Bentley Park Bulletin
Swan Village Bowling Club
Christmas and New Year are finally over and participation is back to more normal numbers. Illness has affected us over the period, and we wish everyone a speedy recovery and a good new year. Weather has been variable with some quite cold nights even following hot days. It is always advisable to bring a jacket or pullover to night sessions.
Following a request from a member and some subsequent expressions of interest, the club will be trying an early morning session at 8:00am on a Friday morning. This is primarily intended to be for novices to gain experience, but all are welcome to attend. Actual format will be decided depending on numbers attending. Non-members are welcome to try out for a few weeks.
Heather Williams has already booked the Pines Restaurant for our first outing in March. Keep your eyes on the notice board for this and the first gala day which is also in March.
When: 6.00pm Mondays, Wednesdays & Saturdays, 8:00am Fridays
Where: Pavilion, Leisure Precinct Contact: Stan Barclay on 0429 469 404
Cost: $15.00 a year & $0.50c per game
Op Shop
The place to buy what you need. Come and visit us to view manchester, cushions, wool, cutlery, dinner sets, soup mugs, glassware, towels, suitcases, handbags, and more.
When: Open Wednesday & Saturday mornings from 8:30am to 12:00pm
Where: Clayden Court
Contact: Margaret Frew on 0490 728 016
SwanMobile Availability
During times of bad weather or extreme heat the SwanMobile will not be operational.
Residents are reminded to book in advance.
When: Monday to Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm (no later), Saturday 9:00am to 12:00pm Not running on Public Holidays Contact: 6250 0023
Fish N Chips with Friends
The Committee wishes everyone a Happy New Year. Our Christmas lunch was a great success. Entertainer Paul Robinson had us all singing and clapping along to his tunes.
Coming up Entertainers for:
Friday 3rd February
Valentine’s Day - Rockin Ronnie & Colly
Friday 3rd March
St. Patrick’s Day - Patrick O’Hooligan
All residents, and especially new residents, are most welcome to join us at our monthly luncheons. We are a happy bunch and you will meet new friends and reacquaint with old friends. Raffle tickets are on sale and prizes to be won.
When: Doors open 10:30am Friday 3rd February
Where: Auditorium, Admin Building
Contact: Lesley Foster on 6250 0590. Bookings are essential. If call not answered, please leave a message and Lesley will return your call Cost: $15.00 per person. This includes drinks, nibbles, fish and chips served with a fresh garden salad and an hour of entertainment followed by afternoon tea
Bentley Park Residents’ Council
The Council met in January to discuss and plan the way forward in 2023. Council members will now be more recognisable at functions with HiVis vests and our aim is to more visible and supportive to residents. We are seeking input from residents on the type of guest speakers they would like to see at our residents’ meetings and looking for volunteers for our four sub groups: environment, resident connect, transport and infrastructure.
We have some exciting programs coming up in February in relation to food waste that initially will involve 100 residents that are interested in participating. Details will be in your letterbox, soon.
We look forward to seeing as many residents as possible at our coffee mornings every second month.
When: 9:30am Tuesday 21st February
Where: Auditorium, Admin Building
Contact: Bill Waterer (Chairperson) on 6250 0506 or 0409 570 291
Carole Collins (Deputy) on 0448 652 160
Board Game Group
Welcome back to all who love board games. We are back on again every first and third Friday of the month, starting on February the 3rd at 6:00pm and finishing up at 9:00pm, or when we have had enough. We are a fun group who enjoys lots of laughs and who quite often flaunt the game rules but it’s always a great night. We hope to see some new members this year.
When 6:00pm Friday 3rd February & 17th February
Where: The Club, Leisure Precinct Contact: Sandie Holmes on 0459 981 822
Writing Group
SwanCare’s Writing Group returns to business on Thursday the 9th of February. We have room for a couple more regular members to attend, but numbers are strictly limited. If anyone is interested in working through a family history, providing information regarding earlier times around here for community interest, writing articles for their artistic, sporting club or letters to the editor, please contact us as shown. Specific topics are written about and discussed for your benefit.
The State Library has accepted some of my articles as a Gift of Deed (donation), so it is not difficult for anyone else either and the Library Board is very hopeful that other members of the community will also provide some donations for the benefit of future generations.
When: 11:00am to 12:00pm Thursdays 9th & 23rd February
Where: The Club, Leisure Precinct
Contact: Shirley Barnes on 6250 0558
Bentley Park Diners
Please join us for a delicious, sociable dinner at the Bentley Hotel. There are plenty of great options from their menu to choose from, such as entrees and shares from $10, mains, grill and burgers from $19 and desserts for just $8.50. Bus will leave the village at 5:30pm and will return once we have finished eating and socialising. No need to bring a partner as we take 20 residents per bus. Please book your seat as soon as possible because we must let the restaurant and bus drivers know. Come along and join us!
