Obviously the big news this issue is the debut of iOS 7. We’ve got a round-up of the key features, with some interesting tidbits now that the beta OS is out in the wild.
Our reviews section is rammed as usual, with a mixture of utilities, games and the regular dash of photography apps! We’re particularly keen on the new clock app, Wake Alarm, and A Beautiful Mess (funky fotos for fashionistas).
The latest installment of our ‘home screen apps’ series suggest some web browsers you might like to try in favor of Safari. You might be surprised at what’s on offer.
We take a look at some iOS-compatible gadgets in the shape of the Netatmo Urban Weather station – a really cool kit for amateur meteorologists. And when the weather’s fine, you can track your fitness with the Nike+ FuelBand.
And, finally, in our How To section, you’ll discover how to make the most of the iPhone’s messaging app, and learn how to sync your iPhone to iTunes over WiFi. And all this for less than two dollars a mont