Probably Comics - SVSU

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From HERE. . . ! I n mi dMI CHI GAN! ! !

TheArt390 Comi cs& Cartoon I llustrati on ClassCreati veAnthologyforWi nter201 5! ! !

AbouttheContri butors. . . Brandon Brogan <phy aceanamus@gmai l. com>, Graphi cDesi gn MajorFrom Cli o MI . Ili keto play worldofwarcraft( & mostotherbli zzardgames) ,play D&D,readcomi cs,& draw.Favori tefoods:Burger, fri es,mi lkshakes,coneydogs,& bacon. Mynamei sMackenzi eDaenzerfrom Frankenmuth,MI . I ' m agraphi cdesi gn major/artmi noratSVSU. Iwi llgraduatei n May201 5.

Ji lli an Gerhardt,aGraphi cDesi gn Majorwi th adoublemi nori n Art& ComputerAppli cati ons from Essexvi lle,Mi ,wi llbegraduati ngMay201 5. Hello I ' m Di no Hi nds,aseni orhereatSVSU study i ngGraphi cDesi gn andManagment. Ri chardJax,seni oratSVSU.I ' m from asmalltown calledAlgonac,wherenobody ' sheardof butevery onewantsto go. HeatherLaMarre: SVSU seni or.Professi onal& Techni calWri ti ngMajor,Graphi cDesi gn Mi nor.

JamesMolnar<jamesmolnar92@y ahoo. com>,an Artstudent hereatSVSU wi thaMajori n Art& aMi nori n Marketi ng, i salso theworld' sgreatestBatman enthusi ast.

SarahLuhai saDoubleMajori n Graphi cDesi gn & i n Art. Shei scurrentlyastudentatSVSU & plans to graduateDecember201 5. Conti nuedon i nsi debackcover.

Go on, go home.

Be y o n dt h eSe a

Hahahahahahahahaha GodForbi d

LmaoIdon’tknow isitthatbadifIjust wearmybest leggings/myregular jeans? Icouldgoandbuy sometodayIjust dunnoifit’ snecessary?I’m debatingif Ishould.Thoughts?

Haha,honestlyit’ snot. Leggingsforlyfe.

IfIdobuysomeIwantthe bl ackonesofmytopshop ski nnyj eanssoI’dhaveto gotosomersetwhi chi snt thatfarandsortaonmy wayhome Buttheni tsl i kehowmuch usewi l lIgetoutofbl ack bantsbecauseIusual l y woul dj ustwearl eggi ngsi f Iwanttowearbl ack pants.

cefor ni e r a s n a ackJe anttowear Bl uw acesyo butcan’tget pl ants egdarkerp weari gl h n t i w y a aw ngs gi why gthats si n i m u s s hs Im a uchemp m o s t shepu eans” ackJ on“Bl

Whoknewwe coul dhavesuch ani n-depth convoabout bl ackj eans

hahahahahahahah I’m l aughi ngsohard!!

I’m j ustpi cturi ngusl i ke3i na rowwal ki ngdownthemi ddl eof thestreetall fi ercei nourbl ack j eans


Honey, I’m home!

You look upset!

Where have you been?

Why are you late for dinner?

Were you with another girl?

Do you not care I’ve been waiting for hours....?

No! I was at work! You’re acting crazy!

Why are you yelling at me?

Stop asking so many questions!

I’m not yelling!

Are you hiding something?


You’re the answer to all my questions!

Do you even love me?

Of course!!!

TheContri butors,contd. : KelseyMehl,aSeni orGraphi cDesi gn major & Creati veWri ti ngmi nori satotalbossat i ndi ehorrorgames,has3cats& 3hedgehogs,& i s thecreatorofthewebcomi cKEVORKI AN SQUARE.

DarellMy reei saGraphi cDesi gn Major/ArtMi nor atSVSU.Who i saseni orfrom Detroi t& wi llbe graduati ngi n December201 5.

Hello,mynamei sRotanaQutub.Iam an Artstudent atSVSU wi thaGraphi cDesi gn mi nor.Iam from SaudiArabi a,& wi llbegraduati ngMay201 5. Nei lRi chardson <npri cha1 @svsu. edu>,Psy chmajor/Artmi nor, Spawnedi n thepi tknown asChesani ngwherehe sli thered& crawledouti nto theunsuspecti ngworld.

AndreaRy chli cki ,Graphi cDesi gn Major,Creati veWri ti ng Mi nor,& AllAroundGeekfrom BayCi ty ,MI hasn' ttaken overtheWorldy et.

Hello,mynamei sAmandaSerra.Iam aseni ory eargraphi cdesi gn studentatSVSU wi thapassi on forphotography& desi gn.Iwi ll begraduati ngnextDecember& persui ngacareeri n graphi cdesi gn.

Hello,mynamei sJordan Weber,y oucan callmeJweb. Iam aGraphi cDesi gn & Marketi ngstudent.Myhometown i s Fenton MI& wantto getoutofMi chi gan onceIgraduate. BradWenzli cki saseni orpursui nghi sBachelorsi n Marketi ng wi thami nori n Graphi cDesi gn.Hei sfrom Sanford,MI& wi llbegraduati ngi n December201 5.

wi thoutaDoubtTrulytheGreatest Adventures,Amusements& Atti tude Publi shedon aUni versi tyCenter mi dMi chi gan campusi n 201 5!

Gratefulthanksto theSagi naw ValleyStateUni versi ty ArtDepartment,to Mr.Jason Swackhamer, to allourreaders& fri ends. Coverart& bookdesi gn byArt390 Prof.Mi keMosher


“ CenterofUni verse�logo desi gnedbyRy an Foldi e2009

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