5 minute read
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
1 Interior, August 29, 1989 and Interior, September 5, 1989. 2 1989 Orientation Speech; Basil A. Clark, Saginaw Valley State University: The Early and
Formative Years, 1963 to 1989 (University Center: Saginaw Valley State University, 1998), 7-8, 31-34, and 62-63; and Interview with Jack and Lila Ryder, 9 September 2011. 3 President Eric Gilbertson, State of the University Address, January 18, 1990. 4 Eldon Graham, 64, 78; Interior, May 6, 2003; and “Portrait of a Pioneer: The Legacy of
Crystal M. Lange,” in The Saginaw Valley Vintage, Issue 2, October 13, 2003, p. 9. 5 Eldon Graham, 96. 6 Interior, May 6, 2003. 7 Eldon Graham, 50. 8 Eldon Graham, 79 and Interior, May 2, 1995. 9 Next Steps 2000-2005, 5; Continuing Excellence: 2004-2008, Closing Report Presented to the Board of Control February 11, 2008, 8; and Strategic Planning 2008-2011, 11. 10 Saginaw Valley State University, “A Monitoring Report to the Higher Learning Commission on Program Assessment, General Education Assessment, and Diversity,” December 1, 2006, 8-29 and Interview with Don Bachand, February 1, 2013. 11 Clark, The Early and Formative Years, 4, 28; Interior, September 16, 1997; and Interior,
June 4, 2002. 12 Interior, October 14, 1997; http://www.kirtland.edu/kirtland-svsu-bsn-program.html, accessed June 4, 2013; Interior, April 6, 1999; Interior, May 4, 1999; Interior, December 7, 1999; and Interior, September 19, 2000. 13 Interior, April 7, 1998 and Interior, April 2011. 14 Interior, October 31, 1989; Interior, December 15, 1992; Interior, January 26, 1993; and
The Valley Vanguard, October 10, 1991, 3.
15 VLC Administrative Council Meeting minutes, October 18, 1995, UA. 410, Box 9, Melvin
J. Zahnow Library Records (hereafter Zahnow Library Records); VLC Board Meeting minutes, November 15, 1995, Zahnow Library Records; VLC Administrative Council
Meeting minutes, March 20, 1996, Zahnow Library Records; VLC Administrative Council Meeting minutes, August 21, 1996, Zahnow Library Records); VLC Strategic Planning
Committee Meeting minutes, September 17, 1996, Zahnow Library Records; Memorandum, Jean Houghton to Zahnow Library staff, November 6, 1996, Zahnow Library Records; Memorandum, Houghton to President Eric Gilbertson, “Choosing a New System,”
November 6, 1996, Zahnow Library Records; Memorandum, Houghton to Dale Irish,
November 15, 1996, Zahnow Library Records; Email, Houghton to Gilbertson, November 15, 1996, Zahnow Library Records; and Strategic Plan, 2008-2011, 13. 16 Interior, October 10, 1989. 17 Interior, October 10, 1989. 18 Interior, September 18, 1990. 19 Interior, April 4, 1995. 20 Interior, September 28, 1999 and Interior, February 22, 2000. 21 Interior, July 30, 1996; Interior, October 31, 2006; “College News,” Reflections Magazine,
Fall 2006, 8; and Personal Communication, Deborah Roberts and Elizabeth Rich, February 4, 2013. 22 Continuing Excellence: 2004-2008, Closing Report Presented to the Board of Control
February 11, 2008, 26 and Strategic Plan, 2008-2011, 4. 23 Interior, October 31, 2006; “College News,” Reflections Magazine, Fall 2006, 8; Next Steps 2000-2005, 18; Strategic Plan, 2008-2011, 13; and Telephone conversation and email correspondence with Chris Looney, Registrar, Saginaw Valley State University, February 14, 2013. 24 Eldon Graham, 41-44. 25 Clark, The Early and Formative Years, 32; SVSU Self-Study Report, Prepared for the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, January 1994, University Archives LD4787.S34S45 1994; 1990 President’s
Orientation speech; Promises to Keep, Section 2; Interior, August 25, 1992; and Saginaw
Valley State University, “A Monitoring Report to the Higher Learning Commission on
