Edition 18 May 2021
LE JOURNAL DE LA SWIMSA Sexual Health Focus | Sexual Health
swimsa family | Updates from our members
International | all around the world
Learn about a topic often ignored, forgotten or deemed unnecessary to discuss. Read about the last SMSC and our projects involved in Sexual Health.
Learn about the impact of organ donation on Sexual Health and read how people all around Switzerland ran for a good cause.
Discover how medical students from all over the world try to change the world together: Swiss delegates tell about their experience at an IFMSA European Regional Meeting.
Head of Journal
Ariane Pauli | Vice-President for Communication 2020 - 2021
Publisher Swiss Medical Students’ Association swimsa 3011 Bern www.swimsa.ch
Print & Production Onlineprinters | www.onlineprinters.ch
Circulation 2500
Contacts General | contact@swimsa.ch Publications | vpc@swimsa.ch
Front side graphics Sophia Meyer | University of Basel © Portions of the NJSMS may be reproduced for non-political and non-profit purposes mentioning the source provided. Notice | swimsa cannot accept any liability. The opinions expressed in this journal are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of swimsa. Some of the photos and graphics used in articles are property of the authors. We have taken every consideration not to violate their rights.
What is swimsa ? 3 Letter from the executive board 4 The swimsa executive board 5 The swimsa internals 6
Focus: Sexual Health 12 swimsa’s actions for Sexual & Reproductive Health 13 SMSC Basel 2021 14 Why Sexual Health? 15 Closing speech 16 Let’s talk about ... the People! 18 Let’s talk about: your Sexual Health 26 Education 30 Wahlstudienjahr und Pandemie/ L’année de stage et la pandémie 31 Ausbildung während COVID-19/ La formation et la COVID-19 32 A guide to practical courses 34 Coach my career 36 SHAPED 38 Exchanges 44 SOGIESC and safe spaces 45 Exchanges weekend and STARS 2020 48 Becoming a mask-ventilation expert 50 Exchange the world 52 International 56 IFMSA European Regional Meeting 2020 57 News from the swimsa family 64 Organ donation: Sexual Health before and after 65 Marrow - Be A Match, Save A Life 68 Where to turn to? 70 swimsa’s projects 72 swimsa in pictures 76
October 2021 Swiss Medical Students’ Convention in Lausanne November 2021 DV/AD in Fribourg November 6, 2021 MEDIfuture 2
The Swiss Medical Students’ Association (swimsa) commits itself to creating a sustainable, healthy society and motivates medical students through innovative engagement to become better doctors. It is the voice of over 9’000 medical students by the membership of ten medical students’ associations, which it represents on a national level via seats in health organizations such as the FMH and the BAG/ OFSP, as well as on an international level as part of the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA).
With currently 20 associated projects, swimsa helps to shape public health – be it by teaching sex education in highschools, destigmatizing mental health or working in developing countries. Additionally, swimsa enables students to complete international exchanges in clinical as well as in research fields. With the Commission on Medical Education, swimsa plays an active role in the shaping of medical education in Switzerland and is aspiring to be the link between education and work, students and professionals, across all fields of health care. Twice a year, swimsa organizes the Swiss Medical Students’ Convention (SMSC), which brings together over 400 Swiss medical students from all universities and allows them to network and bond over interesting subjects.
LETTER FROM THE EXECUTIVE BOARD Salut à tout le monde, liebe Leser*innen, cari studenti Around one year ago many of us decided to get further engaged in swimsa and join the executive board 20/21. And what a year it has been! We all started our term without knowing how and under which circumstances our university classes and extracurricular activities would take place. During the year we managed to have two amazing SMSC events take place online, letting students from all over Switzerland participate while ensuring a safe environment. We organized weekend events with COVID-19 safety concepts, had to cancel, postpone and reorganize others. But most importantly we kept going… The pandemic asked and is still asking for adaptation from our part. All of us have been affected, some more than others. Let us stick together (in a figurative sense) and remember the position that we, as future health care professionals are in. And last but most certainly not least, let us stand up for what is right and give to the ones that need it most. And now without further ado, go ahead and enjoy the 18th edition of the swimsa journal. We present you a wide range of fascinating topics around Sexual Health.
Yours sincerely, the swimsa executive board 20/21
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OUR EXECUTIVE BOARD The President is the heart of the executive board, coordinates swimsa internally and represents swimsa to the external partners.
Communication Ariane Pauli | Lausanne
Thilo Gwerder | Zurich
The VPA is the head of the Commission on Medical Education [AK/CoFo], which discusses topics related to medical education, decides on measures and writes swimsa’s official statements.
Internal Affairs Dilana Kunz | Zurich
Stephanie Hauser | Basel
The VPC is in charge of swimsa’s representation on social media, the website, the newsletter (swimsagram) and the swimsa journal.
The VPX is the head of the Exchanges Team within swimsa and represents swimsa Exchanges on an international level within the IFMSA.
General Secretary
Exchanges Stefan Leung | Zurich
The General Secretary is the backbone of swimsa, the first contact person on any swimsa question and in charge of administrative tasks.
Education Charlotte Kull | Bern
The VPI has an open ear for the members of swimsa, be it local committee or project, and supports them in their needs.
The VPPR represents swimsa towards our external partners and sponsors, and is in charge of networking.
Treasurer Ekaterina Gurevich | Bern
Public Relations Camille Bertossa | Zurich
The Treasurer manages swimsa’s finances, and is in charge of the swimsa Fonds, from which members can receive money in order to accomplish their vision!
The VPG connects swimsa to the IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations) and is responsible for Capacity Building.
Global Affairs Valeria Scheiwiller | Zurich
THE SWIMSA INTERNALS Thank you all for your amazing work! Yannick Turdo and Felice Hess SVC
Larissa Graf and Sven Blankschön Auditors
Supervising Council (svc@swimsa.ch) - The SVC oversees the work of the executive board and makes sure the bylaws are being adhered to.
Auditors Our auditors check bookkeeping of swimsa.
National Officers
Aline Pinto Monteiro NEO-In
National Exchange Officer for Incomings (neo.in@swimsa.ch) - The NEO-In checks the applications of international students who want to do a professional exchange in Switzerland and distributes them to the local committees.
Daniel Konrad NEO-Out
National Exchange Officer for Outgoings (neo.out@swimsa.ch) - The NEO-Out coordinates all international clinical exchanges for Swiss medical students.
Joël Perrin NORA
Zuen Phai Nghiem NORE
Gaia Grigorov NPO
Nico Friedrich NORP
National Officer on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights including HIV & AIDS (nora@swimsa.ch) - The NORA connects projects and members within swimsa working on Sexual Health with each other and with empowering international opportunities in this field. National Officer on Research Exchange (nore@swimsa.ch) - The NORE is responsible for the research exchange in Switzerland and coordinates the exchanges of Incomings and Outgoings.
National Public Health Officer (Pilot Project) (npo@swimsa.ch) - The NPO represents swimsa, its projects and commitments in the area of Public Health on a national and international level.
National Officer on Human Rights and Peace (norp@swimsa.ch) - The NORP represent swimsa, its projects and commitments in the area of Human Rights and Peace on a national and international level.
Liaison Officers
Andi Gashi LO-FMH
Katayoun Falamaki LO-BAG
Michael Burkhardt LO-vsao
Rhea Scherer LO-MeBeKo
Jakub Novotny LO-VSS/UNES
Bea Albermann LO-WHO
Liasion Officer FMH (fmh@swimsa.ch) - The FMH is the association of swiss doctors, which gathers representatives of cantons and all medical specialties. The LO-FMH attends the “Ärztekammer”/”Chambre médicale” twice a year and represents swimsa’s views. Liasion Officer BAG/OFSP (bag@swimsa.ch) - The LO-BAG/OFSP represents swimsa’s views and can vote on behalf of swimsa in the plattform “Zukunft ärztliche Bildung/ Avenir de la formation médicale”, which collects all stakeholders in medical education four times a year. Liasion Officer vsao/asmac (vsao@swimsa.ch) - The LO-vsao/asmac represents swimsa’s views and can vote on behalf of swimsa in the monthly “Geschäftsausschluss/Comité directeur” and the bi-annual “Zentralvorstand/ Comité central” in the vsao, which is the organisation representing the “Assistenzärzt*innen and Oberärzt*innen/médecins assistant(e)s et chef(fe)s de clinique”. Liasion Officer MeBeKo (mebeko@swimsa.ch) - The LO-MeBeKo represents swimsa’s views and can vote on behalf of simsa in the “ausserparlamentarische” Commission of the BAG/OFSP, which mainly discusses the recognition of foreign diplomas as well as the federal licensing exam four times a year. Liasion Officer VSS/UNES (Pilot Project) (vss@swimsa.ch) - The VSS is the umbrella association of all Swiss students’ associations. The LO-VSS/UNES represents swimsa’s views and participates in the monthly “Sektionsrat” and the bi-annual delegates assemblies.
Liasion Officer WHO (Pilot Project) (who@swimsa.ch) - The LO-WHO is a youth delegate of the BAG/OFSP in the WHO Executive Board meeting and the World Health Assembly.
Benedict von Allmen Legal Counsel
Legal Counsel (legal@swimsa.ch) - Our Legal Counsel is here to support the EB with legal advice where needed, and is also here for you as a student.
Malika Sachdeva COVID-19 Coordinator
COVID-19 Coordinator (covid19@swimsa.ch) - Our COVID-19 Coordinator oversees the work of swimsa’s COVID-19 taskforce and maintains swimsa’s dedicated COVID-19 instagram.
Michal Remen Third state Coordinator
Third state Coordinator (drittstaaten.students@swimsa.ch) - The “ThirdState-Coordinator” is responsible for providing invitation letters to non-EU medical students who want to work in Swiss hospitals.
Rahel Laager Capacity Building Coordinator
Capacity Building Coordinator (training@swimsa.ch) - The Capacity Building Coordinator is responsible for the training activities swimsa provides to its internals and members and represents the link in this area to the International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA).
Julia Greuter Mental Health Coordinator
Mental Health Coordinator (mentalhealth@swimsa.ch) - The Mental Health Coordinator leads the effort of swimsa in the area of mental health and works in close collaboration with the NPO.
Melanie Dussy and Cristian Martucci Planetary Health Coordinators
Planetary Health Coordinators (planetaryhealth@swimsa. ch) - The Planetary Health Coordinators oversee the activities of swimsa in this public health focus area and work in close collaboration with the NPO. swimsa
Exchanges Coordinators
Ana Zimmermann NEO-In Assistant
NEO-In Assistant (neo.in@swimsa.ch) - The NEO-In Assistant supports the NEO-In in coordinating the international students coming to Switzerland for an exchange.
Alexandra Migga NEO-Out Assistant
NEO-Out Assistant (neo.out@swimsa.ch) - The NEO-Out Assistant supports the NEO-Out in coordinating international clinical exchanges for Swiss medical students.
Ornella Wolff Public Health Exchanges Coordinator
Public Health Exchanges Coordinator (phexchange@swimsa.ch) - The PHexC works together with the VPX to organize Public Health Exchanges in Switzerland.
Céline Ueltschi National Exchanges Treasurer
National Exchanges Treasurer (treasurer.exchanges@swimsa.ch) - The National Exchanges Treasurer manages the finances of Exchanges in collaboration with the VPX.
Tamina Popp National Social Program Coordinator
National Social Program Coordinator (social-program@swimsa.ch) - The NSPC works together with the local Exchanges Teams to plan social events for the incoming students and organizes the national social program in the months of July and August.
Devi Boddu Public Relation Exchanges Coordinator
Public Relation Exchanges Coordinator (prexchange@swimsa.ch) - PRexC is responsible for the social media content for Exchanges and creates promotional content locally and nationally.
Schau vorbei bei medicus.ch! Hast Du dich auch schon gefragt, wie Du nach abgeschlossenem Medizinstudium den passenden Job beim richtigen Arbeitgeber finden sollst? Medicus unterstützt dich beim Einstieg in die medizinische Arbeitswelt! Die Jobangebote auf Medicus richten sich sowohl an Unterassistent*innen wie auch an Assistenz- und Fachärzt*innen. Die offenen Stellen werden täglich aktualisiert und können einfach nach Fachgebiet, Region und Karrierestufe gefiltert werden. Mithilfe von Arbeitgeberbewertungen (Reviews) kannst Du dir frühzeitig ein Bild von Deiner potentiellen zukünftigen Arbeitgeberin machen oder Deine eigenen Erfahrungen mit anderen Unterassistent*innen und Ärzt*innen teilen. Dank Medicus findest Du die Stelle, die am Besten zu Dir passt und die nötige Unterstützung für einen reibungslosen Einstieg in Deine medizinische Karriere.
Regarde maintenant sur medicus.ch ! Tu t'es déjà demandé·e comment trouver le bon emploi avec le bon employeur après avoir terminé tes études de médecine ? Medicus t'accompagne dans ton entrée dans le monde du travail médical ! Les offres d'emploi s'adressent aux médecins stagiaires ainsi qu'aux médecins assistant·es et spécialistes. De nouvelles annonces sont régulièrement placées sur le site et peuvent également être filtrées par domaine et par région souhaités. Grâce aux évaluations partagées, vous pouvez vous faire une idée de votre futur employeur potentiel ou partager vos propres expérience avec d'autres (futur·e·s) médecins. Avec Medicus, tu trouveras le poste qui te convient le mieux et le soutien dont tu as besoin pour un démarrage en douceur de ta carrière médicale.
Reden wir ... über ein Thema, das oft ignoriert, vergessen oder als unnötig erachtet wird. Oder sind wir alle einfach zu verlegen? Sprechen wir über sexuelle Gesundheit. Warum sollte ein*e Patient*in nicht in der Lage sein, mit einer gut informierten und aufgeschlossenen Gesundheitsfachperson über sein oder ihr sexuelles Wohlbefinden zu sprechen? Wie kann es sein, dass ein*e Ärzt*in sich wohler fühlt, wenn er oder sie über den Stuhlgang der Patient*innen spricht, als über deren Sexualität? Auf den nächsten Seiten findest du Informationen zu dieser spannenden Thematik, wie auch Meinungen von Medizinstudierenden aus der gesamten Schweiz betreffend diesem individuellen und vielseitigen Thema.
