1 minute read
You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
PSALM 16:11
Do you like to be in control? We all do to some extent, and for some of us, it’s a constant struggle every day . We can get discouraged when things don’t go our way and t ry to blame others . But what if, instead, we looked at it all as a part of God’s plan for us?
Take a deep breath in and out . Ready for some truth? He’s the One who is really in charge . We have a free will, but it’s His plan that will ultimately win out . He will make known the path of your life step-by-step, in the good times and the bad . Releasing control of our lives is hard, but when we focus our gaze on Him and let Him take us by the hand and lead us on the right path, we can start to live more freely . It’s not easy to let someone else lead us, but we can relax knowing that God is the only one we’d want to be having that control!
Be on the alert, as there is an evil presence in this world, and he wants to pull you away from God and deceive you to think your plans are better than God’s . This happens more often than you think—even when you’re late for a meeting or that plan falls through and you’re frustrated, but then God works His good through it all . Your plans weren’t His plans .
When you surrender and look to God when the storms come, you’ll be prepared . When others don’t understand why things happen, you can be that rock that holds strong, knowing that God is in control, and can even share with them this great news . Let come what may, and let yourself rest in the arms of Jesus when you do not understand . Let Him walk with you every day!
Do you ever feel bound by the need to have control in life? Some of us like being in control while others like to be led. But every one of us is on God’s path for our lives. When we surrender and let Him lead, we can start to have peace and hold strong, no matter what situation we are facing!