Bentley Park Bulletin March 2023

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Fish N Chips with Friends

In February, we kicked off the day with a bit of fun with a game of “Pass the Parcel”. Nancy, Hannah and Sean from the Marketing Team joined us for lunch.

Coming up entertainers for:

Friday 3rd March

Patrick O’Hooligan. Wear something green for St. Patricks Day.

Friday 14th April

Lesley Ferguson & Tom Kuurstra for Easter.

Just a reminder, as Good Friday falls on the 1st Friday of April, our April lunch will be held on the second Friday, the 14th of April.

All residents, and especially new residents, are most welcome to join us at our monthly luncheons. We are a happy bunch and you will meet new friends and reacquaint with old friends. Raffle tickets are on sale with prizes to be won.

When: Doors open from 10:30am, Friday 3rd March

Where: Auditorium, Admin Building

Contact: Lesley on 6250 0590. Bookings are essential. If call not answered, please leave a message and your call will be returned.

Cost: $15.00 per person. This includes drinks, nibbles, fish and chips served with a fresh garden salad, an hour of entertainment followed by afternoon tea.

Bentley Park Diners

Please join us at the Gosnells Hotel for two events this month. A 10% off senior discount is available for meals purchased from the main menu. There will be mains, burgers and salads from $24.00. No need for a partner as we take 20 on each bus.

The bus will depart from the village at 5:30pm and will return when we have finished eating and socialising.

Please book your seat as soon as possible as need to let the restaurant and drivers know. Come along and join us!

When: Bus departs 5:30pm, Tuesday 14th & 21st March

Where: Gosnells Hotel, Gosnells

Contact: Lorraine on 6250 0425. If no answer, please leave a message.

Cost: $5.00 per person for bus (pay as you board)


Matinee offers daytime events outside the village and is a wonderful way to meet new people! All are welcome to attend with costs inclusive of the bus unless otherwise stated.

There are a number of excursions planned for March, please ensure you book early to secure your place and keep an eye on the Admin and Leisure Precinct notice boards for further details. March events include:

When: Bus departs 1:00pm, Wednesday 15th March

Where: Perth Airport, including the new Airport Train (bring your seniors card). Tour is approx. 1km of walking so mobility is required. Sorry no walkers allowed.

Contact: Austin Gillanders 0412 786 669

Cost: $7.00

When: Bus departs 11:00am, Thursday 23rd March

Where: The Last Drop Elizabethan - seniors’ meals from $17.50

Contact: Brian Mutzig 0403 149 472

Cost: $7.00 + meal

When: Bus departs 11:25am, Friday 24th March

Where: Chez Pierre - set menu with choice of either a two-course meal for $60.00, or threecourse meal for $70.00, plus drinks.

Contact: Gwen Howard 0407 444 699

Cost: $6.00 + meal

When: Bus departs 10:45am, Wednesday 29th March

Where: Riverside Café Woodbridge and National Trust guided tour which includes stairs, so mobility required. Order off the menu, BYO is allowed.

Contact: Anne Latham 0416 510 291

Cost: $13.00 + meal

Photography Club

For those of you who are interested in improving your photography skills, or just asking questions about photography, this is a unique opportunity. The invitation is to all residents at both SwanCare and Rowethorpe. We ask residents to please call before attending as we sometimes have outings.

When: 2:00pm Tuesdays

Where: The Club, Leisure Precinct

Contact: Chris Mann on 6250 0801

SwanCare Bentley Park Services

Bentley Park Library

Penny and our volunteers welcome you to visit! The library has new titles waiting to be read and as always, the interlibrary service if you can’t find it on our bookshelves.

When: Monday & Wednesday 9:00am to 3:00pm

Tuesday Closed Thursday & Friday 9:00am to 12:30pm

Where: Rear of Admin Building

Contact: Penny Felder on 6250 0022

Clinipath Pathology

When: Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 3:00pm, Friday 8:30am to 12:30pm

Where: Rowethorpe Medical Centre

Contact: 6363 6326

Medical Centre Services

In case of an emergency call 000. For a locum doctor to visit you after hours please ring: 1300 644 483.