Parlons ... d’un sujet souvent ignoré, oublié ou jugé inutile. Ou sommes-nous tous trop gênés? Parlons-nous de la santé sexuelle. Pourquoi un·e patient·e ne devrait-il ou elle pas être en mesure de parler de son bien-être sexuel à un professionnel de la santé bien informé et ouvert d’esprit? Comment se fait-il qu’un médecin se sente plus à l’aise lorsqu’il ou elle parle des selles des patient·e·s que de sa sexualité? Dans cette section, tu trouveras plus d’informations concernant ce sujet passionnant, ainsi que l’opinion de quelques étudiant·e·s en médecine concernant ce domaine individuel et varié.
focus: Sexual Health
SWIMSA’S ACTIONS FOR SEXUAL & REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH Text: Ariane Pauli | Vice-President for Communication
Sexuality is omnipresent: it is part of pop culture and advertising media, it is displayed and, at the same time, swept under the carpet. It has never been easier to get informed, but at the same time never more difficult to be informed correctly. Sexuality is simple, complicated, ugly, beautiful - and definitely something: complex. We, as swimsa, have our own commission treating this subject, CoSH, the “Commission on Sexual Health”. CoSH currently consists of three directly associated members (Achtung Liebe, EROS, CLASH Lausanne) and two subprojects of associated members (CALWHA, Medsexplain). The goal is to work towards a world where each individual is able to exercise their sexual and reproductive health rights equally and free from stigma and discrimination. Furthermore, swimsa participates in forming public health by writing policy papers, documents that reflect the official opinion and position of swimsa on a specific topic. In other words: A position paper clearly summarizes why the chosen topic is important and gives recommendations for action. In November 2020 swimsa released two policy papers in the field of Sexual Health.
Check out all of swimsa’s policy papers by scanning the QR code!
The policy paper on comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) of young people in Switzerland emphasizes the importance of providing unbiased and scientifically correct information concerning all aspects of sexuality. The policy paper on the health of LGBTQIA+ people elaborates aspects that should be considered for this social and gender minority, unfortunately marked by a long history of stigma, discrimination and a lack of general awareness of specific needs, which until today greatly affect their health and wellbeing.
focus: Sexual Health
SMSC BASEL 2021 Talking about Sexual Health Text: Rahel Laager | University of Basel Gioia Bomatter | University of Basel On the 27th of March my alarm woke me up at 5 am, but I did not mind getting up that early, as it was finally that day! The day of the SMSC Basel 2021! This is what we, as the organizing committee, have been working on for about a year. We met at 7 am at the Kollegienhaus at the University of Basel and started the preparations. All the members had their assigned tasks and rooms, to make sure everything went smoothly, and to ensure our meticulous safety concept. At 8.15 am came the moment of truth. Would the stream work? We were all very nervous and shaky, but it did, and we started with the opening ceremony. Yiara and Michal, our moderators for the day, greeted everyone and explained the program of the day. After Stephanie (swimsa President) and Camille (Vice-President for Public Relations) introduced swimsa and presented what was happening in swimsa at the moment, Gioia (my amazing Co-President) and I were given the opportunity to speak. We did not have a lot of time to prepare our speech, so we mostly spoke from the heart and explained why sexual health is such an important topic. I was very nervous, but once the first lecture about trans* people and their medical care started, I was finally able to relax a litte and enjoy a quick coffee break.
Before I realized it, the projects’ presentation was over and, as the participants ate lunch, we started preparations for the afternoon. The next technical challenge was up, hosting two streams at once. This gave us some trouble, however our technical team worked it out and we were able to enjoy the lectures about sexual therapy and STIs. For the project fair, we switched platform to wonder.me in order to ensure more social interaction. However, the biggest challenge was yet to come: hosting all 23 workshops at once. The first round was a bit bumpy but after 10 minutes all workshops were running, and we could take a deep breath before the second round started. To our joy, it went smoothly from then on. Lastly, we enjoyed the (for me) emotional closing ceremony and the announcement of the online scavenger hunt winners. After a quick clean-up we went on to have dinner together for the first time as an OC. (Sadly, 4 members were not able to participate due to the 15-person limit.) We had a great day and enjoyed it very much.
focus: Sexual Health
WHY SEXUAL HEALTH? Let’s talk about it! Text: Rahel Laager | University of Basel Gioia Bomatter | University of Basel We asked participants, OC members and tutors why sexual health is such an important topic and why it is essential to talk about it. We would like to share some of the answers with you: • •
• •
Because everyone is talking more quietly as soon as the topic of sex comes up. Because if you have the courage to ask your patients about their sexual health you can not only save a life in case of erectile dysfunction and coronary heart disease, but you can give them back a big part of their quality of life. Because there is an increase in STDs like never seen before. Because there is a lot of prejudice and assumptions about LGBTQIA+ people especially regarding their health, that need to be talked about. Because sex is something beautiful and should not be ignored, but rather talked about. Because every girl hides her tampons in the furthest and deepest corner of their bag to assure nobody will catch a glimpse of them. Because girls pass a tampon to each other as if it was some illegal drug deal.
Because women often still feel too ashamed to ask for help when they experience sexual violence. Because old and sick people should be able to have a satisfying sex life as well, they might just need help from their doctor. Because you might encounter a patient who suffered a genital mutilation as a young girl and you need to know how to deal with health problems that may arise. Because we learn how a baby is conceived, develops and is given birth to, but we do not learn how an orgasm works. Because we as future doctors should be comfortable talking to our patients about their body and its functions. All of them! Because LGBTQIA+ people should not have to be the experts on their medical care, but we as doctors should. Because sex should not be a tabu!
These are just a few of the reasons why sexual health is such an important topic and we are sure you have your very own personal reasons. By choosing this topic we tried to shine a light on something that is often ignored and forgotten in our studies. As you can see by all those reasons, it is immensely important that you do speak about sexual health with your patients, colleagues and professors. So, we ask you to keep an open-mind and “Let’s talk...”
focus: Sexual Health
CLOSING SPEECH SMSC Basel 2021 Text: Stephanie Hauser | University of Basel Hi there! You have seen me once or twice today, but for those who still don’t know me - my name is Stephanie, I am a sixth year medical student at the University of Basel, and I am very honored to be your swimsa President for this term. It has been a long day hasn’t it? I am sure you must be exhausted from staring into a screen the whole day - or maybe you have become used to it, like I have. But I hope you will indulge me for a few moments and allow me to be nostalgic. Six and a half years ago, I was a brand new medical student, and just by chance, because it was happening in my home town city, right here in Basel, I signed up for the SMSC. I don’t remember why I signed up, definitely not because of the topic. I think it was just one of those “why not?” moments. The topic of that SMSC back in 2014 was “Sex - Gender - Identity”. Now roughly one year ago, when the SMSC Organizing Committee Basel presented their topic for today’s conference, I was hesitant. I did not want Basel to just do the same SMSC over again, but the OC quickly made me realize two things. Firstly, I am probably the only person to attend both events, as I took an additional year to finish my studies. Secondly, this was not at all the same event. In 2014 we talked about Patients, today we talked about People. This time we did not just learn how to improve the health of others, but we learned how to improve our personal health and sexuality!
We talked about pornography, sexual harassment, the clitoris, sexual pleasure and much, much more. We talked about how sexual health has changed but remains as important as ever. For me that SMSC in 2014 changed my life. There, I joined Achtung Liebe, went on to become SMSC OC President for the SMSC in Basel in 2017 and continued to stay active within swimsa in many different ways. I gave my time for swimsa freely, was at times pushed beyond my limits, and then grew more than I could have ever envisioned. So you see, this SMSC Basel 2021 on Sexual Health, it means a lot to me. It‘s a little bit like this. When I joined medical school, all I wanted was to be a good doctor. Now at the end of my time as a medical student, I still want to be a good doctor. But I also want to be a Leader, a Friend, an Advocate for Change, a Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Activist. One „little“ SMSC was the catalyst for all of this, and I hope this SMSC could serve as a catalyst for you. I am not asking all of you to become swimsa President or to take to the streets to advocate for equal rights for LGBTQIA* people, as I did. But I am asking you to take a moment to reflect. What do you want to achieve while you are a medical student? What are you really passionate about? Join your local students association, join a project, join a sports team or a climate change group. Make the most of your time.
focus: Sexual Health
So, now I would like to introduce you to 18 amazing human beings, who dedicated a good part of their time of the last year to creating this event for you. As you know the SMSC Organization Committee formed over a year ago, and they did not have an easy task. They spent many hours in zoom meetings never being able to meet all together in person! They did not just create this event, but at least 3 other versions of this event to accommodate for the different possibilities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. So, let‘s start: Benedikt and Kate from team Sponsoring: made sure that all financial needs were met, also giving significant funds to the next SMSC OC! They gained sponsoring for the nice goodie bags and Kate has been known to say „making Lube great again“. Next up: Yi and Rémy. Yi wrote new COVID-19 protection concepts on a weekly basis based on the new governmental regulations and Rémy made sure to allocate enough funds to the different teams so that they can fulfill their dreams.
In team PR & Marketing Anina, Sophia and Leonie created the nice logo and promo video and all those amazing drawings on social media are Sophia‘s handywork. Leonie also doubled as General Secretary. In team Logistic Noémie, Tiffany, Anja and Zora organized four different buildings entirely for free! And made sure that 23 workshops were able to take place at the same time today! In team Program we have Yiara, Michal, Caroline, Zelda and Kilian. The product of their brilliant work could be seen today in the amazing workshops and lectures! And finally our two Co-Presidents: Gioia and Rahel. They were the heart of the Organizing Committee and poured their soul into this event. I cannot put into words the amazing work that they did, so I am not even going to try.
focus: Sexual Health
LET’S TALK ABOUT... THE PEOPLE! the swimsa family getting involved in the shaping of Sexual Health Text: Joël Perrin | University of Zurich
Different medical students around the world – as well as in Switzerland – are relentlessly working towards a world, in which every individual is empowered to exercise their sexual and reproductive health rights equally, free from stigma and discrimination. Being active in such an important field, day by day, often rewarded (merely) by the feeling that you invest energy in what you consider just, well needed and right, takes effort, time and a clear ideology.
If you have any questions beyond the activities of the different projects, don’t hesitate to reach out via nora@swimsa.ch If you want to stay up to date with international and national opportunities in the field of Sexual Health and Rights, send a blank mail to scorangels+subscribe@swimsa.ch
This article is about people behind the projects. What is it, that drives them, that motivates them, again and again, to stand up for Sexual Health and Rights. Hugs and enjoy! Joël Perrin National Officer on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights including HIV & AIDS 20/21
focus: Sexual Health
CALWHA: Julie Blant Active in: Lausanne Online on: web (metislausanne > CALWHA) How to get in contact with: calwha.metis@swimsa.ch When I was 15 years old, I experienced a form of psychiatric illness known as depression. This was followed by several years of long work on myself and complex learning in order to regain what is called “well-being”. To be happy, a definition that is still not very precise, nobody would dare to claim to know the recipe for happiness and yet many spend their lives looking for it. However, we are not all equal in this quest and often the situation is beyond our control. With the help of psychiatric support, my relatives and my teachers, I finally managed to get back on my feet 4 years later. Even today, I still wonder what would have become of my future if I had not had the chance to be supported, cared for and heard throughout this illness. I came out of this period stronger and more determined to never again find myself powerless when faced with the suffering of others, as many were when faced with my own. Motivated by a strong desire to help others and a marked interest in science, I decided to study medicine, nurturing the desire to do humanitarian work later on.
If I had to name a striking feature of my personality, I would tell you about my empathy. This trait made me aware of the events taking place around me, of their potential for injustice, while at the same time making me aware of my own privileges. It didn’t always pull me up, to be honest. However, I soon realized that losing hope in the face of the inequalities that hit us every day was not a solution. It was at this point that I heard about METIS (Mouvement des Étudiant-e-s Travaillant contre les Inégalités d’accès à la Santé, meaning: Student Movement Working Against Inequalities in Access to Health Care). I became involved in this association, more precisely in the CALWHA project (Children and Adolescents Living with HIV/AIDS, taking place in Tanzania), a year and a half ago. HIV/AIDS is a striking example of the inequality and imbalance of access to care. In our time, HIV/ AIDS is a treatable disease, but the quality of life and outcome of the disease is highly dependent on access to treatment and the health status of those affected. It is often forgotten that being treated is a fundamental right to which all should have access, but that this remains a luxury in some countries. For me, this example illustrates one of the many definitions of injustice. However, the CALWHA project has shown me that we can make a difference at our level and has enabled me to get involved in a cause that is close to my heart. If I had to leave you a message after reading my story, here it is: We are not all equal when it comes to well-being, but nothing forces us to remain powerless when faced with injustice.
focus: Sexual Health
Achtung Liebe: Nina & Sara Active in: Bern, Basel, Zurich Online on: Instagram (achtungliebe), facebook (Achtung Liebe Schweiz / Bern / Basel), web (achtungliebe.ch) How to get in contact with: achtungliebe.ch or just write a mail to your local group: - praesidium.ba@achtungliebe.ch (Basel) - praesidium.be@achtungliebe.ch (Bern) - praesidium.zh@achtungliebe.ch (Zurich) Dear readers. We are Sara and Nina, both members of Achtung Liebe. For this input we decided to sit down together and talk about our work and experiences in Achtung Liebe that we’d like to share with all of you. Sara: We’ll start with a brief introduction of ourselves. I’m a medical student in Bern and have been a member of Achtung Liebe for more than 4 years. I’m currently responsible for external affairs for our national board (Achtung Liebe Schweiz). I read a lot (especially more or less steamy fantasy) and I also love knitting and sewing and basically anything to do with needle and thread. But let’s get back. Nina: Hi everyone. I’m a psychology student in Zurich and have been a member of Achtung Liebe for a little more than 2 years. I’m a member of the local board of Achtung Liebe Zürich. I love knitting and Kung Fu and have recently started gaming “The Witcher”. I’m also currently planning to adopt two cats with my roommates. Sara: So tell me Nina, why did you join Achtung Liebe?
Nina: I let myself be persuaded to join the welcoming event and got hooked there. I realized how uncomfortable I felt talking about things like sex and all these so called taboo-subjects. It made me really nervous and I wanted to change that. Since joining Achtung Liebe I have become known for talking about these things all the time and with everyone. I think I will always remember my first training workshop. We had this crazy intimate atmosphere that was created in the course of only four days with people I hadn’t known before. I love this about our project. I actually couldn’t wait for my first visit to a school after the workshop and to try out and apply all that we had learned. What about you? Sara: It’s actually quite difficult to say by now. I just remember that I thought it was a super cool project since I first heard about it. I knew that joining Achtung Liebe would mean that I’d have to leave my comfort zone because I was a rather shy person, but I knew I wanted to do it anyways. I have learned so much since then, like speaking in front of a crowd or breaking down a complicated subject to make it understandable. These are very valuable skills for me personally but also in a professional sense. By now I’m known by my friends as the one who always talks about sex stuff and it’s true, I love talking about these things. But coming back to the question as to why I’m a member of Achtung Liebe, there are so many aspects to it. Nina: We had quite similar experiences at the beginning. But there are many other members of Achtung Liebe who function quite differently, and I find that a really cool thing. You get to know such a mix of different people and when visiting schools with different partners you get to see how other people work and function. Sara: I agree. I like that everyone develops their individual style and I find it always interesting to see how other people do things in order to get input for my own work.
focus: Sexual Health
It’s also cool how many of us have their specific area of interest and expertise. It certainly never gets boring when being around people from Achtung Liebe. Anyway, I have hardly ever experienced that people outside of Achtung Liebe were not interested in our work when I told them about it. Sex, love and relationships are topics that concern everyone in some respects. Talking about these things can lead to great conversations, no matter who you’re talking to. Nina: I’ve also had some wonderful experiences that confirm that we are doing something important and that only encourages me to continue with our work. I’m sure that each of us has these stories. There are some questions I was asked by students that I still think about. And I see going to schools as some sort of reality-check because we shouldn’t forget that not everyone is as used to talking about these things as we are. It’s important that we also remember that. Sara: I agree. We’re constantly evolving as a project and as individuals, which I think is really beautiful.
