ear Friends,
Thank you!
So many of our students would not be at SVSU pursuing their degrees, and their dreams, without caring people who invest in their future, the future of our region, and society as a whole. Education drives the advances that make our world a better place. For many students, access to higher education hinges on the availability of scholarships to help meet the costs of attending college. Lectures, concerts, international travel, leadership development, exposure to renowned scholars — these are some of the many enriching experiences and opportunities donors make possible that transform these students’ lives.
I recently joined the SVSU Foundation as interim executive director, while continuing in my role as general counsel for the University. I have enjoyed opportunities to work with many of the region’s nonprofits in a volunteer capacity, including service on the boards of the Saginaw Community Foundation, Huntington Bank Charitable Trust Advisory Board and the Harvey Randall Wickes Foundation. It is exciting to witness what philanthropy can make happen and how the generosity of others helps to realize the full potential of our young people, our greatest resource for a strong, vibrant future. The stories of our SVSU students’ achievements as well as our visionary and dedicated donors who support those achievements are inspirational to me, and I hope they inspire you too.
If you support scholarships, awards or other important programs at SVSU, thank you! If you are considering support, we appreciate your interest. I hope you will enjoy the stories and information presented in this publication, showcasing the impact of generous people like you on our students, our university, the region and beyond!

Since 2016, SVSU has awarded 9,428 private scholarships worth almost $20 million


SVSU has the most affordable tuition of all Michigan’s public universities, but the cost of college education continues to rise.
Scholarships may allow students “working their way through college” to work a manageable number of hours and still devote the necessary attention to their education.
Students who receive financial aid and work to help finance their education are still often left with gaps between their resources and college expenses. Scholarships help students reduce the debt they will face after graduation.
Scholarships recognize and reward excellence and encourage continued achievement, providing access to higher education for students of all income levels.
For students at Saginaw Valley State University, scholarship support can make the difference between deferring a dream and completing a degree. Thanks to private scholarship support from alumni and friends, SVSU was able to award more than 1,900 scholarships during the 2022-2023 academic year.


ARA Services Scholarship
Established by: ARAMARK
Awards: 2 at $1,000 each Assists new full-time high-achieving freshmen
Melvyn K. and Myrna Adelman Track and Cross-Country
Endowed Scholarship
Established by: Melvyn K. and Myrna Adelman
Awards: 8 awards; award amounts vary Assists academically achieving members of the track and cross country team
Hamza Ahmad Memorial Scholarship
Established by: Family and Colleagues of Hamza Ahmad
Awards: — 4 at $1,000 each
Assists high-achieving students in the field of mathematics of sophomore or higher class standing
Waheed and Raana Akbar Endowed Scholarship in Health Sciences
Established by: Drs. Waheed and Raana Akbar
Awards: 4 at $1,000 each
Assists students majoring in nursing, occupational therapy, health science and medical laboratory science
Maynard D. and Goldie Bartha Allyn Scholarship Fund
Established by: —Maynard D. and Goldie Bartha Allyn
Awards: —5 at $1,000 each
Assists academically achieving social work students with emphasis on child welfare
Altrusa Tuition Scholarship
Established by: —Altrusa Organization
Awards: —1 at $500
Assists full- or part-time nontraditional students who demonstrate financial need
Alumni Endowed MBA Scholarship
Established by: —SVSU Alumni Association
Awards: —1 at $600
Assists MBA students who are mid-Michigan residents and demonstrate leadership and good character
Alumni Legacy Endowed Scholarship
Established by: —SVSU Alumni Association
Awards: —398 awards; award amounts vary
Assists students whose parents or stepparents graduated from SVSU
American Association of University Women (AAUW) — Bay City Branch Scholarship
Established by: —Bay City Branch of the American —Association of University Women
Awards: —1 at $1,500
Assists Bay County upperclassmen with involvement in activities supporting gender equality
Saginaw Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) Scholarship
Established by: Saginaw Branch of the American Association of University Women
Awards: 1 at $1,000
Assists nontraditional students who demonstrate the ability or potential to make a positive contribution to society and their chosen field, with preference given to students from Saginaw County
American Lebanese Community Scholarship Fund
Established by: Dr. Samuel and Mrs. Patricia Shaheen
Awards: 1 at $900
Assists students demonstrating leadership and service, especially those with an understanding of Lebanese culture
American Legion Post 22 Legion Riders & Sons of American Legion Scholarship
Established by: American Legion Post 22, Legion Riders and Sons of American Legion
Awards: — 6 at $500 each
Assists veterans and their dependents of at least sophomore standing with financial need
Frank N. Andersen Scholarship
Established by: Frank N. Andersen Foundation
Awards: 27 scholarships; award amounts —vary
Assists Saginaw County students who demonstrate financial need and leadership, with a preference to incoming freshmen
Ida Mae Anderson Scholarship
Established by: —Stephen Anderson
Awards: —1 at $800
Assists newly admitted freshmen with financial need who are majoring in education, political science or sociology
Mary H. Anderson Endowed Chamber Music Scholarship
Established by: —Family of Mary H. Anderson
Awards: 6 at $200 each
Assists students chosen by audition or faculty recommendation, enrolled in applied lessons, and performing in an SVSU chamber ensemble
Andrews Hooper Pavlik Accounting Scholarship Fund
Established by: —Andrews Hooper Pavlik
— CPAs & Advisors
Awards: — 4 at $1,000 each
Assists students demonstrating high academic achievement and leadership, with a preference given to those seeking careers in public accounting
James B. Arnold Engineering Scholarship
Established by: —James B. and Martha G. Arnold
Awards: — 8 at $1,000 each
Assists engineering majors of at least sophomore standing with financial need who demonstrate scholastic achievement and leadership potential
Shiv K. Arora Business Scholarship
Established by: —Dr. Shiv K. Arora
Awards: —2 awards; award amounts vary
Assists College of Business majors of at least junior standing demonstrating academic excellence, with preference to marketing or management majors
Cyrus P. Aryana Annual Scholarship
Established by: —Dr. Cyrus P. Aryana
Awards: —1 at $1,000
Assists mathematics or applied mathematics majors who have completed calculus I, II and III at SVSU, with preference to students with financial need
Baker Kanagawa US-Japan Endowed Scholarship
Established by: —Baker Kanagawa
— US-Japan Study Foundation
Awards: —1 award; full tuition and fees
Assists students demonstrating academic achievement, with preference to those engaging in internship and cultural exchange opportunities
Matt Barghahn Scholarship
Established by: —Burger King
Awards: —1 at $500
Assists junior or senior students on the football team who demonstrate academic achievement, good citizenship, community service and leadership potential
David E. Barker Endowed Scholarship for French Majors/Minors
Established by: —Dr. David E. Barker
Awards: 1 at $1,000
Assists French majors or minors eligible to take upperdivision French courses who are achieving excellence in their major and overall academics
Barnes & Noble Book Scholarship
Established by: —Barnes & Noble
Awards: 20 at $1,000 each
Assists second-year full- or part-time students with financial need; funds course-required textbooks and supplies
Lois Barnett Memorial Scholarship for Students with Disabilities
Established by: — Cynthia & Larry Woiderski
—and Lois Barnett
Awards: 1 at $500
Assists students with physical, mental or learning disabilities, with preference to nontraditional students and transfer students
Barstow Foundation Scholarship
Established by: —Barstow Foundation
Awards: 3 at $1,000 each
Assists new and returning students with financial need who demonstrate scholastic achievement and/or scholastic potential
Jerome and Nancy Bartkowiak
Endowed Scholarship (Endowment in Progress)
Established by: —Jerome and Nancy Bartkowiak
Will assist students with financial need who are pursuing STEM majors and are employed at least part-time
Tena and Roger Baruth Basketball Scholarship
Established by: —Roger Baruth and Family
Awards: —Number and amount of awards vary Assists student athletes who are incoming, current or past members of the varsity men’s basketball team and maintain good academic standing
Bay Area Marine Dealers Association Golf Scholarship
Established by: Bay Area Marine Dealers
Awards: —1 at $1,600
Assists full-time students who are potential or active golf team members, and demonstrate academic achievement and good character
Bob Becker Endowed Scholarship
Established by: SVSU Alumni Association and The Becker Family
Awards: 4 at $1,000 each
Assists students who are non-basketball athletes of at least sophomore standing who demonstrate good character and leadership
Don and Iva Bellinger Scholarship
Established by: Don H. and Iva M. Bellinger Trust Awards: — 64 awards; award amounts vary Assists full- and part-time undergraduate and graduate pre-nursing and nursing students who demonstrate financial need
Shelly Berger Endowed Scholarship Fund
Established by: Curt and Jan Berger and Family
Awards: 1 at $3,200
Assists students of at least junior standing pursuing a degree in accounting who demonstrate a high level of extracurricular involvement and/or are employed to finance their higher education
Robert Bierlein/Bierlein Companies Scholarship
Established by: Robert W. Bierlein and Bierlein Companies
Awards: 1 at $1,400
Assists freshman students who are Swan Valley High School graduates or children of current Bierlein Company employees and demonstrate academic achievement and extracurricular involvement
Biology/Chemistry Scholarship
Established by: —Biology/Chemistry Faculty of SVSU
Awards: —1 at $1,000
Assists students of at least sophomore standing majoring in biology, chemistry, medical technology, premedicine, pre-dental, biochemistry, business chemistry, environmental chemistry or chemical physics
Biology Club Scholarship
Established by: —SVSU Biology Club
Awards: —1 at $500
Assists members of the Biology Club and/or majors in biology, chemistry, chemistry/biology or pre-health professions with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
Boice and Jean Bird Endowed Engineering Scholarship
Established by: —Thomas and Wendy Bird
Awards: —1 at $1,200
Assists Saginaw County engineering majors who demonstrate academic achievement and the ability or potential to make a positive contribution to their field
Robert J. Black Scholarship
Established by: Mrs. Robert J. (Ruth) Black
Awards: 15 at $1,000 each
Assists engineering majors who demonstrate scholastic achievement, good character and leadership
Richard and Ann Blazejewski Scholarship
Established by: —Richard and Ann Blazejewski
Awards: — 4 at $1,000 each
Assists College of Science, Engineering and Technology majors who are Michigan residents currently involved in or planning to pursue research in alternative fuel sources, with preference to students from Saginaw County
Martin and Emma Block Endowed Scholarship Fund
Established by: —Martin and Emma Block
Awards: 22 at $1,000 each
Assists nursing or teacher education students who demonstrate academic achievement and the ability or potential to contribute to their chosen fields
William and Sally Bowen Scholarship
Established by: —William and Sally Bowen
Awards: 1 at $500
Assists new and returning College of Arts and Behavioral Sciences majors who are mid-Michigan residents and demonstrate leadership
Archibald A. Boyce, Sr., and Mary E. Boyce Memorial Scholarship
Established by: —Katherine Bemetz Trust
Awards: — 8 at $1,000 each
Assists new, full-time freshman who demonstrate academic excellence
Robert C. Braddock Soccer Scholarship
Established by: —Dr. Robert C. Braddock
Awards: —3 at $3,000 each
Assists full-time students who are current members of the men’s or women’s soccer teams
MJ Brandimore Residential Life Emerging Leader Endowed Award
Established by: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Nellenbach
Awards: 1 at $1,300
Assists new, full-time freshman students living in SVSU on-campus housing, having a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 and demonstrating a commitment to reaching their full potential and making a positive impact on their community
Braun Kendrick Finkbeiner P.L.C. Endowed Area Scholarship
Established by: —Braun Kendrick
Awards: 1 at $600
Assists high-achieving junior or senior students with an expressed interest for a career in law who are residents of the Great Lakes Bay Region with a history of participation in their communities
Ruth (Zappa) Bridge SVSU Endowed Scholarship for Nursing
Established by: Dr. Robert Bridge, Mrs. Roberta Bridge Bush, and Mr. Stuart Bush
Awards: —1 at $800
Assists full-time nursing or pre-nursing majors who demonstrate academic achievement and financial need with preference given to students admitted to the nursing program
Joseph Britton and Marjorie CarsonBritton Scholarship
Established by: —Joseph W. and Marjorie Carson Britton
Awards: 2 at $1,000 each
Assists Midland County residents who demonstrate financial need and potential for academic success, with a preference to nontraditional students and those striving to improve their opportunities for a better career
Matthew Duncan Bronz Scholarship Fund
Established by: Joe, Trish, and Matthew Duncan —Bronz
Awards: —1 at $500
Assists residents of Bay, Midland or Saginaw county enrolled full-time with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 majoring in pre-special education or special education
John “Jack” Brooks Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Established by: Friends and Family of John W. —“Jack” Brooks
Awards: —1 at $800
Assists students of minimum sophomore standing accepted into the teacher education degree program who major or minor in the sciences and have financial need
Jean E. Brown Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Education
Established by: —Paul L. Brown
Awards: 5 at $1,000 each
Assists junior or senior students admitted to the College of Education who are residents of Bay, Midland or Saginaw county and demonstrate academic achievement and the ability or potential to contribute to the field of teaching
Gregory and Helayne Brown Annual Scholarship
Established by: — Gregory and Helayne Brown
Awards: 2 at $6,000 each
Assists academically achieving students with financial need who are accepted into the nursing program and demonstrate an ability or potential to make a positive contribution to the field of nursing
Jeffrey K. and Diane M. Brown Endowed Scholarship (Endowment in Progress)
Established by: —Jeffrey K. Brown
Will assist full-time nursing students with a minimum 3.0 grade point average
Thomas H. Busch Memorial Golf Scholarship
Established by: Family and Friends of Thomas H. Busch
Awards: 2 at $1,000 each
Assists full-time students with good character and academic achievement who are members of the golf team and have demonstrated professionalism and dedication to the game of golf
Richard L. Campsmith Scholarship Fund
Established by: Richard L. Campsmith
Awards: 12 at $1,000 each
Assists new, full-time freshman students with academic potential and financial need
Scott and Nancy Carmona Family Endowed Business Scholarship Fund
Established by: —Scott and Nancy Carmona
Awards: — 40 at $1,000 each
Assists College of Business majors in their second year or later at SVSU who show academic achievement and potential for leadership, with a preference for those with financial need
Scott and Nancy Carmona Family Endowed Engineering Scholarship Fund
Established by: —Scott and Nancy Carmona
Awards: —10 at $3,000 each
Assists engineering majors in their second year or later at SVSU who show academic achievement and potential for leadership, with a preference for those with financial need
Carrollton Community Endowed Scholarship
Established by: Staff and Community of — Carrollton Public Schools
Awards: —1 at $1,000
Assists newly enrolled full-time freshmen who are graduates of Carrollton High School, have performed community service and demonstrate academic achievement
Cartwright/Muladore Endowed Business Scholarship
Established by: —Mr. and Mrs. James G. Muladore
Awards: — 8 at $1,000 each
Assists junior or senior majors in the College of Business with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, financial need, and commitment to community service
Robert E. Chadwick II and Cynthia
A. Chadwick Endowed Graduate Scholarship (Endowment in Progress)
Established by: —Robert E. Chadwick II and — Cynthia A. Chadwick
Will assist graduate students in the fields of business or public administration who demonstrate academic excellence in their undergraduate studies
Robert E. Chadwick II and Cynthia A.
Chadwick Endowed Scholarship within the College of Business (Endowment in Progress)
Established by: —Robert E. Chadwick II and Cynthia A. Chadwick
Will assist new, incoming freshmen majoring in fields within the College of Business
Chase Endowed Scholarship
Established by: — Chase Bank
Awards: 3 at $1,000 each
Assists full-time students who show financial need, academic achievement, a commitment to community service and demonstrate leadership potential
Clinkenbeard-Kickham Accounting Scholarship
Established by: —Department of Accounting, John A. Clinkenbeard, Larry Kickham
Awards: 1 at $1,500
Assists students with junior or senior class standing and academic achievement pursuing a degree in accounting
College of Business Endowed Scholarship
Established by: —SVSU Scott L. Carmona
— College of Business Faculty
Awards: —1 at $1,000
Assists College of Business majors who demonstrate financial need and the ability or potential to make a positive contribution to their chosen field of study
College of Education Endowed Scholarship
Established by: — U.S. Department of
—Education T3 Grant
Awards: —12 awards; award amounts vary
Assists students with financial need accepted into the College of Education who are student teaching the semester the scholarship is awarded
W. R. Collings Fund
Established by: —Dow Corning Corporation
Awards: —1 at $1,200
Assists new, full-time freshman students
Controller’s Office Endowed Scholarship
Established by: SVSU Controller’s Office
Awards: 1 at $500
Assists high-achieving students within the College of Business, with preference given to interns in the SVSU Controller’s Office or any office of the Administration and Business Affairs Division
Fred C. and Joyce Cook Endowed Scholarship
Established by: Fred C. and Joyce Cook
Awards: 1 at $1,500
Assists new, full-time freshman students who demonstrate financial need
Joyce Bangert Cook R.N./M.S.H.A. Scholarship in Nursing
Established by: Fred C. and Joyce Cook
Awards: —2 at $1,500 each
Assists pre-nursing or nursing majors based on their personal and academic achievements and their ability or potential to make a positive contribution to the field of nursing

