January Issue 2017

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Listening for Understanding Walking In The Light of The Lord

What’s She Worth to You?

A Fitness Trend on The Rise- HIIT


From the Editor Y

ou’re probably expecting me to talk to you about New Year’s resolutions---and

in a sense I might be, but from a different view. I usually stay up every New Year’s Eve awaiting the New Year, but this time I didn’t. Instead I slept. When I woke up I checked my cellphone, New Year texts and social media notifications. When I opened my Instagram, I

Alondra Zavala Editor in Chief Email: alondra_z@swau.edu

saw many selfies, group pictures as well as picture collages, and they all had one thing in common: they were all talking about how their year was and what they expected their new year to be. I noticed that there were a good number of people that mentioned that 2016 year was one of their toughest years, but they were grateful for having gotten through it.

I also saw many posts referencing that a “new me” was coming soon. I’m sure many of us usually take a pen or even a mental pen and start writing a list of new resolutions and it may even go like this—I will get a gym membership, I will lose this many pounds, I will read the Bible more, I will stop watching this, I will stop smoking, I will stop drinking…etc. It’s interesting to note that gym memberships go up at the beginning of the year, but by March they start to go down. Why is that? How come we lack the consistency and determination to cross off all our New Year resolutions at the end of the year? May be it has to do with how we approach things? Someone shared this quote with me which hit home for me:

“Experience is not what we live through, it is what we do with what we live through.”

If you notice we all have gained another year of life, another year of experiences. The question now is: what will we

do with what we have lived through? We so often set New Year’s resolutions based on what we want to be, which is good, but what about setting New Year’s resolutions based on what we have lived through and approaching them based on what we have learned from those situations?

If I can be honest with you, I’ll let you know I wasn’t planning on doing any resolutions---I reasoned that year after

year I never really cross much off, life is so unexpected, why set up something that may not go according to what I want? Now I am. I am going to write down my New Year’s resolutions because life is not about me, about my trials, my suffering, or even about my own happiness. Life is about what we do with all of that to help others. To those who had a tough 2016 year, know that there is strength in 2016 to help you in 2017.

“Do not withhold good from those who it is due, when it is in your power to act.” Proverbs 3:27



Alondra Zavala

Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS He Has Everything Calculated Janely Castro

What’s She Worth to You Clarissa Cintron

A Fitness Trend on The Rise- HIIT Herman Aguilar

Somebody Has To Say It Anabella Lopez

SPONSORS Rahneeka Hazelton SA Adviser

Dr. Glen Robinson Sponsor

CONTRIBUTORS Alondra Zavala Editor in Chief

Herman Aguilar Writer

Nu Pham Writer

Hayden Scott Graphic Designer

Mairim Argueta Writer

Janely Castro Writer

Gicele Fuentes Writer

Sarah Castro Photographer

Angela Delgado Photographer

Kylie Kurth Writer

Starr Wallace Photographer

JANUARY 2017 |3

These three full weeks of winter break were full of blessings and miracles for the canvassing team at Bryan, TX. Allow me to share just one of the many testimonies where God revealed His power and wisdom to us and how He used three people to show us how He can orchestrate events to perfection to show His glory.


ecember 26, 2016 Diana Jaimes, a canvasser and current student at Southwestern Adventist University, was working at Target’s parking lot for the last half of the day after lunch. Feeling positive, she canvassed every person that she saw but no one seemed interested in the material and much less for a quick prayer. As a result, little by little Diana lost her motivation and frustration started kicking in, and that was something that she didn’t want to have happen to her. While she waited for more people and thought about what to do, it occurred to her to call two very good friends. “They’ll make me laugh and that will motivate me to move on!” she thought. She called them but neither of them answered. She called again but no answer. After waiting for about forty minutes, Diana tried calling them again. Just like the times before, neither of them answered. She felt desperate, with no motivation, so as she left to continue she decided to call Josh Reyna, one of our canvassing leaders, to pick her up because although she tried to move on, no one wanted anything and it became very difficult to continue there. Josh moved her to a different parking lot for the remainder of the day hoping things would be better. Upset at the fact that things didn’t go so well that evening and her friends weren’t answering, Diana got


in the van without any motivation. The day came to an end and our leaders Josh and Ivan were picking canvassers up to go back home and Diana still felt uncomfortable with her results. Once home she counted the money she’d made. She didn’t have an

opportunity to call her friends because it was late and there was no time. She showered and got ready for bed, but as she laid on her bed she still felt uncomfortable. Sad, she started to think and to reflect, and she realized how bad the decision of calling her friends had been. She realized that instead of going to

