7 minute read
Chapter 4
15 Interior, August 12, 1991 and Saginaw Valley State University, “A Monitoring Report to the Higher Learning Commission on Program Assessment, General Education Assessment, and Diversity,” December 1, 2006, 37. 16 Interior, August 12, 1991. 17 Interior, July 16, 1990. 18 Interior, February 7, 1995; Interior, September 26, 1995; Interior, February 6, 1996 19 Interior, July 16, 2002 and Saginaw Valley State University, “A Monitoring Report to the
Higher Learning Commission on Program Assessment, General Education Assessment, and Diversity,” December 1, 2006, 37-38. 20 Continuing Excellence: 2004-2008, Closing Report Presented to the Board of Control
February 11, 2008, 5. 21 Strategic Plan 2008-2011, 8. 22 Saginaw Valley State University, “A Monitoring Report to the Higher Learning Commission on Program Assessment, General Education Assessment, and Diversity,” December 1, 2006, 42-43. 23 Interior, December 11, 1990 and Interior, December 18, 1990. 24 Interior, January 7, 1992. 25 Interior, December 11, 1990; Interior, December 18, 1990; Interior, June 2, 1992; Interior,
January 7, 1992; Interior, September 27, 1994; and Interior, February 21, 1995. 26 Interior, September 27, 1994 and Next Steps 2000-2005, 2. 27 “SVSU Lands Major Grant to Improve Diversity among Nurses,” Reflections Magazine,
Fall 2009, 11; and Interior, October 2009. 28 Basil Clark interview with Linneaus and Phae Dorman, October 5, 2012 and Interior,
November 25, 1997. 29 “First Youth Leadership Institute Class Celebrates Graduation,” Reflections Magazine, Fall 2006, 10. 30 Strategic Plan 2008-2011, 53.
Chapter 4
1 “New Instructional Facility Tops the List of Campus Capital Projects,” Reflections Magazine, Spring 2009, 9 and Saginaw Valley State University, “Square Footage of Buildings,”
August 22, 2012, document provided by Stephen Hocquard. 2 Stephen Hocquard, 9th Annual Rush Lecture, October 2005. 3 October 1992 Board of Control Minutes; August 1994 Board of Control Minutes; November 1994 Board of Control Minutes; March 1999 Board of Control Minutes; May 1999
Board of Control Minutes; June 2000 Board of Control Minutes; Interior, October 31, 2000; May 2008 Board of Control Minutes; February 2010 Board of Control Minutes; and
October 2010 Board of Control Minutes.
4 Interior, November 7, 1989; December 1989 Board of Control Minutes; February 1990
Board of Control Minutes; August 1990 Board of Control Minutes; UA.130, Campus Facilities, Department Records, Box 1, Harvey Randall Wickes Memorial Stadium, 1991);
July 1991 Board of Control Minutes; and 1991 Orientation Speech. 5 August 1989 Board of Control Minutes. 6 October 1989; July 1991 Board of Control Minutes; and Interior, July 14, 1992. 7 October 1991 Board of Control Minutes. 8 1992 Orientation speech. 9 Interior, July 14, 1992. 10 August 1989 Board of Control Minutes; August 1990 Board of Control Minutes; February 1993 Board of Control Minutes; March 1994 Board of Control Minutes; December 1995
Board of Control Minutes; June 2003 Board of Control Minutes; October 2009 Board of
Control Minutes; February 2010 Board of Control Minutes; Strategic Plan 2008-2011, 36; and Hocquard interview. 11 See Valley Vanguard for stories of groundbreakings/dedications. August 1993 Board of
Control Minutes; 1993 Orientation Speech; 1994 Self-Study Report, p. 47. 12 Hocquard interview. 13 1995 Orientation Speech; August 1995 Board of Control Minutes; and UA.130, Campus
Facilities, Department Records, Box 1, Groening Commons, 1991. The decision to name the atrium after William Groening had actually been made three years before the official dedication. See March 1994 Board of Control Minutes. 14 Interior, July 26, 1994 and “Design for a College,” SVSU Profile of Charles B. Curtiss, Reflections2013, Spring 2012, 44-45. 15 Interior, February 18, 1997. 16 “Pioneer Hall, Theater Undergo Facelift,” Reflections Magazine, Fall 2006, 13; Lindsay
Knake, “Q&A with Saginaw neurosurgeon Dr. E. Malcolm Field: ‘Reaching 50 years a privilege for a kid who grew up in a barnyard’,” MLive, May 18, 2012; and Interior, May 9, 2000. 17 Hocquard interview. 18 December 1989 Board of Control Minutes and September 1991 Board of Control Minutes. 19 Interior, February 13, 1990 and Interior, October 9, 1990. 20 Interior, February 13, 1990; Interior, October 9, 1990; Interior, April 23, 1991. 21 Interior, October 23, 1990; Interior, March 12, 1991; Interior, December 17, 1991; and
Interior, January 7, 1992. 22 Interior, December 17, 1991; Interior, January 7, 1992; Interview with Eric Gilbertson,
President, Saginaw Valley State University, December 12, 2012; and Interview with E.
