DELUXE Swiss Made Magazine

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Swiss luxury magazine devoted to Excellence

Jeff Koons Solar Power Rolex Deepsea Diving Watches Q’Orianka Kilcher CHF 10 / USD 9 / EUR 7 Blancpain Boutiques aBu DHaBi · BeiJinG · cannes · DuBai · eKateRinBuRG · GeneVa · HonG KonG · Macau · MaDRiD · ManaMa MoscoW · MuMBai · MunicH · neW YoRK · paRis · sHanGHai · sinGapoRe · taipei · toKYo · ZuRicH

Villeret collection

complete calendar Half-Hunter Patented under-lugs correctors Secured calendar and moon-phases mechanism Ref. 6664-3642-55B

sm editorial

Dear Readers, It’s summer again and the time has come to enjoy the sun and indulge our senses. For me, as for many of you, summer is associated with water and sun, whether on the shores of one of the many lakes in Switzerland or on a beach in some exotic locale. Water and sun rejuvenate us, as they are sources of life. We want to celebrate these two basic elements in this issue in different ways. First we take a dive to the bottom of the ocean, where Hollywood director James Cameron touched ground in the Mariana Trench in March, 50 years after Swiss explorer Auguste Piccard did the same. And to dive in style, we have prepared a selection of the latest diving watches on the market. We stay on the water to discover a more responsible way to boat on board PlanetSolar, the first vessel to circumnavigate the globe without using a single drop of fuel, fully and solely powered by the energy of sun. The principle inspired Bertrand Piccard, grandson of Auguste Piccard, to dream of an airplane that could fly using solar energy. Thanks to

other visionaries such as the late Nicholas Hayek and Omega engineers, the dream came true and Solar Impulse not only demonstrated that a solar-powered airplane can fly day and night, but is now aiming at flying around the world. For our exclusive photo shoot, we teamed up with writer and director Martin Kunert for sun, style and glamour under the iconic Hollywood sign with Amber Arbucci and Scott Mervine. To stimulate creativity and ways to think outside the box, we invite you to discover Jeff Koons and his incredible artworks, as well as androids from another era, the 17th century to be more accurate. These fantastic exhibitions are not to be missed. Make the best of your summertime. Time is the only thing we can count and measure but cannot save, borrow or sell. Time is made of moments, so savor every single one. Stay inspired and enjoy every second!

IMPRESSUM Editor Massimiliano Pantieri

Office Operations Manager Mara Carboni

Creative Art Director Sherry Williams

Proofreader Susan Robinson

Sub-Editor Chinese Sally Jaeggin

Printed by Mediapoint Switzerland

Graphic Design Bespoke Communication

Published by Bespoke Communication Sarl cp 124 6517 Arbedo Switzerland


Contributors Claudia Laffranchi Keith W. Strandberg Noah Joseph Sally Jaeggin Sherry Williams Susan Robinson Lisa Marks

Editorial office Swiss Made Magazine cp 124 6517 Arbedo Switzerland

ISSN 1664-1558

Copyright by DELUXE Swiss Made Magazine. Reproduction or use of the content in whole or in part without the written permission of the editor is strictly prohibited. The magazine is available at selected newsstands and bookstores. Exclusive distribution in luxury hotels, selected boutiques, airport lounges, private airlines, executive lounges, golf resorts, limousines services and Swiss embassies.

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 Timepieces.

Velero Automatic Chronograph, Swiss Made, precise self -winding mechanical movement –

one of men‘s favourite essentials.

sm index

50 96 16


80 26

88 70

DELUXE Swiss Made magazine


Award 12

Time to Give

Hollywood 16 Q’Orianka Kilcher


Fifty Fathoms Collection , profondimètre mécanique 5-day power reserve Double depth gauge Amorphous metal membrane Maximum depth memory Retrograde 5-minute counter Water-resistant to 30 bar 5018-1230-64A

© Masa Ushioda, Reaching Out, out of Edition Fifty Fathoms 2009


Cuervo Y Sobrinos



26 Sources of Life

Deepsea 30 Rolex Deepsea Record


Mission partner of Blancpain is a proud supporter of Pristine Seas Expeditions

34 Diving Watches

Art 44 Jeff Koons

84 86 12

Photoshoot 50


To live and Love in L.A. by Martin Kunert

Equestrian 70

Prix de Diane Longines

Jewelry 72

Precious Temptations by Chopard

Smart Luxury 78 Gc Femme



80 Coco Suisse

Wellness 84 Sensai Spa Select

Innovation 88 Solar Impulse 92 PlanetSolar

Heritage 96 Androids Masterpieces


sm award The 53rd Journalism Awards Gala held in Los Angeles last year on June 26, 2011, awarded Claudia Laffranchi in the category ‘Entertainment News or Feature’ the first prize for the article ‘Time to Give’ published in DELUXE Swiss Made Magazine (edition Winter 2010). We are proposing you this article as a tribute to Claudia, who left us unexpectedly during the production of this issue.

Time to Give Charity is a multimillion-dollar business, with NGOs and private foundations raising money for causes such as education, ecology, human rights, medical research and animal rights, and to fight against the consequences of war and natural catastrophes. Charity has become such a big deal in the entertainment industry that specialized consultants advise celebrities on whom to help and how, making sure the organizations they support are legit, and many organizations now have their own liaisons in Hollywood to promote their work. And then there are new players in town like Participant Media, the socially conscious production company which believes that a good story well told can make a difference, and which produced films such as Food Inc., The Soloist, The Informant, Oceans, Waiting for Superman, Countdown to Zero and Fair Game. Doing good has never been so hip. The one moment when movie stars light up during interviews - and I speak from experience - is when you ask them about their humanitarian endeavors and the charities they support. They all agree that the most exciting aspect of celebrity (well, besides the huge paychecks) is to be able to use their fame to draw attention to their favorite causes, raise funds for them, and push governments into action. And the multiplication of gossip magazines, soft-news TV shows and celebrity-obsessed websites has given stars a bigger audience and more leverage than ever when promoting their passion projects.

DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

by Claudia Laffranchi

Of course stars’ commitment to humanitarian causes is nothing new, and many found the time to give and to fight for social and political change well before it was trendy to do so. Jane Fonda was famously vocal, and famously criticized, for her opposition to the Vietnam war; Liz Taylor got involved in the fight against AIDS in the 1980s, when the disease was still accompanied by stigma and homophobia; and Paul Newman gave to charity all the profits from his Newman’s Own gastronomic products. The best-known celebrity activist these days is surely Angelina Jolie, a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Jolie became interested in the plight of displaced people after filming Beyond Borders in Africa and Thailand, where she visited local refugee camps. Since then Jolie regularly visits Pakistan, Afghanistan, Haiti and other countries where the humanitarian situation has been so tragic for so long that only the presence of a superstar can force the media to talk about it again. Jolie also adopted children from Cambodia, Vietnam and Ethiopia, and while the Jolie-Pitt Foundation, founded with life partner Brad Pitt, donates to various organizations, the couple is also building schools and hospitals in the countries of origin of Maddox, Pax and Zahara, who will have to take care of the projects once they become adults. Time To Give 13

“Instilling in my children the desire to help others is one of my goals as a father,” says Matt Damon, who co-founded, a charity which focuses on clean water and sanitation. Damon traveled to Africa, India and Haiti to dig wells and to remind people that every fifteen seconds a child dies because of lack of clean water, and that 2.5 billion people don’t have access to toilets. Damon underlines that 25 dollars will give someone clean water for life and that anyone can help, maybe just by donating the winnings of a poker game between friends. Doing good can take several forms, from supporting established organizations to creating a foundation, or participating in telethons, to signing big checks, to speaking to politicians and the media, and producing movies with a message. Sandra Bullock is famous for writing $1 million checks to the Red Cross after major catastrophes, while Harrison Ford personally piloted one of his jets to bring medical supplies to Haiti after the 2010 earthquake. Sharon Stone inherited Liz Taylor’s role as indefatigable spokesperson and fundraiser for AIDS-related causes, and her auctioneer’s skills at the annual AMFAR benefit in Cannes are legendary. She also co-designs a line of jewelry with Damiani, whose profits go in part to the water charity Drop in the Bucket, which builds well in African countries. David Beckham is one of the many UNICEF Goodwill Ambassadors, together with Mia Farrow, Sir Roger Moore, Jackie Chan, Anjélique Kidjo, Salma Hayek, Shakira, Ricky Martin and many others who bring smiles and help to children around the world. Leonardo Di Caprio, an ardent environmentalist, put his money where is mouth is by writing, producing and narrating the documentary The 11th Hour. Sean Penn moved to Haiti to work with relief workers after the earthquake and he became a leader of the rebuilding effort, recognized even by the U.S. military, which never much liked the actor famous for his leftist tendencies and his visits to Cuba, Iraq and Venezuela. In the last decade Hollywood who’s who joined organizer George Clooney in the Haiti telethon, as they did after Hurricane Katrina and 9/11. Clooney is also famous for his fight to stop the genocide in the Darfur region of Sudan. He founded Not On Our Watch with his Ocean’s 11 co-stars Don Cheadle, Matt Damon and Brad Pitt, and he visited Darfur many times, TV crew in tow, to shed light on the region’s dramatic situation. His charity has donated millions of dollars to the United Nations World Food Programme to help Darfur refugees. Another big name in celebrity activism is U2’s frontman Bono, who fights to erase Third World countries’ debts, and helped create the ONE and RED Campaigns. But the list is long: Steven Spielberg founded and supports the Shoah Foundation. Madonna finances orphanages and schools in Malawi, the country of her two adoptive children. Breast cancer survivor Sheryl Crow sang to raise awareness and money for research. Jennifer Garner is active in children education projects with the I Have a Dream foundation. Eva Longoria is the force behind Padres Contra el Cancer and Eva’s Heroes, an after-school program for special needs children (her older sister is mentally disabled). Mariska Hargitay, the star of Law & Order, Special Victims Unit, got inspired by the themes of her show to create the Joyful Heart Foundation, which supports survivors of sexual assault. Michael Fox, who suffers from Parkinson’s disease, is the dynamo behind the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research. Alicia Silverstone and Pamela Anderson give their time, money and image to PETA and other animal charities. And we could go on forever. Cynics of course may say that celebrities get involved in charity for self-promotion or tax purposes. Well, we doubt that Angelina Jolie needs to trek to some of the world’s most remote and inhospitable areas to get her picture taken (she would probably rather go to photographer-free parts of the world), and we are sure that accountants can come up with more hassle-free ways to save money. Some stars’ efforts and causes might not even be very popular with their audience; just think of Jane Fonda or Sean Penn. But whatever the reasons are for stars’ charity involvement, what is important are the results. And to those who say that celebrities should stay out of politics and activism, we just say that celebrities are people as well, and like everybody else they have the right to their opinions and to express them as they wish.

DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

sm hollywood

Q’ORIANKA KILCHER by Claudia Laffranchi

Hollywood fell in love with Q’orianka Kilcher in 2005, when the young American actress of Swiss-Peruvian descent starred as native American princess Pocahontas in The New World by Terrence Malick, a film about the dramatic encounter between English and Native American cultures in early 17th century Virginia.

“Actually I never applied for the part of Pocahontas, I was way too young,” remembers Q’orianka, whose name means “golden eagle” in the Quechua indigenous language of Peru. “I was only thirteen when they started casting. But an assistant in the same office saw my picture which had been submitted for another project and pushed the casting agent to bring me in for The New World. They actually didn’t want to hire me because it was going to get complicated due to child labor laws and so on. But they kept calling me back, and when I was offered the part I think I had done twelve auditions and beat out over 3,000 girls they had looked at worldwide”.

DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

I know how hard it can sometimes be to balance certain aspects of two different worlds. The New World, costarring Colin Farrell and Christian Bale, brought huge international attention to Q’orianka, who toured extensively around the world for eight months to promote the movie, always accompanied by her mom-manager Saskia. The promotional tour was grueling, and once she returned home Q’orianka decided to take some time off to rest and get her high school diploma. Film offers kept coming in, but she and her team decided to be very selective in their choices. She refused films where she was being typecast, and, coming off a project from a top filmmaker, she wasn’t attracted to projects that didn’t live up to certain standards, or were demeaning to women. It also seemed that mainstream Hollywood didn’t know what to do with her exotic good looks, and things went quiet. But even if the phone didn’t ring she found a way to use her newfound fame. “Pocahontas was a very important role for me, not only as an actress but also as a human being. She was a young woman trying to be a bridge between two cultures. My mum is Swiss-Alaskan, and my estranged father is of Quechua-Huachipaeri indigenous Peruvian descent, so I can relate to this, and I know how hard it can sometimes be to balance certain aspects of two different worlds. Playing Pocahontas gave me the privilege of celebrity so that I was able to use my voice to speak out for indigenous people’s rights and environmental justice, two causes which were always dear to my heart.”


