Reflections Magazine - Spring 2006

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“The opportunity is here for this region to succeed if we recognize the importance of education.” – Dr. E. Malcolm Field

REFLECTIONS Volume 1, Number I Spring 2006 PROJECT LEADER Lucille Beuthin EDITORIAL BOARD Jill Allardyce Andrew Bethune, B.B.A., ’87 Lucille Beuthin J.J. Boehm Pamela Clifford, B.B.A., ’92 Tim Inman, B.A., ’89, M.Ed., ’96 Jan Poppe, M.A., ’01 EDITORS Tim Inman Jan Poppe WRITERS Nancy Lewis Jan Poppe CONTRIBUTORS J.J. Boehm Pamela Clifford Justin Engel, B.A., ’05 Tim Inman Suzette Zimmerman Norma Zivich GRAPHIC DESIGNER Jill Allardyce PHOTOGRAPHER Tim Inman Photos on page 5 by CML College of Nursing & Health Sciences

CONTENTS Outlook Features

Youth United in Service...


A Haven for Students...


Alumni Board Spotlight...


High school student leaders meet at SVSU for a year-long leadership institute.

Student creativity and innovation are rewarded with the launch of a new institute.

Alumnus Arthur W. O’Neal, II, (B.A. ’98, M.A. ’04) shows his support for SVSU by donating time to the Alumni Association.

PRODUCTION COORDINATOR Pamela Clifford Comments, suggestions and inquiries contact: Alumni Relations Saginaw Valley State University 7400 Bay Road University Center, MI 48710 Phone: (989) 964-4196 SVSU Alumni Web Site SVSU Web Site SVSU Foundation Web Site REFLECTIONS Magazine is published twice a year. Letters and feedback are welcome! SVSU will provide reasonable accommodations for those persons with disabilities. Individuals who wish accommodations should contact the University Conference and Events Center at 964-4348 at least three days prior to the event. SVSU does not discriminate based on race, religion, color, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, age, physical impairment, disability or veteran status in the provision of education, employment and other services.

COVER story


The Promise for Tomorrow

E. Malcolm Field, neurosurgeon and philanthropist, sees education as the driving force behind the region’s economoic future.

SVSU Today Great things are happening at SVSU. This issue highlights nursing students who helped with aid after Katrina, and efforts by the College of Business & Management to help rebuild our regional economy.


Foundation Notes


Recognizing special supporters of SVSU, from lifelong friends of the University to alumni who are now earning the University’s gratitude for their contributions to SVSU and the community.

Alumni Zone Have your former classmates been promoted? Are they growing their families? Read about your fellow alumni.


There are few earthly things more splendid than a university. In these days of broken frontiers and collapsing values, when the dams are down and the floods making misery, when every future looks somewhat grim and every ancient foothold has become something of a quagmire, wherever a university stands, it stands and shines; wherever it exists, the free minds of men (and women), urged on to full and fair inquiry, may still bring wisdom to human affairs. — John Masefield, 1953

The poet may well have indulged in a bit of overstatement with this one – but not much, really. A university really is something splendid, something beautiful. This is why alumni profess to “love” their alma maters, why families sacrifice to send their progeny off for what we are pleased to call “higher education,” why faculty and staff give their lives and careers to its service, and why friends provide gifts in the faith that this special institution will inspire and challenge students and others to become more than they may have imagined. There can be no hope of a bright future for our nation, our state or our region without strong universities leading the way. This journal is about one such splendid university – about its students, its faculty, its friends and about some of the fascinating things these fascinating people are doing. This University gives us hope; these people give us hope. There is good reason for hope.

Contacting the University ADMISSIONS Email:; Phone: 964-4200 ALUMNI RELATIONS Email:; Phone: 964-4196 COLLEGES Arts & Behavioral Sciences Email:; Phone: 964-4062 Business & Management Email:; Phone: 964-4064 Education Email:; Phone: 964-7107 Nursing & Health Sciences Email:; Phone: 964-4145 Science, Engineering & Technology Email:; Phone: 964-4144 SVSU FOUNDATION Email:; Phone: 964-4052 SELECTED OFFICES AND SERVICES Athletics (Ryder Center) Email:; Phone: 964-7300 Bookstore Email:; Phone: 964-4277 Career Planning & Placement Email:; Phone: 964-4954 Center for Business & Economic Development Email:; Phone: 964-7015 Conference & Events Center (Box Office) Email:; Phone: 964-4261 Diversity Programs Email:; Phone: 964-4068

Eric R. Gilbertson President

Library Email:; Phone: 964-4240 Marshall M. Fredericks Sculpture Museum Email:; Phone: 964-7125 Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Email:; Phone: 964-4310 President’s Office Email:; Phone: 964-4041 University Communications Email:; Phone: 964-4039


The Crisis in Health Care: An SVSU Response

graduate program provides students we the Michigan Center for can utilize,” said Blecke. “It’s a wonderful Nursing that is a data management organization,” experience for them. It gets them trying nurse education.” Blecke says some MSN said Blecke. “She has graduates move right into teaching for the also appointed a Nurse University. “These people are fresh and on Executive whose role is the cutting edge, and that has benefited us to assist the deans and tremendously,” she noted. directors across the state Clinical, real-life training is what in developing a vision for healthcare professionals need and what nursing education.” simulation laboratories offer. SVSU has Meanwhile, Blecke recently introduced “SimMan” a virtual is doing her part at patient programmed to give students critical the regional level. care experience. “We need to have students SVSU has launched a ’step off the train running.’ They have to partnership initiative really be out there ready,” Blecke said. with area hospitals “Agencies can no longer afford long periods including Covenant aids, such as g rnin lea ge -ed ting cut of orientation.” ibit HealthCare, Saint at SVSU have access to n Students studying nursingin which a programmable mannequin can breathe and exh Blecke thinks SVSU has a responsibility Mary’s of Michigan, Bay lab tion “SimMan,” a simula rs. rde diso lth to address not only issues related to Regional Medical Center, and hea of iety a var Mid-Michigan Medical Center. The hospitals healthcare shortages (quantity), but issues provide additional qualified nursing staff who of quality. “The message we want people eports of a health care worker to get is that nurses with professional serve as part-time faculty, thus enabling shortage in Michigan come as no preparation have the ability to think at a the University to increase the number of surprise to Jan Blecke. higher level, ask good questions, and make students it admits. “When we started the “We know there has been, and will informed decisions,” she said. “That’s what nursing program at SVSU in 1976, we continue to be, a nursing shortage,” said SVSU is able to give our region.” admitted 24 students twice a year. That Blecke, dean of the Crystal M. Lange became a real issue when we started College of Nursing & Health Sciences. “And to look at shortages,” Blecke said. “We the crisis isn’t only in nursing. Other health professions are experiencing a similar trend. are now, for the second time, taking 64 That is the result of both a front-end issue of students twice a year. That presents people not coming into the field and a back- some challenges, but we would have end issue of people leaving the field through been irresponsible not to look at that. The world would have passed us by if either resignation or retirement.” we hadn’t stepped up to the plate.” From the SVSU also is responding to the Governor’s crisis through its graduate nursing office to program, which allows the University institutions like Did You Know? to literally grow its own teaching SVSU, leaders staff. Because students enrolled Michigan will need to fill more than are attempting 100,000 professional and technical in the master’s program have to address health care jobs over the next decade. completed their BSN degrees and this crisis. n A team of nursing students packed are registered nurses, they can Joint study by the Michigan Department of “The Governor supplies prior to a week-long Labor and Economic Growth and the Michigan trip to Mississippi for assisting supervise clinical students. “The in the Katrina relief effort. has created Department of Community Health


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Bringing Hope for Mississippi for seven days that would forever change their lives. “As we headed to Mississippi, I had an idea in my head of what to expect based on what I had seen on the news,” said nursing student Katie Kreh, a 2005 SVSU graduate from Saginaw. “However, nothing could have prepared me for the devastation I saw as we drove up to Pass Christian.” Students worked a full week of 12-hour shifts, with one day off for excursions led by Mamie Thorns, special assistant to the president for diversity programs. Students distributed badly-needed supplies to colleges and elementary schools, whose students received fun packs with stickers, crayons, and construction paper. “The fun packs went over well,” Lewis said. “The children were having difficulty sleeping. They had post-traumatic stress syndrome. One little boy really sticks out in my memory,” she continued. “He talked about the hurricane and the water coming into the house and how his daddy put him

Did You Know? Closer to home, SVSU’s CML College of Nursing & Health Sciences students are involved in community outreach with organizations like Eastside Soup Kitchen, Healthy Partners, Easter Seals, and several community school districts.

on his shoulders. When they were walking out, the water covered his daddy’s head. He lives with that memory, and he talks about it like it just happened. It had been 10 weeks. We’ll never be the same after this experience.” Students found the experience equally emotional. “Katrina didn’t pick between rich and poor,” said Scott Schlaud, a 2005 graduate from Hemlock. “It was an amazing societal leveler. This has changed my life and opened my eyes to the many ways a nurse can help people’s quality of life. I am so excited that the University made a dream of our nursing class a reality.” Schlaud was also struck by the contrasts he witnessed. “Behind me was beautiful ocean and in front of me was total destruction, and in between were the most resilient flowers and Monarch butterflies.” Schlaud and others saw this contrast as symbolic of the people of Mississippi. “I learned that the human spirit is very resilient,” commented Katie McPherson, a December 2005 MSN graduate from Flushing. “Although these people had literally lost everything, they had gained a sense of spirituality. The people of Mississippi have taught me that the true things that matter are people and your relationships with them.”

SVSU Today


here are many core values and teaching and learning philosophies that characterize Crystal M. Lange College of Nursing & Health Sciences. Among them: service learning, which is made of experiences that promote learning through participation in activities that address community needs; nursing faculty who view themselves as co-learners/expert learners; and learning, which occurs in a variety of settings that include the classroom, computer and simulated labs and clinical (community) settings. With such a clearly defined sense of professional purpose, it is no wonder that SVSU nursing students couldn’t stand idly by watching the suffering and devastation in the Gulf Coast after the wake of Katrina. On the first day of fall classes, students approached faculty about taking the trip south to do what they could to help. “I have students their very last semester when they are bringing it all together and assuming their role as an R.N.,” said Ava Lewis, professor of nursing and trip facilitator. Support for the trip came quickly, and the class was soon searching for the best way to help. Lewis said Laura Johnson, from Montrose, went to the Internet and came back with the idea of working with Americorps volunteers. Lewis made the contact, and by the end of October she and the students were on a bus headed

Amid the Devastation


The Hardest Study abroad programs offer students more than a chance to travel. They teach skills and attributes like flexibility and independence, and a global perspective, things much sought after by potential employers. “SVSU students studying abroad choose from two types of programs,” said Barb Cohen, assistant director of International Programs. “One is the traditional program where students go to a country and study with people from all over the United States and sometimes all over the world. It is a full

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semester. The other type is a faculty-led program. These trips are shorter, and the SVSU teacher is with students at all times. The faculty member teaches the class, and then the students go on excursions together.” Both experiences can be life-altering. Stephanie Sieggreen, a 1997 SVSU graduate and now director of SVSU’s career planning and placement office, studied in Italy in 1996. “It was amazing to sit in the classroom [in Italy], taking in the information and then visiting the sites we had been discussing,” she said. “You’re totally immersed in the culture.” Scott Manley, a financial aid advisor for SVSU, shares Sieggreen’s enthusiasm. Also an SVSU graduate, Manley studied in London twice and later taught in Japan. “Stephanie and I had similar backgrounds,” said Manley. “We both came from somewhat sheltered rural communities. Every year in high school I had a different career goal, depending on the teacher I had who influenced me. Then I went to college, and I could choose the path I thought I’d like to follow.” That path led Manley to his first study abroad experience in London. “When you study abroad, you realize what is actually possible,” said Manley. Study Abroad students currently attending SVSU echo these same sentiments. Last summer, Alexander

is Part

Nalbach, assistant professor of history, led a study group to Paris, France. It was the largest gathering of students SVSU had ever sent abroad. Josh Rogner, a 20-year-old sophomore from Bay City learned about the class by word of mouth. Always wanting the opportunity to travel, Rogner signed up. What he got was a life-changing experience. “You learn a lot about yourself when you go to a new place with people you don’t even know,” said Rogner. “You learn a new independence when you have to find your way around a country that speaks a foreign language.” According to Woody Pelton, director of International Programs at SVSU, developing self-confidence is just one of the many benefits students acquire while studying in another country. Students study history, culture, politics, and economics—all in the context of the country. Pelton says this not only gives students increased knowledge of the country, but it also gives them a global perspective that they may not have had before. They begin to see how other countries view America, and they develop a more tolerant view of other cultures. SVSU 2004 graduate Tricia Szymanski, agrees. “I think gaining an international perspective is not only helpful, but necessary these days,” said Szymanski,

five years. “Seeing the world changes your world,” said the 21-year-old senior from Hemlock. “I think I have a lot more insight into why people feel a certain way, and I have a whole different way of looking at life. It makes you appreciate everything you have.” What Pretzer appreciates most is the opportunity she has had to study abroad. “I would just have to say, ’Thank you,’” she said. “There’s no way without the money from the SVSU Foundation and the Roberts Fellowship program that I could have done

Coming Home Agra, Bangalore and Mysore, India. A native of the region, Mathur said the trip offered a glimpse of the economic conditions and political climate of India. “Students saw the varied definitions of ’poverty’ and developed a deeper appreciation of that word,” said Mathur. “The students also gained a better understanding of the meaning of ’one billion’ and the meaning of ’democracy,’ as well as an appreciation for tolerance in a multinational country. There are 24 languages in this region and thousands of dialects, yet there is a democracy. The students saw first-hand the economic strengths and limitations of the country.” As students return from their study abroad experiences and share their life-changing stories with other students, the numbers of study abroad participants keep growing. Since fall 1998, 583 SVSU students have studied abroad in 24 different locations. The most popular locations are England, Mexico, France, Japan and Australia, but other countries, like India, are growing in popularity. Those who have had the experience seem to want more. Natalie Pretzer has logged more miles than any other SVSU student, taking four trips in

this. It is really an amazing opportunity.” Pretzer, Sieggreen and Manley all agree on one thing. When asked what was hardest about traveling abroad, their responses were the same: “Coming home!”

Did You Know? More SVSU students will study abroad in 2006 than any year in history. 2006 Traditional Study Abroad Guadalajara, Mexico

May 15-June 9 June 12-July 7 July 10-August 4

Puebla, Mexico

May 19-June 30

Rome, Italy

May 19-June 23 June 30-August 4

Hikone, Japan

June 1-August 8

Ankara, Turkey

June 5-July 8

Lille, France

June 5-June 30

Segovia, Spain

June 17-July 30

Spetses, Greece

June 17-July 16 June 18-July 8

Dublin, Ireland

June 30-August 5

Angers, France

July 2-July 29

SVSU Today

an East Tawas native who currently lives in Guatemala and works in a nutrition center for malnourished children. Szymanski has lived in or traveled to Mexico, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil, China, Taiwan and Japan—and it all began with a study abroad semester in Mexico. Nameeta Mathur, SVSU assistant professor of history, along with George Puia, Dow Chemical Company Centennial Chair in Global Business, led a study abroad group in 2004 on a 10-day tour of Delhi,

2006 Faculty-led Study Abroad China (nursing students) Taiwan London Paris

April April 29-May 14 Mid-May May 15-June 27

More information available at

n Natalie Pretzer shows off her Carnevale mask from Venice; at right, Pretzer poses in front of the Coliseum in Rome.