Alternatively, call SwanCare Resident Support on 6250 0020.

Monday: Podiatry services by appointment, Ph: 6468 0038

Tuesday: Dr Aru - 9:15am to 10:00am, Ph: 9470 1341

Thursday: Dr Aru - 9:15am to 10:00am, Ph: 9470 1341

Bentley Park Residents’ Council

The Council had a great response to the Advanced Care planning workshop on the 21st of February with another one to be planned for later on in the year.

The survey of residents regarding the use of gophers and mobility scooters was also worthwhile with 113 surveys submitted giving management an insight into what will be needed going forward and a training session will be organised with the RAC for those who expressed interest.

On the 3rd of March we will have several council members available at the Leisure Precinct to assist you with any problems or general queries you may have. The members will be there from 9:30am to 11am and for those who are new and do not know there way around the village there will be buggy tours available.

Our next resident’s coffee morning is on the 21st of March at 9:30am where we have two guest speakers, Leanne Lebrun, Admissions Manager for Residential Aged Care and Mat Allam, ICT Operations Manager. Mat will discuss IT and tech support services available for the village. Please join us, your support of these meetings is vital to ensure your voice is heard in the activities of SwanCare. We look forward to seeing as many residents as possible.

When: 9:30am Tuesday 21st March

Where: Auditorium, Admin Building

Contact: Bill Waterer (Chairperson) on 6250 0506 or 0409 570 291 Carole Collins (Deputy Chairperson) 0448 652 160

Musical Movie Night

After a successful debut, we are excited to return for another month of Musical Movie Nights. Join us on the first Sunday of the month to watch Rod Stewart perform live in the Royal Albert Hall in London. It’s a fantastic production of a one night only concert. He is indeed a showman and is in fact coming to Perth for a performance this year! Please bring your own nibbles and drinks to enjoy throughout the show.

When: 7:00pm Sunday 5th March (first Sunday of each month)

Where: The Club, Leisure Precinct

Contact: Ron Leeuwenburg on 0427 122 025

Care Christian Fellowship

Join us as we study the bible, worship, and pray together. Also, we have a different speaker every week. It’s close to home and enjoy a cuppa on us afterwards. The Church is interdenominational so anyone can come along. There is no pressure to give money, unless you want to.

When: 11:00am Mondays

Where: Swan Centre, Leisure Precinct

Contact: Ron Manning on 0409 735 169

Church Services at SwanCare Kingia

All visitors are required to health screen and povide copies of their 2022 flu and COVID-19 vaccination certificates prior to entry and wear a mask at all times. Contact SwanCare Kingia reception for more information. Limited space available.

Catholic Service

When: 10:45am on 3rd Tuesday of the month

Where: Swan Room, SwanCare Kingia

Uniting Church Service

When: 10:45am on 3rd Wednesday of the month

Where: Swan Room, SwanCare Kingia

Rowethorpe Church Services

Sunday services have recommenced back at the Rowethorpe Chapel. All welcome to attend.

When: 10:00am Sundays

Where: Rowethorpe Chapel

Contact: Glenice Sanders on 6250 0572 Op Shop

The place to buy what you need. Come and visit us to view manchester, cushions, wool, cutlery, dinner sets, soup mugs, glassware, towels, suitcases, handbags, and more.

When: Open Wednesday & Saturday mornings from 8:30am to 12:00pm

Where: Clayden Court

Contact: Margaret Frew on 0490 728 016

SwanMobile Availability

During times of bad weather or extreme heat the SwanMobile will not be operational. Residents are reminded to book in advance.

When: Monday to Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm (no later), Saturday 9:00am to 12:00pm

Not running on Public Holidays

Contact: 6250 0023

Book Club

Meeting on the third Thursday of each month, SwanCare’s Book Club loves coming together over a hot cup of tea to catch up on one another’s lives and discuss their latest read. In February they read their first book of the year titled ‘The Chocolate Tin’ by Australian author, Fiona McIntosh.

Nicky Dair has been running the Book Club for 5 years now and enjoys every minute of it. She explains that while they all like to read, not every book is a good one, saying that sometimes talking about the books they dislike is actually the most fun!