In the following years, Q’orianka focused her energy on ecology and human rights. She travelled incessantly to speak at youth events, colleges and universities on issues such as environmental sustainability, indigenous people’s rights, corporate accountability, and youth and women’s issues. She became an Amnesty International Global Youth Ambassador for Women’s Rights and was invited to speak at the United Nations in occasion of the International Day of the World’s Indigenous People. She reconnected with her Peruvian roots and led missions to the Amazon forest to draw attention to the local tribes who were struggling to have their rights respected and their voices heard regarding deforestation, pollution caused by oil companies, and so on. She bought videocameras for local community leaders and environmentalists so that they could film the abuses they witnessed and share them online with the world. In 2010 she even chained herself to the White House fence while her mother poured an oil-like substance over her (actually baby shampoo and black finger paint) to protest the policies of visiting Peruvian President Alan Garcia.

Then the right project came knocking at her door: Princess Kaiulani, a film highlighting the illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy by the United States, told from the point of view of Hawaii’s last princess, a young woman who in her short life (she died in 1899 at the age of 24) was a relentless international diplomat for her nation. The daughter of an Hawaiian princess and a Scottish father, Kaiulani was schooled in England but returned to the archipelago to fight for the rights of her people. “I was so excited by that offer. I actually spent my childhood in Hawaii, and Princess Kaiulani was one of my heroes and role models growing up. Being biracial and bicultural myself, I understood her struggles and her desires. She was a woman ahead of her times: highly educated, she travelled to Washington at the age of 17 to meet the President of the United States, in her effort to stop the Annexation of Hawaii. For me this film was a perfect combination of my passions: acting and activism.”

DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

From then on other roles followed, both for TV and the big screen: Sons of Anarchy, Shouting Secrets, Neverland and the most recent Firelight, with Cuba Gooding Jr. Four other independent movies are going to be released in the next few months. But in the meantime Q’orianka has already added another credit to her resume: producer. “I have co-produced The Power of Few, starring Christopher Walken and Christian Slater, with writer-director-producer Leone Marucci. It’s a multiperspective film shot in New Orleans which depicts four sets of characters whose stories take place at the same moment and will intersect in the most unexpected way. There’s violence but a hopeful finale, showing how the actions of a single person can change the outcome of things. A critic at a preview screening described it as ‘Crash meets Tarantino’. What I’m most proud of is the unique production process we developed for the film. I’ve always believed in sharing and giving back to the community and I think that young artists need to be given a chance. I had a lot of mentors who believed in me and as a producer I wanted to be a mentor myself. So we launched an online casting for one of the roles, which was won by a girl from Malta who never acted before. The raw footage for a scene was put online and we held an editing contest, whose winner now has his cut in the final version of the movie. We hired homeless youth, senior citizens and veterans to be part of the cast and the crew. It was really a great experience.”

Q’Orianka with actor Christopher Walken on set during the filming of The Power of Few.

When she is not acting and fighting to make the world (and Hollywood) a better and more inclusive place, Q’orianka still finds the time for her two other passions: music and dance. Q’orianka is an accomplished singer who studied at Hollywood Musicians Institute, a dancer who performed on many Hawaiian stages (although today she prefers bachata!), and she even sang for change and exposure on the famous Santa Monica 3rd Street Promenade before her New World success. When she was little she actually dreamt of being a famous singer, not an actress. But being only 22, Q’orianka still has a lot of time to showcase her many talents.


sm news

Official Timepiece of Madison Square Garden On April 12, 2012 in New York, the Madison Square Garden Company and Swiss Watchmaker Tissot announced their first marketing partnership, as Tissot becomes the “Official Timepiece of Madison Square Garden.” This alliance will provide Tissot with premier brand integration at The World’s Most Famous Arena, including New York Knicks and New York Rangers games and on the building’s 7th and 8th Avenue Marquees. “Tissot is excited about becoming the first brand to be the Official Timepiece of Madison Square Garden,” commented François Thiébaud, Tissot President: “As Official Timekeeper for many renowned and international sports and other major international events, including the World Championships of MotoGP, Basketball and Ice Hockey, this association with the World’s Most Famous Arena is a perfect fit. We look forward to taking part in the memorable moments that happen in this arena and to sharing them with fans in the great City of New York and around the world.” Tissot will have prominent integration on The Garden’s 7th Avenue Marquee, that more than 600 million people pass by annually, as well as the 8th Avenue Marquee. Tissot will also be counting down the minutes to those thrilling Knicks and Rangers games on the Marquee before home games at The Garden. The fans will also be able to make sure they are on time by checking the Tissot clocks in the lobby, as they walk into The Garden’s box office. During the games, the brand will feature on GardenVision, the center-hung scoreboard, highlighting each of the team’s history. For Rangers the feature will be “A Moment in Rangers History,” and for the Knicks the feature is entitled “Tissot Turn Back the Clock.” A second Tissot countdown clock will be available on the Madison Square Garden Transformation website, It will be active during the two remaining offseason shutdowns of the Arena in 2012 and 2013, counting down the time remaining to completion of the two phases of the historic project.

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1st Prize in the Classic Category

tissot Le LocLe AutomAtic chronometer

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sm portrait

El Tiempo Lento

by Keith W. Strandberg

Cuervo y Sobrinos is an interesting brand that comes to Swiss Made with a unique heritage. Founded in Havana, Cuba, Cuervo y Sobrinos has a Latin soul and a Swiss mechanical beating heart. That’s some combination, as you can see by the watches it has to offer. Cuervo y Sobrinos was born in Havana, Cuba, in 1882 as a high-end jewelry store. Many famous Swiss watch and jewelry brands made products enscribed with the store’s name (which means Cuervo and Nephews). Soon, the store became the most important jeweler and watch retailer in Cuba and opened offices in strategic areas around the world: Pforzheim in Germany, where precious stones were selected; Paris, where the jewelry was manufactured, and in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland, where Cuervo y Sobrinos-branded watches were produced. The store in Havana became a meeting point for the rich and famous: Ernest Hemingway, Clark Gable, Winston Churchill and Albert Einstein, among others, were clients of the Cuervo y Sobrinos boutique. Though the jewelry store went out of business, the brand has been reintroduced to Cuba, with a flagship store and museum opened in 2009 in central Calle Muralla, near the original boutique. The boutique also houses a museum of antique Cuervo y Sobrinos pieces and an elegant bar. Standing out in this exquisitely Art Deco atmosphere is the original Cuervo y Sobrinos safe (portrayed in this page), transferred here from an old site in Calle San Rafael and perfectly at home in the new environment.

DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

“El Tiempo Lento” – Living Moment by Moment The Cuervo y Sobrinos brand has been reborn to combine the Latin lifestyle with high end Swiss watchmaking. The designs are inspired by the Latin soul, while the heart of the timepieces are all Swiss. “Cuervo y Sobrinos has created a new image, a life style joined to the emotions as in the late nineteenth century when writers, politicians and intellectuals were meeting at the Cuervo y Sobrinos boutique in Havana,” says Marzio Villa, president, Cuervo y Sobrinos. “Cuervo y Sobrinos was born in Cuba in 1882 when the aesthetic concept and the pleasure of time were milestones... today Cuervo y Sobrinos is able to recreate the same emotions, to approach the life style that our stressful and frenetic attitudes made impossible. Today Cuervo is the only Swiss luxury brand with a Latin soul. “Cuervo watches are the witnesses of a world in which elegance, excellence, quality and style were experienced in a ‘natural’ way in that they were values of everyday life,” Villa continues. “Today our watches, true works of art, are icons of this style of life and wearing a Cuervo y Sobrinos means acquiring the essential values and emotions of this style.” The Watches Cuervo y Sobrinos has taken care to make sure all the designs hark back to the Cuban and Latin heritage of the brand. “This is perfectly translated into the collections by the colors and silhouettes of a famous historic era in the early twentieth century, a flourishing and artistic period,” Villa details. “Eras and fashion do not affect our solid philosophy still anchored to the company’s own origins – ‘El tiempo lento.’”


To Villa, the product that best represents the brand is the Esplendidos, because it’s the watch that has signaled the Cuervo y Sobrinos path since the origin. “A unique rectangular case distinguished for its original design, coming from Art Deco age, and the absolute perfection of the form that became a symbol for the brand, modern and glamorous,” says Villa.



4. 1. Cuervo Family, Havana, 1900; 2-3. Original Cuervo Y Sobrinos boutique, Havana 1900; 4. LACASA, Cuervo Y Sobrinos Headquarters in Switzerland.

Cuervo Y Sobrinos 23

All Cuervo y Sobrinos models are presented in an elegant wooden case which doubles as a luxurious cigar humidifier, exclusively created for the label by specialized craftsmen. The case is made of Spanish cedar, which allows the perfect conservation of tobacco and emphasizes its aroma, thanks to its unmistakable perfume. All the elements are gold plated and no adhesives are used so that the flavor and perfume of the cigars are not altered. Smoking a Havana is an authentic ritual, a ceremony requiring calmness, in harmony with the philosophy of Cuervo y Sobrinos. Like a watch, a good cigar must be conserved with the highest possible care, to then enjoy it with the greatest pleasure. Beyond Watches Cuervo y Sobrinos hasn’t limited its production to just watches, capitalizing on its heritage of offering jewelry and pens as well. “Cuervo y Sobrinos was a famous jeweler that produced watches, jewelry and other products,” Villa points out. “In our collections, we have introduced some exclusive jewels and pens in order to identify the brand with uniqueness and attention to detail. For example, we have created a Limited Edition pen for the Mille Miglia classic car race.” Marzio Villa, President of Cuervo Y Sobrinos

Esplendidos automatic chrono with power reserve

The Summer Classic Car Marathon To get its classic yet modern mission out there, Cuervo y Sobrinos is sponsoring the Summer Marathon, a classic car competition in Italy. “Cuervo y Sobrinos has created its own competition as part of sharing its passion, to enhance the brand worldwide,” says Villa. “The competition is already in the top 10 in Italy and our aim is to become top in the world. Classic cars make you dream about the best things in your life. In this context, it’s easier to understand the idea of the perfect life, dream away and perfect quality. “The pleasure for classic cars is for people who are able to appreciate the design without time, the perfection of the quality, the obsession for the details. The car race competition is not solely based on technology but on the value of time.” The Summer Marathon is being held in and around Bormio, Italy, in June. For this occasion, Cuervo y Sobrinos has developed a new limited watch, the Robusto Summer Marathon. The Summer Marathon timepiece is distinctive for an unusual feature, a countdown system specially designed for classic car drivers. The chronograph’s rotating ring shows the countdown in seconds to facilitate race start-up, while the red second hand keeps track of the seconds. Cuervo y Sobrinos is an interesting brand that comes to Swiss Made with a unique heritage. Founded in Havana, Cuba, Cuervo y Sobrinos has a Latin soul and a Swiss mechanical beating heart. That’s some combination, as you can see by the watches they have to offer.

DELUXE Swiss Made magazine


Article title 25

sm treasures

Sources of life Arthus-Bertrand’s film Home was the first feature-length movie to be made using only aerial footage. It was completely filmed from helicopters flying over more than fifty countries. It focuses on the effect that 200,000 years of human habitation on Earth has affected four billion years of natural evolution. The director intended it as an urgent call to action and it is available free of charge to anyone who wishes to see it. In 2011, Swiss watchmaker OMEGA has commissioned environmental activist, photographer and filmmaker Yann Arthus-Bertrand to produce and direct a film about the Earth’s oceans, serving both to remind viewers of these natural beauties that cover two-thirds of the planet’s surface and to raise the awareness of what can be done to protect them. Asked why Omega selected Arthus-Bertrand to create the film about the oceans, Omega President Stephen Urquhart said, “No one

DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

could do it better. Yann Arthus-Bertrand is both an environmentalist and the world’s leading specialist in aerial photography. He has a unique combination of skills that will allow him to communicate the majesty and the beauty of the oceans cinematically.” About this partnership, Arthus-Bertrand said “Omega and I will work together to create a film which meaningfully reflects the beauty of the oceans and reminds everyone to save these amazing sources of life”.

Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia (17°01’ S, 146°10’ E) Northeast of the Australian coasts, the Great Barrier Reef brings together more than 400 species of coral over 1,553 miles and makes up the largest coral formation in the world. Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1981, this rich sanctuary of submarine life is the refuge of over 1,500 species of fish; 4,000 species of mollusks; the dugong, a marine mammal under threat of extinction; and six of the seven species of turtle on Earth. In all, there are over 800 species of coral in the world that are home to 4000 species of fish. Coral, an essential ecosystem for protecting coasts and marine life, notably provides coastal populations with a large number of goods and services: food, building materials and tourism revenue. Today, it is estimated that the monetary value of coral ecosystems is more than 375 billion dollars. Beyond ethical considerations, protecting coral is as vital on an economic as on an ecological level.