College of Business & Management:

It’s Business unUSUAL

Marwan Wafa says the economic climate in the mid-Michigan region calls for a change in the way he does business as dean of the College of Business & Management at SVSU. “As a university, we are very much concerned about the direction of the economy, and we cannot continue with business as usual,” Wafa said. “It’s business unusual.” Wafa sees the College as an important player on a variety of economic development fronts: partnerships, innovative thinking, research, outreach programs and, most importantly, the preparation of students for business and leadership roles. Several College programs and plans, existing and newly created, are designed to position the College as a vital resource for the region. “My focus is on influencing this region by changing the direction the economy is going,” Wafa said. “We can’t work in isolation. The linkages between SVSU and its alumni and the business community are critical to making an impact on this community.” Among these linkages are: • The Family Business Program, which preceded Wafa’s July 2005 arrival at SVSU. Established in 2000, this program is aimed at supporting family-owned firms in mid-Michigan, striving to improve the educational offerings to those with family-owned businesses. • A business advisory board, comprised of tri-county CEOs, was formed by Wafa to further strengthen relationships between the College and the business community. “When it comes to programmatic changes or improvement, we need to hear the voices of the customers, Did You Know? which are area employers,” Wafa said. “Historically, business schools There are 17,872 businesses in Midland, Saginaw, and Bay Counties, have relied on surveys to get this employing 155,798 people. information. But the problem with Michigan Small Business and Technology surveys is that the response rate Development Center, Seidman School of Business, Grand Valley State University is low, and you don’t know who (December 2005). responded to the survey.” Wafa noted that with an advisory board, the College will have a captive audience who are all business leaders and know their businesses. He said they can provide feedback on what SVSU could do to improve the quality of graduates with business degrees. Many advisory board members, Wafa hopes, also may open up internship opportunities for students, as well as externships for faculty who can work on site at the business, learning about the company and gathering data that can be used for research purposes. To prepare students interested in one day working for themselves, Wafa recently added an academic minor in entrepreneurship to the curriculum. He believes one of the best

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approaches to make an impact on the economy is to create start-up businesses that are not necessarily auto- or manufacturing-based. “We’re producing white-collar workers,” he said. “White-collar workers need white-collar jobs, and white-collar jobs are disappearing. From an economic point of view, we need to train young people to think differently and to be idea generators, innovators, and hopefully business owners.” Creating programs to meet the needs of today’s economy, Wafa believes, means the College will need to continue developing even stronger relationships with SVSU alumni. “I invite all alumni to support their institution by sharing their experiences with us, and offering advice and suggestions for improvement,” he said. “I’m more than happy to meet with anyone who might be interested in this opportunity.” Alumni who would like to share ideas and suggestions should contact the College of Business & Management at (989) 964-4064, or email

Name: Residence: Education:

Marwan A. Wafa Saginaw Township, since June 2005 Bachelor’s degree in civil engineering, Kuwait University Master’s degree in management, Clemson University Ph.D. in industrial management, Clemson University Prior to SVSU: Dean, School of Business & Technology University of Wisconsin-Parkside since 2000 Wife: Sahar Al-Masri Family: Daughters: Ala’a (22) & Danyah (16); Son: Abdullah (19) Hobbies: Home repairs, car restoration, flying, reading

Kathy Burt Allen, President Plastatech Engineering, Ltd.

Peter N. Ewend, President/CEO Saginaw Bay Underwriters

Ernest E. Paulick, Credit Administrator Northstar Bank

Michael Bierlein, President Bierlein Companies

Mark S. Flegenheimer, President/CEO Michigan Sugar Company

Morrison Stevens, Sr., President Stevens Group, Inc.

Gary E. Bosco, Vice President & Secretary Darbee, Bosco & Hammond, P.C.

Gary Giallonardo, President Industrial Visions Company

Bob Van Deventer, President/CEO Saginaw County Chamber of Commerce

Hugo E. “Ted” Braun Jr., Senior Partner Braun, Kendrick, Finkbeiner PLC

Christine Greve, Regional Director Delta College MISBTDC

Jenee Velasquez, Executive Director The Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow Foundation

Mark Brining, C.P.A. Brining & Nartker, P.C.

Steven D. Kelly, President The Rehmann Group

Marwan A. Wafa*, Dean SVSU College of Business & Management

Wayne Bronner, President/CEO Bronner’s Christmas Wonderland

Kenneth W. Kousky, President/CEO IP3, Inc.

Scott Walker, Economic Development Manager Midland Tomorrow

Cheryl Burzynski, President Bay Special Care Hospital

Dan Kozakiewicz, President Three Rivers Corporation

Tom Webber, President The Sargent Companies

Paul C. Chaffee, Editor The Saginaw News

Sharon Miller, President ITH Staffing

Jerome Yantz, C.P.A. Weinlander Fitzhugh

Eric Curtis, CFO Graff Management

Dominic Monastiere,* President Chemical Bank & Trust Co.

Lloyd Yeo,* C.P.A., Partner Yeo & Yeo

Michael R. Dewey,* Superintendent Bay-Arenac ISD

William Mulders, Jr., Partner Andrews, Hooper & Pavlik

William Zehnder, President Frankenmuth Bavarian Inn * Advisory Board Executive Committee

SVSU Today

College of Business & Management Advisory Board

Community Projects: A Real-World Final Exam Deb Bishop knows that her role as a management and marketing professor in SVSU’s College of Business & Management is much more than delivering lectures and giving assignments from a textbook. Bishop, who clearly understands what employers are looking for, teaches Management 422, in which there’s no memorization of answers for a final exam. Instead, the “exam” comes in the form of a project designed by an area business. Its real value and importance, according to Bishop, is the fact that it highly engages students and a business community partner. One such project that makes Bishop especially proud involves a partnership with the Bay Area Chamber of Commerce. The project resulted in an award-winning guidebook, the Employer’s Guide to Creating a Family-Friendly Workplace. The 188-page guide won the 2004 Award for Communications Excellence (ACE) from the American Chamber of Commerce. Bishop’s students did much of the research for the guidebook. Bishop believes community partnerships benefit not only the students, but also the businesses involved. Teaching and learning inside, and outside, the classroom—Bishop thinks it’s the perfect role for a professor and the perfect final exam for her students.

Did You Know? SVSU student volunteers transcribed interviews with Bay County veterans that will be preserved in the Library of Congress.

SVSU REFLECTIONS - 9 Deb Bishop routinely works with students on a variety of projects.


United in Service

On September 30, 2005, 51 high school student leaders from across Saginaw County converged on the campus of SVSU for their first session of the Youth Leadership Institute, a program co-sponsored by the Bridge Center for Racial Harmony and SVSU. The Institute grew out of a challenge and a pledge offered by SVSU President Eric Gilbertson in his keynote address at the Bridge Center’s April 2005 annual meeting. The challenge? Bring together a diverse group of student leaders from Saginaw County high schools to work together on a community project. The pledge? Saginaw Valley State University will provide the financial and staff resources to make it happen. Under the direction of Mamie Thorns, SVSU special assistant to the president for diversity programs, the Leadership Institute began with the 2005 school year. Every two months during the school year, students spend a full day on SVSU’s campus developing their leadership skills and learning more about each other. With the assistance of Ryan Fewins from SVSU’s Student Life office, and the United Way, students are involved in a culminating project that is community service-related. The 2006 project most likely will focus on working with Saginaw County’s youth. School administrators are already seeing positive results from the Institute. “The students really like the idea of meeting students from the surrounding areas,” said David Lewis, principal of Chesaning Union High School. “Seeds are planted. Not only in the leadership activities, but also in the potential for fostering lifelong friendships.” The students have been assigned SVSU student mentors who join the high school students for each on-campus event. Between events the mentors stay in touch with mentees. A challenge and a pledge have made a difference in the lives of 51 Saginaw County high school students. It is the hope that these future leaders will ultimately make a difference in the lives of others in Saginaw County and the region.

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“The Youth Institute allows us to strengthen the skills that we already have and to work on the ones that are just beginning to develop.

It strengthens who we are as people, and is helping to shape who we will be and how we will live our lives.” —Adam Larson, Arthur Hill High School

Tracy Weber created Kaleidoscope Learning Circle, where experiential learning with horses “teaches” leadership and nonverbal communications. A team exercise was a highlight of the Institute’s first Leadership session.

SVSU Today

Out with the Old, in with the ...Old.

No, this is not a reference to age. Instead, it is a deferential reference to two men whose history with SVSU has helped shape the fabric of the University’s culture and create its programmatic successes. Robert S.P. Yien joined SVSU in 1970 as

a sociology professor and has been the vice president for Academic Affairs since 1978. In summer 2005, Yien announced his plans to retire at the end of the 200506 academic year. An extensive national search to name Yien’s replacement led

back through the SVSU gateway to Donald Bachand, who joined SVSU’s criminal justice faculty in 1978, and has served as dean of the College of Arts & Behavioral Sciences since 1997. Bachand will assume his new post July 1, 2006.

SVSU Campus: Through the Eyes of International Artist

Liu Maoshan is a well-known Chinese artist whose work appears throughout Asia, Europe and the United States. The idea to commission Liu for four campus landscapes came from SVSU Taiwanese alumni who are familiar with his work. Although the alumni suggested having Liu’s paintings auctioned, Robert Yien, vice president for Academic Affairs at SVSU, and his wife, Amy, decided to keep the four originals on SVSU’s campus. However, to share the beauty of this artwork, plans are underway to offer limited, signed-by-the-artist prints that will be available through the SVSU Foundation. To learn more, call (989) 964-4052, or email



azz and classical performances, theatre productions, a museum that inspires, and thought-provoking lectures for the public to regularly enjoy. Many of these are free. All of them are first class. And they take place on a beautiful campus with free parking that is just minutes from Bay City, Midland and Saginaw. To fully experience the exciting cultural attractions at SVSU, your active participation is encouraged. Attend a performance, view an exhibit, enroll in a seminar, catch a lecture. We urge you to learn, explore, discover – and be inspired – at a place that celebrates creativity and culture. Learn more about arts and cultural events at SVSU by clicking on the link for “Visitors” at


Cultural Events at SVSU 1 - “The Top of the Pops,” a jazz performance by Shirlene

Zarin-Taj, was staged Oct. 29 in the Rhea Miller Recital Hall.



2 - Hip Hop artist Ludacris, who performed in concert in Ryder Center April 22, has had several hit singles, including “What’s Your Fantasy?,” “Southern Hospitality,” “Area Codes,” and “Rollout (My Business).”

3 - The SVSU Theatre Department has staged numerous

memorable and quality performances in recent years, including this spring production of The Tempest.


4 - The ensemble “C’est la Vie” performed in concert Sept. 17 in the Rhea Miller Recital Hall. Ensemble members George Wolfe, James Helton and Paul Reilly featured compositions of familiar and lesser-known French composers as part of SVSU’s Rhea Miller Concert Series.

5 - The University Art Gallery hosted an exhibition of artworks by internationally-known Chicago artist Gladys Nilsson in October 2005. Nilsson, whose public lecture on her work was sponsored by the Dow Visiting Artist Lecture Series, revolutionized the use of watercolor and achieved international fame in the late 1960s and early 1970s as a founder of the Hairy Who and Chicago Imagist movements. Nilsson’s work is included in the collections of the National Museum of American Art, the Whitney Museum, the Vienna Museum of Modern Art, and the Art Gallery of Western Australia.



6 - Native American Ernie Paniccioli, regarded by some as the

“dean of hip hop photographers,” gave a talk Nov. 1 as part of SVSU’s Native American History Month celebration. Paniccioli has photographed national stars such as Frank Sinatra, Liza Minelli, Jimmy Carter, Andy Warhol, John F. Kennedy Jr., Britney Spears, and the Dalai Lama.

7 - Author W. James Richardson was the keynote speaker at

SVSU’s “Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of Emmett Till’s Death” Aug. 2. Richardson discussed his novel, The Ghost of Emmett Till.

8 - As part of the 2005 Dow Visiting Scholars and Artists Lecture Series, accomplished author Isabel Allende appeared at SVSU Oct. 12. She also signed copies of her books, which have been translated into more than 27 languages. Forced into exile from Chile following the assassination of her uncle, former President Salvador Allende, Isabel Allende has achieved a wide popular following through her rich texture, complex narratives, and sheer sensuousness in her stories of magic and dreams.

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A Haven for


Innovation. Originality. Excellence. How does an organization or institution create a culture that encourages and supports inventiveness and imagination? To enhance its growing reputation as an institution of teaching excellence that supports student innovation and distinction, SVSU created the Student Research and Creativity Institute in 2005. The goal of the Institute is to support and promote outstanding student work in the arts, humanities, sciences, professional disciplines and community service. Selected projects receive up to $10,000 in funding. In its first academic year, 2005-06, eight proposals were approved by the selection committee, made up of faculty from various disciplines. A sampling of the forthcoming projects includes a community service project as well as an interdisciplinary health science and engineering proposal. “I believe it is important to advance the education of SVSU students and challenge them to succeed. We want to take the skills and knowledge from the University’s programs to provide a positive impact on the community,” noted fine arts major Paolo Pedini in his proposal to create a community mural project in collaboration with St. Mary’s of Michigan. A key objective of the proposal is sharing creative talents and opening dialogue between SVSU students and the larger community. Brian Luptowski, an electrical engineering major from Bay City, Debbie Sippert, a nursing student from Swartz Creek, and Adam Tennant, from Essexville and majoring in electrical engineering, teamed up to propose a project that will aide wheelchair patients and their caregivers in the prevention of pressure sores through the development of a pressure sensing pad for the seat of a wheelchair. This year’s selection committee consisted of the following: Brooks Byam, associate professor of mechanical engineering; Frank Dane, James V. Finkbeiner endowed chair of ethics; Sally Decker, professor of nursing; Diana Lawson, Harvey Randall Wickes chair in international business; Carlos Ramet, executive assistant to the president; Cindy Sager, assistant dean of the College of Education.

SVSU Today

with Entrepreneurial Aspirations

Innovation. Excellence.


n Paolo Pedini, right, shows St. Mary’s of Michigan President and CEO Fleury Yelvington renderings of possible health-themed murals.


Providing Support

for Generations to Come

Engaging in volunteer work and master’s degree). “We absolutely believe in understanding the importance of giving come higher education – we know the advantages as naturally to Bob and Cindy Chadwick as we’ve experienced in having our degrees,” getting up in the morning and going to work. said both Bob and Cindy, in commenting on In fact, it is greatly due to the nature of their the “what’s important.” “And we know that SVSU will be a good professional lives, spent in the community mental health field, that they have come to custodian of our funds,” added Cindy. “We value the importance of giving “time, talent want the University to be able to continue to attract top-level people.” and treasure.” Bob notes that his experience at SVSU, “I guess it’s the nature of our work,” Bob believes. “You give a lot of yourself and you both academically and personally, has left a try to give hope; and that puts you in a giving lasting impression on him. “As a graduate student, I recall a lot of state of mind.” For many times when after the years, the Chadwicks class, the professor gave regularly to their and eight or 10 of us favorite organizations and “Creative ways to would get together institutions, admittedly, and talk,” he said. in gifts that varied from a give guarantee “That’s invaluable. At couple hundred dollars a larger university, that to an occasional, more the future of this just doesn’t happen.” substantial gift. And SVSU In the almost 25 was a grateful recipient of University.” years since he was that generosity. — Bob and Cindy Chadwick enrolled at SVSU, Bob, as a 1982 MBA Bob admits to being graduate, contributed to “fascinated” by SVSU. the Alumni Association, “It was pretty small and both Bob and Cindy often made other supportive gifts. But in back then and to see what has happened 2001, the couple said it was time for them – it’s amazing to me,” said Bob, adding that to really sit back and think of their lives, from a professional perspective, he is equally their plans and their legacy. So they asked impressed by the SVSU graduates he has themselves, “What is important to us, and who hired. “I’ve hired occupational therapists and is important to us?” The answers framed an social workers, and I’ve been impressed estate planning assessment that now gives not just with their knowledge base, but with them great joy and comfort. “We decided the fact that they seem to have a realistic that we wanted to make decisions now about expectation of entering the workplace,” he what happens then, when we’re no longer said. “They truly seem to be willing to learn here,” noted Cindy. “We decided that we their field.” Important to the Chadwicks in their wanted to make sure what we’ve worked for story is the message that people should be really mattered.” So the Chadwicks met with their financial encouraged to make gift plans now, not later. planner and determined that the “who is “It’s a great feeling,” notes Cindy. “You’ve important” list should include Special Olympics made a provision while you’re still alive, some (Bob has served on the board for 14 years); kind of mark on the community – Bob and Rotary International – Foundation (both Cindy Cindy Chadwick were here once.” And SVSU and Bob are members of area clubs and have future students and future faculty will reap the served as club presidents); MSU (Cindy’s benefits of the Chadwicks’ support of a place alma mater) and SVSU (Bob’s “home” for his that will be here for generations to come.

