2016-2017 GUIDE TO
High School Options
Superintendent’s Message Dear Parents and Guardians, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your unwavering dedication to the well-being and success of our students, teachers and staff. We are very proud of their outstanding accomplishments as they continue to achieve excellence through their hard work, creativity and innovation. It is an honor to serve in such a strong and vibrant community. Your support has made it possible to transform St. Vrain into one of the most successful school districts in the country, recognized nationally and internationally for our students’ achievements. Selecting a high school for your student is an important and personal step in charting their future path. Toward this end, St. Vrain Valley Schools offers a diverse and extensive portfolio of rigorous academic programs that give you and your student options to select a program that best fits their interests and educational goals. St. Vrain’s college preparatory and high-quality instructional focus programs, delivered in partnership with rigorous courses and engaging activities, ensure that your student will receive a world-class high school education. As your family prepares for this important educational transition, I strongly encourage you and your student to explore the unique options available in St. Vrain. These include: instructional focus academies in energy, engineering, aerospace, medical and biosciences, leadership, STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), business, and visual and performing arts. Other excellent programs across St. Vrain include: Honors and Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, CU Succeed Gold and Silver, P-TECH, our virtual Online Global Academy and the Career Development Center. Successful completion of many of these programs can result in a full year or more of transferable college credit prior to graduation from high school. Student engagement is an important part of any comprehensive high school experience. Accordingly, St. Vrain offers a robust selection of co-curricular activities and enrichment options in every school throughout our district. Students can participate in the arts, music programs, athletics and many other high-quality activities that further support the development of well-rounded citizens who embody teamwork, leadership and character. This is a very exciting time in our schools as we continue to ensure student success in a competitive 21st century economy. I encourage you to review our 2016- 2017 Guide to High School Options and hope that you will attend some of the upcoming open house events. Take care, and as always, thank you for your outstanding support. Sincerely, Don Haddad, Ed.D. 303-682-7205 haddad_don@svvsd.org Twitter: @SVVSDSupt
Table of Contents 1
Open House Schedule
Focus Programs
Learning Technology Plan
Erie High School
Frederick High School
Longmont High School
Lyons High School
Mead High School
Niwot High School
Olde Columbine High School
Silver Creek High School
Skyline High School
St. Vrain Online Global Academy
Twin Peaks Charter Academy
Career Development Center
New Graduation Requirements
College Credit Opportunities
Open House Schedule November 28 Silver Creek High School, 6:00-8:00 p.m. November 29 Frederick High School, 6:00-8:00 p.m. Twin Peaks Charter Academy, 6:00-7:30 p.m. November 30 Longmont High School, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Lyons Senior High School, 6:00-7:00 p.m. December 1 Niwot High School, 6:00-8:00 p.m. December 5 Skyline High School, 6:30-8:30 p.m. December 6 Erie High School, 6:00-7:00 p.m. December 7 Mead High School, 6:30-8:30 p.m. February 15 Career Development Center The 2016-2017 Guide to High School Options was produced in-house by St. Vrain Valley Schools’ Department of Communications. Funding for printing and distribution supported by:
Focus Programs Available Content Specific Focus Programs International Baccalaureate The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme is an internationally recognized, comprehensive curriculum that leads to a high school diploma and a prestigious IB diploma. Selective and competitive colleges and universities around the world recognize the IB Diploma. Offered at Niwot High School, IB course grades are weighted, and when the program is successfully completed, the student earns between 24 and 40 college credit hours. IB graduates are guaranteed admission to all Colorado state colleges and universities. STEM Academy The STEM Academy is a rigorous academic program at Skyline High School that exposes students to coursework in creative and advanced engineering, project design, workplace collaboration and leadership. Engineering Ph.D. fellows from the University of Colorado work directly with Skyline faculty and students. STEM graduates have the opportunity to earn guaranteed admission to the CU College of Engineering. Medical and BioScience Academy The Medical & Bioscience Academy at Longmont High School offers rigorous college-preparatory curricula that prepares students for admission to postsecondary programs in medicine, research and allied health sciences. In partnership with state universities, community colleges and community business partners, students will experience challenging coursework, interact with health science professionals, develop hands-on skills through internships and apply technology to reallife problems. Leadership Academy The Silver Creek Leadership Academy provides the foundation for world-class leaders. This four year program takes students on a journey beginning with: 9th Grade Foundations of Leadership, 10th Grade International Leadership, 11th Grade Community and Local Leadership, and culminating with the 12th Grade Senior Capstone Project.
Advanced Placement The College Board’s Advanced Placement (AP) Program is a nationally recognized academic program designed to provide motivated high school students with weighted, dual-credit college-level courses. Students build study skills for a successful college experience. AP courses give students the opportunity to earn college credit, save on tuition, and graduate college in less than four years. AP courses are available at all high schools. Engineering and Aerospace Academy Erie High School is embarking into a new era of taking academic excellence to the next level through its new Engineering Focus Program. Students are able to enroll in exciting classes which introduce the concepts of engineering design, automation, computer science and software design over their four years of high school. Students who complete three years of study prior to their senior year will enroll in a research and seminar capstone project. Their research is around an open-ended “real-life” problem which needs solving. Biomedical Sciences Program DNA analysis, identification of disease biomarkers, hands-on anatomy study...these are just a few of the specialized experiences now available to students enrolled in the Biomedical Sciences Program at Frederick High School. Developed through Project Lead the Way, this new program gives students a chance to lead their own experience through specialized course-work and real-world applications that prepare students for the rigors of advanced university study and STEM careers. Energy Academy The Mead Energy Academy is a unique program that offers a secondary public education devoted to the principles of energy. The program will require core courses of all students while offering a choice between academic college-bound course work and practical workforce-ready course work. Cross-curricular courses in math, science, social studies, language arts, business and more will be taught to support our energy focus.