God through prayer, she had decided to go to humans when God was the only one who knew what she was going through at that moment and how she was feeling. He was the only one that could understand her 100%. Instead of praying for Him to send her motivation through some of the many people she came in contact with or pray for a sign, she had decided to go to humans that could make her laugh, and it didn’t work. It was then that she realized how much she should depend on God. Diana cried that night as she prayed for forgiveness for depending on humans, and asked for more faith so that she may depend more on God. After stepping outside to cry and to study her Bible, she came back inside much comforted and went to sleep. The next morning Diana felt much better. Once out in the field, she was in a different parking lot and started feeling weird and uncomfortable again. But despite all of her negative thoughts she was still determined to do her best. People were more receptive and now she could at least pray with some of the people she encountered. After some time working there, Diana ran into one of the workers at Hobby Lobby and he asked her to leave the parking lot. She then called Josh to come find her and in the meantime she walked to another parking lot nearby where she thought she’d do good, but Josh picked her up and took her to a different place that she didn’t expect at all. Now she

she came out of the van she prayed one more time on her own asking for God’s divine direction. Once finished praying she noticed that the truck was still there and decided to go up to it. On her way she continued praying that she may find grace upon the eyes of the person. Diana did her presentation to that person and as she was finishing with the third book, she wasn’t sure if she should present the last one or not but something told her to do it, and so she did. She did the close and that person helped her with $110. Diana was surprised because she didn’t expect it, that person seemed interested in the material but she never thought that he’d buy them all and much less with a donation of that amount. “My wife is going to graduate from nursing this May and I know how tough it is, but I want to help you. Continue doing what your doing, I wish you the best!” he said.

would be doing a parking lot and businesses at the same time. It was then when she prayed, “Okay Lord, I trust in You.” As she came out of the van she prayed and asked God to send her to the correct people. When she finished praying, she went toward a lady who was coming out of a store with her kids and Diana presented two books. At the end the lady couldn’t help her with buying the material but she asked if she could pray for her. Her prayer was beautiful and was exactly what Diana needed.

Josh felt impressed to move Eliangel to the other side of the same Walmart where Diana was working. About ten minutes later a police officer stopped Eliangel and started questioning him and collecting his personal information. The police officer asked him if he was alone or if there were others with him. Eliangel, thinking about Diana on the other side told him that indeed, technically he was by himself. The officer left and Eliangel quickly called Josh for pick up and warned

“God has something good for you!” said the lady. She gave her words of encouragement and Diana prayed for her as well and thanked her for her prayer. Diana continued and was doing better in that area compared to where she was before . After lunch break, Josh took Diana to Walmart’s parking lot and she was doing pretty well. She had already left seven books there and before lunch she had left three. Diana continued in constant communication with God. It was now 6:30 p.m. when Josh went to check on her. “I’m afraid this might be my lowest day!” Diana said as she replenished her books. They prayed and Diana continued. Eliangel Fermín, a Venezuelan colporteur, started canvassing for the afternoon at La Michoacán Meat Market’s parking lot. Time passed and as Josh did his frequent visits to see how everyone was doing, things at La Michoacán didn’t seem to be going as well for Eliangel as previous days had been.

With a smile on her face, Diana thanked God and thanked the man for that and told him that he had been the answer to her prayers, since it had been a difficult day and she had been praying for something like that. At the end of the day Diana had left 25 books, and Eliangel ended up doing much better after being moved. God proved to her how He has everything calculated to perfection. He knew that if Diana would’ve stayed in Walmart she would have never met that person and in that way God used Josh to take Eliangel to the other side of Walmart’s parking lot, where he would be told to leave and Diana would then be moved to Kroger. Through this testimony the entire team was able to witness that truly all things work for good and God in his infinite mercy shows His sons and daughters that no problem is too big or too small He can always make a way to reveal that our plans and our thoughts are not His.