or Rhossa Umutoniwase, staying in one place has never been part of the plan.
“I have always liked to travel and have always planned to live my life in many places. So, for me to study internationally, especially in the U.S., was a great opportunity to test out if I would love to live or work abroad,” said Rhossa. A biology major from Rwanda, Rhossa decided to study in the United States for the flexibility of an international degree. That is what ultimately led her to travel nearly 7,500 miles to attend Saginaw Valley State University.
“I met an international student recruiter from back home and they talked about SVSU, and of all schools we had been introduced to that day SVSU stuck with me,” Rhossa said.
Upon graduating from SVSU, Rhossa plans to attend medical school at Howard University, where she will specialize in either oncology or cardiology. Her decision to become a doctor was influenced by the situations she witnessed growing up in Rwanda.
“It was normal for extremely sick individuals to travel to other countries to get medical treatment, and it was so expensive to travel and get treatment abroad far away from your loved ones,” said Rhossa. “To me that was heartbreaking, and I felt like I wanted to do something to help.”
Rhossa’s decision to come to SVSU was in no small part thanks to generous support from scholarships.
One of those opportunities was the Abou Traore Student Scholarship, established in memory of a popular and dedicated international student — and pre-med major — at SVSU who passed away in a tragic accident before the start of the fall 2007 semester. Abou shared Rhossa’s dream to return to his home country as a doctor. Abou, who arrived from Senegal at SVSU in the summer of 2005, was preparing to be a Resident Assistant for the 2007-2008 academic year, a student position Rhossa has also held at SVSU. He played soccer, worked for Campus Facilities and Dining Services, and was a leading student member of the International Student Club.

For over 10 years, SVSU’s Residential Life office led fundraising efforts to build the endowment in his honor, hosting the annual “Pros vs. Joes” basketball competitions, pitting members of the Men’s and Women’s Basketball Teams (Pros) against faculty and staff (Joes). Greg Behe, associate director of residential life, was a driving force in raising money for the scholarship and continues to lead the scholarship selection committee today.

“Abou Traore was an exemplary SVSU student leader and well respected by faculty, staff and students. Having and continuing the Abou Traore Student Scholarship is an honor and important in celebrating the rich contributions and memory of Abou,” Greg said. “Rhossa exemplifies the spirit and legacy of Abou.”
Merry Jo Brandimore, dean emerita of students and a founding donor to the scholarship, remembers Abou as having a smile that was “bigger than his face.” She added, “Abou was such a sweet and gentle person…a trailblazer for international students at SVSU as he became involved in so many things. He was a quiet leader but with tremendous influence. He was a trusted friend.”
In addition to their shared major and career goal, like Abou, Rhossa loves being involved in campus life and has a passion for helping others. She has worked on campus as a research assistant, a biology tutor, and became the diversity chair for SVSU’s Student Association. Rhossa says her favorite experiences were ones where she got to support others. As a member of the 2020-2021 cohort of the Donna J. Roberts Fellowship (now the Roberts-Gilbertson Fellowship; see sidebar), one of SVSU’s most prestigious student Programs of Distinction, Rhossa enjoyed the opportunity to hone her leadership skills, but it was the opportunity to serve that stood out for her. “I enjoyed the most the service project we did in the Roberts Fellowship, where we created care packages for people who lost someone to suicide and the work we did for suicide prevention,” said Rhossa.
“I also loved being SA’s diversity chair as I got to collaborate with many RSOs on campus like
and [the]
Multicultural Student Center to create programs that were really meaningful to me.”
Rhossa has also received the university-funded Red and White Scholarship and the President’s International Scholarship to further assist her in financing her education. Thanks to the opportunities she received at SVSU, Rhossa is on her way to living her dreams and touching the lives of others worldwide.

