Vol. 01, Issue 02

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Thursday, April 21, 2022

Vol. 01

News and Updates from the Office

Issue #02

Hau Sing

Director’s Farewell Editors Note This really is it! The spring semester is closing to an end, and with it closing another school year. This year has been tough I will not lie. So many things going on. There seems to always be that one thing that never seems to work right and having to learn to swallow that frustration and try again, like nothing every happened. If no one have told you this today, I want to tell you that you have been strong. You persevered and now you’re here. You didn’t give up and now one more year is done. Only a few finals and you can breathe easy. Take time to thank yourself, and reward yourself, you have earned it. For those graduating, congratulations! And for those who have a few more years to go, I want to say this to you both, “Don’t be too hard on yourself. The world already does that.” When all seems lost, and everything may seem to be against you, smile, because God loves you and He will never change. He is the one anchor you can trust. If you lean on Him, surely you will come out victorious. “Rejoice in the Lord always, again I will say, rejoice” Phillippians 4:4 NIV

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

Jose Castro

A Mizpah Recap From your Mizpah Editor As a good friend once said, “the yearbook is a time box. Something that we can look back and remember all the moments that we have had with others.” The year comes to an end and with it, we can look back at all the moments we have made together. In all honestly, I left this letter as the last thing to do before turning the yearbook in, and I am still clueless on how to end our recap. I began this journey by accepting the position without knowing what to expect. At times it felt like the yearbook would never get done, it also felt overwhelming to have to sort through thousands of photos and pick out the best one. As I write this I look back and think of the many hours spent in meetings and/or asking people for quotes. But in the end, our hard work has paid off. I will want to thank the team that worked alongside me to capture and create the spreads in the book. A lot of thought has come into putting every spread together. I want to thank the publication teams for helping me finish this job, I could have not done it without them.

A few people that I don’t want to leave out and who were of great help while editing the content in the yearbook are Keith, Vitor, and Edgar. I can’t recount how many nights we spent looking over the book and asking people for quotes. As we look back, let's remember that we have done our best. We have aimed to pass classes, build friendships, and/or even just tried to survive. There is no greater effort than the one you have made this year. As we look back at this book in 10, 20, or even 50 years from now my prayer is that we remember the good times that we have had and the memories that we built together. As I like to remember, Southwestern is more than just a university, it is a group of people who can count on each other; people who can call themselves family. As we come to the end, let us not forget the moments that we have shared together, let us embrace what we have built, and let’s feel proud to have given it our best. Let’s go Knights

Spark Competition

Mimosa Snapshots

Immersive Mobile Controller

Jeramy Perez

The Roundtable Director

Braxton Molina

I did not perform to perfection, but the experience gained from the competition is what I will carry on! Page 02

We have never been able to see our Mimosa pictures in print, well this year is different. Check it out! Page 03

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Our vision is to make your movies, games, and music a thrilling experience with Ripple Gear! Page 04

Thursday, April 21, 2022


Vol. 01 | Issue #02

Jeramy Perez

Spark Competition Entrepreneurship on Campus. SWAU's 2022 Spark Competition was fun to participate in alongside my team. I thought I would be the odd one out in this competition since I'm just a pre-med student. To my surprise, it turned out that there were many students from all types of degrees in the contest! Listening to everyone's pitches from the profit and non-profit divisions was entertaining and exciting. Hearing ideas from entrepreneurs was insightful and gave me hope that we have a bright future. I participated in the non-profit division with the Instagram page: SWAU.Fit_, but I didn't know there would be great competition in my division! It was fun to pitch to the judges, and

it felt like I was on a shark tank episode. I didn't think I would be nervous since I like to speak to people, but something about the bright lights and the judges attentively listening changed that! I found myself shaking a little bit even though, in my mind, I was saying, "We're chilling." Our initial pitch went better than expected, and I realized that the questioning time would determine if we got first place. I took a deep breath in, and when the questions began to roll out, I knew exactly what to say! Now it felt like an actual conversation, and it was fun to talk to the judges while the crowd listened.

I did not perform to perfection, but the experience gained from the competition is what I will carry on! Our initial pitch went better than expected, and I realized that the questioning time would determine if we got first place. I took a deep breath in, and when the questions began to roll out, I knew exactly what to say! Now it felt like an actual conversation, and it was fun to talk to the judges while the crowd listened. I did not perform to perfection, but the experience gained from the competition is what I will carry on!

Austin Powell

Hello Seniors! As your time at Southwestern is coming to a close, we want to celebrate you and your accomplishments. All graduating seniors are invited to join us on April 26th at 11:30 am in the library for Senior Celebration. Food will be provided, and graduates will receive their Southwestern stole for the graduation ceremony, so please scan the QR code or click on the link to RSVP! We look forward to seeing you there!

Upcoming Events -

May God bless you and be with you on this last stretch of the semester!

The last SWAT Homeshow, featuring Cing Cing and Christian Tarbox pair routine.