When chatting to the group, it was evident the club is much enjoyed by all, “I love the Book Club because it gives me the opportunity to read books would never normally pick for myself,” said retirement living resident and Book Club member, Anne.

Heather is the newest member to join the club, and said she decided to tag along for the first time this year because she loves reading but struggles to find the time to do so.

If you’re looking to make friends and have a good laugh all while sharing a passion for reading, the Book Club sounds like the perfect place to be.

When: 10:00am Thursday 16th March (third Thursday of each month)

Where: Swan Centre, Leisure Precinct

Contact: Nicky Dair on 6250 0553

Art Group

We welcome any new members with open arms. We enjoy working on our own projects at our own pace whether it be oils, watercolour, acrylics or something else. We ask that members please bring their own materials if possible, however we do have supplies that you can access to begin with. We hope to see you there.

When: 9:00am Tuesdays & Fridays

Where: Activity Room, Leisure Precinct

Contact: Maureen Grickage on 6250 0580

Line Dancing

will be away on holidays from mid March for a few weeks but Line Dancing will continue. Bev and some helpers will continue to run classes during my absence, so do please support her. It will be lots of fun and a chance to catch up with friends and keep up with your line dancing. am sure it will all continue to be a good morning of dancing. Thank you to those who volunteered to keep things going during my absence.

Please note my new phone number is 0437 118 836. My landline and email remain the same.

When: 9:30am Mondays & 11.00am for the Intermediate session

Where: Auditorium, Admin Building

Contact: Pam Hind on 0437 118 836

Cost: $1.00 to cover morning tea & other expenses. Please bring your own cup.

Board Game Group

Board Games are played every 1st and 3rd Friday in The Club at 6pm. All residents are welcome.

There’s always lots of fun and laughter.

When 6:00pm Friday 3rd & 17th March

Where: The Club, Leisure Precinct

Contact: Sandie Holmes on 0459 981 822

WA Bush Poets & Yarn Spinners

If you enjoy the poetry of Banjo Paterson, Henry Lawson or perhaps similar style Australian Rhyming Poetry of more recent times, then please join us at our monthly musters. A great evening of entertainment listening to storytelling in rhyme.

When: 7:00pm Friday 3rd March (first Friday of the month)

Where: Auditorium, Admin Building

Contact: Maxine Richter on 0429 339 002

Cost: $6.00 entry for Bentley Park & Rowethorpe residents. Plus $1.00 for Tea & Biscuits (BYO cup)

SwanCare Centres Auxiliary

We are looking forward to our upcoming meeting on the 28th of March when we have Stephan Scourfield speaking. Stephan is the Travel Writer for the West Australian Newspaper here in Perth. In addition, at our March meeting we will be holding our Bakeless Cake sale, so be prepared to bring a few extra dollars to donate with thanks from the Auxiliary.

Also, kind reminder there will be no meeting in April but there will be an outing on Tuesday the 18th of April. Flyers to follow with details.

When: 1:30pm Tuesday 28th March

Where: Auditorium, Admin Building

Contact: Sandie Holmes on 0459 981 822

Swan Village Bowling Club

Nominations are now open for the Murray Raynard Shield to be played on the 18th of March.

Please add your name to the list in the pavilion. Our first social outing of the year is to the Pines Restaurant on 9th of March.

The club now has a happy hour on both Wednesdays and Saturdays after night bowls. Night bowls will end at the end of the month subject to weather.

A decision on whether to continue Friday morning sessions for practice and beginners will be made at the next committee meeting. A notice will be posted on the notice board in the Pavilion. Irrespective new members either total novices or experienced bowlers are always welcome.

Please contact me if you require further information.

When: 6:00pm Mondays, Wednesdays & Saturdays

Where: Pavilion, Leisure Precinct

Contact: Stan Barclay on 0429 469 404 or 9457 8194

Cost: $15.00 a year and 50c per game

Darts Club

New players welcome. Don’t worry if you’ve never played before. Come along for an enjoyable and social evening.

