Sweet Lemon Magazine [issue no.5]

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issue no.5 july/august 2012 no. 1

a letter from the

Creative Director

We’re not rookies when it comes to the game of life. By now, I’ve hopped into my red plastic car (represented by the ping peg of course), and have been spinning the wheel.

with a book, play dress up and have a dance party in front of your mirror, draw something ... do whatever it takes to invest in your mental, physical and emotional health. Get by with a little help from your friends (family, colleagues, mentors, etc.). Surround yourself with happy people, and try and spread positivity amongst others. Don’t be afraid to call up an old friend. Learn as much as you can from your surroundings. You can’t take back time, so take pictures. Make memories.


I’m halfway there, halfway through another year, and it seems like just yesterday I was writing about New Year’s Resolutions. You may agree with the Mayans and think the world is coming to an end in six months, but whether or not you’re ready for the apocalypse, I know I want to make every moment count. Yes, there are little [correction: big] things called curveballs life likes to throw at you, so to prepare, I’ve come up with a list of things to keep in mind, that might inspire you to make the most of every moment while you’re trying to carry the world on your shoulders. Dig up those resolutions. If you’re like me, you’ve already broken a couple (mostly workout/diet related), but the year isn’t over. Make new ones, revise old ones, and believe that it’s never too late to get back on track.


( 5 ) Grab life by its horns. Yes, it’s hard, and I’m not lead-off batter for those curveballs, but join me and say, I can do it. Forrest Gump famously once said, “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” Not only is that metaphor universally appropriate (hello, we are Sweet Lemon) it goes to show that no matter which path you’re destined to go down, it’s ultimately you who is in control. So accept the fact that you’re going to eventually deal with bitter chocolate (but it’s okay, later on down the road you’ll be grateful for the antioxidants/proverbial life lessons), please please please throw away the peanut option if you’re allergic, and who knows maybe you’ll luck out with a luxe, Belgian chocolate.

Challenge yourself. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “Do one thing every day that scares you.” This fascinating concept was brought to my attention one day when I was nannying for inspirational speaker, Amber Leigh Salisbury’s little girl. Imagine, how When life gives you lemons (or chocolates), much braver, smarter, and confident we can make every moment count. become by doing this.


Don’t forget “me” time. Sometimes it’s good to be by yourself. Go to a movie alone, crawl into your bed and tuck yourself in


no. 2

PA R I S R O U Z AT I , C R E AT I V E D I R E C TO R @parisrouzatI destinedforparis.com

C A R LY A . H E I T L I N G E R , E D I TO R - I N - C H I E F



C a r l y i s a q u i r k y, Ty p e A workaholic with a passion f o r a l l t h i n g s p r e p . Her closet is filled with collared shir ts and ballet flats. She always has a stash of Band-Aids and multiple flavor s of lip balm tucked into her handbag. She wouldn’t be caught dead without her pearls on and thinks you should live your

Paris is a charming s o u t h e r n g i r l . S h e ’s a bookworm, lame joke c o n n o i s s e u r, a n d W h o l e Foods-oholic. She has an unrivaled argyle sock collection and can’t go a day without eating i c e c r e a m . I f Vo g u e a n d The Economist had a love child, it would be Par is. S h e ’s a lw ay s t h e r e to make you laugh and smile, and believes in spreading love ever ywhere she goes.

Melissa is a perpetual hostess, shopaholic, and s t a t i o n e r y l o v e r. S h e h a s a knack for purchasing too many striped shir ts and wishes peony season was y e a r- r o u n d . She goes weak in the knees for old Hollywood glamour ( i f s h e c o u l d , s h e ’d h o s t a Great Gatsby-style lawn par ty ever y day), but still enjoys the little luxuries of city living like taxi r ides and coffee dates.

T W I T T E R / I N S TA G R A M @parisrouzati

T W I T T E R / I N S TA G R A M @mnouc

BLOG destinedforparis.com

BLOG theatelierblog.com

dreams. T W I T T E R / I N S TA G R A M @collegeprepster BLOG t h e c o l l e g e p r e p s t e r. c o m

no. 3


Editorial Team

nicole botsaris PR Director @ N I C O L E B OT S A R I S

hanna howard Copy Editor @ _ H anna H oward


hannah lo k k en Design Intern

Design Team meghan lynch Design Intern

issue no. 5

issue no. 5

lauren vanderbroe k Design Intern @ lauren _ rae _ vb

no. 4

alyssa greenberg Photographer @ aegphoto


Editorial Team

issue no. 5

S arah S olomon Contributing Author @ urban j ap

B ritta T rus k y Contributing Author @ B rittatrus k ey

E vann C lingan Contributing Author @ evannclingan

Julia E ngel Contributing Author @ G al M eets G lam

C arleton E nglish Contributing Author @ C arleton E nglish

F rida G arza Contributing Author @ fffffrida

E mily G ray Contributing Author @ E mily _ V G ray

Kendall M cKinven Contributing Author @ naturalblonde 8

shaina olmanson Contributing Author

no. 5


Complete Guide

to issue no. 5 n0.10

#shoparound 8 . W e ’ re S weet O n 1 0 . london calling

1 2 . bac k yard barbe q ue 1 4 . des k envy 1 6 . yacht club 1 8 . bronzed goddess


1 9 . M ar k Your C alendar

#puckerup 2 0 . vic k ers . sarah vic k ers . 3 1 . girls about town 4 1 . a bride ’ s guide to finding the perfect bridesmaid dresses


#zestyliving 4 6 . how to be your own pr girl 5 3 . how much credit should you give your credit score ?

n0.31 no. 6



5 6 . the bro k e girl’ s guide to new yor k city 6 6 . where have all the tall boys gone ? 6 8 . T he afternoon tea party : a very british love affair


#lemonaid 7 4 . basil strawberry lemonade granitas 7 6 . how to survive the heat : simple summer recipes 8 0 . yes mom , i ’ ll te x t you later