14 - Foundation News

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A $100,000 life insurance policy is owned by the University. The Chadwicks donate in the amount of the premium and the University (through the SVSU Foundation) is the beneficiary. As part of their estate planning decisions, the Chadwicks have created two endowments: • The Robert E. Chadwick II and Cynthia A. Chadwick Endowed Scholarship (within the College of Business & Management) is to be awarded to a student based on academic achievement, community service and leadership. • The Robert E. Chadwick II and Cynthia A. Chadwick Endowed Graduate Scholarship is to be awarded to a student currently employed in the health or human services field to achieve a master’s degree.

All gifts to the SVSU Foundation make a difference in the lives of our students, faculty, and in our academic and cultural programs. Ways to give are varied and include commemorative bricks; endowments for student scholarships, and faculty and program development; “named” annual scholarships; Annual Fund; Cardinal Club to booster SVSU athletics; the Marshall M. Fredericks Sculpture Museum; “Name-a-Seat” in the Rhea Miller Recital Hall; and annual gift clubs. To learn more about the various means of giving (check, credit card, on-line, pledge), call the Foundation Office at (989) 964-4052 or email


“The Braun Fellowship, with its focus on faculty and staff SVSU has developed and matured as a comprehensive University over the past 40 years due, in substantial part, to the development, will also enhance the University’s reputation support of friends in the surrounding region. Two recent Foundation for excellence,” Kelly said. “Our students, employers, and our announcements, both in the amount of $1.5 million, will further communities will be the beneficiaries of the development of staff SVSU’s goals to offer programs that will develop leadership skills, and faculty as seen through the performance of our graduates. As mentioned with the other grant, our improve service to students, lift ability to compete for the best students, leaders to higher standards, and faculty, and staff will continue to grow.” bring credit to the University. Braun Fellows will be appointed for The Gerstacker Fellowship a term of three years and will receive Program addresses the important a supporting grant that may be used need for school leadership that for research expenses, travel, staff creates a strong corps of capable and support or release from regular duties. well-prepared leaders for the schools Ultimately, each Fellow will be expected of our region. School leadership is to produce a body of professional a complex and demanding calling or academic work for publication or that requires skills related to global presentation during or at the conclusion issues, finances, demands of the of their fellowship term. public and accountability. The gift that funds the Ruth & Ted “These grants help the University Braun Fellowship Program is among enhance its reputation for excellence,” many SVSU has received from The said Burnett Kelly, chairman of the Harvey Randall Wickes Foundation. SVSU Foundation Board. “WellFrom the initial gift supporting prepared leaders coming out of this acquisition of the land on which the program will benefit our region as campus is located, to donations for the well as the rest of the country. The construction of a library and football reputation for excellence of these stadium, to the creation of two faculty leaders will be another valuable endowed chairs, the Wickes Foundation tool in the University’s ongoing goal Burnett Kelly Chairman, SVSU Foundation Board has been instrumental in much of the of attracting and retaining the best University’s greatest progress. students and faculty.” This Fellowship Program will annually select a dozen aspiring school leaders and provide them with a demanding curriculum over a one-year period. At the conclusion of the academic year, the Fellows will meet for a All gifts to the SVSU Foundation make a difference in concentrated one-week program to summarize and synthesize the the lives of our students, faculty and staff, as well as in work of these previous sessions and prepare for an international our academic and cultural programs. Ways to give are visit to Asia. Over time, Gerstacker Fellows will form a resource varied and include commemorative bricks; endowments network of talented administrators for the exchange of ideas and for student scholarships, and faculty and program information. development; “named” annual scholarships; Annual The Ruth & Ted Braun Fellowship Program provides an Fund; Cardinal Club to booster SVSU athletics; the opportunity for SVSU faculty and staff members to undertake Marshall M. Fredericks Sculpture Museum; major projects and achieve their fullest academic and professional “Name-a-Seat” in the Rhea Miller Recital Hall; and potential. Supported by The Harvey Randall Wickes Foundation, the annual gift clubs. To learn more about the various Ruth & Ted Braun Fellowship Program will reward accomplishments, means of giving (check, credit card, on-line, pledge), as well as provide incentives for others to distinguish themselves call the Foundation Office at (989) 964-4052 or email through higher achievement.

Foundation Notes

Higher Levels of Achievement


The Promise for Tomorrow: Creation of Endowments that Touch Lives


hen most people are asked about regrets in their life, they speak in the past tense of “would’ve, could’ve and should’ve.” When E. Malcolm Field, M.D. talks about regret, he speaks in the future tense and talks about being sorry that he won’t be performing neurosurgery in mid Michigan 30 or 40 years hence. The regret of the internationally

16 - Foundation News

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renowned neurosurgeon and founder of Field Neurosciences Institute is based on two things he is sure the future holds: the medical and surgical advances that he knows are ahead – and happening at lightening speed – and the promise of a region to develop its human potential and see its struggles become successes, with the aid of a regional university known as SVSU. This story is primarily about the latter. “Education is such an important part of our lives, that an institute of higher learning, especially at the graduate level, is critical to the area,” Field said. The evidence that Dr. Field strongly

believes this to be true is the fact that over the past 25 years, Dr. Field and his wife Lois have helped more than 200 students realize their dream of obtaining a degree by funding scholarships to several colleges and universities. But long before the last quarter century, Dr. Field’s dedication to education was already confirmed as an abiding passion. His commitment to education was fostered by his own parents who both were teachers, and who instilled in the four Field brothers a lifetime love of learning. Without any fanfare, the Saginaw Valley was changed in 1961 when a young, talented physician named E. Malcolm Field arrived at

St. Mary’s of Michigan Medical Center, armed with a medical education from the University of Michigan and a neurosurgical residency at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. Dr. Field not only brought outstanding credentials, but – as the Saginaw Valley would come to learn – an amazing dedication to helping others. Field’s decision to come to Saginaw was encouraged by his uncle and mentor, Clifford Spicer. In the 1940s, Spicer had risked the comfort of a secure job as an engineering and land surveyor to start his own firm. After the war ended, he watched the fruits of his labor pay off as the residential and suburban building boom increased the need for the Spicer

it honors the man who to Field represents impeccable integrity, an ability to get along with people and a rock solid, unshakable faith. And in honoring Clifford Spicer, Field indirectly honors his own father, who was Spicer’s grade school teacher. “Clifford Spicer built his business in Saginaw because he believed in the community,” Field said. “This gift, in his honor, helps make SVSU a university with real quality. And the more such support, the more is ensured the livelihood of this institution.” The timing of Field’s gift is not happenstance. He believes that SVSU’s time has come to be the conduit that lifts the region to a higher intellectual and economic level, adds to the regional quality of life and produces a top-notch, well-educated work force. Further, he understands that the best way this destiny is accomplished is through endowed chairs. “Endowed chairs bring stature to a university,” notes Field, by virtue of the fact that they attract the best and brightest. Further, Field sees these two, new endowed chairs as a means of taking the University, and the region, to the next level. Quite simply, he says that SVSU “is the major driving force for the economic future of the region” and he strongly feels that the region’s opportunities are vast. “The opportunity is here for this region to succeed if we recognize the importance of education,” Field observed. In 30 or 40 years, Field envisions that gene therapy and stem cell research will aid the rehabilitative nature of neuroscience and neurosurgery. He sees restorative rehabilitation as the future. And in these same three or four decades, he sees the likelihood of another medical school coming to Michigan and asks, “Why not here?” Then he smiles and adds, “And why not envision the Cardinals in a Rose Bowl?” Maybe these are pie-in-the-sky dreams; but then again, maybe not. The endowed chairs in engineering and health sciences are very real, and they put this University one step closer to creating the future that an enthusiastic neurosurgeon, some 40 plus years ago, somehow knew was possible.

Foundation Notes

Engineering Company’s water management expertise. Seeing the Saginaw Valley as an area of unlimited opportunity, Spicer encouraged his nephew to settle in the region, and so young Malcolm did. In the same year Field arrived in Saginaw–1961–Delta College opened and a group of regional leaders began to talk in earnest about the need to create a four-year, degree-granting school. The need for such an institution of higher learning resonated with Field. He understood that education is the key to how an area establishes stability, avoids cycles of economic up and down turns, and prospers. His beliefs crystallized with the opening of Saginaw Valley College in 1963. Over the years, Field has supported SVSU on both the educational and the intellectual front. He began the Patricia A. Hansel Memorial Nursing Scholarship in 1988, named for an SVSU graduate who worked for Field during the 1970s and early ’80s. In 2003, Field Neurosciences Institute co-sponsored with SVSU the creation of the James O’Neill Annual Lectureship. Named in honor of the FNI board member and SVSU consultant, the lectureship was created to dynamically reflect O’Neill’s passion for excellence in government, education and the neurosciences, and to bring attention to public servants who give of their time and talents to better their communities. In recognizing O’Neill, Field acknowledges a university’s role to “elevate the intellectual climate of a region.” “This is SVSU’s potential – to get us ’there,’” Field noted. In 2005, SVSU announced the creation of two new endowed chairs, made possible through the generosity of Field: The E. Malcolm Field Endowed Chair in Health Sciences, and The Clifford Spicer Endowed Chair in Engineering. “It’s the teaching plus the research that endowed chairs offer that truly bring stature to a university,” said Field about the importance of endowed chairs. Field observes that the health science endowment is a rather obvious choice based on his own career in medicine. The Spicer endowment, on the other hand, holds an even more special place in Field’s heart, because


Endowed Chairs: Fulfilling an Honorable Duty Frank Dane’s interest in ethics began during his graduate school days at the University of Kansas where he received his master’s degree in psychology and Ph.D. in social psychology. His interest in the subject continued at Georgia’s Mercer University, where Dane engaged in medical outcomes research and studied hospital resuscitation—including the heart-wrenching decisions both physicians and

families are forced to make regarding patients. “Everywhere I turned,” he said, “my interest in ethics kept expanding.” In fact, it was Dane’s extensive research in decision-making and ethics that brought him international recognition. In turn, his work captured the attention of SVSU’s search committee charged in 2002 with finding the James V. Finkbeiner endowed chair in ethics. Dane notes he was immediately interested because the position would enable him to combine all three of his interests in social psychology—decision making, statistics, and ethics. Dane said he appreciates that the role of an endowed chair has two essential elements—“inside” and “outside.” “The outside part is to enhance the image of the institution,” Dane explained. “That sounds kind of immodest, but endowed chairs are really selected because they have a national or international reputation. Having a person like that here draws attention to this University. “The inside part,” he continued, “is serving as a resource for the institution— teaching, developing programs, and conducting research.”

For example, Dane’s outside activities focus on ethics issues related to truancy with the juvenile division at Saginaw County’s 10th Circuit Court. In Bay County, he is developing comprehensive youth strategies with the 18th Judicial Circuit Court juvenile division. And in the past, he has worked to increase awareness of ethics with a number of other organizations, such as the League of Women Voters. On the “inside,” Dane is involved in teaching both undergraduate and graduate level courses on leadership, ethics and research methods. He also is chairman of SVSU’s Institutional Review Board, which must approve all research projects involving the use of human subjects. Aside from the challenges, opportunities and fun that Dane finds in his role, he is also humbled by the opportunity to serve as an endowed chair. “It’s an incredible honor to be in this position,” Dane said. “The University and the donors have invested a good deal in the creation of these positions, and I’ve been ’chosen’ to fill one of them.” “There’s a lot of responsibility, but also a feeling of fulfilling an honorable duty.”

“It’s an incredible n Mamie Thorns, special assistant to the president for diversity programs, and Frank Dane, James V. Finkbeiner endowed chair in ethics, discuss how diversity in the classroom relates to academic achievement.


to be in this position” – Frank Dane

What is an endowed chair?

The six endowed chairs at Saginaw Valley State University are:

Endowed chairs are leading scholars in specialized fields. SVSU’s six endowed chairs are funded by major foundations that permit the chair to teach, in a more limited capacity, while conducting significant research and outreach programs with a regional focus.

• Francis C. Dane, James V. Finkbeiner Endowed Chair in Ethics • Diana R. Lawson, Harvey Randall Wickes Endowed Chair in International Business • James S. Leming, Carl A. Gerstacker Endowed Chair in Education • George M. Puia, The Dow Chemical Company Centennial Chair in Global Business • Christopher H. Schilling, Charles J. Strosacker Endowed Chair in Engineering • David H. Swenson, Herbert H. Dow Endowed Chair in Chemistry

Why is the endowed chair an important position? The reputation of an institution is its capital. SVSU’s reputation is based on the preparedness and professionalism of its graduates. Therefore, a culture of academic integrity is fundamental to the reputation of SVSU in the community. Creating endowed teaching/research positions creates value for degrees granted by attracting the “best and the brightest.”

18 - Foundation News

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Newly-named (to-be-filled) endowed chair positions: • E. Malcolm Field Endowed Chair in Health Sciences • Clifford Spicer Endowed Chair in Engineering

Endowed Chair

A few moments with Ruth Braun. Ruth Braun currently serves on the SVSU Foundation Board and the Board of Control. SVSU Foundation Board Lucille M. Beuthin Ruth A. Braun Barbara J. Byron John A. Decker E. Malcolm Field Eric R. Gilbertson Michael D. Hayes Lucy Horak B.J. Humphreys Kizhakepat P. Karunakaran Burnett S. Kelly D. Brian Law Thomas Ludington Thomas Marx Dominic Monastiere James G. Muladore Susan L. Piesko Grant Schaefer Linda L. Sims Herbert A. Spence III Richard P. Thompson Tina S. Van Dam Robert J. Vitito Jerome L. Yantz Robert S.P. Yien Honorary Directors Dorothy D. Arbury Charles B. Curtiss William A. Groening Jr. John W. Kendall Thomas H. Mutton Alan W. Ott

with SVSU?

I first became involved with education in 1977 when my own children’s elementary education motivated me to serve on Saginaw’s Board of Education. It seemed a natural progression for me to continue my interest in making an impact on higher education; hence my involvement with SVSU.

Q: Who is your role model? Why?

Margaret Thatcher, former Prime Minister of England. She is a remarkable woman who is strong, intelligent, and resolute. She led her country with a focused force of will while conducting herself with dignity and determination.


How do you think the community perception of SVSU has evolved over the years? People have seen SVSU grow from a small college into a fine university that not only offers a first-class education, but also presents a number of intellectual, cultural, athletic and entertainment activities and events.

Q: How would you define “philanthropy”?