EROS: Michaella Florent (President) Active in: Lausanne Online on: Instagram (eros_lausanne), facebook (EROSLausanne) How to get in contact with: eros@swimsa.ch The medicine faculty of Lausanne is full of various associations working to raise awareness about different important causes and trying to figure out how to continuously improve our healthcare system. At the beginning of each academic year, one by one, these associations come in front of every student to present what cause they’re fighting for and what they really do.
focus: Sexual Health
That’s when I first heard of EROS in the beginning of my 2nd year… I was thinking to myself: “Is this real? How come, in the 21st century, that we still have to fight to have equal healthcare for all? Why do we have to fight for medical personnel to simply do their work without discrimination?” Well, when I started my studies, I thought the medical field was a safe space for each of us as individuals and that nobody would judge who we deeply are and love… I realized that day I was yet to discover what was really going on. I felt heavy hearted, full of sadness and anger: what was obvious for me wasn’t for others. I needed to do something about it. That’s when I decided I had to join EROS. In July 2019, the Geneva Pride took place and EROS, accompanied by other medical students of Lausanne, participated in the parade. That was the day I understood the worth of what we were fighting for. Everybody was filled with joy and love. Smiles, laughs, sharing, dancing, singing, it was pure happiness all around and that was what I decided to fight for. It gave me the strength to go on with our work and motivated me to do even more. I felt I was in the right place and the right fight. Then in March 2020, the first edition of the Week of Sexuality and Genderism was organized by our association in Lausanne. It was tough, but the results were beyond our expectations. People were thanking us more and more for this week of events, people were talking more and more about us, people were opening their minds more and more by attending our events… I remember some students telling me they were actually surprised by themselves attending the conferences or the voguing workshop. It made me feel grateful: What was obvious for me and the members of EROS started to be obvious for others. Who we deeply are and who we deeply love should not be an open door to discrimination in any kind of way. 22
Medsexplain: Lorena & Emilie Active in: Geneva Online on: Instagram (medsexplain) How to get in contact with: santesexuelle.aemg@gmail.com What makes people get involved in a project? It can be an interest passed down from a generation to the next, a curiosity born from a movie you watched when you were 7 years old, a talk with a random activist on a square, or more often, a personal fight arising from a lived experience. Which is our case. Throughout our lives, we have experienced several negative events and feelings regarding sexual health. As years went by, we have realised that we were not the only ones, on the contrary. We were shocked. How could we have known each other for so long, shared all kinds of details about our lives, but not these traumatic experiences which in fact, we had in common? There is a simple explanation for this silence. Sexuality is still taboo, and, by definition, a taboo is a subject that remains silent. Fortunately, it rarely lasts indefinitely and as years go by and friendship grows stronger, we learn to share even our most difficult memories… Our late teens were marked by an important revelation: sharing a common story with a friend is a relief, a way to move forward, and ultimately a way to grow up together. It is during these years of sharing our experiences that we noticed how information was key to a positive sexuality. As a result, our interest in sexual health grew and when we heard about Medsexplain, we immediately decided to get involved. These stories are our stories, the ones of our friends and probably the ones of others.
focus: Sexual Health
Through these four stories, it becomes clear that misinformation can be found in many situations and that, unfortunately, the medical field is no exception. In these cases, misinformation led to improper judgement, risk-taking, insecurities about the body that should not exist, and even sexual assault. And this only represents a small sample of all the possible consequences arising from misinformation.
By joining the Medsexplain project, our goal has been and still is to fight against misinformation, myths, and taboos about sexuality in order to empower the general population. We strongly believe that information is the best tool to help people be more comfortable with their own (and others’) sexuality. We aim at providing clear and simple information accessible to everyone, so that every single person may make informed choices about their own body and their own perception of sexuality.
focus: Sexual Health
Minna: Why did you want to become a member of CLASH?
CLASH: Minna & Maurane Active in: Lausanne Hi! I’m Minna, a quite new member of the CLASH community. Unfortunately, I haven’t yet been able to participate to any CLASH event this year, so I’ll write here on behalf of another member, Maurane. Minna: Why does this cause matter to you? Maurane: I have been moved by the feminist cause for a long time. From a young age, I felt the social difference between girls and boys; how unequally we were treated. For instance, whenever I tried to talk about politics or any intellectual subject, people wouldn’t take me seriously, or even listen to me at all. It was very frustrating growing up in this kind of environment, knowing that my words had absolutely no value in front of cis men. Also, I think I didn’t like the fact that I was being reduced to some superficial qualities, like appearance, that were considered more important than my intelligence or wit. From a more general point of view, I think what drives us is this need for justice and equity, and being in an association like CLASH is a strong way of standing up for ourselves and trying to change the codes established by our society. To me it also explains why a lot of feminists (not only women) tend to be touched by other causes too, other movements, like problems around racism, homophobia, transphobia... This association and the people that are in it create a real space of kindness, goodwill, listening, and sharing. So it’s really a safe place to share everything, about all sorts of topics.
Maurane: Now, to focus a little bit more on medicine: There are, in our profession (as in many others as well) some basic fundamental feminist problematics. To start with, even though women now represent a majority of medical students (in Switzerland at least, about 60%), most positions with high responsibilities are occupied by men, which, to me, is a manifestation of the more general inequalities that compose our society like the gendered division of labour. It is also a consequence of the devalorisation of women of which I spoke earlier, namely the fact that female-gendered people are not or rarely being considered as capable as men for this kind of position. I would also like to point out that medicine takes its foundations from an essentially masculine point of view. If we actually consider its history, we realize that it is built on a paradigm in which the young white man, cis and heterosexual, is seen as the “model of health”. There’s a realisation nowadays that this kind of narrow thinking has led to the development of drugs, procedures and guidelines which were not suitable for people who did not fit these criteria. We could also argue that it contributes to the way in which medical culture tends to also rule out these people among its peers. As medical practitioners, I think that we have to realize that medicine is very normative, through its practice and towards the patients, taking the freedom to define what is pathological and what is not, creating a clear line that shouldn’t be that straight sometimes. That also means that we should be able to develop a reflective position towards what is taught to us: For example, medicine didn’t allow intersexual babies to exist for years. Medicine considered it as a pathology not to have a clear sex at birth, so they just arbitrary assigned one to the baby, very often causing a major life crisis for those patients whose sex assignment didn’t suit them right, later in life.
focus: Sexual Health
It’s also very normative towards the doctors themselves. If you want to succeed and climb the ladder, you have to fit in the white/cis/heterosexual men box and you have to adopt their behavior. If you try to confront it, even if your skills are amazing, you won’t climb any higher than the place you’re in.
Read about all of swimsa’s associate members and find out more!
In addition, as students, when you experience sexism, harassment or worse during an internship, you can’t really say something, because you depend on your professor for the evaluation and a potential future job at the hospital, so you have to do whatever it takes to keep a good image, even if you suffer greatly because of the situation you are in. One doctor can really easily ruin your reputation, and you can’t have that when you’re trying to start a career. Minna: I’d like to finish this article by telling you quickly what my drive is. First of all, I would say that it’s the feeling that, by engaging myself into this association, I can really make a difference for future students who will, like me, experience sexism or even worse things in their field of work. The more we act about this problem, the more it will be acknowledged as one. Secondly, I had a personal experience that made me realise that sexism is really everywhere. Many men consider women as a piece of meat instead of actual human beings capable of intelligence. If I can make a difference by standing up for all the women/people suffering from those persons, you don’t have to ask me twice, I’m in!
focus: Sexual Health
Während der Pandemie sammelte die swimsa anonyme Statements und Meinungen von Medizinstudierenden aus der ganzen Schweiz zu der Veränderung ihres Privat-, Sex- und Datinglebens. Hier eine Auswahl: Pendant la pandemie la swimsa a recolté des déclarations et des opinions anonymes d’étudiant·e·s en médecine de toute la Suisse concernant leur vie privée, sexuelle et de recontres. En voici quelques extraits: Erst zu wenig, dann zu viel Zeit für Sex - oder wie auch Viren, die nicht primär über Sex übertragen werden, Einfluss auf das Liebesleben nehmen können Ob man es wollte oder nicht, plötzlich hatte man ganz viel gemeinsame Zeit mit der Partnerin/dem Partner bzw. wurde gezwungen das ganze Sozialleben auf DIE einzige Person zu begrenzen. Während es für die einen Paare ein Segen war, lernten sich andere vielleicht nach 4 Jahren Beziehung erst mal richtig kennen. Wie dem auch sei, folgendes Lockdown-Protokoll hätte vielleicht auf die eine oder andere Beziehung zutreffen können: Woche 1-2: Es ist das Beste, was hätte passieren können! Endlich mal Sex und Morgenkuscheln ohne Zeitdruck! Zudem hat man auch in den Lernpausen immer wieder die Gelegenheit dazu! Corona sei Dank! Woche 3: Dank dem schönen Wetter, kann man jetzt auch romantische Abendspaziergänge geniessen und sich mit neuen Menüs gegenseitig verwöhnen. Woche 4: Die Menüs werden raffinierter (evtl. aphrodisierende Rezepte mal ausprobieren?) und ab und zu geht ein neu ausprobiertes Rezept auch mal schief. Trotzdem entdeckt man sein Talent für das Backen von Bananenbrot und die Herstellung von veganem Eiskaffee. Woche 5: So langsam wäre es doch mal schön wiedermal etwas mit Kolleginnen und Kollegen zu unternehmen... Egal, beginnen wir doch einfach eine neue Serie (und suchen nach Inspiration für neue SexPositionen oder einfach mal um andere Männer/Frauen zu sehen) Woche 6: «So langsam geht mir dein Gesicht auf die Nerven!» Die Abendspaziergänge werden kürzer, das Bananenbrot geschmackslos, die Rezeptideen gehen allmählich aus... Woche 7: Nach einem Streit darüber, ob die Wohnung nun zwei statt einmal pro Woche geputzt werden soll, da man jetzt auch die ganze Zeit zuhause ist, versöhnt man sich wieder und erinnert sich daran, wie schön es doch eigentlich ist, so viel Zeit gemeinsam verbringen zu können. Woche 8: So langsam nervt das Ganze. Man versucht sich immerhin noch für couple workouts zu motivieren, obwohl jemand eigentlich lieber schneller den Hügel hinauf joggen würde und jemand lieber langsamer. Woche 9-10: Hurra! Endlich wieder raus und andere Leute sehen!... Wobei, so schlecht war es nun auch wieder nicht. Was soll man denn jetzt nur mit der ganzen neu gewonnenen «Freizeit» anfangen? 26
focus: Sexual Health
LET’S TALK ABOUT YOUR SEXUAL HEALTH Au début de la pandémie, j’étais célibataire. D’abord, je devais réféchir si c’était vraiment une bonne idée de sortir avec des gens, parce que je ne voulais pas me mettre moi-même et les personnes de mon entourage en danger. Après quelque temps, j’ai décidé de réutiliser des applications de rencontre. Pour les premiers rendez-vous, j'ai fait des promenades au bord du lac. Ce n’était pas une mauvaise expérience parce qu’on se concentrait beaucoup sur nos conversations avant de décider si on voulait se rapprocher physiquement l'un de l'autre.
Seen as I am and have been in a committed relationship for the past years, my love-, dating- and sexlife has not changed much because of COVID-19. At the beginning it was different… but as my life partner and I don’t live together, we had to make some adjustments in order to keep up with the national health regulations. Nevertheless, since she works from home and I can follow my courses online, we were able to spend the same amount of time together as we did before. Nah und Fern. Beide Worte beschreiben wie Corona unsere Beziehung beeinflusste. Während wir zu Beginn der ersten Welle auf Grund von Militärdienst eher in Richtung Fernbeziehung tendierend und lernten Briefe zu schreiben, war bei der zweiten Welle das Gegenteil der Fall. Wenn man zu zweit während eines Semesters Homeuni im selben Zimmer macht, lernt man sich auf alle Fälle nochmals näher kennen. Trotz oder gerade wegen diesen Änderungen, wuchsen wir gemeinsam, so dass Corona sicher auch positive Einflüsse auf unsere Beziehung hatte. swimsa
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Die Ausbildungskommission ist das demokratische Organ der swimsa, welches sich mit allen Fragen beschäftigt, welche die Ausbildung der Medizinstudierenden betreffen. Sie sorgt dafür, dass die Meinung der Schweizer Medizinstudierenden in die relevanten Gremien getragen wird und ist bestrebt, die Interessen der Studierenden überall dort zu vertreten, wo dies wünschenswert ist. Möchtest du mehr Informationen oder ebenfalls mitmachen? Kontaktiere unsere Vize-Präsitentin für Ausbildung (vpa@swimsa.ch). 30
La Commission de la formation est l'organe de la swimsa qui s'occupe de toutes les questions concernant la formation des étudiant∙e∙s en médecine. Elle assure que l'opinion des étudiant∙e∙s en médecine dans les universités suisses est portée à la connaissance de tous les comités et s'efforce de représenter les intérêts des étudiant∙e∙s au mieux. Tu as besoin de plus d’informations ou tu veux participer? Alors contactes la vice-présidente pour l’éducation (vpa@swimsa.ch).
WAHLSTUDIENJAHR UND PANDEMIE - L’ANNÉE DE STAGE ET LA PANDÉMIE Text: Eleonore Locher | University of Fribourg The Commission on Medical Education (AK/ CoFo) released a statement in January regarding the education of medical students in their practical year during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Additionally, they take up time that would otherwise be spent learning clinical skills and gathering experiences in the students’ chosen specialities.
A survey of medical students in their practical year at the University of Zurich showed that every fifth student spent more than 30% of their workweek performing repetitive COVID-19-related tasks like swab tests or operating the hotline. This kind of tasks were also widely spreaded across other WSJ students from Zurich, with more than half of them spening more than a half day a week doing such tasks during their internships. The Commission on Medical Education (AK/CoFo) has also been made aware of similar conditions in other hospitals across Switzerland.
Furthermore, the students in their practical year are being paid for the time spent on these tasks with their internship salary, while volunteers performing the same tasks earn significantly more in hourly wages.
These tasks are currently understandably necessary and vitally important. However, after an initial learning opportunity, they quickly lose their educational value, due to their repetitive nature.