Roberts-Gilbertson Fellows
An SVSU Program of Distinction
Programs of Distinction encourage and help develop excellence through specialized coursework, individual research experience, community service, leadership and international travel. The Donna J. Roberts Fellowship (now the Roberts-Gilbertson Fellowship) was among the very first such programs at SVSU.
“I plan to do my residency here in the U.S., and maybe gain a year or two of experience before being a traveling doctor,” Rhossa said. “Even if my effort might be small, I want to make that small difference and make a contribution in my country back home, and in the world for all the people who once felt like me, and wished for a better healthcare system.”
Donna J. Roberts has a rich history of leadership and generosity at Saginaw Valley State University. She retired in 1996 as corporate secretary and assistant general counsel of The Dow Chemical Company, and was an award-winning leader and philanthropist in the Midland community. She served in officer roles on the SVSU Board of Control, SVSU Board of Fellows, and SVSU Foundation Board of Directors. She is a recipient of SVSU’s most prestigious community service award, the Distinguished Service Medallion, and an honorary alumna. Through a generous estate commitment, Donna created the Donna J. Roberts Fellows program to provide leadership development and global travel opportunities for SVSU students committed to service and excellence.
Third SVSU president, Dr. Eric Gilbertson, and his wife, Cindy, shared Donna’s strong belief in the power of international travel experiences in preparing students for leadership, success, and understanding in an increasingly global professional environment. They recently repurposed their own study abroad scholarship endowment to help support the Roberts Fellows program. Dr. E. Malcolm Field, a generous philanthropist and world-renowned neurosurgeon, made a generous endowment gift in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Gilbertson. Dr. Field’s gift will enhance and sustain the program in perpetuity. The program was renamed the Roberts-Gilbertson Fellowship in 2022.
Cox Cable Saginaw Scholarship
Established by: Cox Communications Saginaw, Inc.
Awards: 1 at $800
Assists graduates of one of the following local high schools: Buena Vista, Carrollton, Heritage, Michigan Lutheran, Nouvel, Arthur Hill, Saginaw High or Valley Lutheran
CPI Engineering Services Scholarship
Established by: CPI Engineering Services, Inc.
Awards: —1 at $1,200
Assists full-time students who exhibit academic excellence, good character and leadership with a preference for chemistry majors and students that participate in work co-op opportunities
Curran-DeSautel Family Scholarship
Established by: —Merry Jo and Gary Brandimore
Awards: —1 at $250
Assists students enrolled full-time who are residents of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan with preference given to students from Schoolcraft County
Currie Kendall Polasky Meisel
Endowed Scholarship
Established by: PDKST (Formerly Currie Kendall)
Awards: —1 at $500
Assists full-time incoming freshman students who are children of police officers or firefighters
Charles B. and Susan M. Curtiss
Endowed Scholarship (Endowment in Progress)
Established by: — Charles B. and Susan M. Curtiss
Will assist residents of Bay County who demonstrate scholastic excellence, leadership and commitment to service and extracurricular activities
Gerald L. Decker Math and Science Scholarship
Established by: Gerald L. and Florence Decker
Awards: —1 at $1,000
Assists junior and senior math, science, or math or science education majors who show academic excellence, commitment to community service and have leadership potential
Delphi Automotive Systems/General Motors Endowed Scholarship in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
Established by: Delphi Automotive Systems/ General Motors
Awards: 7 at $1,000 each
Assists electrical or mechanical engineering majors who demonstrate academic excellence, good character and leadership
Chad M. Dewey Memorial Scholarship
Established by: Ashlie and Alayna Dewey
Awards: 1 at $500
Assists students majoring in computer information systems or computer science with preference given to students pursuing a minor in cybersecurity and/or planning a career in a computer security related field
Distinguished Technical Theatre Scholarship
Established by: SVSU Foundation
Awards: 1 at $4,000
Assists majors in theatre or theatre education with a minimum GPA of 3.5 in their major classes who demonstrate excellence in the design and technical areas of theatre
Barbara Ann Divine Endowed Nursing Scholarship
Established by: Susan Crane and Karen Hubner
Awards: 1 at $800
Assists full-time students admitted to the nursing program who demonstrate academic achievement and a potential to contribute to the field of nursing
Judith and Thomas Donahue/ Capital Group Companies Endowed Scholarship in Political Science
Established by: —Judith & Thomas Donahue/Capital
—Group Companies
Awards: —3 at $1,000 each
Assists juniors or seniors majoring in political science or public administration and demonstrating academic achievement
Amy L. Dore Annual Nursing Scholarship
Established by: Fritz and Amy Dore
Awards: —1 at $1,000
Assists students admitted to the BSN or RN-to-BSN program who demonstrate a commitment to excellence in the field of nursing
Linneaus Dorman Endowed Scholarship in Honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Established by: —Linneaus and Phae Dorman
Awards: 2 at $1,000 each
Assists students who demonstrate academic achievement, good character and involvement in organizations that address issues of advancement and equity in education, health, criminal justice system, employment and government for all
Phae H. Dorman Endowed Scholarship in Honor of Rosa Parks
Established by: —Linneaus and Phae Dorman
Awards: 1 at $1,600
Assists students who demonstrate academic achievement, good character and involvement in organizations that address issues of advancement and equity in education, health, criminal justice system, employment and government for all
Joel Dorne Criminal JusticeMilitary Veterans’ Scholarship
Established by: — Cliff and Juanita Dorne
Awards: 1 at $600
Assists criminal justice majors and minors and veterans of at least sophomore class standing enrolled full-time
Dow Corning Employees Scholarship Fund
Established by: —Dow Corning
Awards: —3 at $1,000 each
Assists College of Business or College of Science, Engineering and Technology majors with a minimum of 31 credits and demonstrating academic excellence, leadership and good character
Dow Corning Foundation - SVSU - Community STEM Partnership Scholarship
Established by: Dow Corning Foundation
Awards: 10 at $1,000 each
Assists students whose K-12 school district participated in the Dow Corning Foundation/SVSU Community STEM Partnership Program and are pursuing (or intend to pursue) a STEM major
Terry and Jerry Drake Endowed Scholarship
Established by: Terry and Jerry Drake
Awards: 10 at $1,000 each
Assists art or music majors who are residents of Bay, Midland or Saginaw county who show scholastic achievement and potential
Jim Dwyer, Sr. Endowed Scholarship
Established by: Mr. James P. and Dr. Cheryl Dwyer
Awards: 2 at $1,500 each
Assists full-time students who are first generation in college and starting their second year at SVSU
Sally Edgerton-Netke Memorial Scholarship in Early Childhood Education
Established by: —Family and Colleagues of —Sally Edgerton-Netke
Awards: —2 at $2,500 each
Assists graduate and undergraduate students majoring in early childhood education and demonstrating academic excellence, outstanding writing, scholarship and understanding of developmentally appropriate teaching
Larry Engel Memorial Scholarship
Established by: Family and Friends of Larry Engel
Awards: 2 at $1,000 each
Assists students admitted to the College of Education, including accelerated teacher certification program students
Entrepreneur Living Learning Community Scholarship
Established by: —SVSU College of Business
Awards: 25 at $500 each
Assists students residing on campus in a learning community focused on entrepreneurship
Steven C. Erickson and Krista M. Srodes Endowed Scholarship in Design and Theatre Technology
Established by: Steven Erickson and Krista Srodes
Awards: 1 at $1,000
Assists theatre majors who demonstrate academic achievement and whose specialty area is design and theatre technology
Fabiano Brothers Business Scholarship
Established by: Fabiano Brothers
Awards: 1 at $1,000
Assists freshman College of Business majors who demonstrate the ability and potential to make a contribution to the field of business and a genuine interest in entrepreneurship
John A. Fallon Award for Leadership
Established by: —SVSU Colleagues of John Fallon
Awards: —1 at $700
Assists members of an SVSU non-revenue producing athletic team with a minimum class standing of sophomore who demonstrate leadership potential, academic achievement and good character
Dr. Heidi L. Febert Memorial Award
Established by: Family and Friends of Dr. Heidi L. Febert
Awards: 1 at $400
Assists history majors of junior or senior class standing who are first generation in college students and show academic excellence in their major
Field Neurosciences Institute
Scholarship for Neuroscience Nursing
Established by: E. Malcolm Field, M.D.
Awards: 4 awards; award amounts vary
Assists high-achieving nursing students employed or to be employed with Ascension Saint Mary’s who have the ability or potential to contribute to the field of nursing in general and neuroscience nursing in particular
Michael A. Finney Scholarship for Future Economic Development Professionals (Endowment in Progress)
Established by: Family and Friends of Michael A. —Finney
Will assist full-time students majoring in business with an interest in economic development
FIRST Robotics Scholarship
Established by: Regional Technology Leaders
Awards: —2 at $4,000 each
Assists participants in FIRST Robotics Competitions who demonstrate a commitment to leadership, service and academic success
Forever Red Scholarship
Established by: Forever Red
Awards: —2 at $1,000 each
Assists students who have completed at least one semester at SVSU and are fully enrolled for the following term
Gerald C. Francis Endowed Scholarship
Established by: —Barbara Byron
Awards: —1 at $800
Assists accounting majors who are nontraditional students employed to help finance their education and who demonstrate greatest potential for success and future contribution to the field of accounting
Frankenmuth Scholarship
Established by: —Wally and Irene Bronner
Awards: —1 at $1,000
Assists full-time currently enrolled SVSU students who are graduates of a Frankenmuth high school
Vance B3 Fulton Accounting Endowed Scholarship
Established by: —Vance B. Fulton
Awards: 1 at $400
Assists full-time accounting majors with financial need, academic achievement and a history of involvement in activities or organizations that promote diversity and inclusion
Garb-Ko, Inc. 7-Eleven Scholarship Fund
Established by: — Garb-Ko, Inc./7-Eleven
Awards: —1 at $600
Assists freshman College of Business majors with a demonstrated involvement and participation in community activities or co-curricular activities
Gerity Broadcasting Company Scholarship
Established by: — Gerity Broadcasting Company
Awards: —2 at $1,000 each
Assists new freshman students with academic potential
Herbert and Doris Gettel Endowed Scholarship
Established by: The Gettel Family
Awards: 1 at $1,000
Assists new freshman students from the Thumb area who are graduates of USA or Laker High Schools and demonstrate financial need
Gilbertson Award for Study Abroad
Established by: Dr. Eric and Mrs. Cynthia Gilbertson
Awards: 6 at $1,000 each
Assists students studying abroad who have completed a minimum of 24 credits at SVSU, demonstrate academic achievement, character and leadership
Dr. Richard H., Alma W. and R. Scott Gilmore Endowed Scholarship
Established by: —Dr. Richard H., Alma W. and R. Scott Gilmore
Awards: 1 at $600
Assists members of the SVSU cheerleading team who demonstrate academic achievement and community service, with preference to students affiliated with the United Way or Junior League
Glastender, Inc. Annual Business/ Manufacturing Scholarship
Established by: Glastender, Inc.
Awards: 2 at $1,000 each
Assists College of Business majors demonstrating academic achievement, with priority given to students focusing on industrial management and industrial technology
Bob and Marge Goedert Family Business Endowed Scholarship
Established by: —Rick and Mary Goedert
Awards: 1 at $500
Assists students enrolled in a family business class, working for or planning to join their family business, pursuing a major within the College of Business and residing in the State of Michigan, especially the Great Lakes Bay Region
Grace Goetz Memorial Nursing Scholarship Fund
Established by: —Family and Friends of Grace Goetz
Awards: 1 at $1,900
Assists junior and senior nursing majors showing scholastic and personal achievement, good character and leadership with preference to licensed practical nurses (LPN) or nursing assistants
Gorden Organic Chemistry Scholarship
Established by: Dr. Berner J. Gorden
Awards: 1 at $1,000
Assists students who have completed organic chemistry courses at SVSU and demonstrate potential for excellence and positive contribution to the field of chemistry
Marc A. Gordon Memorial Scholarship in Acting
Established by: Friends and Family of Marc A. Gordon
Awards: 2 at $1,000 each
Assists theatre majors with a minimum junior standing who demonstrate potential, ability and passion to excel in the art of acting and have previously performed in a minimum of four SVSU productions
James (Jim) Gorzinski Memorial Scholarship
Established by: Family and Friends of Jim Gorzinski
Awards: 1 at $1,000
Assists junior and senior majors in accounting or finance demonstrating academic excellence, with preference for candidates from Mid-Michigan
Gougeon Brothers Science Scholarship Fund
Established by: Gougeon Brothers, Inc.
Awards: 1 at $200
Assists junior or senior students majoring in chemistry, environmental chemistry, mechanical engineering or secondary education/chemistry or science majors, with preference for Bay County residents
Dr. Ravi and Dr. Rashmi Goyal Endowed Scholarship
Established by: —Dr. Ravi and Dr. Rashmi Goyal
Awards: 1 at $1,400
Assists newly enrolled, full-time freshmen demonstrating academic excellence and majoring in pre-nursing, pre-occupational therapy or health science who are residents of Bay County
Eldon Graham Engineering Scholarship
Established by: —Dr. and Mrs. Eldon L. Graham
Awards: — 6 at $2,500 each
Assists engineering, technology, or technological processes majors showing scholastic achievement, character and leadership, with preference given to students whose college experiences were interrupted
William and Virginia Groening Memorial Scholarship
Established by: —William Groening
Awards: —15 at $1,000 each
Assists students enrolled full- or part-time with financial need and scholastic achievement/potential
David and Jacqueline Hall Opportunity Scholarship
Established by: David and Jacqueline Hall
Awards: —1 at $600
Assists Saginaw County College of Business majors who demonstrate academic achievement, leadership, character, commitment to diversity/inclusion and community service
Patricia A. Hansel Memorial Nursing Scholarship
Established by: E. Malcolm Field, M.D.
Awards: 4 at $1,500 each
Assists registered nurses pursuing a graduate degree in nursing demonstrating academic excellence, good character, service to the community and dedication and professionalism in the field of nursing, with preference to those specializing in surgical nursing
Dr. Douglas Hansen Cross-Country/ Track and Field Scholarship (Endowment
in Progress)
Established by: Fred T. Harring
Will assist current members of the cross-country or Track and Field programs with a minimum grade point average of 3.0
Dr. Douglas E. and Patricia M. Hansen
Endowed Academic Scholarship (Endowment in Progress)
Established by: —Dr. Douglas E. and —Mrs. Patricia M. Hansen
Will assist full-time secondary education students with a minimum 3.0 GPA who are student-athletes with the career goal of coaching, especially track and field
Bruce Allen Hart Scholarship
Established by: —Family of Bruce Allen Hart
Awards: 15 at $300 each
Assists Michigan residents (preference to College of Science, Engineering and Technology majors from Bay, Midland and Saginaw counties) taking Chemistry 111
Albert S. Harvey Scholarship
Established by: Harvey Memorial Foundation
Awards: 1 at $1,300
Assists new freshmen or transfer students enrolled full-time at SVSU
W. and Marilyn M. Hausbeck Memorial Scholarship
Established by: —Hausbeck Family
Awards: —1 at $1,300
Assists residents of the City of Saginaw who demonstrate academic achievement and commitment to their community through a strong history of community service and involvement during their high school years
Gladys Hernandez-Zubulake Endowed Scholarship for Spanish Majors/Minors
Established by: — Gladys Hernandez-Zubulake
Awards: —1 at $1,000
Assists Spanish majors or minors eligible to take upperdivision Spanish courses who demonstrate excellence in the language and their overall academics
Thomas Hetherman Memorial Scholarship
Established by: —Lois Hetherman
Awards: —1 at $600
Assists participants in the SVSU golf program with a minimum cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 or higher
James and Rosemary Hill Scholarship in Music
Established by: James and Rosemary Hill
Awards: 1 at $500
Assists music or music education majors with financial need who demonstrate excellence in their music courses
Hispanic American Community Endowed Scholarship in Memory of Dr. Victor Luis Castellanos
Established by: —Vicente Castellanos and the —Regional Hispanic Community
Awards: 1 at $1,300
Assists new freshman students who have demonstrated character and leadership in promoting Hispanic awareness or cultural diversity to the people of their community
Dawn Hoeg Memorial Basketball Scholarship
Established by: Family and Friends of Dawn Hoeg
Awards: 2 at $2,350 each
Assists members in good standing of SVSU men’s or women’s basketball teams who have achieved at least sophomore class standing and demonstrate good sportsmanship and continued positive contribution to their team
Joseph and Gladys Hoern Memorial Fund
Established by: Joseph H. Hoern and Gladys M. Hoern
Awards: 90 awards; award amounts vary
Assists students from Bay, Midland or Saginaw county who demonstrate financial need
William S. Hoffmann and John R.
Willertz Endowed Scholarship
Established by: Families and Colleagues of William F. Hoffmann and John R.
Awards: —2 at $1,500 each
Assists history, history education or social studies majors with a minimum of 60 completed credits who demonstrate academic excellence
Scott L. Holman Baycaster Scholarship
Established by: Scott L. Holman
Awards: 1 at $1,200
Assists family members of active or retired Bay Cast employees who are Michigan residents and demonstrate character and leadership, with preference to majors in engineering, College of Business or College of Education and then to other Bay Cast family members
From the bottom of my heart, thank you. Your scholarship gift has presented me with an incredible opportunity to spend the last four years here at SVSU and earn a bachelor’s degree in business! I will forever be grateful for the generosity you have shown me as you have no less than changed the course of my life.
- Greta E.
Frederick Douglas and Natalia Ruth Horak Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Established by: —Frederick “Fritz” Horak and Lucy Horak
Awards: 2 at $1,500 each
Assists residents of Bay, Midland or Saginaw county pursuing degrees in pre-medicine, nursing, medical technology, occupational therapy, psychology, social work or sociology and demonstrating a commitment to community service and academic achievement
Jay Hornsby Scholarship
Established by: —Family and Colleagues of Jay Hornsby
Awards: 6 at $1,000 each
Assists new freshmen who are Midland Dow or Midland High School graduates demonstrating financial need and recommended by their high school counselors
Huntley Scholarship in Science and Mathematics
Established by: Dr. Deborah R. Huntley and —Mr. Alton F. Huntley
Awards: —2 at $1,200 each
Assists students in their first year of study at SVSU majoring in the College of Science, Engineering and Technology or the College of Education with the goal of becoming mathematics or science teachers for grades 9-12
I.B.E.W. Local 557 Endowed Scholarship
Established by: International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 557
Awards: —1 at $600
Assists students who demonstrate good leadership, character and community involvement, with preference for IBEW Local 557 member sons and daughters
IEEE Endowed Engineering Scholarship
Established by: —Institute of Electrical and —Electronics Engineers
Awards: 1 at $1,100
Assists engineering majors, active members of the IEEE student branch and active participants in the Northeast Michigan section of the IEEE who demonstrate academic achievement, good character and leadership
Independent Bank Opportunity Scholarship
Established by: Independent Bank
Awards: 7 at $1,000 each
Assists second-year students who are not eligible for Pell Grants
International Study Abroad Endowed Scholarship
Established by: —International Study Abroad Donors
Awards: 1 at $1,300
Assists students who have been accepted for at least one semester of study abroad with an expressed interest in languages and different cultures
Robert Castro Jaime Endowed Scholarship
Established by: —Mr. and Mrs. James Jaime
Awards: —1 at $1,000
Assists social work majors who are residents of Saginaw, Bay, Midland, Huron, Tuscola, Sanilac, Gratiot or Isabella county and demonstrate the ability or potential to make a positive contribution to the field of social work
Sara Louise Jackson-Nearing Accounting Scholarship (Endowment
in Progress)
Established by: Mr. James V. Nearing
Will assist freshman students majoring in accounting demonstrating academic excellence and financial need
Walter T. James Memorial Scholarship
Established by: —Family of Walter T. James
Awards: — 4 at $1,100 each
Assists students who demonstrate academic achievement, good character, commitment to community service, involvement in extracurricular activities and leadership, with preference to sociology, social work and criminal justice majors
Lorraine E. Jarusel Scholarship for Nontraditional Students (Endowment
in Progress)
Established by: —Lorraine E. Jarusel
Will assist nontraditional students pursuing degrees at SVSU
Leo Jean Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Established by: —Loretta L. Jean
Awards: 9 at $1,000 each
Assists transfer students with at least 24 credits transferring to SVSU, with preference to students transferring from a university environment
Marion Jean Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Established by: Loretta L. Jean
Awards: 10 at $1,000 each
Assists transfer students with at least 24 credits transferring to SVSU, with preference to students transferring from a university environment
James R. and Anita H. Jenkins
Endowed Scholarship for Student Success
Established by: —James R. and Anita H. Jenkins
Awards: — 4 at $1,000 each, plus renewals
Assists new freshman students pursuing degrees at Saginaw Valley State University with awareness of African American and/or Native American culture and commitment to inclusion and diversity
Jurgens Nursing Scholarship Fund
Established by: William and Lori Jurgens
Awards: 6 at $1,000 each
Assists students admitted to the nursing program who demonstrate academic achievement with the potential or ability to make a positive contribution to the field of nursing
Art Kackmeister and Gladys Benjamin Kackmeister Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Established by: Thomas Kackmeister
Awards: —2 at $2,500 each
Assists students who demonstrate academic achievement, financial need and a commitment to women’s athletics through coaching, advocacy or participation
Mary C. Kato Endowed Scholarship
Established by: Dr. Karen Gougeon and Mr. Brad Gougeon
Awards: —1 at $1,000
Assists students in the College of Science, Engineering and Technology or College of Education who show academic achievement, leadership, good character and community service, with preference given to pre-dentistry majors
Kimberly Sue and Carol Lee Keipinger Memorial Business Scholarship
Established by: —Michael and Carolyn Keipinger
Awards: 2 at $500 each
Assists new freshman students who are College of Business majors and demonstrate high character, leadership and integrity, are involved in extracurricular activities and community service activities, with special consideration to participants in band
Zubeda S. Khan Endowed Scholarship
Established by: —Family of Dr. Zubeda S. Khan
Awards: 1 at $1,000
Assists full-time incoming freshmen residing in Saginaw County pursuing health science-related majors in the College of Health and Human Services
Kihata/House Family Scholarship in Art
Established by: —Dr. Hideki Kihata
Awards: 1 at $500
Assists students with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, majoring in art, art history, graphic design, visual arts or BFA-all media and/or minoring in art, art history, or graphic design
Oscar Kloha Scholarship
Established by: — Oscar W. Kloha
—2 at $1,000 each
Assists new full- or part-time undergraduate or graduate students who demonstrate financial need, scholastic achievement and leadership potential
Leota M. Kowalski, RN Memorial Nursing Scholarship
Established by: —Kowalski Family
Awards: 1 at $3,000
Assists students admitted to the BSN or RN-to-BSN program with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and commitment to excellence in nursing
Kozlowski Jet’s Pizza Family Scholarship
Established by: Kozlowski Family/Jet’s Pizza
Awards: 2 at $500 each
Assists students from Genesee, Bay or Saginaw County who are members of the SVSU track and field or cross country teams and/or pursuing a major in the College of Business
Joseph and Karen Krantz Family Charitable Foundation Annual Scholarship
Established by: Joseph and Karen Krantz
—Family Charitable Foundation
Awards: —1 at $1,700
Assists students who are residents of Bay County, enrolled full-time and demonstrate academic excellence, a commitment to volunteering and community service
Thomas E. Kullgren Engineering Scholarship (Endowment in Progress)
Established by: Dr. Thomas E. Kullgren
Will assist engineering students of minimum sophomore standing who demonstrate a strong work ethic and dedication to their studies
Lamson and Humphreys Endowed Scholarship Fund
Established by: —Dr. B. J. Humphreys and —Mrs. Laura Humphreys
Awards: — 4 at $1,100 each
Assists undergraduate or graduate students (including transfer students) who demonstrate leadership, good character and community service, with preference to pre-law students and those working to finance their education
Edward and Kathryn Langenburg Endowed Scholarship
Established by: Edward and Kathryn Langenburg
Awards: 1 at $1,300
Assists students admitted to the SVSU teacher education program pursuing a major in the field of secondary education who are graduates of a Bay County high school, with preference given to graduates of Western or Central High Schools
Don C. Law Memorial Scholarship
Established by: Magline, Inc. and Family of Don C. Law
Awards: —5 awards; award amounts vary
Assists mechanical engineering or electrical engineering majors who demonstrate academic achievement, good character and leadership, with preference given to graduates of high schools in Saginaw, Bay, Midland, Arenac and Gladwin counties
Sara Margaret Leki Scholarship Fund
Established by: Sara Margaret Leki
Awards: 3 at $1,250 each
Assists Mid-Michigan area residents enrolled full-time who demonstrate academic achievement, leadership, character and community involvement
Jason Liddell Scholarship
Established by: —Burger King
Awards: 1 at $1,500
Assists members of the SVSU football team of junior or senior class standing who demonstrate academic excellence, good citizenship, community service and leadership potential
SVSU Robert W. (Bob) Loftus Endowed Scholarship
Established by: Robert W. (Bob) Loftus
Awards: —1 at $3,000
Assists incoming, current, or transfer members of the football team who maintain good academic standing and demonstrate the ability or potential to make a positive contribution to the football program
Herbert H. Lyon Scholarship
Established by: —Family and Friends of Herbert H. Lyon
Awards: 2 at $1,250 each
Assists students who are residents of Bay, Midland or Saginaw county with financial need, academic achievement and potential for leadership
Michael and Megan Major Military Service Scholarship
Established by: Michael and Megan Major
Awards: 1 at $1,000
Assists military members or dependents of military members, with preference given to actively drilling members of any branch of the ready reserves
Gladys and Samuel Marble Graduate Business Scholarship Fund
Established by: —Dr. Samuel and Mrs. Gladys Marble
Awards: —1 at $2,000
Assists graduate students who have attended Delta College enrolled full-time in the College of Business, with preference given to those with leadership potential and community involvement
Samuel D. Marble Memorial Scholarship
Established by: Dr. Samuel and Mrs. Gladys Marble
Awards: 1 at $1,400
Assists Delta College transfer students majoring in the liberal arts who show leadership, community involvement and academic achievement
Wilbur Charles “Chuck” Martin, III Endowed Scholarship (Endowment in Progress)
Established by: Family and Friends of Chuck Martin Will assist SVSU students through scholarship support
Marx Family Endowed Engineering Scholarship
Established by: —Marx Family
Awards: 7 at $1,000 each
Assists new freshman Tri-City and Thumb area students pursuing degrees in engineering who achieve academic excellence
Maurovich-Warner Endowed Veterans Scholarship
Established by: —Dr. Robert Maurovich, Mrs. Nancy
—Warner and Mrs. Marguerite Warner
Awards: — 8 at $1,000 each
Assists Michigan residents with financial need who are returning student veterans having served at least one year in full-time military service, with preference to the U.S. Army
Gary A. McMall Endowed Scholarship
Established by: Family of Gary A. McMall
Awards: —1 at $1,000
Assists students who are graduates of Nouvel Catholic Central High School or transfer students from Delta College pursuing majors in the College of Business
Nancy S. Meadows Memorial Graduate Grants in Education
Established by: —Dr. Robert W. and Mrs. Nancy S.
Awards: 1 at $500
Assists students who have completed at least six credit hours toward a degree in the Educational Leadership program on the master’s or educational specialist level at SVSU
Mary Merchant Art Scholarship
Established by: —Merchant Family
Awards: —2 at $1,500 each
Assists majors in art, fine arts, graphic design or visual arts education from the Great Lakes Bay Region who demonstrate community involvement/service
Michigan Sugar Company Endowed Scholarship
Established by: Michigan Sugar Company
Awards: 1 at $1,000
Assists Michigan College of Science, Engineering and Technology majors, with preference given to agriculture minors and/or those planning careers in an agriculturerelated field
Edith M. Mikolajczak Endowed Scholarship
Established by: Mr. James P. and Dr. Cheryl Dwyer
Awards: —1 at $1,000
Assists second-year students with a minimum GPA of 3.0 who graduated from Bay City All Saints or Bay City Public Schools
J. William Miller Endowed Engineering Scholarship Fund
Established by:— J. William Miller
Awards: —1 at $1,000
Assists returning or transfer engineering majors who have achieved at least sophomore status, academic excellence, good character and leadership
Rhea Miller Scholarships in Music
Established by: Rhea E. Miller
Awards: 5 new awards plus renewals
Assists music and music education majors demonstrating excellence in their music courses and in vocal or instrumental performance, with preference to incoming freshmen
Barbara Lee Mitchell Endowed Scholarship in Vocal Music
Established by: —Dr. James Mitchell
Awards: —1 at $1,500
Assists full- and part-time music and music education majors
Dominic Monastiere Endowed Scholarship Fund
Established by: —Dom and Pam Monastiere
Awards: —1 at $1,000
Assists first-generation college students with financial need who are graduates of a Bay County high school pursuing majors in the College of Business
Merlyn Mondol Endowed Scholarship
Established by: Rajkumari Mondol Wiener
—and Dr. Merlyn Mondol
Awards: —2 at $1,500 each
Assists junior and senior psychology majors who have the ability to promote campus diversity to encourage global understanding and goodwill
Edward B. “Ted” Morley, Jr. Memorial Endowed Athletic Scholarship
Established by: —Morley Companies, Family, and Foundation
Awards: 5 at $1,100 each
Assists outstanding student athletes who have achieved academic excellence in high school
Morley Companies Endowed Scholarship for Student Success
Established by: Morley Companies, Family, and Foundation
Awards: 1 at $600
Assists second-year students with financial need who are residents of Saginaw County, with preference given to first-generation-in-college students
Thank you again for this wonderful scholarship and everything you have helped me accomplish in my first year at SVSU! Without this scholarship, I would be struggling, I truly can’t thank you enough!
- Jackie S.
Mridha International Student Leadership Award
Established by: —Dr. Debasish Mridha and Mrs. Chinu Mridha
Awards: 1 at $1,500
Assists graduate and undergraduate international students involved in campus leadership and engagement
Trisha Muladore and Covenant Nursing Endowment
Established by: —Mr. and Mrs. James G. Muladore
Awards: —10 at $1,000 each
Assists students admitted to the nursing program demonstrating financial need, academic achievement, commitment to community service and the ability or potential to make a positive contribution to the field of nursing
Multi-Cultural Engineering Scholarship Opportunity Fund
Established by: —Macro-Michigan Pre-Technical Education Partnership (M3PEP)
Awards: 3 at $1,000 each
Assists junior and senior engineering or science majors who demonstrate character and leadership with preference for Bay, Midland and Saginaw County residents
Claire and Toivo Myllykangas Endowed Scholarship Fund
Established by: Claire and Toivo Myllykangas
Awards: — 8 at $1,000 each
Assists new freshmen who are residents of Saginaw County achieving academic excellence with consideration of economic opportunity and prior educational opportunity
Derrick Nash Memorial Education Scholarship
Established by: — Craig and Joan Douglas
Awards: 1 at $1,000
Assists students demonstrating academic achievement who are accepted into the College of Education, with preference given to students who have the ability or potential to make a positive contribution to the teaching profession
Donald F. Nash Memorial Textbook Award
Established by: Barbara N. Ewend and the Estate of —Donald F. Nash
Awards: —19 at $1,000 each
Assists students achieving academic excellence in high school and demonstrating leadership, community involvement and financial need
National Association of Purchasing Management (NAPM) Saginaw Valley Chapter Scholarship
Established by: —National Association of Purchasing
—Management - Saginaw Valley
— Chapter
Awards: 1 at $500
Assists junior and senior majors in the College of Business who demonstrate leadership
New Hope Senior Communities Scholarship - Occupational Therapy
Established by: K. Rumi Shahzad
Awards: 1 at $1,000
Assists students currently enrolled in the MSOT program with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3 and a strong interest in a career serving the geriatric population of the Great Lakes Bay Region
New Hope Senior Communities Scholarship - Nursing
Established by: K. Rumi Shahzad
Awards: —1 at $1,000
Assists Nursing students of N2 or above standing with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3 who demonstrate a strong interest in a career serving the geriatric population of the Great Lakes Bay Region
Ruth and A.R. O’Connor Memorial Endowed Golf Scholarship Fund
Established by: — Children of Ruth and A.R. O’Connor
Awards: 4 at $1,000 each
Assists members of the SVSU golf team with demonstrated ability to contribute to success of the golf program with preference given to Saginaw County residents
James E. O’Neill, Jr. Scholarship
Established by: Family and Friends of James E. O’Neill, Jr.
Awards: 3 at $1,200 each
Assists Saginaw County student athletes in baseball, golf, softball or tennis who demonstrate scholastic achievement, leadership potential and good citizenship with preference given to first-time-in-college students
Patricia Orr Endowed Business Scholarship
Established by: Patricia Orr
Awards: 1 at $700
Assists junior and senior bay county College of Business majors who demonstrate academic achievement, financial need and involvement in activities/ organizations that promote gender equity
Oscar and Louise Osthelder Scholarship
Established by: — Oscar P. and Louise H. Osthelder
Awards: 9 at $1,000 each
Assists new freshmen who are residents of Bay County and show scholastic achievement, character, leadership and financial need
Alan Ott and Chemical Bank Endowed Scholarship Fund
Established by: Chemical Bank (Now TCF Bank)
Awards: 4 at $1,100 each
Assists Mid-Michigan residents who are business or finance majors who demonstrate academic achievement, leadership and community involvement
Otto, Westendorf, and Wilhite Endowed Agricultural Scholarship
Established by: Otto, Westendorf and Wilhite
Awards: —1 at $1,500
Assists students planning to pursue a career in agriculture, including those with an agricultural studies minor as part of a bachelor’s degree program at SVSU
Part-Time Transfer Student Success Scholarship
Established by: —Donor gifts to Student Success Scholarships
Awards: 25 at $1,000 each
Assists new transfer students enrolled part-time with a minimum of 24 transfer credits and a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher
Ricardo Pastor Spanish Scholarships
Established by: —Dr. J. Ricardo Pastor
Awards: —7 at $1,000 each
Assists students with a major or minor in Spanish/ Spanish education who have achieved at least sophomore standing and academic excellence, with preference given to residents of the Great Lakes Bay Region
Elizabeth D. Paulick Endowed Scholarship Fund
Established by: Ernest E. Paulick
Awards: 2 at $1,000 each
Assists Michigan College of Business majors who demonstrate community involvement, academic potential and financial need, with preference given to nontraditional students, especially freshmen and transfer students
Ernest E. Paulick Presidential Piper Endowed Scholarship (Endowment in Progress)
Established by: —Ernest E. Paulick
Will assist minimum grade two pipers who have competed at those levels within the prior two years and are recommended by a recognized piping judge or piping teacher
Wesley F. Pearson and Harriet F. Pearson Scholarship Fund
Established by: —Harriet F. and Wesley F. Pearson
Awards: 8 at $1,000 each
Assists new freshman students with financial need and academic achievement planning to reside on campus
Florence “Goody” Peters Civic Engagement Scholarship
Established by: Family and Friends of Florence “Goody” Peters
Awards: 1 at $1,000
Assists students of at least sophomore status who are members in good standing of an SVSU athletic team and at least one SVSU registered student organization and have shown commitment to community service
PNC Bank DECA Collegiate Scholarship
Established by: —PNC Foundation
Awards: —9 at $1,000 each
Assists freshman students pursuing majors in the College of Business who are DECA High School Division members showing strong academic performance
PNC Entrepreneurship Scholarship
Established by: PNC Foundation
Awards: 1 at $1,000
Assists junior or senior College of Business majors who have maintained academic excellence and shown interest in entrepreneurship activities or are involved in the creation of a business venture
Pride Center Scholarship
Established by: —Staff of LGBTQ+ ProgramsThe Pride Center
Awards: 2 at $1,000 each
Assists undergraduate or graduate students who exemplify a commitment to the LGBTQIA+ community through service and scholarship, with preference given to students who have financial need
Public School Academies Scholarship
Established by: SVSU School/University Partnership
Awards: 57 awards; award amounts vary Assists graduates of one of the public school academies who demonstrate leadership and academic achievement/potential
George and Lynn Puia International Studies Endowment
Established by: Dr. George and Mrs. Lynn Puia
Awards: 2 at $600 each
Assists students of sophomore or higher class standing participating in their first study abroad experience
Sebastian and Ida Ramet Endowed Scholarship for the Study of the Arts and Humanities
Established by: —Dr. Carlos and Mrs. Jean Ho Ramet
Awards: 1 at $1,400
Assists full-time majors in art, creative writing, English, French, history, international studies, music, Spanish or theatre with cumulative GPA’s of 3.0 or higher
Harry E. Rappa Memorial Engineering Scholarship
Established by: Family of Harry E. Rappa
Awards: 1 at $1,300
Assists students with undergraduate degrees in engineering and employed engineers enrolled in the Master of Business Administration (MBA) program or Computer Science and Information Systems (MSCIS)
Dr. David Rayfield Memorial Scholarship (Endowment
in Progress)
Established by: —Estate of David Rayfield; Kay Bonitz Assists full-time students majoring in the College of Arts and Behavioral Sciences with a preference for philosophy minors
Howard Lynn Rephan Scholarship
Established by: Melvin and Laynor Rephan
Awards: 1 at $600
Assists new freshman students enrolled full-time who have scholastic potential
Residence Housing Association Endowed Scholarship (Endowment in Progress)
Established by: —SVSU Residence Housing Association
Will assist students with a minimum GPA of 2.5 who reside on campus and demonstrate leadership and service experience and potential to positively impact the campus community
Jeffrey L. Roberts Endowed Scholarship in Chemistry
Established by: —Mr. Jeffrey L. Roberts and Ms. Mari McKenzie
Awards: 2 at $1,000 each
Assists new freshmen or new transfer students who are chemistry majors and graduates of Michigan high schools who demonstrate scholastic performance, leadership and character
Janet K. Robinson Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Established by: —Friends and Family of Janet K. Robinson
Awards: 1 at $1,000
Assists high-achieving psychology majors who have completed a minimum of 60 credit hours and plan to pursue graduate study in clinical or experimental psychology
Theodore Roethke Student Writing Award
Established by: Friends of Theodore Roethke
Awarded Triennially in alignment with Roethke Celebrations
Assists students talented in creative writing of fiction and poetry who present a portfolio of polished creative work and demonstrate promise for continued growth and excellence in the field of creative writing
David A. Roy Memorial Scholarship
Established by: Rob and Sage Roy
Awards: —3 at $1,000 each
Assists residents of Bay, Midland or Saginaw counties majoring in education, accounting, general business, management, nursing, medical laboratory science or occupational therapy
Roosevelt Ruffin Diversity and Inclusion Theatre Scholarship
Established by: SVSU Theatre Department
Awards: —1 at $500
Assists theatre or theatre education majors enrolled in at least 12 credits per semester who demonstrate a commitment to diversity and inclusion
Dr. Roosevelt Ruffin Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund
Established by: Family and Friends of Dr. Roosevelt Ruffin
Awards: 3 at $1,100 each
Assists Saginaw County students with need, scholastic performance, community involvement, leadership potential, with preference to graduates of Saginaw High School or the City of Saginaw Adult GED program
Harold M. and Norine L. Rupp Endowed Scholarship
Established by: —Harold M. and Norine L. Rupp
Awards: —1 at $800
Assists Michigan residents enrolled full-time who demonstrate academic achievement, involvement in community service and extracurricular activities
Jack M. and Lila J. Ryder Endowed Scholarship (Endowment in Progress)
Established by:— Jack M. and Lila J. Ryder
Will assist full-time students who demonstrate academic achievement, commitment to community service and/or extracurricular involvement and demonstrate leadership or leadership potential
Saginaw Bay Underwriters Employees
Endowed Business Scholarship in Honor of Kurt Ewend
Established by: Saginaw Bay Underwriters
Awards: 3 at $1,000 each
Assists junior and senior College of Business majors who demonstrate academic excellence and leadership, with preference for employees and children/grandchildren of employees of Saginaw Bay Underwriters
Saginaw Business and Professional Women’s Club Scholarship
Established by: Saginaw Business and Professional Women’s Club
Awards: 2 at $1,250 each
Assists nontraditional students who demonstrate the ability or potential to make a positive contribution to society and their chosen field, with preference given to students from Saginaw County
Saginaw Enterprise Entrepreneurship Endowment
Established by: Saginaw Business Incubator, Inc.
Awards: 3 at $1,000 each
Assists students of at least sophomore class standing majoring in the College of Science, Engineering and Technology or the College of Business, with preference given to students with a minor in entrepreneurship
Saginaw Valley Chapter of the Construction Financial Management Association Scholarship
Established by: Saginaw Valley Chapter of the Construction Financial
—Management Association (CFMA)
Awards: —1 at $900
Assists accounting or finance majors of at least sophomore class standing who have achieved academic excellence, good citizenship, strong character and leadership potential
Nicholas S. Scheall Memorial Scholarship
Established by: Mrs. Linda Scheall
Awards: 6 at $1,000 each
Assists freshman students majoring in the College of Science, Engineering and Technology who participated in extracurricular activities or programs focusing on STEM education during their high school years
Ronnie I. Scheall Memorial Scholarship
Established by: Mrs. Linda Scheall
Awards: —5 at $3,000 each
Assists MSW or MBA students, with preference given to first-generation college students, nontraditional students and/or students who have participated in activities or organizations that promote diversity and inclusion
Ronald A. Schlicker Scholarship
Established by: Ronald A. Schlicker
Awards: 70 at $1,000 each
Assists residents of Bay, Midland or Saginaw county who demonstrate scholastic achievement and financial need
Henry E. Schwartz Memorial Business Scholarship
Established by: —Mr. Henry E. Schwartz and —Mrs. Patsy Hill Schwartz and Family
Awards: —1 at $1,600
Assists College of Business majors who demonstrate scholastic achievement, character, financial need and leadership potential in business, industry or the public sector
Patsy Hill Schwartz Endowed Music Scholarship Fund
Established by: Mr. Henry E. Schwartz and Mrs. Patsy Hill Schwartz and Family
Awards: 1 at $1,500
Assists music majors who demonstrate scholastic achievement, character and leadership in the Department of Music
Having to provide all my own funds for attending school, I cannot express how grateful I am for this scholarship. I was able to take some time off working and be able to focus more on my career plans.
- Olivia K.
Seitz Creative Writing Scholarship
Established by: —Jim and Melissa Seitz
Awards: 1 at $2,000
Assists creative writing majors or minors who have achieved at least junior class standing and excellence in writing and overall academics
Jeffrey Sexsmith Memorial Scholarship
Established by: Friends and Family of Jeffrey —Sexsmith
Awards: — 8 at $1,000 each
Assists members of the SVSU golf team who demonstrate good character
Robert W. Sidney Endowed Scholarship
Established by:— Robert W. Sidney
Awards: —1 at $600
Assists Michigan residents achieving academic success and showing involvement in community service and extracurricular activities
Sigma Pi Alumni Association Endowed Scholarship
Established by: —Sigma Pi Alumni Association
Awards: —1 at $1,000
Assists members in good standing of the Theta-Beta Chapter of the Sigma Pi Fraternity, International with commitment to community involvement, citizenship and volunteerism
Lawrence H. and Linda L. Sims Annual Scholarship
Established by: Lawrence H. and Linda L. Sims
Awards: 1 at $1,000
Assists students pursuing a major in the College of Business, with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 who demonstrate financial need
Gerald I. and Olena Smith Community Service Endowed Scholarship
Established by:— Major Gerald I. and Mrs. Olena
Awards: —1 at $500
Assists Michigan residents with financial need who have performed community service such as the Peace Corps, military service or volunteered with a local community organization
Russell H. and Maxine E. Smith Endowed Scholarship for Student Success
Established by: —Russell H. and Maxine E. Smith
—Memorial Foundation
Awards: 2 at $1,250 each
Assists Bay County second year students enrolled fulltime who demonstrate financial need, with preference given to first generation college students
Maynard Smith Trust Scholarship
Established by: —Maynard L. Smith
Awards: 80 at $1,000 each
Assists students who demonstrate involvement in extracurricular activities or service to the community and exhibit potential to contribute to and enhance the quality of campus life
Spatz Endowment for Performing Arts Scholarship - Music
Established by: —Estate of Virginia Spatz
Awards: —7 awards; award amounts vary
Assists new full-time freshman music or music education majors with a minimum grade point average of 3.0
Spatz Endowment for Performing Arts Scholarship - Theatre
Established by:— Estate of Virginia Spatz
Awards: — 6 awards; award amounts vary
Assists new incoming freshman theatre or theatre education majors with a minimum high school grade point average of 3.0
Spence Annual Tennis Scholarship
Established by: —Herbert A. Spence, III and
—Kathryn C. Spence
Awards: 1 at $1,000
Assists athletes in the SVSU Tennis Program, eligible to participate under NCAA II guidelines, who demonstrate good character and the ability to contribute to the competitiveness or success of the team
Spence Brothers Endowed Scholarship for Engineering
Established by: —Spence Brothers Construction
— Company and Family
Awards: 4 at $1,000 each
Assists engineering majors who demonstrate scholastic achievement, financial need, leadership and character
Standing Wheelchair Company Annual Scholarship in Memory of Douglas Spooner
Established by: Standing Wheelchair Company and the Family of Douglas Spooner
Awards: —1 at $1,000
Assists students with a physical or learning challenge with preference to majors in the College of Science, Engineering and Technology
Dr. Benjamin C. Stark Biology Scholarship
Established by: —Martin H. Stark
Awards: —7 at $1,000 each
Assists freshman biology majors achieving academic excellence in high school and demonstrating financial need
Morrison M. and Julie A. Stevens Scholarship
Established by: Morrison and Julie Stevens
Awards: —1 at $1,000
Assists nontraditional students who are residents of Bay, Saginaw or Midland county, who demonstrate financial need with preference given to majors in the Colleges of Business, Education or Science, Engineering and Technology
James F. and Elizabeth A. Stoddard Endowed Scholarship
Established by: Dr. James F. Stoddard
Awards: —10 at $1,000 each
Assists nursing students from Bay, Arenac, Iosco or Ogemaw County who demonstrate the ability or potential to make a positive contribution to their chosen field
Charles Strosacker Scholarship
Established by: — Charles J. Strosacker Foundation
Awards: —7 at $1,000 each
Assists College of Science, Engineering and Technology majors who have financial need with preference given to engineering majors
Student Association Community Improvement Endowed Scholarship
Established by: SVSU Student Association
Awards: —5 at $1,000 each
Assists students of minimum sophomore standing who achieve academic excellence and demonstrate an outstanding commitment to community service
Student Association Student Empowerment Endowed Scholarship-Extracurricular Focus
Established by: —SVSU Student Association
Awards: 1 at $950
Assists students enrolled at SVSU for at least one academic year at the time of application with a strong commitment to community service and involvement
Student Association Student Empowerment Endowed Scholarship-Academic Focus
Established by: SVSU Student Association
Awards: 1 at $950
Assists students enrolled at SVSU for at least one academic year at the time of application who demonstrate academic achievement and/or potential
Student Association Student Study
Abroad Endowed Scholarship
Established by: —SVSU Student Association
Awards: —15 awards; award amounts vary
Assists students enrolled at SVSU for at least one academic year with a strong history of community service who commit to volunteering while receiving the scholarship
SVSU Bartels Family Annual Scholarships (Newly Established)
Established by: Raymond and Karen Bartels
Assists students majoring in the College of Health and Human Services, College of Business, or members of the track and field/cross-country teams
SVSU Degree Completion Fund
Established by: —Family, Friends and Colleagues of Dr. Donald J. Bachand and SVSU Scholarship Donors
Assists students in their senior year of college who are experiencing financial need or hardship circumstances
SVSU Endowed Nursing Scholarship
Established by: SVSU Nursing Faculty, Alumni, and Friends
Awards: 1 at $1,200
Assists nursing students showing financial need, academic achievement and the personal characteristics identified by professional nursing organizations as needed in nursing students in order to meet current and projected needs of the profession and society
SVSU Endowed Scholarship for Students from India
Established by: —Dr. K.P. Karunakaran
Awards: —2 at $1,500 each
Assists international students achieving academic excellence and enrolled in a degree program
SVSU Endowed Scholarship for Student Success
Established by: — U.S. Department of Education T3
— Grant
Awards: 5 awards; award amounts vary Assists full-time students with a minimum 2.5 GPA and financial need entering their second, third, or fourth year at SVSU