“Philanthropy” is the act of charitable and unselfish giving in order to promote opportunities for a better way of life, or for socially useful purposes.

Foundation News


Q: What motivates you to be involved

Q: What have you learned by working

with your fellow SVSU Foundation board members? Getting to know and work with people who are devoted to SVSU has given me an opportunity to share mutual feelings of pride and to see the importance of raising funds that benefit so many students and the people of our entire region.


What do you think motivates people to give to SVSU? The deep conviction that SVSU is a gem of the region and that its presence enhances the quality of life for our students and area residents.


What would you say to convince a parent to send their child to SVSU? There’s so much I would say. First, that a degree earned at SVSU represents an excellent education at a prestigious university; it enables our graduates to be very proud of their SVSU diplomas. I’d also say that students can seriously and intensely pursue a broad range of studies leading to specific degrees that prepare them to succeed in the work world. And finally, I’d say that SVSU is large enough to offer the best educational opportunities of a bigger university, but small enough for students to enjoy and be fulfilled in a family kind of environment. SVSU REFLECTIONS - 19

FOUNDATION REPORT The following list recognizes the many donors who supported SVSU between January 1, and December 31, 2005. Thank you for your generous contributions, which help ensure that SVSU will continue to be something more, something better. We hope you will continue your support in 2006.

Thomas and Hilda Rush Employees of Saginaw Bay Underwriters Saginaw Business Incubator, Inc. The Saginaw News Spence Brothers Sustainable Community Initiatives Fund of the Bay Area Community Foundation SVSU Student Association


Chemical Bank Citizens Bank Citizens Bank-Saginaw

SVSU Founders

Daimler-Chrysler Corp. Fund

$1 million and above,

The Alden & Vada Dow Family

consisting of an aggregate

Estate of Terry Drake

Allen Foundation, Inc.

Ford Motor Co. Fund

Frank N. Andersen Foundation

Marshall M. Fredericks

Mr.* and Mrs. Ned S. Arbury The Dow Chemical Company

n Lucy Horak, who currently serves on the SVSU Foundation Board, discusses endowment opportunities with Lucille Beuthin.

Foundation The Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow Foundation

Dear Friends,

Lucille Beuthin Vice President for Public Affairs Executive Director of Development and The SVSU Foundation Learn more:

Saginaw-Bay City William A. and Virginia* Groening Frances Goll Mills Memorial Fund

Rollin M. Gerstacker Foundation


Harvey Randall Wickes Foundation

Morley Foundation Betty E. Nusselt Trust Donald R. and Donna Roberts Petersen

Altruist $500,000 up to $1 million Barnes & Noble College Bookstores, Inc. The Kresge Foundation

Maxwell K. Pribil Memorial Trust Administered by CB Wealth Management Margaret Jane Stoker Charitable Trust Administered by CB Wealth

Honors $250,000 up to $500,000 ARAMARK Dow Corning Foundation

Management The Melvin L. & Hilda J. Zuehlke Charitable Foundation

William J. and Julia Edwards


The Kantzler Foundation

$50,000 up to $100,000

Rhea E. Miller Trust

The Barstow Foundation

Roger Milliken

The Bay City Times

Wickson Link Memorial Foundation

Mr.* and Mrs. Don A. Cargill

G. James Williams (H.D. ’79)

Scott L. ’81 and Nancy Carmona Chase


Ruth Dixon

$100,000 up to $250,000

Frankenmuth Insurance Company

Robert A. Allesee

Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Hagenlocker

Estate of Mrs. Martha G. Arnold

Robert J. House*

Don H. & Iva M. Bellinger

LaSalle Bank

Scholarship Trust

D. Brian and Trish Law

Administered by CB Wealth

Magline Inc.


Mr. and Mrs. John W. Martin, Jr.

Katherine N. Bemetz Trust

William H. Meek*

Ruth M. Black Trust

Myllykangas Education Trust

Arnold & Gertrude Boutell

Virginia and Donald Nash Family

Memorial Fund Administered by

Ernest E. Paulick

CB Wealth Management

JoAnne and Donald E. Petersen

Champagne & Marx Excavating, Inc.

20 - Foundation News

General Motors Corporation,

Administered by CB Wealth




Dr. and Mrs. E. Malcolm Field The Charles J. Strosacker

Looking back over the past year, I feel a great sense of pride. Pride in the many ways SVSU has grown stronger, due in large part to the commitment of our friends of this region. Reflections is for and about our good friends. It’s about those who believe in SVSU, without whose financial support many of the stories in this magazine would not be possible. This particular section of Reflections proudly pays honor to all who have invested in SVSU over the past year, creating a connection between making a gift and seeing real life results. It is our challenge to position SVSU for a successful tomorrow. This only happens with your confidence in SVSU today, as demonstrated by the many names listed in this section. I wish there was a way to show all our donors the deep appreciation in my heart. Perhaps you can see it reflected back in the pages of this new magazine. The words “thank you” echo on every page.


of all gifts received.

(H.D.) indicates an Honorary Degree from SVSU *Deceased

May Mitchell Royal Foundation

William P. and Susan H. Vititoe Jack and Alice Wirt Wolohan Family Foundation Wolohan Lumber Co. Zdanowicz Family Foundation

Milestone $25,000 up to $50,000 Roberta (Bobbe) Allen Andrews Hooper & Pavlik P.L.C. Dean & Margaret Arbour Braun Kendrick Finkbeiner P.L.C. Ruth and Ted Braun Gregory & Helayne S. Brown Paul L. Brown Mr.* and Mrs. R. William Caldwell Consumers Energy Foundation Mrs. Eleanor Currie Thomas A. and Judith Donahue Lin and Phae Dorman Ms. Suki Fredericks Eric R. and Cynthia F. Gilbertson Eldon L. and Vicky Graham Anonymous Catherine W. Houghton B.J. ’77 and Laura Lamson Humphreys IBEW/NECA Saginaw Labor Management Cooperation Committee Independent Bank David S. James Mr. and Mrs. George M. James John W. and Kathryn Kendall John S. Ludington The Honorable and Mrs. Thomas Ludington Mrs. Gladys Marble Robert Maurovich and Nancy Warner David and Sharon McMath William F. McNally Family Foundation MidMichigan Medical Center - Midland Midland Center for the Arts Midland Cogeneration Venture Monitor Sugar Co. and Growers James G. ’72 and Patricia ’80 Muladore Allen E. and Marie A. Nickless Memorial Foundation


Dr. and Mrs. Frank P. Popoff

Tim S. and Susan L. ’85 Crane

Mr.* and Mrs. Mark Sheldon


Robert J. and Kathryn B. Richard J. and Margaret ’76 Darger

Rowley Brothers, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Rupp

The Herbert and Junia Doan Family Foundation

Saginaw County Child

Development Centers

James P. ’76, ’85 and Cheryl L. Dwyer

Saint Mary’s of Michigan Russell H. and Maxine E.

Janette and Francis Engelhardt

Smith Charitable


Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Ferriss

Star of the West Milling Co.

Sally A. ’80, ’87 and James

Margaret C. Thompson

Mr. T.A. Fitzsimmons

Charitable Trust

Mr. and Mrs. Carl M. Fredericks

Gladys W. Tibbet Trust Upjohn Pharmaceutical Co.

Dr. and Mrs. Christopher


Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A.

Dean & Margaret Arbour Barnes & Noble College

Marguerite R. Warner

Please contact us if you have

Anonymous Donor

established a Planned Gift for

Ruth & Ted (H.D. ‘90)

Mari McKenzie

Weinlander Fitzhugh

SVSU but your name is not

McMath Masonry, Inc.

Samuel L. Westerman

listed above. You may call

Dr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Brown

Lucille Beuthin at the

Paul Brown

SVSU Foundation Office,

Scott L. ‘81 & Nancy Carmona

(989) 964-4052, to discuss

Chemical Bank


Jeffrey L. Roberts ’77 and


Robert W. and Nancy ’76


Donald* and Barbara Weyenberg

Means Industries, Inc.


Bookstore, Inc. Braun, Jr.

Michigan Sugar Co. and Its

Rajkumari Mondol Wiener

your current or future planned

Citizens Bank-Saginaw

Steve and Dena Wirt

giving intentions for SVSU.

Consumers Energy


Mr.* and Mrs. J. William Miller

Wolverine Power Marketing Cooperative

James L. and Barbara L. Mitchell

Jerry A. and Marcena C. Woodcock

National Association of



Robert J. Crozier

Gerstacker Fellowship

Herbert and Junia Doan

Mrs. Eleanor Currie

Purchasing Management

Jerome L. and Dianne Yantz

Saginaw Valley

Norma G. Zivich ’84

Dr. Richard H., Alma W., and

Thomas A. & Judith Donahue

National City Bank of


Family Foundation

R. Scott Gilmore Endowed

The Dow Chemical Company


Northern Concrete Pipe, Inc.


Berner J. Gorden Organic

The Herbert H. and Grace A.

Richard M. ’70 and Julie

The Creating the Future

McCann O’Connor

Society acknowledges

Dr. Ravi and Dr. Rashmi

Estate of Terry Drake



Doris D. Vansen

Dr. G. James Williams

Dirk B. Waltz, Sr.

N. Finzel

Martin H. Stark


Thomas M. and Virginia K.

Kurt* and Barbara Ewend

Mr. and Mrs. William Stange

Robert H. and Marianne



Ranger Tool & Die Company Harry E. Rappa* Family

The Honorable Maryann


Saginaw MI

Chemistry Scholarship

Foundation Dow Foundation

Robert J. and Bobbi Vitito

Garber Management Group

Mr. James W. O’Neill

individuals who share in a

Goyal Endowed

William J. & Julia M. Edwards

Walbro Corporation

Gerace Construction

Alan W. and Jean Ott

unique vision for assisting


Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.

Company, Inc.

Michael and Noreen Parker

SVSU and its students to

Seitz Creative Writing

Frankenmuth Insurance



Herb* and Doris Gettel

Robert J. and Susan Piesko

reach new heights. Last

Wolverine Bank

Leona M. Geyer Trust

Plumbers & Steamfitters

year the SVSU Foundation

Clifford Spicer Endowed Chair

Marshall M. Fredericks

Yeo & Yeo P.C., Certified

Don and Valerie Gill, Jr.

Public Accountants

Local 85

Scholarship in Engineering

Company Foundation

established this new

Dr.* and Mrs. Richard H.

Progressive Dynamics, Inc.

recognition category to honor

E. Malcolm Field Endowed

Rollin M. Gerstacker


Pumford Construction Inc.

individuals who have made

Glastender, Inc.

Dr. and Mrs. Steven Rymal

arrangements for a Planned

Dean Paul J. Uselding


James S. and Carol Goetz


Gift to SVSU. All alumni and

Endowed Scholarship for

Eldon L. & Vicky Graham

$10,000 up to $25,000

Dr. Berner J. and Annette

Saginaw Community

friends of SVSU are eligible

Family Business

Mr. & Mrs. Fritz Horak

Mrs. Mary Anderson

Shiv K. Arora

Employee Owners of

Dr. Gerard and Dr. Caroline

planned gift of an estimated

For a complete list of

Management Cooperation

Asian Food Enterprises

value of $10,000 or more.

endowments, or to inquire


Bay Area Association of the

Drs. Ravindra and Rashmi

Melissa J. ’94 and Jim Seitz

Those who have informed

about establishing an

The Kantzler Foundation

Michigan Plumbing and

Sheet Metal Workers’ Local 7

the SVSU Foundation prior

endowment, contact the

Betty & Bob Keil

Mechanical Contractors

David M. and Jacqueline

Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.

to December 31, 2005 about

SVSU Foundation office at

LaSalle Bank

their planned gift shall be

(989) 964-4052, or e-mail

Robert W. & Nancy ‘76

Dr. Robert S.P. and Amy Yien

Bay Area Marine Dealer’s


Gorden Gougeon Brothers Goyal

G. ’79 Scott


V. Hall

Chair in Health Sciences

for membership with a


Leona M. Geyer Trust

IBEW/NECA Saginaw Labor

Eugene and Mary Pat

Mr. Lawrence H. and Mrs.

listed as Charter Members in

Bay Cast, Inc.

subsequent years. According

Robert Bennett

James D. and Carole Head

Mrs. Irene M. Kinsey Stare

to SVSU Foundation records,

Annual Fund Leadership

Michigan Sugar Company and

Willard V. Bennett*

Scott L. and Martine Holman

Morrie and Julie Stevens

individuals who qualify are:

2005 Committee Co-Chairs:

Gary L. ’71 and Karen

Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Horak

Stevens Worldwide Van Lines

Dominic Monastiere

Midland Cogeneration Venture



Linda L. Sims


Means Industries, Inc. Its Growers

Mr.* and Mrs. Gerald Hornsby

David H. and Nancy Swenson

Charter Members

Susan Piesko

Rhea E. Miller Trust

Lucille M. Beuthin

Deborah and Al Huntley

TCF Bank

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.

2005 Area Chairs:

Monitor Sugar Co. & Growers

Gary R. Bierlein Memorial

Institute of Electrical &

Thelen Auto Group

David Mikolajczak, Bay

Morley Foundation

Electronics Engineers

Dr. and Mrs. D. Eugene

C. Beach Day and Trudy Day

Arthur C. Frock, Midland

Progressive Dynamics, Inc.

(NE Michigan)


Mr. and Mrs. James R. Doane

Jack Provenzano ’77,

Donald R. and Donna Roberts

Ironworkers Local 25

Jean Thompson

Mrs. Alma Gilmore-Doud

Jan Botz ’74 and Tom Lippert

Mr. Gary Kadlec

Richard P. and Sue A. ’86

Mr. William A. Groening, Jr.

William R. and Sally Bowen

Dr. A. Kakarla-Maganti


Betty and Bob Keil


Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H. Blumenau

WONDERLAND Patricia Burnette

Burnett S. and Beverly J. Kelly John M. ’73 and Nancy

Thompson Tubular Metal Systems (formerly Northern Tube)

Chadwick II



Melissa J. ‘94 & Jim Seitz

2005 Annual Gift Clubs

Russell H. and Maxine E.

B.J. and Laura Lamson

Smith Charitable

Advocates Club


Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Horak Humphreys

Alice E. Turner Memorial Trust

Mr. Ernest E. Paulick

$5,000.00 and above

Mr. & Mrs. William W. Stange

U.A.W. Local 699

Mrs. Donna Roberts

Roberta (Bobbe) Allen

Martin H. Stark


Lakehead Pipe Line Co. Inc.

Valley Gear & Machine, Inc.

Mr. Martin H. Stark

Stevens Worldwide Van

Comerica Bank

Sara Margaret Leki Trust

Barbara Veremis-Arnas ’92

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Vitito

Americana Foundation, Inc.

Construction Financial

Mr. and *Mrs. Edward H.

Richard B. and Mary Ann M.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.

Frank N. Andersen

Anonymous Donor

Kenneth M. White Trust

Amien A. Carter

Management Association





In a report of this size, a mistake in recognition will occasionally occur. If your name has been omitted or misspelled, please contact the Foundation Office (989) 964-4052

Foundation News

Pepsi Bottling Group,



Lines, Inc.


FOUNDATION REPORT Harvey Randall Wickes

Tim S. & Susan L. ‘85 Crane

John S. Ludington (H.D. ‘77)

William P. & Susan H. Vititoe

Kurt & Jeny Deming

Anonymous Donor

Dr. & Mrs. Douglas M.

Hon. & Mrs. Thomas

Clayton L. & Ann Dickey

D. Brian & Trish Law

Wickson Link Memorial

Joseph ‘76, ‘82 & Susan

Ilmars ‘78 & Margaret J.

Kathleen M. Leikert

Currie Kendall, PLC

MacDonald Broadcasting Co.

