Status - Dec/Jan 19-20

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STATUS Challenging the Status Quo

2019 December/January | Issue 3


SA Budget

God’s Fireworks

CONTENTS 03 06 07 09 10

Enactus Hightlight SA Budget Usage Productive Apps Missions Fair Recap God’s Fireworks

EDITOR Singbawi Sing WRITERS Clara Jimerson Jacob Kendrick Jazper Dawkins Franklin Allen Dr. Michael England POEMS Jaqui Montoya Emily Zakaluk

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Editor’s Note


ooking back, how was your semester? Can you call it a highlight of your college career? Are you aware of your time usage? People say time is money, so did you spend it well? Would you say you were productive overall? Did your actions contribute to the mission that God gave you? Or did you forgot what it was all together? Did you shine for God at all? Were you a firework that brightened someone’s darkest days? Have you dared enough? Okay, that was an attempt to tie together the contents of this issue. Pretty smart, don’t you think? On a more serious note, six months of your life is now gone, never to come back. Has it built you? Or did you waste it all? It’s good to climb a mountain, but if all you ever do is look up to the unending expanse that is separating you from the peak, it’s easy to forget the progress you made and get discouraged. In your walk through life, don’t forget to look back and count your blessings. Remember those cliffs where God came rushing to save you as you hung there on a single thread. He heard your cry and dropped everything to come to save you. Remember your lowest nights and brightest days when God stood with you through it all. Now ponder on my questions one more time and remember that you are blessed. The God who brought you this far won’t desert you now. Be brave. Finish strong. God is with you.

Singbawi Sing Status Editor, SA


Enactus #hightlight


n October 24th, a group of SWAU students traded the cold 50 degrees Texas weather for a warm and sunny California day. The Enactus Officers of 2019 were on our way to La Sierra, but with a few stops along the way. We took pictures at Santa Monica Pier, Rodeo Drive, and “Urban Light” before the bus headed to Riverside, CA. After a good night’s sleep in the La Sierra dorms, we headed out to the Leadership Summit bright and early. After registration, breakfast was spent networking with other Enactus teams from all over the United States. After the opening session, we split up to two different workshops: Empathy Mapping & Team Sustainability. At first glance, these seem like complicated topics, but Empathy Mapping is simply the process of getting to know your audience. Our Enactus Team’s purpose is to create innovative solutions for the problems in our community, but if we do not listen to what the community needs, we will fail. Our audience is Keene, TX, and if we don’t look at the issues through the eyes of those struggling, then we risk not only being ineffective but even having a negative impact. People want to be heard. It is our job to listen and then get to work to make our world a better place. The SWAU Enactus Team has three major projects that are making the world a


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better place: • Rez Refuge is an Enactus project that has spanned six years and continues in March 2020 when a group of SWAU students will drive to Arizona to serve at the youth center on the Navajo reservation. Over the past six years, Enactus has built greenhouses and created a new pickling business. This program has touched the lives of hundreds of kids, and it’s not over yet. • Last year Enactus launched Empower U, an event that gave students lessons and resources on self-branding. This networking event is expanding this year to include a larger audience, but the mission remains the same: Empower people. • A brand new project this year is the Chile Project. Enactus is partnering with the Gabriela Mistral Foundation and the Fundacion Artesanias de Chile to provide resources and deliver training that will empower local artists. The vision is to host 3 ½ day workshops in 3 different locations that will provide participants with education on a wide variety of business topics: Entrepreneurial Financial Management, Marketing, and Sales, Continue on Pg. 8



Often, it is easy for each one of us to get lost in our own world that we forget THE God who created the world for us. Let us not lose sight of the one who loves us and gave his life to save others. 
 Pray & Know He is God Maker and Creator Completely unflawed He died for you and I So we could kiss our sins goodbye Never doubt His love for you For He is all things good and true 
 -Jaqui Montoya