have always liked helping and taking care of others, especially when it relates to individual and community health
said Chidi Unobagha, a nursing major from Saginaw. For Chidi, the desire to care was not only based in community, but within her own family. “I also wanted to help take care of my extended family in Nigeria, especially my grandfather,” Chidi said. “He was my biggest influence, and although he has passed away now, I still believe he would have wanted me to achieve my aspirations.”
Those aspirations ultimately led Chidi to Saginaw Valley State University. Born and raised in Saginaw, Chidi was drawn to SVSU because of its proximity to home and the quality of the University’s nursing program. However, finances were a concern. Fortunately, the scholarship opportunities available made attending SVSU feasible.
One of those opportunities was the Trisha Muladore/Covenant Nursing Endowment. Founded by Jim and Trisha Muladore, the scholarship recognizes the many years of dedicated, distinguished patient care Trisha and her colleagues at Covenant Healthcare have provided, and continue to provide, for their patients. Jim recently retired from a 51-year career at SVSU as executive vice president for Administration and Business Affairs. Both are proud Cardinal alumni (Jim earned his BBA and MBA at SVSU; Trisha graduated with her BSN), and were pleased to be part of helping Chidi realize her goals.
“Chidi’s commitment to achieve an education and career in nursing is very admirable. SVSU has provided many students over the years a solid support system both academically and financially for success,” Jim said. “Trisha and I will be forever appreciative of the opportunities SVSU offered us.”
The Muladores also established a second scholarship endowment, the Cartwright/ Muladore Endowed Business Scholarship in memory of Jim’s maternal grandparents, to assist students pursuing careers in business, especially accounting and finance, Jim’s career fields.
Chidi has received other private scholarships made possible by donors to the SVSU Foundation, including the Ronald A. Schlicker Endowed Scholarship and the Don and Iva Bellinger Scholarship. Mr. Schlicker, who served in the U.S. Army and was a tool maker for General Motors for 37 years, left a generous estate gift to help Great Lakes Bay Region students. The Bellinger Scholarship was established in honor of Iva Mary Bellinger, who was part of the first class of the School of Nursing and Hygiene at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, where she served as an RN from 1927-1985. Chidi also received University and community-funded support, such as the SVSU Opportunity Grant, the Saginaw Urban and Civic Partnership Program Award and the Saginaw Promise Scholarship.
Earning scholarships provided Chidi with greater flexibility to take advantage of opportunities for campus involvement, including membership in the African Students Union, and chances to volunteer in her community.
“I didn’t have to worry about how many hours I got at work,” Chidi said. “Scholarship support also made the financial burden easier on my family, as my mother is the breadwinner with three adult children all in college.”
Chidi graduated from SVSU in May 2023. “After school, I hope to work as a cardiovascular ICU nurse. I am also looking to go to law school and focus particularly on medical malpractice law or nurse consulting. I’d love to work in a field that incorporates both law and nursing.”
Jim and Trisha Muladore are happy to be part of Chidi’s SVSU experience, sharing with a new generation of Cardinals the support they credit with helping shape their success.
“Much of what we have in our lives would not have been achievable without the support of the University and its many outstanding faculty and staff. The Trisha Muladore/Covenant Nursing Endowment’s support of Chidi hopefully contributes in some small way to a lifelong journey of personal and professional success.”
Chidi Unobagha is committed to care, and thanks to donors who care about SVSU students and invest in their education, she is well on her way to making a difference.