The Commission on Medical Education (AK/ CoFo), therefore called on universities and hospitals to limit the time students spend on covid-related tasks with low educational value in order to ensure the best possible continuation of the clinical education and to adjust the financial compensation so that there is equal pay for equal work.
Read the whole statement by scanning the following QR codes! deutsche Version
version française
AUSBILDUNG WÄHREND COVID-19: WAS SIND DIE AUSWIRKUNGEN? Text: Selina Leber | Universität Fribourg Wir sind uns einig: Die Ausbildung während der COVID-19-Pandemie ist eine Herausforderung. So mussten die Universitäten im Frühling 2020 innerhalb kürzester Zeit auf digitale Lehrmethoden umstellen. Im Praxistest schnitten diese jedoch unterschiedlich ab. Um diesbezüglich die Anliegen der Studierendenschaft zu erfassen, initiierte die swimsa im September 2020 eine Umfrage an allen medizinischen Fakultäten der Schweiz. Die Umfrage umfasste die Themenbereiche: Curriculum, Kommunikation und Mental Health. Damit erstrebt die swimsa den medizinischen Fakultäten bestmögliche Unterstützung zu bieten, um den Lernerfolg und die Ausbildungsqualität der von COVID-19-begleiteten Semestern zu garantieren.
Stützend auf der Auswertung der Antworten von 866 Medizinstudierenden, wurde eine Stellungnahme mit folgenden Forderungen der swimsa verfasst: •
die Verbesserung der bidirektionalen Kommunikationsstrukturen, indem neue Kanäle des Informationsaustausches errichtet oder bereits bestehende gepflegt werden dass die medizinischen Fakultäten die Bedeutung der mentalen Gesundheit anerkennen und ihre Studierende proaktiv über existierende Ressourcen informieren die Weiterführung und Weiterentwicklung der ergänzenden, digitalen Lehre insbesondere in Form von Podcasts, Livestreams und anderen Formaten die Möglichkeit zur freiwilligen Wiederholung praktischer und klinischer Kurse sowie wenn immer möglich die Verhinderung von weiteren Ausfällen
Die aufgelisteten Forderungen konnten im Rahmen der Sitzung der Joint Commission of Swiss Medical Schools (SMIFK/CIMS) vorgestellt und dort mit den Dekan*innen aller medizinischen Fakultäten der Schweiz diskutiert werden. Wobei diese Art von Feedback von den Mitglieder*innen begrüsst wurde.
LA FORMATION ET LA COVID-19 : QUELLES SONT LES IMPLICATIONS ? Texte : Selina Leber | Université de Fribourg Nous sommes d’accord : pendant la pandémie COVID-19, la formation est un défi. Au printemps 2020, les universités ont donc dû adopter des méthodes d’enseignement numérique dans un délai très court. Dans la pratique, cependant, les avis sont divergents. Afin de connaître les besoins des étudiant·e·s à cet égard, swimsa a lancé une enquête dans toutes les facultés de médecine de Suisse en septembre 2020. L’enquête a abordé les sujets suivants : Programme d’études, communication et santé mentale. Ainsi, la swimsa vise à offrir aux facultés de médecine le meilleur soutien possible afin de garantir la réussite de l’apprentissage et la qualité de la formation des semestres accompagnés par COVID-19.
Sur la base de l’analyse des réponses de 866 étudiant·e·s en médecine, swimsa a publié une déclaration avec les demandes suivantes : •
l’amélioration des structures de communication bidirectionnelle, par la création de nouveaux canaux d’échange d’informations ou le renforcement des canaux déjà existants les facultés de médecine doivent reconnaître l’importance de la santé mentale et imformer de manière proactive leurs étudiant·e·s sur les différentes ressources existantes la poursuite et le développement de l’enseignement numérique, notamment sous la forme de podcasts, livestreams et autres formats la possibilité de rattraper volontairement les cours pratiques et cliniques et, dans la mesure du possible, le renoncement à de nouvelles annulations
Les demandes mentionnées pourraient être présentées lors de la réunion de la Joint Commission of Swiss Medical Schools (SMIFK/ CIMS) et y être discutées avec les doyen·nes de toutes les facultés de médecine de Suisse. Les membres ont accueilli favorablement ce genre de feedback.
A guide to practical courses by Swiss medical students
Ahead of the course: The aim of the lesson should be defined concretely and the tutor should be well prepared. This involves meticulous planning of the course according to the specific module or speciality and adapting it to the students’ level of knowledge.
During the course: The practical course should begin with a discussion on the main goal of the lesson to clarify expectations and learning objectives. The course should focus on knowledge that can only be acquired on-site with patients. To facilitate this, a demonstration of a certain examination technique is helpful. If the situation is favourable, the emphasis should lay on anamnesis and examination through students. This enables students to practice as much as possible, guided and led by the tutor. It is important to discuss the findings of anamnesis and physical examination to foster the students’ clinical reasoning. This should include differential diagnoses and, if appropriate, treatment plans.
At the end of the course: To wrap up, there should be enough time for questions, reflection on the lesson, along with giving and receiving constructive feedback on the course.
General wishes and suggestions After delicate situations, students appreciate a discussion and feedback on aspects of communication that could be problematic in specific clinical settings. This includes tips on presenting clinical information to the patient, how and when to include relatives and how to communicate lifestyle changes and treatment plans in a professional manner. If useful, the tutor may send the students further resources (research papers, articles, websites, etc.) on a given topic before or after the course, to ensure a greater learning effect. Any kind of constructive feedback specific to their performance is highly welcomed by students.
During the past year, swimsa's Ausbildungskomission/Commission de la formation has discussed how good practical courses should look like. Derived from these discussions, this leaflet emerged which summarizes all the important points. If you are interested in joining this kind of discussions contact vpa@swimsa.ch!
Version 1.0 2021
COACH MY CAREER What happens after the federal exam? Go online and find out! Text: Charlotte Kull I Vice-president for Medical Education Michael Burkhardt I Liaison Officer vsao/asmac Every medical student who is coming close to the end of his*her studies is anticipating a professional future of responsibilities and a lot of work, but also – and more importantly – looking forward to a lifetime of new and exciting experiences. But what is the best way to enter this new part of life? Where should you apply and when? Can you work as a doctor and still have a family? There are many important questions to be answered, plans to be made, applications to be written and decisions to be taken. And this is where Coach my Career comes into play.
What is Coach my Career? Coach my Career is a mentoring program that started in collaboration with various associations, namely the FMH, the vsao/asmac, swimsa, VLSS/ AMDHS, the mfe and the SIWF/ISFM. Its idea is simple, but effective. Transfer the knowledge of experienced doctors to younger colleagues and thus help medical students and young residents to better navigate the challenges and questions of career choices and work. And as every medical student has different questions and concerns about his*her professional future, so are there different possibilities to profit from the Coach my Career experience, the aim being that everyone can choose the most helpful for his*her situation.
Different situations need different possibilities: one-on-one Coachings: Are you in your final year or maybe already a young resident? Then you could profit greatly from a one-on-one coaching by a more experienced colleague, like a chief physician or a working doctor. During two hours, you can ask questions and discuss the best way to plan your future as a doctor, which could help to work out your specific needs and to differentiate the ideas you have about your career. So why not take this amazing chance to profit from the vast experience of more senior doctors? Register now, by scanning the QR code in this article.
Lectures and Career days: Does directly looking for the one-on-one with a doctor seem like a step to far for you? Do you want to refine your expectations of the daily routine as a young resident? Maybe you are not yet in your last year of study? Don’t worry! There are already different informational sessions and career days in place at several Swiss Universities. These events are directed at students in their final years of study. Check it out and learn all about topics such as:
Register by scanning the QR code!
How to apply for the first job in residency? What to look out for when applying? What to expect during your first months after the federal exam?
online information: What other possibilities can Coach my Career offer you? How do you register as a mentee? Do you have a more general question or just want to recommend Coach my Career to a fellow student? All those things and more can be answered and done by going to the updated website of the VLSS/AMDHS, where you will find a newly established FAQ page, links to register for the mentee program and many more interesting contents. Again, just scan the QR code and you are good to go. If you’d like to continue or start coach my career at your university or if you have any other ideas or questions, contact the vice-president for education at vpa@swimsa.ch.
SHAPING THE FUTURE OF INTERPROFESSIONALISM IN SWITZERLAND Text: Lucas Büsser | University of Zurich SHAPED - oder in lang die Swiss Health Alliance for Interprofessional Education – ist ein Studierendenkollektiv, welches sich für eine vermehrte interprofessionelle Ausbildung in den Gesundheitsberufen einsetzt.
SHAPED - ou en long la Swiss Health Alliance for Interprofessional Education - est un collectif d’étudiant·e·s, qui est en faveur d’une formation interprofessionnelle accrue dans les professions de la santé.
Enttäuscht über die kleine Anzahl interprofessioneller Ausbildungsangebote sowie die strikt fächergetrennten Curricula fanden wir uns im Laufe des Herbstsemesters 2020 zusammen. Gestartet mit drei Personen, sind wir im Nu auf über 15 motivierte Studierende aus 6 Fachrichtungen und 10 Institutionen gewachsen und freuen uns sehr über jedes neue, engagierte Gesicht! Unser erklärtes Ziel ist es, interprofessionelle Ausbildung zu stärken und so langfristig für eine bessere Zusammenarbeit im Gesundheitswesen zu sorgen. Dies soll nicht nur den Patient*innen von morgen zugutekommen, sondern auch die Arbeitsatmosphäre in den Gesundheitsinstitutionen aufwerten.
Déçu·e·s par le petit nombre de possibilités de formation interprofessionnelle et les programmes strictement séparés par matières, nous nous sommes réuni·e·s au cours du semestre d’automne 2020. Au début, nous étions composé·e·s de trois personnes, puis nous nous sommes en peu de temps agrandi·e·s à plus de 15 étudiant·e·s motivé·e·s venant de 6 branches et 10 institutions différentes et nous sommes très content·e·s de chaque nouveau visage engagé ! Notre objectif est de renforcer la formation interprofessionnelle et donc à long terme d’assurer une meilleure collaboration dans le domaine des soins de santé. Ceci n’est pas seulement un avantage pour les futur·e·s patient·e·s, mais aussi pour l’ambiance de travail dans les établissements de santé.
Gesagt, getan: Bereits vergangenen November wurde unser erstes Projekt, eine interprofessionelle Fallbesprechung, Realität. In vier Gruppen mit je ca. 10 Studierenden wurde die fiktive Patientin Frau Marti auf der Notfallstation entgegengenommen, untersucht, auf die Station gebracht und im Verlauf die weitere Behandlung und das Prozedere nach Austritt ausgiebig diskutiert und von mehreren Seiten beleuchtet.
Aussitôt dit, aussitôt fait : notre premier projet s’est réalisé déjà en novembre dernier, il s’agissait d’un projet interprofessionnel de discussion de cas. Par quatre groupes d’environ 10 étudiant·e·s chacun, Mme Marti, notre patiente fictive, était reçue au service des urgences, examinée, puis amenée au service. Le déroulement du traitement ultérieur et de la procédure après avoir quitté l’hôpital ont été largement discutés et mis en lumière sous tous leurs aspects.
Dabei nahmen die Teilnehmenden jeweils die Sichtweise ihrer Berufsgruppe ein und mussten sich für eine erfolgreiche Behandlung von Frau Marti aktiv austauschen, Informationen weitergeben und sich auf die Fachkenntnisse der jeweiligen angehenden Spezialist*innen verlassen. Hier beispielsweise ein paar Fragen, welche während der Fallstudie gestellt wurden.
Les participant·e·s représentaient le point de vue de leur groupe professionnel et devaient s’investir pour un traitement réussi de Mme Marti en échangeant, partageant des informations et en comptant sur l’expertise des spécialistes respectifs. Pour exemples, voici quelques questions posées lors de l’étude de cas. •
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Wer hat Zugang zu den Vitalparametern von Frau Marti? Wer kennt sich mit den Wechselwirkungen ihrer Medikamente aus? Wer hat mit ihrem aufgeregten Ehemann im Wartezimmer gesprochen und so noch das ein oder andere entscheidende Detail in der Fremdanamnese erfahren?
Von den Teilnehmenden als grosser Erfolg gewertet und mit vielen Interessierten aus der Romandie, startete eine zweite Durchführung auf Französisch im Januar 2021. Zum Redaktionsschluss dieses Journals sind wir bereits an der Erarbeitung unseres der nächsten Fallbesprechungund hoffen sehr, auch dort wieder möglichst vielen Studierenden aus verschiedensten Fachbereichen die Vorzüge interprofessioneller Zusammenarbeit bereits während des Studiums aufzeigen zu können.
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Qui a accès aux paramètres vitaux de Mme Marti ? Qui connaît les interactions médicamenteuses ? Qui a parlé avec son mari excité dans la salle d’attente et a appris l’un ou l’autre détail décisif dans l’hétéroanamnèse ?
Après une très bonne évaluation par les participant·e·s et un grand intérêt par de nombreuses personnes de Suisse romande, une deuxième discussion de cas en français a eu lieu en janvier 2021. Au moment du bouclage de ce journal, nous travaillons déjà sur notre prochaine discussion de cas et nous espérons fortement de pouvoir déjà montrer les avantages d’une collaboration interprofessionnelle au plus grand nombre d’étudiant·e·s possible au cours de leurs études.
Parallel erstellen wir zurzeit ein ShadowingProgramm, bei dem Studierende aller Gesundheitsberufe bereits in ihrer Ausbildung die Möglichkeit erhalten sollen, sich „fremde“ Berufsbilder für einen Tag anzuschauen und so ihr interprofessionelles Verständnis zu stärken. Wolltest Du also schon immer mal wissen, was eine Chiropraktikerin oder ein Ergotherapeut eigentlich tun, erhältst du hoffentlich bereits bald die Chance dazu! Ausgerüstet mit einem kleinen Lernzielkatalog darfst Du einen Tag lang eine bereits ausgebildete Fachperson begleiteten und mit deinen Fragen löchern.
Parallèlement, nous créons actuellement un programme shadowing dans lequel les étudiant·e·s de toutes les professions de la santé auront, déjà au cours de leur formation, la possibilité d’observer les profils d’emploi «étrangers» pendant une journée et ainsi renforcer leur compréhension interprofessionnelle. Alors, si tu as toujours voulu savoir ce qu’un·e chiropraticien·ne ou un·e ergothérapeute fait réellement, tu en auras bientôt la chance de le découvrir ! Avec un petit catalogue d’objectifs d’apprentissage, tu pourras accompagner une personne de formation terminée pendant une journée et poser toutes tes questions.
Für alle Infos zur nächsten interprofessionellen Fallbesprechung, dem Shadowing-Programm oder weiteren Projekten von SHAPED, scan den QR-Code und folge uns auf unserem InstagramKanal (@shaped_ip).
