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Chapter 2
8, 2001; Interior June 19, 2001; Interior, July 16, 2002; “Educating Healthcare Professionals,” Reflections Magazine, Spring 2008, 14-19; Interior, June 25, 2002; Email Communication, Emmie Busch, Coordinator of Scholarships and Development Communications,
SVSU Foundation, Saginaw Valley State University (SVSU), February 11, 2013; Telephone and Email Communication, Ann Schneider-Branch, Assistant to the Executive Director,
SVSU Foundation, SVSU, February 11, 2013; and Telephone and Email Communication,
Rebecca Clifford, Administrative Assistant to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, SVSU, March 6, 2013. 35 “Business Matters” Newsletter, College of Business and Management, Saginaw Valley
State University, Volume 3, Fall 2007. 36 Interior, September 27, 2005. 37 Strategic Plan, 2008-2011, 3. 38 Interior, October 14, 1997; Interior, April 22, 2003; Eldon Graham, 97; “Russ Clark: Engineering the Future,” in The Spirit of Service. This is SVSU. Seventh Edition, 2010-11; and
Interior, June 15, 1993. 39 Eldon Graham, 98; Interior, June 2, 1998; Interior, May 29, 2001;Interior, March 1, 2005;
Interior, June 1, 2005; and “SVSU Racers Place among World’s Engineering Elite,” Reflections Magazine, Fall 2008, 9. 40 Interior, March 1, 2005; and Interior, June 1, 2005; “SVSU Racers Place among World’s
Engineering Elite,” Reflections Magazine, Fall 2008, 9; and “SVSU Alumnus on Daytona 500 Winner,” Reflections Magazine, Spring 2008, 6. 41 “Compete to Succeed: Arts & Behavioral Sciences,” Reflections Magazine, Spring 2011, 14-17; “Arguing His Way to Success,” Reflections2013 Magazine, Spring 2012, 67; and Julie
Keil email to Brad Jarvis, June 4, 2013. 42 John Kaczynski, “Politics and the Millennial Generation,” Reflections2013 Magazine,
Spring 2012, 28-31. 43 Continuing Excellence: 2004-2008, Closing Report Presented to the Board of Control February 11, 2008, 15; http://www.svsu.edu/politicalscience/cpps/aboutus/, accessed March 6, 2013. 44 SVSU Strategic Plan, 2013-, approved by the Board of Control February 11, 2013, http:// www.svsu.edu/missionstatement/strategicplan2013/; accessed March 13, 2013.
Chapter 2
1 Amy Barnes, “Goal is making good, better: Mature university looks forward,” in “Three
Decades of Dedication,” insert included in the November 10, 1993 The Saginaw News, 12-13. 2 “College of Business & Management: It’s Business Unusual,” Reflections Magazine, Spring 2006, 8 and “Community Projects: A Real-World Final Exam,” Reflections Magazine,
Spring 2006, 9.
3 Angela Bauer, “Forward Thinking: Promoting Regional Resources and Building Bridges of Collaboration,” Reflections2013 Magazine, Fall 2011, 24-28. 4 Angela Bauer, “Forward Thinking: Promoting Regional Resources and Building Bridges of Collaboration,” Reflections2013 Magazine, Fall 2011, 24-28. 5 Interior, June 6, 1990. 6 Interior, June 6, 1990; Interior, July 28, 1992; Interior, February 22, 1994; Interior, September 27, 1994; “College of Business & Management: It’s Business Unusual,” Reflections
Magazine, Spring 2006, 8 and “Community Projects: A Real-World Final Exam,” Reflections Magazine, Spring 2006, 9. 7 Interior, November 23, 1993. 8 Eldon Graham, 92 and Saginaw Valley State University, “A Monitoring Report to the
Higher Learning Commission on Program Assessment, General Education Assessment, and Diversity,” December 1, 2006, 28. 9 Angela Bauer, “Forward Thinking: Promoting Regional Resources and Building Bridges of Collaboration,” Reflections2013 Magazine, Fall 2011, 24-28 and “’Musseling’ Past Ecological Problems,” Reflections2013 Magazine, Spring 2012, 23-27; and “Investigating Lake
Invaders,” Reflections Magazine, Spring 2007, 18-19. 10 Interior, June 29, 2005; Interior, March 2008; and Brian Thomas, “greencardinal.org,” Reflections Magazine, Fall 2008, 11-13. 11 Jo Brownlie. Unpublished notes. 12 Interview with Dr. Thomas Kullgren and Bruce Hart. SVSU. 07 January. 13 Kullgren and Hart. 14 Basil Clark. Telephone conversation with Bruce Hart. SVSU. 01 July 2013. 15 Kullgren and Hart. 16 Jo Brownlie. Unpublished notes. 17 Office of Continuing Education and Professional Development. SVSU website. 18 Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. “Celebrating Our First Decade of Learning.” [University Center, MI]: SVSU [2011]. 4. 19 “Celebrating Our First Decade of Learning.” 6. 20 Interior, September 12, 1989; Interior, May 8, 1990; and Interior, December 1, 1992. 21 Interior, December 20, 1994 and Interior, October 24, 1995. 22 Interior, February 4, 1997 and Interior, February 27, 2007. 23 Interior, October 2, 1990 and Interior, November 20, 1990. 24 Eldon Graham, 64-65. 25 Interior, September 14, 1999 and Eldon Graham, 66-69. 26 Interior, June 22, 2004. 27 Interior, May 4, 1993; Interior, April 19, 1994; and Interior, October 10, 1995.