CU Succeed Gold and Silver Program St. Vrain offers college courses through the CU Succeed Program. The program provides students the opportunity to take college courses during high school hours while simultaneously earning college credits through the University of Colorado at Denver. Students take a qualifying course at a weighted grade and receive college credit at a fraction of the cost of most university courses. The CU Succeed Gold and Silver courses help position students for academic scholarships. Visual and Performing Arts The Visual and Performing Arts Academy at Skyline High School is the only grades 9-12 arts academy in the St. Vrain Valley School District. As the designated VPA school, Skyline is able to offer a wide variety of courses in the visual arts, theater, dance and music. Some of these unique course offerings include Voice Performance, Stage Technology, Advanced Dance and Drama courses, AP and Non-AP Music Theory, Music Technology, Digital Animation and Video Production. High School of Business High School of Business™ is designed much like a college business administration program. Offered at Longmont High School, students take approximately one course per semester, beginning with Principles of Business. The program continues with courses in various business functions concluding with an internship and a capstone course. In the capstone course, Business Strategies, students use what they have learned from the first five courses to open and run their own business. In addition, students can earn six credit hours from CU Denver and three credit hours from University of Northern Colorado.
Learning Technology Plan St. Vrain’s Learning Technology Plan, a 1:1 Device Initiative In 2012, voters across the St. Vrain Valley School District approved a mill levy override that, among other improvements, greatly strengthened the district’s capacity to equip students with 21st century technology tools. iPad Distribution In the fall of 2016, St. Vrain completed its distribution of 1:1 devices to all high school students. The use of mobile devices in support of student learning can be powerful. By providing increased access to tablets and other technology resources, teachers and students have opportunities to participate in rich environments for learning that can expand beyond the classroom walls. Students and teachers now have the tools needed to investigate, communicate, collaborate, create, model and explore concepts and content in authentic contexts. Improved Instruction Teachers have access to professional development courses that focus on incorporating technology into the classroom. Through online courses, small group discussions, mentorship opportunities and week long iPad learning camps, teachers are learning best practices for incorporating iPads in their classrooms.
“World class technology, combined with advanced critical thinking skills, is positioning St. Vrain students to lead America’s next generation of global innovators.” - Joe McBreen St. Vrain Valley Schools Chief Technology Officer
Student Learning Students demonstrate an understanding of a topic with a variety of tools including the use of online curricula and assessments. The use of digital materials provides the most up-to-date information to students in a variety of ways including text, audio and video content. Immediate results from online assessments allow teachers to adjust their lessons for the class based on understanding and skill level. All students need access to technology to be prepared for a future of learning and job readiness skills. Students can expand their learning beyond the classroom walls and hours of the school day. This access gives students the tools to learn at their own pace.
For more information, visit stvra.in/ltp
Erie High FOCUS
Academy of Engineering and Aerospace, AP Capstone Diploma PRINCIPAL
Matt Buchler
938 Students
3180 County Road 5, Erie, CO 80516 303-828-4213 ehs.svvsd.org MASCOT
Programs with College Credit Options
•• Home to St. Vrain’s only Academy of Engineering and Aerospace Academy •• Erie High School offers the AP Capstone Diploma Program •• Students can earn 65 hours of college credit by participating in these options: 18 College Board Advanced Placement courses, eight Front Range Community College courses and CU Succeed’s college credit program •• Erie High School offers four levels of Mandarin Chinese in cooperation with the Confucius Institute •• Students have received state and national recognition, including Boettcher Scholarships and National Merit Scholarship finalists •• Erie High boasts several successful athletic and performing arts programs, including a nationally ranked girls softball team and many state championships in athletics, choral, Jazz Band, and visual and performing arts •• Home of the Erie Tiger Network, a nationally recognized student broadcasting program.
Advanced Placement (AP): 18 weighted grade courses Honors: 13 weighted grade courses Front Range Community College: Eight courses
Co-Curricular Activities Girls Who Code, MESA Club, National Honor Society, Newspaper, Student Government, Yearbook, and elective courses such as Computer Programming, Multimedia, Music Technology and Studio Art
Athletics for Character, Discipline and Collegiality Baseball, basketball, cheer, cross country, football, golf, gymnastics, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track, volleyball and wrestling
Visual and Performing Arts Music: Choir, Color Guard, Concert Band, Guitar, Jazz Band, Marching Band, Music Technology, Orchestra, Percussion and Small Ensemble Art: Animation, Ceramics, Computer Graphics, Digital Photography, Drawing, Jewelry, Multimedia, Painting, Photography, Sculpture, Studio Art and Web Design Theater and Dance: Annual theater and musical productions and competitive dance teams perform in a state-of-the-art auditorium
What is a favorite memory from your time at St. Vrain? Sophomore year, as alto sax player in my Erie High School’s Jazz Band lead by Mr. Doug Carmichael, we were guests at Denver’s Dazzle Jazz Club. We performed in front of a live audience with the Metropolitan Jazz Orchestra. Not only was it an experience for learning, but being in the same room as so many professionals inspired me to pursue my great love of playing jazz.