#lemonlove n0.74

n0.82 no. 7

# s h o pa ro u n d

From FLORIDA to PHILADELPHIA, C H A M PA G N E t o S O D A , C A R LY, PA R I S & M E L I S S A d i s h t h e i r w i s h l i s t s f o r T H E D O G D AY S O F S U M M E R


WHO :: Editor in Chief W H E R E : : Ta m p a J AC K RO G E R S , $ 6 1 L I L LY P U L I T Z E R , $ 8 5

K I E L J A M E S PAT R I C K , $ 4 0

K AT E S PA D E , $ 5 8

no. 8

D K M AC C E S S O R I E S , $ 8 8

TO P S H O P, $ 1 2 0

R E B E C C A M I N K O F F, $ 1 9 5

TO P S H O P, $ 5 0

YSL, $290


WHO :: Creative Director WHERE :: Atlanta



M I C H A E L KO R S , $ 1 8 0

M AC , $ 2 9


WHO :: Design Director WHERE :: Philadelphia no. 9



calling C U R AT E D B Y carly

V I S U A L P H I L O S O P H Y, $ 2 4


D V F, $ 5 0

no. 10




NIKE, $100


A D I DA S , $ 7 5

no. 11


HALE X , $ 4 0


KOHL’ S , $ 1 5

ORIGINS , $ 2 8


barbeque CURATED B Y c a r ly

TARGET, $ 5 5

no. 12




MARC B Y MARC J ACO B S , $ 1 0 5


TOPSHOP, $ 3 6

MODCLOTH , $ 7 3

no. 13

D E S I G N DA R L I N G , $ 3 8 A R C H I P E L AG O, $ 2 8

G A D A B O U T, $ 1 4 8





T H R E E D E S I G N I N G WO M E N , $ 6 0

desk envy

O R I E N TA L T R A D I N G C O . , $ 8


no. 14

TA R G E T, $ 5 1

S H O P B O P, $ 2 0

C . WO N D E R , $ 5 8





, $1 2

no. 15


K I E L J A M E S PAT R I C K , $ 5 8

M O D C L OT H , $ 3 0

R E B E C C A M I N K O F F, $ 2 9 5


D E C O R C R A F T, I N C , $ 1 8


CURATED B Y pa r i s M AC , $ 1 6


no. 16

S perry Top - S ider , $ 7 5

M O D C L OT H , $ 8

K I E L J A M E S PAT R I C K , $ 4 0

M I C H A E L KO R S , $ 2 2 5

J . C R E W, $ 8 8

TO R Y B U R C H , $ 3 3 3

no. 17

M O D C L OT H , $ 8

NARS. $49

KO R R E S , $ 1 2

BRONZED goddess C U R AT E D B Y paris

B E N E F I T, $ 2 6

P E T E R T H O M A S R OT H , $ 3 8

B O B B I B ROW N , $ 6 8 KO R R E S , $ 4 8

P H I L O S O P H Y, $ 3 0

J U L E P, $ 1 4 G I V E N C H Y, $ 3 1

no. 18

july 1 - C anada D ay


8 - W imbledon C hampionships

: : noteworthy

7 - C hocolate D ay

dates in j ul + aug 2 0 1 2

4 - I ndependence D ay

1 4 - B astille D ay 1 7 - D isneyland opened in anaheim , 1 9 5 5 2 7 - O pening C eremony - L O N D O N 2 0 1 2 O LY M P I C S B E G I N ! 3 1 - J . K . R owling ’ s B irthday !

august 1 - Y S L was born 1 9 3 6 in A lgeria 3 - M artha S tewart ’ s B irthday 4 - N ational C hocolate C hip D ay 5 - F riendship D ay 6 - A ndy W arhol’ s B irthday ! 1 0 - T he L ouvre opened in Paris , 1 7 9 3 1 2 - L O N D O N 2 0 1 2 O lympics E nd 1 6 - M adonna ’ s B irthday 2 8 - M L K delivers famous “ I H ave A D ream ” speech in W ashington , D . C . , 1 9 6 3

no. 19


no. 20

s a ra h v i c k e r s . The Kiel James Patrick brand is more than a collection of nautical bracelets and it’s taking over the wrists of the world. While the bracelets and other textile products are known for their American-made craftsmanship and quality, the success of the brand is rooted in the cast of characters seen modeling the bracelets on the website and blogs. While Kiel himself is the main man behind the brand, it is clear that his girlfriend Sarah Vickers plays an instrumental role in the success of the business.

by Carly Heitlinger :: @collegeprepster | Photography by Kiel James Patrick no. 21

Sarah has accumulated her own strong following because of

her inspiring

fashion sense. Earlier this year, Sarah launched a personal style blog, and in only six month’s time, “Classy Girls Wear Pearls” has caught the eye of thousands of readers. Sarah has undoubtedly become a style icon of our time. Stephanie Shull, a fan of Sarah’s, summed up why she has accumulated such a following, “I love Sarah Vickers because she is not afraid to show everyone her true self and be who she wants to be! Her great style, poise and presence can inspire anyone to be themselves.” The secret to Sarah’s unique style? She starts with the accessories. Once she’s narrowed down the jewelry, she starts building the rest of her outfit. “A bold statement necklace,” she explained, “can really switch up an otherwise ordinary ensemble.” Her wardrobe is a mix of staple pieces and the occasional impulse buy. Sarah likes to buy pieces that she knows she can wear both often and with many different looks. Though she does not no. 22

The secret to

Sarah’s unique style? She starts with the accessories.