Chidi’s commitment to achieve an education and career in nursing is very admirable. SVSU has provided many students over the years a solid support system both academically and financially for success,” Jim said. “Trisha and I will be forever appreciative of the opportunities SVSU offered us.
My goal is to be in a career where I get to help people in some capacity. It means so much to me to have received this scholarship. Donors like you make college a lot more accessible to students like me.
- Bailey H.
SVSU Endowed Science Research
Established by:— SVSU Science Club
Awards: Number and amount of awards varies
Assists students enrolled in specific courses in the College of Science, Engineering and Technology, with preference to those possessing the highest grade point averages and most credits earned in their majors
SVSU Faculty Association Chrysalis
Endowed Scholarship Fund
Established by: SVSU Faculty Association
Awards: —2 awards; award amounts vary
Assists nontraditional students who have completed a minimum of 12 credits at SVSU with academic success
SVSU Faculty Association
Endowed Scholarship
Established by: SVSU Faculty Association
Awards: — 6 awards; award amounts vary
Assists students demonstrating academic excellence, with preference for nontraditional students, second degree students pursuing a new field and immediate family of SVSU alumni
SVSU Health Professional Alumni
Endowed Scholarship
Established by: —SVSU Health Professional Alumni
Awards: 3 at $650 each
Assists residents of Arenac, Bay, Huron, Midland, Saginaw, Sanilac or Tuscola county pursuing majors within the College of Health and Human Services or the College of Science, Engineering and Technology with career goals in the health professions
SVSU Korean Study Abroad Scholarship
Established by: Dr. Byungil Ahn
Awards: —Number and amount of awards vary
Assists students who will be enrolled for a full semester or longer at an institution in Korea through one of SVSU’s provider, exchange or direct enroll programs; enrolled for spring/summer at Kyung Hee University; or be committed to participate in a faculty-led study abroad trip to Korea
SVSU Lutz-Vlassis Nursing Excellence Scholarship (Newly Established)
Established by: Ms. Vera Vlassis
Assists full-time nursing students with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 demonstrating the potential to make a positive contribution to the field of nursing
SVSU Memorial Scholarship Fund
Established by: SVSU Memorial Donors
Awards: 1 at $1,500
Assists freshman or transfer students enrolled full-time
SVSU/Ming Chuan International Student Endowed Scholarship
Established by: Ming Chuan University
Awards: 4 awards; award amounts vary
Assists full-time international students pursuing degree programs at SVSU
SVSU’s Wildfire Credit Union Delta College Transfer Student Scholarship
Established by: —Wildfire Credit Union
Awards: —30 at $1,000 each
Assists new transfer students from Delta College enrolled or planning to enroll at SVSU full-time with a minimum of 24 transfer college credits completed with a minimum grade point average of 2.0
SVSU’s Wildfire Credit Union Transfer Student Scholarship
Established by: —Wildfire Credit Union
Awards: —30 at $1,000 each
Assists new transfer students enrolled or planning to enroll at SVSU full-time with a minimum of 24 transfer college credits completed with a minimum grade point average of 2.0
Jason Sweet Greek Life Student Leadership Scholarship
Established by: —Jason Sweet
Awards: —1 at $250
Assists student leaders who demonstrate a commitment to the principles of Greek Life through their campus involvement (scholarship, service, philanthropy and leadership)
Theatre Scholarship
Established by: —SVSU Foundation
Awards: 2 at $2,500 each plus renewals
Assists theatre or theatre education majors who demonstrate academic achievement (new scholarships and renewals)
James and Isabella Thomas Endowed Scholarship (Endowment in Progress)
Established by:— Jamie Thomas-Hurt and August Hurt
Will assist full-time students with financial need in the College of Health and Human Services or the College of Science, Engineering and Technology
Thompson Family Achiever Scholarship
Established by: —Robert and Ellen Thompson
Awards: 15 at $5,500 each
Assists second-year students (completed two semesters) at the University pursuing a four-year degree
Robert and Ellen Thompson Military Scholarship
Established by: Robert and Ellen Thompson
Awards: 10 at $4,500 each
Assists honorably discharged veterans and drilling reservists of the U.S. military or members of the National Guard with financial need
Robert and Ellen Thompson Scholarship for Working Families
Established by: —Robert and Ellen Thompson
Awards: —90 at $5,500 each
Assists students with financial need who demonstrate academic excellence, leadership and community service
Robert and Ellen Thompson Transfer Student Scholarship
Established by: Robert and Ellen Thompson
Awards: —10 at $3,300 each
Assists transfer students from a Michigan college or university with financial need and academic excellence who plan to attend SVSU full-time
Shannan Thompson Memorial Scholarship
Established by: Richard and Sue Thompson
Awards: 1 at $1,800
Assists incoming freshmen who are Nouvel Catholic Central graduates and demonstrate academic achievement, character and leadership
Abou Traore Student Scholarship
Established by: Friends of Abou Traore
Awards: 1 at $1,000
Assists students committed to campus/community involvement, with the potential to make a continuing meaningful contribution to their community in the service of others
Mike and Sharyl Tribble Athletics Scholarship
Established by: Mike and Sharyl Tribble
Awards: 1 at $1,000
Assists incoming freshmen intending to participate in varsity sports or a current member of a varsity sports team
Triskelions Scholarship
Established by: Triskelions
Awards: 3 at $1,200 each
Assists new freshman students enrolled full-time who show scholastic achievement, character and leadership
Gerald R. Trudell Memorial Scholarship
Established by: Northern Tube / Tubular Metal Systems
Awards: —1 at $1,000
Assists junior or senior engineering or manufacturingfocused majors with priority given to Northern Tube employees’ children
Dean Paul J. Uselding Endowed Scholarship for Family Business
Established by: Morrison and Julie Stevens
Awards: 1 at $700
Assists junior or senior College of Business majors who are Michigan residents and second generation or beyond in a family that owns and operates a family business
USWA Local 12075 Annual Scholarship for Health Care
Established by: United Steel Workers of America (USWA) Local 12075
Awards: 2 at $500 each
Assists pre-OT, OT, nursing or health sciences majors who have achieved at least sophomore status with the potential or ability to make a positive contribution to the health care field
USWA Local 12075 Dannie Garver Memorial Scholarship
Established by: United Steel Workers of America (USWA) Local 12075
Awards: —1 at $500
Assists minimum sophomore class standing students with financial need pursuing degrees in social work, criminal justice, public administration or political science
USWA Local 12075 Annual Scholarship in Human Services
Established by: United Steel Workers of America
—(USWA) Local 12075
Awards: —1 at $500
Assists majors in social work, criminal justice, public administration or political science who have achieved sophomore standing and demonstrate financial need and the ability or potential to make a positive contribution to their chosen fields
Daisy Margaret Van Benschoten Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Established by: —Harvey E. Van Benschoten
Awards: 1 at $700
Assists history majors who demonstrate good character and the need for encouragement in their goal of selfimprovement
Gloria J. and Douglas E. Wagener Support Staff Endowed Scholarship
Established by: —SVSU Support Staff Association
Awards: —1 at $1,000
Assists members of the SVSU Support Staff Association or their families
Mary C. Walker Nursing Scholarship
Established by:— Mrs. Edna Walker and Mr. Raymond — C. Walker
Awards: —1 at $600
Assists students who have completed their third semester of the Clinical Nursing Program, demonstrate scholastic achievement, leadership and a holistic attitude toward nursing
Walter Walpole Memorial Scholarship
Established by: —Walbro Corporation and the Walpole Family
Awards: 5 at $1,000 each
Assists students with financial need, character, scholastic achievement and leadership
Jean Davis Warrick Endowed Business Scholarship
Established by: —Dr. Earl and Mrs. Jean Davis Warrick
Awards: —1 at $1,700
Assists junior and senior majors in the College of Business who demonstrate character, leadership and academic achievement
Al Watrous, Watrous Family, Marty Stark Scholarship
Established by: —Al Watrous, Watrous Family and —Marty H. Stark
Awards: —5 at $1,500 each
Assists members of the golf team who demonstrate character, academic achievement and dedication to golf in high school or college
Carol A. Weinlander Endowment Fund
(Newly Established)
Established by: Estate of Walter G. and Carol A. Weinlander
Will assist SVSU students with scholarship support
Weinlander Fitzhugh Endowed Scholarship
Established by: —Principals and Employees of Weinlander Fitzhugh, Walter G. and Carol A. Weinlander
Awards: 4 at $1,100 each
Assists accounting or computer science majors with first preference to members of the Weinlander Fitzhugh family and next preference to first time in college students
Donald and Barbara Weyenberg Science Scholarship
Established by: Dr. Donald and Mrs. Barbara Weyenberg
Awards: 2 at $1,000 each
Assists majors in the College of Science, Engineering and Technology with strong academic performance in high school who demonstrate character, leadership and extracurricular involvement/community service
Richard Burdette White Memorial Scholarship
Established by: Mrs. Alice White
Awards: 1 at $700
Assists students who are golf team participants/ potential participants who demonstrate good character, with preference given to students whose parents are members of Bridgeport Country Club
W. Leslie Whittaker Memorial Scholarship
Established by: Family and Friends of W. Leslie Whittaker
Awards: 1 at $600
Assists students who have completed at least 24 credit hours of college coursework, including the basic skills requirements, and are planning to work with young people in the basic literacy skills
Harvey Randall Wickes Annual Scholarship
Established by: Harvey Randall Wickes
Awards: 14 at $1,000 each
Assists students enrolled full-time who demonstrate academic excellence and leadership potential with preference given to new freshman students
G. James and Lyla Williams Scholarship in Nursing and Teacher Education
Established by: — G. James and Lyla Williams
Awards: —16 at $1,000 each
Assists full-time students accepted in either the BSN (nursing) or teacher education programs who demonstrate improvement in their GPA since their freshman year
Windy Scholarship Fund
Established by: Michael and Bridget Windy
Awards: 2 at $1,000 each
Assists students who graduated from Tuscola County high schools, especially Reese graduates, who are majoring in the College of Business or computer information systems
Wineman Technology, Inc. Endowed Scholarship
Established by: —Wineman Technology, Inc.
Awards: —1 at $1,200
Assists students of sophomore or higher class standing pursuing degrees in electrical or mechanical engineering, with preference given to students who graduated from high schools in Saginaw, Bay or Midland County, especially Wineman Technology interns
Ann L. Wintermyer Memorial Endowed Nursing Scholarship
Established by: Dr. Robert L. Wintermyer
Awards: —12 at $1,000 each
Assists students with financial need who are admitted to the nursing program and demonstrate academic excellence and the ability or potential to contribute to the field of nursing
Jack and Alice Wirt Scholarship
Established by: —Jack and Alice Wirt
Awards: —7 at $1,000 each
Assists returning or transfer students with financial need who have completed at least 30 credits toward a degree program
Wolgast Corporation Endowed Scholarship
Established by: Wolgast Corporation
Awards: —1 at $1,200
Assists engineering majors who demonstrate academic achievement, character and leadership, with preference given to students with an interest in the construction industry
Wolverine Bank Endowed Scholarship Fund
Established by: —Wolverine Bank
Awards: 3 at $1,000 each
Assists Mid-Michigan residents who demonstrate achievement, leadership and character
Jerry A. and Marcena C. Woodcock Endowed Scholarship Fund
Established by: —Jerry A. and Marcena C. Woodcock
Awards: 2 at $1,200 each
Assists students who demonstrate achievement, leadership and character, with preference given to health care, education, commerce or engineering majors
Stephen J. Yanca Memorial Social Work Scholarship
Established by: Family and Colleagues of Steve —Yanca
—1 at $1,200
Assists social work majors with preferences for those who are Great Lakes Bay Region residents, have demonstrated leadership and are engaged in community service in the region
Lloyd and Judy Yeo Endowed Business Scholarship
Established by: Lloyd and Judy Yeo
—3 at $1,100 each
Assists College of Business majors with an established record of achievements
Leonard and Janet Zeilinger Endowed Agricultural Scholarship
Established by: Family of Leonard and Janet Zeilinger
Awards: 6 at $1,000 each
Assists students who plan to pursue a career in the agriculture field including students pursuing an agricultural studies minor as part of a bachelor’s degree program to be completed at SVSU
Douglas Zielinski Memorial Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering
Established by: Mrs. Carolyn Zielinski
Awards: 1 at $1,800
Assists junior or senior mechanical engineering majors with the ability or potential to make positive contributions to the field of mechanical engineering
Zimmerman Endowed Scholarship (Endowment in Progress)
Established by: George and Carol Zimmerman
Will assist SVSU students; final scholarship terms to be established

