3 minute read
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the L ORD For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
ISAIAH 55:8–9
As a follower of Jesus, we’re never guaranteed an easy life, an easy path . Everyone has their own s truggles and anxieties . It’s the learning how to surrender our plans and look to Him in the good times and bad that can get us through it all . We don’t have to try to figure it all out alone; we don’t have to rely only on ourselves to hold strong through the storms and dark nights . Not every path is a sunny one; that’s just not how life is . Sometimes we have to go through the thorns in the dark valleys to come out on the other side . In these times, surrender what you are thinking to God . He will carry you through the storms . It takes time, but when you learn to rely on Him and not on your own understanding, you can find peace . Just remember, not every destination is a quick one, and He’s not just working in your life but in everyone else’s too—from the beginning of time to eternity . We have to be patient and rejoice that He has plans that are meant for us . We are living out those plans each day . And rest assured, He’s there, even when you can’t see Him . Call on Him and receive peace of mind, heart, body, and soul . Our minds can’t see like His can, for we’re only human . It’s okay to be scared or anxious, but He tells us many times not to be . We’re reminded of this in Philippians 4:6–7: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God . And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus . ”
When we learn to let God lead our lives and say “yes!” to the callings He has for us and release control, we can start to live in His peace. No matter what you have going on that is stealing your joy, give it to God. Let Him work wonders for you, in His timing.
Going Back
Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
ISAIAH 43:19
Think back to a time when God removed something from your life that needed to change . Did you ever say to yourself afterward, Maybe I should have stayed with him or I should have never left that job or Why did I even move away ? Second-guessing—it happens to all of us, right? Whether it was a relationship, job, or a location, as humans we always wonder if we made the right decision . We contemplate and try to put reasoning to it . But when God calls us away from something and puts that nudge in our hearts, we have to listen and obey . Or maybe God wasn’t telling us to make a change; maybe it was another person who made the decision for us . We can be left feeling confused and wanting to go back to what feels normal and comfortable, even if it was uncomfortable for us while we were in it . I’m here to tell you, do not go back to something God has already rescued you from because it was “comfortable” or familiar . Don’t try to fill that void with what was; instead, fill it with what God has planned for you . Look to Him alone for direction, and thank Him for directing your path, no matter where that may lead . Now, I’m not saying relationships can’t ever get back together, but rather focus your heart’s desires on those things that God has planned for you . And, if He removed something from your life that was no longer serving you, don’t chase after it . When we start living for His plans over our own, we’re able to look toward the future with open arms rather than with anxious hearts .
Next time your situation changes, look at what’s to come with an open heart and open mind. Know that God is working in and through all things. When you want what was back, be reminded that God may have rescued you from it, even things unseen, and be reminded not to undo what He has done. Instead, turn your gaze to Him and decide to rely on His plans alone. Remember, His thoughts are higher than your thoughts. Rest in that peace and trust!