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statement necklace “A bold

can really switch up an otherwise ordinary ensemble. �

no. 24

have a particular style icon herself, she admits to loving “the effortless classic style of Kate Bosworth and all of Blair Waldorf ’s outfits.”

experienced tremendous growth this year with the bracelets being featured in People (on Harry Styles of One Direction no less), Oprah.com and the New York Times, among other publications. While her style showcased on her blog The increased publicity has created new is what initially draws readers in, the challenges, which the KJP team has had Rhode Island backdrops tell their own to overcome. story. Born and raised a Rhode Islander, she grew up in Cranston, a city outside Sarah, for one, is at the office seven days of Providence, as an only child. She even a week. “There is always more work than attended the University of Rhode Island time,” she said. Her roles include making earning a degree in English. Sarah added, sure that production is running smoothly, “’I’ve lived in Rhode Island all my life, and ensuring that manufacturing is keeping I can’t fathom ever leaving.” up with the demand for product and managing the KJP employees. Sarah noted She met Kiel ten years ago and they’ve that delivering the product on time is one been working on the Kiel James Patrick of the most stressful aspects of the job– brand for the past five. “I graduated with the slightest hiccup in production can an English degree and ended up in fash- cause problems. ion!” Sarah laughed. The power couple has gone from selling bracelets at local The team is close knit and they are all craft fairs to owning a factory and em- friends. Even with increased demand creploying an entire team who truly cares ating heavier workloads, they can still about the brand. have fun in the office. Working with Kiel, in particular, adds a new level of exciteOn paper she’s an owner and designer, ment. “There is never a boring moment but she explains that her role within KJP with Kiel around. You can always expect goes far beyond that. The KJP brand has the unexpected,” said Sarah. She and the no. 25

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no. 27

“ I enjoy an occasional day trip to

New York City, New Hampshire during the winter, and vacationing in

Nantucket. I can’t think of a more perfect place.“

no. 28

rest of the team laughed with Kiel after he decided that the new office would have a pirate ship. “It seemed like a ridiculous joke,” she said, “but construction began a few days later!” Because of the demanding work schedule, Sarah makes sure that she spends her time off doing the things that she loves. Reading and vintage shopping top her list. Kiel and Sarah also try to plan a weekend getaway with friends every month or so. “It’s nice to relax and see how the day unfolds without having any expectations.” Many of the getaways are featured backdrops in “Classy Girls Wear Pearls” posts. “I enjoy an occasional day trip to New York City, New Hampshire during the winter, and vacationing in Nantucket. I can’t think of a more perfect place,” said Sarah. One of her favorite places to visit was Jamestown, Rhode Island where the couple spent a weekend in early May. The town is relatively small, with only a couple of restaurants and a hardware store. “I love how low-key Jamestown is,” Sarah said; it was the perfect place to escape the demands of the Kiel James Patrick brand. no. 29

Keep up with Sarah: Check out Sarah’s blog: www.classygirlswearpearls.com Follow her on Twitter & Instagram: @SarahKJP Shop Kiel James Patrick: www.kieljamespatrick.com no. 30



Town no. 31

photography by STEFFANO MORTE :: @steffano_morte styling by PARIS ROUZATI :: @ParisRouzati

no. 32

On KIMMY (left): Blouse. Zara. Jeans. Sinclair Denim. Necklace. J.Crew. Necklace. Zara. Heels. Steve Madden. On PARIS (right): Tank. Zara. Shorts. Zara. Sandals. Zara.

no. 33

no. 34

On KIMMY: Tank. Alice & Olivia. Necklace. Zara. Shorts. Rag & Bone. Heels. Zara. Shades. Ray-Ban.

no. 35

no. 36

On PARIS: Blouse. J.Crew. Skirt. Alice & Olivia. Clutch. J.Crew. Watch.Vintage Rolex. Bangle. David Yurman.

no. 37

On KIMMY: Hat. J.Crew. Tank. J.Crew. Pants. Zara. Heels. Steve Madden.

no. 38

no. 39

no. 40

Bride’s Guide

PERFECT to finding the

Bridesmaid Dresses

As a bride, your bridesmaids are the group of girls that are the closest to you. That’s why you want them standing next to you on your big day. So why make them not only wear, but pay for an ugly dress that will probably collect dust in the back of their closets? Here are 10 rules that I have found useful while searching for my own bridesmaid’s dresses:

Julia Engel // galmeetsglam.com // @GalMeetsGlam no. 41


Be mindful of a budget- In most cases, your bridesmaids are buying the dresses themselves. Don’t force your girls to pay an outrageous amount if they can’t afford it. It doesn’t matter if it’s your big day, you still need to be considerate. There are tons of gorgeous dresses out there in every price range!


Pick something you would wear- This rule is pretty simple. Put yourself in their position and think, “Would I love wearing this dress?”

ModCloth Beachfront View Dress $127.99


ModCloth Sparkling Cider Dress $54.99

Don’t be afraid of prints- When I first thought of bridesmaid dresses, my mind instantly pictured strapless, chiffon, short, a solid color and some sort of gathering. This is not to say that I wanted my bridesmaids dresses to look like this, it just seems to be the typical, overdone look. A subtle print, like small polka dots, floral or even a stripe can be gorgeous if it goes with the style of your wedding. Don’t automatically disregard these options. no. 42



Find a style that flatters every shape- Every girl’s body is different. So not every dress will look the same on each girl. You might find a miracle dress that looks killer on everyone, but most of the time this is not the case. Try different styles of the same dress to solve this problem.

Try different dresses for each girlNow, I’m not just talking about the same dress in different styles. I’m talking about completely. different. dresses. Yep! I bet you didn’t think about that one huh? It sounds weird, but looks absolutely stunning if done right. You can mix long and short dress, strapless and not strapless, different colors and even different prints. Read #7 for further information.

Ask their opinion- If you are stumped on what you want your girls to wear, just ask them! It’s always great to get other opinions besides your own. As a bride, you can really get stuck on your “vision” even if your “vision” might not be realistic. no. 43

ModCloth When the Night Comes Dress in Blue $99.00


SEVEN Color is key–Bridesmaid dresses don’t have to be the exact color of everything in your wedding. I, for one, find it a bit dull when everything is in the exact same two or three colors. If you have a general idea of a color scheme, try a shade lighter or darker for the dresses. You can even go a step further and do an ombré color scheme, where the dresses are all in the same shade of color, but fading from light to dark.

ModCloth Pardonnez Magenta Dress $52.99 no. 44


Your bridesmaids want to please YOU- Remember, this is supposed to be a fun and exciting time. Don’t shut down other people’s opinions, they are just trying to help you and make things easier for you.