Student awards recognize and encourage students to excel in academics, athletics, service and the arts.
Faculty awards acknowledge the contributions of dedicated scholars and teachers and advance their research, experimentation, presentation, and publication activities.
Programs including lectures, concerts, research, professional development, and other intellectual and cultural offerings enrich the educational opportunities for the people of our region.
The diverse ideas of generous donors lead to the creation of programs and activities that promote inclusion and understanding, and explore areas about which people are passionate.
Thanks to the support of private donors who have established scholarships, awards, and programs SVSU can offer students greater opportunity to succeed in college and after graduation.


Sheryl Lane comes from a family of dedicated, compassionate registered nurses. Her own career rounds out nearly 90 combined years across the generations of caring for others.
“My mom, Joan, and grandmother, Bernadette, were both registered nurses. They were bright, resourceful, and level-headed northern Missouri farm women whose hands touched mysterious parts of life. They were my heroes!” Sheryl said. Bernadette was an OB nurse and Joan worked in pediatrics. Sheryl recalls learning from them that education provides knowledge and opens doors to a career, and that vocational wisdom could transform that knowledge into an art. “Education gave me a Bachelor of Science. Building on that education, nursing, for me, embodies the art of healing. Being a nurse is more than what I do for a career, it is a large part of who I am. It is the lens through which I see and move in the world.”
The Lanes arrived at SVSU in 1991, where Sheryl’s husband, Robert (Bob) Lane, joined the faculty of the political science department, where he continues to teach today. “I have been both grateful and proud to be part of this University campus,” Bob said. “I have seen first-hand how committed SVSU is to serving our students and the Great Lakes Region, and I have immense respect for so many of my campus colleagues; they are committed professionals who believe that providing a positive, meaningful college experience for our students is work worthy of their respective gifts and talents.”
Bob has demonstrated that commitment to his students throughout his career and was recognized with one of the University’s top faculty honors, The House Family Award for Teacher Impact. “I was struck by how the award
funded both a stipend for the recipient along with funds for the recipient to provide an impactful opportunity for their students.”
The Lane Family Award for Nursing Faculty recognizes a faculty member who “consistently engages students in a positive, meaningful manner, shaping the lives of compassionate professional nurses.” The recipient is presented with both a personal stipend and an equal amount to designate for a project involving or benefiting nursing students. The inaugural recipient was Elizabeth (Beth) Roe, professor of nursing and director of the nursing program. The Lanes were very pleased with the choice.
“For 30+ years, Beth Roe has been an exemplary colleague,” Bob commented. “She puts forth the necessary time, effort and thought that is needed to ensure that things get accomplished. Her intelligence, professionalism and work ethic have both impressed and inspired me, and, of course, she is personally a joy to work with.”