Status Status Magazine Magazine

SA Budget


ey there SWAU family, I budget is 5% and consists wanted to take a minute of Senate related expenses, to show y’all where fundraising activities, as well as your money is going. The expenses related to the EVP’s Student Association budget is projects. divided into 11 sections that The Ministries Vice President I will detail here. In total, the budget is 14% of the total SA SA fees collected for the Fall budget and is combined with semester was $57,530. 17% Spiritual Life and Development’s of the budget goes towards budget for our Ministries Vice paying the stipends for SA President to use more easily. officers and senators, and 5% Instead of coming to me to SA Budget Fall 2019 goes towards preparations for take care of expense reports, President $ 4,602.40 8.0% the Adventist Intercollegiate Eliangel can just access money Executive VP $ 2,876.50 5.0% Association Annual Meeting through SLAD to use for his Ministries VP place here $ 8,054.20 taking at SWAU this14.0% projects. The Public Relations Social VP $ 11,506.00 20.0% Spring. Follow @aia_united on budget is 1.5% and is there Mizpah Instagram to see $ 11,506.00 20.0% what they’re in case we need to buy a PR Public Relations $ 862.95 1.5% up to. related piece of equipment Status $ 2,301.20 4.0% 8% of the budget is allocated or some other unforeseen Reserve to the President, $ and 2,876.50 it is used 5.0% emergency. AIA $ 2,876.50 5.0% for meetings with SWAU clubs, The Social Vice President Extra NAD meeting-related $ 287.65 0.5% expenses, budget is 20% of the SA Officer Salaries $ other 9,780.10 17.0% SA apparel, and budget and is used for all Total SAmiscellaneous Fees Fall $SA 57,530.00 100.0% expenses. Student Association related The Executive Vice President events, parties, free food, free

SA BUDGET Officer Salaries, $9,780.10 Extra, $287.65

President, $4,602.40 Executive VP, $2,876.50 Ministries VP, $8,054.20

AIA, $2,876.50 Status, $2,301.20 Reserve, $2,876.50Public Relations, $862.95 Mizpah, $11,506.00

Social VP, $11,506.00

merch, free Boba tea, as well as transportation expenses to outside events. Another 20% of the budget is allocated to Mizpah, our yearbook. It covers the expenses of printing Mizpah, professional photographers for our senior portraits, and new equipment, such as an external hard drive to store past and future yearbooks. 4% of the budget is allocated to Status and is used to print all the Status magazines, pay the Status website fees, and buy prizes for Status giveaways. You can visit the Status website ( to see what Sing is working on. An additional 5% of the budget is held in reserve to be used at the SA officer’s discretion. For example, last year’s SA team decided to use the reserve budget for Mimosa in the Spring semester. Another 0.5% of the budget is marked as extra, just in case we need a little wiggle room somewhere. I hope this gives y’all an idea of where your SA fee money goes. If you have any questions or concerns, you can send me an e-mail or visit my office/the student center during my posted hours. Jacob Kendrick SA Finance VP Business Major


Apps for Students Top Three


Insight Timer - Meditation App


Why struggle to remember exam dates and subjects when you can have an app do the work for you? Store all your exam and test dates in one place and … • Create unlimited exam countdowns • Countdown the number of years, days, hours, minutes and seconds to exams • Color code your exams and choose from 400 icons • Invite students, teachers, friends and family to countdown with you via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, SMS and Email. • Add notes to exams * Free download on IOS or Android.


Exam Countdown Lite

72 exercises and 22 additional workouts that can be customized and modified to create more than 1,000 variations to help keep you motivated and moving in Spring Semester. Here are some features: • Exercises can be learned with 72 high-definition video tutorials • You can do 1, 2 or 3 circuits • You can watch the clock, the trainer, or listen to and control music during your workout • Exercises come with audio cues during the workout, to help you maintain correct form throughout • Set workout and inactivity reminders to help you stay on track and then share your workouts via Facebook or Twitter * Free download on IOS or Android.

Dr. Michael England, Professor in Education/Psychology Dept.


Status Magazine


J&J Official 7-Minute Workout


With SWAU’s current emphasis on “sleep,” this app provides 1,595 guided mediations, music tracks, and talks about sleep. If you wake consistently at night or suffer from restless sleep patterns, this broad collection will help calm the mind and relax the body in preparation for sleep. Insight Timer is like the Netflix of Meditation, but free! * Free download on IOS or Android.


Between class assignments, extracurriculars and campus social life, college can be overwhelming. Now’s the time to learn balance, and meditation is an increasingly popular way to build downtime into jampacked days. With the Insight Timer app, you have free access to over 12,000 free, searchable—guided meditations.