TopShop Tulle Skirt Dress $140.00



Be open minded and think outside the box–Try checking out online boutiques and stores that carry unique, affordable designs. My bridesmaids got their dresses from Shop Ruche, a small online vintage-inspired boutique. I knew I wanted something different that would surprise people in a good way. Other great sites to check out are: Mod Cloth, Anthropologie, Topshop and ASOS.

Let the girls’ personalities shine through- You want your bridesmaids to be comfortable, confident and beautiful. I know that on my upcoming wedding day I want to look and feel great, but I also want my girls to look and feel great too!

TopShop Neon Lace Flippy Dress $92.00

no. 45


www.alyssagreenbergphotography.com no. 46

by Evann Clingan :: @evannclingan | Photography by Alyssa Greenberg :: @aegphoto

Days after my college graduation,

I moved to Manhattan to live my dream of working in the fast-paced, stress-filled PR industry. Over the last year, I’ve proudly earned my street smarts—hail a cab during rush hour, find the closest Starbucks with my eyes closed, walk with purpose in four-inch heels. And thanks to my budding career, I’ve learned how to manage reputations like a pro. At the office, I help international brands shine by engaging with their audiences, standing out among competitors, and knowing how to handle crises. no. 47

brand to be? How does the audience think the brand can become stronger? The answers to these types of questions are important to consider when planning a campaign. For example, if the audience thinks the client’s snacks are unhealthy, we brainstorm around how to reposition the snacks as a healthier The textbook definition must have you option. To understand how your “audience,” thinking, “How does this apply to me?” whether it’s a friend, coworker or mere acInternational brands aside, working through quaintance, views you, some simple research is in order. Ask a friend to meet for coffee to my first year as a PR pro helped me realize the importance of personal public relations. discuss how you handled a difficult situation As a recent graduate, many of the practices or schedule time with your manager at work to receive constructive feedback on your I preach to my clients double as a roadmap for starting any successful career, while also work ethic. Understanding how your audience maintaining personal relationships. Missteps perceives you will you help you determine if are sometimes unavoidable, but the following you should continue making similar choices or reevaluate your actions to win over your PR practices can help you engage a tough audience. crowd, stand out among your peers, and know how to handle those big mistakes. Defined by the Public Relations Society of America: “Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics.”

1. Find out what others think of you

2. Manage your social media presence

While it was not always the bread and butter of PR practices, social media management Specifically, I work in PR research and analytics, which means I help account teams has become a crucial part of managing client reputations. In a world where you personally understand their client’s audience before know less than half of your Twitter followers and campaign planning and later measure the effectiveness of the campaign. I also provide a Facebook status update is more widely received than your spoken words, it’s important to insight about how the audience views the use social media responsibly. The content client. If the client is a snack brand, what you post online becomes a direct reflection does the audience think of the product? of you, making social media a valuable tool How health-conscious do they perceive the no. 48

no. 49

no. 50

or your worst enemy. A client can easily gain recognition from a creative viral video or lose supporters by posting an offensive image or link. Similarly, you could land your first job by effectively engaging your dream company via LinkedIn or just as quickly be fired for tweeting an inappropriate opinion about your employer. It’s important to remember that social media happens in real time and more eyes than you realize are viewing the content you post. If you post personal photos and information that might be inappropriate for employers and other audiences to see, adjust your privacy settings. However, if you’re up for the challenge of using social media as a way to connect with others and promote your best self, consider the next two tips and always post with caution.

feature. I chose to highlight the extensive social media research I conducted for my undergraduate thesis. I figured that fewer of my peers had presented original research at national conferences than those who had internships or traveled overseas. The choice I made to focus on my thesis ultimately caught a recruiter’s eye and landed me a job. Over the last year, I’ve watched my coworkers skillfully identify clients’ differentiators to help them stand out among competitors. When crafting your résumé, think about the most unique quality, skill, or experience you have and prepare for interviews by learning how to talk about it as an asset.

4. Actively search for opportunities 3. Find and focus on your differentiator I am constantly impressed by how accomplished 20-somethings are these days. Applying for jobs last spring made me feel like it was not enough to have completed multiple internships, studied abroad and earned a high GPA. I felt like my résumé looked similar to other graduates’ resumes. It didn’t help me stand out enough. Considering what I have since learned about effectively promoting clients, I made a smart decision by focusing on my differentiator, or my most unique

Part of any PR pro’s job is searching for opportunities or moments in time that might benefit their client. We do this by constantly reading about global events, popular culture and the niche industries of their brands. The goal is to identify a sponsorship or partnership that would mutually benefit the client and the opportunity. These opportunities typically give the client a chance to be exposed to its target audience, while the client offers financial, product, or talent compensation to the opportunity itself. Your most valuable opportunities will likely not be handed to you. Rather, it’s your responsibility to

no. 51

constantly be on the lookout for ways to insert yourself into potential opportunities. Make time to read media that aligns with your interests, whether it focuses on politics, entertainment or medicine. Follow up on social media posts that catch your eye. Do your homework about organizations you would like to partner with or experiences you would like to have, then find an appropriate contact and explain why. When contacting someone to express your interest, be ready to confidently pitch yourself. This means being able to explain how you can benefit the opportunity as much as it will benefit you.

5. Be transparent in the face of crisis

to make assumptions. You must be in control of communicating information, as well as what you’re already doing to right the wrong. Your mistakes may not be big enough to be called crises, but your reputation, personal relationships, or career could be in jeopardy. Remember, the worst action you can take after making a mistake is to lie or place blame on someone else. Your audience will eventually find out the truth and consider you dishonest or incapable of handling your mistakes. Don’t become associated with either of those qualities. As you navigate your own budding career or impress at your summer internship, consider putting these tips into action. I’ve reminded myself on more than one occasion that if they work for Fortune 500 companies, they can work for me. And if all else fails, put on your inner-PR Girl smile. At least your mistake won’t have the potential to cost you billions.

