16 minute read

CLPOC Board Minutes

CLPOC BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Saturday, July 24, 2021 (Highland Haus)

1. Call to order: The meeting was called to order by Paul Szymkowicz,


President at 9:00 a.m. Board members present were: John Colley, Vice

President, James French, Treasurer,

Linda Tilley, Secretary, Dan Rice,

Dan Altier (via Zoom), Jerry Juncker (via Zoom) and Steve Wilcox.

Director Bob Halpin was absent. 2. Staff members: Greg Babbitt,

Kim Dowell 3. Approval of the Agenda: Motion by French / Support Wilcox

Approved 7/0 (Halpin absent)

AUSTIN AND MORTON TOWNSHIP REPORTS: Austin did not submit a report. Morton Township Supervisor, Mark Klumpp presented his report. They have hired a new building inspector, formerly the assistant building official for Mecosta County. The township purchased CPR mannikins for training to be offered to the public. Awaiting garage door and lot paving for the recycling center. The community wide clean-up day will be August 14 at the recycling center. The new bike trail at 90th Avenue is open, the State of Michigan is putting trails along M20 and the new bike trail from the village of Mecosta along the old rail line is nearing completion. Gypsy Moth advice has been sought from Neil Swanson, a biologist and Greg Lucas of the Forest Service. At this time, there will be no action on the issue. 1. President’s Report: President

Szymkowicz Summer is in full swing, the members are out and enjoying the newly redone beaches. The Pickleball Tournament is continuing today, please stop by and give them your support. 2. Financial Report: Controller

Dowell reviewed the draft financial statements. Canadian Lakes remains on track financially. Note: As of the end of June, 242 lots have outstanding 2020 balances and 171 lots have outstanding balances from 2019.

Efforts to collect are ongoing. Audit is still ongoing, no audit adjustments have been made as of this date. COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. ACC: Secretary Tilley reported that three requests for new homes were reviewed and approved by email this month. Casey Smith is kept busy with the many requests for approval of new siding, roofing, deck replacement and new fences. 2. CLA Liaison: Director Rice reports previous events: CLA Craft show held on June 26, due to rain moved into the Castle, 38 vendors participated. Summer Picnic, July 3 at the

Highland Haus, had many forms of entertainment. Fun was had by all.

Upcoming event is the Ice Cream

Social on August 11, come and enjoy your favorite flavor of ice cream and socialize with your neighbors.

While you are there, become a new member of the CLA and enjoy member benefits for the remainder of 2021 and all of 2022. Member

Appreciation winners for July were

L.Wayne and Linda Jackson. The

CLA currently has 913 members, please consider joining this organization to help meet the goal of 1,000 members this year. 3. Executive: The committee met to discuss several items including the

Gypsy Moth situation. The possibility of consulting an arborist is under consideration. There will not be an executive session after today’s meeting. 4. Finance: Treasurer French discussed the budget. The annual audit in underway and progressing well. The membership reports show that the amenities are well-utilized.

A Replacement Reserve sub-committee is meeting to review the policies and content of the fund.

The Funding Plan sub-committees is meeting to review the progress and will report to the membership in November. 5. Lot Default AdHoc: Director Halpin was absent, no report provided. 6. Nominating Committee: President Szymkowucz, reported that 5 petitions have been handed out and 2 have been completed and returned to the office. If you are interested in serving on the board, please contact the office. All completed petitions must be returned to the office by close of business on

August 31. 7. Strategic Planning: Director

Altier reported that the committee met to review the future planning challenges. Staffing and efficient technology are both critical to move forward. This Fall there will be several software solutions identified, following that the staff will be asked to view software demos.

GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT: 1. The Agenda packet contains reports on amenity usage and safety activity. 2. Each month one of the department heads will attend the board meeting to present their reports in person.

This month Rob Mickey reported on the Safety Department. 3. Please note: The departmental reports, normally listed here, have been posted on the Canadian Lakes website for your convenience. 4. Community buildings are now open and following current

COVID guidelines. 5. General Manager Committees meetings are underway. 6. The beach renovation project is underway. As of today, three beaches have been completed. The final two beaches will be done next week. 7. The Fawn Lake dam engineering review will begin next week. 8. Consent Calendar: The minutes from the Board Workshop Meeting

June 9, 2021 and Board Meeting June 26, 2021 and the receipt and filing of the June, 2021 Check Disbursements were presented for approval. Motion by Tilley, Support by Wilcox

Approved 7/0. (Halpin absent) 9. Members Comments on Items for action or discussion: None.