“Omega and I will work together to create a film which meaningfully reflects the beauty of the oceans and reminds everyone to save these amazing sources of life”. © Yann Arthus-Bertrand / Agence Altitude–Paris

˂ Islet in the Sulu Archipelago, Philippines (7°58’ N, 118°40’ E)

More than 6,000 of the 7,100 Philippine Islands are uninhabited, like this islet in the Sulu Archipelago, a set of 500 islands that separate the Celebes and the Sulu Seas. Their extraordinary biodiversity is under threat, not from distant industrial sites but from the effects of global pollution. These islands, which barely rise above the surface of the water, are among the first potential victims of global warming and are certain to disappear when the sea level rises. The oceans, which maintain our planet’s equilibrium, play a major role in our climate, storing up heat from warmer times and releasing it later, transporting it in its currents, providing the water for rain-bearing clouds through evaporation, and trapping and absorbing carbon dioxide. This vast mass of water is inhabited by fauna whose diversity is scarcely imaginable and which, through the food chain - from plankton through fish to the marine mammals - plays an enormously important role in human subsistence.

Sources of LIfe 27

Sandbank on the coast of Whitsunday Island, Queensland, Australia (20°15’ S, 149°01’ E) Uncountable coral islands and islands of continental origin are strewn across the narrow corridor which separates Queensland, in the northeast of Australia, from the Great Barrier Reef, situated some 18 miles (30 kilometers) off the mainland. Whitsunday Island, with an area of 42 square miles (109 square kilometers), is the biggest of the 74 islands that constitute the archipelago, named by the British navigator James Cook, who discovered these islands in 1770, on Whit Sunday. The 4.3 mile (7 kilometer)-long beach of Whitehaven is famous for its soft © Yann Arthus-Bertrand / Agence Altitude–Paris white sand composed of 98 percent pure silica. This site belongs to the marine park of the Great Barrier, which welcomes about 2 million visitors every year who come to admire the variety of its land and marine species. To protect them, a third of the park was classified as a “highly protected zone” by Australian authorities in 2004. In these zones, fishing is prohibited and tourism is regulated to have only a moderate impact on this very sensitive environment.

Islets and seabed, Exuma Cays, Bahamas (24°28’ N, 76°46’ W) These clear waters are home to one of the richest underwater worlds on the planet. Southeast of Florida and north of Haiti and Cuba, the Bahamas Archipelago consists of more than 700 islands and coral islets. Today, its more than 640,000 acres of exceptional land and sea biodiversity are protected by the Bahamas National Trust. Exposed to hurricanes, with low-fertility soil subject to particularly high water stress due to its permeability, only a few islands are used for tropical crops. Local agriculture produces fruits and vegetables but is short on space, and 80 percent of its food must be imported. The Bahamas, which has a population of 350,000 inhabitants, is dependent on tourism, which accounts for more than 50 percent of GDP and employs 50 percent of the active population. The archipelago enjoys one of the most prosperous economies in the West Indies and Caribbean, but is also the most vulnerable to international fluctuations. Since gaining its independence in 1973, the Commonwealth of the Bahamas has become one of the leading offshore financial centers in the world; this activity represents 15 percent of its GDP. But the importance of this business has been declining since the government committed itself to fighting money laundering in 2002. According to some specialists, funds held in tax havens are most often gains from corruption, criminal activities and tax evasion.

© Yann Arthus-Bertrand / Agence Altitude–Paris DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

Yann Arthus-Bertrand

© Yann Arthus-Bertrand / Agence Altitude–Paris

The eye of the Maldives, North Male Atoll, Maldives (4°14’ N, 73°26’E) The eye of the Maldives is a faro, a coral formation developed on a rocky support that has collapsed over time and formed a ringshaped reef around a shallow lagoon. The Maldives Archipelago in the middle of the Indian Ocean peaks at 2.50 m and has 26 big atolls made up of 1,192 islands. Three hundred of these are permanently or seasonally inhabited. The archipelago was severely hit by the tsunami on December 26, 2004. According to the United Nations Environment Program, it killed 83 people, wounded over 2,000 and left behind about 290,000 m3 of rubble in the archipelago. The perimeter of certain islands was changed and other islands were engulfed by the sea. According to experts’ estimates, with 80 percent of land at less than a meter above sea level, the archipelago will soon be under threat. Its economy relies mainly on tourism (650,000 visitors a year) which brings the country 250 million euros every year. This makes it the richest state in South Asia. The president elected at the end of 2008 wants to use some of these funds to buy land in India, Sri Lanka or Australia to allow the 380,000 Maldivians to settle there. By 2050, 150 million people could be forced to leave their land because of environmental problems linked to global warming.

Planet Ocean partnership Omega and GoodPlanet, an organization founded by ArthusBertrand with a global reputation for its unflinching dedication to the promotion of sustainable development, established in 2011 an initiative aimed at helping raise awareness of the need to protect the oceans by showing their beauty and explaining the challenges humankind and the oceans are facing together. They plan to collaborate on the production of books and materials that will focus not only on the majestic splendour of the oceans but will also educate people about what might be done to preserve them.

A legacy of oceanic exploration and advocacy Omega has long been associated with the planet’s oceans. In 1932, it released the Marine – the world’s first water resistant watch. In the nearly 80 years since, Omega has been associated with some of the best-known underwater explorers and oceanographers including JacquesYves Cousteau, Charles William Beebe and “Dolphin Man” Jacques Mayol. When the late Sir Peter Blake retired from competition as one of the world’s most successful sailors, he committed his energies to the protection of his beloved oceans. His Blakexpeditions were organized under the auspices of the United Nations and Omega.

GoodPlanet – dedicated to sustainability GoodPlanet was founded in 2005 by ArthusBertrand with the aim of raising public awareness of environmental issues and sustainable development. It encourages a way of life that is more respectful of the Earth and its inhabitants. It suggests realistic and optimistic solutions, and encourages each individual to take action for the planet. “Our legacy includes not only the very first water-resistant watch but close partnerships with some of the most important names in ocean exploration and ecology. This project with GoodPlanet will give us the chance to remind people of the beauty of the oceans and to let address ways to be better stewards of these amazing natural resources which are critical for our common future,” says Omega President Stephen Urquhart.

Sources of Life 29

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A record dive still Unequalled DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

The 1960 Deep Sea Special: an experimental model that withstood the colossal pressure of one ton per square centimetre.

January 1960, Marianas Trench - Lieutenant Don Walsh, USN, and Jacques Piccard in the bathyscaphe Trieste.

On 23 January 1960, in the Pacific Ocean, some 320 kilometres from the coast of the U.S. island of Guam. A vessel from another age, the bathyscaphe Trieste, with Swiss oceanographer Jacques Piccard and American Navy Lieutenant Don Walsh on board, descended to the record depth of 10,916 metres under the sea in the deepest part of the Mariana Trench. A first in oceanic history. Attached to its hull, an experimental model, the Deep Sea Special, was an integral part of the expedition. Specially developed to withstand the colossal pressure present at such great depths, the watch surfaced, almost nine hours later, in perfect working condition. By discovering that life exists nearly 11 kilometres under the surface of the sea, the Trieste and its crew not only set a record that has yet to be equalled. They also established a fundamental milestone for deep-sea exploration and in the knowledge of the underwater world. Rolex Deepsea Record 31

THE CHALLENGER On March 26, 2012, James Cameron successfully completed the dive to the Challenger Deep, reaching 35,756 feet (6.77 miles/10.9 km) and making history as the first individual to reach full ocean depth in a solo manned vehicle. Milestones of the expedition The DEEPSEA CHALLENGER submersible completed a total of 13 test and research dives off the coasts of Australia and Papua New Guinea and at the Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench between Jan. 31 and April 3. On March 8 Cameron set a record of a single-manned dive to 27,119 feet (5.13 miles/8.226 km) in the New Britain Trench off Papua New Guinea. The lander Mike, an unmanned research vehicle associated with the expedition, captured images of enormous amphipod, the deepest instance of gigantism reported to date. On March 26, Cameron successfully completed the dive to the Challenger Deep, reaching 35,756 feet (6.77 miles/10.9 km) and making history as the first individual to reach full ocean depth in a solo manned vehicle. Cameron spent about three hours on the bottom documenting what he saw and collecting samples. During the dive to Challenger Deep, Cameron reported that the manipulator arm on the DEEPSEA CHALLENGER malfunctioned when hydraulic fluid leaked, but that the prototype submersible was a success. Cameron said later: “The sub worked well as a scientific platform, and we learned a great deal. It’s our hope that others will be encouraged to explore and illuminate this new frontier.”

DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

Ron Allum, chief engineer of the DEEPSEA CHALLENGER submersible and Cameron’s partner in the building of the sub, completed a dive to about 3,608 feet (0.68 miles/1.1 km) on April 1 off the coast of Ulithi, an atoll located in the Federated States of Micronesia. He collected samples and documented life at that depth in rare detail. Among his many contributions to the design of the sub and to the ultimate success of the expedition was the invention of Isofloat™ syntactic foam that enabled the sub to withstand the tremendous pressure of the deep and to remain buoyant and return to the surface in minimal time. Chief expedition scientist Doug Bartlett of Scripps Institution of Oceanography, U.C. San Diego, confirms the large scope of the scientific material that will be published in peer-reviewed papers in the months and years to come. On test dives as well as the dive to the Mariana Trench, the DEEPSEA CHALLENGER collected samples, all of which have been preserved for future study at the on-ship laboratory the team of seven scientists on the expedition created. “That material and the documentary evidence captured by the sub will keep researchers working in the fields of marine biology, microbiology, astrobiology, marine geology

and geophysics for years to come,” said Bartlett, a microbiologist. “It’s too early in the scientific process to draw conclusions, but we saw many surprises, like the giant amphipod at about 26,246 feet (4.97 miles/8 km). And this is only the beginning.” Another scientist on board, Patricia Fryer, a marine geologist from the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology at the University of Hawai’i, stresses the video data provides evidence of exposures of thick lava sequences at the deepest levels of the New Britain Trench and confirmation of access to intricate slump deposit features at the deep inner trench slope in the Challenger Deep. The latter are consistent with morphology of features predicted in recent publications to be related to major tsunamigenic earthquakes in subduction zones. The science team’s work continued until April 4 at the Mariana Trench. The DEEPSEA CHALLENGE expedition lander was deployed within the Sirena Deep to a depth of within 656 feet (200 meters) of the Challenger Deep. Video captured reveals a sloping, rocky terrain with a few amphipods seen swimming around the bait. The team has begun processing samples for microbial cultures, amphipod identification, chemistry and genomics/phylogenetics.

Cameron spent about three hours on the bottom of the ocean documenting what he saw and collecting samples. The DEEPSEA CHALLENGE expedition will be chronicled for a 3-D feature film for theatrical release on the intensive technological and scientific efforts behind this historic dive.

ROLEX DEEPSEA CHALLENGE The specially designed Rolex experimental watch attached to the DEEPSEA CHALLENGER’s manipulator arm during the Mariana Trench dive returned unharmed and keeping perfect time. In 1960 an experimental Rolex Deep Sea Special watch was attached to the hull of the Trieste and emerged in perfect working order after withstanding the huge pressure exerted at 6.77 miles (10.9 km) below the surface. “The Rolex Deepsea Challenge watch is a tremendous example of engineering know-how and an ideal match for the DEEPSEA CHALLENGER submersible,” said Cameron. Rolex Deepsea Record 33

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DELUXE Swiss Made magazine


Into the Deep

Dive watches are one of the hottest categories of watches right now, with some incredible styles, technologies and materials introduced over the past few years. The biggest reasons for the popularity of dive watches are that dive watches are so good looking and so ruggedly versatile -- with a quality dive watch, you can do just about anything. You can wear it to work as a statement watch, you can wear it diving for sunken treasure (and in the shower), you can use it as a general sports watch, to time your run, and even wear it out on a date, all without any compromise. There aren’t many watches about which you can say the same. Dive watches are here to stay as a mainstream fashion statement, with the capability to back up their good looks.

By Keith W. Strandberg

Diving Watches 35

Specs and Uses A diving watch is a serious tool designed to be depended on by SCUBA divers. For this reason, real diving watches will meet the following minimum specifications: ***At least 200 meter water resistance (watches are no longer called waterproof, but are rated as water resistant, able to resist pressure down to a certain depth). FYI, one ATM or BAR equals 10 meters. ***Rugged: dive watches have to be solid and rugged, designed to withstand the shocks, pressure and temperature changes involved with diving. As a result, the cases are much thicker and bigger, equipped with gaskets to keep the water out.

Swiss Made Magazine Summer 2009

***Unidirectional bezel: a true diving watch features a bezel that turns one way only, so when a diver sets the bezel to reflect his remaining air in minutes, the bezel cannot accidentally move and over estimate his time left, putting his life in jeopardy. ***Easily readable: Divers’ watches should be very easy to read. Down at the depths, with a great white shark swimming towards you, you don’t want to have to do more than glance down at your watch to get the information you need. ***Luminous: Light disappears quickly under the water, so it’s important that divers’ watches have a great deal of luminosity, either using Super Luminova or tritium tubes.