Pour toutes informations sur la prochaine discussion de cas interprofessionnelle, le programme shadowing ou autres projets SHAPED, scanne le code QR et suis-nous sur notre compte Instagram (@shaped_ip).
Falls Du dich für interprofessionelle Ausbildung interessierst, freuen wir uns immer über helfende Hände – schreib uns unverbindlich auf office.shaped@gmail.com.
Si tu es intéressé·e de t’investir dans la formation interprofessionnelle, nous sommes toujours content·e·s - écris-nous sans engagement à office.shaped@gmail.com.
Find out more! SHAPED
ZU VIEL IM ARGEN MIT DEM ARG Die meisten vsao-Mitglieder möchten weniger arbeiten. Aber müssen oft noch immer mehr, als Arbeitsgesetz (ArG) und Vertrag vorsehen. Dagegen plant der Verband jetzt neue Massnahmen. Text: Marcel Marti | Leiter Politik und Kommunikation / stv. Geschäftsführer vsao Dreimal dieselbe Frage, dreimal eine klare Antwort: 80 bis 90 Prozent der jungen Ärzteschaft sind nicht mehr bereit, den Dienstkittel bei einem Vollzeitpensum wöchentlich länger als 42 Stunden zu tragen. Das ergaben letztes Jahr gleich drei Erhebungen; zwei vom vsao, die dritte von einer Gruppe Assistenzärztinnen und -ärzte aus dem Raum Basel. Eine der beiden Verbandsumfragen hatte zudem Anfang 2020 erhärtet, dass Missstände in den Spitälern nach wie vor verbreitet sind. So entsprachen die Arbeitszeiten bei 62 Prozent der Befragten nach wie vor nicht dem Gesetz. Und 69 Prozent der rund 3000 Umfrageteilnehmenden arbeiteten länger als vereinbart - sogar mit steigender Tendenz.
Es braucht mehr Zwar haben zahlreiche vsao-Sektionen in den letzten Jahren auf kantonaler Ebene Fortschritte wie kürzere Wochenarbeitszeiten erzielt. Doch es muss mehr passieren. Deshalb beschlossen die Sektionsdelegierten im Zentralvorstand Ende November, eine breit abgestützte Arbeitsgruppe ins Leben zu rufen. Ihr Auftrag: Lösungen vorschlagen, wie sich der Verband noch stärker für die Einhaltung des Arbeitsgesetzes (ArG) und eine hohe Qualität der Weiterbildung einsetzen kann. Die bisherigen Treffen seit Anfang März dienten dazu, die Prioritäten bei den Zielen und Massnahmen zu klären, dies gestützt auf ein gemeinsames Problemverständnis. Ende April hat der Zentralvorstand über den aktuellen Stand der Abklärungen beraten. Mehr zum aktuellen Stand unter vsao.ch/arbeitsbedingungen/ arbeitsrecht, Stichwort Arbeitsgesetz.
So müsste es eigentlich sein, das Gleichgewicht zwischen Arztberuf und Privatleben. Doch die Waagschale neigt sich unverändert viel zu stark nach links. (Bild: wladimir1804/Adobe Stock) 42
TROP DE PROBLÈMES AVEC LA LTR La plupart des membres de l’asmac aimeraient travailler moins. Pourtant, ils sont souvent obligés de travailler plus que ce que la loi sur le travail (LTr) et le contrat prévoient. L’association envisage d’y répondre par de nouvelles mesures. Texte: Marcel Marti | responsable politique et communication / directeur adjoint de l’asmac Trois fois la même question, trois fois une réponse claire: 80 à 90 pourcent des jeunes médecins ne sont plus disposés à porter leur blouse blanche plus de 42 heures par semaine pour un plein temps. C’est le résultat de trois enquêtes réalisées l’année dernière. Deux de l’asmac et une troisième d’un groupe de médecins-assistant(e)s de la région de Bâle. Un des deux sondages de l’association avait par ailleurs confirmé au début 2020 que les problèmes restent très répandus dans les hôpitaux. Ainsi, le temps de travail n’était toujours pas conforme à la loi pour 62 pourcent des personnes interrogées. Et 69 pourcent des environ 3000 participants au sondage travaillaient plus que ce qui est convenu, avec une tendance à la hausse.
De nouvelles mesures sont nécessaires Certes, de nombreuses sections de l’asmac ont obtenu des avancées au niveau cantonal au cours des dernières années, comme p. ex. une réduction de la durée hebdomadaire de travail. Il faut pourtant en faire davantage. C’est pourquoi les délégués des sections au Comité central ont décidé à la fin novembre de mettre en place un groupe de travail élargi. Son mandat: proposer des solutions montrant comment l’asmac pourrait davantage s’engager pour le respect de la loi sur le travail (LTr) et une formation postgraduée de haute qualité. Les rencontres qui ont eu lieu depuis le début mars avaient pour but de fixer les priorités concernant les objectifs et les mesures sur la base d’une compréhension commune du problème. Fin avril, le Comité central a débattu de l’état actuel des travaux. Vous trouverez plus d’informations sur l’état actuel sur asmac. ch/conditions-de-travail/droit-du-travail, à la rubrique Loi sur le travail.
Tel devrait être l’équilibre entre profession de médecin et vie privée. Pourtant, le déséquilibre reste trop fortement marqué à gauche. (Image: wladimir1804/Adobe Stock)
swimsa Exchanges bietet Medizinstudierenden die einmalige Möglichkeit, durch das weltweit grösste Austauschprogramm ein Praktikum im Ausland zu machen:
swimsa Exchanges est une opportunité unique pour tout∙e étudiant∙e en médecine de partir en stage à l’étranger grâce au plus grand program d’échange du monde:
SCOPE – Standing Committee on Professional Exchange, klinischer Austausch und SCORE – Standing Committee on Research Exchange, Forschungsaustausch IFMSA – International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations.
SCOPE – Standing Committee on Professional Exchange (échange clinique), SCORE – Standing Committee on Research Exchange (échange de recherche) IFMSA – International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations.
swimsa Exchanges unterstützt sowohl dich bei der Organisation eines klinischen Praktikums, bzw. der Arbeit in einem Forschungslabor, als auch die ausländischen Studierenden, welche in die Schweiz kommen.
swimsa Exchange est l’organe de la swimsa qui s’occupe d’organiser les stages cliniques et de recherche pour les étudiant·e·s suisses, ainsi que du monde entier désirant venir en Suisse.
SOGIESC AND SAFE SPACES IN EXCHANGES Text: Stefan Leung | University of Zurich Cecilie Helling | University of Freiburg (Germany) “Whilst on an exchange a student overhears some nurses making fun of one of the doctors for being gay and using homophobic slurs. Being a member of the LGBTQIA+ community herself she starts to be careful around the staff, being uncomfortable every time she is asked a personal question during small talk.” The goal of exchanges is not only to give you an educational and cultural experience but also to broaden students’ understanding of medical and social conditions. During an exchange, you are faced with more than one new culture. Meeting medical students from all over the world means that every single student needs some cultural understanding to cooperate with other healthcare workers. It’s one of the core principles of an exchange to broaden one’s horizon by opening up to another culture and integrating oneself into a new social environment.
Whilst human rights should be universally recognized, human rights violations on the basis of SOGIESC (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression, and Sex Characteristics) are still prevalent and stand in contrast to the right to equality and non-discrimination. Members of the LGBTQIA+ community still face structural discrimination, societal judgment and persecution on a daily basis. Depending on the national legal framework discrimination varies from lack of protection against discrimination to the criminalization of individuals based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. Worldwide same-sex marriage is only legal in 29 countries, about 70 countries continue to criminalize homosexual activity, and 12 countries still have the death penalty on consensual same-sex acts.
So when encountering situations like the one described above, where does one draw the line between tolerating another environment and standing up against discrimination?
Structural discrimination can also be observed in the healthcare sector, with the right to health not being a reality for every member of society. With societal discrimination being reflected and reinforced many LGBTQIA+ individuals lack access to inclusive, respectful and culturally safe healthcare leading to poorer psychological and physical health outcomes. Mental health issues such as anxiety, depression and substance abuse disorders are more common in lesbian, gay and bisexual individuals compared to their heterosexual counterparts, and they are about twice as likely to report suicidal tendencies. IFMSA offers exchanges in 107 countries with some of them still criminalizing homosexuality as you can see in the graphic. Does this mean we should advise against going on an exchange to these countries? How should we deal with medical students coming from these countries?
Sadly, we observe that situations as the one described in the introduction can also occur during exchanges. Discriminatory comments like these contribute to an inappropriate and hostile atmosphere, yet they cannot always be prevented. It is important to offer a support network of tutors and local officers, who are available during and after an exchange to talk to and take appropriate steps if wanted. Further, we need to promote opportunities for feedback and develop institutional learning. Whilst neither hosting countries and local committees nor incoming students can change cultural norms and societal attitudes within a few weeks, every single individual participating in an exchange is responsible to contribute and actively work towards creating a safe, inclusive environment.
SOGIESC-related education is lacking in most medical curricula. This gives way to discrimination and stigma against the LGBTQIA+ community. To raise awareness on the topic of SOGIESC and tackle this issue, the SCOPE, SCORA and SCORE International Teams formed a Small Working Group to develop a training. The training consists of an introduction to SOGIESC and its terminology, potential issues concerning SOGIESC in an exchange and how to deal with them, how to create safe spaces and the importance of inclusive language, as well as the topic of consent. Since July 2020 there is a toolkit on SOGIESC in Exchanges that can be implemented in the Pre-Departure Trainings (PDT) and Upon Arrival Trainings (UAT). The PDT is delivered by the national swimsa Exchanges team and should prepare the outgoing student as best as possible regarding topics i.e. cultural shock or other ethical dilemmas. Furthermore, the incoming students receive a UAT to get a solid introduction to their host country in order to be able to integrate themselves into this new system with ease.
Implementing the SOGIESC in exchanges toolkit poses a unique opportunity to build a more inclusive future within IFMSA as well as in our communities and local environments. Now, several months later, this training has been given to various NORAs, NEOs, NOREs from all over the world during the latest General Assemblies, Regional Meetings and other Capacity Building events. Having discussions on safe spaces before and during exchanges, and incorporating safe spaces in the trainings, showcase that the well-being of exchange students is a top priority and that they can count on the exchanges teams to support them. This is why swimsa Exchanges’ next goal is to implement this training in our future PDTs and UATs, in the hope of raising awareness among future exchange participants on SOGIESC and making this world more inclusive.
References: •
SOGI - Educational Activity Toolkit: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19VzWIaywmUM9JWgFeauW_gbI-XP_fNgk/view?usp=sharing
IFMSA policy Health of LGBTQIA+ individuals: https://ifmsa.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/ AM19-Health-of-LGBTQI-.pdf
https://www.unfe.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/International-Human-Rights-Law-English. pdf
Graphic: https://www.cfr.org/article/changing-landscape-global-lgbtq-rights
EXCHANGES WEEKEND AND STARS 2020 Text: Stefan Leung | University of Zurich
Every year swimsa Exchanges organizes the Exchanges Weekend for its beloved Local Exchange Officers (LEOs) and Local Officers on Research Exchanges (LOREs). It has become a tradition and is our way to say thank you for all the hard effort everyone puts into Exchanges. Hence we wanted to organize it despite the pandemic. In the middle of the beautiful Alps in Zweisimmen BE, 34 participants from almost every Swiss university met from 16.10. to 18.10.2020. It was a collaboration between swimsa Exchanges and a new Swiss training called STARS (swimsa trains leaders). Alongside a seven-person organizing committee, we invited four international trainers from bvmd Germany and BeMSA Belgium.
The Exchanges Weekend 2020 was therefore a good example of an inter-NMO (National Member Organization) collaboration. Exchanges experts, as well as very new members, got to know each other and shared their Exchanges knowledge, experiences and passion. The beginners learned about what SCOPE and SCORE are all about and what a year within the swimsa Exchanges team looks like. The advanced group brainstormed on how to improve our Pre-Departure Training (PDT), how to neutralize the CO2-emission of our Exchanges and created a new script for a new Exchanges video.
Our 34 participants on the soccer field next to the venue
We focused on projects like how an Exchange can take place during times of COVID-19 and how future Exchanges could be more ecological and successful with fewer air miles. In contrast to the previous Exchanges Weekends, we offered general skill training on topics like Financial Management, Leadership and Conflict Management, Marketing and Advocacy.
Overall it was a huge success to host a physical event during a pandemic and it was certainly a nice contrast to the new normal we are facing currently. Many thanks to our international guests from Germany and Belgium for this collaboration, for putting their heart into it and making it the experience it was!
As swimsa tries to increase national Capacity Building events, the STARS was led by two IFMSA trainers to train new leaders. Five active members of swimsa gathered and discussed leadership roles and how to facilitate a session to learn how to encourage medical students to be active on a national and international level. To host one of the semester’s highlights, we needed to follow a very strict COVID-19 protection concept with disinfectants and masks, even during the social program. Additionally, the group from the STARS were separated from the Exchanges Weekend and were hosted in an additional châlet next to the venue. The occupancy of the beds and rooms was less than 40% of the total capacity, so that everyone was able to keep social distance even while sleeping. Food was served in two different dining rooms with assigned time slots and most of the social program happened outside.
The STARS group
BECOMING A MASK-VENTILATION EXPERT SCOPE Exchange in Denmark Text: Felice Hess | University of Bern The word quickly spread among the doctors and nurses in operating ward A: “She came here by bike - from Switzerland!” and I was asked about it several times in disbelief by people I didn’t know yet. Honestly, until I entered Odense Universitetshospital (OUH) for the first time, I was not quite sure if my plan would work out. But there I was, against all odds, despite all measures, restrictions and entry regulations, almost 1500km from Bern and, after two swabs, ready for the twelfth and probably last internship of my studies. And how I was received at the OUH: Marvelous! A senior doctor, who was responsible for me, introduced me directly to the resident Klaus (pronounced “Klaas”). I spent the first day in the outpatient department doing rectal inspections and colonoscopies, with the surgical procedure taking a maximum of two minutes, mostly a fraction of our whole anesthetic preparation. I was involved in the anesthesia procedures as much as possible: Venflon piercing, ventilation via mask and the use of a laryngeal mask, which is placed in the pharynx but not in the trachea. In anesthesiology, ideally you don’t have to do a lot: if the anesthesia is working well, the patient is stable and the operation can proceed without complications. With such a smooth procedure, there is not much more for a student to do than observe the surgeons or ask the nurse/doctor questions about Denmark and its health care system. 50
Most of the operations were abdominal operations: Whipple operation, removal of intestines due to tumors or other diseases, creation of an external intestinal outlet (stoma) or laser blasting of kidney stones. One highlight at the hospital was the late shift in the second week. From 15.30 at the latest, the hospital was quiet (as it is in Switzerland at 18.00 at the earliest), no more scheduled operations and only two anesthesiologists are responsible for the whole hospital (except for the cardiology and neurology department). After one hour we were called to a woman who had to be intubated for a CT scan. Shortly afterwards, we had to keep a young woman, who had given birth a few minutes before, and lost almost 1500ml of blood, in circulatory stability.