When 5:30pm Tuesday 14th & 21st February
Where: Bentley Hotel, Bentley
Contact: Lorraine Pittaway on 6250 0425.
If no answer, please leave a message
Cost: $5 per person for bus (pay as you board) & cash for dinner
Musical Movie Night
Library Open 9:00am - 3:00pm
Walking Group 7:30am ABL
Op Shop Open 8:30am - 12:00pm
Library Open 9:00am - 3:00pm
Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB
Girl Guides 10:00am PAV
Group Gym Class 10:30am LPG
Pony Canasta 12:30pm CB Indoor Bowls 12:45pm AUD
Swan Bowling Club 6:00pm LPB
Walking Group 7:30am ABL
Library Open 9:00am - 12:30pm
Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB
Snooker Club 12:30pm CB
Rummycub 1:00pm SC
Chess Group 2:00pm CB
Pool Table Club 6:00pm CB
Bingo Club 6:00pm AUD
Walking Group 7:30am RTC
Swan Bowling Club 8:00am LPB
Library Open 9:00am - 12:30pm
Art Group 9:00am AR
Computer Club 9:00am CL
Qigong Group 9:00am SC
Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB
Fish N Chips Luncheon 10:30am AUD
Group Gym Class 10:30am LPG
Water Aerobics 11:30am LPP
Mahjong Club 1:00pm SC
Coffee & Catch Up 2:00pm CB
Friday Night Chase 5:00pm CB
Board Game Group 6:00pm CB Darts Club 6:00pm CB
Bush Poets 7:00pm AUD
Bentley Park Bowls 9:00am RCL
Pottery Group 9:00am PGS
Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB
Line Dancing 9:30am AUD
Christian Fellowship 11:00am SC
Line Dancing Intermed. 11:00am AUD
Group Gym Class 10:30am LPG
Snooker Club 12:30pm CB
Handicraft Group 12:30pm AR
Dutch Club 4:00pm CB
Darts Club 6:00pm CB
Swan Bowling Club 6:00pm LPB
Art Group 9:00am AR
Matinee Club 9:30am
Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB
Rummycub 1:00pm SC
Coffee & Catch Up 2:00pm CB
Photography Club 2:00pm CB
SwanCare Allsorts Choir 2:00pm AUD
Hatha Yoga Group 6:00pm CB
Walking Group 7:30am ABL
Op Shop Open 8:30am - 12:00pm
Library Open 9:00am - 3:00pm
Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB
Group Gym Class 10:30am LPG
Pony Canasta 12:30pm CB
Indoor Bowls 12:45pm AUD
Swan Bowling Club 6:00pm LPB
Walking Group 7:30am ABL
Library Open 9:00am - 12:30pm
Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB
Writing Group 11:00am CB
Snooker Club 12:30pm CB
Rummycub 1:00pm SC
Chess Group 2:00pm CB
Pool Table Club 6:00pm CB
Bingo Club 6:00pm AUD
Walking Group 7:30am RTC
Swan Bowling Club 8:00am LPB
Library Open 9:00am - 12:30pm
Art Group 9:00am AR
Computer Club 9 00am CL
Qigong Group 9:00am SC
Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB
Group Gym Class 10:30am LPG
Water Aerobics 11:30am LPP
Mahjong Club 00pm SC
Village Players 00pm AUD
Coffee & Catch Up 2:00pm CB
Friday Night Chase 5:00pm CB
Darts Club 6 00pm CB
Op Shop Open 8:30am - 12:00pm
Bentley Park Bowls 9:00am RCL
Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB
Swan Bowling Club 6:00pm LPB
Art Group Maureen Grickage 6250 0580
Bentley Park Bowling Club Adrian Fishwick 6250 0529
Bentley Park Diners Lorraine Pittaway 6250 0425
Bentley Park Library Penny Felder 6250 0022
Bentley Park Residents Council Bill Waterer 0409 570 291 or 6250 0506
Bentley Park Social Club Jan Irvine 0415 228 226
Bingo Club Silvia Walton 9361 2630
Board Game Group Sandra Holmes 0459 981 822
Book Club Nicky Dair 6250 0553
Care Christian Fellowship Ron Manning 0409 735 169
Chess Group Tom Swallow 6250 0503
Church Services at SwanCare Kingia Rhea Dimalanta 0413 392 570
Op Shop Open 8:30am - 12:00pm
Bentley Park Bowls 9:00am RCL
Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB Swan Bowling Club 6:00pm LPB
Coffee & Catch Up Club Community Living Coordinator 6250 0320
