4 minute read
Chapter 3
44 Interior, September 19, 1989 and Interior, December 6, 1994. 45 Interview with Carl Fredericks, September 30, 2011 and http://marshallfredericks.org/ information/mission, accessed March 18, 2013. 46 Interior, May 3, 1988 and Interior, February 18, 1997. 47 “Valley Wind Quintet !0th Anniversary: A Gift of Music,” UA.512 – Department of Music – Publications – Brochures – Valley Wind Quintet, 1992; SAME AS ABOVE EXCEPT
Flyers – Valley Wind Quintet, undated; AND Programs – Valley Wind Quintet, 2002, 2004, 2008. SVSU Archives, Zahnow Library; and personal communication, Thomas
Zantow, March 25, 2013. 48 Eldon Graham, 50; Interior, March 9, 1993; Interior, November 9, 1993; Interior, September 10, 1996; Interior, January 21, 1997; Interior, March 18, 1997; Interior, January 27, 1998; Interior, August 25, 1998; Interior, February 22, 2000; Interior, February 13, 2001;
Interior, October 27, 2004; and Interior, November 16, 2004. 49 Continuing Excellence: 2004-2008, Closing Report Presented to the Board of Control February 11, 2008, 15. 50 “Students Excel in ACTF Regional III Theater Festival, Reflections Magazine, Spring 2009, 7 and Janet Martineau, “Theatre Festival Shines National Spotlight on SVSU,” Reflections
Magazine, Spring 2010, 14-17. 51 “Cardinal Sins Observes 30th Anniversary,” Reflections Magazine, Spring 2011, 8. 52 www.svsu.edu/care, accessed November 26, 2012; Interior, February 9, 2005; and “News
Briefs,” Reflections Magazine, Spring 2007, 5. 53 Mary Oakley, “Theatre prepares for ‘Angels,’” Valley Vanguard, April 16, 2007, Vol. 39, no. 22, p. 7; Alex Baumgardner, “’Angels’ criticism misguided,” Valley Vanguard, April 23, 2007, Vol. 39, no. 23, p. 4; Pat Herald, “’Angels soars on strong acting,” Valley Vanguard,
April 23, 2007, Vol. 39, no. 23, p. 9; Marisa Gwidt, “Emails highlight opposition to play,”
Valley Vanguard, April 23, 2007, Vol. 39, no. 23, p. 9; Justin Engel, “SVSU President Defends Controversial Production,” Saginaw News, April 27, 2007;Dawson Bell, “SVSU Will
Continue ‘Angels in America’ Despite Protests,” Detroit Free Press, April 27, 2007; and
Interview with Richard Roberts, September 10, 2013. 54 “A Capitol Experience,” Reflections Magazine, Fall 2009, 15-18 and Strategic Plan, 20082011, 4-6. 55 Strategic Plan 2008-2011, 46 and Lauren Wietchy, “Fundraising Total Tops $33,000 in
Victory,” Valley Vanguard, November 12, 2012. 56 “Bringing Hope Amid the Devastation,” Reflections Magazine, Spring 2006, p. 5
Chapter 3
1 Tara Palmateer and Phillip Mace, interview with Eric Gilbertson, December 8, 2011. 2 From “Promises to Keep: Towards a University of Vitality, Distinction and Purpose,” Report of the Planning Task Force, January 1991, Archives LD4787.S34 P63 1991; Strategic
Plan 2008-2011, 20; and Interview with Woody Pelton, October 3, 2012.
3 “Saginaw Valley State University: A History of International Activities,” compiled by Donald Staub, Eastern Michigan University, 2000 (Archives, LB2375.9(?)73 2000), 10-11; Interior, March 17, 1992. 4 Interior, January 12, 1993; Interview with Stephanie Sieggreen, Director, Office of International Programs, Saginaw Valley State University, September 12, 2012; Interview with
Woody Pelton, October 3, 2012; and Tara Palmateer and Phillip Mace, interview with Eric
Gilbertson, December 8, 2011. 5 Robert Yien interview, August 9, 2012 and August 1990 Board of Control Minutes. 6 “Saginaw Valley State University: A History of International Activities,” compiled by Donald Staub, Eastern Michigan University, 2000 (Archives, LB2375.9(?)73 2000), 31-32; Interior, May 4, 1993. 7 Interview with President Noboru Fukuoka, DATE and Interview with Chairman Ichiro
Sato, DATE. Perhaps indicative of this special relationship between the two schools, SVSU presented then President Haruo Saito an honorary Doctor of Science degree at its own
Commencement Ceremony on May 8, 1993. “Saginaw Valley State University: A History of International Activities,” compiled by Donald Staub, Eastern Michigan University, 2000 (Archives, LB2375.9(?)73 2000), 31-32; Interior, May 4, 1993. 8 Interviews with Noboko Shinohara, Yae Furuta, Mari Mayama, Kazuko (Ikumoto) Okada, Naoyuki Yoshida, Yoko Abe. 9 “Saginaw Valley State University: A History of International Activities,” compiled by Donald Staub, Eastern Michigan University, 2000 (Archives, LB2375.9 73 2000), 21-23, 64-65, 67, 79; Interview with Robert Yien, August 9, 2012; Robert S. P. Yien, The Making of the
First U .S .-Accredited University in Asia: A Personal Account of the MCU Accreditation
Story (Ming Chuan University, 2011); Interior, July 30, 1991; Tara Palmateer and Phillip
Mace, interview with Eric Gilbertson, December 8, 2011; Palmateer and Phillip Mace, interview with Anna Dadlez, November 10, 2011; “SVSU Selected for Partnership Program to Enhance U. S. Relations with China,” Reflections Magazine, Spring 2011, 12; and Aug. 22 edition of USA TODAY or Valley Vanguard article. 10 “Saginaw Valley State University: A History of International Activities,” compiled by Donald Staub, Eastern Michigan University, 2000 (Archives, LB2375.9 73 2000), 11; Strategic
Plan, 2008-2011, 2; and https://www.svsu.edu/sponsoredprograms/notinmenu/fulbrightscholarawardprograminformation. 11 Interview with Woody Pelton, October 3, 2012. 12 Drew Hinderer. Personal Interview. 25 October 2012. 13 Drew Hinderer. Personal Interview. 25 October 2012. 14 Tamara Watkins and Carrie Sauter. The Roberts Fellowship at Saginaw Valley State University: The First Five Years (1999-2004), 32, 36. Jolene Heidenberger. The Roberts Fellowship: Celebrating 10 Years: The Second Five Years (2004-2010), 19.