When 6:00pm Mondays & Fridays

Where: The Club, Leisure Precinct

Contact: Thelma Chilton on 6250 0574

Bentley Park Bulletin

March 2023

Hatha Yoga Club

Greetings! The Hatha Yoga Club continues in the Club at 6pm on Tuesdays. In the lessons, we do movements to warm up, lengthening movements to relax tight muscles, yoga postures (asanas), balancing practice, breathing techniques, a mini concentration and a relaxation to finish the class. As we are no longer teenagers, we can only do what we can do, so the asanas are not necessarily perfect, but nevertheless they have their benefits.

You are welcome to join the class if you are able to get up off the floor unaided. Please bring a yoga mat, a tie, and a rug for cold evenings when we do the relaxation. Namaste.

When: 6:00pm Tuesdays

Where: The Club, Leisure Precinct

Contact: Gailene Wester on 0488 019 349

Computer Club

Basic tuition for sending and receiving emails, how to search the web, printing and more. Instruction is given on the equipment supplied by the Computer Club.

When: 9:00am Fridays

Where: Computer Lab, Mavis Cleaver Court

Contact: Tony Ryder on 6250 0510

Bentley Park Social Club

The Bentley Park Social Club Committee invites residents to our St Patrick’s Day Dinner.

Entertainment is the Heel and Toe Band so put your dancing shoes on and your best outfit so long as it’s green. Prizes for the Best Dressed Lady and Gent.

Tickets go on sale from Tuesday the 7th of March in the Admin Foyer at 9:00am – 9:30am and afterward in Admin. Tables of 8 names and phone numbers at the time of booking, please.

Special diets are available on request.

Wine, soft drinks, tea and coffee are available.

Doors open at 5.00pm. Bus pickup from 5.00pm from the usual stops. Please wear name badges if possible.

When: 5:30pm to 8:30pm Friday 17th March

Where: Auditorium, Admin Building

Contact: Jan Irvine on 0415 228 226

Cost: $10.00

March 2023 Calendar

Bentley Park Bulletin contact details

If your club would like to be featured in the next Bentley Park Bulletin, please email the details to:

Deadline is prior to the 20th April 2023.

Please note that all activities in the Bentley Park Bulletin are subject to change due to COVID-19 regulations and public holidays.

SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Bin Cleaning RR Reading Room, Leisure Precinct RC Rowethorpe Chapel RTC Rowethorpe Terrace Cafe SC Swan Centre, Leisure Precinct SR Swan Room Chapel, Kingia WAM Waminda LPB Bowling Green, Leisure Precinct LPG Leisure Precinct Gym LPP Leisure Precinct Pool PAV Pavilion, Leisure Precinct PGS Pottery Group Studio, Richard Cleaver Lodge RCL Richard Cleaver Lodge ABL Admin Building ABL2 Level 2, Admin Building AC Adie Court AR Activity Room, Leisure Precinct AUD Auditorium CB The Club, Leisure Precinct CL Computer Lab, Mavis Cleaver Court
Calendar activities can be viewed on SwanTV Channel 101 NAME OF CLUB/GROUP CONTACT PHONE Art Group Maureen Grickage 6250 0580 Bentley Park Bowling Club Adrian Fishwick 6250 0529 Bentley Park Diners Lorraine Pittaway 6250 0425 Bentley Park Library Penny Felder 6250 0022 Bentley Park Residents Council Bill Waterer 0409 570 291 or 6250 0506 Bentley Park Social Club Jan Irvine 0415 228 226 Bingo Club Silvia Walton 9361 2630 Board Game Group Sandie Holmes 0459 981 822 Book Club Nicky Dair 6250 0553 Care Christian Fellowship Ron Manning 0409 735 169 Chess Group Tom Swallow 6250 0503 Church Services at SwanCare Kingia Rhea Dimalanta 0413 392 570 Coffee & Catch Up Club Community Living Coordinator 6250 0320 Computer Club Tony Ryder 6250 0510 Darts Club Thelma Chilton 6250 0574 Dutch Club Liz Fasher 0478 942 492 Fish N Chips with Friends Lesley Foster 6250 0590 Fourth Saturday Quiz Margaret Jones 6250 0450 Friday Night Chase Thelma Chilton 6250 0574 Garden Interest Group Noelene Barnes 6250 0589 Girl Guides Lorraine Pittaway 6250 0425 Group Gym Classes Community Living Coordinator 6250 0320 Handicraft Wendy Paull 9470 1966 Hatha Yoga Club Gailene Wester 0488 019 349 Heart Foundation Walking Group David Hall 6250 0566 Indoor Carpet Bowls Beryl Moule 9355 1810 Ladies of the Night Patchwork Group Marion Pitcher 0457 034 011 Line Dancing Pam Hind 0437 118 836 Mahjong Maureen Wynmalen 0421 423 833 Matinee Austin Gillanders 0412 786 669 Musical Movie Night Ron Leeuwenburg 0427 122 025 Op Shop Margaret Frew 0490 728 016 Photography Club Chris Mann 6250 0801 Pony Canasta Betty Park 9362 6747 Pool Table Club Craig Hudson 9362 2786 Pottery Group Margaret Frew 0490 728 016 Qigong Group Doreen Boss 0409 710 004 Rowethorpe Church Services Glenice Sanders 6250 0572 Rummycub Marion Hayman 0409 667 794 Seated Exercise Group Leona Douglas 0439 201 799 Snooker Club Andrew Chisholm 0417 594 669 Social Dance Sue Lewis 6250 0850 Swan Village Bowling Club Stan Barclay 0429 469 404 or 9457 8194 SwanCare Allsorts Choir Maureen Grickage 6250 0580 SwanCare Centres Auxiliary Sandie Holmes 0459 981 822 Village Players Theatre Group Franceine Gregory 0408 199 976 Vision Impaired Group Jenny & Trevor Dawson 6250 0427 WA Bush Poets & Yarn Spinners Maxine Richter 0429 339 002 Water Aerobics Community Living Coordinator 6250 0320 We Are Not Alone Charlie Joseph 0425 326 581 Writing Group Shirley Barnes 6250 0558 Mahjong members enjoying a game Social Club’s New Years Eve Party Walking Group 7:30am ABL Op Shop Open 8:30am - 12:00pm Library Open 9:00am - 3:00pm Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB Girl Guides 10:00am PAV Group Gym Class 10:30am LPG Pony Canasta 12:30pm CB Indoor Bowls 12:45pm AUD Swan Bowling Club 6:00pm LPB Walking Group 7:30am ABL Library Open 9:00am - 12:30pm Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB Snooker Club 12:30pm CB Rummycub 1:00pm SC Chess Group 2:00pm CB Pool Table Club 6:00pm CB Bingo Club 6:00pm AUD ZONE BIN CLEANING GENERAL WASTE COLLECTION Walking Group 7:30am RTC Library Open 9:00am - 12:30pm Art Group 9:00am AR Computer Club 9:00am CL Qigong Group 9:00am SC Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB Fish N Chips Luncheon 10:30am AUD Group Gym Class 10:30am LPG Water Aerobics 11:30am