The local Exchanges team was very dedicated and it was fantastic, that I was able to meet some great people in Denmark. Despite the difficult circumstances of a pandemic, they put together a varied program for me: Besides a “welcome dinner”, there was an “international dinner” a week later, always at Amanda’s place. In addition to my spaetzli, there were German “Reibekuchen” (mini rösti, so to speak) complemented by a Brazilian and Portuguese dessert.
Fortunately, this went well, the epidural anesthesia could be increased, and the woman could be operated on without losing much more blood. We continued with a women in delivery; with the insertion of an epidural catheter and another caesarean section. In between, we had to look after a man who had ingested alcohol and probably another (medication?) cocktail in the emergency ward and I could also prove my mask ventilation skills on the way to the intensive care unit. In the middle of the night, things quieted down and I was allowed to say goodbye. It was one of my best-organized internships and the people involved were very committed to teaching me anything and everything; the most important handlings in anesthetic procedures. These skills are incredibly useful, for what is more important than being able to ensure the breathing of an unconscious patient? But it also reinforced the fact that I don’t want to become an anesthetist and that I would like a little more variety in my job.
These young and interesting people took me out to a pub-quiz – it was about movies and I did not have one single clue and other afternoons at the game bar ‘Papas Papbar’, where we ended up playing boardgames for whole afternoons. I also arranged some trips to the boulder-hall close by and was invited to the Odense Zoo on a Saturday morning. Everything was wonderfully completed by a farewell dinner at the “Storms packhuis” a famous street food place and me learning to fold paper stars as Christmas decoration. Thank you very much swimsa for supporting me in this exchange, especially during these rough times and a big thanks to the Odense exchanges committee and especially Emma who welcomed me open-hearted and invited me into the life of a Danish medical student!
EXCHANGE THE WORLD Your turn! A step-by-step guide Text: Felice Hess | University of Bern Cédric Follonier | University of Geneva Each year, more than 15’000 medical students from more than 90 countries embark on a journey to explore health care delivery and health systems in different cultural and social settings. The aim of the exchange program is to develop cultural sensitivity and skills in research amongst future health professionals intent on shaping the world of science in the upcoming future. The Swiss Medical Students’ Association offers two types of exchanges through the exchange program of the International Federation of Medical Students’ Association (IFMSA): “professional” and “research” exchanges. All exchanges last four weeks, some research exchanges can be prolonged to 8 weeks. The participants are offered a spot in the department or the research project of their choice, as well as accommodation and mostly a social program. Professional exchange is a full educational program offering clerkships abroad to future physicians. It gives you the possibility to integrate into a new culture and at the same time practice the skills learned on the benches of the university. Swiss students can apply for it in their second year and go abroad after they finished 3rd year. Research exchange offers you the opportunity to get a glimpse into the world of research and deepen your knowledge in the specific area of your research interest while integrating into a lab or clinical research project abroad. Swiss medical or biomedical students can apply for it in their first year of studies. 52
What it costs and what is included in an exchange There are two types of exchanges, bilateral and unilateral, which involve different costs. The bilateral exchange is the typical example of exchange: a Swiss student has the opportunity to go to one country and this country has the opportunity to send a student to Switzerland. In unilateral exchanges, no foreign students are welcomed back. Participating in the exchange program costs between 350 for unilateral exchange and 560 CHF for bilateral exchanges with an additional country-specific fee in the host country. However, you can receive a partial refund if you write a report at the end of the internship, if you volunteer in the exchanges program or if you travel by train or bus to your exchange. Choosing a country within Europe and a green travel will be rewarded! In return for this fee, a four-week internship is organized for you, you are provided with accommodation, one meal per working day and the opportunity to take part in a social program with other exchange students that will allow you to discover the wonders of your host country and its culture.
Communication swimsa is part of the worldwide IFMSA exchange program with all its terms and conditions. To secure an efficient communication and reduce the volunteers’ workload, strict international Communication guidelines were implemented. We are aware, that you are excited about your exchange and wish to get all possible information but please do not contact someone of your favourite country! swimsa’s LEO’s, NEO’s and NORE’s are happy to assist you and are in close contact with the officers worldwide.
4. Pay the exchanges fee which will be used to organize the accomodation and meals. 5. Upload the necessary documents on the IFMSA’s website with the login you will receive from us and choose your favourite department and city of your assigned country. 6. Inform your NEO-Out or NORE about your completed Application Form (AF). Feeling cosy at home but want to know the world?
How to apply Doesn’t it sound convincing? Well, we think so, too! We offer a step-by-step guide to register for your next exchange. 1. Choose your exchange Research exchange: registration from the first year on. Professional exchange: registration from the second year on 2. Choose your three preferred countries amongst more than 65. You will find a complete list of participating countries on swimsa.ch/de/ exchanges/lander. 3. Visit swimsa.ch/exchanges or exchange. ifmsa.org/exchange/scope/explore/exchangeconditions and read the conditions of your favourite countries and check if you meet the requirements. If so, fill out the registration form from March until 30th of June 2021. After completing these few steps, you are registered within swimsa as an outgoing. Congratulations! The exchanges team will get in touch with the country of your choice and will possibly sign a contract during the IFMSA General Assembly in August. You will be informed if it is possible to participate in the program and in which country your exchange will take place by the end of September. Once you’ve been accepted, there are still a few steps left to register in your host country within the set deadlines.
You can become a Contact Person (CP)! Indeed, IFMSA’s huge exchange network is organized by local volunteer students. As a Contact Person, you will be the local “exchange buddy” of a student and will be organizing their internship and place to live. If possible, you will pick up the incoming at the train station, take them on a guided tour of your city and engage in other leisure activities. In this way, you can get a taste of the exchange experience in Switzerland and make friends worldwide. Extra: You will be reimboursed 30.- if you help out according to the Local Exchange Officers’ (LEO’s) conditions! If you have any question or would like to participate nationally or locally, don’t hesitate to get in touch with your national or local exchange teams. You will find further information on swimsa.ch/exchanges.
INTERESTED? NOW IT’S YOUR TURN For a research exchange: from 1st year on For a professional exchange: from 3rd year on You can find more infos here: www.swimsa.ch/exchanges https://ifmsa.org/exchange-the-world/ swimsa
MEDISERVICE - GRATIS MITGLIED WERDEN Text: Marc Schällebaum | Geschäftsführer MEDISERVICE VSAO-ASMAC Medizinstudierende profitieren als mediservice vsao-asmac-Mitglieder von massgeschneiderten Versicherungslösungen zu Spezialkonditionen. SCHON WÄHREND DES STUDIUMS SPAREN! Was vielen Medizinstudenten nicht bewusst ist: Es lohnt sich bereits während des Studiums Mitglied bei mediservice zu werden. mediservice hat sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Mediziner in jeder Phase des (Beruf-)Lebens mit exklusiven Dienstleistungen und kosteneffizienten Versicherungslösungen zu begleiten. Während des Studiums ist die Mitgliedschaft bei mediservice zudem kostenlos.
mediservice ist die Dienstleistungsorganisation des vsao, dem Verband Schweizerischer Assistenz und Oberärztinnen und -ärzte. Das Versicherungsteam von mediservice hilft Ihnen gerne bei der Lösungsfindung: 031 350 44 22, info@mediservice-vsao.ch GRATIS MITGLIED WERDEN Jetzt gratis Mitglied beim vsao und mediservice werden: mediservice-vsao.ch/mitglied Alle MEDISERVICE-Dienstleistungen online: www.mediservice-vsao.ch MEDISERVICE VSAO-ASMAC Bollwerk 10 Postfach 3001 Bern Telefon 031 350 44 22 info@mediservice-vsao.ch 54
ZAHLREICHE VORTEILE • Geldwerte Lösungen für alle Versicherungsfragen • Online-Stellenvermittlungsbörse jobmed.ch • Wichtige Informationen durch das vsao Journal • Begleitung in allen Lebensphasen • Laufbahn-Kongress für angehende und junge Ärztinnen und Ärzte medifuture.ch • Unabhängige Wirtschafts- und Finanzberatung durch spezialisierte Partner • Versicherungsberatung für Auslandaufenthalt • Versicherungs-Check-Up • Umfassende Agenda für Seminarangebote auf medisem.ch
MEDISERVICE - DEVENEZ GRATUITEMENT MEMBRE Texte : Marc Schällebaum | Directeur MEDISERVICE VSAO-ASMAC En tant que membres de mediservice vsao-asmac, les étudiants en médecine bénéficient de solutions d’assurance sur mesure à des conditions préférentielles.
RÉALISEZ DES ÉCONOMIES PENDANT VOS ÉTUDES ! Beaucoup d’étudiants en médecine l’ignorent : il vaut la peine de s’affilier à mediservice déjà pendant les études, car mediservice s’est donné pour tâche d’accompagner les médecins dans chaque phase de leur vie (professionnelle) avec des prestations de service exclusives et des solutions d’assurance intéressantes. De plus, l’affiliation à mediservice est gratuite pendant les études.
DES NOMBREUX AVANTAGES • Solutions avantageuses pour toutes les questions d’assurance • Bourse de l’emploi en ligne jobmed.ch/fr • Informations importantes par le biais du Journal asmac • Accompagnement dans toutes les phases de vie • Le congrès de carrière pour les futurs et jeunes médecins sur medifuture.ch • Conseils économiques et financiers indépendants par des partenaires spécialisés • Conseils en assurances pour les séjours à l’étranger • Check-Up des assurances • Agenda pour offres de séminaire sur medisem.ch/fr
mediservice est l’organisation de prestations de service de l’asmac, l’Association suisse des médecins-assistant(e)s et chef(fe)s de clinique. L’équipe des assurances de mediservice vous assiste volontiers pour trouver une solution adaptée : 031 350 44 22, info@mediservice-vsao.ch DEVENEZ GRATUITEMENT MEMBRE Devenez gratuitement membre de l’asmac et mediservice: mediservice-vsao.ch/affiliation Toutes les prestations de MEDISERVICE en ligne : www.mediservice-asmac.ch MEDISERVICE VSAO-ASMAC Bollwerk 10 Case postale 3001 Berne Téléphone 031 350 44 22 info@mediservice-vsao.ch swimsa
Durch die Zugehörigkeit zur IFMSA bietet swimsa ihren Mitgliedern die Möglichkeit, an Kongressen teilzunehmen die Medizinstudierende aus aller Welt zusammenbringen. Durch die Teilnahme an Schulungen wie auch europäischen oder globalen Kongressen, kannst du den Einflus von Medizinstudierende auf die öffentliche Gesundheit, den Austausch und die medizinische Ausbildung mitgestalten!
Grâce à son affiliation à l’IFMSA, la swimsa offre l’opportunité à ses membres de prendre part à des congrès réunissant des étudiant·e·s en médecine du monde entier. En prenant part à une formation, à un congrès européen ou mondial, tu peux façonner l’impact que les étudiant·e·s en médecine ont sur la santé puique, les échanges et l’éducation médicale !
IFMSA EUROPEAN REGIONAL MEETING 2020 Text: Valeria Scheiwiller | Vice-President for Global Affairs
This is the report of the Swiss Delegation to this year’s European Regional Meeting of the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA), which was held as an online event. The executive board of the Swiss Medical Students’ Association (swimsa) assembled eight motivated medical students to be part of the online conference of European medical students. As one of the founding members of IFMSA in 1951, swimsa has never missed an opportunity to actively shape the impact that medical students have in the world of public health, professional exchange and medical education, just to name a few. The following achievements are listed to accredit the involvement of swimsa during the last European Regional Meeting of the IFMSA: • swimsa proposed the regional priority 20/21 proposal on Health, Environment and Climate Change together with AECS-Catalonia, bvmd-Germany and ANEM-Portugal, which got accepted by the European NMOs. • The Swiss delegates contributed a lot to their respective standing committee which was praised by the IFMSA officials. • swimsa maintained a high level of credibility throughout the whole EuRegMe towards IFMSA as well as the National Member Organisations.
Facing the global COVID-19 crisis this year’s European Regional Meeting was held online on Zoom from the 25. - 27. September 2020. The plenary and standing committee sessions were held at the same time. Six delegates came together for the plenary and standing committee sessions and stayed for the weekend together in order to increase the team spirit. We maintained highly constructive contact on an international level and got to give input on various topics. This report aims to give you an insight into the busy and amazing world that a European Regional Meeting of the IFMSA, the world’s largest and oldest student organisation, is.
Want to know more about the IFSMA EuRegMe?
How was your experience? The delegates of the online EuRegMe share their individual experiences:
Wie bereits bei der online General Assembly im Sommer, war meine Teilnahme am EuRegMe sehr spontan. Doch es hätte mir nichts Besseres passieren können, als an den SCOME Sessions teilzunehmen. Denn trotz Zoom Meeting, fehlendem physischem Kontakt und einigen Internet Pannen, waren die Sessions unglaublich vielseitig und informativ. In verschiedenen kleinen Arbeitsgruppen wurden Themen wie Entwicklung des Curriculums, Policy Making und Stakeholder Mapping diskutiert und bearbeitet. Neben der ganzen Arbeit durfte aber auch der Spass nicht fehlen, so dass sehr aktiv und kompetitiv online Catan gespielt und spannende Gespräche geführt wurden.
Charlotte Kull, Bern 5th year
Stefan Leung, Zurich 6th year
Nach 4 internationalen Events der IFMSA (3 General Assemblies und 1 NEO NORE Weekend), fühlte ich mich bereit, mich für das sogenannte Sessions Team zu bewerben. Ich hätte nie in meinem Traum gedacht, dass ich dafür akzeptiert wurde. Es war eine intensive und unglaubliche Erfahrung. Obwohl der Event online stattfand, mussten wir natürlich die Sessions vorbereiten. Auf internationaler Ebene so einen Event zu organisieren braucht viel Koordination. Hinter die Kulissen zu schauen war die perfekte Chance für mich als amtierenden VPX eine Idee zu bekommen, wie man eigene Events organisieren könnte. Nach unzähligen Online Meetings und Achterbahnfahrten der Gefühle bin ich ziemlich stolz auf mich die swimsa an einem internationalen Event repräsentiert zu haben. Ich fühle mich nun umso bereiter einen eigenen Event zu organisieren.