Program Assessment, General Education Assessment, and Diversity,” December 1, 2006, 30-31. 26 Memo, Ad Hoc Committee on General Education to Faculty Colleagues, re: “Proposed
Changes in SVSU General Education Program,” September 21, 1999 (in possession of Eric
Gardner); Memo, Ad Hoc Committee on General Education to All Faculty, re: “Revised
General Education Proposal,” November 1, 1999 (in possession of Eric Gardner); and
Interview with Eric Gardner, October 17, 2012. 27 Memo, Dr. Cliff Dorne and Dr. Eric Gardner to SVSU Faculty, re: “General Education,”
January 19, 2000 (in the possession of Eric Gardner); Memo, Cliff Dorne and Eric Gard-
ner to SVSU Faculty, re: “General Education,” February 10, 2000 (in possession of Eric
Gardner); Memo, General Education Working Group to All Faculty, re: “General Education,” March 3, 2000 (in possession of Eric Gardner); and Eric Gardner interview, October 17, 2012. 28 Interior, September 2, 1997; “Writing Excellence Award Named for Long-Time Academic
Affairs Vice President,” Reflections Magazine, Fall 2006, 9; and Interior, May 4, 1999. 29 Basil Clark interview with Brian Law, May 29, 2013; Eric Gardner, Diane Boehm, Clifford Dorne, and Mary Hedberg, “It Can Happen: General Education Reform Through
Assessment,” A Collection of Papers on Self-Study and Institutional Improvement, 2003 .
Volume 3: Promoting Student Learning and Effective Teaching, Susan E. Van Kollenburg, ed. (Chicago: The Higher Learning Commission, 2003), 119-122; Eldon Graham, 41-44;
Continuing Excellence: 2004-2008, Closing Report Presented to the Board of Control
February 11, 2008, 1; and Saginaw Valley State University, “A Monitoring Report to the
Higher Learning Commission on Program Assessment, General Education Assessment, and Diversity,” December 1, 2006, 4, 32-35. 30 https://www.svsu.edu/sponsoredprograms/notinmenu/fulbrightscholarawardprograminformation/. Lists of faculty accomplishments are always dangerous as they might negligently omit the outstanding work done by so many. Nevertheless, some examples of recent accolades bestowed upon SVSU faculty are: PAUL TEED teacher award; History
Professor Ken Jolly received the Michigan Campus Compact’s annual Faculty/Staff Community Service-Learning Award in 2007, see Interior, February 27, 2007; In 2012 the
Midland Section of the American Chemistry Society selected him Chemistry professor
David Karpovich as the region’s Outstanding College Chemistry Teacher for the year, see “Outstanding College Chemistry Teacher Award Goes to SVSU’s Karpovich,” Reflections2013 Magazine, Fall 2012, 5; Dr. Enayat Mahajerin became an American Society of Mechanical Engineering Fellow, an honor bestowed upon only the top 3 percent of the more than 100,000 mechanical engineers eligible, see Interior, May 2012; and also in 2012 English professor Eric Gardner received a prestigious National Endowment for the
Humanities Fellowship to support his research on the Christian Recorder, a publication of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, see “SVSU Professor Earns Highly Sought
Humanities Fellowship,” Reflections2013 Magazine, Fall 2012, 5. 31 Continuing Excellence: 2004-2008, Closing Report Presented to the Board of Control
February 11, 2008, 1-2. 32 Interior, July 16, 2002; “Educating Healthcare Professionals,” Reflections Magazine, Spring 2008, 14-19 and Interior, June 25, 2002. 33 Strategic Plan 2008-2011, 9 and Interior, October 31, 2006. 34 Interior, September 22, 1998; Interior, January 26, 1999; and Interior, October 31, 2006.
For information on the Endowed Chair and professor positions, see Eldon Graham, 3839, 65-66, 88-89, 98; Interior, April 2, 1996; Interior, October 22, 1996; Interior, April 15, 1997; Interior, June 24, 1997; Interior, December 16, 1997; Interior, August 4, 1998;
Interior February 9, 1999; Interior May 30, 2000; Interior, October 17, 2000; Interior, May