Christian Tarbox

Finished! Devotional Thought “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” Matthew 6:33 NLT We’ve done it, you’ve finished! Through the late nights, exhausted mornings, rushed papers you are one step closer to your degree or a few steps from receiving it. God has watched over you and taken

Apr 23 – Last Sabbath, Zoo Apr 24 – Yearbook Release Party Apr 26 – Senior Celebration Apr 27 – Final Exams Begin May 01 – Graduation!!!

you through the worst of it. Continue to pursue God’s kingdom no matter where you might go or what you might do, and He’ll bring you success and joy in every area of your life. Remember the friends, the teachers, memories, laughs, and good times shared this past school year but never forget just how much Jesus loves you and that He is continuously seeking a deeper relationship with you! Page 2


Thursday, Apr 21, 2022

Vol. 01 | Issue #02

Yu Hu


Katelin Bankston

5#)=*>,&&$#)'4()* 74,?;?#,&"'4 Introducing our President!!

As awesome as Mrs. Patterson always has been, she specifically requested to cancel all classes in the afternoon and evening so we can all celebrate together without any stress.

@"A$*")*,*B'?#4$C* Featuring Psychology Major !

Following the church ceremony, a meetand-greet reception will be held in the library from 2-3 pm. During this time, there will variety of booth that serves finger foods. And don’t forget to take a photo with “President Patterson” ;)

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I can never imagine in a million years that the year I am SA president, one of my favorite people at SWAU, Mrs. Patterson is now our president! What an honor for me to introduce her at the inauguration ceremony on March 1st, held in the Keene Church at 1 pm.

If you think this is it, well, you probably don’t know President Patterson very well — she goes all out. The cafeteria will be closed, because there will be three food trucks such as brisket nacho by the duck pond for you to choose dinner from. Or you can try all of them! Don’t you worry about money, President Patterson got you covered. President Patterson’s hope for our university is to “light the world”, we will all send off a lantern on the pound to lift up this dream together.

PC: Michael Demiar | © 2021-2022 Southwestern Adventist University.

Sarah Valderrama

!"1/9-$0/",$6/.4*0.':" Featuring our Department of Athletic and Sports Being a part of the basketball team, this year has been a real blessing. We get the opportunity to go out of state for games where we enjoy time together as a team. For example, we went to Arkansas and Oklahoma for a couple games and got to stay at a hotel. I like traveling with the team because there's never a dull moment with them and we can always have fun around each other. Practice is a time for growth as a team, but also as individual players. After most practices we have a small worship thought and a prayer. It's always nice to have that type of vibe in a team.

As an incoming freshman it can be hard to be part of something. I was kind of nervous coming in but, the girls on the team have made me feel loved and appreciated. And the coaches are always there to help and give me advice for my game and my life. This season has taught me to be resilient, you always must keep your head up no matter the circumstance. Being on the team has strengthened my trust in others, teamwork, and leadership skills. Come support us this Thursday for our last game of the season!

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Thursday, Apr 21, 2022


Vol. 01 | Issue #02

Scan the QR Code above to explore the RippleGear community and learn more.

Immersive Mobile Controller Featuring a new Student Business. Experience mobile entertainment like never before! Mobile games, movies, and music are brought to life with Ripple Gear’s vibrational technology. Ripple Gear is a phone accessory that brings a sense of touch to the digital world. We simulate the feeling of what is shown on screen by converting it into HD vibrational feedback. IMAX theaters, Arcades and Consoles games provide an immersive entertainment experience using lighting, surround sound, and vibrations. The more senses they can simulate, the more memorable the experience. Experiences that you only have once in a blue moon. But the world has evolved to streaming the majority of our media entertainment on the go. Braxton Molina

Why vibrations? Some people think vibrations only go as far as their phones' faint "notification" vibration. Or simple on-off buzzes that console controllers use to make you feel gun recoil. But everything changes when you add dynamic movement and multi-level vibrational intensities. So, you can feel the difference between soft rain drops, crashing waves, or the heavy footsteps of T-Rex. Rather than just using one haptic vibration motor, we use a whole matrix of them. Our haptic vibration motors are spread out along a grid surface, so you can easily distinguish the location of the feeling from left-right-top-bottom. Enabling us to program specific "feelings" that couldn't be done with just a single stationary haptic motor. After some coding, we are able to simulate various actions that correlate with movies, games, and music. Bringing the virtual world to life with physical tactile touch. Our vision is to make your movies, games, and music a thrilling experience with Ripple Gear!

As great as our personal handheld devices are, there are huge immersion factors that are completely missing that keep us from having these memorable and engaging entertainment experiences. We are subjected to a sub-par entertainment experience, until now. Ripple Gear is an immersive mobile controller that brings “feeling” to our virtual entertainment. Creating IMAX level immersion that fits comfortably in your pocket. We elevate your phone's entertainment with next-gen vibrational technology that POPS, Shifts, and Spikes around in the palm of your hand. Taking it from “bland” to eyebrow raising!

We need 20K to design and manufacture our custom board. Reaching this milestone will help us shrink the current design by 50%! Fulfilling an extremely important aspect of the product: Being truly portable! Help us continue our pursuit in making the world's first immersive mobile controller using advanced vibrational feedback. Make your movies, games, and music a thrilling experience with Ripple Gear!

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