Open House: December 6, 6:00 p.m.
Frederick High FOCUS
CU Succeed, Biomedical Sciences PRINCIPAL
Bryan Young
963 Students
5690 Tipple Parkway, Frederick, CO 80504 303-833-3533 fhs.svvsd.org MASCOT
Programs with College Credit Options
•• Frederick High provides students concurrent enrollment opportunities where they can simultaneously earn high school and up to 53 transferable college credits •• A STEM program featuring Interactive Media and Information Technology with threads of study including Java Programming, Video Production, Digital Art, Graphic Design and Music Technology •• Frederick offers rigorous academic programs while simultaneously maintaining strong interpersonal relationships among students and staff with a school culture and programming dedicated to partnerships and student well-being •• Students participate in an advisory program that allows them to plan and prepare for postsecondary career and college opportunities and connect with teachers through weekly mentoring •• Project Lead the Way Biomedical Science program allows students to ask questions, explore ideas and participate in hands-on problem solving opportunities in medical fields •• Robust technology options including Biomedical, Music Technology and Video Production using the newest technology and computer labs •• Mandarin Chinese classes with over 100 students from all grade levels participating •• Home to the district’s most modern high school facility: a state-of-the-art LEED Certified campus
Advanced Placement (AP): 15 weighted grade courses CU Succeed Gold program: 16 college credit courses Honors: Eight weighted grade courses Front Range Postsecondary College Credit Transfer: Four courses
Co-Curricular Activities MESA Club, National Honor Society, Student Government, Yearbook, and elective courses such as Computer Programming, Multimedia, Music Technology and Studio Art
Keely Thomas Class of 2016
Athletics for Character, Discipline and Collegiality Baseball, basketball, cheer, cross country, dance, football, golf, soccer, softball, tennis, track, volleyball and wrestling
Visual and Performing Arts Music: Advanced Jazz Band, AP Music Theory, Choir, Concert Choir, Color Guard, Guitar, Jazz Band, Marching Band, Music Technology, Orchestra, Percussion Ensemble, Piano and Symphonic Band Art: Advanced Drawing and Painting, Digital Photography, Drama, Graphic Design, Jewelry, Multimedia, Sculpture, Stage Tech and Video Production Theater & Dance: Annual fall musical, two plays in the spring and an evening of one-acts, directed by seniors in May
What teacher has had the biggest impact on your success so far? One teacher who has had an impact on my success is Mr. Ted Clapp. Over the years, he has helped push me to go beyond what I thought I could do and allowed me to foster a love for chemistry.
Open House: November 29, 6:00 p.m.
Longmont High FOCUS
AP, Honors, Medical & Bioscience Academy, High School of Business PRINCIPAL
Rick Olsen
1,188 Students
1040 Sunset St., Longmont, CO 80501 303-776-6014 lhs.svvsd.org MASCOT
Programs with College Credit Options
•• One of the state’s largest selections of AP and CU Succeed Gold courses •• Medical and BioScience Academy (MBSA) •• STEM education through Engineering and Computer Science. •• High School of Business (HSB) Pathway Program •• Active partnerships with University of Colorado Denver, University of Colorado Boulder and Colorado State University •• Recognized by U.S. News & World Report as one of the nation’s top schools for three consecutive years •• 75 percent student participation in co-curricular activities •• Over 60 percent of Longmont High students are enrolled in AP, Honors and MBSA coursework •• Longmont High School Foundation and alumni award $200,000 in scholarships exclusively to Longmont High graduates each year •• Longmont High School has produced 69 National Merit Scholars and 16 Boettcher Scholars
Advanced Placement (AP): 20 weighted grade courses CU Succeed Gold Program: 11 weighted grade courses Honors: 15 weighted grade courses MBSA: Guaranteed acceptance agreement with University of Colorado Denver and Colorado State University; partnering with Longmont United Hospital HSB: Earn college credits through University of Northern Colorado’s Monfort College of Business
Co-Curricular Activities Leadership Forum, MESA Club, National Honor Society, Student Council, Yearbook, and elective courses such as Chinese, French, Spanish, Computer Programming, Video Production and Web Design
Athletics for Character, Discipline and Collegiality Baseball, basketball, cheer, cross country, football, golf, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track, volleyball and wrestling
Visual and Performing Arts Music: Acoustic Guitar, Advanced Jazz Band, AP Music Theory, Band, Bel Canto - Advanced Women’s Choir, Chamber Singers, Color Guard, History of Rock and Roll, Jazz Band, Marching Band, Mariachi, Men’s Choir, Music Technology, Orchestra, Orpheus - Advanced Men’s Choir, Percussion, Steel Drums, String Orchestra, Symphonic Orchestra and Women’s Choir Art: Animation, AP Studio Art, Ceramics, Computer Graphics, Digital Photography, Drawing, Jewelry, Painting and Sculpture Theater and Dance: Two major theater productions annually
What advice would you give to students entering kindergarten next year? To a kindergartener, I would advise to always take advantage of every opportunity that school gives you. Don’t be afraid to try new things, go out for as many sports or clubs that you can, take an advanced class, even if you don’t think you’re good at the subject. Be open to everything and everyone, and you will be satisfied.