Diana that a police officer had stopped him and was roaming the parking lot. At that moment Diana felt disappointed at the fact that now she would be moved elsewhere after leaving seven books at Walmart, her plan was to finish that evening there. After that situation Josh took Diana to Kroger’s parking lot where no colporteur had gone in a while. When they arrived there was a truck that was standing idling. Diana asked Josh for him to pray for her and when

Janely Castro - Writer

is a sophomore biology/premed major from Laredo, TX. She enjoys making corn hojarrascas!

JANUARY 2017 |5


he older I get, the more acutely sensitive I have become to the inaccurate portrayals of women and girls in the media and the role it has taken as a cultural determinant. As a 90’s kid, I never realized that Britney Spears kissing Christina Aguilera at an awards show, Janet Jackson flashing the world at the Super Bowl, or the birth of reality television could be so detrimental to my generation’s perspective of the female sex. Women are special. Surely there’s a reason for calling them “the fairer sex” or for God to create them second (an upgrade from his first 1.0 version of humans—man)? I have this theory that I probably won’t be able to completely prove until heaven, but I truly believe that God has a special place in His heart for His daughters. This would explain why our Adversary would be so hell-bent on destroying them. When the Devil waged war on Eve, I’m sure no one thought that some of his demoralizing battle tactics would come in the form of objectification, sexualization, and misrepresentation in all of our media outlets. That’s why the title Miss Representation (2011) couldn’t be more fitting for a powerful documentary by Jennifer Siebel Newsom detailing the false messages and influence of the media on our culture. There were countless points that reminded me that not only is this a man’s world


but a world that has destroyed the character and purpose of God’s fair creation.

1. Only 16% of protagonists in film are female. Only 7% of film directors and 10% of writers are female.

If you’re a moviegoer like I am, perhaps you’ve noticed that you don’t see a lot of women taking the lead role in blockbuster hits. Sure, you’ve got those generic “RomComs” that usually feature a young woman searching for a love interest in all the wrong ways. But what about a strong female protagonist who comes along and saves the day or succeeds in any other area than love? Very, very rare. At the moment, I can’t even think of five without googling it. The lack of female representation in the film industry may not seem like a huge deal to some people. But it points to the fact that a lack of represe ntation is responsible for the lack of understanding of who women and girls really are. I love an exchange that occurs in the television adaptation of Jane Austen’s Persuasion in which the main character, Anne Elliot and a navy captain have a disagreement on the fickleness of a woman’s love. The captain argues that all literature proves this to be true whereas Anne fires back with, “And are they all not written by men?”

2. Women Don’t Help Each Other

As if soap operas weren’t enough, a ship sailed onto our shores that exacerbated the erroneous view and expectation of a woman’s nature. Reality

television is probably one of the worst things that happened to our human race. The pointless, scripted drama between women fighting over one man or over something trivial has contributed to this idea of competition between women. It incites audiences to judge those on the screen and ask, “Who is prettier, more talented, or “worthy” to come out on top?” Miss Representation reminded me of the presidential race of 2008. I remember Republican candidate John McCain selecting Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate and everyone going nuts. People were so focused on her appearance and physical attractiveness. In contrast, Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton was criticized for being so “cold” and always wearing pant suits and for crying during an interview after being overwhelmed with passion for a certain topic. I wish I could say it was only men saying these things, but it was women too. Women in politics don’t require an endorsement but I think it’s crucial that they at least deserve to be taken seriously and applauded for their efforts by their fellow women. Imagine if us ladies spent more time uplifting one another than spreading rumors, gossip, and criticism. As if we don’t have enough adversity to face in the world!

4. “Turning a human being into a

thing is almost always the first step towards justifying violence against that person.”

Watch Netflix, turn on the TV, or check out the music videos and lyrics from a few of your favorite artists and you will quickly realize that a woman’s sexuality is the most profitable marketing tool. The old saying of “sex sells” couldn’t be more true in our culture of suggestive food ads, erotic magazine spreads, and sex-infused performances on every television network and in mainstream musical performances. When the notion that a woman is no more than her face and body begins to permeate our culture, we are no better than those other nations that repress and confine women from basic rights. Objectification devalues that which God made as lovely. It takes a specially created being and subtracts a brain, heart, and spirit, leaving only a body to either admire or criticize like cattle at a state fair. It also makes it easier for people like Brock Turner

I mention this PSM to emphasize a strong point that Miss Representation pushes to the surface: if guys made the choice to empower and protect the image of women in the U.S. and beyond and were also taught to do so from boyhood, this poisonous cultural trend of sexualizing women and imposing false expectations on them would go away. That’s right, go away, disappear, vanish! Nothing stays alive if it’s no longer being fed.