No matter how strong a brand or its PR team is, crises happen—usually at inconvenient times. While it’s nearly impossible to plan for some client crises, such as a product recall or an employee’s indecent behavior, remedying the situation can be much easier For more information on life as a NYC PR if you follow these steps: Tell it all. Tell it Girl, refer to one of my favorite resources: fast. Tell them what you’re doing about it. http://nycprgirls.com or @nycprgirls. When you make a mistake or find yourself associated with someone else’s mistake, being transparent about the situation is key. Start by sharing necessary information about how the mistake happened with those impacted. The longer you put off sharing that information, the more time that audience has no. 52

415 HOW MUCH CREDIT SCORE? 324 729 795





Credit Should You Give Your


By Carleton English

Anyone who has been paying the slightest bit of attention to world news knows that the financial woes of the last four years have left many people worrying about their personal borrowing. Unfortunately, where there is fear there lurks people wishing to profit from fear, hence the growth of the information and noise about credit scores. Asking questions is good, but worrying is not. I will be dispelling some of the myths and tell you what credit scores are, how they’re calculated and how much they matter. Before leaving Seattle, I had the opportunity to lead a financial literacy seminar to the graduating seniors of a Seattle public school. This was one of my favorite seminars because our college-bound audience was just at the age when they were about to be flooded with financial (mis)information. My coworkers and I tried to create an

outline that would allow us to cover savings, budgeting, credit and investing within an hour and leave time for questions. In the three times we presented, we always seemed to get held up while talking about credit cards. While I love talking about the stock market, I realize that until you understand the basics of money management you have no business getting involved with the more advanced stuff. This is one time I did not mind not being able to discuss some of the sexier finance topics.

What is a Credit Score? I like to open this conversation by saying, “Your credit score is used when applying for a loan as your GPA is used when applying to college.” The credit score ranges between 300-850 with 850 being a perfect score. Most people have a score in the 700s. Many people worry about their score right when they apply for a loan. In keeping with

no. 53

the school example, this is like worrying about your grades at 2 a.m. the night before your final exam. If you’ve been going to class and doing the work, your grades are likely to be good. So if you have a history of using credit responsibly, your score is likely to be higher. Much like a college admissions officer would see a high GPA as in indication for collegiate success, a loan officer would see a higher score as an indication of being able to make timely loan payments.

history equals negative history. Now here is where it gets tricky, people with little to no credit history often have near perfect scores. In a weird way a perfect score is also viewed with suspicion. Some young adults are able to establish a longer credit history by being an authorized user on a parent’s account. For those who do not have that option, it may be wise to look into opening a card and paying one bill on it a month to establish credit history.

How is my Credit Score Calculated?

Types of Credit Used (10%): Some types of debt are better than others. I want to avoid using the term “good debt” though because really, owing money is never actually good. That said though, creditors will rank some types of debt more favorably than others. Asset backed debt, such as a house or car is viewed more favorably than credit card debt. Student loan debt falls in the middle here but is generally skewed to the more favorable side.

Your credit score is comprised of the following factors and weighted accordingly: Payment History (35%): Put simply, do you pay your bills on time? This refers to your mortgage (not rent), student loans, car payments and credit cards. Making timely payments of these is the easiest way to work towards a high score. So even if you find that you have a balance on your credit cards, at the very least, make your minimum payment on time. Debt Amounts (30%): The less debt you owe, the higher your score is likely to be. Also, included in this is how much of your available credit are you using. Carrying a $1,000 balance on a $1,000 card looks much worse than a $1,000 balance on a $20,000 card. (Of course the ideal is not to carry any balance!!) Length of Credit History (15%): This is an area where I get a ton of questions. When a loan officer is reviewing your credit application they want to see years of a solid payment history. In terms of getting an approval no

New Credit (10%): This is another area of common confusion. People worry that having their credit score pulled frequently will negatively impact them. This is true, sort of. Pulling your own credit score does not hurt you. Also, when looking to get a loan for a house, it is common for people to look at several banks for the best interest rates. The algorithms behind your credit score are generally smart enough to know that these multiple inquiries are tied to one end goal. Your credit score may suffer though if while looking for a new house you also have credit inquiries tied to a new car, a new Visa card and several store credit cards. To a creditor this looks like you are about to have money problems.

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Carleton English is a Philadelphian working for a medical device startup. She spent five years in Seattle where she worked as a Client Associate with a wealth management firm serving high net worth clients and leading financial literacy seminars for teens and young adults. She is an active member of the Junior League of Philadelphia and a former Treasurer of the Junior League of Seattle. When she is not reviewing spreadsheets and watching the Dow Jones, Carleton enjoys tango dancing, classic movies and finding good food. Carleton is a graduate of the Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University.

Since we have covered what is on your credit score, I want to briefly list what is not on your report as there is a lot of misinformation out there:

. Employment Information . Your salary . Your bank account balances . interest rates on existing lines of credit . Demographic info (age , sex, marital status, race, religion)

Why Does any of this Matter? Now that you see how your score is calculated, you may be wondering why your score is important. Simply put, your credit score gives a quick snapshot of your financial history that helps banks decide if they are going to extend credit to you and under what terms. Though much like you experienced when applying to college, other factors are likely to come into play when making the final decision. Your score is important but not as important as consistently making sound financial decisions. To check out your credit score, go to www.annualcreditreport.com. This website is approved by the US Federal Trade Commission to provide free credit reports with no strings attached.

Feel free to ask her any financial questions: Twitter: @carletonenglish www.carletonenglish.com


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no. 55


The Broke Girl’s Guide to New York City by Sarah Solomon @urbanJAP | www.sarah-sol.com

photography by Alyssa Greenberg @aegphoto | www.alyssagreenbergphotography.com@ no. 56


you’ve worked your ass off and finally made it to the Big Apple. It can be a bit overwhelming at first, but you can’t deny how exciting it is to live in a city full of talented, driven people. (I use those two adjectives loosely.) The funny thing about those people is that they’ve either “made it” or are scraping by until they do. If you’re a young professional without the benefit of a trust fund or Sugar Daddy then I’m assuming we’re in the same boat. A metaphorical boat because we can’t afford one. After a year in this great and terribly expensive city I’ve learned a few things and want to provide you with the benefit of my experience.