Open House: November 30, 6:30 p.m.
Lyons High FOCUS
CSU Online Partnership PRINCIPAL
Greg Winger
399 Students
100 McConnell Drive, Lyons, CO 80540 303-823-6631 lmshs.svvsd.org MASCOT
Programs with College Credit Options
•• College coursework offered through a Colorado State University online partnership •• Highest state testing scores in St. Vrain; placed in the top 10 of all public high schools in Colorado •• Recognized as a John Irwin School of Excellence and is listed among the top 8 percent of all high schools Colorado •• Rated as a top high school in 2011-2016 according to U.S. News & World Report and Newsweek •• In addition to superior student achievement, approximately 80 percent of Lyons High students participate in band, choir, drama and/or athletics •• Outstanding athletics, band, choir and drama programs have received numerous state and district recognitions •• Students are highly engaged, enthusiastic and positive
CSU online partnership offers college credits Advanced Placement (AP): Seven weighted grade courses Honors: Four weighted grade courses
Co-Curricular Activities Bike Club, Chess Club, National Honor Society, Student Government, Yearbook, and elective courses such as Multimedia, Music Technology, Robotics and Studio Art
Athletics for Character, Discipline and Collegiality Baseball, basketball, cheer, cross country, football, softball, track, wrestling and volleyball
Visual and Performing Arts Music: Concert Band, Jazz Band, Marching Band, Mixed Choir, Show Choir, Guitar and Music Technology Art: Computer Graphics, Drawing, Painting, Sculpture and Video Technology Drama: Annual full-length theatrical production; bi-annual full-length musical production
What teacher has had the biggest impact on your success so far? It is hard to pick a single teacher who has impacted me the most because I have had a lot of teachers impact me in countless ways; however, one that stood out to me was Dr. Gregg because of her support and dedication to creating a friendly classroom environment where everyone was welcome.
Open House: November 30, 6:00 p.m.
Mead High FOCUS
Energy Academy, AP Capstone Diploma PRINCIPAL
Rachel Ayers
1,006 Students
12750 County Rd 7, Longmont, CO 80504 720-494-3940 mhs.svvsd.org MASCOT
Programs with College Credit Options
•• Home of St. Vrain’s Energy Academy, a unique program devoted to the principles of energy that will prepare students for college studies, technical education, certification programs and the workforce •• Highly educated, experienced and student-centered faculty - 86 percent of teaching staff have a master’s degree •• Engaged, positive and civic-minded student body •• Students honored with Boettcher Scholarships and National Merit Scholarship Awards •• Over 70 percent of student body actively participates in co-curricular activities •• Opened in 2009 with a state-of-the-art campus •• Mead offers the AP Capstone Diploma that signifies outstanding academic achievement and attainment of college-level academic and research skills
Multiple Advanced Placement (AP) and Honors classes Classes through Front Range Community College and Aims Community College AP Research and AP Seminar
Co-Curricular Activities Debate, Drama Club, Family Career and Community Leaders of America, Film Club, French Club, Future Business Leaders of America, International Thespian Society, Interact, MESA, Multicultural Club, National Honor Society, Posse Mentoring Club, Robotics, Student Council, Unified Sports and Yearbook
Athletics for Character, Discipline and Collegiality Baseball, basketball, cheer, cross country, dance, football, golf, soccer, softball, tennis, track and field, volleyball and wrestling
Visual and Performing Arts Music: AP Music Theory, A Capella/Jazz Choir, Chamber Singers, Concert Band, Guitar, Jazz Band, Marching Band, Men’s Choir, Music Technology, Orchestra, Percussion Ensemble, String Orchestra, Symphonic Band and Women’s Choir Art: AP Studio Art, Ceramics, Digital Photography, Crafts, Drawing, Multimedia, Painting, Sculpture and Web Design Theater and Dance: Drama, Stage Technology, two annual full-length theatrical productions and a bi-annual full-length musical production
Sophia Smith Class of 2016 HOPE COLLEGE | PRE-MED
What is a favorite memory from your time at St. Vrain? A favorite memory from my time at St. Vrain has been making so many great friends and learning from everyone around me.
Open House: December 7, 6:30 p.m.