Dr. Douglas & Marguerite

G. James Williams (H.D. ‘79)

Dr. Francis C. Dane

Mahar Tool Supply Co., Inc.

Marwan Wafa

David H. & Sue Dunn

Wirt Family Foundaton

Richard J. & Margaret ‘76

James V. ‘78 & Mary Beth

Irene Warsaw* (H.D. ‘80)

James P. ‘76, ‘85 & Cheryl L.

Averetta E. Lewis ‘79 & ‘85

Wolverine Power Marketing

Margaret Watson

Dr. & Mrs. John A. Ley

Norman & Christine Davis

Jack F. Martin

Weinlander Fitzhugh

George W. & Judy

Mark & Charlotte Lippincott

Dean Arbour Ford-Jeep

Thomas M. & Virginia K. Marx

Jack S. ‘88 & Konnie Werner

Anonymous Donor

Deans Club

Gerald & Florence Decker

Robert Maurovich & Nancy

Mrs. Barbara Weyenberg

Emil Rummel Agency, Inc.

Antoinette M. Lyon

$1,000.00 to $4,999.00

Lin (H.D. ‘88) & Phae Dorman

Rajkumari M Wiener ‘73

Barbara Ewend

Richard H. ‘89 & Diane Lyon

Dr. Raana Akbar & Dr.

Draper Chevrolet Company

David & Sharon McMath

Wobig Construction

Michael L. ‘68, ‘77 & Janet K.

Magline Inc.

Edward Jones

Memorial Presbyterian Church

Wayne & Rita Maier

Mr. & Mrs. Arnold A. Allemang

Catherine D. Engel

Wolgast Corporation

Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd E. Fairbanks

Kevin L. Maize ‘91

Altrusa International of

Dale & Catherine A. Faunce

James L. & Barbara L.

Mr. & Mrs. Lynn R. Wolgast

Dr. & Mrs. Harry B. Farris

Dr. Luigi Maresca &

Sally A. ‘80, ‘87 & James

Jerry A. & Marcena C.

KJ Foster ‘00 & ‘03

Andrews Hooper & Pavlik,

Drs. John & Gretchen

Frankenmuth Bavarian Inn

Janet R. Marsh

David T. & Jean M. Marx

Foundation Foundation


Waheed Akbar




N. Finzel




of Midland Mitchell

Charitable Foundation ‘89 Vogl

Company, Inc.



Dwyer, Jr. Eastland, Jr.

‘77 Faerber


Dr. Carlotta Maresca

Mrs. Elizabeth R. Fitzhugh

Jerome L. & Dianne Yantz

Anonymous Donor

Ralph J. & Marilyn G. ‘81

Morley Companies, Inc.

Yeo & Yeo P.C. CPA’s and

Frank’s Great Outdoors

Craig T. Maxwell

Roselyn D. Argyle ‘66

James G. ‘72, ‘82 & Patricia

Future Options Inc.

Dr. Mark W. McCartney

Donald J. & Liana Bachand

Suki Fredericks

York Electric, Inc.

Gardey & Associates, LLC

Jeffrey L. Roberts ‘77 & Mari

Dr. Stephen P. Barbus & Dr.

David R. Gamez

Eric & Wen Jie Nisula

Norma G. Zivich ‘84

Robert & Sharon Gentner

Garber Management Group

John Noren

Calvin & Marilyn Goeders

James H. & Barbara

James & Connie Barnhart

The George Fund

Richard M. ‘70 & Julie

Valley Club

Roger & Virginia Gohrband

Bay Area Marine Dealers

Eric R. & Cynthia F. Gilbertson

$500.00 to $999.00

Brad ‘74 & Karen J. ‘79

Robert M. McNamara

Robert W. and Nancy ‘76


Susan Betts Barbus



‘80 Muladore

McCann O’Connor

Business Consultants


McKenzie McLennan

Don & Valerie Gill, Jr.

Alan W. (H.D. ‘98) & Jean Ott

AAUW - Bay City Branch

Mr. & Mrs. Curtis R. Berger

Alma Gilmore-Doud

Ernest E. Paulick

Alloy Construction, Inc.

Joseph A. ‘90 & Mary E.

Stuart J. & Ruth Ann ‘73

Glastender, Inc.

Dr. Frank P. (H.D. ‘02) & Jean

Mr. & Mrs. Lambert E.

Merrill Lynch




Global Antiques and

Jean Grey

Anonymous Donor

Mrs. Irene J. Beshgetoor

George & Lynn Puia

Jane M. Anderson ‘86

Bruce M. & Judy Groom

Rashid & Khawar Mohsini

Lucille M. Beuthin

GM Powertrain Division-

Pumford Construction Inc

Anguiano Insurance Agency

M. Rob ‘86 & Leslie K. ‘86

Dominic & Pamela Monastiere

Mike and Kathy Bierlein &

Susan Pumford

David & June Bailey

Dr. Merlyn Mondol & Dr. Hero

Steven & Christine M. ‘92

Mrs. Mark Sheldon Putnam

Dr. Jerry R. Baker

Jill Gushow

Bishop Energy Services, LLC

David L. Rayfield

Dr. David E. Barker

James & Carolyn M. ‘88

Mason & Betty Morrison

Ruth Miles & J. Laurence

William A. Groening, Jr.

John M. & Barbara Roberts

Russell A. ‘91 & Debra J ‘89

Steve & Nancy Mughmaw

Bleasdale Family

Edward & Elyse Rogers

Dr. Thomas D. Harris ‘71

Thomas H. & Connie J. ‘85


Mr. & Mrs. Edward E.

Michael R. ‘77 & Lisa J.

Robert T. & Valerie Becker

Barbara G. Heller

Blue Cross Blue Shield of

Robert & Pamela Belmonte

Gregory & Maryann Herzler

John W. & Joan Nagy, 7


Bierlein Companies

Collectibles Malleable Iron Plant Greve (H.D. ‘74) Hagenlocker










Eugene J. & Mary Pat

Thomas & Hilda Rush

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Bevirt

Dr. & Mrs. Roger Hill

W. Brock* & Mary Neely

Jan Botz ‘74 & Tom Lippert

Kamal & Shahnaz Sadjadpour

Bierlein Companies, Inc.

Sherry L. Hill ‘81

Ronnie J. Newmann

Braun Kendrick Finkbeiner

James D. & Carole Head

Saginaw Bay Underwriters

Fred & Janet Birnbaum

Dawn G. ‘80 & Dennis S.

Allen E. & Marie A. Nickless

Heck’s Bar, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Sidney

Dr. & Mrs. Etcyl H. Blair


Bob & Joyce Hetzler

Mr. Lawrence H. & Mrs. Linda

Blasy Electric, Inc.

Diane Y. Hoover ‘90 & ‘97

Massimina Peluso ‘83




Memorial Foundation

James & Rosemary Hill

David & Janalou Blecke

Howe Marketing

Charles & Veronica Pelzer

Stuart L. & Roberta Bridge

Drew E. & Sara R. ‘96

Edwin W. & Suzanne

Paul Bowman ‘71

Robert J. & Susan Piesko

Joni Boye-Beaman

Independent Bank

Plastatech Engineering, Ltd.



L. Sims




Ruth Caldwell

The F.P. Horak Company, Inc.

The Standing Company

Anonymous Donor

Jem Connor Corporation

Dr. Albert C. Plaush

Harold E. Campau, Jr. ‘71

Mrs. Dorothy Hornsby

Irene M. Kinsey Stare

Gary & Merry Jo Brandimore

Mr. & Mrs. David A. Jenson

Anonymous Donor

Carbone of America


Morrie & Julie Stevens

Brandle Roofing & Sheet

Roland J. Jersevic

Albert J. Pruss

Corporation/Ultra Carbon

JP Morgan Chase Foundation

James F. & Betsy Stoddard

Henri Junod Jr.

Dr. Robert L. and Terry


Leo A. Kahan

Henry & Cheryl Sullivan

John & Pat Buday

Dale & Rosemarie Jurek

Anonymous Donor

Carolyn A. Keipinger ‘82

Anonymous Donor

Robert E. ‘82 & Cynthia A.

Mr. & Mrs. William C. Jurgens

Giacamo ‘77 & Lynne E.

W. L. Case & Co. Funeral

Burnett S. & Beverly J. Kelly

Dr. David H. & Nancy

Dr. K. P. and Mrs. L.

Michaele Duffy Kramer

Patrick J. ‘77 & Deborah ‘78

James J. & Alana Rabedioux

Winfred L. & Mary L. Case

John M. ‘73 & Nancy Kunitzer

Norma G. Taylor

Barbara Keefer

Carlos & Jean Ramet

Champagne & Marx

Gary Labadie

Thelen Auto Group

Robert J. Cierzniewski

Anonymous Donor

Walt & Cookie ‘80, ‘00

Dr. Guy M. & Trevor Lee, Jr.

Margaret C. Thompson

Margaret E. Clark

Dr. Judith B. Kerman

Citizens Banking Corporation

Sara Margaret Leki Trust

Dan & Linda Cline

Melinda W. Kern

M. Richard & Patricia Reuter

Basil A. & Margaret A. Clark

James S. Leming

TR Sales & Marketing LLC

Thomas W. & Joanne Cline

David K. ‘67 & Janet Kessel

Mark & Etta Rieffel

William Colston

Barbara Mahar Lincoln

Valley State Employees Credit

Dr. & Mrs. David J. Conrad

B.R. & Lynn Kissman

Robert Kidd Gallery Inc.

Fred C. Cook

Robert W. ‘81 & Jill M. ‘81

Richard C. Cross

Paul Kramer

Robert Trahan Electric Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. John Coursey

Robert J. & Bobbi Vitito

Dr. & Mrs. Michael A. Davis II

Gary M. Kreh

Debwin Williams Roberts


Excavating, Inc.

22 - Foundation News


Learn more:


Charitable Trust




Chadwick II Chernich


Pratt, Jr. Provenzano



Dr. Gholmreza Akbari

Jack P. & Camille A. ‘80

Dr. Jane Girdham & Michael

Michael G. ‘73 & Nancy S.

Mrs. Helen Mastromarco

Dr. Janet K. Robinson


Melissa A. McCann Rau ‘91

Mark & Elizabeth A. Roe

Dave Ash

Mr. & Mrs. William C. Collins

Michael & Maryann Goschka

Tony J. Kas-Mikha

Thomas J. & Suzanne

Roth Cleaners, Inc.

Michael A. ‘93 & Susan J.

Commercial Kitchen

Charles Goss

Thomas M. Kennedy ‘75

Kenneth G. ‘90 & Ann M.

Dr. Michael J. Marcincuk ‘87 &

Dr. Edward F. Kickham

Daniel P. McCarthy



Service Co.



Norman R. Baczkiewicz ‘74

Ms. Alice M. Cornejo

Lawrence J. & Lisa Kickham

David & Sherene ‘76 McCloy

Tim & Sharon Rudey

Paul Ballard

Merlin Coty & Carol Hardy

John E. Green Company

Robert H. Kin

Patrick ‘74 & Joan M. McCoy

Cynthia A. Sager

Kurt W. ‘87, ‘99 & Heather

JoAnn Crary

Marie T. Guimond

Thomas M. & Mary Ann

John & Virginia McCulloch

The Saginaw News

Credit Services of Michigan

John J. Gutierrez ‘77

Gary C. McDougall ‘87 &

Christopher H. Schilling

Raymond F. ‘91 & Karen

Dr. and Mrs. William J. Crinzi

Tanya M. Habitz ‘97

Marjorie Klashak

Karen S. Smith ‘88

Ken & Rosemary Schindler

Charles B. & Susan Curtiss

James W. Hackett Jr.

James E. Klemish

Thomas E. McIntyre ‘71

Daniel E. Sealey ‘91

Bavarian Inn Motor Lodge

Mr. Charles V. Cusick

John O. Hamilton ‘87

Dr. & Mrs. William M. Klykylo

Gary A. ‘83 & Elizabeth M.

Dr. Samuel H. & Patricia A.’71

The Bay City Times

Terrence C. ‘75, ‘84 & Patti

Douglas E. & Patricia M. ‘92

Georgia L. Knapp ‘88

Phyllis L. Beehr ‘73

Cameron Knowles

William P. ‘76 & Linda I.

James & Judith Shinners

Harold ‘86 & Doris J.

Hepsie H. Davis ‘87

Merlin Coty & Carol Hardy

Mrs. Patsy Knoy

Shinners & Cook, P.C.

Dawson & Associates, Inc

Richard A. Hanson ‘81

David V. Kowalski ‘79

Dana & Karen Monville

Short Freight Lines, Inc

Robert B. Bennett

John A. & Sally A. Decker

Dr. Mary R. Harmon

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Krafft, Jr.

Mrs. Virginia Morrison

Mrs. Amelia J. Smith

Mrs. Bertha Berger

Matthew D. Defever ‘99

Bruce A. ‘84 & Hollee A.

John L. & Margaret Krawczyk

Guy T. & Jane Moulthrop

Smith Bovill, P.C.

James W. Bernthal

Thomas E. Defoe ‘95

Michael & Patricia Kremin, Jr.

Evelyn Mudd

Spence Brothers

Dr. & Mrs. Donald L. Berry

David M. & Linda ‘74 Deguise

William A. ‘74 & Janette

Dr. James R. (H.D. ‘86) &

William J. ‘83, ‘92 & Geralynn

Spicer Group

Andrew J. ‘87 & Andrea M.

Tim A. DeLisle ‘94

Margaret Strickland

Sally Stegeman DiCarlo

William Harvey

Rhonda Kuehn ‘77, ‘82

Dr. Paul Munn

SVSU Faculty Association

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Bevirt

Fred & Sally Dickinson

Dr. Phyllis G. Hastings

Ronald J. Kurlinski ‘92 & Lisa

Michelle Murlick

Jason J. Swackhamer ‘97

Dave & Bobbie Beyerlein

Daniel J. Dijak ‘78

Larry & Ellen Hatcher

John P. Murphy

TBF Graphics

Russell P. ‘84 & Marilyn Biefer

George F. & Ruth Ditzhazy

Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Hawkins

Michael & Victoria Landt

David R. ‘74 & Vickie Murray

Mrs. Edward L. Thompson

Erica L. Bischer ‘05

Mr. & Mrs. James R. Doane

Matthew R. ‘83 & Judy Heinen

Robert & Sheryl Lane

Milton C. ‘71 & Jean B. Murray

Richard P. & Sue A. ‘86

Dr. Deborah Ramirez Bishop

Bryan W. Dole ‘98

Rejeana R. Heinrich

Gregory B. ‘83 & Dawn M.

Danny & Mary Lou Myers

Hans S. Bittner, Jr. ‘95

Robert & Betty ‘80 Dork

Marie L. Hendrick

Dr. Ramesh Naram

Drs. Odail & Mamie Thorns

Toby & Christyn Blosser

Albert Douglas

Herbert & Vanessa B. Herd

Londia Langston ‘79

Thomas J. Nellenbach ‘90

Ronald E. ‘01 & Kathleen A.

Blue Lakes Charters & Tours

Duro-Last Inc.

Dr. Lynn H. Herkstroeter

Anonymous Donor

David E. ‘83 & Barb Nelson

Martina Boda ‘88

Gary E. & Linda Ebel

Mr. & Mrs. John T. Higgins

Leonard H. & Geraldine A.

Mr. & Mrs. William F. Nelson

Alice E. Turner Memorial Trust

Diane M. Boehm

Warren Eilber

Dr. & Mrs. Barron M. Hirsch

Duane Nickless

John McCormick & Dr. Nancy

J. J. Boehm

Dr. Gamal A. Elashhab

Robert & Elaine Hirschfield

Richard & Mary Beth

Rev. Patrick C. O’Connor

Greta Bolger

John ‘81 & Susie B. Emond

Stephen L. & Leanne W.

