Learning Technology
Partnering with students and parents for digital excellence
Superintendent’s Message PAGE 2
I am excited for the opportunity to introduce the district’s learning technology plan to parents and students. With tremendous backing from our community and the passage of the 2012 mill levy override, we have the opportunity to implement new technology into our schools.
CIO Message PAGE 3
Impact on Learning PAGE 4
Supporting our Teachers PAGE 6
iPad Use: School & Home PAGE 8
Provide Feedback PAGE 11
Don Haddad, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools
We are eager to take student learning to the next level by introducing a 1:1 student to technology device ratio and continued support of our robust computer environments. I invite you to read the details of our plan, which are outlined in the following pages and at www.svvsd.org/techplan. As superintendent, I am excited to see technology being utilized in our schools to support learning. In the 2013-2014 school year, we piloted this program at two middle schools. Students, teachers, parents and administrators reported outstanding success. We look forward to partnering with you as we work to implement the learning technology plan throughout all of our middle schools. Thank you in advance for your continued support of our students, teachers and schools. Your commitment to academic excellence is truly amazing. Sincerely,
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“We have an opportunity to prepare our students for a new and ever-changing world where digital literacy is a fundamental skill for success.” - Joe McBreen, CIO
Dear Parents and Guardians:
Don Haddad, Ed.D. Haddad_Don@svvsd.org Twitter: @SVVSDSupt
Impact on learning
“I really like flipped classroom lessons. They were useful because kids could learn at their own pace at home and then participate in classroom conversations.” - Madison Reed, Student Coal Ridge Middle School
Teachers are extending learning by helping students access the world beyond the classroom. Pointing students to a video resource or online article, participating in an online discussion, or collaborating with classmates virtually any time and place. Students return to class excited and ready to apply their thoughts and experiences.
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Students’ access to technology learning tools will enhance the learning objectives in the classroom Common Core standards outline how technology is utilized across all subjects including Art, Math, English and Social Studies Students can participate in virtual field trips and collaborate with classrooms around the world Technology is essential to extending student learning from the classroom to the home and for preparing students to excel in an increasingly digital world
When studying Abby Sunderland, a 16 year old who solo-circumnavigated the world by sailboat, students compared and contrasted how Abby and her story were portrayed in different types of media. By using a blog format, students were able to expand the conversation from a traditional classroom setting to a broader discussion involving peers from the same grade level.
Learn more. tinyurl.com/ltp-students
LTP in Action
discussions beyond the classroom
Students realized their opinions were valued and supported by other students, and started sharing more in classroom environments.
Supporting our teachers
“It’s OK to not be an expert because many times the kids will be the experts and answer questions and troubleshoot issues.” - Justin Crane, Teacher Westview Middle School
Teachers are learning how to thoughtfully implement the iPad to provide enriching classroom experiences and opportunities for learning. Each school is working to build a professional learning plan that incorporates their school’s focus and strengths with the new possibilities afforded by digital tools and resources. In addition, the district is providing support via online and face to face learning opportunities throughout the year.
“As a veteran teacher, I’m re-energized by the possibilities that the iPad brings to learning. Students can now show the complexity of connections with no limitations.” - Karen Clancy-Cribby, Teacher Westview Middle School
Learn more. tinyurl.com/ltp-teacher
iPad school Use& home
At Home
Each iPad comes with a Parent Info web App automatically installed for parents. It outlines how to set restrictions and gives resources for learning more about home device use. We encourage families to explore the potential of the iPad for creating learning opportunities at home.
Strategies for Parents
Coal Ridge Middle School grade level teams developed a set of rules throughout their class. Games are not permitted, but students can use the device during lunch.
It’s OK to limite screen time and say “No” to: • iPads in your child’s bedroom • Downloading Apps without your approval
At Westview, all teachers use the same device on/off posters. Devices are not allowed during breaks, and no games are ever allowed on campus.
Just as the district has restrictions at school, we encourage parents to set content limitations at home. It’s important to outline when, where, why and how your child accesses his/her iPad.
At School
We are committed to educating our students on how their device can be used at school. Your school’s handbook and the SVVSD Board Responsible Use Policy includes information on specific school and SVVSD guidelines. All district issued iPads have restrictions in place to block explicit material at school. Whether it is passing notes, talking with neighbors or technology, our teachers are prepared to deal with these distractions. Part of the readiness for schools is working through a template that asks schools to think about different aspects of managing devices in the classroom and throughout the school, before school, during lunch etc. Your child’s school will decide and educate all students about when and how iPads can be used.
“I thought it would be tough to manage students with these devices, but it’s actually been quite easy. When I have a good plan in place the kids are engaged and I find myself facilitating learning rather than managing a class.” - Adam Wellington, Teacher
LTP in Action
developing usage guidelines
Several parents allow their kids to use the device in a common area, and then take it to the parents’ room to power up overnight.
Resources for Parents
Tips for technology conversation and setting rules www.commonsensemedia.org Internet Wellness at Home and iPad Basics www.svvsd.org/techplan iPad guidelines and resources Visit your child’s school website
When the device off poster is up, devices must be turned off and remain face down. When the device on poster is up, students may use iPads for specific apps or programs outlined by the teacher.
Coal Ridge Middle School
FAQsfrom&St.Feedback Vrain families Q: A.
What are my costs for the device? There are no costs for parents. There is an optional insurance plan offered for $35 per school year.
Q: A:
Can my student use a device we currently own? Yes, but your personal device must be an iPad.
Q: A:
Can my student leave their device at school? Yes, arrangements can be made for nightly secured storage for your student.
Q: A:
Are there any low cost options for Internet at home? Yes, there are several options for Internet access. For a full list please visit: www.svvsd.org/techplan.
Q: A:
Do I need a credit card to have an Apple ID? No, students and parents have the option to set up an Apple ID without the use of a credit card.
Visit your school’s LTP website for instructions. Additional Resources can be found at: www.svvsd.org/techplan.
Your input is valuable!
We are always looking for opportunities to improve and discuss the Learning Technology Plan. Parents are invited to provide feedback and participate in conversations around the technology use in our classrooms.
Provide Feedback at: tinyurl.com/ltp-feedback
St. Vrain Valley Public School RE 1J
395. S. Pratt Parkway, Longmont, CO 80501