Tempus creative studio folio pages

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Generating ideas on time‌for you.

The clock is always ticking on a project and your brain never stops.

F i r s t p u b l i s h e d i n 1 9 9 6 b y W i l d D ove B o o k s W i l d D ove B o o k s i s a n i m p r i n t o f S wa d o c a P u b l i s h i n g L i m i t e d 50 The Corso Australia WD8 8SP Š 1 9 9 6 S wa d o c a P u b l i s h i n g L i m i t e d Th is edition is distributed i n A u s t r a l i a b y R a ve n B o o k s Distribution Limited


A l l r i g h t s r e s e r ve d . N o p a r t o f t h i s p u b l i c a t i o n m a y b e r e p r o d u c e d , s t o r e d i n a r e t r i eva l s y s t e m , o r t r a n s m i t t e d i n a n y wa y b y a n y m e a n s , e l a c t r o n i c , m e c h a n i c a l , p h o t o c o p y i n g , r e c o r d i n g o r o t h e r w i s e , w i t h o u t t h e p r i o r w r i t t e n p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e c o p y r i g h t h o l d e r.



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I SBN 1 85967 229 9 Publisher: Dominique Falla Senior Editor: Aurelie Maron P h o t o g r a p h e r : Te s s a M i l h a ly Designer: Anita Mor ton

Slogan! The slogan was born from my ever growing desire to give my client their work as quickly as possible and always stay on deadline.

Pr i nted i n Austra l ia by Blurb P t y Ltd


he initial thought was to use my initials AM and reference back to time but I didn't want to use my name of initials as it limits to future sale of a studio. So I went looking for time referenced names, sayings or phrases. On of the languages I like to start with is Latin and I looked at " time fly's" which is tempus fugit.

Label Magazine Full Page Advertisement

Label Magazine

While working for local business owner and publisher Elizabeth Austin at Label magazine I completed several tasks from redesign of business cards to a full page advertisement for prominent restaurateur Luke Turner for his Brickworks site to be featured in Label Magazine. The magazine is distributed across the coast advertised on local radio and available on issuu and Facebook.

Business Cards Label Magazine director and publisher Elizabeth Austin also required a new fresh business card. The end result was a fresh clean and sophisticated look fitting in with the style of the publication.

Languages: Illustrator, Photoshop, In design.

Providore Branding & Identity These examples show just some of the work done for the Providore & Good Purveyor brands. These have included take away cup and collateral design Facebook banners, Logo design and logo refresh.

Providore needed to refresh its collateral to reflect the 5 locations currently under its brand name Providore. Two card where produced one for the multi sites as a generic card and the other for the director personally. Languages: Illustrator, Photoshop, In design

Renae Byrnes Photography Branding & Identity

Renae is a very talented local wedding and family photographer. Her brief was a logo that reflected her own delicate style for use with collateral and promotional material as well as on her beautiful images.

Michel's Patisserie In Store promotional material.

In Store Posters These examples show just some of the work done for the Michle’s Patisserie brand of which there was 18 stores across 3 states.

W h i le work i ng for mu lt i site franchisee Exit 57, my responsibil it ies i ncluded t he desig n of a l l loca l area market i ng and i n store promot ions, across 40 stores, 6 brands w it h a l l ar t work bei ng approved by t he head franch isee Reta i l food Group before i mplementat ion to meet w it h brand standards and specif ic st yle g u ides.

Languages: Illustrator, Photoshop, In design

Roasted Addiqtion Brand launch Metricon Stadium

Languages: Illustrator, Photoshop, In design.

All work for the brand was done to the national brand system style guide which we designed and implemented through this job. All work was approved by Retail Food Group executive team before release.

Roasted Addiqtion is a heritage coffee brand from New Zealand brought to Australia by Retail Food Group. All their beans are imported from exclusive plantations tucked away in the highlands of some of the most remote countries in the world. Their beans are also exotic, No low grade beans that some other players try to pass around. Their blends often contain four or five beans, uncut, making them full, rich and extremely complex in flavour.


Roasted addiction required large banner posters for shopping centre displays that where designed then sent to the centres printed to their specifications.


Wind breaks and umbrellas where sourced and supplied with heat press logos this would was done in our studio. We also supplied aprons and t- shirts heat pressed with the logo .


All of the stadium coffee stands where also designed for with 4 carts and two full stand along with the VIP lounge these finished design flies where sent to sign event for print and install.


