SVSU Art 390 Comics Online

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Dr_w_ng _ Bl_nk C_m_cs

art 390 comics


@ saginaw valley state university

summer 2016 comic book

TheComi cs’Cr eat or s:OK,theydi dn’ tal ways

f ol l ow f or mat t i ngdi r ect i ons,butf ol l owedt hei rhear t s! MadonnaAl l or ei sagr aphi cdesi gner t hatl oveswhi ppet sandi cecr eam. Iwoul dl i ket ousemydr awi ngal so. Just i nBel li sal laboutsi mpl i ci t y .

Si dneyBi scher ,aseni orf r om Yal e,MI ,l oves spendi ngt i meout si deandst ayi ngact i ve. DonquayaBr owni sayoungl adyf r om Sagi naw whobel i evespi ct ur esar ewor t h mor et hana100wor ds .Ar tcr eat or s ar easgoodasanyaut horofabook. Kat el ynDavi sdr ew “ 9Li ves” . JoshuaFoxi sat ot alner dseni orf r om Monr oeMiwhol i kesl ongboar di ng, vi deogamesandespeci al l ycomi cs! SydneyHendl eri saseni orf r om Lapeer whol i kessi ngi ngr i di ngherl ongboar d.

RebeccaHol ukaasi xt hyearseni orst udyi nggr aphi c desi gnandphot ogr aphy ,f r om Li voni a,MI . Al l i sonKl ykkeni saseni orf r om Mi dl and whoi shor r i bl eatpar al l elpar ki ngand enj oyscr eat i veadvent ur eswher eyou f eelt hemostal i ve. Ger al dMahari saf our t hyearcr i mi nalj ust i cemaj or . Gr egMont gomer yi saseni orf r om Sout hf i el dwhol i kesbei ngout door s andst ayi ngact i ve. Br i t t anySchoenow i saseni orf r om Fr ankenmut handenj oyst r avel i ng andpl ayi ngwi t hherdog,Mr .Ghost . Kael ynnShal ert el l sat al eofSt .Char l es,MI . Emel yWi l l i amson,aj uni oroutofDavi son, enj oysqui eteveni ngswi t hherdog andl ovesagoodcupofcof f ee. Weal lhopeyouenj oymi dMi chi gan’ s bestst udentcomi csoft hesummer .

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