Teaching Stories (SVSU Art Department)

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T heys ayyouwi l l neverf or get yourf i r s tcl as sofs t udent s .

T her e’ ss omet hi ngaboutbei ngi na cl as s r oom wi t ht hes ames t udent sal l day l ongt hatcr eat esauni quebond.

T hey’ ves eenmehappy,s ad,angr y, andever yt hi ngi nbet ween.

St o r y :Ma r t h aJ a n s e n

Iwentt hr oughat er r i bl edi vor ce.

Iwasmar i edf or20year s .It houghtI woul dbemar r i edf or ever .

Goodmor ni ng,Mom!

Goodmor ni ng, Adam.wher e’ syour s i s t er ?


L aur enandBens pentt he ni ghtatdad’ ss i ncei twass o l at e.S hepr obabl yt ex t ed you,checkyourphone.

Wel l you’ dbet t er hus t l eoryou’ l l mi s s t hebus .

Iknow,I ’ m goi ng.

Don’ tf or gett owi s h L aur enahappy bi r t hdayt oday!

Myex hus bandi sget t i ngr emar r i ed s i xmont hsaf t erwegotdi vor ced.

Andaver yhappy bi r t hdayt ome.

Youcanf i l l i nt hebl anks .

Mar t ha!

Goodmor ni ng,Mat t .

Goodmor ni ng.Ihavea f avort oas kyou.

Onceas t udentcameoutoft he bat hr om wi t ht hei rpant sar oundt hei r ankl ess ayi ngt hei rpoopwoul dn’ t comeout .

Ofcour s e.

I ’ m nott hebi gges tf anofki nder gar t ner s .

8: 00

9: 00

11: 00

12: 00

2: 00

2: 15

10: 00

1: 00

Ms .J ans en?

Hel l oEr i n,Whatar e youdoi ngoutof cl as s ?

Ms .Der r ywant st o t al kt oyou.S heas ked met ocomegetyou.

T hes t udent swr ot es uchni cecar ds .

Iwi l l neverf or gethow t ouchedIf el t .

It hi nkt hi si smyhappi es tt eachi ngmoment .

Iwi l l neverf or getmyf i r s tcl as sofs t udent s !

Et i m Eni ang

Yes,whatdi d youdoLi sa?

IWent Bowl i ng!

Who’ sr eadyf or St or yTi me?




dyoucut Why’ ontofme? r nf i

Her e,youcan

thave dn’ ,IShoul y r Sor . cut


havemyspot .

l a r u t l Cu s e c n e r e f f Di ! k e We

Gather Ar ou nd Ki ds!

S t o r yBy :H a l e yK i t z mi l l e r S c r i p ta n dAr tBy :F a l y nGr u n we l l

Mr s.Hal eybegi nstor eadabook tothecl assabou tHanu k k ah. Youseecl ass, somepeopl ecel ebr ate Hanu k k ah,some Kwanza,andsome Chr i stmas. . .

I tdoesn’ tmatter whocel ebr ateswhat, becau sewe’ r eal l di f f er entandthat’ s whatmak esu s speci al !

LEY! BUTMRS.HA ! ns! twi e t ’ r ’ n y e e Th theyar . al So speci



We l lS a m, T h e yma yl o o k s i mi l a r . . .

Bu tn ot wo p e o p l ea r e e x a c t l ya l i k e .

OOOH H H H H H S ol i k eS u s i e , b e c a u s es h ei s b l a c k !

Mr s . H a l e yp a u s e sf o ra mo me n ta n ds e t sd o wn h e rb o o k .

Y e s ! T h a t ’ sr i g h t !

S u s i ei s d i f f e r e n t .

J u s tl i k eI ’ m d i f f e r e n tb e c a u s e Iwe a rg l a s s e s !

Story: Angie Kelly. Script & Art: Demetria Hadley

A lesson in...

Story: Lindsay Coonan

Script/Art: John Hemgesberg

The Lesson began with the definition of goods and resources. Our Curriculum unit defines goods as things we buy that we can hold and touch and natural resources as things in nature people find useful. Can people be goods Mrs. Coonan? You can hold and touch them. No, people most definintely cannot be goods, we do not sell people.

Slavery was an awful part of our history.

Remember the book about Martin Luther King Jr, he fought for human rights. Part of human rights is that all people have a right to be free, meaning we cannot buy them.

What is slavery?

The practivce of slavery was the worst time in our history where people did not respect the human rights of african americans. They had to fight for their right to be free. Remember our lesson about diversity from the last unit? We talked about how and why people from different backgrounds make the world a better place. Discuss with your partners about the great things that happen because of diversity.

We get get different ideas. We can learn from different people.

Is adoption slavery? Since you buy a person?

No, adoption is not buying people. It’s welcoming people into your family. Let’s get back to our conversation on natural recources and goods. Who can think of a natural recource and a good we can make from it?

Are animals goods and natural resources?

They can be if they are animals used for food.

What about our pets? No, not our pets. People Usually consider pets part of the family.

Well, technically you can eat a pet, can you eat people? That’s discusting and illegal. if someone did that they would go to jail.

Lets talk about natural resources...

Story: Sherin Radwin Script/Art: Desiree Simone

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