ITEMS FOR ACTION: 1. Members in Good Standing. The date for determining that members

of record in good standing will be entitled to notice and to vote at the Annual Meeting of the Members. The standard date is September 30, 2021. Motion by Tilley, Support by Rice Approved 7/0 (Halpin absent)

ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION: 1. Resolution to approve the Michigan Liquor Control Commission

Liquor License. 2. The Event is the CLA New Years

Eve Party at the Castle. The Board is being requested to approve this event application for a special license to serve alcohol at this location on the requested date. 3. Move to suspend the rules by

French, Support by Wilcox

Approved 7/0 4. Move to approve the above stated special liquor license by French,

Support Wilcox Approved 7/0 (Halpin absent) 5. Replacement Reserve Approval

Practice. The proposed change is to institute as policy that once the Replacement Reserve list is approved in March by the Board of Directors, a second round of approval will be unnecessary. This change will facilitate more efficiency and has

the potential of cost savings for each project. 6. Replacement of the Airstrip Fence.

The wooden fence structure was constructed in two sections. The southern section was treated lumber, the northern was not. We will replace the north section completely and the rails only for the southern section. The cost will be $22,873.00. 7. Move to suspend the rules by Wilcox, Support by Rice Approved 7/0 (Halpin absent) 8. Move to approve the replacement of the airstrip fence, at not to exceed $22,873.00 by Wilcox, Support by

Rice Approved 7/0 (Halpin absent) 9. Members’ Comments: Ron Austin asked for clarification of policy on campground late night parties and noise. Debbie Kirby brought the concerns of her neighborhood about the traffic problems outside the Canadian Lakes Refuse Center at certain times. Cathy Merdzinski commented on deed restriction violations, junk in yards and unlicensed cars. Concerns of staffing shortages and salaries. 10. Directors’ Comments: Wilcox: some of the concerns about traffic are on public right of way. Colley: appreciation for every coming to the meeting and bringing up the issues of concern to each member.

French: there is a committee tasked with updating and correcting the

Articles of Incorporation. The changes will be presented to the members this year and will be voted on in November. Rice: thanks to the members for the funding plan and apologized for the delay in the beach repairs. Juncker: thanked

Jim Swartzendruber for his time and support. Altier: thanked Mark

Klump for coming to the meeting and presenting.

11. Member Communication Re-

quirements: None 12. Executive Session: None needed. 13. Adjournment: Adjourned at 11:00 a.m. Motion by French, Support by

Wilcox, Approved 7/0 14. Notes: The next Board Workshop is scheduled for Wednesday, August 11, 2021 at the CLPOC office, beginning at 5:30 p.m.; the next scheduled Board Meeting is at the

Highland Haus beginning at 9:00 a.m. on August 28, 2021. Respectfully submitted by Linda Tilley (Minutes are printed as submitted.)

CLPOC BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Saturday, August 28, 2021 (Highland Haus)

1. Call to order: The meeting was called to order by Paul

Szymkowicz, President at 9:00 a.m. Board members present were:

John Colley, Vice President, James

French, Treasurer, Linda Tilley,

Secretary, Dan Rice, Jerry Juncker (via Zoom), Bob Halpin (via

Zoom) and Steve Wilcox. Director

Dan Altier was absent. 2. Staff members: Greg Babbitt 3. Approval of the Agenda: Motion by French / Support Wilcox

Approved 7/0 (Altier absent)

AUSTIN AND MORTON TOWNSHIP REPORTS: 1. Austin did not submit a report. Morton Township: During power outag-

es, Fire Station Number 1 will have a power strip for charging electronics and an outside hose available for water filling. The community wide clean-up was successful, the Township is looking for feedback from the residents for the preferred season for next year. If you prefer Spring or Late Summer, please let your representatives know. The upgrades to the CSX Trail are complete. A new official name will be announced soon. The Township purchased a used forklift and carboard compactor for use at the recycle center. New building/zoning inspector will begin work on September 1. 2. President’s Report: President Szymkowicz thanked all the members attending the meeting or watching at a later date. Summer is winding down, during the Labor Day holiday many members will be arriving to enjoy all

Canadian Lakes has to offer. Please be patient with the congestion. The

October November Canadian Laker is the election issue. Candidates for the board will be highlighted in that issue, please take the time to read about each candidate. Have a safe and happy holiday. 3. Financial Report: Controller

Dowell was absent, the report was presented by General Manager

Babbit. Canadian Lakes Note: As of the end of July, 234 lots have outstanding 2020 balances and 170 lots have outstanding balanc-

es from 2019. Efforts to collect are ongoing.