The History of Dive Watches Considering the several hundred year history of timepieces, dive watches (and even water resistant watches) are a relatively new phenomenon. The efforts to make water resistant watches go back a long way, some say to the 17th century, but in the 19th century, some watches were made to be dust and water resistant. However, they were custom watches for specific clients, and were considered “explorer” watches. The first industrialized watches made for the public were from Omega and Longines. Before, during and after World War II, many companies worked to develop military watches that were able to dive under the seas. Panerai was a pioneer with these watches, as were Hamilton, Elgin and Waltham. Hans Wilsdorf, the innovative founder of Rolex, saw an opportunity for the true commercialization of the dive watch and introduced the Rolex Submariner in 1954 using the specifically designed Oyster case. Wilsdorf had been working on waterproof watches for quite a long time – Mercedes Gleitzes wore a Rolex Oyster watch while swimming across the English Channel (15 hours and 15 minutes total). Some of the other companies who were developing early dive watches are Blancpain (with the 50 Fathoms), Doxa, Citizen and Seiko.

Diving Watches


Serious Dive Watches Professional dive watches are actual dive computers, meant to be either the primary dive instrument or a credible backup for divers. A few of the companies who excel at these types of watches are Citizen, Suunto, Scuba Pro, Tusa and Mares. These watches are quartz computers with great features like depth meters, the ability to keep statistics, track multiple dives and much more.

Many of these multi-purpose dive watches also feature a chronograph, one of the most useful complications. Some dive watches now have chronographs that can be activated underwater, something that you are warned against doing with most chronographs, as the operation of the pushers can compromise water resistance.

A diver’s watch must possess exceptional qualities.

Multi-Purpose Dive Watches As a result of the trend towards the use of diving computers, most diving watches on the market have the specs for diving, but are really meant as a backup to these wrist instruments. These watches may never see the Titanic, but they can be used on casual dives, snorkeling, surfing, swimming and much more. One of the current trends is for watches to have a ridiculous amount of water resistance. In reality, divers don’t normally go deeper than the recommended maximum depth for SCUBA, 130 ft, but watch companies continue to push the envelope of water resistance. 1,000 meters is commonplace now, with the record for a quartz watch being 11,000 meters (held by the Bell & Ross Hydromax) and 20,000 feet for an automatic watch (held by Swiss Military). Incredible, really, when you think that your watch can survive, and keep ticking, in depths that would crush and kill a human like a soda can. If you are in the market for a competent diving watch, look for a timepiece that is at least 200 meters water resistant, as you will need that if you plan on swimming with the watch on.

Posers There are a number of watches that have been introduced on the market that look like diving watches, but don’t have the specs. If you aren’t worried about water resistance or verified ruggedness, these might be the watches that fit your lifestyle. If, however, you plan to do anything more than wash your hands with your watch on, consider watches that have at least the minimum specs necessary.

Care of Dive Watches Water resistance is one of the most demanding parts of designing dive watches. In fact, the gaskets that provide the water resistance have to be checked and replaced periodically. So, if you have a dive watch and use it regularly, remember to have it serviced every year, to make sure the gaskets are still tight and working properly. Dive watches are popular because they are the Range Rovers of the watch industry. They can do just about anything -- they can withstand shock, go down to the bottom of the ocean and still look great on your wrist. Dive watches are a fashion statement with the muscle behind them to rise to just about any challenge.

Diving Watches


BALL Watch Engineer Hydrocarbon NEDU The world’s first diving watch with a helium release valve incorporated into the crown. The “Navy Experimental Diving Unit (NEDU)” is the unit of the United States Navy responsible for rolling out operational diving and decompression rules for the United States Armed Forces. It assesses the systems and procedures involved in surviving hyperbaric and diving environments. In particular, the NEDU established the decompression timetables that are a vital reference for all divers. BALL Watch has therefore quite naturally dedicated to the NEDU this new model, All aspects of this timepiece have been designed for its use by professional divers for whom each second may be of crucial importance. Attention has in particular been paid to the rotating bezel and its ergonomic contours ensuring precise handling even when wearing diving gloves. The numerals and graduation have voluntarily been oversized to make them immediately legible. The water resistance of this model is guaranteed to a depth of 600 meters thanks to the rugged construction of its case, which is 17.3mm at its thickest for a diameter of 42mm. A world first in watchmaking, the automatic helium release valve has been directly incorporated into the crown. The case back is stamped with a diver motif echoing NEDU’s official emblem.

CERTINA DS Action Diver Chronograph As its name implies, the powerful DS Action Diver Chronograph is clearly geared for action, entirely in line with Certina’s previous DS Action series dedicated to extreme sports. It immediately stands out thanks to its polished bezel and its imposing 45.2mm case that complies with the ISO 6425 norms. Its black dial ensures optimal readability thanks to its luminescent hourmarkers and oversized numerals. Making no compromises in either aesthetic or functional terms, it is above all dedicated to sports enthusiasts with a taste for diver’s watches.

HUBLOT KING POWER UNICO GMT The now famed Unico manufacture chronograph movement has undergone its first ever evolution. Its base will now house a GMT function, which has been entirely developed and manufactured in-house by Hublot. The main technical feature of this GMT complication is that is gives the time in the different time zones using an expert set of 4 rotating aluminium discs. They are controlled by a push-button housed in the case middle at 2 o’clock which allows the discs to be simultaneously positioned, allowing the time in the city, selected from the 14 available, to be instantly and directly read. With an elegant, practical and functional design, the King Power Unico GMT has a 48 mm dial and is available in two versions, ceramic or King Gold red gold ceramic, featuring a dial which is easy to read despite the wealth of indications it contains, and which allows the beautiful mechanics of the calibre to be admired. With a 72-hour power reserve, this watch will appeal to travellers with an appreciation of fine contemporary watchmaking.

Gc AquaSport Colour Boost The first Gc series with a water resistance up to 300 meters (30 ATM) combines bold watchmaking design, Swiss Made high precision and the latest fashionable bright colours trend. The Gc-3 AquaSport Colour Boost is a robust timepiece capable of withstanding high pressure and is water resistant up to 300m. In five different executions with tachymeter rings, numerals and indices in blue, yellow, white, green and red, this timepiece offers a distinctly sporty appeal. A dynamic timepiece of high-end techno-sport and cutting-edge fashion. Proudly Swiss Made, the Gc-3 AquaSport “Colour Boost” comes with a sturdy 44mm diameter case, equipped with scratch resistant sapphire crystal and grooved unidirectional turning bezel. The dial design with large SuperLuminova® coated indices and Arabic numbers, luminescent hands and a magnifying glass for the date at 3 o’clock, offer optimal readability on land and under water. As for all Gc timepieces, further quality signatures are the screw-in crown and screw-down case-back as well as the use of premium materials and paying attention to every detail. The sleek water-resistant textured strap provides both performance and fashionable appeal, while the colour details of each watch are completed by corresponding double-stitching on the strap. Swiss Made Magazine Summer 2009

X FATHOMS: THE WATCH OF ALL SUPERLATIVES The Blancpain X Fathoms revisits the characteristics of its iconic 1953 ancestor, and combines them with a mechanical depth gauge to create the most high-performance mechanical diving watch ever produced. Depth measure up to 90 meters and maximum depth reached memory, separate indication on the 0-15m scale with an exceptional +/- 30 cm precision, retrograde 5-minute counter for decompression stops, the X Fathoms concept watch abounds in world firsts. Its movement, reference 9918B, is based on the Manufacture-made Calibre 1315, which has already proved its worth by successfully powering several models in the Fifty Fathoms collection. Self-winding and equipped with three barrels ensuring a five-day power reserve, it is provided with a silicon balance-spring to withstand magnetic disturbances. Its imposing 55.65mm case made of satin-brushed titanium is water-resistant to 30 bar. It features a helium decompression valve for saturation diving and the unidirectional rotating bezel characteristic to the collection for almost 60 years. Research and testing conducted by Blancpain show that the elastic

properties and the resistance to permanent deformation of amorphous metal make this material ideal for the depth gauge membrane. This choice allows to reduce its thickness by half compared to steel and gain in precision. It also allows avoiding the risk of microcracks formation given the long-term stability of the alloy. However, the non-linear nature of the membrane deformation had to be corrected. The ingenious solution to this problem is given by the asymmetrical toothing of the rack and pinion that linearises the curve of the membrane deformation. The individual calibration of each X Fathoms guarantees maximal precision of depth indications. Displays result from in-depth research to offer optimal legibility, with central depth indication hands, matt black background colour to enhance contrast and three-colour luminescence to distinguish indications useful underwater. The most complex injected rubber strap ever conceived gives the final finishing touch. It comprises 14 articulated parts to ensure a perfect fit on the wrist and allow water to seep in under the watch in order to come in contact with the membrane under all circumstances. Diving Watches 41

ALPINA Extreme Diver Collection - The case is made of anti-corrosive materials, has a nonscratch crystal, and is outfitted with extendable wrist straps that can fit over a wet suit. The bezel of the Alpina Extreme Diver is unidirectional, has luminous markers, and is used to set the maximum time a diver plans to be under water. Therefore, it is vital that the setting cannot be accidentally pushed or knocked off. Having it move in only one direction means that time meant to be spent under can only be accidentally reduced, but not increased. VICTORINOX Diver Master 500 - Sleeker and more graphic, with a stronger, more immediate identity, the new Dive Master 500 collection combines resolute Swiss Army reliability and robustness with a very contemporary versatility. While the softer organic color options (black, burgundy, brown, grey, khaki green and white) are drawn from nature, the classic round case is coated in “Black Ice” or gold PVD. Shockproof and water resistant to 500 meters, this stylish watch is available in different case sizes, colors with quartz or mechanical movements. TAG HEUER AQUARACER 500 - All the new Aquaracer watches are equipped with the TAG Heuer safety features that make them the natural choice for extreme watersports. Water-resistant to 500 meters, they all have a helium valve at 10 o’clock. To pay tribute to its partnership with ORACLE TEAM USA, the 34th America’s Cup defending champions, the Calibre 16 44mm chronograph will be put to the test by legendary skippers Russell Coutts and Jimmy Spithill. It comes with a special case back stamped with the iconic ORACLE TEAM USA boat.

SUPEROCEAN 42 White Water The Breitling spirit is set to make waves again with a new version of the Superocean 42 entirely clad in white from strap through bezel to dial. Ultrasturdy, ultra-sporty and water-resistant to the fabulous depth of 1,500 meters (5,000 ft), this diver’s watch with a steely character has already established itself as a champion of reliability on the wrists of those with a taste for powerful sensations. In its new White Water version, it will appeal to women who enjoy mixing style and performance, boldness and excellence. Available exclusively from Breitling boutiques, this special series with its fresh and original look is equipped with a selfwinding movement chronometercertified by the COSC (Swiss Official Chronometer Testing Institute). The white rubber-molded unidirectional rotating bezel and the distinctive dial are adorned with dynamically styled numerals. The thick sapphire crystal is glareproofed on both sides. The powerful lateral reinforcements protect the screw-locked crown, while a safety valve serves to balance out differences in pressure inside and outside the case. An ideal instrument with which to cross any waters with the utmost confidence, and to sail through fashions with inimitable elegance. DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

OMEGA Seamaster Planet Ocean 600M”SKYFALL” Limited Edition Created to celebrate the 23rd on-screen Bond adventure and its seventh performance in a supporting role in a Bond film, OMEGA is launching the Seamaster Planet Ocean 600M”SKYFALL” Limited Edition watch. This unique timepiece features Omega’s new CoAxial calibre 8507 movement, a 42mm brushed stainless steel case with matching bracelet, a date window at 3 o’clock, and 007 logos on the clasp, at the 7 o’clock, and on its rotor, which is visible through the crystal in the screw-in caseback. Equipped with a unidirectional rotating diving bezel - distinguished by its matt black ceramic ring with a chromium nitride diving scale and a helium escape valve, the watch is water resistant 600 metres (60 bar). The applied indexes on the matt structured black dial are coated with white Super-LumiNova emitting a blue light as are the polished, facetted rhodium-plated hands. The movement is visible through sapphire crystal in the brushed screw-in caseback. Like every Planet Ocean, the new watch is ready for underwater adventure. Limited to just 5,007 pieces, it arrives in a special presentation box, but unfortunately does not include a license to kill.

ORIS Oris Aquis Titan Chronograph - Ready to dive Deep A combination of titanium and tungsten, the new Oris Aquis Titan Chronograph is well equipped and ready to experience the toughest dives all over the world. Robust and durable thanks to the scratch resistant Tungsten Diver’s inlay, Oris’ new diving model is a symbol of strength. The triangle at zero position, the indexes and watch hands are filled with Superluminova, ensuring the watch face can be easily identified even in bad visibility. The automatic helium valve at 9 o’clock position is essential for professional divers operating from a helium filled diving bell. This well-protected timepiece also features a screw-down stainless steel crown, stainless steel pushers, and a solid screwdown case back with an engraved conversion scale (feet/meter). A coordinating grey dial and inlay ring ensure the style of the model is in harmony with its endurance. Water resistant to 50 bar/500m and available in a multi-purpose case, the Aquis Titan Chronograph is clearly a watch of substance.