Dean of the Crystal M. Lange College of Health and Human Services, Marcia Ditmyer, recognizes the importance of programs like the Lane Award in providing outstanding faculty with even greater opportunities to pursue their passion, while at the same time igniting that spark of enthusiasm in their students.
“Research demonstrates that engaging students in the learning process motivates them to engage in higher-level critical thinking. The Lane Award is designed to ensure a positive faculty/student relationship, which ultimately enhances nearly every measurable aspect of academic success,” Dean Ditmyer said. “Dr. Elizabeth Roe was not only a great choice as the first awardee, but also an obvious choice due to her leadership in the department, college, university and community.”
mpact of Student Research on the Future of Nursing
Beth is grateful for the opportunities presented by the Lane Award and excited for the implications of the research it supported.
“This monetary award has helped on many different levels,” she said. “It has supported outstanding nursing students presenting at national conferences and networking with other students, faculty and nurse scientists. It has helped mentor undergraduate students while researching a topic that can truly make a difference for the nursing program and nursing students now and in the future.”
That topic is stress among nursing students. “We have experienced increased stress in our nursing students over the past few years. Nationwide, there has been documentation of increased stress in nursing students leading to program attrition and mental health concerns.” Beth explained. The Department of Nursing has begun to implement some strategies, such as support groups and mentoring, but more data is needed about what the main sources of stress are for the students. A review of the literature completed by the students indicated that there has not been much recent research done on stress in nursing students.
The student researchers, Natalie Bagardi, Erica Garcia and Erin Segerstrom, with additional guidance from Monika Sciba, their pre-nursing advisor, have conducted a survey sent to all pre-nursing, prelicensure and graduate nursing students and are in the process of analyzing the data. They will present the results to the Nursing Department and pursue other presentations and/or publications.
Financial assistance from the Lane Award has been used to provide compensation for the students and incentives for survey respondents. The students will also receive funds to present their findings at the conference.
erging Two SVSU Legacies
Abigail Lange is continuing her family’s legacy at SVSU by completing the nursing program founded by her great-grandmother, Crystal M.

Lange, for whom the College of Health and Human Services is named. “The impact she made was nothing short of incredible and inspiring, and to complete a program started by her is an honor. Upon attending SVSU, I’ve always said that I want to follow in her nursing footsteps,” Abby said.
A fifth-semester nursing student, Abby received support from the Lane Award to travel to the Midwest Nursing Research Society annual conference in Des Moines, Iowa, to present her research, “Nursing Students’ Perceptions of Their Therapeutic Communication.” A guided form of therapeutic communication based on Gary Chapman’s Five Love Languages was implemented into first-semester nursing students’ Integration course as part of their regular education. After receiving education on how to use this form of communication, students practiced it in simulation and in their clinical rotations. Overall, students felt more confident in communicating and felt they were more equipped to identify and meet patients’ emotional needs.
Meeting the emotional needs of patients through improved communication skills seems very aligned with Sheryl Lane’s vision of the “art of healing.”
“I have deep gratitude for the nurses that shaped me and hope future nurses are encouraged to pursue an education and develop the art of this profession,” Sheryl said.
Abby is well on her way, carrying on the family and university legacy begun by her great-grandmother. “I recently accepted a nursing position at Michigan Medicine on their Intermediate Care Unit for Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery. I intend to go back to school and get my
Ph.D., where I can continue my passion for research and teach future nursing generations!”
Like Abby, Bob values his family’s relationship with SVSU and their part in the University’s legacy. “One of the outcomes for the award that is particularly special to us is knowing that it will provide our family with an ongoing relationship with the University, in general, and the Nursing Department, in particular. SVSU has been central to the quality of life we have, and it pleases me to know that our children, and their children, will have a relationship with SVSU. That is a legacy gift well worthy of our support.”

Crystal M. Lange
An SVSU Legacy
Crystal M. Lange earned her B.S.N. at the University of Michigan in 1949, her M.S.N. from Wayne State University, and her Ph.D. from Michigan State University. A devoted mother of seven, she balanced family with her nursing career, as well as leadership roles with many regional, state and national professional and academic nursing organizations. She published media materials and monographs on teaching strategies in nursing.
At the time of this article, selection was underway for the second recipient of the Lane Award. The inaugural Lane Award has not only recognized an outstanding nursing educator, but provided help to four SVSU nursing students in pursuing and presenting important research on topics with far-reaching implications for all nursing students, thus impacting the quality of healthcare in our region — and potentially far beyond — in ways that would be difficult to measure.
Health programs began at SVSU in 1976 when Lange provided visionary leadership for development of bachelors’ programs in nursing and medical technology, initially known as the College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences. By 1992, the occupational therapy program was admitted. Lange, who was dean of the College for 20 years, was then appointed associate vice president for Academic Affairs and interim director of Faculty Support and Sponsored Programs. Prior to her death in 1999, the college was renamed in her honor, becoming the Crystal M. Lange College of Nursing and Health Sciences, later renamed the Crystal M. Lange College of Health and Human Services to recognize the inclusion of the social work department.
“We name things for people because they represent the very best qualities to which the rest of us aspire,” said Eric Gilbertson, former president of SVSU, on the occasion of the college’s naming. “Crystal’s name should be an inspiration to all those students and others who will benefit from her life and her work.”

