Airports - Architecture - Art as Ornamentation
Architecture of airports as an int ernational symbol. Is the context which it is placed reflected in its interiors ? - the role of ornamentation in the design of airports
Streets of Norway - Surface ornamentation
Exploring different s treet - understanding the surface ornamentation. How old and new coexist. There relationship in forming the street scape .
Architecture as the symbol of power
Through the sketches of buildings in Oslo understanding how can buildings be the symbol of stability and the power
Ornamentation as the signat ure style of architect
Orn amentation in mod ern buildings of Oslo - how contemporary architects use ornamentation to express their style
Vernacular architecture and ornamentation
Understanding the vern acular architect ure of Norw ay and their use of orn ament s
Workshop with NTNU
Installation with the rope and the cloth - interaction with the students and development of initial module
Airports - Architecture - Ornamentation
Architecture of airports as an int ernational symbol. Is the context which it is placed reflected in its interiors ?
- the role of ornamentation in the design of airports
Airports are the gate way for the journey . It reflects the nation identity . Journey t hrough the different airports let me into questioning are airports expressing the region. If so through what?
Is it even necessary for The airport to show its regional charact er.
The journey s tarte d in t he M umba i internationa l airport the terminal’s p rimary s uperstruct ure is c ompose d of coffered w hite p anel s that b end, twist, a nd c ompress. Taking t he f orm of b iomorphi c mushroom-lik e columns, they s pread and conjoi n to f orm a gigantic r oof c anopy that a dmit s daylight t o the concourses a nd r educes t he bulk o f the buildin g for neighbors During t he n ight t he light a cts the material t akin g over t he v oid spaces a nd luminating the spaces and guiding the people .
The wall a re b eing c rafted w ith art work s and surfaces i n collaboration w ith loca l artisa n and crafts p eopl e reflecting the regionalism and the identity.
I n Oslo t he s hell of t he a irport i s designed w ith wooden coffered ceilin g and glass covering which let s in day light .
Simila r to India n airports the airport space has been used for exhibiting t he a rt w orks w hich r epresent t he l oca crafts and regionalism .
So w hat here i s the ornamentatio n are the artwor k whic h symbolizes the region the ornament
Thes e exhibits a re t he o nes w hich a dds c ontext t o the spac e withou t thes e are there any difference in t he context which it is set in .
Then t he next question a rises do a irport need t o repre sent t he c ontext i t is s et i n or t he f eel o f internatio na give s the sens e of s imilarity o f the spac e and helps people t o feel s afe and navigate e asily A re a irpo r designed w ith the ornament s whic h create s the sens e o similarity i n the spaces , like familia r material a nd s imila palate . are thes e the modern ornamentatio n symbolizin g the feel of international.
Mumbai international airport - TO
slo international airport
Streets of Norway - Surface ornamentation
Exploring different s treet - understanding the surface or namentation. How old and new coexist. There relationship in forming the street space
Exploring different street of Norway the street scape reflects typical European s treet with the glassed windows brick building stone pediments arches and cornices . the opening is always treated with d ifferent color or ornamentation around it .
The streets of Oslo had a similar character to most of the eupropean cities. The glazed opening are made in those building amid the colder climate to reduce the weight of the building
Brick as the major surface material is seen through the city scape some representing its true color other painted pastel . the pediments of the building are commonly seen these are mostly made of stone this helps to create a stronger base and helps visually scale down the building and helps to connect more the user scale .
The opening are often high lighted with the different color or decorated cornice . they do not have projecting sunshade unlike Indian context they want suns heat inside their places to keep them warm . and also historically to th e windows are expensive element in the house
Wi th the pediment , horizontal lines are created t hrough the building with the notion to break the vertical scale and make it proportional to the human scale .
Market s treet of Oslo - way to the railway station
Street opposite to the railway station - peppy pizza junction .
Street scape where old and new buildin g co exist - Radison ble at the back drop with the typical European facade
The corner junction with the cafe - opp to coach pentage
Architecture as the symbol of power
Through the sketches of buildings in Oslo understan ding how can buildings be the symbol of stability and the power
The national m useum O slo - brick face w ith the ston e pediment - g ives t he b uildin g the brutal s trength t he s oft semi circular arches brake s it makin g it more pour s the sulcture on the ends of the buildin g displaye d the symbol of the governing kingdom
KARL JOHNSON GATE - building under restoration
Oslo Cathedra l
Ornamentation as the signat ure style of architect
Or namentation in mod ern buildings of Oslo - how contemporary architects use ornamentation to express their style
the exterior it looks like the wave
Munch museum Oslo - interior - the building is planned in such a way that one side of the building facing the wa te front is kept for visitors to enjoy the view this is the buffer zone and also transition zone between the exhibits
The exterior of the building surface is made with the perforated metal sheet which are bend and fixed in the pattern of the wave -
of mesh but from the interior i t allows the visual transparencyshowing the view of water front and opera
Opera house - building which appears from the water and rises above wh ere roof slopes and becomes the floor - metal sheet with doted pattern as the exterior surface covering - it acts as the ornamentation to the built
Astrup Fearn ley Museum of Modern Art - Renzo piano design of the glass roof s trongly identifies the project. Its curved shape crosses the canal between the buildings. Slender steel columns, reinforced with cable rigging, repeat the sequence of the sailboat masts in the harbour.
The timber cladding, with its soft silv er-grey color prepared for expos ure to the weather, highlights the dynamic shape of the glass roof and contributes to the friendly welcoming of the Museum
Vernacular architecture and ornamentation
Understanding the vern acular architect ure of Norw ay and their use of orn aments
The Norwegian Museum of Cultural History (Norsk Folkemuseum) - wooden houseraised from the floor - its decorated with the wooden carving similar to those in th ere boat s
Organically developed facade of the street with different treatment of wood creating different pattern in the exterior reused window and doors adds to its style - wooded is being pattern like fish scale in the 3rd pict ure - wooded is bein g processed through brin g it 4th picture - it also hel ps to lock heat in the interior
Tallest wooden building in trondium
Nidelva river front - color as the ornament to the building
Near church temporary struct ure to house the gathering let to happen - fabric and wood pilla r make up the tent
Workshop with NTNU
Installation with the rope and the cloth - interaction with the students and development of initial module
Installation as the part of t hreads of innovation program - with the trees and the building hooks as the support we experimented an installation with the use of ropes bamboo sticks fabric and the thread mesh - initial module was made experimented to test the strength and the workabilit y of the material .
i would like to thank P rof Rishav ja in , Prof Jay Thakkar a nd T A kamna Vyas f or g iving me t his opportuni ty to e xplore N orway and taking t his effort in organizing this trip.
It w as a w onderful l earnin g experience explorin g new l anguag e mew places and new flavors .
It helped me p ersonally t o move o ut of my comfor t zone and interact with people , to b uilt s ome confident o n myself . this b eing t he f irst i nternational trip it w ill a lways b e one of t he m ost cherished memories