In the latest issue of Swipe, the team goes hands-on with iOS 7 and the new iPhones. What do we think of Apple’s new OS – and should you upgrade to an iPhone 5s or 5c if you’re already on an iPhone 5? All is revealed inside.
We round up a selection of music players to replace Apple’s basic app, and discover that there’s plenty on offer if you’re prepared to lay down a little cash. Our app section is rammed to the gills with new games and utilities: we go hacking and slashing with Infinity Blade III, throw some shapes with Sega’s Go Dance, and find out that making conversions has never been so nice with Vert – and loads more.
Our news section reveals how well the iOS and iPhone launch is going, and reveal the latest gadgets. And the How-To section features great advice on backing up your phone, our top five iOS 7 tips, plus the latest solutions to readers’ problems
So don’t miss out: download the free trial of Swipe today!