Computer Club Tony Ryder 6250 0510
Darts Club Thelma Chilton 6250 574
Dutch Club Liz Fasher 0478 942 492
Fish N Chips with Friends Lesley Foster 6250 0590
Fourth Saturday Quiz Margaret Jones 6250 0450
Friday Night Chase Thelma Chilton 6250 574
Gardens Interest Group Noelene Barnes 6250 0589
Girl Guides Lorraine Pittaway 6250 0425
Group Gym Classes Matthew Upston 6250 0320
Handicraft Wendy Paull 9470 1966
Social Club - Valentine’s
High Tea 2:00pm
Library Open 9:00am - 3:00pm
Bentley Park Bowls 9:00am RCL
Pottery Group 9:00am PGS
Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB
Line Dancing 9:30am AUD
Christian Fellowship 11:00am SC
Line Dancing Intermed. 11:00am AUD
Group Gym Class 10:30am LPG
Snooker Club 12:30pm CB
Handicraft Group 12:30pm AR
Dutch Club 4:00pm CB
Darts Club 6:00pm CB
Swan Bowling Club 6:00pm LPB
Patchwork Group 6:30pm AR
Art Group 9:00am AR
Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB Rummycub 1:00pm SC
Coffee & Catch Up 2:00pm CB
Photography Club 2:00pm CB SwanCare Allsorts Choir 2:00pm AUD Bentley Park Diners 5:30pm
Hatha Yoga Group 6:00pm CB
Walking Group 7:30am ABL
Op Shop Open 8:30am - 12:00pm
Library Open 9:00am - 3:00pm
Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB
Group Gym Class 10:30am LPG
Uniting Church Service 10:45am SR
Pony Canasta 12:30pm CB Indoor Bowls 12:45pm AUD
Swan Bowling Club 6:00pm LPB
Walking Group 7:30am ABL
Library Open 9:00am - 12:30pm
Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB
Matinee Club 9:45am
Snooker Club 12:30pm CB
Rummycub 1:00pm SC Chess Group 2:00pm CB
Pool Table Club 6:00pm CB
Bingo Club 6:00pm AUD
Walking Group 7:30am RTC
Swan Bowling Club 8:00am LPB
Library Open 9:00am - 12:30pm
Art Group 9:00am AR
Computer Club 9 00am CL
Qigong Group 9:00am SC
Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB
Group Gym Class 10:30am LPG
Water Aerobics 11:30am LPP Mahjong Club 00pm SC
Village Players 00pm AUD
Coffee & Catch Up 2:00pm CB
Friday Night Chase 5:00pm CB
Board Game Group 6:00pm CB Darts Club 6 00pm CB
Op Shop Open 8:30am - 12:00pm
Bentley Park Bowls 9:00am RCL
Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB
Swan Bowling Club 6:00pm LPB Social Dance 6:30pm AUD
Hatha Yoga Club Gailene Wester 0488 019 349
Heart Foundation Walking Group David Hall 6250 0566
Indoor Carpet Bowls Beryl Moule 9355 1810
Ladies of the Night Patchwork Group Marion Pitcher 9362 1702
Line Dancing Pam Hind 0431 102 103
Mahjong Maureen Wynmalen 0421 423 833
Matinee Club Austin Gillanders 0412 786 660
Musical Movie Night Ron Leeuwenburg 0427 122 025
Op Shop Margaret Frew 0490 728 016
Photography Club Chris Mann 6250 0801
Pony Canasta Betty Park 9362 6747
Garden Interest Group 2:00pm SC
Bentley Park Bowls 9:00am RCL
Pottery Group 9:00am PGS
Line Dancing 9:30am AUD
Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB Christian Fellowship 11:00am SC
Art Group 9:00am AR
BP Residents’ Council 9:30am AUD
Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB Book Club 10:00am SC
Walking Group 7:30am ABL
Op Shop Open 8:30am - 12:00pm
Library Open 9:00am - 3:00pm
We Are Not Alone 9:00am AR
Walking Group 7:30am ABL
Library Open 9:00am - 12:30pm
Walking Group 7:30am RTC
Swan Bowling Club 8:00am LPB
Op Shop Open 8:30am - 12:00pm
Bentley Park Bowls 9:00am RCL
Pool Table Club Craig Hudson 9362 2786
Group Gym Class 10:30am LPG
Line Dancing Intermed. 11:00am AUD Snooker Club 12:30pm CB
Handicraft Group 12:30pm AR
Dutch Club 4:00pm CB
Darts Club 6:00pm CB
Swan Bowling Club 6:00pm LPB
Rummycub 1:00pm SC