Ich habe das EuRegMe als sehr wertvoll empfunden. An dem Wochenende konnte ich mich mit vielen Personen in der gleichen Position austauschen, speziell im Kontext von COVID-19. Dadurch konnten wir Erfahrungswerte abgleichen und Probleme diskutieren, die zur Zeit überall ähnlich sind. Wir konnten Lösungsansätze erarbeiten und haben Ideen ausgetauscht, die es nun zu implementieren gilt. Zusätzlich habe ich meine erste Exchanges Fair erlebt, wie auch eine äusserst interessante External Session mit Vortragenden von ausserhalb der IFMSA und ihren Mitgliedern. Diese hatten nochmals einen ganz anderen Blickwinkel auf das jetzige Geschehen, weil sie aus einem anderen Umfeld kamen, was sehr erfrischend war. Ich möchte mich hiermit auch sehr für die gute Organisation und Durchführung des EuRegMe bei allen Beteiligten bedanken.
Nadja Morello, Zurich 5th year
Daniel Konrad, Bern 3rd year
Neuer Tag, neues Online Meeting. Auch das European Regional Meeting verschob sich in unsere eigenen vier Wände statt in Vilnius, Litauen, stattzufinden. Dadurch, dass sich die Delegation der swimsa abermals gemeinsam in ein Haus zurückzog, standen Teamwork und Kurzweiligkeit zuoberst auf der Agenda und das Meeting gestaltete sich spannend und kurzweilig. Auch internationale (Fern-)Kontakte sind mittlerweile erprobt, so schlug die swimsa gemeinsam mit bvmd Deutschland, AECS Katalonien und ANEM Portugal die regionale Priorität “Umwelt, Klimawandel und Gesundheit” vor, welche angenommen wurde und nun den Weg der europäischen Region der IFMSA mitgestalten wird. Etwas wehmütig trete ich nach diesem letzten Meeting von meiner Position zurück, mit der Gewissheit, zukünftige Delegationen in den besten Händen zu lassen. swimsa
En tant que déléguée du SCOPH (Standing Committee on Public Health), j’ai eu l’occasion d’en apprendre davantage sur la santé mentale et le changement climatique (nos priorités régionales), sur la manière dont ils sont liés et sur l’importance d’une approche “One Health”. En petits groupes, nous avons ensuite discuté des projets déjà en place dans nos pays respectifs et des comités locaux pour savoir comment nous pouvons défendre ces causes. En outre, j’ai pu assister à une session de formation sur la “facilitation en ligne”, et j’ai appris à concevoir une session interactive et engageante et à la présenter sur une plateforme en ligne, ce qui est aujourd’hui honnêtement plus important que jamais. Bien que dans des circonstances “normales”, je suis sûr que le point culminant de ces réunions serait les interactions en personne et le voyage, l’enthousiasme et l’engagement collectifs étaient toujours présents, même à travers nos écrans et il était très inspirant d’entendre parler des projets incroyables auxquels chacun participait ou travaillait. Et peutêtre plus important encore, j’ai réalisé le pouvoir et le potentiel que chacun d’entre nous possède pour vraiment créer une différence vers un monde plus sain et plus durable.
Valeria Scheiwiller, Zurich 3rd year
Wie zahlt sich für Studierende extracurriculares Engagement aus? Mit dieser Frage nahm ich an einem weiteren online Event der IFMSA teil und organisierte ein Wochenende in einem Gruppenhaus für die Delegation. Während dem Wochenende war ich im Gespräch mit Studierenden aus der ganzen Welt, welche unterschiedliche Standpunkte vertreten, aber dennoch die gleichen Probleme lösen wollen wie ich. In der heutigen Zeit in welcher niemand genau sagen kann wie die Welt von morgen aussieht, ist es umso wertvoller sich mit jungen Menschen auszutauschen, welche daran interessiert sind, gemeinsam das Morgen zu verändern, so dass gesundheits- und umweltpolitische Themen angemessen repräsentiert sind.
Nach mehreren pandemiebedingten Planänderungen hatte ich doch noch das Glück am EuRegMe20 teilnehmen zu dürfen. Obwohl ich bereits mehrmals an ähnlichen Anlässen dabei war, erstaunt mich die Passion, die von den Teilnehmenden mitgebracht wird jedes Mal aufs Neue! In den Presidents’ Sessions ging es um die Auswahl der Themen, die für das kommende Jahr mit den europäischen Ländern bearbeitet werden sollen. Der, unter anderen, von der swimsa erarbeitete Antrag mit dem Titel “Health, Environment and Climate Change” wurde dabei als eine von 2 Prioritäten angenommen! 60
Malika Sachdeva, Geneva 3rd year
Yannick Turdo, Lausanne 6th year
What we have learned Standing Committees Public Health by Ariane Pauli & Malika Sachdeva •
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Health impacts of climate change on food systems and the immense costs that will arise as a result (mass-migrations, rise in infectious diseases, reduced food security, etc.) Globally, we need more awareness about impacts like these, and especially as future healthcare workers. The high prevalence of mental health issues in Europe, especially anxiety and depressive disorders (more than 1 in 6 people) - while it is something that most of us have already heard and talked about, the numbers were indeed shocking. The climate crisis is very likely to exacerbate these mental health issues with Eco-anxiety rising, direct impacts as a result of crises and associated economic impacts. Importance of the One Health Approach and interdisciplinarity in preventing the spread of diseases. From the Online Facilitation Training session: there is a myriad of tools that we can use to create engaging sessions. While physical interactions and sessions are now reduced, that should not limit our capacity to conduct equally engaging sessions; we need to learn more about the tools at hand and be able to implement them better. Mental health is not only the absence of disease, but a state of mental and overall well being. 95% of climate change is caused by humans. Climate change has a major impact on the healthcare system as air and water quality, changes in water and food supply, and many other factors influence directly and indirectly human health. The one health approach implements interdisciplinary programmes, policies, legislation and research in order to achieve better public health outcomes. There are many possibilities to connect with IFMSA on an international level.
Medical Education by Charlotte Kull • • • •
stakeholder mapping: Who are they? How can they be found? And how to best map them according to their interest and power towards your project. how to best approach which stakeholder depending on power and interest the six steps to curricular development and how to implement them a different approach to accreditation
Exchanges by Daniel Konrad • • • • •
that you have to provide meaningfulness to your members gamification can help to increase member involvement even small roles make people feel important what are the most important characteristics to define a health care system do not wait for corona to pass but form an online community
Exchanges - Session Team by Stefan Leung • •
In the Sessions Team I learnt more things about myself such as personal development but also how to work in a team. From my experience I can tell that everyone has their own priorities in life and this should be considered when planning a deadline. Additionally it’s very important to start the preparation as soon as possible. Time management was a big problem in our sessions because of some bad communication. For my own sessions in the future I will definitely take a proper outline more seriously to avoid any potential time management issues.
Presidents’ Sessions by Nadja Morello, Yannick Turdo & Valeria Scheiwiller • • • • • • • • • • • •
Fundraising is important for nonprofits. Online facilitation can work very well. swimsa should send more people to pre events. Socials are important for such events. Having people work next to you, even on something else, can give a lot of mental support. The efforts of different NMOs can still be joint even if working online. Good time management and planning ahead is key for a happy delegation. Even if you are familiar with a topic, you might learn something new. Non violent communication is the key to success, especially in stressful times. You need to look after your mental health and motivation while volunteering. Don’t do things your not interested in -> motivation is the key to success You can burn for something, but don’t burn yourself out.
What impressed you during this online EuRegMe? Could this be implemented within swimsa? • • • •
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I really liked the concept behind stakeholder mapping and I will try to implement this in our discussion regarding policy papers and advocacy. How engaged other people are and how much they already prepare for the possible eventualities of post-COVID-19 times (adapted lodging, different hospitals for internships). Yes! The use of interactive tools for online events can greatly improve engagement (SMSC!) I was very much impressed by the advocacy work and other projects that several delegates had undertaken within their NMOs. One of which is advocating for the implementation of ‘health impacts of climate-change’ in our medical curriculums. The management of online events is becoming better and better, maybe a future DV/AD could be done in a similar manner if necessary People were very motivated during the online meeting and came up with interesting ways to capture people’s attention. For example dancing sessions and other interactive games. Online Capacity Building should be done more often in swimsa. It is a great opportunity for everyone to join “without” any participant limitations. There are ways to get in touch individually and get to know new people, we should try to host an online event too. In this case we can also recruit more official (Exchanges) Trainers and get to know new people internationally. swimsa
What could swimsa as an organization improve in general? • • • • •
To make sure the social part is not coming short, to attract more people to work within swimsa, to improve the image of swimsa and that it is not only known for students who work very hard. I’d love to have a clearer strategy on how swimsa can use its policy papers. promote Pre-GA/EuRegMes We can perhaps work towards increasing member participation. To develop certain routines for scenarios that can easily change, for example add a section in the financing of international congresses in case an online meeting needs to take place. However, this can also be considered overregulation, so I don’t know if it is smart, just an idea As swimsa does not have unlimited capacity, we have to focus on the topics where we have the resources and therefore create focus topics instead of trying to establish something in every sector of IFMSA just to have it.
Suggestions for further Swiss delegations Try to motivate more french speaking people! Arrive a little earlier, so you have more time to get to know each other. More exchange on what individuals are doing during the event When discussing with other delegates, do note down an activity/project that they are a part of and you would like to organize yourself. Be up to date on swimsa’s various projects and Swiss health policies, etc. Be participative: it’s a supportive space and you can learn so much more when you engage actively with others)
Stick together and don’t let the social come too short, it will help you with teambuilding and increase your overall experience! Do not get discouraged if it is an online event. We are in a special situation and should see the positive sides. In the end we are privileged to still be able to connect to international medical students. Attend the whole EuRegMe even though it is (only) held online. Ask questions if you have any, there are no stupid questions in this world. Enjoy every single moment, because it will be over too soon! swimsa
Die swimsa bietet engagierten Medizinstudierenden eine Plattform, sich auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene auszutauschen. Lokal initiierte Projekte können über die swimsa zu nationalen und internationalen Projekten weiterentwickelt werden.
La swimsa offre la possibilité aux étudiant∙e∙s en médecine d’évoluer au niveau national et au niveau international. Ainsi, les projets initiés localement peuvent se développer, avec l’aide de la swimsa, en projets nationaux et internationaux.
news from the swimsa family
ORGAN DONATION: SEXUAL HEALTH BEFORE AND AFTER Text: Lucas Büsser | University of Zurich A little scoop of history Organ donation has been a hot topic since the very beginning. The idea of saving the life of a patient by implanting an organ of an (unrelated) donor has fascinated science and society alike. Today, almost 150’000 organs are being transplanted annually [1], leading to thousands of patients worldwide profiting from an improvement in their quality of life. Despite increased numbers of donated organs, with every year the corresponding waiting lists are growing too, leading to 72 deaths in Switzerland last year alone [2] and thus making education about the topic ever more pressing. However, for a long time, people suffering from a sexually transmitted infection (STI) were not eligible for organ donation. For instance, from 1988 until as recent as 2012 organs from donors “infected with the etiologic agent for AIDS” had been banned in the entire USA. Thanks to triplecombination of antiretroviral therapy (ART) as well as research in this field, this is finally changing. [3] Thanks to meticulous screening of donors, donor-derived infectious disease transmission events have become rare [4]. Additionally, with the increase of living transplantation, they will play a smaller role, since they are up to 10 times higher in deceased donor organ transplants [4]. Nonetheless, if such an unfortunate event occurs, it tends to have a high mortality of up to 22% [4].
Thus, since an infection even with tested, low-risk organs cannot be excluded, guidelines call for a screening for HIV, HBV and HCV infections after transplantation [5]. This seems especially logical since effective suppression of HIV and HBV as well as a cure for HCV are known to humankind today. And there is another silver lining on the horizon: Since 2007 the Federal Act on the Transplantation of Organs, Tissues and Cells [6] allows organ transplantation between HIV-positive donors and recipients in Switzerland. In 2008 the first ever solid organ transplantation from an HIV-positive to a HIV-positive recipient took place in South Africa [7], where a lack of resources for dialysis and a rising population of HIV-positive patients with renal failure played a key role in the country becoming a vanguard in this field [8]. In Geneva (and globally for the first time ever) a liver could successfully be transplanted from an HIV-positive donor to an HIV-positive recipient in 2015, whom both have been treated with antiretroviral therapy for years beforehand [9]. Moreover, a recently published multicenter pilot study [10] in the United States has compared HIV donor and recipient positive kidney transplantation with the transplantation from HIV-negative donors to HIV-positive recipients. The results speak for themselves: “[…] overall transplant and HIV outcomes were excellent […]” [10]. swimsa
news from the swimsa family
In 2017, another precedent took place: for the first time ever a liver segment from an HIVpositive living-donor mother was transplanted to her HIV-negative child [8]. This, of course, goes hand in hand with important ethical discussions: Does purposefully “infecting” a child with HIV outweigh certain death e.g. resulting from liver failure? What is in the best interest of the child or the HIV-negative recipient in general? etc. The, over the past decades strongly improved, antiretroviral therapy for HIV will certainly play a strong role in this discussion, however more research into this field will be needed to reach scientific as well as ethical consensus. But who knows, maybe medicine will be able to tackle this hurdle too and manage to prevent transmission from donor to recipient in the future… Either way, history shows that also people carrying a chronic illness should make up their mind on organ donation and express their will. Ideally, by entering it in the Swiss national registry for organ donation (www.register. swisstransplant.org) Sex after transplantation All transplant recipients are at a much greater risk of complications from STIs as long as they are sexually active, since they usually are on medicine to suppress their immune system [11]. This is crucial, so that the immune system of the recipient does not attack the transplanted organ. However, inhibiting the immune system at the same time makes recipients more vulnerable for STIs and other infections. Naturally, the Safer Sex recommendations apply here as well: using a barrier method (condoms and/or dental dams) every time one has sex can help save (recipients’) lives [11]! This is all the more true for adolescent recipients, since youth with chronic medical conditions are more prone to risk-taking behavior that places them at higher risk for STIs, such as earlier sexual debuts [12, 13]. 66
organ-donation registry
Talking about sex after organ donation thus is a necessity - also in the pediatric/adolescent setting. Furthermore, serious health issues can derive from (unplanned) pregnancies for transplant recipients due to the (teratogenic) medications they are taking. Effective birth control needs to be taken seriously and shall openly be discussed with the transplantation team. This is especially important since studies have shown that recipients are often not aware that they can become pregnant after organ transplantation. [14] Talk about it Organ donation and sex – two topics that, unfortunately, too often tend to escape the public discourse and have been stigmatized for too long. Each of them can have a huge impact on a person’s life and has the potential to change it for the better.
news from the swimsa family
However, while the discussion on one or the other might slowly reach society’s consciousness, we shall not forget the junction where the two meet and shine light on the vast opportunities we have today to help affected people. And the easiest way to do this, is by talking about it openly - with friends, families and strangers alike.
follow us on instagram
If YOU are interested in raising awareness for organ donation and enabling a science based debate in society, follow us at @projekt_ organspende_zh or write us an email via pozh@ swimsa.ch. References:
[1] Data of the WHO-ONT Global Observatory on Donation and Transplantation, http://www.transplant-observatory.org/count5/, visited: 24.02.2021 [2] swisstransplant, annual figures 2020, https://www.