COMMITTEE REPORTS: 1. ACC: Secretary Tilley reported that approval of the requests for two new homes, a garage and some sheds were made this month. The Committee requests that owners read and understand their deed restrictions before planning a new home or additions. If there are questions, owners are asked to contact Casey

Smith at the CLPOC office. 2. CLA Liaison: Director Rice reports the Ice Cream Social on Wednesday, September 8, come and enjoy your favorite flavor of ice cream and socialize with your neighbors. Please remember to bring your membership cards for the CLPOC or CLA.

Become a new member of the CLA and enjoy member benefits for the remainder of 2021 and all of 2022.

Member Appreciation winners for August were Gary and Debbie Newman. The CLA currently has 921 members, please consider joining this organization to help meet the goal of 1,000 members this year. The second Poker Run Contest is underway, please check the CLA website for details. CLA Dog Days will be held on Saturday, September 4, 11am-2:30 pm. Classic Car and

Bike Show Saturday, September 5 at the Castle 11 a.m.-3 pm. Pike

Tournament September 11. See the

CLA website for details of these and other activities. 3. Executive: The committee met to discuss legal and financial issues.

There will be an Executive Session after this meeting. 4. Finance: Treasurer French reports the committee reviewed the status of the Capital Account, 2022 Budget, in the midst of our annual audit. Bids have been solicited for the guardrail on East Royal. Director Wilcox reminded the board that the funding program put in place 18 months ago has been performing well. 5. Lot Default AdHoc: Director

Halpin reports the final report should be available to the Board before the September meeting.

6. Nominating Committee:

President Szymkowicz, reported that the Committee is reviewing the 3 questions all candidates will be asked to answer and the procedures for the Meet the Candidate event. Six forms have been handed out and three have been returned as of today. All completed petitions must be returned to the office by close of business on August 31. 7. Strategic Planning: Secretary

Tilley, filling in for Director Altier, reported the committee is narrowing down the software options for

Candian Lakes. The LDC preliminary reports have been reviewed and the findings are often parallel to the Management team’s ideas.

GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT: 1. The Agenda packet contains reports on amenity usage and safety activity. 2. Each month one of the department heads will attend the board meeting to present their reports

in person. Bill Hal was scheduled for this month,but was not able to attend due to some maintenance and staffing issues. 3. Please note: The departmental reports, normally listed here, have been posted on the Canadian Lakes website for your convenience. 4. All 5 beaches have been rejuvenated with new sand. Appreciate all the members cooperation during the process. 5. Golf Bunkers have been started. 6. Fawn Lake Dam project engineering tests have been completed. The soil taken will be analyzed. A topographical and seepage and stability review will be collected. The results will be shared with the State. The final report should be returned by late September. 7. Building and Grounds Committee discussed painting and repairs at the

Castle, Fawn Lake dam progress and the asphalt maintenance plan. 8. Lakes and Environmental Committee met to discuss the lake treatments, Timberland motor repair and Truxor usage. Our Lake

Manager reported that the lakes are in very good condition. 9. Golf Committee discussed the need for electronic tee sheet, July usage statistics, cart path repairs and the need for members to post their scores for handicap. 10. Marketing Awareness reviewed the

Pickleball Tournament, success of the marketing community promotional items, new look of the public website,

Night of Lights and the upcoming

Special Olympics softball event.

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11. Restaurant Committee met to discuss the July financials, staffing changes, potential Karoke night,

Dueling Pianos scheduled for September 24, food specials and menu ideas. 12. Consent Calendar: The notes from the Board Workshop Meeting July 14, 2021 and Board Meeting July 24, 2021 and the receipt and filing of the July, 2021 Check Disbursements were presented for approval.