Raana Akbar Memorial Lecture on Islam and Culture
Established by: —Dr. Waheed Akbar
Supports lectures that enrich knowledge of Islamic culture and interfaith understanding that are offered free to the community
Allen Foundation, Inc. Research Fund
Established by: —Allen Foundation, Inc. Supports research by SVSU faculty and students in the areas of health and nutrition
Alpha Delta Kappa, Alpha Sigma Chapter (Saginaw Chapter) STEM Camp Scholarship
Established by: —Alpha Delta Kappa, Alpha Sigma Chapter
Assists area schoolchildren in meeting the expenses of attending STEM-related summer camps at SVSU
Frank and Lucille Andersen Endowed Professorship in Nursing
Established by: —Frank N. Andersen Foundation Brings a distinguished health professional to SVSU to create and oversee a research, service or academic program
Mary H. Anderson Adjunct Faculty Award
Established by: Family of Mary H. Anderson
Provides an award to recognize outstanding SVSU adjunct faculty
Dr. Shiv K. Arora Student Investment Portfolio Endowment
Established by: —Dr. Shiv K. Arora
Allows SVSU students to engage in “real world” investment activities by managing an actual portfolio
Barstow Humanities Seminar
Established by: —Barstow Foundation
Brings a nationally recognized humanities scholar and teacher to SVSU as a guest speaker
Albert J. Beutler Forums On Ethics and Practice
Established by: Friends and Colleagues of Albert J. Beutler
Supports forums that address contemporary issues related to ethical practice and behavior
The Bleckes’ Health/Human Services Professionals Fund
Established by: —Dr. Jan and Mr. David Blecke
Promotes and supports professional development and continuing education opportunities for SVSU health professions faculty and staff
Diane Boehm ePortfolio Award
Established by: —Diane M. Boehm
Recognizes the creative and effective integration of writing and multimedia by SVSU students via the medium of ePortfolios
Botz Liberal Arts Fellowship
Established by: —Janet M. Botz
Encourages and supports career exploration, preparation and internships for liberal arts majors pursuing success in business, industry and other personal and professional endeavors
Arnold and Gertrude Boutell/Citizens Bank of Saginaw Executive-inResidence
Established by: Arnold and Gertrude Boutell
Memorial Fund/Citizens Bank
Supports teaching and professional service by an executive-in-residence in the College of Business
Braddock-Petersen-Renna Awards for Excellence (Endowment in Progress)
Established by: — Colleagues of Drs. Robert
—Braddock, Eric Petersen
—and Thomas Renna
Will support student awards for excellence in the fields of specialization of Robert Braddock, Eric Petersen and Thomas Renna.
Ruth and Ted Braun Awards for Writing Excellence
Established by: Ruth and Ted Braun
Recognizes excellence in student writing in multiple disciplines and funds publication of winning student works
Ruth and Ted Braun Fellowship
Established by: Harvey Randall Wickes Foundation
Recognizes the exceptional accomplishments and potential of select SVSU faculty and staff by funding a research or special project
Dr. Charlie Brown Endowed
Instrumental Ensemble Fund (Endowment in Progress)
Established by: Terry L. Lutz
Will promote excellence and support expenses related to SVSU Music Department ensembles
Cardinal Fund Endowment
Established by: Cardinal Athletic Club
Provides athletic assistance grants for SVSU’s student-athletes
Cardinal Sins Endowment
Established by: Cardinal Sins Staff and Readers Funds costs associated with production of the SVSU publication, Cardinal Sins
Center for Public Policy and Service Endowed Award (Endowment
in Progress)
Established by: SVSU Faculty and Staff
Will assist students preparing for careers in public service by funding costs of internships and service-based projects
Chubb Endowment (Endowment
in Progress)
Established by: —Dr. Andrew and Mrs. Jennifer Chubb
Will benefit SVSU students through programs or scholarships; final terms to be determined
College of Education Student/Faculty Research Endowment
Established by: US Department of Education T3 Grant
Encourages and supports collaborative research projects involving students, faculty and staff in the College of Education
Charles Curtiss Award (Endowment in Progress)
Established by: Herbert A. Spence, III and Kathryn Curtiss-Spence
Will recognize student leadership and excellence; final terms to be determined
Department of Mechanical Engineering Student Award
Established by: SVSU Department of —Mechanical Engineering
Provides annual awards to mechanical engineering majors with academic achievement, character and leadership who demonstrate potential for meritorious completion of their major
Dow Chemical Company Centennial
Chair/Professorship in Global Business
Established by: —Dow
Supports a distinguished scholar and teacher in the College of Business who will engage in teaching, scholarly work and service activities within the university and the community
Dow Corning Foundation Professorship in Education
Established by: Dow Corning Foundation
Recognizes, rewards and promotes scholarly performance in teacher preparation at SVSU
Dow Corning Public Service Award
Established by: —Dow Corning Foundation
Provides awards to SVSU students who demonstrate commitment to public service, assisting with the costs of a service project or travel/living expenses associated with an internship in state government
Dow Entrepreneurship Institute Endowment
Established by: —Herbert H. and Grace A.
—Dow Foundation
Stimulates creation of new business ventures, serves as a resource for research activities aimed at business innovation, and provides internship opportunities for student entrepreneurs
Dow Foundation STEM Endowment
Established by:
Serves SVSU and K-12 students and educators by funding the Dow Science and Sustainability Center at SVSU, including a summer research experience and the mobile research lab
Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow Student Research and Creativity Endowment
Established by: —Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow
Provides support to the SVSU Undergraduate Research Program which integrates the University’s teaching and research missions through the creation and facilitation of faculty/student research partnerships
Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow Visiting Scholars and Academic Development Fund
Established by: Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow
Supports expansion and enrichment of curricular offerings for students and cultural offerings for people of the surrounding community and fosters continued intellectual development of accomplished faculty
Herbert H. Dow Endowed Chair/ Professor in Chemistry
Established by: —Dow and Dow Family
Supports a distinguished scholar and teacher in the Chemistry Department who will engage in teaching, scholarly work and service activities within the university and the community
Economic and Technology Summit Endowment (Endowment in Progress)
Established by: Harry L. Leaver
Will support informational summits conducted by the SVSU Business Excellence Centers
William and Julia Edwards Lectureship
Established by: William and Julia Edwards
Supports lectures by influential scholars and speakers in the areas of philosophy and religion
Endowed Lecture in African American Culture
Established by:—Drs. Mamie and Odail Thorns; Dr. Eric Gardner
Supports visits by nationally known scholars of African American culture to SVSU for public lectures and shortterm residencies
Field/Spicer Fellowship in Science and Engineering
Established by: Dr. and Mrs. E. Malcolm Field
Supports the work of research scientists, faculty fellowships and notable speakers in health sciences, biology, engineering and technology, with focus on the neurosciences
James V. Finkbeiner
Chair/Professor in Ethics
Established by: Harvey Randall Wickes Foundation
Supports a distinguished scholar and teacher in the College of Arts and Behavioral Sciences who will engage in teaching, scholarly work, and service activities within the university and the community
Ken Follett Archive Endowment
Established by: Ken Follett
Supports the maintenance and administration of author Ken Follett’s archives, held at the Melvin J. Zahnow Library
Ralph and Marilyn Frahm Agricultural Research Endowment
Established by: —Marilyn and Ralph Frahm
Supports and encourages students and faculty to engage in agricultural research and add to the growing body of information archived by the Saginaw County Agricultural Society
Carl and Christina Fredericks Education
Established by: —Estate of Carl M. Fredericks
Supports educational programming by the Marshall M. Fredericks Sculpture Museum on the campus of Saginaw Valley State University
Carl and Christina Fredericks Collections and Archives
Established by: —Estate of Carl M. Fredericks
Supports the preservation of and access to the Marshall M. Fredericks Sculpture Museum’s collections, which include archives and objects on the campus of Saginaw Valley State University
Marshall M. Fredericks Sculpture Museum Conservation Endowment
Established by: Rosalind Fredericks
Provides funds for the preservation and conservation of the sculptural and other artistic works by Marshall M. Fredericks on the SVSU campus
Marshall M. Fredericks Sculpture Museum Exhibition Endowment
Established by: Friends of the Marshall
M. Fredericks Sculpture Museum
Provides funds for presentation of a regular schedule of changing exhibitions at the Marshall M. Fredericks Sculpture Museum at SVSU
Marshall M. Fredericks Sculpture Museum Operations Endowment
Established by: —Friends of the Marshall
M. Fredericks Sculpture Museum
Provides funds for regular operating costs of the Museum
Rosalind C. Fredericks Education Trust
Established by: —Friends of the Marshall
—M. Fredericks Sculpture Museum
Funds programs that expand the audience for the Museum by improving services to visitors, including programs for K-12 students in the region
Fredericks–Follett–Roethke Archives Research Grant
Established by: SVSU College of Arts and —Behavioral Sciences
Provides grants to students engaging in educational research on Marshall Fredericks, Ken Follett or Theodore Roethke using the archives housed at SVSU
Gerstacker Fellows Endowment
Established by: Rollin M. Gerstacker Foundation
Provides an annual leadership development program for a select group of premier teachers and administrators and creates a new cadre of educational leaders throughout the State of Michigan who will increase the quality of K-12 education in their communities
Fred G. and Leona M. Geyer Endowed Nursing Education Support Fund
Established by: Leona M. Geyer Trust
Supports current needs and priorities of the SVSU Nursing Department as determined by the dean of the College of Health and Human Services
Eric F. and Cynthia R. Gilbertson Fellowship Endowment
Established by: Dr. and Mrs. E. Malcolm Field
Will benefit SVSU students selected for the RobertsGilbertson Fellowship, a program providing leadership development and study abroad opportunities
Gilmore-Williams Memorial Fund
Established by: —Dr. Richard H. and Mrs. Alma — Gilmore
Provides annual support for the Marshall M. Fredericks Sculpture Museum
Eldon L. Graham Engineering Department Endowment
Established by: —Dr. Eldon L. Graham
Provides support for programs and equipment for the Engineering Department
Stuart D. and Vernice M. Gross
Award for Literature
Established by: —Stuart D. and Vernice M. Gross
Funds an award for literary works in the areas of regional history and historical fiction/drama, with preference to works focusing on Michigan-related subject matter
Mayme Hamilton and Mary Pat Hamilton Award for Excellence in Tutoring
Established by:—Dr. Eugene Hamilton
Provides an award to recognize outstanding SVSU student tutors
George Heron Emergency Fund for Social Work Students
Established by: —Friends and Colleagues of — George Heron
Provides assistance to social work students with urgent and unforeseen financial hardships
House Family Award for Teacher Impact
Established by: Robert J. House
Recognizes faculty in the colleges of Arts and Behavioral Sciences, Business and Education who have a profound positive impact on the lives of their students
Interdisciplinary Studies Endowment
Established by: Dr. Albert C. Plaush
Encourages the exchange of information and ideas across disciplines by providing support to relevant projects through the Undergraduate Research Program
Leopold J. Kantzler Fellowship
Established by: The Kantzler Foundation
Supports a fellowship program for students who are Bay County high school graduates and show leadership, character, commitment to community service, and potential for future community service
Karpovich Endowment (Endowment in Progress)
Established by: Dr. David Karpovich
Will support programs or scholarships within the College of Science, Engineering and Technology; final terms to be determined
Judith Kerman Faculty Teaching and Mentoring Prize in Technology and Culture
Established by: —Dr. Judith B. Kerman
Funds grants for projects that recognize the important relationship between teaching, classroom learning and mentorship through research in the significance of technology from a humanities perspective
Franc A. Landee Award for Teaching Excellence Endowment
Established by: Family and Friends of
—Dr. Franc A. Landee
Supports an award recognizing teaching excellence among SVSU faculty
Lane Family Award for Nursing Faculty
Established by: Dr. Robert W. and Mrs. Sheryl Lane
Recognizes full-time teaching faculty in the Department of Nursing who consistently engage students in a positive, meaningful manner
Crystal M. Lange Post-Graduate Incentive Award
Established by: Dr. Crystal M. Lange
Provides encouragement and financial assistance to employees of SVSU in their pursuit of post-graduate degrees
I am very excited to finish up my schooling here at Saginaw Valley State University. It has been a phenomenal adventure especially since I am one of the first in my family to go to college and pursue my bachelor’s degree. The money from this scholarship has helped make my dream possible. Thank you with all my heart!
- Molly P.
Library Endowment (Endowment in Progress)
Established by: —Staff and Friends of Melvin J. Zahnow Library
Will provide funds to support the needs and priorities of the Melvin J. Zahnow Library
Ludington Fellowship in Public Policy and Service
Established by: The Honorable Thomas L. Ludington and Mr. John S. Ludington
Provides support and encouragement to students demonstrating an active commitment to public service and community involvement by assisting with the costs of an internship experience in public service
Lyman-Parker Nonprofit Fellowship in the Arts
Established by: David Lyman and Nancy Parker
Supports an internship for an SVSU student in a regional nonprofit arts organization
Francis X. MacKenna Chemistry Student Research Fund
Established by: —Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. Moehs
Supports research by SVSU students who demonstrate academic excellence in their field and complete certain courses in organic and analytical chemistry
Wayne E. Mackie Student Finance Conference Fund
Established by: Dr. Wayne E. Mackie
Supplements financing for student travel to financerelated competitions and professional conferences for students directly involved in managing the Dr. Shiv K. Arora Student Investment Portfolio Fund
Mattar Spirit Scholarship
Established by: Steve and Nancy Mattar; Swim and Dive Team Parents
Recognizes members of the swim and dive team who exhibit exceptional spirit and support for the team
Hunter Maxwell Memorial Basketball Camp Scholarship
Established by: — Craig Maxwell and Greta Bolger
Provides financial assistance to K-12 students enabling them to attend a basketball camp at SVSU
Rhea E. Miller Concert Series
Established by: —Rhea E. Miller Trust
Funds an annual series of free concerts by renowned musicians at SVSU for the benefit of students and the community
Rhea E. Miller Music Department Endowment
Established by: —Rhea E. Miller Trust
Provides support to the SVSU Music Department to benefit students and enhance the department’s programs
Dr. James Lee Mitchell Endowment for the College of Business
Established by: Dr. James L. Mitchell
Provides funds for student scholarships, program enhancement or other activities in a manner that will enrich the experience of SVSU business students as determined by the dean of the College of Business
Ming Chuan Multilingual Writing Award
Established by: —Ming Chuan University
Recognizes outstanding undergraduate writing by SVSU students for whom English is not their native language
Carleen K. Moore, RN Nursing Excellence Award
Established by: Terry and Carleen Moore
Supports recognition of outstanding regional nurses through awards and an annual event
Morley French Immersion Fellowship
Established by: Morley Companies
Provides an SVSU student with funding for a French immersion experience in Quebec, leading to a paid internship with Morely Companies
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Endowment
Established by: —Bernard Osher Foundation
Supports the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at SVSU
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) Member-Supported Endowment Fund (Endowment
in Progress)
Established by: Members of the Osher Lifelong —Learning Institute
Will enhance programming, physical facilities and equipment for the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
Owsley/Yang Endowed Award
Established by: Gene and Karen Yang
Supports an annual award to an outstanding biology student
William H. Parth Cardinal Formula Racing Endowment
Established by: —Estate of William H. Parth
Provides funds for the SVSU Cardinal Formula Racing program
Harold W. Peterson Award for Excellence in Elementary or Secondary School Teaching
Established by: —Dr. Harold W. Peterson
Funds an award recognizing excellence among elementary and secondary teachers within the SVSU service area
Pioneer Club Endowment
Established by: SVSU Senior/Retired Faculty, Staff, —Board Members
Provides support to the SVSU Degree Completion Fund, assisting graduating seniors with financial hardship
Albert C. Plaush Endowment
Established by: Estate of Dr. Albert C. Plaush
Provides funds for the SVSU Chemistry Department
Mel A. Pryor Memorial Fund (Endowment
in Progress)
Established by: Dr. Joseph Ofori-Dankwa
Provides assistance to students participating in facultyled study abroad trips to Ghana or students with a knowledge or interest in Ghanian culture experiencing financial challenges
Donna J. Roberts Fellowship Endowment
Established by: Donna J. Roberts
Provides support to the Roberts-Gilbertson Fellowship, a leadership development program of distinction for students that culminates in an international travel experience
Theodore Roethke Fund
Established by: Morley Foundation
Provides support for activities and events that promote and preserve the legacy of Theodore Roethke
Rupp Endowment (Endowment in Progress)
Established by: —Vicki and Brock Rupp
Will benefit SVSU students through programs or scholarships; final terms to be determined
Thomas and Hilda Rush Distinguished Lectureship
Established by: —Thomas and Hilda Rush
Recognizes and rewards SVSU faculty and staff who, by their creation or development of significant scholarly or artistic work, have distinguished themselves and brought recognition to SVSU
SVSU Athletic Endowment Fund
Established by: SVSU Athletics Department
Supports program enhancement, graduate student coaching opportunities, equipment purchases and other needs of the Athletics Department
SVSU Baseball Endowment (Endowment
in Progress)
Established by: Friends of Cardinal Baseball
Will support scholarships for members of the SVSU Baseball Team
SVSU Club Sports Endowment (Endowment in
Established by: —SVSU Club Sports Staff
Will benefit scholarships or programs of the Club Sports program
SVSU Foundation Resource Grant Fund
Established by: SVSU Foundation Endowment
Funds grants for projects by SVSU faculty and staff involving and benefiting SVSU students, including program start-ups, special events, community partnerships and student domestic conference travel
SVSU Outstanding Performance Award
Established by: —ARAMARK, Barnes & Noble,
—Wolverine Power Marketing
— — Cooperative, TCF Bank, Trisha and Jim Muladore
Recognizes the accomplishments of employees who have demonstrated outstanding individual and/or team performance at SVSU
SVSU-Spatz Endowment for Performing Arts
Established by: —Estate of Virginia Spatz
Supports scholarships for students in music and theatre and visiting artists/playwrights-in-residence working directly with students
SVSU Student Emergency Fund
Established by: —SVSU Friends and Alumni
Provides assistance to students with urgent, short-term financial needs
Saginaw Bay Writing Project Endowment
Established by: —Saginaw Bay Writing Project
Provides ongoing support for activities associated with the SBWP as determined by its site director and the SVSU Provost
Saginaw County Child Development Center Endowment
Established by: Saginaw County Child Development Centers, Inc.
Supports continuing education and professional development for early childhood educators
Florence F. “Jo” Saltzman Award for Excellence
Established by: Family, Friends and Colleagues of Florence F. “Jo” Saltzman
Supports an award recognizing a student in the SVSU Honors Program who writes the outstanding thesis of the year
Schneider-Branch Endowment (Endowment in Progress)
Established by: Ann Schneider-Branch Will benefit SVSU students through programs or scholarships; final terms to be determined
Shannon Nursing Department Study Abroad Assistance Fund
Established by: Colleagues and Friends of —Marcia Shannon
Provides nursing students with financial assistance to cover expenses associated with participation in facultyled study abroad programs
Carol M Shuler Mathematics and Science Camp Scholarship
Established by: —Friends and Colleagues of — Carol Shuler
Provides grants to students enrolling in SVSU summer camps focusing on math and science
Sims Awards for Excellence in Public Speaking
Established by: —Linda and Lawrence Sims
Supports an annual student public speaking competition and awards for the winning entries
Stevens Family Business Program Endowment
Established by: —Stevens Family and —Stevens Worldwide Van Lines
Provides funding to the SVSU Stevens Center for Family Business
Charles J. Strosacker Endowed Chair/ Professorship in Engineering
Established by: — Charles J. Strosacker Foundation
Supports a distinguished scholar and teacher in the field of engineering who will engage in teaching, scholarly work, and service activities within the university and the community
Charles J. Strosacker Engineering Equipment Fund
Established by: Charles J. Strosacker Foundation
Provides resources for the acquisition of new equipment and the upgrade of existing equipment necessary for achieving academic excellence in SVSU engineering programs
Title 3 Grant Endowment
Established by: U.S. Department of Education T3 Grant
Supports programs and scholarships in accordance with the terms of the Title 3 federal grant
Raymond E. Tyner Writing Excellence Award and Memorial Fund
Established by: —Friends and SVSU Colleagues of Dr. Tyner
Supports awards to SVSU students who demonstrate excellence in creative and nonfiction writing
Velasquez Lecture on Liberty and Free Markets
Established by: —Jenee and Christian Velasquez
Highlights and educates on the fundamental idea that the United States form of government is based on individual liberty and success is tied to a financial system of free markets
Venture 21: An Entrepreneurship Curriculum Development Fund
Established by: Melvin L. and Hilda J. Zuehlke Foundation
Supports augmenting the College of Business curriculum in the areas of entrepreneurship and smalland medium-size enterprise
Vitito Global Business Leadership Institute Endowment
Established by: Robert J. (Bob) and Marianne M. (Bobbi) Vitito
Funds a fellowship program for SVSU students focusing on leadership development, service and an international travel experience
Joseph A. Vogl Golf Award for Leadership
Established by: —Joseph and Susan Vogl
Recognizes members of the SVSU golf team who demonstrate leadership, sportsmanship and excellence
Voices in the Valley Endowment
Established by: Dr. Judith B. Kerman
Provides funding to bring distinguished poets and authors of fiction and nonfiction to SVSU to perform readings of their work
Earl J. Warrick Award for Excellence in Science Research
Established by: —Dow Corning Foundation
Recognizes SVSU faculty who demonstrate excellence in a significant body of research and scholarly achievement
Harvey Randall Wickes Chair/ Professorship in International Studies
Established by: Harvey Randall Wickes Foundation
Supports a distinguished scholar and teacher in the College of Business who will engage in teaching, scholarly work, and service activities within the university and the community
Harvey Randall Wickes Chair/ Professorship in Nursing
Established by: Harvey Randall Wickes Foundation
Supports a distinguished scholar and teacher in the field of nursing who will engage in teaching, scholarly work and service activities within the university and the community
Wickson-Nickless Distinguished Lectureship in Business
Established by: Wickson-Link Memorial Foundation and the Allen E. and Marie A. Nickless Memorial Foundation
Provides funding for forums to study and debate contemporary events and issues that influence business policies and behavior
Wiener Model United Nations Endowed Award
Established by: Raj Mondol Wiener and Richard Wiener
Funds awards to student participants in the SVSU Model United Nations program who demonstrate academic excellence and career goals in government, public advocacy or law
Richard V. Wolohan Fellowship in Leadership and Service
Established by: —Wolohan Family Foundation/ Wolohan Lumber Company
Supports a leadership- and service-focused fellowship program for SVSU students that includes renewable scholarship support
Gene and Karen Yang Biology Department Faculty Award
Established by: Gene and Karen Yang
Funds awards for SVSU biology faculty who demonstrate excellence in teaching and research in their field
Lloyd and Judy Yeo Business Development Endowment Fund
Established by: —Wickson-Link Memorial —Foundation
Supports the development of programs in the College of Business that are relevant to the needs of area businesses and enhance the curriculum of the university
Suk Koo Yun Natural Science Award
Established by: —Family, Friends and Colleagues of Dr. Yun
Recognizes students in the natural sciences whose enthusiasm for learning matches Dr. Yun’s passion for teaching, as nominated by a natural science instructor
This scholarship has helped me be able to be more involved in my campus community and surrounding community.
Thank you so much for your extreme generosity and support!
- Andrea G.