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1. Always dress nicely. Even though NYC is huge, old habits die hard and you’ll find yourself haunting the same watering holes, parks, stores or therapist couches. And with your luck you’re going to run into that old coworker you hated, an ex or your boss. Save yourself the humiliation and restrict the sweatpants to the 10x10 cubicle you call your apartment. The added bonus is people are less likely to question your intent when you’re dressed to the nines. Far from home and need to use the restroom? Hit up a five star hotel and use their lobby bathroom. Exhausted and need to take a nap? Pass out on a bench without being mistaken for a homeless person. The world is your oyster when you look better than everyone else!

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2.Grocery Shopping –- that necessary evil. Don’t feel like cooking? Yeah me neither. It takes ingredients you need to cart back to your apartment, time that could be spent working or drinking and anything you order is going to taste so much better. It’s a terrible trap to fall into, and unless they feed you at the office, you’re blowing your nose job money on meals. Enter the miracle that is Trader Joe’s and their microwaveable delicacies. The staff is friendly, they’re the only reasonably priced grocery store in the city, and a bottle of wine is $2.99. Why aren’t I there right now?

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3.Water views for the weary. As a born and bred New Englander I can’t bear to live without the essentials: a body of water, princess length pearls and gin and tonics. I was worried that during my transition into Manhattan life I would lose sight of the fundamental things that make me happy. Fortunately the Battery Park area and Southstreet Seaport are great for strolling along the water or drinking alone. If you go down far enough there are beautiful gardens that make for a lovely picnicking spot that breaks up the dreadful monotony of Central Park. All you need is a baguette, a handful of grapes and the will to not consume an entire tub of hummus in one sitting.

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4.The welcome wagon isn’t coming. Oh the joys of within-budget apartment hunting. It’s all a question of how much you’re willing to settle. Do I need a doorman? Do I need a gym? Am I willing to forgo food for the entirety of my lease? If you want all the above on a budget, the financial district is surprisingly cheap for the amenities it provides. All the buildings come complete with luxury services, and trust me you’re going to spend time drinking on your roof after you blow too much money on rent to afford bars.

no. 65

Where Have All



Gone by Kendall McKinven // @naturalblonde8 It is not uncommon for people to stare at me when I enter a room, especially if that room happens to be a bar. Apparently it is still an anomaly to see a six-foot girl in three-inch heels. It probably doesn’t help that I tower over most of the bouncers checking my ID. I get it. I’m a girl and I’m taller than you, with or without my heels. I first became aware of my growing problem in the sixth grade. I, along with the rest of my class, had to attend ballroom dancing lessons appropriately named “Social Dance.” During the first class our instructor asked the group to divide by gender, boys on one side, girls on the other. We were then asked to line up in ascending height order. Our male dancing partners were to be selected by height, but by the time the teacher reached my end of the line, the class had run out of boys. “It seems we have run out of tall boys, I guess you’ll have dance with another tall girl,” my teacher sagely predicted what was to become my dating future. Horrified, I immediately put my fledgling dating career on the backburner. High school was much of the same. I was tall; the boys were not. Coordination became an issue, as my newfound gangly limbs did not seem to want to cooperate. Being plagued by ungraceful falls, trips and tumbles (in very public areas, mind you) meant boys were unimpressed and sports were out of the question. Instead, no. 66

I immersed myself in other activities, including a weekly radio show aptly named “Falling Up the Stairs,” where I would spin the latest Britney Spears hit, further alienating my male cohort but that was okay. I needed that time to accept my height.

you can’t. It’s okay, I won’t tell. One discovery that my many social outings has led to me to ascertain is that there is an unofficial club of short, confident men who love tall girls. I should note that the median age for this fan club lands around 57. In fact, last week I was at a bar that was teeming with young, tall male specimens. I immediately thought with glee, “This is it! My prayers have been answered.” But who decides to approach me and occupy majority of my time? A short, older man does, that’s who. I was nice, not overly friendly but I did give up my real name. Big mistake. The next morning, patiently waiting in my inbox was a Google+ request from said man. Not only had he found me on Google+ (do people still use that?) but he had also added me to his “Mah Hoes” circle. *Palm to forehead* I guess fate has other plans for me.

From that point on, I have always found a way to have a sense of humor in my height; all six feet of it. I’ve embraced my statuesqueness even if some boys haven’t. In college, I started telling everyone that I was 5 feet, 12 inches not six feet. (As a blonde, this joke has continued to backfire, multiple times, as people generally just assume I am dumb and can’t measure properly.) Whenever someone would ask me if I was here on scholarship and played on the college basketball team, I would ask if them if they played on the college miniature golf team. It became a game of sorts. I realized that if I let them know that I am okay with my height; they can be too. I will not give up, though. I know I am not They also soon discovered that tall people alone in this dating struggle and while my don’t bite either. height is a factor, there are worse things in But, all the jokes in the world won’t take you life than to be cursed with a 36-inch inseam. to the movies or buy you a drink at the bar. Much like Carrie Bradshaw, I will continue And so, much like sixth grade “Social Dance” to write, overanalyze and deliver witty puns about my love life (or lack thereof) until I I have been patiently watching the shorter girls pair up while I am left to my own devices. find my Mr. Big, or, in my case, a Mr. Big and Tall. I get it. It must be incredibly intimidating to approach a girl who can clearly see the But until then there will still be those few bald spot beginning to form on the crown of lonely nights when all I want to do is softly your head or that I can reach the good cereal sing (to the tune of Paula Cole) “Where that is on top shelf at the grocery store and Have All the Tall Boys Gone?” no. 67

The A f t er n oon Tea Pa r t y

A Very British Love Affair b y Emil y G ra y / / @E mi l y _ VG ra y gang stada h li n g.blogspot .c om

I llu strations b y L a uren Va n d er B roek

England, a land of: Shakespeare, rain, Prince Harry, cricket and of course tea. Tea is arguably one of England and indeed Britain’s most dear loves. It is said a cup of tea can solve anything and cheer anyone up. Britain also adores parties, bring the two together and you have the perfect love affair, the tea party. From high tea to match teas, tea at home to tea in one of the elusive London hotels, a Sunday without afternoon tea is like Romeo without Juliet, the cinema without popcorn, Carrie without Mr Big. It just would not be right!