Niwot High FOCUS
International Baccalaureate (IB) PRINCIPAL
Eric Rauschkolb
1,279 Students
8989 E. Niwot Rd, Niwot, CO 80503 303-652-2550 nhs.svvsd.org MASCOT
Programs with College Credit Options
•• Nearly 40 percent of student population enrolled in IB or Pre-IB programs •• Roughly 20 percent of student population enrolled in an Advance Placement (AP) class •• On five AP tests, the average student score was 4 plus •• Rated as a top high school by U.S. News & World Report and Newsweek three out of the four previous years •• Over 90 percent of graduates attend a college or university •• Niwot High most recently had seven National Merit Semifinalists •• Average ACT score of 23.4 compared to the state average of 20.3 •• Since 2000, Niwot High has won nine athletic state championships •• Girls’ track and field has won the state championships three out of the last four years •• Girls’ gymnastics won the state championship in 2015 •• Performing arts groups have performed on Broadway, at Disneyland and at Disney World •• Computer Science and Engineering Pathways - Project Lead the Way courses include Intro Programming, Intro App Development, AP Computer Science and Intro Engineering Project Lead the Way
International Baccalaureate: 20 weighted grade courses Advanced Placement (AP): 12 weighted grade courses Honors/Niwot Pre IB: Six weighted grade courses
Co-Curricular Activities Coding Club, Film and Photography Club, National Honor Society, Student Government, Wellness Club, Yearbook, and elective courses such as Music Technology, Multimedia, Computer Programming and Studio Art
Athletics for Character, Discipline and Collegiality Baseball, basketball, cheer, cross country, dance, football, golf, gymnastics, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track, volleyball and wrestling
Visual and Performing Arts Music: Chamber Singers, Color Guard, Concert Choir, Evenstar, Guitar, Jazz Band, Marching Band, Music Theory, Sedalia, String Orchestra, Symphonic Band, Symphonic Orchestra and Treble Choir Art: Animation, Ceramics, Drawing, Digital Photography, Jewelry, Painting and Sculpture Theater and Dance: Annual productions in upgraded auditorium
Matthew Clark Class of 2016 HILLSDALE COLLEGE | HISTORY
What is a favorite memory from your time at St. Vrain? My favorite memory while in St. Vrain was probably the 2015 CU Band Day performance of Niwot’s Marching Band. As the Senior Drum Major this past season, conducting the final song of our show was the biggest honor I could ever have hoped for.
Open House: December 1, 6:00 p.m.
Olde Columbine High FOCUS
Alternative High School PRINCIPAL
Deniece Cook
133 Students
1200 S. Sunset St., Longmont, CO 80501 720-494-3961 ochs.svvsd.org MASCOT
Special Programming
•• For over 20 years, Olde Columbine High School has been an excellent alternative high school within St. Vrain Valley Schools •• Olde Columbine offers a regular high school diploma in a small, community-oriented environment •• Students come from a variety of backgrounds which makes Olde Columbine a diverse and welcoming place to learn
•• The Discovery Program is our school culture model. The program teaches positive social skills, management strategies and culture development. All students are expected to use these skills throughout their time at Olde Columbine. •• Alternative Cooperative Education is a career and technical education program that is designed to build general employment skills. •• The Teen Parenting Program (TPP) has also been a part of St. Vrain for over 20 years and is located in the Olde Columbine building. TPP offers specialized classes for teen parents and expecting teens. The program also offers the opportunity for students to use a nursery located on campus to provide care for babies and toddlers.
Life Skills, Fun and Social Interaction •• At Olde Columbine, we actively work to build positive relationships with and among students. •• Each month we organize community building events. Events include: all school hike , Olde Columbine Prom, Volunteer Day and Diversity Day Celebration
What teacher has had the biggest impact on your success so far? I believe the teacher that had the biggest impact on my success so far would have to be Frank Cifres. He always reminded me to try my absolute hardest, but not to stress the little things. We all have strengths and weaknesses, and we can only focus on bettering ourselves.
Family night in December, check ochs.svvsd.org for details
Silver Creek High FOCUS
Leadership Academy PRINCIPAL
Erick Finnestead
1,241 Students
4901 Nelson Road, Longmont, CO 80503 720-494-3721 schs.svvsd.org MASCOT
Programs with College Credit Options
•• Over 90 percent of graduates attend a two-year or four-year college/university •• Student honors include: Gates Millennium Scholars, Boettcher Scholars and National Merit Scholarships; appointments to the armed forces academies •• Recognized as a Top High School by U.S. News & World Report, Newsweek and the Boulder Weekly •• College and Career Center to assist students and families in their transition after high school, including Naviance resources •• Project Unify in collaboration with Special Olympics •• All-state musicians, vocalists and three annual theatrical performances •• Expanding curricular opportunities in science, business, entrepreneurship and computer science
Advanced Placement (AP): 18 weighted grade courses Honors courses: offered throughout 9th and 10th grade Silver Creek Leadership Academy: A four-year program emphasizing leadership through service, academic rigor, enhanced experience in technology and information literacy, real-world learning opportunities and personal growth
Athletics for Character, Discipline and Collegiality Baseball, basketball, cheer, cross country, dance, football, golf, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track, volleyball and wrestling
Visual and Performing Arts
VPA Department: Featured on the Travel Channel, at the Colorado General Assembly, the National Lucerne Dairy Contest, and at The Colorado Music Educators’ Association. Music: Advanced Jazz Band, Bella Voce, Chamber Choir, Color Guard, Concert Band, Concert Choir, Guitar, Jazz Band, Marching Band, Orchestra, Percussion, Symphonic Orchestra Co-Curricular and Women’s Ensemble Activities Art: 2D Design, 3D Design, Advanced Drawing, Advanced Art Club, Big Brass Band, Fiddle Group, Painting, AP 2D Studio Art, Ceramics I and II, Crafts, Digital Math Club, Raptor Leadership Club, Photography, Drawing, Painting, Photo I, Studio Art and Studio Raptor Magazine, Student Government, Photo Yearbook, National Honor Society and Digital Literacy: AP Computer Science Principles, App many more Development, Computer Science, Intro to Computing, Intro to Programming, Music Technology, Video Production and Website Design
What is a favorite memory from your time at St. Vrain? My favorite memories are all the friendships I made and experiences I’ve shared with them over the years. Whether it is friends on my sports teams or those in my classes, I wouldn’t trade the good times I’ve had with them for anything.