Patricia C. & E. Louis

Mr. Edward A. Valenzuela

Mark J. Bondarenko ‘81

Michael J. Erickson ‘86

William R. Leser

Philip* & Tina S. Van Dam

John & Mary Sue Booms

Thomas L. & Suellen Estes III

Gerald & Litsa Hoefling

Timothy L. ‘74 & Bonnie Lipan

Mrs. Dorothea O’Laughlin

John & Constance

Mrs. Claire Bosscher

Harold E. & Patricia Evans

Nancy J. Hollerback ‘83

Lori M. Lipinski ‘95, ‘01

Mark L. Oliver ‘91

Daniel G. & Patricia ‘78

Peter & Jill Ewend

Mark Hooper

Roger A. Lonsway ‘81

Eleanor Olson

James E. Volmering ‘93

Joseph Fabiano

Randal S. ‘82 & Judy M. ‘80

Chris Looney & Christie

Arthur W. ‘98 & Linda L.

Dean Waldie

Robert & Sarah Braddock

Arthur M. Fierros

Curt & Margaret White

Ellis N. & Jeanette Brandt

Mary J. Filion ‘78

Matthew F. ‘92, ‘99 & Victoria

Kathy L. Lopez ‘78, ‘88, ‘00

Jay L. Owens ‘78

Michael J. ‘97 & Bridget Windy

Kathryn J. Braun ‘73 & ‘80

Daniel ‘71 & Linda A. ‘89

Gary W. Louchart ‘72

Donald L. Padgett ‘85

Mark J. Wolinski ‘95

William P. & Jo Ann Brennan

B. J. ‘77 & Laura Lamson

Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Luczak

Dr. Zhidong Pan

Lloyd J. (H.D. ‘04) & Judy Yeo

Dr. Robert G. & Ruth E. (H.D.

D. R. Firebaugh ‘74

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Lupow

Dr. Sunil P. & Jayanits Pandit

Dr. Robert S. P. & Amy Yien

Max & Caroline Fisher

Deborah & Al Huntley

Stanley Mack III ‘70

Charles P. & Valerie Pappas

Zehnders of Frankenmuth

Lawrence H. & Marivene

Margaret M. Flatt

Timothy M. ‘89, ‘96 & Amy E.

Timothy M. MacKay

Terry A. Paris

The Melvin L. and Hilda J.

Bradley P. Floerke

Brian S. ‘76 & Pamela

Robert L. ‘84 & Hollis M.

Zuehlke Charitable

Timothy E. ‘02 & Jo A. ‘85

James E. Florczak ‘73

Dale T. & Nancy Irish


Denis & Pat Fodrocy

Dr. & Mrs. Abul F. Islam and

Wayne & Nancy Mackie

Kim & Ann Pavlik







R. Ballien Bartels, Jr.




‘82) Bridge Brown Brownlie



Susan C. Gotfried ‘83, ‘87


‘97 Hart ‘75 Hart


Hostetler A. ‘91 Hufnagel Humphreys

‘98 Inman


Barbara Krohn

M. Rechtzigel ‘93


LeFevre Leininger

Lozen-Looney ‘83


McMall Mitchell



O’Neal II

‘87 Paul

Dennis H. ‘79 & Brenda L

Dennis L. ‘73 & Diane Foley

Francis & Angelina M.

Laura Peil

University Club

Frederick W. & Betty Lou Foltz

Donald W. Jackson ‘88

Anonymous Donor

$200.00 to $499.00

Kern R. ‘77 & Sandra Burden

Charles K. & Morrow Ford

Emma L. Jackson ‘78

Robert & Judith ‘75, ‘81

Dave ‘78 & Terri Pettyplace

1st State Bank

Robert G. Burditt

Delores M. Ford-Heinrich

Mr. & Mrs. Bing J. Jacobs

Annette L. Pinney

Mr. & Mrs. Gary H. Adelman

Cheryl A. ‘87 and ‘96 &

Carol L. Francke ‘76, ‘85

Tom & Dee Jacoby

Lisa A. Mahoney ‘03

Daniel L. Pletzke ‘71

Melvyn K. ‘91 & Myrna ‘82

Christopher & Denise

David R. & Janice James

Jonathan A. Majchrzak

Mr. & Mrs. Donald T. Popielarz

Frederick ‘71 & Catherine ‘71

James J. Jasienski

Remo R. & Camille Maneri

Ronald E. Portwine

Claudia J. Anderson ‘82

James L. ‘73 & Jan M. ‘81

Mary Ann E. Jersevic ‘70, ‘87

James A. ‘88 & Janice

Anonymous Donor

Mary Anderson

Vicente D. ‘75 & Karla R

Gary J. & Lynn A. Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Powell

Dr. Arthur G. Andrewes

Mr. & Mrs. Dominick V.

Mr. Shaun M. Johnson ‘02

William & Darlene Mantle

Jerry W. Price ‘74

David & Nicole Arbury

Larry Champagne

Donald & Margaret Johnston

Paul Marcela

Jon & Diana Priebe

John Armstrong

Carey & Mary Chappell

Eric Gardner

Howard Jones, Jr. ‘86

Harry E. Martin, Jr.

John & Mary Princing

Janet I. Martineau

Marie J. Rabideau ‘92, ‘97



Kenneth E. Burzynski Campau Castellanos

Fredericks Gaertner Gagliardi


John H. Christ

MacMillan Magyar


Foundation News


In a report of this size, a mistake in recognition will occasionally occur. If your name has been omitted or misspelled, please contact the Foundation Office (989) 964-4052


FOUNDATION REPORT Michael R. Racine ‘95

Dr. Jonathan Leonard & Ms.

Stanley & Doris Wenglikowski

Heather A. Bissell ‘97

Dolores A. Dinsmore ‘89

David M. ‘79 & Karen E.

Donald & Karen

Judy M. Werner ‘84

William D. Black

Dockside Custom Canvas, Inc.

Steven W. & Michele Sherlock

Melrita L. Westerlund ‘90

Dr. & Mrs. Fred A. Blanchard

John W. Dodge

Healing Solutions

Dr. Scott E. ‘86 & Amy L.

Dr. D. Joseph & Phyllis Shlien

Edwin D. & Jill L. ‘79 Wetmore

Kathleen Blanchard

Larry D. Dotson ‘00

Lynda Heathscott

Carol Short

Karl J. Weyand, Jr.

Keith L. Blazaitis ‘79

Dr. & Mrs. Paul Douglas

Jeanna L. Hegyi

The Rehmann Group

Sigma Pi Alumni Association

Nancy Whalen

Ann F. Blazejewski ‘79

Ryan C. Duckworth

William Hendrick, Sr.

Lynn & Gay Reigle

James E. & Patricia Whaley

Richard Blazejewski

Chad L. Dunlap ‘97

John B. Henry

Dr. Thomas J. & Pamela

James F. Simon ‘70

Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard Wharton

Frank Bontumasi ‘87

Terry L. Dunlap ‘87

Lois M. Herbage

Michael & Sarah Simon

Jerry L. & Sandra K. Willis

Christopher Boquette ‘95

Daniel P. ‘77 & Jean Dwyer

Michele A. ‘81 & Jeffrey

Matthew J. Reno ‘93

Danilo Sirias

James L. & Therese Wolohan

Daniel G. & Patricia ‘78

Jennifer K. Emmendorfer

Cherie A. ‘84 & Walter H. ‘84

Stephen W. Skillman ‘94

Sharon L. Wolohan

Dianne Engelhardt

Kristina M. Hester ‘85

Rauschenberger Redwantz


Sally Shepardson

of Saginaw




Larry Slasinski ‘75

Joyce K. Woods (H.D. ‘92)

Matthew S. ‘82 & Rachel K.

Melissa A. Ernst ‘91

Milton E. Higgs

Kean G. Richard

Dr. & Mrs. A. Lee Smith

Lavern L. Wyse

Chris ‘73 & Patricia ‘73

Barbara E. Hopper ‘77

Gary R. & Lynette A.

Rick & Candy Smith

Dr. Charlotte & Bing Yang

Jo Ann Bowman ‘88

Gary E. ‘87 & Joyce J.

Leo F. ‘85 & Gloria Snidersich

Gary R. & Laura L. ‘87 Yelsik

Gary V. ‘93 & Susan M. ‘93,

Anonymous Donor

Thomas A. Rinness ‘88

Frank G. & Ellen F. ‘72 Snyder

Fleury Yelvington

David & Cindy S. ‘95 Ferrio

Daniel R. ‘89 & Melissa Horne

David H. ‘70 & Rae Ann

Doug Spence

Laura B. ‘91 & Steve Yockey

Edward Brege

Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Ferriss

Dr. & Mrs. Walter L. Howland

Herbert A. & Mary Spence, Jr.

Winfred C. Zacharias

Mr. & Mrs. William A. Bridge

Irene C. Ferry ‘79

Charles Huang

Anonymous Donor

Herbert & Kathryn Curtiss ‘82,

Drew R. ‘85 & Tracy L.

Karl R. Briggs ‘81

Field Neurosciences Institute

Brian K. Hughey ‘03

Randall M. ‘97 & Amy L. ‘91

J. Randall Broadfoot ‘71

Patrick M. Fitzgerald ‘79

Interlude Media

Robert S. & Jane Spence, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Ziarno

Wayne N. ‘92 & Lorene

Edward Flagg

Dawn M. Iseler ‘02

Jeffrey T. Roscoe ‘78

Mr. & Mrs. Walter T. Spencer

David M. ‘73 & Kenna S. Zorn

Mr. & Mrs. Ernest

Teruo T. & Simi Ishihara

Rosemary Rozewski ‘91

Donald Stadnika

Kevin J. ‘78 & Jeanne A. ‘80

Jeffrey J. Brooks ‘90

Dr. M. Yousef Jabbari

Dr. Randall N. & Judy A.

Phillip J. ‘78 & Tamara S.

Tracey L. Brown ‘05

Virginia M. Foley ‘82

Margaret E. Jackson ‘73 & ‘78

Gerald E. Bruce

Fordney Club, Saginaw

Mark M. Jaffe Jared J. Jagutis ‘03



Roche III


‘80 Ruff

‘00 Spence




‘89 Bowerman

‘97 Brasseur





Mr. & Mrs. Gary Rummel

Louis & Jo Ann Stanley

Century Club

Timothy R. Burke

William & Annette Rummel

Joseph & Glennda J.

$100.00 to $199.00

Clarence H. Burkes ‘94

William & Carol Frederick, Jr.

David S. James

Randall R. & Jean Rupp

A & D Home Care, Inc.

Emmie Busch ‘89, ‘93

Linda J. Frieders-Welin ‘82

Lorraine E. Jarusel ‘79

Vicki L. Rupp ‘83

Andrea J. Sting ‘82

Advanced Surveillance

Eric L. Buschlen ‘94

Holly S. Furlo, ‘01

Kyle Jaskulka

Glen & Elna Rushman

Michael R. Stoner ‘86

Barbara J. Byron ‘84

Mr. & Mrs. Dominick V.

Richard D. Jeffers

Joseph L. Ruth

Marc E. ‘83 & Tina M. McIntire

Donald S. Agnew ‘91

Caltech Industries, Inc.

John F. Jenney

Dr. Jack M. (H.D. ‘92) & Lila

Ahler’s Trophy Shop LLC

Mary L. Card ‘86

Jeanne M. ‘78 & James R.

Ollie A. Johnson ‘77

Debra J. Strasz ‘79

Douglas Akright ‘74, ‘77

Mary Cavanaugh

Raymond K. Johnston ‘95

Karin K. Ryder ‘82

Chris M. ‘82 & Susan Streeter

Anonymous Donor

Dr. & Mrs. David W. T. Chen

Charlotte A. Glesner ‘98

Darlene M. Joseph

John R. ‘72 & Rebecca L.

David F. Strong ‘79

Stephen Anderson ‘73

Andrew Chubb

Eric Goetz

Jeffery T. Jozwiak ‘94

Gerald K. & Kathryn J. Stuart

Mr. & Mrs. James H. Andrews

Russell J. Clark ‘98

Max W. & Delores Golombisky

Dr. & Mrs. Jose Mari G. Jurado

SAE Foundation

SVSU Ablers Club

Dr. Gary R. Apsey

Clements Electric, Inc.

Chad W. Goodchild ‘99

Larry & Kathleeen Kalmar

SAE International

Russell P. ‘85 & Susan Taylor

David & Nicole Arbury

Jack P. & Camille A. ‘80

John B. Goodsell ‘79

Dennis & Sharon Keener

Team One Credit Union

James M. Aspin ‘87

Frank J. Gotts ‘98

Timothy J. Keener

Patrick C. ‘80 & Nancy A. ‘84

Robert J. Thaler

Dr. Arnold R. Babcock

Dr. & Mrs. William S. Cline

Brad ‘74 & Karen J. ‘79

Steven E. ‘76 & Carol E.

Heather A. Thomas ‘94

Daniel Bade

Carl M. Conner

Anonymous Donor

Lowell S. ‘69 & Jane Thomas

Tammi L. ‘94 Bakos

Rick & Ginny Conrad

Robert E. Graham

John M. Kelly

Dr. Shyamalendu & Priti ‘82

Violet P. Thorsberg

Stephen Balbach

James J. Cook ‘94

William Gregor

Mr. & Mrs. James A. Kendall

William & Barbara Tite

Richard L. ‘01 & Andrea L. ‘88

Richard Cook

Tracy A. (Sawley) Greib ‘86

Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur W. Kennett

Barry W. ‘86 & Ann Saunders

Deborah A. Tomich ‘94

Mr. & Mrs. Ernest S.

Paul F. Grzenia

Neil J. ‘71 & Karen A. Kent

Elinor Saunders

Tri-Star Trust Bank

Adam Ball

Richard Gwizdala ‘76

Janet A. Key ‘80

Harold Saunders

Scott C. Upright

Elissa Basil

Merlin Coty & Carol Hardy

Rhoda L. Hacker ‘00

Anonymous Donor

Robert J. ‘74 & Ruth M. ‘71

Paul & Marilyn Uselding

Ann M. Bauman ‘80 & Gary

Thomas G. ‘82 & Judith C.

Bruce D. ‘83 & ‘00 & Jeanine

Mary E. Kilbourn

Joyce M. Van Ochten ‘74

Sue A. Kirchman ‘87, ‘93

Russell B. Scaffede ‘71

Jonathan S. Van Tol ‘92

Bay Regional Medical Center

Dorothy Crozier

Valerie A. Haller ‘95

Joseph J. Kiss II

Grant A. & Janice Schaefer

Joseph E. & Lydia Vital

Bay Special Care

Anonymous Donor

Michael & Sandra Hamilton

Roderick ‘89 & Ruth M. ‘91

Mr. & Mrs. Roy Schairer

David L. ‘84 & Carol M. ‘86

Dr. Marna Beard

H. Eric & Eileen Curtis

Frank J. Hanchon ‘81

Ronald G. & Penny A.

Robert T. Becker, Jr. ‘79

Linda A. Dahn ‘87

Robert D. & Julia Hanes

Ned E. Kleinke ‘81



Mid-Michigan Section Samolewski




‘96 Strain


Group, Inc.




Cornwell, Jr.