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With this summer seeing the Olympics being held in the great city of London and it being the year of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, why not celebrate all things British with a traditional tea party? It is the perfect way to get together with your friends to discuss all things important during the Olympics; who has the most gold medals, which kit looks the best and most importantly which athlete’s body is the hottest. I write this sitting in the depths of the English countryside with the rain typically pouring, in mid -June, cradling a cup of tea. With England wishing for a little bit of sun in time for the Olympic celebrations which will no doubt include tea parties it made me think, what are the top five secrets for holding such an event?


Decorations are key! Nothing says summer parties more in Britain than bunting, it adorns the lines of street celebrations, village fetes and garden parties. Think beautiful floral vintage designs, strung around the edges of rooms or weaved through the branches of trees. Or give a nod to the Union Jack whilst remaining patriotic with red, white and blue bunting. Equally, tables should be dressed with cloths; plain white cotton is a timeless classic as is gingham, but clashing crockery and china with tea cloths can create that eclectic, quirky look that England is so famous for. And flowers, a table must always be finished with flowers. Use old china jugs as vases, tied with pretty ribbons to create a nostalgic shabby chic look. no. 71


Choose the right china. Afternoon tea must always be eaten from china plates with tea cups with saucers. Tea should be poured from teapots and milk served from china jugs. Matching tea sets look wonderfully sophisticated but different designs look equally appealing. Tea cups don’t just have to be used for drinking tea though, fill them with chocolates, mini macaroons or finger biscuits. The focus of the table should be the cake stand and it should stand tall and proud amongst the other plates. Choose one with many layers that can be piled high with cupcakes, sandwiches and other delights. Or, choose a single layer stand which holds one gloriously gooey and devilish chocolate cake. The best part of any tea party is of course


the food! There are many types of tea party menus: cream teas, champagne tea, and traditional teas served with sandwiches and cakes. As a cake fiend personally I think the best afternoon teas are those with a little bit of everything and as long as there are brownies, then I am happy! However, classic British choices are: Sandwiches – cut into quarters; traditional fillings include salmon and cream cheese, cucumber, and egg mayonnaise with watercress. Victoria Sponge Cake – named after Queen Victoria Eton Mess – This is a pudding rather than a cake but it is quintessentially English and served in little tea cups would make the perfect addition to any menu. Scones – served with clotted cream and strawberry jam no. 72


Flapjacks – English flapjacks are bars made from oats, sugar and lots of golden syrup! They are deliciously chewy and sticky, Finally, as with all parties, what to wear is and are a staple of any afternoon tea. always important. I always think tea dresses Crumpets – oozing in butter are the way forward, especially in the summer, they can be demure, pretty and a little Shortbread – dusted with sugar bit flirty. Team with ballet pumps for a perOf course to be healthy you can always add fect innocent look or edge it up with stacked bowls of strawberries, raspberries, vegeta- wedges. I would say it’s always best to dress bles and hummus but I think that once in a up, to add a sense of occasion to the tea party. while it’s best to indulge one’s sweet tooth, It may just be in your dining room or in your and everyone knows that famous urban myth garden, but with a cup of tea in one hand and that calories consumed at parties don’t count. a slice of cake in the other , one can conjure up illusions of tea at Downton Abbey, well (Oh how I wish that was true!) perhaps a lot of imagination may be needed, but I’m sure if you try hard enough...


Of course as the name suggests a tea party is not complete without tea. Britain is famed for its tea drinking, with a population of approximately 62 million we supposedly drink 165 million cups of tea a day! Earl Grey and English Breakfast Tea are both very popular. If you have lots of tea pots then you could have several different teas, make tags from brown paper to tie to the handle to label them. Elderflower cordial, chilled water with lemon, mint or cucumber, or if you are celebrating a gold medal or just feeling fabulously decadent champagne, are also perfect drinks for an afternoon tea party.

So there you have it, the ultimate guide to holding a truly British tea party. Whilst it may be raining and cold in England, you can guarantee that a good cup of tea and biscuit will prevent Olympic spirits from being dampened, why not join us?

no. 73


Here in the Midwest the strawberry season is fleeting. It often feels like I wait for weeks for it to arrive, only for it to be gone in an instant, those red, ripe berries disappearing in mere moments, leaving me waiting patiently until next year. Still, when I think of strawberries, I tend to believe they should last all summer long, their sweetness pairing with warm weather and green grass whether it happens in June or July or even August. In an effort to savor the strawberries all the way through summer, store jars of basil strawberry lemonade granita deep in the freezer to pull out whenever you need a reprieve from the midday sun this summer. It's just the thing to enjoy on a particularly humid day, when the air seems thick and drinkable. A frosty jar will make you believe it's spring again.

Ingredients 1 cup sugar 1 handful fresh basil leaves 1 cup water 4 cups fresh strawberries, hulled and sliced Juice and finely grated zest of 2 lemons Lemon slices, for garnish

Makes 10 individual granitas 1. Combine the sugar and basil leaves with the water in

a medium saucepan for simple syrup. Heat over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until the sugar is completely dissolved. Remove from heat and let cool. When the mixture is cool, remove and discard the basil leaves.

2. Combine the strawberries, lemon juice and lemon zest in a blender or food processor. Pulse until smooth. Pour the cooled simple syrup into the strawberry mixture and blend well.

3. Fill ten 8-ounce jars three-quarters full with the

strawberry mixture. Cover loosely and place in the freezer for 30 minutes. Scrape down the edges of the jars with a fork and stir the scrapings into the centers. Return the jars to the freezer for 90 minutes, and scrape them down again. Freeze for an additional 3 hours until frozen through.

4. When you are ready to serve the granita, use a fork

to stir the granita mixture one more time. Serve ice cold, garnished with lemon slices.