Open House: November 28, 6:00 p.m.
Skyline High FOCUS
STEM Academy, Visual Performing Arts Academy and P-TECH PRINCIPAL
Heidi Ringer
1,367 Students
600 E. Mt. View Ave., Longmont, CO 80504 720-494-3741 shs.svvsd.org MASCOT
Programs with College Credit Options
•• Home of St. Vrain’s STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) and VPA (visual and performing arts) academies with nearly 500 accepted students •• Falcon Tech is a Pathways in Technology Early College High School or “P-TECH” school. Students graduate in four to six years with a high school diploma from St. Vrain Valley Schools and an Associate of Applied Science degree from Front Range Community College. Students also receive mentorships and internships from IBM, and are “first in line” for job interviews with IBM upon graduation. The AAS degree is at no cost to the students. •• University of Colorado College of Engineering guaranteed admissions agreement in place for qualified STEM graduates •• Strong business partnerships throughout the community provide resources, expertise and opportunities for students •• Race to The Top Grant recipient which includes access to the Innovation Center where students can work on research and development projects that will prepare them for future careers in STEM •• Skyline offers four world languages including Chinese, French, Italian and Spanish
Advanced Placement (AP): 17 weighted grade courses Honors: Eight weighted grade courses Front Range Community College transfer credit: 12 courses P-TECH: Earn a tuition-free Associate of Applied Science degree after completion of a high school diploma; includes significant internship and mentorship programs
Co-Curricular Activities Art Club, Computer Club, National Art Honor Society, National Honor Society, Newspaper, Peer Tutoring, Robotics Club, Student Council, Yearbook, and elective courses such as Business and Accounting, Computer Programming, Instrumental Music, Musical Theater, Music Theory, Studio Art, and Vocal Music
Athletics for Character, Discipline and Collegiality Baseball, basketball, cheer, cross country, dance, football, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track, volleyball and wrestling
Visual and Performing Arts Music: Bel Canto Choir, Concert Band, Falconnaires, Guitar, Jazz Band, Jazz Choir, Men’s Choir, Mixed Choir, Music Technology, Orchestra, Percussion, and Piano and Composition Art: AP Studio Art, Ceramics, Computer Graphics, Drawing, Graphic Design II, Jewelry, Painting, Photography, Sculpture and Video Production Theater & Dance: Beginning and Advanced Courses in Stage Technology, Dance and Drama
What is a favorite memory from your time at St. Vrain? I’ve had so many wonderful and memorable experiences at Skyline it’s hard to choose one. But I would have to choose giving a speech about Skyline’s STEM Academy to middle schoolers at Trail Ridge my junior year.
Open House: December 5, 6:30 p.m.
St. Vrain Online Global Academy FOCUS
Virtual High School (Grades 9 - 12) PRINCIPAL
Joann Dawe
150 Students
1200 S. Sunset St. Longmont, CO 80501 720-494-3975 svoga.svvsd.org
Programs with College Credit Options
•• St. Vrain Online Global Academy (SVOGA) offers students a regular high school diploma in a virtual setting •• Graduates have been accepted to and attend 4-year universities throughout the country including Ivy League schools •• Academic success is achieved utilizing high-quality instruction and curriculum provided by FLVS Global School •• 24/7, 365 days per year accessibility to courses and teachers •• Course scheduling flexibility and individualized instruction •• Blended classroom environment for both Algebra 1 and Geometry •• PSAT and SAT weekly classes •• Dave Ramsey’s Foundations in Personal Finance and Mawi Asgedom’s Leadership Skills Development course offerings •• Computer Science and Technology programming offered including Introduction to Information Technology, Computer Programming and Web Design •• Curriculum meets all St. Vrain Valley Schools’ graduation requirements •• Offers four world languages including Chinese I, II and III, French I and II, Latin I, II and III, and Spanish I, II and III
Advanced Placement: 15 weighted grade courses Honors: 10 weighted grade courses Concurrent Enrollment: Opportunities with Front Range Community College and University of Colorado Boulder
Co-Curricular Activities St. Vrain Online Global Academy offers online activities that include Beta Sigma Delta Math Club, Book Club, Chess Club, Creative Writing Club, Fine Arts Club, History Club, International Club, Latin Club, Model United Nations, National English Honor Society, National Honor Society, Newspaper Club, Peer Tutors Club, Science Club, Science Honor Society, Spanish Nuts at Practice, Speech and Debate Club, STEM Club, Student Ambassadors, Technology Club, Video Production Club, Virtual Science Fair and Yearbook. Students may also participate in co-curricular activities at their school of residence.