Kirker Kranz, Media Services / Interlibrary Loan, Zahnow Library, Saginaw Valley State
University, February 4, 2013. 23 Interior, January 21, 1992. 24 Interview with Eric Gilbertson, President, Saginaw Valley State University, December 12, 2012; and Interview with E. Kirker Kranz, Media Services / Interlibrary Loan, Zahnow
Library, Saginaw Valley State University, February 4, 2013. 25 UA.130, Campus Facilities, Department Records, Box 1, Founders Hall, 1995; 1995 Orientation Speech; and Hocquard interview. 26 April 1994 Board of Control Minutes; February 1998 Board of Control Minutes; 1998
Orientation Speech; and May 25, 1999. 27 February 1998 Board of Control Minutes; 1998 Orientation Speech; Interior, October 6, 1998; and Interior, May 25, 1999. 28 “Never send to know for whom the bell tows [sic],” in The Saginaw Valley Vintage, Issue 3, November 13, 2003, p. 14. 29 1994 President Gilbertson Orientation Speech and 1996 Campus Master Plan, UA.130,
Campus Facilities, Department Records, Construction, SVSU Campus, 1996 – Zahnow
Library Archives. 30 Hocquard interview. 31 Hocquard interview. 32 December 1995 Board of Control Minutes; May 1996 Board of Control Minutes; and Saginaw Valley State University, “Square Footage of Buildings,” August 22, 2012, document provided by Stephen Hocquard. 33 1997 Orientation Speech and February 1998 Board of Control Minutes. 34 1999 Orientation Speech and August 2000 Board of Control Minutes. 35 “The Rise in Residential,” Reflections Magazine, Fall 2008, 17-18. 36 March 2002 Board of Control Minutes; July 2002 Board of Control Minutes; 2003 Orientation Speech; and Saginaw Valley State University, “Square Footage of Buildings,” August 22, 2012, document provided by Stephen Hocquard. 37 December 1995 Board of Control Minutes and Hocquard interview. 38 1999 Orientation Speech; March 2001 Board of Control Minutes; Interior, March 27, 2001; 2001 Orientation Speech; report from Steve Hocquard, Assistant Vice President for
Campus Facilities, February 2002 Board of Control Minutes; and Hocquard interview.
Due to increased demand for biology laboratory space in ensuing years, the Board of
Control authorized funds to build more laboratories in 2005 and again in 2008. See December 2005 Board of Control Minutes and February 2008 Board of Control Minutes. 39 2003 Orientation Speech. 40 Interior, September 23, 2003; 2003 Orientation Speech; and UA.130, Campus Facilities,
Department Records, Box 2, Student Center, 2003.
41 2000 Orientation Speech; Interior, April 10, 2001; 2001 Orientation Speech; October 2001
Board of Control Minutes; February 2002 Board of Control Minutes; 2003 Orientation
Speech; and Next Steps 2000-2005, 17. 42 2001 Orientation Speech; December 2002 Board of Control Minutes; Michigan Constructor magazine, Fall/Winter 2003, p. 37, UA.130, Box 2, Campus Facilities Department Records, Instructional Facility 2002 and 2003; and 2003 Orientation Speech. 43 Graham, 63; February 2002 Board of Control Minutes; 2002 Orientation Speech; Interior,
January 28, 2003; Interior, February 25, 2003; and Interior, July 8, 2003. 44 August 1989 Board of Control Minutes; December 1992 Board of Control Minutes; Appendix C of SVSU Self-Study Report, Prepared for the Commission on Institutions of
Higher Education of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, January 1994 – in Archives LD4787.S34S45 1994; and March 1996 Board of Control Minutes. 45 2001 Orientation Speech; October 2001 Board of Control Minutes; 2003 Orientation
Speech; and UA.130, Campus Facilities, Department Records, Box 2, Student Center, 2003. It cost $6 million which is about 3 times as much as the original Fitness Center.
Interior, May 2010. Interior, February 2012. 46 1999 Orientation Speech; February 2000 Board of Control Minutes; 2001 Orientation
Speech; Interior, April 16, 2002; Interior, September 24, 2002; Interior, June 17, 2003; 2003
Orientation Speech; Michigan Constructor magazine, Fall/Winter 2003, p. 37, UA.130,
Box 2, Campus Facilities Department Records, Instructional Facility 2002 and 2003; and interview, E. Kirker Kranz, February 4, 2013. 47 December 1989 Board of Control Minutes; July 1990 Board of Control Minutes; August 1990 Board of Control Minutes; August 1992 Board of Control Minutes; 1996 Campus
Master Plan, UA.130, Campus Facilities, Department Records, Construction, SVSU Campus, 1996 – Zahnow Library Archives ; March 1999 Board of Control Minutes; 2002 Orientation Speech; and October 2003 Board of Control Minutes. Campus Drive was redesigned once more in the summer of 2011 in order to improve the flow of traffic exiting campus. 48 March 1999 Board of Control Minutes; February 2002 Board of Control Minutes; and 2002 Orientation Speech. 49 December 2005 Board of Control Minutes; December 2006 Board of Control Minutes;
“Pioneer Hall, Theatre Undergo Facelift,” Reflections Magazine, Fall 2006, 13. 50 “Pioneer Hall, Theater Undergo Facelift,” Reflections Magazine, Fall 2006, 13. 51 UA.130, Campus Facilities Department Records, Box 2, Pioneer Hall, 2007. 52 “SVSU Campus Goes Green,” Reflections Magazine, Spring 2007, 6-8 and Interior, January 2009. 53 December 2006 Board of Control Minutes and December 2007 Board of Control Minutes. 54 UA.130, Campus Facilities, Department Records, Box 1, Health & Human Services Building, 2009 and 2010.