LPP Mahjong 1:00pm SC Coffee & Catch Up 2:00pm CB Friday Night Chase 5:00pm CB Board Game Group 6:00pm CB Darts Club 6:00pm CB Bush Poets 7:00pm AUD Op Shop Open 8:30am - 12:00pm Bentley Park Bowls 9:00am RCL Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB Swan Bowling Club 6:00pm LPB Rowethorpe Church Service 10:00am RC Musical Movie Night 7:00pm CB Library Open 9:00am - 3:00pm Bentley Park Bowls 9:00am RCL Pottery Group 9:00am PGS Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB Line Dancing 9:30am AUD Group Gym Class 10:30am LPG Christian Fellowship 11:00am SC Line Dancing Intermed. 11:00am AUD Snooker Club 12:30pm CB Handicraft Group 12:30pm AR Dutch Club 4:00pm CB Darts Club 6:00pm CB Swan Bowling Club 6:00pm LPB Art Group 9:00am AR Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB Rummycub 1:00pm SC Coffee & Catch Up 2:00pm CB Photography Club 2:00pm CB SwanCare Allsorts Choir 2:00pm AUD Hatha Yoga Club 6:00pm CB RECYCLING BIN COLLECTION Walking Group 7:30am ABL Op Shop Open 8:30am - 12:00pm Library Open 9:00am - 3:00pm Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB We Are Not Alone 9:30am SC Group Gym Class 10:30am LPG Pony Canasta 12:30pm CB Indoor Bowls 12:45pm AUD Swan Bowling Club 6:00pm LPB Walking Group 7:30am ABL Library Open 9:00am - 12:30pm Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB Writing Group 11:00am CB Snooker Club 12:30pm CB Rummycub 1:00pm SC Chess Group 2:00pm CB Pool Table Club 6:00pm CB Bingo Club 6:00pm AUD ZONE 2 BIN CLEANING GENERAL WASTE COLLECTION Walking Group 7:30am RTC Library Open 9:00am - 12:30pm Art Group 9:00am AR Computer Club 9 00am CL Qigong Group 9:00am SC Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB Group Gym Class 10:30am LPG Water Aerobics 11:30am LPP Mahjong 00pm SC Village Players 00pm AUD Coffee & Catch Up 2:00pm CB Friday Night Chase 5:00pm CB Darts Club 6 00pm CB Op Shop Open 8:30am - 12:00pm Bentley Park Bowls 9:00am RCL Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB Swan Bowling Club 6:00pm LPB Rowethorpe Church Service 10:00am RC Library Open 9:00am - 3:00pm Bentley Park Bowls 9:00am RCL Pottery Group 9:00am PGS Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB Line Dancing 9:30am AUD Group Gym Class 10:30am LPG Christian Fellowship 11:00am SC Line Dancing Intermed. 11:00am AUD Snooker Club 12:30pm CB Handicraft Group 12:30pm AR Dutch Club 4:00pm CB Darts Club 6:00pm CB Swan Bowling Club 6:00pm LPB Patchwork Group 6:30pm AR Art Group 9:00am AR Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB Rummycub 1:00pm SC Coffee & Catch Up 2:00pm CB Photography Club 2:00pm CB SwanCare Allsorts Choir 2:00pm AUD Bentley Park Diners 5:30pm Hatha Yoga Club 6:00pm CB Walking Group 7:30am ABL Op Shop Open 8:30am - 12:00pm Library Open 9:00am - 3:00pm Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB Group Gym Class 10:30am LPG Uniting Church Service 10:45am SR Pony Canasta 12:30pm CB Indoor Bowls 12:45pm AUD Matinee 1:00pm Walking Group 7:30am ABL Library Open 9:00am - 12:30pm Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB Book Club 10:00am SC Snooker Club 12:30pm CB Rummycub 1:00pm SC Chess Group 2:00pm CB Pool Table Club 6:00pm CB Bingo Club 6:00pm AUD ZONE 3 BIN CLEANING GENERAL WASTE COLLECTION Walking Group 7:30am RTC Library Open 9:00am - 12:30pm Art Group 9:00am AR Computer Club 9 00am CL Qigong Group 9:00am SC Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB Group Gym Class 10:30am LPG Water Aerobics 11:30am LPP Mahjong 00pm SC Village Players 00pm AUD Coffee & Catch Up 2:00pm CB Friday Night Chase 5:00pm CB Social Club St Pats Day 5:30pm AUD Board Game Group 6:00pm CB Darts Club 6 00pm CB Op Shop Open 8:30am - 12:00pm Bentley Park Bowls 9:00am RCL Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB Swan Bowling Club 6:00pm LPB Social Dance 6:30pm AUD Rowethorpe Church Service 10:00am RC Garden Interest Group 2:00pm SC Library Open 9:00am - 3:00pm Bentley Park Bowls 9:00am RCL Pottery Group 9:00am PGS Line Dancing 9:30am AUD Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB Group Gym Class 10:30am LPG Christian Fellowship 11:00am SC Line Dancing Intermed. 