Athletics for Character, Discipline and Collegiality Students may participate in athletics at their school of residence provided they meet CHSAA eligibility.
Visual and Performing Arts Music: Guitar, Music of the World, and additional opportunities available at a student’s school of residence Art: Art History and Criticism, Creative Photography and additional opportunities available at a student’s school of residence Theater and Dance: Theater/Cinema/ Film Production and additional opportunities available at a student’s school of residence
William Graber Class of 2016 DARTMOUTH COLLEGE | ENGINEERING
What is a favorite memory from your time at St. Vrain? Seeing Joann and Scott when I would come to SVOGA headquarters on breaks during the hockey season.
Twin Peaks Charter Academy FOCUS
College Preparatory High School EXEC. DIRECTOR
Joe Mehsling
145 Students
340 S. Sunset St., Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-7286 twinpeakscharter.org MASCOT
Programs with College Credit Options
•• Rigorous academics with a robust offering of Advanced Placement (AP) and Honors courses, world languages, advanced science and math, liberal arts, visual and performing arts, physical education and technology •• Build strength in character through our Six Pillars of Character: Responsibility, Respect, Trustworthiness, Fairness, Caring and Citizenship •• Challenges students to understand and apply knowledge to identify solutions and become responsible leaders •• Classical education founded on the “tried and true” methods of teaching •• State-of-the-art campus with technological resources, expanding athletics and new nine-acre outdoor multi-sport complex •• Boettcher and National Merit Scholarship finalists •• Five-time winner of Colorado Department of Education’s John Irwin School of Excellence Award •• College representatives from over 40 schools visit annually plus scheduled junior year college field trips •• Founded by parents in 1997, Twin Peaks Charter Academy is a parentgoverned, parent-involved charter school with a dedicated and caring faculty •• Small school atmosphere with an emphasis on community •• Proud member of CHSAA and the Mile High League
Advanced Placement: 14 weighted grade courses Honors: 10 weighted grade courses
Co-Curricular Activities Chess Club, Fencing, Geography Bee, History Day, National Honor Society, Speech and Debate, Student Government, Service Learning Projects, Spelling Bee, Robotics, Running Club, Theater and Yearbook
Athletics for Character, Discipline and Collegiality Basketball, cross country, lacrosse, track and field, and volleyball
Visual and Performing Arts Music: Choir, Jazz Band and Symphonic Band Art: AP Studio Art, digital art, drawing, painting and sculpture Theater and Dance: Beginning and advanced theater classes, Stagecraft, annual full-length musical and drama productions
What teacher has had the biggest impact on your success so far? Band has always been the class that I have looked forward to, and when I was an upperclassmen my teacher challenged me in ways I did not think were possible. I left with what I hope will be a lifelong love for music and desire to play.
Open House: November 29, 6:00p.m.
Career Development Center FOCUS
Career and Technical Education (CTE) PRINCIPAL
1200 S. Sunset St., Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-3333 cdc.svvsd.org
Programs with Concurrent Enrollment Options
The Career Development Center (CDC) provides students with 11 career pathway opportunities. The overall goal, aligned with the Colorado Community College System, is to provide quality educational programs emphasizing core academic content, Postsecondary & Workforce Readiness competencies, technical skills seamless transition to further education or employment and better prepare students, including special populations, to meet challenges of the workforce, economic development, and emerging occupations. In addition to concurrent enrollment, students attending the CDC have the opportunity to participate in authentic work experiences such as job shadowing, clinicals or a capstone internship with local business and industry. Any high school student (some programs do not accept 9th grade students) from St. Vrain may attend the CDC. Transportation is provided to and from each home high school and CDC.
•• Automotive •• Health Sciences •• Interactive Media •• Welding
Available Programs •• Agriscience •• Automotive Technology •• Cosmetology •• Culinary Arts and Training •• Dental Assisting •• Engineering Technology and Machining •• Floral Design •• Health Sciences •• Horticulture (Greenhouse Management) •• Interactive Media •• Welding and Fabrication
What is a favorite memory from your time at St. Vrain? My fondest memories were made within the ag program at the CDC. There is no better place to develop technical skills and meet people with similar interests and motivation than within the specialized departments of the CDC. I will always look fondly upon my time within the St. Vrain Valley School District’s FFA Chapter and remember all the amazing opportunities this program gave me.
Open House: February 15, check cdc.svvsd.org for details
New Graduation Requirements New Graduation Requirements for the Class of 2021
Graduates will demonstrate college or career readiness in both English and math based on at least ONE measure listed in each concentration:
Even though they will not graduate from high school until 2020-21, St. Vrain eighth graders will be thinking about their postsecondary plans as the first class to graduate under the state’s new graduation requirements.
ACCUPLACER - a computerized test that assesses reading, writing, math and computer skills.