TISSOT Sea-Touch The SEA-Touch by Tissot uses patented technology to ensure that this watch for divers maintains its high performance at all levels – above and below sea level. Right down to a depth of 200 meters, wearers literally have the sophisticated functionality of this high-tech diving watch at their fingertips. As well as being able to tell the time in two time zones and indicate the depth of the current dive, this timepiece integrates a digital chronograph, thermometer, alarm, perpetual calendar date, compass and divers’ logbook, all activated by touch on the glass. SEA-Touch fulfils all of the European Norm EN13319 stipulated criteria (divers accessories): luminosity, shock resistance, anti-magnetism, band solidity and the integration of a time control device. This tactile watch provides a selection of important diving data. When the diver enters the water (minimum depth 1.4 meters), the hands go directly to 9 o’clock. Later the minute hand displays the depth of the dive on the scale around the bezel. The hour hand reveals the speed the diver is moving at in meters per minute on the dial. Excellent visibility comes from highly luminescent material and an effective backlight.

ULYSSE NARDIN BLUE SEA The brand-new Blue Sea perfectly combines its dual function as a diving instrument and beautiful watchmaking piece. Blue Sea has a self-winding movement featuring a 42-hour power reserve indicator, oversized small seconds and large date display. Its stainless-steel case, 45.8 millimetres in diameter, has been specially treated with a sophisticated vulcanisation process giving it a blue rubber coating. Its exhibition case-back reveals the self-winding movement also blued. The non-moving metal parts of the movement have been treated with a stainless blue titanium based alloy (ion sputtering process). To enhance its look, a wave pattern adorns the structured strap and dial. The hour markers and hour and minute hands are covered with blue luminescent material for improved readability. Its power-reserve indicator is situated at 12 o’clock while the small seconds and large date are displayed at 6 o’clock. The sapphire crystal has been treated with an anti-reflective coating. Fitted with a unidirectional rotating bezel and screwed crown, its individually numbered case is water-resistant to 200 metres. This edition is limited to 999 pieces, each individually numbered on the side of the case. Diving Watches


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KOONS The Fondation Beyeler is presenting the first exhibition ever devoted by a Swiss museum to the American artist Jeff Koons. Likely the best-known living artist, Koons has for decades been causing a furor with the combination of popular and high culture in his art. The work of Koons (b. 1955) has sparked controversy since the 1980s. He has been especially renowned for works that call the conventional distinction between art and kitsch into question. The Fondation Beyeler is presenting the first Koons exhibition ever held in a Swiss museum. From the start Koons worked in terms of chronological series of pieces, each with its own title. Taken together, these series titles provide an overview of his artistic conception. The extensive show comprises about 50 works from three central groupings that represent crucial steps in Koons’s development and pursue the unusual path, combining popular and high culture, which the object has taken and is still taking in his oeuvre. The three series selected together with the artist for exhibition are The New (1980-87), Banality (1988) and Celebration (from 1994). The exhibition spans a wide arc from The New, the young artist’s early series, to Celebration, to which new pieces are still being added today. In between we find Banality, an influential grouping with a manifesto-like character and crucial for Koons’ self-definition as an artist. DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

In parallel with the exhibition, Jeff Koons’ monumental floral sculpture Split-Rocker, composed of thousands and thousands of real plants and introducing a unique dialogue between art and nature, installed in the Fondation Beyeler park.

Split-Rocker, 2000 In Berower Park at Fondation Beyeler, with the support of JTI as well as Simone and Peter Forcart-Staehelin, InCentive Asset Management AG Stainless steel, soil, geotextile fabric, internal irrigation system, and live flowering plants, 1120.1 x 1181.1 x 1082 cm Collection of the artist © Jeff Koons Digital processing based on photographs taken by Laurent Lecat and Andri Pol

Taken together, these three series reflect the core of Koons’ thinking and the internal cohesion of the entire oeuvre, something that tends to be obscured by the system of groups of works with their separate titles. In The New, which would become determinant for the artist’s development, he purposely focused on factory-new, unused vacuum cleaners and carpet cleaning appliances of the Hoover brand, which, placed over fluorescent tubes, are encased in plexiglass cases. In this way, the objects create an impression of cleanliness and

seductive value, embodying the ideal of newness. Basic themes of this series are integrity, innocence and purity -- values that run through Koons’ oeuvre as a whole. In terms of their stringent arrangement and placement on fluorescent lights, these objects recall Minimal Art. Yet Koons is also one of the artists who have taken up the discussion on objects launched by Marcel Duchamp at the start of the 20th century with his ready-mades. He has advanced this discussion in an original and masterfully brilliant way.

From The New series, the exhibition presents 13 works, including a display window installation, reconstructed with the original vacuum cleaners, that was on view in 1980 at The New Museum of Contemporary Art in New York. In this series, the celebration of newness finds expression not only in the vacuum cleaner works but in the programmatic The New Jeff Koons (1980), comprising a lighted box with a black and white photo of the artist as a boy. The young Koons’ self-confidence had already become evident by this time. Jeff Koons 45

Tulips, 1995–98, Oil on canvas, 282.7 x 331.9 cm, European private collection © Jeff Koons

The advertising posters Koons employed for his silkscreen prints reflect his special interest in commercial imagery and visual strategies. In combination with the showcase objects, they immediately confront the viewer with the basic message of the series and the artist’s fascination with the manipulative potential of images and their presentation, as well as his intention to make the work of art as accessible to the viewer as possible. As an image on canvas, the lithograph New! New Too! (1983) is an early indicator of Koons’ concern with monumental painting, which would come to fruition years later, in the Celebration series. The ready-made-like everyday objects in The New metamorphosed in Banality into strange and provocative sculptures in wood, porcelain and mirrored glass, made by traditional crafts methods. Their motifs were taken equally from art history and popular culture, and collaged into innovative figures with a Baroqueoriented aesthetic. With the much-acclaimed Banality series, the artist not only placed the definition of art on a new foundation but advanced to become a star of the international art scene. DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

The exhibition includes 16 sculptures and reliefs, a major portion of the series of 20 sculptural figures. The motifs in Banality stem from a wide range of imagery from Renaissance and Baroque art, popular magazines, and the world of toys and postcards.The initial motif is modified such that the figures run through a transformation in terms of change of scale, medium or material which lends them new potentials of interpretation. The guiding idea behind Banality is the self-acceptance of the viewer conveyed by ostensibly banal things. This idea is embodied in the polychrome, quasi-religious wood sculpture Ushering in Banality (1988), which as it were manifests the banal as Koons’ fundamental ideal. A further theme of the Banality series is the association between human and animal that characterizes many of the works, for instance Stacked. As a group, the Banality figures add up to an overall image that illustrates Koons’s approach in the form of a veritable program of redemption and his intention to art that is understandable, accessible and edifying for all. Still, his subject matter is less religious in nature than aimed at raising universal, existential questions of human existence.

Photo: Jeff Koons Studio / Tom Powel

The entire visual program of Banality is based on the concepts of innocence and guilt, and aims through aesthetic means at a forgiveness of sins and a dissolution of the notion of guilt in general. This is reflected in a frequent recourse to saints or figures associated with sacredness, such as the sculpture Buster Keaton consisting of mounted wood. The imposing porcelain sculpture of Michael Jackson and Bubbles, to which the artist refers as a contemporary Pietà, has since become a modern icon. The piece reflects Koons’ ideal of an art that reconciles all oppos-tions to reach as large an audience as possible. In Banality, the artist’s interest in materials and surfaces acquires an especially symbolic dimension. The aesthetic effect of the material always goes hand in hand with its emotional effect. By means of the material, whether porcelain, wood or chrome steel, Koons appeals to viewers’ emotions and attempts to meet their desires. With the employment of mirrored glass in Christ and the Lamb and Wishing Well, finally, he had recourse to a material -- like the chrome steel before -- whose reflecting quality draws us directly into the work and, to this extent,

Balloon Dog (Red), 1994–2000 High chromium stainless steel with transparent color coating, 307.3 x 363.2 x 114.3 cm European private collection © Jeff Koons Photo: Jeff Koons Studio, New York

Jeff Koons 47

Balloon Flower (Blue), 1995–2000 High chromium stainless steel with transparent color coating, 340 x 285 x 260 cm Private collection © Jeff Koons Visualization of an installation in Berower Park at Fondation Beyeler.

compellingly manifests Koons’s basic conception of an accessible art. The Celebration series represents Koons’ most ambitious series to date, intended to comprise twenty large-scale sculptures in perfectly crafted stainless steel and sixteen large-format paintings. The exhibition includes ten of these paintings. In Celebration, the artist addresses things familiar and transitory, children and childhood, in motifs that call to mind children’s birthdays and holiday customs, yet whose monumental sculptural forms are simultaneously stylized into the iconic. In terms of style, Celebration represents something in the nature of a synthesis between the minimalist aesthetic of The New and the Baroque opulence of Banality, and links up with the involvement with childhood seen in earlier series. Attributes from children’s birthday appear in Party Hat (1995-97) and Cake (1995-97), in the balloon figures Balloon Dog (Red) (19942000), Tulips (1995-98), and Moon (Light Pink) (1995-2000). Gift or toy articles form the motif of the brilliant painting Play-Doh (1995-2007) and in Shelter (1996-98). Especially compelling is the monumental sculpture Hanging Heart (Gold/Magenta) (1994-2006), in high-alloy chrome steel. DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

With Cracked Egg (Blue) (1994-2006), a reference to Easter, religious motifs play a role in Celebration as well. While the apparently fragile Celebration figures seem supple and weightless, they are actually stable, hard and weigh tons. In Celebration, Koons not only developed his sculptural language further but took a step into painting, which appeared for the first time on an equal footing with sculpture in his oeuvre. The paintings in the series are based on arrangements of real objects created by the artist, photographed, and reworked by means of a complex process of schematization, then considerably enlarged and transferred to canvas. The central motif is placed in front of draped, reflecting foil in which certain parts of the object are reflected many times over, usually in distorted form. The aesthetic effect of the paintings, which owe much to Pop Art, is determined by their “objective”, virtually hyper-realistic approach. Evident in the Celebration series is the mutability of objects in terms of medium that is characteristic of Koons’s art, as well as a spectacular, quite unprecedented interaction between painting and sculpture. In Celebration, the interaction of media -- object art, sculpture and paint-

ing -- comes to full flower in the artist’s oeuvre for the first time. Two sculptures will be on view in Berower Park at the Fondation Beyeler: in the pond in the northern area of the park, Balloon Flower (Blue) (1995-2000), and in the park’s front area, the monumental floral sculpture Split-Rocker (2000).

Jeff Koons, 2012

Fondation Beyeler Baselstrasse 77, 4125 Riehen 13 May – 2 September 2012

The major exhibition shown in the autumn of 2011 at the Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A) will be at the National Museum Zurich from 6 July 2012. It is considered the first in- depth survey of art, design and architecture of the 1970s and 1980s, examining one of the most contentious phenomena in recent art and design history: Postmodernism. The V&A has put together a compact touring exhibition from the show, which includes the most important key objects. It presents the rapid development of the post-modern movement, which evolved from a provocative architectural movement in the early 1970s to influence all areas of popular culture including film, music, graphics and fashion. The National Museum Zurich is supplementing the exhibition with the most important Swiss representatives of Postmodernism, and integrates the whole exhibition into a timeline of political, economic and social events. Trix and Robert Haussmann will be represented with their Manierismo Critico and Susi and Ueli Berger with their ironic works. The Ticino School, Mario Botta and Analogue Architecture represent the debate about architecture in the 1980s. Jewellery by Berhard Schobinger, clothes by Christa de Carouge, graphic design, as well as video art by Fischli/Weiss and music by Yello round off the Swiss contributions. The exhibits consist of objects from the collection of the Swiss National Museum as well as loans from private individuals and museums. Swiss National Museum Landesmuseum ZĂźrich Museumstrasse 2 8021 Zurich

Opening hours Tue - Sun 10 am – 5 pm Thursdays until 7 pm Foto: Hans Giesinger Lady Shiva in Thema Selection von Ursula Rodel

Art Exhibition 49

sm photoshoot

To live and Love in L.A.

For this summer issue of DELUXE Swiss Made we flew to Los Angeles for another exlcusive photoshoot by Hollywood director and photographer Martin Kunert.



