may contact Roger Stobert, Yard Waste Coordinator at 231288-0148 or spankky@charter.net.

If you forget any of the above, this information is also on the Canadian Lakes website, members.canadianlakes. org. Proceed to your member login, under the Administration drop down you will be able to locate the Canadian Lakes Yard Waste information.