Gagliardi Giroux


M. ‘95 Hair



Kathryn J. Waldron ‘88, ‘92

William L. ‘77 & Shirley Bedard

Elizabeth L. Daniels ‘96

Michael & Sheila Hanisko

Jameason R. Kline ‘99

Elaine R. Schnepf

David & Zella Bueker Wallace

Mary K. Bennett ‘71

Cheryl A. David

Ronald B. Hardy ‘70

Richard & Marilyn Y. ‘81 Knight

Deanna K. Schultz

Foundation Charitable

Jean Bentoski

Cathy Davis

Charles Fahlgren & Katherine

Janet Knisely-Simons, MA ‘01

Kevin J. ‘92 & Rebecca ‘02


Scott D. ‘81 & Sharon

Clyde W. & Martha A. Davis

Donald J. ‘85 & Carol E. ‘86

Joanne G. Wallace

Scott A. “Tony” Dearing

Clara Harrand

Elaine G. Schwanbeck

Joel G. Watz ‘94, 7

Donald Bethune

Amy E. Denton ‘03

Donald C. & Jane Harris

Kenneth F. Konesny

Bruce J. & Karyl Scorsone

Thomas J. & Barb Weadock

Anirudha Bhandiwad

John P. Deterding ‘93

Marilyn Harris ‘69

Barbara A. Kosanovich ‘00

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Seyuin

Nan Wells

Marianne Bird

Allison A. Detgen ‘02

Robert L. Hart

John Kosanovich

Mike Wenglikowski

Craig A. ‘85 & Hollie Bishop

Mr. & Mrs. Wayne D. Dillon



24 - Foundation News

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Larry & Peggy Krupa

FOUNDATION REPORT Danielle A. Krupp ‘02

Harold M. & Carla Miller

Robert B. Rose ‘92

Melissa Teed

David J. Wongso ‘97

Raytheon Company

Karl Kruzell

Laura E. Miller ‘03

Greg & Tammy Rosecrans

Damon Tempey

Susi Wongso ‘83, ‘85

SBC Foundation

Don & Lois Krzysiak

R. Lynn Miller, Jr. ‘92

E. Lawrence & Verna

Gordon D. Thayer

Robert D. ‘97 & Beth Wood

Siemens VDO Automotive

Krzysiak’s House Restaurant

Ronald C. Miller ‘78

The Ramona Group

Marion Wyatt

Janet K. ‘85 & Paul Lalonde

James A. Mitchell ‘85

Dr. Frederick C. & Beth Rosin

Joy C. Thomas ‘91

Steven ‘86 & Beverly Yanca

Sysco Corporation

Sabrina Lane

Kevin E. Moore

Joseph Rousseau

Keith H. Thomas ‘88

Stuart H. Yntema

UBS Foundation USA

Charles ‘75 & Amber

Anonymous Donor

Paul F. ‘85 & Willa M.

Diane Dufresne Thompson ‘87

Ruth Ann Zahnow McAllister

Richard A. ‘84 & Margaret

Mr. & Mrs. Clyde K. Tobin

Craig Zanot

The UPS Foundation

Gayle J. ‘86 & Alec Laorr

Dr. Janet E. Rubin

Joseph J. & Linda M. Todey

Steven ‘86 & Tammy Zehnder

Wabco Corporation

Mary E. ‘92 & Daniel J. LaPan

Mr. & Mrs. Carl N. Mortenson

Bethany K. Rusch ‘83, ‘88

Dave Tokarsky

Joseph B. & Wanda G. ‘73

William C. & Linda P.

Richard D. & Patricia A. ‘86

Majed & Rheame Sahouri

Bruce M. Tomke ‘91

Barbara C. Sageman ‘98, ‘00

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Trahan







Matching Gift Program

Tribute Giving In Honor of:

Arthur L. ‘84 & Donna Lauer

Jennifer L. Murlick ‘96

Saginaw Valley Chapter

Jean S. Treadway


Richard Garber

Frederick A. Lavery, Jr.

Michael L. Murphy

Construction Financial

Gregory J. & Shelley Turner

Ahler’s Trophy Shop LLC

William A. Groening, Jr.

Bruce W. ‘86 & Terri L. Law

Fred L. Neering

Management Association

Grant Urband

Bader Brothers

Thomas Owens

Anonymous Donor

Jeffery Newingham

Gerald A. ‘74 & Joyce M. ‘74

John R. Van Laan

Lucille M. Beuthin

Thomas E. Schindler

Mark Law

Harry V. Newton ‘70

Johnlyn S. Vanlooy ‘69

Carbone of America

Jill K. & Richard B. Learman

David J. & Joan Niewiadomski

Michael J. & Anne Sauer

James L. ‘76 & Carla A.

Corporation/Ultra Carbon

In Memory of:

Jack F. Lehman

Joseph P. ‘89 & Francine M.’88

Robert J. ‘74 & Ruth M. ‘71


Vivian Babcock

Patrick J. ‘80 & Jean Leikert

M. Don VanSteenkiste ‘87

Vicente D. Castellanos

C. Benson Branch

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Leuenberger

David F. & Therese-Marie

Nancy J. Scales ‘70

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Varga

Kim Doverspike

Shelly A. Berger ‘96

Gerald Lewis ‘72

Diane G. Scharffe ‘89

Wayne & Pearl Vasher

Detroit Lions Community

Norman Berger

Scott Lippoldt

Christine O’Hare

Nicholus C. Schikorra

Heidi Vellenga

Harold Bosscher

Ralph A. List

Aloysius J. Oliver

Carmen L. Schultz ‘89

James E. Vervoort

Susie B. Emond

Willowbelle Buck

Olivia A. Lake ‘98

Andrea Ondish

Judith A. Schweitzer ‘87

Anonymous Donor

Michael Gardyko

Thomas H. Busch

Loftus and Associates

Margaret R. O’Neill

Mr. Edward R. Sederlund ‘99

Richard & Edna VonBerg

Healing Solutions

Dr. Sally Edgerton-Netke

Mary London

Osentoski Farm

Ken Shapley

Gerald Wagner

Dr. Mark McCartney

Kurt Ewend

Ryan D. Loubert

Patrick F. Shay ‘95

Mitchell & Lori A. ‘98 Wagner

John Noren

Yvonne Garber

Thomas ‘72 & Janis Luczak

Philip A. O’Toole ‘82

Susan G. (Reder) Shinkel ‘73

Kevin & Nancy Waier

Pinnacle Sign & Graphics

Kenneth Gilbreath

Tim A. Lueck ‘90

Dr. Hong Youl Park

Shirts, Mugs & More - Jeff

Brian Walker

David L. Rayfield

Harvey W. Gosen

Mary J. Lysogorski ‘98

Roger J. Pasionek ‘89

Edward W. Walker

Lynn Reigle

The Honorable Henry Hart

Marjorie Woods Madden

Kathleen L. Pelkki

Michael P. Sizemore, Jr.

Charles Wallace

Team One Credit Union

Loretta Hasenlader

Michael W. Major ‘99

Marilyn G. Peters ‘93

Dr. Robert A. Skinner

Heidi & David Wallace

Two Men and A Truck

James Hinton

Russell J. Mandle ‘85

Glenn S. ‘76 & Ellen ‘76

Joseph Z. Slater ‘79

Richard C. ‘81 & Alicia H. ‘88

Douglas P. ‘81 & Susan M. ‘82

Benjamin ‘98 & Jacqueline

Jeffery ‘88 & Linda M. Petzak

Robert Marande ‘74

Jeffrey H. ‘83 & Mary C.

Patricia A. Markowicz ‘90

Joseph Martin ‘73

O’Connor Oeming, Jr.

Equipment, Inc.



Idalski, Owner



Frederick Horak Natalia Horak

Ryan E. Waugh

Matching Gift Companies

Jerrold & Martha Smith

Tamara J. Waugh ‘00

Accenture Foundation, Inc.

Jack A. Kelley

Sandra J. Smokoska ‘74

Dr. Charles Wax

Aetna Foundation, Inc.

Dr. Joseph Kessel

Lorraine Pickelmann

Dr. Robert L. Snyder

Dr. & Mrs. John Way


Karen M. Klemish

Murphy S. Mathews ‘70

Angela S. Pohl

Robert F. & Susan A. Sonntag

Dr. David R. & Carol Ann

AXA Foundation

Charles J. Lee

Nancy A. Maurer ‘90

Barbara J. Polega ‘84

Timothy P. Sorokin ‘84

Bristol-Myers Squibb

Rose Martinez

Thomas G. Maxwell ‘93

Frederick Price

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur M.

Laverne N. Weber ‘79

Hunter Maxwell

Charles J. Maynard

Dr. & Mrs. William R. Priest

Russell M. Welchli

The Capital Group Companies

Mary Alice Mutton

Latoya McCants ‘04

Mary K. Pringle

Kenneth A. Sprinkle

Morton E. & Judith Weldy

Consumers Energy

Larry H. Myers

Dr. Mark McCartney

Donald F. Pussehl, Jr.

Krista M. St Aubin

Deborah K. Wendland

Theodore J. Nitz

James E. & Jean McCue

Quast, Janke and Co.

Victoria M. Stewart ‘97

Keith A. ‘90 & Kristen C. ‘93

DaimlerChrysler Corporation

John P. O’Connor

Lowell McDonald

John & Anne M. ‘84 Rau

Linda K. ‘89 & William B.

Elizabeth Paulick

Richard D. McDowell

J. J. & Constance ‘76

Pamela M. Wenzel ‘74

The Dow Chemical Company

Gerald Pickelman

Max McGee

Mr. & Mrs. Chester H. Stow

Ruth A. West ‘98

Dow Corning Corporation

Alfred C. Rappa

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick L. McGhee

Rehmann Robson

Carol L. Strecker ‘80

Barbara A. Whetstone ‘93

Eaton Corporation

Joe Schmelzer

Margaret M. McGuire ‘98

Ed & Shelly A. Reminder

Nicole L. Strohkirch

Janet Whitley

Ford Motor Company Fund

Mary Smith

Robert A. McKinley

Patricia Rennert

Bartholomew Stupak ‘76

Vickie L. Wickman ‘83

General Motors Matching

James Stamper

Joyce A. McManus ‘81

Janet M. Rentsch

James R. Suchodolski

Eric A. Wild ‘84

Phyllis R. Van Laan

McMath Masonry, Inc.

Nancy Rice

Gerald W. ‘75 & Rebecca A.

Jacquline Willertz

Rollin M. Gerstacker

Darwin Waldie

Daisy M. McQuiston

Gregory A. Rich ‘82

Dr. & Mrs. George E. Williams


Earl L. Warrick

Annette J. ‘84 & Duane

Mr. & Mrs. Robert L.

J. Robert Switzer ‘71

Joann M. Williams ‘95

Johnson & Johnson

Robert Wohlfeil

Janet D. Symons ‘83

Ronald Williams

Kellogg Company

Ralph J. Zemanek Eric Joseph Zolinski






Richardson, Jr.

‘98 Smith

Spence, Jr.


‘90 Survant





Foundation Fund

Contributions Program

Ms. Catherine McWatt

Larry Rilko ‘73

Frank P. Szabo Jr.

Gary A. Wirsing ‘86

The Medtronic Foundation

Arthur J. ‘75 & Sandra J.

Shirley M. Robinson ‘91

Jay A. ‘89 & Connie J. Szabo

Wohlfeil Hardware &

Merrill Lynch & Co.

Ellen E. Rodman

Gerald & Joan Talbot

Dave & Ruth Ann Mikolajczak

Rohde Bros. Excavating Inc.

Beth Ann Taylor ‘88

Raymond C. ‘95 & Lilian S.

Midland Cogeneration Venture

Gayle L. Miller ‘82

Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Rose

Eleanor Taylor ‘73

Prudential Foundation

Meyer, Jr.

Tools, Inc. ‘96 Wong

In a report of this size, a mistake in recognition will occasionally occur. If your name has been omitted or misspelled, please contact the Foundation Office (989) 964-4052

Foundation News

Lange, Sr.


Jack Kabat

Foundation, Inc.


Black, white. Offense, defense. City, suburb. At first glance, Jermaine Jackson and Joe Hermann appear to have little in common beyond their bond as teammates on a football team. But they also share something else: College degrees and post-graduate work at a place that builds winners, on and off the field. After graduating in May 2005, both returned for their final seasons of eligibility in fall 2005 while working full-time toward master’s degrees. On the field, they emerged as starters for the first times in their careers, and turned in their best performances. A wide receiver, Jackson finished second on the squad with 47 catches, while Hermann topped the team with 11-1/2 sacks from his outside linebacker position. Football aside, Jackson and Hermann also serve as a valuable reminder not to judge a book n Jermaine Jackson by its cover. Despite being raised by a single parent in inner city Detroit, Jackson never doubted that he would attend college. His three older siblings all had, so he knew he was expected to do the same—his mother, 26 - Alumni Zone

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Patricia, insisted on it. “She pushes,” Jackson said, respectfully. “I wanted to make her proud.” Hermann, meanwhile, attended high school a few miles away in Grosse Pointe, one of Michigan’s more affluent communities, but he had no designs on higher education. He had built a business cutting lawns and was content to continue, but the self-described “competitor” wanted to prove he deserved to play college football. “I would not have gone to college if it wasn’t for football,” Hermann said. As they reflect upon their time at SVSU, both Jackson and Hermann realize that they are well-prepared to succeed. Jackson worked in the Career Planning and Placement office for four years. “I learned a lot,” he said. “I know how to interview for a job and I know what employers are looking for. Juggling football, my job and my classes also taught me to be organized.” Whenever Jackson’s playing days are over, he plans to become a probation officer. Hermann sees himself completing his

MBA and seeking a job in sales. “I’m very goaloriented,” he said. “The way I look at it, every goal met is a personal victory.” Victory on the field, in the classroom and in life: SVSU alumni Jermaine Jackson and Joe Hermann.

n Joe Hermann

in a s are recognized and their familie d rs an ye t, pla lef ll n, tba an nior foo s of Joe Herm home game, se 2005 season. ium. The familie ad the St g l rin ria n At every final du mo r ye Me ny in Wickes rite” cardinal pla pre-game ceremo luting their “favo right, joined in sa n, so ck Ja e ain Jerm

Did You Know? The total number of SVSU alumni is 26,098—and 51 percent live and work in the nine-county service region surrounding the University. The greatest number of SVSU alumni are graduates of the College of Education (8,732). Annually, an estimated 300,000 visitors are on campus for cultural, recreational and continuing education programs. The number of countries represented in the student population is 50.

Name: Ying-Chung (Jimmy) Yang Age: 50 Degree: M.B.A., 1994 Honored: Recipient of SVSU Distinguished Alumni Award (2005)

Alumni Zone


Occupation: Owner, Mantraco Ocean Ltd., Taiwan Business Philosophy: “If you can’t get new know-how, you’ll be out of the market right away. People today need to be lifelong learners.” Alumni Connections: Yang has played a leading role in forming and sustaining the SVSU Taiwan Alumni Association, which currently has around 300 active members. The group gathers regularly to network with one another and to discuss successful strategies, because as Yang puts it, “a team beats an individual” every time. Giving Back: In 2000, Yang represented the Association during an on-campus visit to donate a sculpture to the University. Visitors can view the sculpture near the Julia Stacey Edwards Bell Tower in the campus courtyard.

n A sculpture, titled Taichi by artist Ju Ming, was donated by the Taiwan SVSU Alumni Association and is located in the campus courtyard near the Julia Stacey Edwards Bell Tower.



Warehere they Now

What activities were you involved in while attending SVSU? I was a guard on the Cardinal men’s basketball team (Coach Gene Hamilton) and photographer for the student newspaper, Valley Vanguard.

Did you have a nickname on campus? Sweet Water (because my game was so sweet).

What was life like on campus?

There were only two buildings when I attended and the first dorms were built. Students were close. Relationships with professors and instructors provided personal attention, and that personal emphasis was helpful in my career.