[9] Calmy A, van Delden C, Giostra E, Junet C, Rubbia Brandt L, Yerly S, Chave JP, Samer C, Elkrief L, Vionnet J, Berney T; Swiss HIV and Swiss Transplant Cohort Studies. HIV-Positive-to-HIV-Positive Liver Transplantation. Am J Transplant. 2016 Aug;16(8):2473-8. doi: 10.1111/ajt.13824. Epub 2016 Jun 7. PMID: 27109874. [10] Durand, CM, Zhang, W, Brown, DM, et al; the HOPE in Action Investigators. A prospective multicenter pilot study of HIV-positive deceased donor to HIV-positive recipient kidney transplantation: HOPE in action. Am J Transplant. 2020; 00: 1– 11. https://doi.org/10.1111/
swisstransplant.org/en/information-material/ statistics/, visited : 24.02.2021 [3] Botha, J., Fabian, J., Etheredge, H. et al. HIV and Solid Organ Transplantation: Where Are we Now. Curr HIV/AIDS Rep 16, 404–413 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/
s11904-019-00460-7 [4] Donor-derived transmission events in 2013: a report of the Organ Procurement Transplant Network Ad Hoc Disease Transmission Advisory Committee. [5] Jones JM, Kracalik I, Levi ME, et al. Assessing Solid Organ Donors and Monitoring Transplant Recipients for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Hepatitis B Virus, and Hepatitis C Virus Infection — U.S. Public Health Service Guideline, 2020. MMWR Recomm Rep 2020;69(No. RR4):1–16. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15585/mmwr. rr6904a1external icon. [6] SR 810.21, Federal Act of 8 October 2004 on the Transplantation of Organs, Tissues and Cells (Transplantation Act), https://fedlex.data.admin.ch/eli/ cc/2007/279, visited: 24.02.2021 [7] Muller E, Kahn D, Mendelson M. Renal transplantation between HIV-positive donors and recipients. N Engl J Med. 2010;362(24):2336–7 [8] Botha, J., Fabian, J., Etheredge, H. et al. HIV and Solid Organ Transplantation: Where Are we Now. Curr HIV/AIDS Rep 16, 404–413 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11904019-00460-7
ajt.16205 [11] Ardura, MI, Coscia, LA, Meyers, MR. Promoting safe sexual practices and sexual health maintenance in pediatric and young adult solid organ transplant recipients. Pediatr Transplant. 2021; 25:e13949. https://doi.org/10.1111/
petr.13949 [12] Suris JC, Parera N. Sex, drugs and chronic illness: health behaviours among chronically ill youth. Eur J Public Health. 2005;15(5):484‐488. https://doi.org/10.1093/
eurpub/cki001 [13] Nylander C, Seidel C, Tindberg Y. The triply troubled teenager–chronic conditions associated with fewer protective factors and clustered risk behaviours. Acta Paediatr. 2014;103(2):194‐200. https://doi.org/10.1111/ apa.12461 [14] French VA, Davis JS, Sayles HS, Wu SS. Contraception and fertility awareness among women with solid organ transplants. Obstet Gynecol. 2013;122(4):809‐814. https:// doi.org/10.1097/AOG.0b013e3182a5eda9
news from the swimsa family
MARROW – BE A MATCH, SAVE A LIFE Text: Simone Temperli | President of Marrow Switzerland Dear (future) lifesavers, Despite the actual crisis, Marrow is still looking for new lifesavers and we still love to talk about Blood Stem Cell Donation! Because every year, about 1100 people in Switzerland are diagnosed with leukemia or other diseases of the blood building system. Approximately a third of all children suffering from cancer, have leukemia. Often, a Blood Stem Cell Donation is the last chance they have to survive. Till now, for every fourth patient, no matching donor can be found, unfortunately. Therefore, Marrow members all around Switzerland are constantly looking for new lifesavers! As you can imagine, direct tests with the cotton swabs are not possible at the moment. But nevertheless, we plan events for you, where you can sign up to be a hero! If you want to know more about how to be a potential Blood Stem Cell Donor, do not hesitate to contact your local Marrow Section or find more information on our website www.marrow.ch and under www.blutspende-srk.ch. On the first and second of May, the first virtual Leukemia Charity Run took place. All seven Sections of Marrow Switzerland worked closely together and put in huge effort to bring this national event to full success. The goal of the event was to collect as many kilometers as possible. The participants could run, hike or walk anywhere in Switzerland. For each kilometer our national and regional sponsors paid a certain amount. The fundraised money will go to Swiss Transfusion SRC to support the blood stem cell registry and the registration of new potential donors. The final numbers are not clear yet. But nevertheless, we can share some amazing details and achievements we made during this event: • • •
Over 7’400 people participated all over Switzerland! So far, over 6’000 CHF have been donated from private sponsors. The participants were trying to collect enough kilometers to achieve a funds of over 68’000 CHF!
news from the swimsa family
We can’t wait to share the final numbers with you in the next newsletter! We would like to thank all the people, who participated in the run, despite the rainy weather! You are awesome and helped us to ensure that many more people can register as lifesavers. Furthermore, we like to thank our sponsors. Without them, this event would not have been possible. Stay updated about our next (social) events at your university through our Website (www.marrow. ch), Facebook (Marrow Switzerland) or Instagram (marrow_basel, marrow_bern, marrow_fribourg, marrow_geneva, marrow_lausanne, marrow_zurich, marrow_luzern, marrow_ch). Lots of Marrow Love for everyone, Marrow Switzerland
news from the swimsa family
WHERE TO TURN TO? Meet your local student association
FaMBa - Basel praesidium@fachschaftmedizinbasel.com www.famba.ch
FaMed - Fribourg fs-medizin@unifr.ch student.unifr.ch/med
fsmb - Bern sekretariat@fsmb.ch www.fsmb.ch
MUSt - St. Gallen info@must-hsg.ch www.must-hsg.ch
news from the swimsa family
AEML - Lausanne aeml@unil.ch www.aeml.ch
aemg - Geneva aemg@unige.ch aemg.unige.ch
FluMed (Fachverein Luzerner Medizinstudierenden) flumed.luzern@outlook.com www.flumed.ch
smusi - Lugano smusi@usi.ch www.smusi.usi.ch
mesa - Zurich ETH vorstand@heat.ethz.ch www.mesa.ethz.ch
fvmed - Zurich UZH info@fvmed.ch www.fvmed.ch
news from the swimsa family
SWIMSA’S PROJECTS Meet our associate members
Achtung Liebe www.achtungliebe.ch
AEST - Action Estudiantine pour la Santé Tropicale www.association-aest.com
AGT - Aufklärung gegen Tabak www.gegentabak.de
ASC - Action Santé Communautaire www.facebook.com/actionsantecommunautaire
ASTiM www.astim.ch
CLASH www.instagram.com/associationclash
gruhu www.gruhu.ch
Doctors and Death www.facebook.com/doctorsanddeath
EROS www.association-eros.com
escolhares www.escolhares.com
news from the swimsa family
JSEMS - Sport & Exercise Medicine Switzerland www.sems.ch
Marrow Switzerland www.marrow.ch
SCS - Swiss Chiropractic Students www.sc-students.ch
Teddybär Spital
POZH - Projekt Organspende Zürich www.fvmed.ch
UAEM Switzerland www.uaem.ch
YS - Young Sonographers www.youngsonographers.ch
Ces dernières années, j’ai toujours été honoré que les « jeunes » étudiants invitent les « anciens » de la FMH à s’exprimer dans leur journal de la swimsa. Aujourd’hui, au seuil de ma retraite, j’ai pleinement conscience d’appartenir à une génération de médecins dont la formation et le parcours professionnel ont été très différents de la vôtre. Notre profession est en constante évolution, et la FMH fait chaque jour de son mieux pour contribuer à façonner son avenir. Nous nous engageons pour des conditions de travail qui nous permettent de prendre en charge toutes les patientes et tous les patients avec le même niveau élevé de qualité, sans plafonds de coûts ni temps de consultation limités. Nous souhaitons par ailleurs que les médecins d’aujourd’hui puissent exercer leur activité professionnelle tout en ayant du temps libre et la possibilité de fonder une famille. Ces changements de notre profession s’illustrent également au sein de la FMH avec l’arrivée d’une femme à la présidence de la FMH. Notre engagement en faveur des médecins reste lui inchangé !»
Les étudiants en médecine peuvent s’affilier gratui tement à la FMH après le bachelor et bénéficier entre autres d’un abonnement gratuit au Swiss Medical Forum et au Bulletin des médecins suisses. Inscriptions : www.fmh.ch.
Dr. med. Jürg Schlup, Präsident der FMH bis zum 31. Januar 2021/ Président de la FMH jusqu’au 31 janvier 2021
In den letzten Jahren empfand ich es immer als besondere Ehre, dass die «jungen» Studierenden der «alten» FMH in ihrem swimsa-Journal Raum geben. Nun trete ich ab in den Ruhestand – als Teil einer Ärztegeneration, deren Ausbildung und Arbeitsbiografie noch ganz anders geprägt war als es bei Ihnen der Fall ist. Unser Beruf ist in einem ständigen Wandel und die FMH gibt jeden Tag ihr Bestes, seine Zukunft mitzugestalten: Wir engagieren uns für Arbeitsbedingungen, die es uns erlauben, alle Patienten und Patientinnen gleichermassen qualitativ hochstehend zu behandeln – ohne durch Kostendeckel und Zeitlimitationen daran gehindert zu werden. Und wir möchten, dass auch berufstätige Ärztinnen und Ärzte Freizeit und Familie haben können. Mit der Stabsübergabe im FMH-Präsidium von einem Arzt an eine Ärztin spiegelt sich der Wandel unseres Berufs auch in der FMH. Der Einsatz für die Anliegen der Ärzteschaft bleibt aber unverändert!»
Nach dem Bachelorabschluss können Medizinstudieren de der FMH gebührenfrei beitreten: Die Studierenden-Mitgliedschaft ist unter anderem verbunden mit einem kostenlosen Abonnement der Weiterbildungszeitschrift Swiss Medical Forum und der Schweizerischen Ärzte zeitung. Anmeldung: www.fmh.ch
Je l’admets, lorsque j’étais étudiante en médecine, je ne m’intéressais pas particulièrement à la FMH. Le travail intensif pour les études et la nécessité en parallèle de subvenir à mes besoins par des emplois estudiantins me laissaient peu de temps pour l’engagement politique. Dans ce domaine, mon intérêt principal n’était d’ailleurs pas la politique professionnelle, mais plutôt d’autres sujets de société, telles que la lutte contre le nucléaire. Pendant mes études de médecine, ma préoccupation première était de devenir une bonne praticienne et de bien prendre en charge mes futurs patients. Organiser ma formation postgraduée sans négliger totalement ma vie privée représentait aussi un défi d’envergure. À cette époque, j’étais peu consciente du fait que ces enjeux avaient aussi à voir avec la FMH. Aujourd’hui, à la tête de la FMH, je m’engage pour que vous trouviez des conditions favorables afin de mener à bien vos prochaines étapes professionnelles et de pouvoir soigner vos patients comme vous l’entendez. Notre système de santé est soumis à une pression énorme, et pas seulement à cause du Covid-19. Avec des mesures visant à freiner la hausse des coûts, le Conseil fédéral exige que nos traitements ne soient plus exclusivement axés sur les besoins des patientes et des patients. À l’avenir, nous risquons de devoir leur refuser des prestations afin de respecter les exigences politiques en matière de volumes et de coûts de prestations. Est-ce votre conception de la médecin ? Ce n’est pas non plus la nôtre … C’est pourquoi, avec la FMH, nous nous engageons avec détermination à faire en sorte que vous aussi puissiez continuer à prodiguer des soins médicaux de qualité !»
Dr. med. Yvonne Gilli, Präsidentin der FMH seit 1. Februar 2021/ Présidente de la FMH depuis le 1 février 2021
Ich gebe es zu: Als ich Medizin studierte, interessierte ich mich nicht besonders für die FMH. Das intensive Studium und die Notwendigkeit als Werkstudentin meine Existenzgrundlagen zu sichern, begrenzten meine Zeit für politisches Engagement. Mein Politikinteresse galt auch nicht der Standespolitik sondern anderen Themen wie z.B. der Bekämpfung der Atomkraftwerke. Als Medizinstudentin wollte ich vor allem eine gute Ärztin werden und meine zukünftigen Patienten gut versorgen. Ich stand vor der Herausforderung, meine Weiterbildung zu organisieren – und gleichzeitig noch ein Privatleben führen zu können. Dass diese Herausforderungen auch mit der FMH zu tun haben, war mir damals wenig bewusst. Heute darf ich mich als FMH-Präsidentin dafür einsetzen, dass Sie gute Bedingungen vorfinden, um Ihre nächsten beruflichen Stationen erfolgreich meistern und Ihre Patientinnen gut behandeln zu können. Unser Gesundheitswesen steht nicht nur durch Covid-19 enorm unter Druck: Mit seinen Kostendämpfungspaketen fordert der Bundesrat, dass wir unsere Behandlungen nicht mehr ausschliesslich am Bedarf unserer Patienten und Patientinnen ausrichten. Wir sollen ihnen zukünftig im Zweifelsfall Leistungen vorenthalten, um politische Mengen- oder Kostengrenzen einzuhalten. Ist das Ihr Verständnis vom Arztberuf? Unseres auch nicht. Darum treten wir mit der FMH entschieden dafür ein, dass auch Sie Ihre Patienten noch gut versorgen können!»
WWW.FMH.CH | INFO@FMH.CH | +41 31 359 11 11
Have you ordered your swimsa Socks and Shirt yet? Contact vpc@swimsa.ch
Our online Delegates Assembly
New reading-material out now
So many positions that want to be filled
SMSC Basel 2021
THIS IS YOUR LOCAL STUDENT COUNCIL for all the medical students at your university. They organize social events, parties, represent you to your faculty and fight for your medical education.
THESE ARE YOUR LOCAL PROJECTS which work on different public health and human rights topics. You can join any project you like or even start your own.
THIS IS YOU, a medical student in Switzerland
THIS IS YOUR NATIONAL ORGANISATION swimsa is the umbrella organisation for all Swiss medical students. Its members are 10 student councils and the local projects. In the comittee for education, swimsa works towards an improved education on a national level. Via the IFMSA, it enables worldwide student exchanges. Twice per year, it organises the SMSC-Conference with students from all parts of Switzerland. An event you MUST have experienced at least once! www.swimsa.ch 80 swimsa
... AND THIS IS HOW WE CHANGE THE WORLD TOGETHER The International Federation fo Medical Students‘ is the umbrella organisation for all the national associations of more than 120 different countries worldwide. They gather twice per year in the socalled General Assembly (GA), where 1000 students come together and exchange ideas. swimsa is always represented by a Swiss delegation, which YOU can be part of as well! www.ifmsa.org