Dearly beloved Knights of SWAU:

gathering around in your huddles and rating girls’ appearance on a scale from 1 to 10, attacking their reputation by spreading vicious gossip, yielding to the temptation of pornography, and pursuing her for impure motives all play into this. Protect your sisters from a world that seeks to destroy them.

Dearly beloved Lady Knights of SWAU:

Fighting each other over a guy, slandering your fellow sisters and tearing them down will never fight the ugly lies that our media has planted in our hearts since childhood. You are special, you are beautiful, and you can succeed in a world that is against you.

3. 12 Year-Olds Are Depressed Over Their Appearance

From the time I was in the fourth grade, I have always struggled with my weight and my ability to accept myself as beautiful outside of the secular standard. I remember seeing Britney Spears, Gwen Stefani, Jennifer Lopez, (I’m a 90’s baby, remember?) and even Audrey Hepburn and thinking how perfectly poised they were on screen or how envied they were for their seemingly flawless exterior and appeal. Because I never could measure up to these ladies, I truly felt there had to be something wrong with me. Maybe there was something wrong with me? Research shows that I wasn’t alone in this experience. Depression and dissatisfaction is becoming widespread among girls as young as 12, possibly even younger. Our media has done a stunning job in creating an unobtainable model of beauty, success, and status. The scary truth brought up in this documentary is that girls younger and younger are caring more and more about their appearance. I thought my generation was appearanceobsessed but I see the next generation coming up and I’m baffled by the 13 year olds who pack on make-up to look like they’re 20. My instant thought is, “Wipe off that makeup and go read a book!”

and his supporters to commit violence against a helpless girl and actually not see the inexcusable wrong in it.

5. WE Have the Power to Change This Epidemic!

I once watched a powerful public service message from India in which a young woman is walking home with her school books in tow. Before she knows what’s happening, she is trailed by men fueled by the intention to harass and harm her. As she turns to face them, fear and intimidation etched on her face, another guy appears and steps in between her and her potential assailants. One by one, more guys show up in her defense until they’ve made a circle around her. With a human shield in their path, her two harassers at last back away. The fear on her face melts into a smile of strength and confidence as she watches them retreat: Her fellow brothers refused to turn a blind eye on her predicament and decided that they were in a position to save their little sister.

Newsom, J. S., Scully, R. K., Congdon, J., Holland, E., Cvetko, S., Heldman, C., . . . Dawson, R. (2011). Miss representation (90 min. version; customized educational footage.). [Sausalito, Calif.] : [San Francisco, Calif.]: Ro*co Films Educational ; Girls Club Entertainment. Ettus, Samantha. “25 Alarm Bells for Women: Sounds from Miss Representation.” Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 25 Oct. 2011. Web. 18 Jan. 2017.

Clarissa Cintron Former Status Editor. Advancement Office Coordinator. Psychology B.S.

JANUARY 2017| 7

A Fitness Trend on The Rise- HIIT A

s years pass, new trends arise in different areas. Fitness is no different. Over the past few years new trends have risen in the fitness community. However, one stands above all of them; High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT. The rise in popularity of HIIT is due to its fast pace and rapid weight loss results. HIIT is the concept where one performs a short burst of high-intensity exercise followed by a brief lowintensity activity, repeatedly, until too exhausted to continue. Though there is no universal HIIT session duration, these intense workouts typically last under 30 minutes, which means anyone can make time for this workout. Exercises can include jogging in place, jumping jacks, pushups, and squats for 30 intense seconds each, followed by a 10-second rest and then repeating the workout five times. There are many benefits to HIIT. Some benefits include an increase in your metabolism, no need for any equipment, a healthier heart, and increase in fat loss. We live in a time where people are just getting busier and finding excuses not to work out and take care of their bodies. HIIT is a great alternative for people who don’t have time for long workouts. A recent study performed on 3,000 participants by The Medical Institute of Palm Beach discovered that 82% of the participants showed an increase in cardiovascular and strength performance after participating in HIIT workouts four to five times a week. This study along with others shows that this fitness trend is going nowhere anytime soon. With obesity increasing among young people, HIIT can be the workout plan that can get young people and other groups of people back on the right healthy track as this new year begins.