Pick up a copy of Shaina Olmanson’s book for more delicious ‘desserts in jars’ recipes, $12 no. 74

Basil Strawberry Lemonade Granitas by Shaina Olmanson

no. 75



S u rv i v e

t h e H e at :

simple summer recipes recipes and photography by frida garza // @fffffr ida

no. 76

Strawberry, Banana and Almond A nutty twist on an old classic makes this drink the perfect post-workout shake. What you need // 1 1/2 cups chilled almond milk (more for a thinner smoothie) 1 cup chopped strawberries 1 1/2 cup sliced bananas 1 tablesoon almond butter How to make it // Combine ingredients in a blender and blend to a puree. Add more milk to thin out smoothie. Serve for a filling pre- or post-workout snack.

Authentic, No-Fuss Gazpacho Because drinking soup out of cups is just that much cooler.

What you need // 1 pound tomatoes, cored and peeled 2 thick slices of day-old French bread 1 chopped garlic clove 1/4 cup coarsely chopped onions 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1/2 to 1 cup ice water Salt and pepper (to taste) For garnish: Cubed or chopped cucumber Chopped fresh dill 1 chopped hard-boiled egg Crushed croutons

How to make it // 1. Moisten the bread by sprinkling with water and letting sit for a few minutes. The bread should be soft enough to squeeze out water. 2. Mix the bread, tomatoes, garlic, onion and olive oil in a blender and blend to a smooth consistency. Taste the mixture and add salt and pepper to your taste. 3. If you want a thinner soup, add ice water to mixture. 4. Pour in a pitcher and let chill. 5. To serve, pour soup in glasses and top with garnishes of your choice.

no. 77

Watermelon and Feta Cheese Summer Salad Finally, an excuse to splurge on juicy watermelons eyein’ you at the grocery store.

What you need // Mixed greens (you can buy these in prewashed packs at almost any grocery store) 1 cup feta cheese 1 cup cubed watermelon 1 handful finely chopped mint leaves Balsamic vinaigrette Pepper (to taste)

How to make it // Toss greens, cheese and watermelon in a large bowl. Scatter mint and pepper to taste. Serve individual portions with vinaigrette so the entire salad doesn’t get soggy.

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mango chile ice pops Can you handle the heat? What you need // 2 cups sliced mango 1 cup pineapple juice 2 tablespoons lime juice 1 or more tablespoons ground chile ancho (depending on how daring you feel) How to make it // Combine all the ingredients in a blender and blend on high. Pour into ice-pop mold (don’t forget to add toothpicks). Stick in freezer for six hours and pop these babies out for a ice-cold treat on a hot summer day.

quinoa, pomegranate and goat cheese salad A sweet and simple way to upgrade your quinoa salad.

What you need //

How to make it //

1 cup blonde quinoa 2 cups water Salt (to taste) 1/2 cup pomegranate seeds 1/2 cup spinach leaves 1/2 cup goat cheese, in rough cubes Lemon or lime juice

1. Pour the water and salt into a medium-sized pan over heat and bring it to boil. 2. Add the quinoa and lower heat. Let sit for 8 to 10 minutes, until you see a thin white ring around each grain. 3. Drain the quinoa into a colander and rinse under cold water. Place the quinoa into a large bowl. 4. Mix in the pomegranate, spinach and cheese and drizzle with lemon or lime juice.

no. 79

......................................................... Britta Truskey // Sweet-tea-and-pinky-rings.com // @Brittatruskey

, m o m s r e t ye a l u

o y t x e t ll i’

It’s 8:30 on Friday night, you just spent two hours picking out your outfit, doing your makeup and redoing your hair three times. Your room is scattered with eight different roommates’ wardrobes, but you’re more disgruntled with your lipstick color than the sight around you. You’re running out the door (fashionably late of course) and your phone is buzzing with text after text. Thinking it’s one of your friends, you scroll through your messages to see “Mom” next to every. single. one. Yes mom, we know that for you it’s just casual pizza night with Dad, but for me it’s Friday night and I’m 20-something.

But I’m not 20-something; because to them I’m still 15, giggling with my girlfriends about the cute boy at Cold Stone Creamery, asking my mom what to wear. The parents are still at home walking the dog, taking out the trash and making our favorite meals; we just don’t get called down for dinner every night anymore. So although we loved when our dad would pop in and ask to go for an ice cream while studying for the SAT or when mom would surprise us with a shop-

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ping spree on a Wednesday night, we’re in Boston, New York, LA or overseas taking all the laughs, memories and life lessons from those ice cream dates with dad with us. … Sometimes we have to miss the calls or texts instead of dialing home, it’s difficult for us, but especially difficult for them. Our lives are changing in so many great ways and this is the success story of our lives that our parents wrote for us… with the missing chapter on the kids growing up. Our college boyfriends, sorority sisters, best friends or the cute boy down the hall look great in framed photos, but will never replace the old family tree. Like any difficult test or project a survival outline is necessary.



Take a deep breath. We’re stressed. When we think we have it all figured it out, everything changes again. Venting to your parents is one thing (my mom gets more of these calls yearly!) but do not take your stress out on your parents during this time. It’s a sensitive time for everyone!


Snail Mail. Out of the blue send a cute card home! Nothing says you’re thinking of them more than a gesture that took a little more effort than a text message!

5 i love you Three Simple Words.

Prep. When you do talk to mom or dad tell them ahead of time that you may have a busy week with school work or a fun social event, so they have a heads up as to why you might not text back until the next So... MOM, Dad... morning or a few hours later. Everyone likes a little preparation, especially parents! We hear you and most definitely see your texts! We know this is hard for you and Wear the Parental Goggles. knew this day would eventually come… but This is a more difficult time for your they’re just not ready yet, and we can give parents than for you. We don’t know what them a break for that. I mean… they did it’s like to have a daughter leave the nest and raise us (and most importantly feed us). So start her own life. So make time to talk or understand, appreciate and remember to plan fun events to see each other! Having a laugh because like any difficult test this too plan allows for everyone to look forward to shall pass! something fun!



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s o a p & p a p e r f a c t o r y, $ 1 8

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our fresh picks for sizzling summer beauty


styling by lauren vanderbroek

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po lo

photography by

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jonah podbereski

no. 83

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xo, the Sweet Lemon Mag team no. 84

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