3 minute read

Book Club

Meeting on the third Thursday of each month, SwanCare’s Book Club loves coming together over a hot cup of tea to catch up on one another’s lives and discuss their latest read. In February they read their first book of the year titled ‘The Chocolate Tin’ by Australian author, Fiona McIntosh.

Nicky Dair has been running the Book Club for 5 years now and enjoys every minute of it. She explains that while they all like to read, not every book is a good one, saying that sometimes talking about the books they dislike is actually the most fun!


When chatting to the group, it was evident the club is much enjoyed by all, “I love the Book Club because it gives me the opportunity to read books would never normally pick for myself,” said retirement living resident and Book Club member, Anne.

Heather is the newest member to join the club, and said she decided to tag along for the first time this year because she loves reading but struggles to find the time to do so.

If you’re looking to make friends and have a good laugh all while sharing a passion for reading, the Book Club sounds like the perfect place to be.

When: 10:00am Thursday 16th March (third Thursday of each month)

Where: Swan Centre, Leisure Precinct

Contact: Nicky Dair on 6250 0553

Art Group

We welcome any new members with open arms. We enjoy working on our own projects at our own pace whether it be oils, watercolour, acrylics or something else. We ask that members please bring their own materials if possible, however we do have supplies that you can access to begin with. We hope to see you there.

When: 9:00am Tuesdays & Fridays

Where: Activity Room, Leisure Precinct

Contact: Maureen Grickage on 6250 0580

Line Dancing

will be away on holidays from mid March for a few weeks but Line Dancing will continue. Bev and some helpers will continue to run classes during my absence, so do please support her. It will be lots of fun and a chance to catch up with friends and keep up with your line dancing. am sure it will all continue to be a good morning of dancing. Thank you to those who volunteered to keep things going during my absence.

Please note my new phone number is 0437 118 836. My landline and email remain the same.

When: 9:30am Mondays & 11.00am for the Intermediate session

Where: Auditorium, Admin Building

Contact: Pam Hind on 0437 118 836

Cost: $1.00 to cover morning tea & other expenses. Please bring your own cup.

Board Game Group

Board Games are played every 1st and 3rd Friday in The Club at 6pm. All residents are welcome.

There’s always lots of fun and laughter.

When 6:00pm Friday 3rd & 17th March

Where: The Club, Leisure Precinct

Contact: Sandie Holmes on 0459 981 822

WA Bush Poets & Yarn Spinners

If you enjoy the poetry of Banjo Paterson, Henry Lawson or perhaps similar style Australian Rhyming Poetry of more recent times, then please join us at our monthly musters. A great evening of entertainment listening to storytelling in rhyme.

When: 7:00pm Friday 3rd March (first Friday of the month)

Where: Auditorium, Admin Building

Contact: Maxine Richter on 0429 339 002

Cost: $6.00 entry for Bentley Park & Rowethorpe residents. Plus $1.00 for Tea & Biscuits (BYO cup)

SwanCare Centres Auxiliary

We are looking forward to our upcoming meeting on the 28th of March when we have Stephan Scourfield speaking. Stephan is the Travel Writer for the West Australian Newspaper here in Perth. In addition, at our March meeting we will be holding our Bakeless Cake sale, so be prepared to bring a few extra dollars to donate with thanks from the Auxiliary.

Also, kind reminder there will be no meeting in April but there will be an outing on Tuesday the 18th of April. Flyers to follow with details.

When: 1:30pm Tuesday 28th March

Where: Auditorium, Admin Building

Contact: Sandie Holmes on 0459 981 822

Swan Village Bowling Club

Nominations are now open for the Murray Raynard Shield to be played on the 18th of March.

Please add your name to the list in the pavilion. Our first social outing of the year is to the Pines Restaurant on 9th of March.

The club now has a happy hour on both Wednesdays and Saturdays after night bowls. Night bowls will end at the end of the month subject to weather.

A decision on whether to continue Friday morning sessions for practice and beginners will be made at the next committee meeting. A notice will be posted on the notice board in the Pavilion. Irrespective new members either total novices or experienced bowlers are always welcome.

Please contact me if you require further information.

When: 6:00pm Mondays, Wednesdays & Saturdays

Where: Pavilion, Leisure Precinct

Contact: Stan Barclay on 0429 469 404 or 9457 8194

Cost: $15.00 a year and 50c per game

Darts Club

New players welcome. Don’t worry if you’ve never played before. Come along for an enjoyable and social evening.

When 6:00pm Mondays & Fridays

Where: The Club, Leisure Precinct

Contact: Thelma Chilton on 6250 0574

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