28 Interior, October 2009. 29 Saginaw Valley State University, “A Monitoring Report to the Higher Learning Commission on Program Assessment, General Education Assessment, and Diversity, December 1, 2006, 27. 30 Next Steps 2000-2005, 10; SVSU Board of Control Minutes, November 14, 1994; SVSU
Board of Control Minutes, June 19, 1995; SVSU Board of Control Minutes, March 4, 1996; and “Saginaw Valley State University 2012-2013 Charter Schools (Updated 1/8/13),” document provided by Dawn Gillespie, Administrative Secretary, School & University
Partnerships Office, March 18, 2013. 31 Continuing Excellence: 2004-2008, Closing Report Presented to the Board of Control February 11, 2008, 17 and Right Sizing the University: Enrollment Goals for the Next Decade,
A Report from SVSU’s Long Term Enrollment Planning Group, p. 10, in UA. 300, Box 1,
Division of Enrollment Management Records, Administrative Files, Reports, 2003. 32 Interior, June 15, 1999; Interior, July 6, 1999; Board of Control Minutes, August 16, 1999; and Interior, November 9, 1999. 33 Interview with Janalou Blecke, July 23, 2013. 34 Angela Bauer, “Forward Thinking: Promoting Regional Resources and Building Bridges of Collaboration,” Reflections2013 Magazine, Fall 2011, 24-28; “Educating Health Care
Professionals,” Reflections Magazine, Spring 2008, 14-19; and Eldon Graham, 79. 35 Angela Bauer, “Forward Thinking: Promoting Regional Resources and Building Bridges of Collaboration,” Reflections2013 Magazine, Fall 2011, 24-28; “Educating Health Care
Professionals,” Reflections Magazine, Spring 2008, 14-19 and Eldon Graham, 79. 36 Eldon Graham, 79-80. 37 “The Crisis in Health Care: An SVSU Response,” Reflections Magazine, Spring 2006, p. 4;
“New Briefs,” Reflections Magazine, Spring 2007, 4; Interior, February 2008; and “In Their
Own Words,” Reflections Magazine, Spring 2008, 42. 38 Interview with Janalou Blecke, July 23, 2013. 39 Saginaw Valley State University, “A Monitoring Report to the Higher Learning Commission on Program Assessment, General Education Assessment, and Diversity,” December 1, 2006, 28; Angela Bauer, “Forward Thinking: Promoting Regional Resources and Building Bridges of Collaboration,” Reflections2013 Magazine, Fall 2011, 24-28 and “Educating
Health Care Professionals,” Reflections Magazine, Spring 2008, 14-19. 40 Strategic Plan, 2008-2011, 10-11. 41 “College of Health & Human Services Adds Doctorate Degree,” Reflections2013 Magazine, Spring 2012, 6. 42 “Educating Health Care Professionals,” Reflections Magazine, Spring 2008, 14-19; “Exer-Science,” Reflections2013 Magazine, Fall 2012, 26-29; and “The Skinny on Healthy Living,” Reflections Magazine, Spring 2008, 12-13. 43 Strategic Plan, 2008-2011, 47.