What were your goals and dreams at the time?

I always wanted to be a public administrator, making a difference in the lives of people.

Who at SVSU impacted your life? Gene Hamilton was key; he not only coached me, but he gave great advice.

What is your fondest memory of your college days?

The Commencement Ceremony. I was the first person in my generation (family) to graduate from college. It was such a great accomplishment to say I was a college graduate.

What was hardest for you?

Trying to work, go to school, and raise a family.

How well did SVSU prepare you for your career?

I’m currently operating a $26 million budget. I can trace my success back to the programs and classes at SVSU.

What is your motto or philosophy of life? Always take the high road. It may be cloudy today but someday the sun is going to shine. Take the right position for you and your organization and it will shine on you. 28 - Alumni Zone

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Name: Paul Bridgewater Degree: Bachelor of Arts, Political Science, 1975 Hometown: Saginaw, Mich. Resides: Detroit, Mich.

What advice would you give to SVSU students and young alumni?

It is helpful to have a broad base (sampling) of life experiences. Be involved in the community and social activities.

Are you currently involved in civic and community organizations? I was recently appointed by

Congress to serve as a delegate for the White House Conference on Aging (December 2005).

Your family?

My wife Juanita and I are grandparents raising grandchildren. We are caring for our grandson Zachary.

How often do you return to Saginaw?

Every three months or more to visit my mother, Annie Bridgewater.

What has been your most significant accomplishment?

I was chair of a study (in conjunction with the Michigan Department of Community Health) that showed Detroit’s elderly were dying at a rate significantly greater than the national rate. As a result, I received the 2004 Pillar Award of Excellence from the Michigan Peer Review Organization. Since graduating from SVSU: Bridgewater is the executive director of the Detroit Area Agency on Aging; he has worked in aging services since 1980. He has pioneered several innovative programs to serve older adults and their families: he has established one of the largest Holiday Meals on Wheels programs in the country, trained hundreds of seniors for computer technology jobs, and implemented a state-sponsored Emergency Pharmaceutical Assistant Program that provides free prescription drugs. In 1997, Bridgewater was accepted to the distinguished Harvard Business School’s Strategic Perspectives on Nonprofit Management. In 1998, he was invited by President Clinton to the White House Conference on Social Security. He has testified before the U.S. Congress, the Administration on Aging, and the Michigan Legislature about concerns of the elderly, especially low-income and minority.

Alumni Zone

In the Spotlight

SVSU Alumni Association Board Spotlight Name: Arthur W. O’Neal, II Degrees: Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, 1998; Master of Arts, Leadership & Public Administration, 2004 Hometown: Lifetime resident of Saginaw, Mich. Alumni Association Board Term: April 2000 – May 2006 Career Highlights: Presently, Chief of Security for the Saginaw Public Schools. Previously, O’Neal was with the City of Saginaw Police Department for 17 years and with the U.S. Marine Corps for four years. He is a graduate of the FBI National Academy and received the Saginaw County Department of Public Health 2004 Distinguished Service Award. Civic and Community Organizations: Executive Board Member of the Bethel AME Church Day Care Center; Board of Directors of the Houghton-Jones Neighborhood Task Force Resource Center; Co-Chair of the Saginaw County Family Youth Initiative and member of its Scholarship Committee; Board Member of the Saginaw County Department of Public Health Treatment & Prevention Services; Saginaw County Truancy Abatement Committee; Saginaw County Emergency Preparedness Council; and Saginaw County Juvenile Justice Collaborative. Hobbies and Interests: Mentoring youths, meeting with parents, golf, traveling to other parts of the world to see how people live, and staying involved in the community. Family: Wife and four daughters SVSU Experience: “It was great for me! SVSU was a better fit for me than any other university. The faculty and staff were always accessible, especially Dr. Donald Bachand. As a non-traditional student, it was exactly what I needed. SVSU was a great place to be and it played a very important role in the opportunities I’ve had over the years.” Favorite Alumni Activities: “As chair of the Alumni Association Awards & Scholarships Committee, I’m able to learn the stories of current SVSU students and accomplished faculty on campus, and hear what alumni are doing after their SVSU experience. I also enjoy participating in the Alumni Association Bob Becker Scholarship Golf Open. A highlight was being honored as the 2004 Homecoming Grand Marshal.”

n Arthur O’Neal (’98, ’04) rode in the 2004 Homecoming Parade as the Alumni Grand Marshal.



Jay W. Bosco, ’76, opened an optometry office in Essexville, Mich. Bosco has also served active duty in the U.S. Air Force, and was director of vision care services for Blue Care Network Health Centers for 19 years.

Barbara (Stumfig) Carpenter, ’67, has been teaching mathematics for the past 28 years. Carpenter is a full-time professor of mathematics at Finlandia University in Hancock, Mich.

Catherine (Sting) Baase, M.D., ’77, is a physician with The Dow Chemical Company, Midland, Mich.

Charlene Dykman, ’69, is a professor in the Cameron School of Business at University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas. Dykman married Charles K. Davis, a professor at the same university. Their 16-year-old daughter, who is already in college, is studying to be a NASA robotics engineer. Dykman completed a Fulbright Fellowship in Panama. She would enjoy hearing from fellow alums at Dennis Hensley, ’69, Taylor University Fort Wayne professor of English, accepted an invitation to lecture at Oxford University Jan. 5-8. Hensley is the author of The Power of Positive Productivity (Possibility Press, 2005), his 45th book. Nick Surian, ’69, is doing well, along with his wife of 42 years, Marcene. He is retired and spending his winters in North Fort Myers, Fla., and summers in Bay City and Oscoda, Mich., with his four granddaughters. Nick retired in 2001 after 30 years with Quest Diagnostics and Merck Pharmaceuticals.


John Spencer Jr., ’77, is a case manager for Michigan Works-SVRC, licensed professional counselor, and certified professional in human resources. He resides in Essexville, Mich. William Pringle, ’78, of Saginaw, Mich., is in sales/ advertising with The Saginaw News. Pringle earned his M.A. degree in philosophy and humanities from California State University and has taught at SVSU. Karen (Earle) Mars, ’79, resides in Grand Marais, Mich., where she is a minister with United Methodist Church. Rick Suitor, ’79, is vice president of operations at Molitor International in Midland, Mich. Suitor resides in Freeland, Mich.

1980s Robert Chadwick II, ’81, is chief executive officer of Tuscola Behavioral Health Systems in Caro, Mich. Chadwick resides in Bay City, Mich.

Russell Scaffede, ’71, is vice president of operations for Tiara Yachts located in Holland, Mich.

Vicky (King) Mocklin, ’75, lived in the New Orleans area when Katrina hit. Her home had over nine feet of water in it. Mocklin and her family have relocated to Memphis, Tenn., where she is a librarian with Memphis City Schools. Mocklin asks anyone planning to volunteer in the New Orleans area to call her at (901) 291-2482. Ronald Scherer, ’75, celebrated his 50th year as a teacher. Scherer began his teaching career in 1956 and most recently spent 44 years as an educator at St. Peter’s Lutheran School in Eastpointe, Mich. Scherer resides in St. Clair Shores, Mich.

30 - Alumni Zone

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Michael Langworthy, ’84, performed the first cartilage transplant to the hip in the United States. Langworthy is a Naval Commander stationed in San Diego, Calif., and orthopedic surgeon for the U.S. Navy SEALS. Richard (Rick) Hall, ’86, was named production manager at Consumers Energy J.C. Weadock electric generating plant. He joined Consumers Energy in 1979. Sheila (Mutton) Hutchings, ’86, resides in Houston, Texas, and is the proud mother of two girls, Amanda, age 6 and Paige, age 4. David Molloy, ’89, has been promoted to chief of police for Novi, Mich., Police Department. Molloy met his wife, Lisa (Edwards), ’89 at SVSU and is proud to hire many SVSU alumni as police officers. Joseph O’Connor, ’89, was appointed chief financial officer for Durand Forms, Inc. in Durand, Mich.

1990s Kelly Adam, ’90, Sebewaing, Mich., native, has been promoted to professor at the Big Sandy Community Technical College in southeastern Kentucky. She teaches kinesiology and exercise science. Catherine Sebald, ’90, has become a client service manager for Andrews Hooper and Pavlik, headquartered in Saginaw, Mich. Sebald is a Bay City native residing in Saginaw, Mich.

Thomas Osborne, ’72, is a teacher with the Pinconning Area Schools at Linwood Elementary School. He resides in Auburn, Mich. Renate Hensel Wald, ’73, of St. Clair Shores, Mich., owns a travel agency and helped plan the SVSU Concert Choir trip to France and Italy.

Gregory Kline, ’84, is an attorney at law with Kane Russell Coleman & Logan, P.C., in Dallas, Texas. Kline resides in Frisco, Texas.

Terri Anthony-Ryan, ’81, of Redford Township, Mich., was recently named head coach of the University of Detroit Mercy women’s golf team. Anthony-Ryan also has been the head golf pro at Beech Wood Golf Courses in Southfield, Mich. Andrew Wilson, ’81, Atlanta, Ga., has been named president and chief executive officer of Synergy at Saint Joseph’s Inc., a joint venture between Synergy Healthcare and St. Joseph’s Hospital of Atlanta. Raymond Wightman, ’83, clergy at First United Methodist Church, Trenton, Mich., adopted Kelantae Issac Copeland Wightman, age 6.

Janelle Wilson, ’90, associate professor of sociology at the University of Minnesota Duluth, published her first book, Nostalgia: Sanctuary of Meaning (Bucknell University Press) ISBN: 0-8387-5599-2. David Haag, ’91, has joined Fifth Third Securities as a senior retail investment consultant in Midland and Mount Pleasant, Mich. Haag is active in Rotary and coaches a travel basketball team and Little League. Alyne (Hoggard) McCann, ’92, is a member of the nursing staff at Health Delivery’s Bayside Health Center in Bay City, Mich. Jason Carik, ’93, transferred from Troy, Mich., to Chicago, Ill., as a result of Kmart’s purchase of Sears. The combined retailer, now called Sears Holding, is a client of Carik’s.

Catherine Schulz, ’93, has rejoined Weinlander Fitzhugh Certified Public Accountants and Consultants in Bay City, Mich.


David Walsh, ’93, is the director of public safety for the City of Alma, Mich.

Paul Burns, ’94, ’00, Saginaw, Mich., is a therapist at Turning Point Recovery Centers in Otter Lake, Mich.

Wendy Elliott-Sass, ’04, moved to North Carolina to teach 10th and 11th grade English at Roanoke Rapids, N.C.

Irshad Ansari, ’94, has proudly displayed for the last 12 years the SVSU decal on his vehicle and resides in Marion, Iowa.

Daniel Lashuay, ’00, Midland, Mich., is the office manager at J.F. Lehman Investment Advisory Services in Midland, Mich.

Steven Briggs, ’94, is a detective with Broward Sheriff Office in Lauderdale Lakes, Fla.

Jennifer McFarlane, ’00, is the principal at Riverside Middle School in Crestwood School District. McFarlane formerly was a teacher, coach, and assistant principal for 12 years at Lakeview Public Schools. She resides in Macomb County, Mich.

Torri Ferris, ’04, Bad Axe, is a teacher at Kipper School, a one-room public school in Huron County, Mich. Ferris has nine students in grades 1-7 at the school, which was established in 1907.

Steven Boks, ’01, has joined the accounting staff of McDonald & Associates of Saginaw, Mich. Boks specializes in corporate and small business financial accounting. Lisa (White) Koski, ’01, was named 21st Century Miracle Worker: Charter School Teacher of the Year for 2005 by the Michigan Association of Public School Academies. Koski, of Lincoln Park, Mich., is a second and third grade teacher at Trillium Academy in Taylor, Mich. Valerie (Newson) Peterson-Owens, ’94, ’97, a Saginaw, Mich., native, is the author of the book Where’s My Daddy? Peterson-Owens is the CEO of Very Positive Outlook. Peterson-Owens website is Kenneth Richmond, ’94, has been appointed bank investment officer at Monroe Bank & Trust of Monroe, Mich. Kelly (Mahoney) Czeiszperger, ’95, is a clinical social worker for the United States Air Force in Ramstein, Germany. Czeiszperger has twin sons, Ryan Marcus and Brett Edward. Gerald Smith, ’95, ’00, a Bad Axe, Mich., native, is with the U.S. Air Force. He previously served as a volunteer in the Peace Corps in the Ukraine. Heidi (Reimann) Miller, ’97, was inducted into the Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers for the 200405 school year. Miller is a teacher at Francis Reh Public School Academy in Saginaw, Mich. Jonathan Phelan, ’99, recently ended his job with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to work as an Americorps member for the Jacksonville, Fla., affiliate of Habitat for Humanity. Aaron Segedi, ’99, Trenton, Mich., is the assistant coach for the Trenton High School varsity football team. Segedi also teaches sixth grade science at Boyd Arthur Middle School.

Margaret O’Keeffe, ’04, has joined Matrix Pain Management in Saginaw, Mich., as a nurse practitioner. Bill O’Neill, ’04, is in his first year on the Professional Bowling Tour. O’Neill finished second in the championship game of the Greater Omaha Classic. Helen Simmons, ’04, is a clinical care manager for Northpointe Behavioral Healthcare Services in Iron River, Mich.

Alumni Zone

Paul Lang, ’94, Bellaire, Mich., is a clinical instructor at North Central Michigan College in Petoskey, Mich.

Mike Caverly, ’04, was honored as Macomb Teacher of the Week. Caverly teaches social studies at Warren Woods Middle School, Mich.

Brent Maze, ’01, has joined Saginaw-based Health Delivery Inc. as a physician assistant. Whitney Osentoski, ’01, New York, N.Y., is with the First National Tour and Broadway companies of Mamma Mia! He has also appeared in various other plays in the U.S. and abroad. Kamesa (Al-Rida) Carter, ’02, moved to warmer weather in Jacksonville, Fla. Carter is a children’s protective services investigator for the State of Florida Department of Children and Families. Kraig Enders, ’02, is the new Linden High School varsity baseball coach. He teaches at Linden High School, Mich. Micheal Mahony, ’02, is the owner of Accessible Computer Solutions, LLC in Saginaw, Mich. His website is Jacque Johnson, ’03, is the new principal at North Huron Schools. Johnson has coached elementary basketball, volleyball, and softball at North Huron, Mich. Steve Poindexter, ’03, a Flushing native, is the assistant football coach at Clio High School, Mich. Cynthia (Evans) Scott, ’03, obtained a certified public accountant license. Scott is a senior accountant in the audit department of Yeo & Yeo, Saginaw, Mich. Joel Anderson, ’04, is a physical education teacher at Middlesex High School in Saluda, Va. Anderson also coaches football and wrestling.

Jason Bruno, ’05, a Clinton Township native, is a staff accountant at Andrews Hooper & Pavlik in Saginaw, Mich. Bruno also served four years in the U.S. Marine Corps as finance technician. Amanda Ruediger, ’05, directed a one-act play The Arkansaw Bear for young people. The play was performed by students at All Saints Catholic High School in Bay City, Mich. Joshua Sullivan, ’05, joined the Rehmann Group’s Saginaw, Mich., office as a staff associate in the forprofit audit and assurance department.

To submit a brief for an upcoming issue of SVSU REFLECTIONS, send an email to Pamela Clifford at, or mail it to SVSU, Alumni Relations, 7400 Bay Road, University Center, MI 48710. Briefs may also be submitted online at


“The Promise for Tomorrow: Our University, Our Region.” is the name of SVSU’s new state-of-the-art DVD, which is available by contacting the Foundation at (989) 964-4052 or email:

7400 Bay Road • University Center, MI 48710

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