11:00am AUD Snooker Club 12:30pm CB Handicraft Group 12:30pm AR Dutch Club 4:00pm CB Darts Club 6:00pm CB Swan Bowling Club 6:00pm LPB Art Group 9:00am AR BP Residents’ Council 9:30am AUD Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB Catholic Service 10:45am SR Rummycub 1:00pm SC Coffee & Catch Up 2:00pm CB Photography Club 2:00pm CB SwanCare Allsorts Choir 2:00pm AUD Bentley Park Diners 5:30pm Hatha Yoga Club 6:00pm CB RECYCLING BIN COLLECTION Walking Group 7:30am ABL Op Shop Open 8:30am - 12:00pm Library Open 9:00am - 3:00pm Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB We Are Not Alone 9:30am SC Group Gym Class 10:30am LPG Pony Canasta 12:30pm CB Indoor Bowls 12:45pm AUD Swan Bowling Club 6:00pm LPB Walking Group 7:30am ABL Library Open 9:00am - 12:30pm Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB Matinee 11:00am Writing Group 11:00am CB Snooker Club 12:30pm CB Rummycub 1:00pm SC Chess Group 2:00pm CB Pool Table Club 6:00pm CB Bingo Club 6:00pm AUD ZONE 4 BIN CLEANING GENERAL WASTE COLLECTION Walking Group 7:30am RTC Library Open 9:00am - 12:30pm Art Group 9:00am AR Computer Club 9 00am CL Qigong Group 9:00am SC Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB Group Gym Class 10:30am LPG Matinee 11:25am Water Aerobics 11:30am LPP Mahjong 00pm SC Village Players 00pm AUD Vision Impaired Group 1:00pm Coffee & Catch Up 2:00pm CB Friday Night Chase 5:00pm CB Darts Club 6 00pm CB Op Shop Open 8:30am - 12:00pm Bentley Park Bowls 9:00am RCL Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB Fourth Saturday Quiz 2:30pm CB Swan Bowling Club 6:00pm LPB Rowethorpe Church Service 10:00am RC Library Open 9:00am - 3:00pm Bentley Park Bowls 9:00am RCL Pottery Group 9:00am PGS Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB Line Dancing 9:30am AUD Group Gym Class 10:30am LPG Christian Fellowship 11:00am SC Line Dancing Intermed. 11:00am AUD Snooker Club 12:30pm CB Handicraft Group 12:30pm AR Dutch Club 4:00pm CB Darts Club 6:00pm CB Swan Bowling Club 6:00pm LPB Patchwork Group 6:30pm AR Art Group 9:00am AR Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB Rummycub 1:00pm SC SwanCare Auxiliary 1:30pm AUD Coffee & Catch Up 2:00pm CB Photography Club 2:00pm CB SwanCare Allsorts Choir 2:00pm AUD Hatha Yoga Club 6:00pm CB Walking Group 7:30am ABL Op Shop Open 8:30am - 12:00pm Library Open 9:00am - 3:00pm Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB Group Gym Class 10:30am LPG Matinee 10:45am Pony Canasta 12:30pm CB Indoor Bowls 12:45pm AUD Swan Bowling Club 6:00pm LPB Walking Group 7:30am ABL Library Open 9:00am - 12:30pm Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB Snooker Club 12:30pm CB Rummycub 1:00pm SC Chess Group 2:00pm CB Pool Table Club 6:00pm CB Bingo Club 6:00pm AUD ZONE 4 BIN CLEANING GENERAL WASTE COLLECTION Walking Group 7:30am RTC Library Open 9:00am - 12:30pm Art Group 9:00am AR Computer Club 9 00am CL Qigong Group 9:00am SC Seated Exercise Group 9:30am CB Group Gym Class 10:30am LPG Water Aerobics 11:30am LPP Mahjong 00pm SC Village Players 00pm AUD Coffee & Catch Up 2:00pm CB Friday Night Chase 5:00pm CB Darts Club 6 00pm CB ZONE 1: Adie Court, Le-Breton Lane, Wootliff Way, Drummond Way, & Pemberton Drive. ZONE 2: Akora Apartments, Grandis Boulevard, Beelu Avenue, Augustus Way, & Solandri Avenue. ZONE 3: Saggers Drive, Talbot Place, Graham Crescent, Hawthorne Crescent, & Clayden Court. ZONE 4: 26 Plantation Drive, Plantation Apartments, Pine Mews, Leeuwin Crescent, Millstream Way, & Stirling Close.

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