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m) un .co i K c m) c in .co bu eri art i r s t a M n R n r sig er: Pa BE mbe de ph erry AR a e . a y B r n g h lle A ww ervi oto er: S n Ke AUIL ci (w .m c Ph a c K u ww d eg up: bu o w r ( r M ia A : P e ine liforn er list ak v y b les r t M e m S ge Ca M & A n , t r : s i ot sA LS ele A Ha Sc Lo DE ng E M A O I D s M TIM o: Lo ES st n: k W o i n t ha ca Lo cial t e Sp DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

n suit billo our inn T u t igh n Q sses ht-E a nca Du sungl ty Eig n Dita itt Twe W e D

Photography by Martin Article Kunert title 51

DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

Above: Milus Heritage watch Hugo Boss suit Esquivel shoe Oliver People sunglasses Left: Audemars Piguet Jules Audemars Hugo Boss suit Esquivel shoe Special thanks to model Jack Manukyan wearing a Breitling Skyracer Raven watch

Photography by Martin Kunert 53

Amber: Harry Winston Ocean Biretro watch Theia gold beaded dress Dita sunglasses Scott: Richard Mille RM 028 Les Voiles de Saint Barth Giorgio Armani suit J&Co shirt Oliver Peoples sunglasses DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

PilyQ bikini Richard Mille RM 028 Les Voiles de Saint Barth

Photography by Martin Kunert 55

“WAVE” 戒子 KARINNA 黄色薄纱上衣

Kareena’s yellow chiffon beaded tunic Jerome Rousseau silver sandals Oliver Peoples sunglasses deGrisogono “wave” ring

de Grisogono “wave” ring Kareena’s yellow chiffon beaded tunic

DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

Scott: Breitling Chronospace Automatic Amber: PilyQ bikini

Photography by Martin Article Kunert title 57

DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

Hublot Tutti Frutti Green Apple watch Theia white strapless dress Camilla Skovgaard nude stiletto de Grisogono pearl drop earrings

Photography by Martin Kunert 59

Amber: Scott:

Monique Collignon gown Jerome Rousseau sandal Calvin Klein shirt Duncan Quinn bow tie Tag Heuer Monaco V4 watch

DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

Photography by Martin Article Kunert title 61

DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

Scott: Christian Dior suit Esquivel shoes Milus Heritage watch Amber: Gaurav Gupta gown ( Jerome Rousseau shoes de Grisogono earrings Longines Dolce Vita watch

PIAGET Limelight Party Glitter Rudy necklace Limelight Tonneau XL Shape diamonds paved watch

Photography by Martin Article Kunert title 63

Amber: Scott:

Carl F. Bucherer Evotec BigDate watch Alpana Neeraj dress ( Oliver Peoples sunglasses Camilla Skovgaard shoes Chanel gold earrings Hugo Boss suit Esquivel shoes

DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

Photography by Martin Kunert 65

de Grisogono necklace Guarav Gupta velvet cloak ( Jerome Rousseau gold shoe

DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

Christian Dior suit Versace shirt Milus Heritage watch

Photography by Martin Kunert 67

Amber: THEIA 黄金串珠礼服 DITA 墨镜 HARRY WINSTON 玫瑰金钻石腕表 Scott: ZARA 西装 J&Co 衬衫 OLIVER PEOPLES 墨镜 RICHARD MILLE 黄色腕表

Carl F. Bucherer Patravi EvoTec DayDate watch Hugo Boss suit Versace shirt Dita sunglasses

DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

DE BETHUNE DB28T watch Photography by Martin Kunert 69

sm equestrian

Racing and


at the Prix de DIANE Longines Elegance, sportsmanship, audacity, strong emotions, lightheartedness, togetherness and seduction… An amalgam of the purest emotions, the Prix de Diane Longines offers the promise of an enchanting day within a setting of stylish country elegance. A classic jewel in itself.


rown to a lofty stature since its humble beginning back in 1843, when a sparse crowd watched Favored Nativa become the first filly winner, the Prix de Diane Longines is one of the crown jewels of French racing, a classic that’s been sought after, and won, by queens and princes, sheikhs and shipping magnates. Sometimes referred to as the French Oaks, the Prix de Diane Longines is a Group 1 (the highest standard in horse racing) flat race that crowns the best three-year-old filly over a distance of 2,100 meters (about 1 mile and 2½ furlongs). Every year in June, a bevy of ambitious fillies come to Chantilly with one mission in mind: to gallop their way into the big time by clinching this prestigious and highly coveted title. For a thoroughbred and its jockey, winning this soughtafter race means joining the ranks of champions. Of the nice races on card, the Prix de Diane Longines carries the most prize money, raised to 1 Million Euros for 2012, underlining once again its growing importance. A symbol of performance and elegance, this mythical race also owes its reputation to the amazing surroundings where it takes place. A magnificent green setting steeped in history, the Chantilly domain ranks as one of France’s, and maybe the world’s, most attractive racecourses. Uniquely French, oozing style and charisma, the allure of Prix de Diane is more than just a talented roster of winners. The Prix de Diane Longines is also a wonderful opportunity to celebrate all that is feminine. Glamorous racegoers flock DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

by Massimiliano Pantieri

onto the Chantilly estate to savour a delicious and chic country picnic followed by a melodic concert and a stroll along Avenue de Diane for a spot of pampering. Flanking the Avenue de Diane, which is inspired by the French capital’s most beautiful byways, Diane’s boutiques lure racegoers in for a touch of Parisian pleasure, with tempting treats on every corner. From enjoying a glass of champagne right at the edge of the turf of the Champagne Bar’s comfortable sofas, to a sumputuous lunch at Chez Diane, ladies can also indulge and get pampered by beauty professionals at the Salon de Diane, sure to leave feeling more gorgeous than ever. A shrine to feminity, the avenue transfoms into a giant stage where contestants in the Prix de l’Elégance competition will flaunt their fabulous hats. But only one of them will have the honour of being chosen as « Mademoiselle Diane par Longines », a tribute awarded to the most elegant lady of the day. Charm, extravagance and personality will all be evident, leaving no doubt that ladies rule in Diane Gardens.

Celebrating this year its 180th anniversary, the official timekeeper of the Prix de Diane, Swiss watchmaker Longines has always been passionate about equestrian events, which epitomise elegance and performance, two values at the heart of Longines and its slogan “Elegance is an attitude”. Longines’ passion of horses dates back to 1878 with the manufacture of a pocket chronograph depicting a jockey and his mount, engraved on the back of the case. The brand today is official partner and timekeeper to numerous prestigious events around the world embracing horse racing, show jumping and endurance riding. Alongside the Prix de Diane Longines it is affiliated to other iconic races such as the Dubai World Cup, the Qatar Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe, the H.H. The Emir’s Trophy presented by Longines, the Longines Singapore Gold Cup, the Longines Handicap de las Americas, the Grand Prix Longines Lydia Tesio and the Longines Grosser Preis von Baden – together with its role as official timekeeper at Royal Ascot, the Kentucky Derby and the Melbourne Cup Carnival.

The Prix de Diane Longines day offers the perfect platform to unveil the Longines Saint-Imier Collection. This new line inspired by the history of watchmaking and the town of Saint-Imier, where the famous brand, also known by its winged hourglass trademark, was created back in 1832. The model selected for the Prix de Diane Longines exquisitely complements the stylish elegance of the occasion. With a diameter of 26mm, this stainless steel and rose gold piece is set with 60 diamonds. Like all watches in the collection, it is equipped with a selfwinding movement, and the mother-of-pearl dial perfectly sets off the diamond hourmarkers. Scintillating and elegant, this watch will sublimely adorn any lady’s wrist in the gardens of Chantilly. Longines Saint-Imier Collection

Prix de Diane Longines 71

sm jewelry

Precious Temptations

CHOPARD long necklace in 18kt rose gold composed of tourmaline beads (116cts), opals (139cts), amethysts (45cts), morganites (13cts) and diamonds Ref. 819154-5001

The Precious Temptations Haute Joaillerie collection by Chopard welcomes delectable new delights to be savoured as the fancy takes you. The menu includes sautoir necklaces, earrings and rings in tangy colours. With these in-trend delicacies, the brand vividly displays its talent for composing exceptional yet easywear models. Precious Temptations, where excellence is dedicated to serving a demystified approach to Haute Joaillerie. Tastebuds quivering in exception, jewellery gourmets are in for a treat. Giving free rein to its legendary imagination, Chopard has concocted a banquet of sweet delights, freely combining the most precious stones with more unusual gems to create a scrumptious array of pink sapphires, amethysts, DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

rubellites, tsavorites, tourmalines and opals. Caroline Scheufele, company Co-President and Art Director, loves nothing more than to play with unusual ways of mixing and matching trends and subtle nuances. The brand’s expertise is expressed here to the full, devoted solely to its role of inspiring dreams. The delicious collection of eye candy appoints pastel as master of ceremonies, inviting the most exquisite colours to its dessert buffet. As light as cloud of whipped cream, the long sautoir necklaces and earrings shine in fruity raspberry, pistachio green and blackberry shades. The velvety roundness of the smooth and sparkling stones is strongly reminiscent of multicoloured sweets. Infused with a delectably fresh and mischievious flavour, these refined dainty delights are designed to be savoured without restraint. And because they embody the new relished vision of Haute Joaillerie, women will enjoy wearing them often just for the sheer pleasure of it. It feels so good to just succumb!

CHOPARD necklace in 18kt gold set with diamonds, a cushion-cut peridot (5.6cts) and a pear-shaped amethyst of 32.7cts Ref. 819158-1001 CHOPARD earrings in 18kt while gold set with diamonds, 2 cushion-cut peridots (11.4cts) and 2 pear-shaped amethysts (38.3cts) Ref. 849158-1001 Exclusive to Chopard Boutiques

Jewelry 73

CHOPARD earrings in 18kt rose gold composed of 2 drop shaped amethysts for a total of 63cts, 2 fancy-cut tourmalines (14.4cts), 8 tourmalines beads (11.2cts, 2 fancy-cut morganites and diamonds Ref. 849154-5001

DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

CHOPARD ring in 18kt white gold set with emeralds, 2 heart-shaped pink sapphires and a heart-shaped emerald of 31.3cts Ref. 820614-1001

Jewelry 75

CHOPARD earrings in 18kt white gold set with emeralds, 4 pear-shaped pink sapphires and 2 heart-shaped emeralds of 21.7cts and 23.7cts Ref. 840379-1001 Exclusive to Chopard Boutiques

DELUXE Swiss Made magazine


1888 BY BUCHERER  the most magnificent piece to emerge from Bucherer’s workshops: A brilliant diamond of the very highest quality, from 1 carat, superbly set in fabulous platinum

WATCHES JEWELRY GEMS Basel Bern Davos Genève Interlaken Lausanne Locarno Lugano Luzern St. Gallen St. Moritz Zermatt Zürich Berlin Düsseldorf Frankfurt Hamburg München Nürnberg | Wien |

sm smart luxury

Gc Femme worn as a statement of the modern woman The Gc woman for whom this watch was designed is incarnated around the world by rising star personalities of the Gc Moments of Smart Luxury campaign; multi-faceted, multi-dimensional personalities with a love of life, who have chosen this timepiece as an illustration of who they are. After being first unveiled in Basel in 2011, this imaginative concept, captured by photographer Pino Gomes, continues to roll out in different countries globally. More and more Gc “rising stars” are joining the number of dynamic ambitious passionate people who choose a Gc Swiss Made timepiece as a statement of their character as they pursue their dream of success in their chosen professions and are proud to share their Moments of Smart Luxury with the world.

Maria Tyurina - Ballet dancer (Russia) Having started dancing lessons at the age of five, Maria is now one of the principal ballerinas dancing for the prestigious Stanislavskogo y Nemirovicha Danchenko Musical Theatre in Moscow. Maria’s skill comes from hours of practice in creating elegance, posture and precision, which fuse into one perfect dance movement that seems to transcend both place and time.

“Providing an illusion of effortless lightness”

DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

Nicole Alemán - Interior Designer (Panama) Awarded with the “Best Project” at the most important interior design show in Panama, CASA COR, Nicole is a true rising star in the world of interior design in Panama, designing interiors that reflect the personalities and needs of her clients.

“Putting that final touch to creating a new living space”

Pattree Bhakdibutr - Cosmetic and herbal specialist (Thailand) Pattree, the star player behind the success of an award-winning aromatic brand, Pattree works with dedication on combining different floral creations to delight the senses by their smooth harmonious sophistication.

“Lost in the perfect alchemy of the senses”

Gc Femme - Smart Luxury 79

sm gourmet

Handmade Swiss Chocolates Born In Switzerland, Made in LA You never forget your first time. The way your heart momentarily stops, your mind melts, and your smile grows so broad, you cannot speak. I’m referring, of course, to that moment of pure ecstasy when your teeth sink into a Coco Suisse chocolate, handmade by Swiss creator Marianne Manes. By Jessica Rounds

My first experience was with the Truffe, lured by the snap of its perfectly tempered couverture shell, and it’s filling of Swiss Kirsch brandy, dark chocolate and organic cream ganache blended with a hint of hazelnut gianduja. The quintessential Swiss chocolate truffle, and queen of her collection, the Truffe originates from a family recipe inherited down three generations. That heartwarming introduction to the most luscious dark chocolate I had ever encountered assured me that Coco Suisse was the best-kept secret in Los Angeles. And I had to know more. Spending one evening with Marianne and her filmmaker husband Eric Manes in their enchanting Los Angeles home explained everything. They are the kind of delightful people who spoil you with laughter and delicious food, and send you on your way with a renewed sense of the good life. It is no wonder that every piece of Coco Suisse chocolate tastes like a gift they are joyfully sharing with you. DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

Between irresistible morsels of chocolate, I traveled the generational history of Swiss artisans on both sides of Marianne’s family, and learned about Coco Suisse: the story of its inception, the authenticity of the ingredients, and its growth into the most beloved world class Swiss chocolate in Beverly Hills. While chocolatiering may be a lifelong passion of Marianne’s, she traveled an interesting road before doing it professionally. She originally left Switzerland to train at The London Contemporary Dance School. From there, she moved to New York City to study acting at The Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute. Her love of acting led her to Los Angeles, and Eric jokes that Marianne’s mom is grateful that he came along and stopped her in LA, or she’d be in Japan by now. Eventually her Swiss genes caught up with her and she turned her creativity towards chocolate making. Coco Suisse is in every way a culmination of a family of artisans. Marianne grew up in idyllic Bern (Switzerland) enjoying her grandmother’s (and later, her dad’s) homemade chocolates and truffles, so called for their shape reminiscent of mushroom truffles. As the third generation of chocolatiers, Coco Suisse sources their chocolate from the same Swiss manufacturer as her Grandma did over 40 years ago. The beans are bought at fair trade prices directly from farmers around the globe with long-term contracts, ensuring the highest quality beans as well as sustainability for the farming communities.

Familial artisanship resonates throughout Coco Suisse: Marianne’s great grandfather, Jacques Naegeli of Gstaad, was a renowned photographer whose work is preserved in the Swiss national archives. Vintage black and white photos of Gstaad (the city where Marianne and Eric were married) are featured on Coco Suisse’s website. Her mother, graphic designer Suzanne Potterat of Bern, designs all of Coco Suisse’s packaging. And Marianne even uses the copper vat that was a wedding gift to her grandmother to caramelize nuts. The inception of Coco Suisse was pure serendipity, borne from a delightful evening with Norbert Wabnig, owner of the venerable Cheese Store of Beverly Hills. Marianne and Eric filmed a segment of their web series “Simply Cheese and Chocolate” and thanked him with a gift of

her famous truffles. Needless to say, he loved them and thus began Coco Suisse. Marianne creates every piece of chocolate with as much precision as passion. Every time she proffered her tray of goodies, I marveled at the gorgeous quality of each piece before selecting my next instrument of joy. She constantly hones her skills, creating new recipes and studying with renowned Swiss Master Chocolatier Fabian Rimann. She and Eric travel to Switzerland twice a year to work with Rimann as well as enjoy the Swiss countryside. When I asked Marianne to tell me about Switzerland, she lit up and began describing images evocative of a fairytale: the pristine lakes and mountainsides. She loves spending time with her close-knit family and friends, and skiing, taking long hikes, or soaking in the Coco Suisse - Handmade Chocolate 81

outdoor hot water baths. Her favorite summertime meal by far is fresh-caught perch at a lakeside restaurant, and in winter it’s Chaesschnitte on the sun deck of a mountain top restaurant. There’s an undeniable luxury to Swiss living, from the glorious countryside to the richness of Italian, French and German cultural influences. For the native Swiss beauty, who endows every piece of handmade chocolate with the essence of luxury, I wanted to know what that word embodies for her. “Luxury,” Marianne says, “is sitting on Grandma’s terrace with Eric, overlooking the cobblestone promenade in Gstaad, eating a chocolate truffle and watching the people and horse-drawn carriages parade by.” Currently, there are five varieties of chocolates: the Truffe; the Croquantine: typical Swiss flavor profile with its triumphant combination of the finest hazelnut gianduja and croquantine crisp filling, surrounded by dark Swiss chocolate and topped with a roasted California almond; the Nonpareils: the quintessential, luxury edition of a nostalgic childhood classic; the PB&Gelee: Marianne’s homage to America and her husband who prepared her first gourmet pb&j sandwich, it is a sensuous dark Swiss chocolate, filled with handmade peanut butter with a touch of sea salt and French raspberry gelee; and last but certainly not least, the new Chocolate Lovies: tiny bites of delectable chocolate, cradling a burst of pure dried fruit (sour cherry, mango, ginger, tart apricot) and various roasted nuts. . When I ask Marianne and Eric about their philosophy, their answer embodies the honesty, simplicity, authenticity and love threaded through every aspect of the Coco Suisse experience. “There’s something magical about chocolate,” they say with a smile over my soft moans of delight as I take one last taste, and feel the smooth

DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

chocolate melt over my tongue. “A little piece of chocolate done that well is something worth slowing down for and savoring … you may not have a chateau in the South of France, but everyone deserves to experience the very best of something, the finest of experiences, all in one perfect little bite.” When it’s finally time to go, they send me off with a bag of freshly made chocolates and a friendly mandate to “Share the LOVIE!” which of course, I happily will. If you are not going to Los Angeles anytime soon, you can still taste these delicatessen by ordering yours online and enjoy the guilty pleasure at

The Tschuggen Hotel Group has a culture all of its own. With an understanding of comfort, quality, sports and spa facilities that literally explores dimensions hitherto unsounded. Situated in Switzerland’s most delightful locations, from 200 to 1800 m above sea level, our five hotels in the mountain panorama of Arosa, on the shores of Lake Maggiore and the sun-soaked plateau above the lake of St. Moritz invite guests to rest, relax, and indulge in life’s true pleasures. Each of these individually managed hotels boasts its own distinctive style, offering that little extra that has garnered a multitude of awards. With their understated and unostentatious luxury they create a familiar and intimate atmosphere. And it is not just the design with its new mix of styles that catches the eye: your hosts at each hotel always have surprises in store for you, with new services and a particularly enjoyable experience. So welcome to magical moments with the Tschuggen Hotel Group.


Tschuggen Hotel Group Via Albarelle 16 - CH-6612 Ascona

sm wellness header

Ingulge your Senses at Sensai Select SPA

A place to be reborn ... a heaven of silk. Entering the spa opens a world of tranquillity, illuminated and pure, lined with floating silk, swaying gently. The soft glow of the silk removes, layer by layer, step by step, the outside world to transform the mind and body. Farther into the haven of floating silk, a sense of calm wraps up the mind and body in an equilibrium of comfort and peace. The ‘cocoon’, an oasis surrounded by a calming light to purify the soul, is situated in the centre of the spa. This is where the everyday world gives way to a new dimension and the path leading to an unexplored sense of relaxation. A fusion of the finest Japanese Silk and the beautifying powers of hot springs SENSAI SELECT SPA merges Japanese healing and beauty traditions with advanced skin science to unlock the inherent beauty potential of the skin. Uniting the hidden power of Koishimaru Silk and the healing benefits of the Japanese hot springs into spa treatments for the first time, SENSAI promises skin that is smoother, more radiant with a touch like the purest silk. Esthetic treatments based on traditional Japanese massage techniques, products with the smooth texture of finest silk,

DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

delicate fragrances, and the simple aesthetics of the ambience enwrap the senses and create a holistic experience of true relaxation. Inspired by the Japanese hot spring, treatments warm the body with a restorative bath enhanced with Hot Spring Invigorator, an exclusive SENSAI ingredient that prepares the mind and body to receive the maximum effect of the treatments to follow. SENSAI SELECT SPA offers the most revered beauty rituals with scientifically proven benefits to discover the ultimate beauty and reinvigorate the spirit.

Koishimaru Silk SENSAI believes skin in its most beautiful state is flawlessly silky. This thought was born from an encounter with Koishimaru Silk, the finest of all Japanese silks, and inspired a fusion of SENSAI advanced skincare science and the hidden power of this luxurious fibre. Native to Japan, Koishimaru Silk – often dubbed as ‘precious treasure’ – was once reserved for the exclusive use of the Imperial family and cultivated solely within the precincts of the Imperial palace. This ‘Royal Silk’ is the most authentic and cherished of all Japanese silks, like a veil that caresses the body. The preciousness of Koishimaru Silk is rooted in its exquisite and pure origin. Its cocoons are only half the size of modern silk breeds, and the fibre is so fine that it brings an exceptional quality of shine and softness to the fore. As a result of intensive research and testing many kinds of silk, SENSAI discovered that Koishimaru Silk is the only silk to boost production of hyaluronic acid, forming an ‘Endless Ocean of Moisture’ within the skin to maximise the effectiveness of all skincare approaches. This replenishment of skin cell moisture also helps to restore the skin’s natural repairing abilities. Koishimaru Silk enables the skin to reach its full beauty potential. Together with internationally well-known designers, Bagno Sasso develops new and individual products for the bathroom. The company’s exquisite products have won numerous awards, including the internationally coveted «red dot design award best of the best» for its «Wedge» concrete washbasin. Or the wash basin «Ammonit», which has won the “Innovation award”. Sensai Spa Select 85

A gift of nature, Japanese hot springs As a volcanic country, Japan is blessed with thousands of natural hot springs, which have been a revered beauty tradition, a therapeutic destination and an integral part of Japanese culture for centuries. The mineral rich waters of Japan’s hot springs provide a natural sanctuary to heal the skin, body and mind. The varying curative properties of hot springs throughout the region are sought out as healing retreats for their ability to remedy a range of ailments and skincare concerns. A holistic ritual to pamper all senses, the hot spring is the ultimate source for pure relaxation of the mind and body. There are over 3,000 hot springs in Japan today that are officially certified for the quality of their water. Each has its own special characteristics and mineral composition, depending on its geological setting. Some celebrated hot springs, known as ’Hot Spring of Beauties’ contains minerals and ingredients which soften and smooth the skin among other benefits.

DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

For many years, SENSAI has been researching the hot spring’s holistic benefits for the skin and mind. A culmination of these efforts, SENSAI clarified the connection between the ingredients, skincare benefits and mechanism of hot spring for the human body. SENSAI SELECT SPA now offers a unique approach to enhance the effectiveness of treatments by fusing Koishimaru Silk and the beautifying powers of Japanese hot spring. SENSAI SELECT SPA offers seven luxurious treatments, each featuring the exclusive benefits of Koishimaru Silk, the finest facial and massage techniques blended with traditional Japanese beauty treatments in an oasis of pure tranquillity. For the first time, the benefits of the Japanese hot spring, known for its curative and skinbeautifying powers, are incorporated into the spa programme. All SENSAI SELECT SPA treatments begin either with a soothing silk bath or silk footbath. An echo of the Japanese hot spring, the silk bath warms the body and increases blood circulation to enhance the benefits of the treatments to follow.

Visit our new website to find out more and subscribe

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DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

sm innovation


In the 1960s, OMEGA and the rest of the world looked to the moon. The first lunar landing was seen as the ultimate human adventure. Forty years later, priorities have changed and OMEGA has taken up another formidable challenge also destined to make history. The company is a Main Partner in the Solar Impulse project, which aims to circle the globe in an airplane powered only by the sun. By Susan Robinson DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

In 2010, the HB-SIA, the Solar Impulse prototype with its impressive 63-meter wingspan, flew through the night powered only by the energy of the sun collected by its 12,000 solar cells the day before. It was a major step toward the project’s ultimate goal. As a Main Partner, OMEGA provides financial support but also has been able to contribute significant technological expertise. For example, the OMEGA Instrument, designed by Swiss aeronautics legend Claude Nicollier, indicates flight path and lateral drift and can be read easily by the pilot. The indications are highly visible but there are also vibrating alarm devices in the sleeves of the flight suits that will help

the pilot react to the critical information provided by the instrument. OMEGA was also responsible for a landing light system that weighs less than 2 kilograms! This Solar Impulse venture will contribute substantially to the scientific and ecological development of alternative means of sustainable energy. The success of Solar Impulse will inspire people to realize that there is an enormously powerful energy source only eight light-minutes away, which has the potential to reduce our dependence on nonrenewable resources and fossil fuels. There is no nobler aspiration than that of improving our planet’s health and enhancing its sustainability. Solar Impulse 89

“The sustainable energy problems are the major challenge for future generations. The Swatch Group and OMEGA have been working for a long time towards new solutions.” Nick Hayek, CEO of The Swatch Group

“The real success for Solar Impulse would be to have enough millions of people following the project, being enthusiastic about it, and saying ‘if they managed to do it around the world with renewable energies and energy savings, then we should be able to do it in our daily life,’ “ Bertrand Piccard, Swiss adventurer and president of Solar Impulse, told BBC News. As a Solar Impulse Main Partner, OMEGA has not only invested in the project but has made a number of critical contributions to Solar Impulse in the area of engineering technology. In 2007 the Solar Impulse team and OMEGA announced the development of a performance simulation and testing system (a test bench) for the project. The electromechanical system enables the SI development team to simulate and test all electrical systems before production begins. A unique aircraft, unique challenges The creation of a plane like Solar Impulse presents unique challenges. Designed to circumnavigate the globe powered only by the sun, the final aircraft, as well as its prototype, will be exploring unknown areas of flight because of their disproportionate size and weight. The prototype has a wingspan of 63 meters and weighs 1,700 kilograms – the weight of the average family car. Compare this with the Airbus A340, which has about the same wingspan but a takeoff weight that is roughly 200 times greater.

DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

Because of its enormous wingspan and relatively short fuselage, Solar Impulse has low lateral (side-toside) and directional stability. Its direction of flight can vary significantly from the direction of the fuselage. What’s more, the aircraft is sensitive to crosswinds on approach because of its slow speed, about 55 kilometers per hour. Indicating flight path and lateral drift Considering these elements led astronaut and Swiss aeronautics legend Claude Nicollier to design the OMEGA Instrument, consisting of light bars that indicate the flight path or lateral drift on a horizontal scale, and the angle of the wing on two vertical scales. The light bars are highly accurate, react instantly, and can be read easily by the pilot, who can easily make necessary adjustments. The nature of Solar Impulse and its unique intended mission, however, require features that contribute to the pilot’s safety. Vibrating sleeves: alerting distracted or fatigued pilots Although the OMEGA Instrument is extremely pilot friendly and easy to read, it is possible that the pilot, absorbed by other tasks, will not notice the lights. The pilots will ultimately be flying in shifts of several days, which will require that they sleep while the plane is in the air and will also risk the fatigue associated with long flights.

The presentation of the final design of the Solar Impulse airplane prototype on November 5, 2007.

Accordingly, there are vibrating alarm devices in the pilot’s flight suit sleeves that react as soon as the normal values are exceeded. For example, if the wing leans too far to the right, a vibration in the right sleeve will indicate that the pilot must correct the wing to the left. The vibrating sleeves were developed by OMEGA’s engineers to meet several parameters. They perform flawlessly in a temperature range of -40°C to 50°C in wet and dry conditions and at elevations between sea level and 9,000 meters. Ergonomically, they are also tight enough to remain in place on the pilot’s arm for up to five days but lightweight enough to be unobtrusive. They are built to provide robust resistance to electrical interference. Each sleeve is equipped with four vibrating devices similar to those found on cellular telephones. This means that the vibration is felt around the arm’s circumference. If one device fails, the others will continue to vibrate. The sleeves are set to allow either wing to drop 5 degrees before the vibration is activated, but the tolerance can be changed if the Solar Impulse team decides a different value is needed. Solar Impulse Landing Light System OMEGA had contributed the test bench to the Solar Impulse project and was considering other technological features it might offer. The engineers wanted to propose a

system of landing lights but were given an interesting challenge: The Solar Impulse project team said the entire landing light system could not weigh more than 2 kilograms! The OMEGA team managed to create a system that delivers an astonishing watts-per-weight ratio. On each wing is a set of LED landing lights whose brightness is amplified by a correlation lens. Additional sets of “promotional” lights are positioned along each wing. The lights are protected by strong windows that are made from the same resilient plastic used in Swatch watches. Altogether, the landing and promotional lights, their windows, the power transformer and connectors and the wiring weigh about 1.998 kilograms. As a result, the Solar Impulse’s runway is illuminated, the pilot’s safety is enhanced and the promotional lights create an impressive aesthetic effect – all in a package weighing less than 2 kilograms.

‘The most foolish thing is not the realization of a plane flying day and night without a drop of oil, but to continue to think that our civilisation will be able to survive consuming 1 million tones of petrol per hour which is destroying the planet,’ Bertrand Piccard, President of Solar Impulse and Pilot

Solar Impulse 91

sm innovation

PLANET SOLAR The power of the sun

Having navigated 60,006 km in 585 days, the MS T没ranor PlanetSolar crosses the arrival line in the Hercule Harbour in Monaco on May 4, 2012 and achieves the first world tour powered by solar energy.

DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

Planet Solar 93

In 2004, a crazy project germinated in the mind of Raphaël Domjan: to travel around the world on a boat propelled only by solar energy! This idea, now obvious, appeared to him only after a sudden revelation during a trip to Iceland where he measured the damage caused by mankind on the planet. He realised the urgency of the situation when he saw how his beloved glaciers were slowly disappearing. This 40 year-old Swiss citizen, ambulanceman and tireless “jack of all trades” has been thinking about his goal for a long time - proving that a world tour by sea, propelled only by solar energy, is not a bizarre idea from a sci-fi novel but a fantastic occasion to demonstrate the potential of renewable energies. Even though the idea was well developed in Raphaël’s mind, everything still needed to be accomplished: from the research of funding to the conception of the boat, including the composition of a performing and multidisciplinary team. In February 2008, a meeting with the German businessman Immo Ströher got the dream up and running. This German entrepreneur is passionate about solar technologies and has a solid experience in the domain. Immo Ströher is convinced that the development of clean mobility, on sea or on ground, is not only essential but also profitable. Together with Raphaël Domjan, they combined their capital, the mutual trust and their ideas. PlanetSolar soon formed an international team of physicists, engineers, naval architects and several celebrities who brought their moral guarantee to the project. Built in 18 months in Kiel in Germany, the MS Tûranor PlanetSolar is impressive in its proportions: 31 meters long and a width of 15 meters. The biggest solar boat ever built, it is equipped with 537 square meters of photovoltaic panels composed of 38,000 high-performance solar cells that are supplied by the Californian company SunPower. The double hull’s carbon sandwich structure is extremely durable and incredibly light for a boat of its size. Overall, there are 20.6 tons of carbon fibres, 11.5 tons of honeycombs structured in sandwich-layers and 23 tons of resin and hardener that were used for the creation of this futuristic ship propelled by a silent and clean electric motor. The origin of its name Tûranor comes from the trilogy “The Lord of the Rings” by J. R. R. Tolkien; it means “victory” and “power of the sun”.

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w w w. p l a n e t s o l a r. o r g

The MS Tûranor was designed based on a wavepiercing concept. Its structure is mainly made up of carbon resin in order to reduce weight. - The advantages of the extensible wings: the solar panels surface can be increased during navigation while the ship’s wingspan can be reduced for mooring or to improve the hydrodynamics by rough weather conditions. - Depending on the sun’s position, the rear wing can be moved to maximize the angle for solar radiation interception. - The solar panels energy system is optimized by MPPT systems (maximum power point tracker) to collect maximum energy from the solar cells and to achieve the installation’s best performance, specially adapted to the marine environment. - In addition to the navigation and propulsion systems, all the equipement needed for life on board (refrigerators, lights, showers, toilets, etc.) are powered by the solar generator. - The cockpit has two seats for the pilots, a communications post and a rest area situated at the back. - The MS Tûranor has the world’s largest mobile ion-lithium battery.

On September 27, 2010, the MS Tûranor PlanetSolar left the port of Monaco, where it returned more than a year and a half later, on May 4, 2012. The journey took the solar boat and its crew through the Atlantic Ocean, the Panama Canal, the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea and the Suez Canal to finally reach the Mediterranean Sea. Its path has followed the Equator as much as possible in order to benefit from maximum sunshine. The stopovers of this world tour were unique occasions to meet the local communities and promote solar energy as well as clean mobility. Several of these stopovers were organized with the active support of the Swiss Foreign Ministry, an official partner of the project. Thanks notably to the “SolarVillage”, powered with solar panels too. This “village” was deployed at the stopovers next to the boat to increase the awareness of the visitors, organise cultural events, propose games and educational programmes, interactive exhibition, film viewing and of course, meetings with the crew.

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sm heritage

Androids Masterpieces 3 museums, 3 towns unite for an exceptional exhibition

To shine a light of the genius of the Pierre and Henri-Louis JaquetDroz and Jean-Frédéric Leschot and the questions which link them to modern times, three museums combine their expertise and their collections, enriched by a number of exceptional pieces on loan from public and private collections.

The exhibition «Automates & Merveilles» featuring the famous androids of Jaquet-Droz father and son and their collaborator JeanFrédéric Leschot opened its doors on April 29 this year. Who are Jaquet-Droz and Leschot? How did they set up their business? How did they conquer the world from La Chaux-de-Fonds, and later from Geneva, London and Paris? Where do automata fit into the assortment of luxury objects they produced? What is the link between these automata and the robots of today and of the future? These are just some of the questions raised at the three exhibition sites, namely the Museum of Art and History of Neuchâtel, the International Museum of Watchmaking of La Chaux-de-Fonds and the Château des Monts Museum in Le Locle. Each of these presentations leads the visitor from the Enlightenment to the present day. Automata are often designed as objects whose purpose is to present or demonstrate, in order to generate surprise, wonder and astonishment. Mysterious clocks, perpetual motion mechanisms, «celestial» automata such as planetary clocks and timepieces with complex astronomical indications exert a similar appeal. They form a body of objects demonstrating that the ability of 18th century engineers and watchmakers to invent and construct such instruments persists to this day. From the second half of the 18th century, the miniaturisation of mechanical and musical movements gave rise to a new industry. Pierre Jaquet-Droz and his son HenriLouis occupy a place of honour in this context. At the dawn of the 19th century, such luxury objects were held in the same esteem as jewels. These miniature masterpieces made of gold, enamel, pearls and precious stones were widely circulated in Europe and the East. DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

The three most famous Jaquet-Droz and Leschot androids are the Writer, the Draughtsman and the Musician. Each has found its place in one of the three museums that chart the course of the famous designers of automata according to different themes. The Museum of Art and History of Neuchâtel offers an understated and elegant presentation, in three languages, that retraces the history of Jaquet-Droz and their collaborators in relation to the family business and the range of luxury timepieces and automata it produced. Focused on the automaton called «The Writer», the exhibition features exceptional pieces loaned from public and private collections, interactive devices and exciting multimedia installations. Visitors can discover the mechanical marvels of Jaquet-Droz and their contemporaries as well as modernday robots, including recent work by the famous Swiss automaton-maker François Junod. An interest-packed programme including targeted guided tours, demonstrations of automata, films, talks and workshops is offered to adults and children alike. Exploring the theme of «Marvellous Movements … Mechanical Wonders», visitors to the International Museum of Watchmaking of La Chaux-de-Fonds will discover automata often designed as objects whose purpose is to present or demonstrate, in order to surprise, astonish and create a sense of wonder among the public. The flagship piece in this exhibition is the «Musician» by Henri-Louis Jaquet-Droz, which underpins one of the highlights of the theme, automated musical production, represented by musical boxes and automata, barrel organs, mechanical musical instruments and all manner of chiming clocks and bells. The Musician is presented inside a miniature theatre featuring other automata, old and new. Visitors can therefore take a seat and quietly admire the operation of these fascinating and compelling objects. Adding to the wonder and intrigue, mysterious clocks, perpetual motion mechanisms, «celestial» automata such as planetary clocks and time-

pieces with complex astronomical indications are also presented and constitute another of the exhibition’s highlights. The emblem of the key - an indispensable part of an automaton – guides the public through 34 waypoints from the museum’s entrance to the monumental chiming clock in its park. Titled «Masterpieces of Luxury and Miniaturisation», the exhibition at the Château des Monts Museum gives pride of place to the «Draughtsman» and focuses on the miniaturisation of mechanisms, showing the sumptuous detail of their decorations. The constant effort to miniaturise mechanisms allowed watchmakers to incorporate singing birds, musical boxes or animated scenes populated with characters in all kinds of objects (watches, bracelets, walking stick pommels, pistols, cages and even snuffboxes). They also excelled in the creation of android automata or small mechanical animals. At the turn of the 19th century such luxury objects, embellished by scenes featuring automata and music, were held in the same esteem as jewels. These miniature masterpieces made of gold, enamel, pearls and precious stones, decorated with chased or cloisonné enamel, were widely circulated in Europe and the East.

The three exhibitions are open until 30 September, 2012, from Tuesday to Sunday, 11am to 6pm. Comprehensive information concerning special opening times, demonstration times of automata and other practical information can be found on the website:

Automates & Merveilles 97


Swiss Watch Brands Aerowatch

De Bethune


Alpina Watch

de Grisogono



Dubey & Schaldebrand


Antoine Prezluso

Eberhard & Co


Audemars Piguet

Emile Chouriet


Ball Watch

Frédérique Constant

Patek Philippe


Gc Watches

Peter Tanisman





Graham London






Harry Winston

Romain Jerome


H. Moser & Cie

TAG Heuer

Carl F. Bucherer





Ulysse Nardin


Jaeger LeCoultre



Jean Richard

Vacheron Constantin



Van Cleef & Arpels



Victorinox Swiss Army


Louis Moinet



Louis Erard


Cuervos y Sobrinos

Maurice Lacroix

Zino Davidoff

DELUXE Swiss Made magazine

Elegance is an attitude

The Longines Saint-Imier Collection


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