Motion by Tilley, Support by French

Approved 7/0. (Altier absent)

13. Members Comments on Items for

action or discussion: None.

14. Items for Action:

REPLACEMENT RESERVE APPROVAL PROCESS, SECTION 35.2 OF ACCOUNTING MANUAL: 1. Motion to approve the replacement reserve approval prolicy as stated in the white paper provided. Motion by Wilcox, Support by French Approved 7/0 (Altier absent).

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Cart Path maintenance plan for 2021, in an amount not to exceed $33,014. Motion by French, Support by Rice Approved 7/0 (Altier absent)

ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION: 1. Resolution to approve the Michigan Liquor Control Commission

Liquor License. 2. The Event is December 11, 2021

Wedding at the Castle. The Board is being requested to approve this event application for a special license to serve alcohol at this location on the requested date. 3. Move to suspend the rules by Wilcox, Support by Rice Approved 7/0 (Altier absent) 4. Move to approve the above stated special liquor license by French,

Support Wilcox Approved 7/0 (Altier absent)

ASPHALT MAINTENANCE PLAN: 1. 2021 Asphalt Maintenance needs.

Roads needing undercuts and asphalt resurfacing are: Timberlane (Sable to Red Feather), Red Feather to Hayes Rd, Old Pierce (Pierce to dead end), Stonebridge (Marywood to North Royal) and Stonebridge to

Aberdeen. 2. Move to suspend the rules by

French, Support by Wilcox

Approved 7/0 (Altier absent) 3. Motion to approve the asphalt maintenance plan from the

Replacement Reserve Account, cost not to exceed $208,112. Motion by

French, Support Wilcox Approved 7/0 (Altier absent)

APPOINTMENT OF ELECTION INSPECTORS: 1. Appoint Election Inspectors to serve at the 2021 Annual Meeting of the Members pursuant to Article

IX(N) of the Articles of Incorporation. This will be presented and voted on during the September

Board Meeting. 2. Members’ Comments: Ken Swath-

wood RS210 requests a list of Canadian Lakes lots held at the State Land

Bank. Expresses his concern that golfers sometimes drive into his yard to retrieve or hit their ball. Picking up golf balls is OK, not driving carts onto private property. Jim Swartzendruber CL279 was concerned that his position on a situation was misrepresented to other members by a current member of the board. 3. Directors’ Comments: Director

Juncker thanked Mr. Swathwood for helping to market lots. Director

Halpin was also concerned about being misrepresented to members of the CLA by a board member.

Director Rice thanked the members for stepping up to pay dues on time and noted our department heads have done an outstanding job during this stressful time. There will be Ladies Cup matches this week, 14 ladies playing for Canadian Lakes. Compliments to Strategic Planning Committee for IT upgrade priority. Treasurer French thanked the Director Rice for spearheading the beach project to completion. Vice President Colley thanked Members for coming out, also the staff for their dedication.

He expressed concern about civility to the staff and others. Secretary

Tilley thanked Vice President Colley for the comments and thanked members for coming.

4. Member Communication Re-

quirements: Tuesday Member

News to inform members of deadline for board election petitions. 5. Executive Session: Adjourned to

Executive Session at 9:56 a.m. 6. Adjournment: Adjourned at 11:04 a.m. 7. Notes: The next Board Workshop is scheduled for Wednesday, September 8, 2021 at the CLPOC office, beginning at 5:30 p.m.; the next scheduled Board Meeting is at the

Highland Haus beginning at 9:00 a.m. on September 25, 2021. 8. 8 members attended todays meeting, 6 viewed live online Respectfully submitted by Linda Tilley (Minutes are printed as submitted.)

Babied, Beloved, & Bronzed

Residing majestically like an award statuette They adorn the antique roll top oak desk Having earned their placement years ago Beside pictures, paperweights, and pens.

Glistening in the sunlight like sea glass treasures on a beach The smoothed, worn edges shimmer Having earned their creases years ago Amidst creeping, crawling, and crying.

Revealing tiny ripples like grandma’s laundry room washboard The tongue stretches out over the eyelets Having earned its function years ago Between fingers, fasteners, and feet.

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Basking in metallic splendor like sculptures in a museum The bronzed shoes stand planted firmly Having earned their right to honored habitation years ago Within household, haberdashery, and heart.

Joyce B. Wilcox // Writer’s Quest

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