Coffee & Catch Up 2:00pm CB Photography Club 2:00pm CB SwanCare Allsorts Choir 2:00pm AUD
Bentley Park Diners 5:30pm
Hatha Yoga Group 6:00pm CB
Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB
Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB Writing Group 11:00am CB Snooker Club 12:30pm CB
Library Open 9:00am - 12:30pm
Art Group 9:00am AR
Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB
Fourth Saturday Quiz 2:30pm CB
Pottery Group Margaret Frew 0490 728 016
Qigong Group Doreen Boss 0409 710 004
Group Gym Class 10:30am LPG
Pony Canasta 12:30pm CB Indoor Bowls 12:45pm AUD
Swan Bowling Club 6:00pm LPB
Rummycub 1:00pm SC Chess Group 2:00pm CB Pool Table Club 6:00pm CB
Bingo Club 6:00pm AUD
Computer Club 9 00am CL
Qigong Group 9:00am SC
Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB
Group Gym Class 10:30am LPG
Water Aerobics 11:30am LPP
Mahjong Club 00pm SC
Village Players 00pm AUD
Vision Impaired Group 1:00pm
Coffee & Catch Up 2:00pm CB
Friday Night Chase 5:00pm CB Darts Club 6 00pm CB
Swan Bowling Club 6:00pm LPB Bentley
ZONE 3: Saggers Drive, Talbot Place, Graham Crescent, Hawthorne Crescent, & Clayden Court.
ZONE 4: 26 Plantation Drive, Plantation Apartments, Pine Mews, Leeuwin Crescent, Millstream Way, & Stirling Close.
If your club would like to be featured in the next Bentley Park Bulletin, please email the details to: Deadline is prior to the 20th February 2023.
Rummycub Marion Hayman 0409 667 794
Seated Exercise Group Leona Douglas 0439 201 799
Snooker Club Andrew Chisholm 0417 594 669
Social Dance Sue Lewis 6250 0850
Swan Village Bowling Club Stan Barclay 0429 469 404
SwanCare Allsorts Choir Maureen Grickage 6250 0580
SwanCare Centres Auxiliary Sandie Holmes 0459 981 822
Village Players Theatre Group Franceine Gregory 0408 199 976
Vision Impaired Group Jenny & Trevor Dawson 6250 0427
WA Bush Poets & Yarn Spinners Maxine Richter 0429 339 002
Water Aerobics Matthew Upston 6250 0320
We Are Not Alone Charlie Joseph 0425 326 581
Writing Group Shirley Barnes 6250 0558
all activities in the Bentley Park Bulletin are subject to change due to COVID-19 regulations and public holidays.
Bentley Park Bulletin contact details
SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Bin Cleaning RR Reading Room, Leisure Precinct RC Rowethorpe Chapel RTC Rowethorpe Terrace Cafe SC Swan Centre, Leisure Precinct SR Swan Room Chapel, Kingia WAM Waminda LPB Bowling Green, Leisure Precinct LPG Leisure Precinct Gym LPP Leisure Precinct Pool PAV Pavilion, Leisure Precinct PGS Pottery Group Studio, Richard Cleaver Lodge RCL Richard Cleaver Lodge ABL Admin Building ABL2 Level 2, Admin Building AC Adie Court AR Activity Room, Leisure Precinct AUD Auditorium CB The Club, Leisure Precinct CL Computer Lab, Mavis Cleaver Court
2023 Calendar Calendar activities can be viewed on SwanTV Channel 101
note that
The Fish N Chips with Friends Committee at their festive Christmas luncheon
SwanCare volunteers enjoyed a beach party to celebrate International Volunteers Day
9:00am RCL
Group 9:00am PGS
Exercise Group 9:30am CB
Fellowship 11:00am SC Line Dancing 9:30am AUD
Gym Class 10:30am LPG Line Dancing Intermed. 11:00am AUD
Club 12:30pm CB
Group 12:30pm AR
Club 4:00pm CB
& Catch Up
Allsorts Choir
Park Bowls
Swan Bowling
Patchwork Group 6:30pm
Seated Exercise Group 9:30am
Rummycub 1:00pm
Photography Club 2:00pm
Hatha Yoga
ZONE 1: Adie Court, Le-Breton Lane, Wootliff Way, Drummond Way, & Pemberton Drive.
2: Akora Apartments, Grandis Boulevard, Beelu Avenue, Augustus Way, & Solandri Avenue.