In Addition to the coffee stands we where asked to design and print A0 and A2 size menus one style for the VIP lounge and one for the general areas to go with coffee carts and huts.

Grove Juice Brand Promotion

Grove juice is the second largest juice manufacturer in Australia with distribution across all major out lets and independents, woolworths, coles,IGA. This project was a multi media promotion that encompassed social media, web, print, vehicle signs and radio. With in store promotions across the eastern sea board of Australia. Working with all the partners of the project Grove, outrigger hotels and resorts, juice 107.3 and serenity medispa to ensure exposure for all parties across all facets to collect data and details from all entries for advertising demographics and further cross promotion.

Promo Material

Material was across multiple platforms We created a website with a PHP database to gather entry info with QR codes on all collateral and on the vehicle advertising linked to the site to make entry easy. the additional material included shelf talkers, posters, entry forms,winners certificate, Facebook posters, and vehicle signs.

Languages: Illustrator, Photoshop, In design, Dreamweaver.

Exit 57 Investments In Store promotional material. While working for multisite franchisee Exit 57, the business needed a logo developed as well and all office collateral. In addition a fully functional website was created with php data base for the 40 stores to be able to report on a daily basis their records of sales, stock, timesheets, rosters ect with sections for manager access and staff access all through individual login. all emails and information where also distrituted to individual stores through this site.

Languages: Illustrator, Photoshop, In design.

Serenity Escape, Relax, Renew

Serenity Medispa was a mulit site spa business in two leading hotels outrigger hotels and resorts and intercontinental hotels group both on the gold coast, with this came the need for a web presence and online booking system with pay pal and credit card facilities and booking confirmation along with all advertising collateral which was expensive due to the promotions turn around in both sites being monthly. Additional promotions where done in collaboration with leading businesses such as McGrath real estate & Grove juice.

All advertising material was approved by the marketing departments of all businesses before implementation in print from magazine to poster a3 and a5 flyers along with menus in dl double side tri fold printed on gloss finish. Languages: Illustrator, Photoshop, In design, Dreamweaver & CMS system.

Medispa Branding & Identity project

Bruce Lynton Mini Garage joint promotion

This joint promotional activity with Bruce Lynton mini garage and Serenity Medispa involved producing a series of dl card designs for print to be sent to the client data base and display in the dealership as well and a face book campaign with the same design being supplied to Facebook post size dimensions.

Promo Material

Material was across multiple platforms We created a electronic files for e newsletters and data base mail outs. We also produced Facebook and social media images for the campaign as well and DL size flyers and static A2 posters for the dealerships.

Languages: Illustrator, Photoshop, In design.





Logo design and implementation into all office collateral and promotional material.

Menus of service and catalogue for retail equipment and apparel.

Promotional cards and discount cards for members and monthly promotions.

Facebook , instagram and all social media post images where also supplied on a weekly basis to the client.

Keloa Wellness Branding & Identity


eloa wellness was a full branding and identity package for a start up business. This included two logos one main that was used in all advertising materials and one variation for use on clothing and equipment branding. Also designed was a large array of advertising and marketing materials including flyers, large out door banners, A frames, posters, postcards, business cards along with an 8 page website built in Adobe Dw and then after converted to a CMS system for the client to manage, a mobile App, was also developed for the business. Languages: Illustrator, Photoshop, In design, Dreamweaver & CMS system.

Donut King & Lotus Australia Donut King racing required full car livery for two vehicles the Lotus Exige running in the Australian GT series and the Bathurst 12hr and the BMW m1 coupe running in the Australian manufacturers championship both in 2014. Other items where design and heat press for promotional garments t shirts and caps as well and race suit livery and two 6ft banners for display in the pit garage for the race event. Lotus Australia aslo asked for this accompanying press release after the win at the Bathurst 12hr which was designed by wild dove to their specification and approval and distributed through out lotus data bases both in Australia and New Zealand.

Languages: Illustrator, Photoshop, In design.

Chip Torque

Logo Refresh

Logo Refresh Local Business

A local gold coast business the was looking for a fresher more up to date logo to give their existing business a lift. This is still ongoing work.

Languages: Illustrator, Photoshop, In design.

Generating ideas on time‌for you. The design, creative and conceptual challenges of each day makes us grow in our work. Since 2013 we have been committed to delivering each and every project on time and are continually expanding our products, brands and companies we work with. Delivering projects on time‌

t: 0478718730 e: tempus.cs@hotmail.com w: tempus.cs.com

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