Continued from Pg. 3

Basic Business Planning. Not only will the artists receive training, but the winner of the pitch contest at the end of the day will receive raw materials from a material bank so they can produce more inventory to sell. Enactus is unique in that not only does the organization inspire teams around the globe to creatively find ways to save the world, but all the teams have a chance to meet up at a national level, and compete.

Presenting to a panel of business leaders and entrepreneurs can be nerve-wracking, but the accomplishment winning that trophy based on how we impacted our part of the world, makes it worth it. Not to mention the pride the support staff feels when we watch our team succeed. If you want to join the SWAU Enactus team in any of these projects or at competitions, come to a meeting on Tuesdays at 1:00 pm in Pechero, room 104! Clara Jimerson Business Major


Missions Fair/ International Food Fair


ultural diversity is one of the elements that make a campus truly come alive. To highlight this, SLAD devoted a weekend to showcase all of the cultures that are here on campus. It started with Vespers where individuals proudly carried the flags of their countries through the aisles of the Keene church. Throughout the church, as the flags were led in, you could feel the atmosphere change as everyone looked in admiration as the flag of their home country was shown. The weekend continued on Sunday with an International Food Fair in the gym. Countless booths were present, all showcasing native dishes from their countries. Almost every continent was represented,

Cotton candy sky Sea glass lines Ombré blues fading into The sunset You would think it’s summer time Leaves are changing Fall is in the air Crinkling and crackling of fire Something fresh Lively The seasons are changing And so are you Autumn the season of death But will bring new life Colors that you only see once a year That’s why I want to be there with you. The forever changing season Every year it’s new And I want to witness that with you By Emily Zakaluk


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which shows how diverse this campus really is. Not only was food showcased, but various talents as well. It was heartwarming to see the smiles of pure joy on people’s faces as they not only told others about their country but learned about others as well. Whenever word spreads that the cultural weekend is approaching, it is always something that I look forward to. There are so many different backgrounds represented on this campus & it’s amazing to consider the fact that we somehow all ended up here together as a SWAU family. Jazper Dawkins

God’s Fireworks T he pinky promise is a sacred ritual between only the closest of relationships. Within its vows between friends and loved ones is a deeper promise of forever companionship. The pinky itself represents the smallest of our efforts and quietly tells the other person that hidden within your most inner self you will always remember the relationship the two of you share. Any effort to overly exert the agreement being made will only deteriorate the true underlying promise of companionship. If you squeeze to hard you will suffocate the relationship, but with the lightest touch you promise to cherish the individual for who they are.

A springing well of life is hidden right in front of our eyes. A vail of complacency shrouds the mind and heart. The tasks of the day seem to overpower the most powerful promises whispered to all of mankind. From the quietest moments in the universe come the biggest promises of life. At birth we are abruptly introduced to a vast world of never ceasing activity. We are all clearly a part of a collective reality that is sometimes to infinite to grasp, and this we call life. The harder we cling the quicker life fades. What is the purpose? People are born and people die every day. This brings meaning to only those who have endeavored to place efforts into these relationships, but the world itself is unmoved. In the most intimate moments between two partners the egg of a woman becomes fertilized and finds a home in the uterus of the mother. Cells begin to divide and take form

as over the next 9 months a new soul rapidly springs forth from what seems like nothingness. Impossibly complex organs begin to develop a machine of unsurpassed engineering brilliance as the biomechanics of a new human is being pieced together. The brain and nervous system start a fantastic display of fireworks that no human eye can see. Thus, independent thought is created and is given to this new unique human embryo. Meanwhile, the world is cultivating its own exterior masterpiece that is manifested all around. Birds are singing, the creatures around us are frolicking, and each day the sun kisses the rim of the earth’s form with light shows that demand admiration towards the majesty of it all. Throughout thousands of years the Creator and Designer of this wonderful gift of life has been whispering to His creation. He has partnered with humanity to share from His infinite wisdom instructions of the secrets to life. He has patiently communicated a message of love and strength to those who are willing to listen. Never has He forced. Thousands of years of prophecy have been manifested into flesh, and from the smallest of God’s whispers has sprung forth the greatest promise of salvation in Christ Jesus. God is knocking on the door of our hearts. It’s up to us to answer. “Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given”

Franklin Allen 1010

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Status Magazine • • • 2019-2020

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