Trainer Tip To ensure that you are correctly executing a well planned HIIT workout, you should not be able to talk and work out simultatneously.

Herman Aguilar is a senior communication major. From Houston but was originally born in Honduras. Some of his passions include sports, helping others, and traveling.

Somebody Has to Say It Anabella Lopez

For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. -Matthew 6:14


hen was the last time that you forgave

someone? Forgiveness is important, and it’s

have as human beings is that a lot of the time

how important it is to take advantage

we like to hold on to the things that are hurting

of every opportunity that you are

us. We also don’t like letting go of things even

presented with. Coelho presents this

when we know it is wrong.

character that he calls the “other.”

something that we don’t do much of. I know

The “other” is yourself, but it is the

a lot of the time we want the person who hurt

I just finished reading the book “By

side of you that has fears, the side of

us to beg for our forgiveness, but this isn’t the

The River Piedra I Sat Down And Wept” by

you that doesn’t believe in yourself,

way it is going to always be. There is a quote

and also the side of you that holds you

that says that you have to be strong enough to

back from saying or doing things that

forgive things that you never got an apology

you want to say or do. He writes about

for. Everyone has been hurt by someone,

how important it is for us to be able

but we need to start learning how to forgive.

to get rid of the “other” if we want to

Forgiving people is so important. Not being

accomplish our goals and our dreams.

able to forgive someone affects us more than you would expect. When we hold onto things

As this new year begins, I invite

it affects our emotional state, and the best

you to get rid of the “other,” and forgive

thing to do is to let go of things and give them

that person that you have been upset

to God. God even says that if we forgive others

with for a while. We should remember

then He will also forgive us. As Christians we

Paulo Coelho. It was amazing, I definitely

what Jesus prayed for in Luke 22:42:

need to learn to let go and give all of our anger

recommend it. This book speaks about

“Father, if you are willing, take this

and worry to God.

how important forgiveness is. It just made

cup from me; yet not my will, but

me realize that forgiveness is more for the

Yours be done.” Get out there and

person forgiving than for the person that is

make memories and make good things

LORD and He will sustain you; He will never

forgiven. In the book, Paulo Coelho stresses

happen for yourself and those around

let the righteous be shaken.” The problem we

how important it is to let go of hate, and

you. Enjoy a life next to God.

Psalms 55:22 says, “Cast your cares on the

JANUARY 2017 |9

Thank you! Joycelyn Devore


ccording to the Tarrant County Homeless Coalition, there were more than 1,900 homeless individuals within our area, in 2016. Nineteen percent of these people are under the age of 18. Most of these people have little to no shelter, including shelter from the elements. This causes a problem for many people especially when the temperature begins to drop. Coats are a necessity for all, but can seem like a luxury for many. This is why the Psychology and Education Club partnered with two local counseling centers to hold a coat drive. We rushed to gather boxes the set them out around campus as well as in the Keene SDA church and KAES. The donations boxes were distributed and as the deadline approached, many were full and overflowing. God provided in abundance! Nearly 150 coats, jackets, sweaters, shirts and pants were donated as well as gloves, scarves, hats, socks, and other cold weather clothing. The donations were given away at the Lancaster Street Salvation Army in Fort Worth, TX. Officers of the Psych-Edu club and student volunteers helped hand out the clothing to men, women, and children. Those who 10 | STATUS MAGAZINE

received a coat were more than appreciative and all left knowing they at least had a coat for the winter! We would like to thank all students, faculty, and staff who donated and helped make the coat drive possible. Please keep the homeless in your prayers as they continually face challenges many of us find hard to imagine. If you would like to know more about the homelessness in our area please look up the Tarrant County Homeless Coalition for area statistics and ways to help. National Coalition for the Homeless is a good resource for those who would like to learn more about homelessness on a national level.

Knight's Basketball Spring 2017 Schedule

JANUARY 2017 |11

Need Writers and Photographers! Do you like writing or taking photographs ? If so, here is an opportunity for you! Status Magazine is looking for writers and photographers who are interested in having their w ork published!

If interested or w ould like more information please email Alondra Zavala at alondra_z@swau.edu

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