2013 swissnex Holiday Cookbook

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Endive Boats Cook: Alexandra Zingg, Project Leader - University Affairs

Serves 5-8 | Prep time: 20 mins | Cook time: 10 mins

Ingredients: Endive Feta cheese Red/Yellow bell peppers Scallions

Olive oil White balsamic Mustard Pepper Salt

Process: Cut the bell peppers and the feta cheese in little squares. Cut the scallions in little pieces. Mix everything. Prepare the dressing and pour it over the salad. Detach the single leaves of the endive and wash them. Afterwards, place them nicely next to each other on a platter. Fill the single leaves of the endive with the prepared salad. Voila!

Salmon & Avocado Mille-feuille Cook: Felix Moesner, Director, + Family

Serves 12 | Prep time: 40 mins | Cook time: 10 mins

Ingredients: Large piece of smoked salmon 1 avocado cream cheese 1 lemon dill

Sauce 1/2 chopped onion 2 Tablespoons olive oil 1 Tablespoon vinegar 1/2 Tablespoon soy source salt + pepper 1 teaspoon wasabi

Process: Slice avocado and coat with lemon juice. Layer mille-feuille on clear cellophane wrap in the following order: salmon, spread cream cheese, avocado, and again salmon, cream cheese, avocado, and salmon. Wrap it and put it in the fridge for about 20min. Mix sauce ingredients together. Cut mille-feuille into even sized pieces and drizzle with sauce. Finish with some dill on the top.

Älplermagronen with Apple Sauce Cook: Sabina Tresch, Junior Project Leader

Serves 5-8 | Prep time: 20 mins | Cook time: 10 mins

Ingredients: Älplermagronen: 500g firm-cookingpotatoes, cut into cubes 7dl boilingsalt-water 250g macaroni 2dl heavycream 1⁄4 teaspoon muskat A little pepper, freshly ground 200g mountain cheese

Onion Rings: Unsalted butter for frying 2 onions, cut in rings 2 tablespoon very fine semolina or flour

Photo credit: www.myswitzerland.com

Applesauce 1 kg apples (e.g. red Boskoop) 2 dl water 3 teaspoon sugar 1 lemon (unsprayed), 2 thinly pared lemon strips and 2 teaspoon lemon juice

Process: Älplermagronen: Heat the oven to 100 °C (212 °F). Boil potatoes in a saucepan without lid for 5 minutes. Add Älplermagronen (Macaroni) and cook them “al dente” until the liquid is almost absorbed. Pour cream over the potatoes and Macaroni, season to taste. Alternating with cheese, place the Älplermagronen in layers into the dish. Top with cheese. Bake approx.10 minutes in the center of the preheated oven until the cheese has melted. Onion Rings: Melt the butter. Mix onions and flour, shake off extra flour Fry in the butter at medium heat for about 5 minutes until crisp Place onions on paper towels and keep warm. Applesauce: Quarter the unpeeled and uncored apples. Boil quartered apples with water with sugar, lemon peel and juice in a covered saucepan at low heat until soft. Strain apples and liquid through a sieve directly into a bowl. Cool the applesauce. Serving: Spread onion rings on the Älplermagronen and serve with applesauce.

Butternut Squash Soup Cook: Sophie Sithamma, Operations Manager

Serves 4 | Prep time: 20 mins | Cook time: 15 mins

Ingredients: One large butternut squash One vegetable stock cube One onion

One tea spoon of cumin powder Fresh coriander

Process: In a pan, add the butternut squash peeled and cut into pieces, the chopped onion, the vegetable stock cube and the cumin Add water and cover everything, Let it simmer for 30 min or until butternut squash is soft. Pour everything into a mixer, add the fresh coriander and the salt and pepper. Blend til smooth. Note: when blending hot liquids, you must have a vent or leave the blender top off and cover it with a kitchen towel to allow the hot air to escape (or else you will have soup on your ceiling!).

Mousse Abricotine Cook: Mark Kuzmanic, Junior Project Manager

Makes 1 Liter | Prep time: 20 mins | Cook time: 10 mins

Ingredients: 20 cl of apricot brandy liqueur Morand 4 cl sugar syrup cane Morand 6 cl lime juice 50 cl of pineapple juice

One small teaspoon of gelling powder (agaragar, gum Xanthene ...) 2 gas cartridges

Process: In a blender, add the pineapple juice, apricot brandy liqueur from Morand, cane sugar syrup Morand and lime juice. Add a small teaspoon of gelling powder (agar-agar, gum Xanthene ...). Mix everything and pour quickly into the siphon, close it and add 2 gas cartridges. Shake the siphon and let rest for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.

Glühwein Cook: Claudia Ruegger, Junior Project Leader

Serves 5-8 | Prep time: 20 mins | Cook time: 10 mins

Ingredients: 4 bottles of red wine (ex. Cabernet Sauvignon) 2 cups sugar (amount proportional to quality of red wine, the worse the wine the more sugar you need)

Glühwein at the swissnex Holiday Party.

6 - 8 Cinnamon sticks Whole cloves 2 Oranges Whole allspice 2 cups of orange juice

Process: If you wish to get your friends and yourself tipsy even more quickly, or just to add a little extra kick, add brandy, sweet sherry or port to the mix. (optional, but rather tasty) Pour the red wine into a large pot and put it on the stove on a very low heat – you must not let the wine boil or the world could end… and that is not something you want to risk... I tend to cut the oranges into slices and then put about 4 cloves into each slice, then put them in with the wine. Break the cinnamon sticks in half or thirds and put them in with the wine as well as 10 of the whole all spice. Add in the sherry or port as well as 2 cups of orange juice. Add in 2 cups of sugar and stir. Stir on and off for about 30 mins to give the spices time to infuse with the wine and for the magic to occur, then taste it, and add more sugar as needed (possible up to 4 or 5 cups more in the wine is really bad). Let it cook/infuse/whatever for about 30 mins more (again, not letting it boil). Drink and be happy :)

Rösti Cook: Johan Boissard, Junior Project Leader

Serves 5-8 | Prep time: 20 mins | Cook time: 10 mins

Photo credit: www.saltandspatula.com

Ingredients: 2 lbs potatoes 1 large onion Bacon - cut into small cubes

Process: Parboil the potatoes, leaving their skins on. Peel, and grate coarsely. Lightly fry the onions, adding the bacon cut into small pieces and continue to fry until golden brown. Add the potatoes to the onion and bacon mixture. Turn carefully from time to time while frying, until the”Rösti” is crisp.

Capuns Cook: Felicitas Flohr, