The latest issue of Swipe has some great gift suggestions for the iPhone lover in your life, from cases to audio and video solutions to some unreasonably cool toys and gadgets. If you’re stuck for ideas this holiday season, we have you covered.
Our app section is bulging with new reviews. We take a look at the update to Fantastical, play the sequel to Anomaly, discover that adding text to video isn’t all that Gravie can do, and find that you can get some cheap, musical fun with Synthecaster. There are more apps on-test too, plus we wrap up our Home Screen alternatives with a look at the best third-party substitutes for Apple’s Messages app.
In How-To, we show you a great way to stream video to your iPhone, offer five great tips for using your phone while traveling, and solve our reader’s problems in the Q&A section.
There’s a ton of news, reviews and tips in Swipe, delivered straight to your iPhone every two weeks.