In 2007, the Colorado Legislature passed a bill requiring the development of new state high school graduation guidelines, and last year the Colorado State Board of Education approved the revised state graduation guidelines. Colorado school districts must begin to implement the revised local high school graduation guidelines to meet or exceed the state guidelines with the graduating Class of 2020-21. Coursework and credit hours were already a rigorous focus of St. Vrain’s graduation requirements but are now part of a three-pronged approach designed to educate and prepare students to become wellrounded citizens who are prepared for success in the competitive global economy.
ACT - a national college admissions exam. It measures four subjects - English, reading, math and science. ACT COMPASS - a computerized test that helps colleges evaluate students’ skills and place them in appropriate courses. ACT WorkKeys - an assessment that tests students’ job skills in applied reading, writing, math and 21st century skills.
In order to graduate, students must complete the following three components before leaving St. Vrain: •• Graduates will create and successfully complete an Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP). The ICAP will serve as their roadmap to graduation and postsecondary readiness. Elements of the ICAP include career and college interests, written postsecondary goals, service learning and work experience, college application(s) and/or resumes, academic progress and assessment scores. •• Graduates will be required to complete a minimum of 24.5 credits. The total credits of coursework has not changed from current graduation requirements. •• Graduates will need to demonstrate college and career readiness in both English and math through at least one measurable assessment option in each area. The district currently offers 11 acceptable options in both English and math.
Graduates will develop and successfully complete an ICAP. The following indicators will assist graduates in exploring successful completion of their ICAP: •• Self-Awareness •• Career Awareness •• Postsecondary Aspirations •• Postsecondary Options •• Environmental Expectations •• Academic Planning •• Employability Skills •• Financial Literacy
Graduates will complete a total of 24.5 credits in grades 9-12 to graduate. Credits must include: English 4 Social Studies 3 Financial Literacy .5 Mathematics 3 Science 3 Physical Education 2 Practical Arts .5 Fine Arts .5 Health .5 General Electives 7.5 Students can also earn credits through: Honors and Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, Concurrent Enrollment, online courses, the Career Development Center, and focus academies in energy, engineering and aerospace, medical and biosciences, leadership, business, STEM, and visual and performing arts.
Learn more at stvra.in/graduation 16
AP EXAMS - test students’ ability to perform at a collegiate level. Districts choose which AP exams will fulfill this menu option. ASVAB - a comprehensive test that helps determine students’ eligibility and suitability for careers in the military. CONCURRENT ENROLLMENT - provides students the opportunity to enroll in postsecondary courses, while simultaneously earning high school and college credit. DISTRICT CAPSTONE - the culminating exhibition of a student’s project or experience that demonstrates academic and intellectual learning. Capstone projects often include a portfolio of a student’s best work. INDUSTRY CERTIFICATE - a credential recognized by business and industry. Industry certificates measure a student’s competency in an occupation, and they validate a knowledge base and skills that show mastery in a particular industry. INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) - IB exams assess students enrolled in the official IB Diploma Programme. Courses are offered only at authorized IB World Schools. SAT - a college entrance exam that is accepted or required at nearly all four-year colleges and universities in the U.S.
College Credit Opportunities Earn College Credits While in High School Advanced Placement (AP) The College Board’s Advanced Placement (AP) Program is a nationally recognized academic program designed to provide motivated high school students with weighted, dual-credit college-level courses. Students will build study skills for a successful college experience. AP courses give students the opportunity to earn college credit, save on tuition and to graduate college in less than four years. AP courses are available at all high schools. Concurrent Enrollment Options (PSEO) Available at all high schools, the Concurrent Enrollment Program provides an opportunity for juniors and seniors to earn both high school and college credit. This option is available to students who have completed a minimum of 11.5 credits toward graduation. CU Succeed Gold and Silver Programs St. Vrain offers college courses through the University of Colorado’s CU Succeed Gold and Silver Programs. The programs provide students the opportunity to take college courses during high school hours while simultaneously earning college credits through the University of Colorado at Denver. Students take a qualifying course at a weighted grade and earn college credit at a fraction of the cost of most university courses. The CU Succeed Gold and Silver courses help position students for academic scholarships.
International Baccalaureate (IB) The IB Diploma Programme at Niwot High School is an internationally recognized, comprehensive curriculum that leads to a high school diploma and a prestigious IB diploma. Selective and competitive colleges and universities around the world recognize the IB Diploma. IB course grades are weighted and when the program is successfully completed, the student earns between 24 and 40 college credit hours. IB graduates are guaranteed admission to all Colorado state colleges and universities. Students who graduate with an IB Diploma begin their college careers as sophomores and are positioned for academic scholarships. Honors Honors courses prepare students for the rigor of Advanced Placement courses by introducing the writing and critical thinking skills necessary for advanced coursework. Honors courses are available at all high schools, open to freshmen and sophomores and receive a weighted grade. Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) P-TECH is a new model of education connecting high school, college and the world of work through college and industry partnerships. Offered at Skyline High, it is a model that allows students to earn a high school diploma as well as an Associate of Applied Science degree in Computer Information Systems from Front Range Community College at no cost to the student. Included with this program are significant internship and mentorship opportunities with IBM and other industry partners giving students a head start on the other side of completing the program. Students begin in ninth grade for a program that can be completed in four to six years.
St. Vrain Valley Public School RE-1J 395 S. Pratt Parkway Longmont, CO 80501
Connect with us svvsd.org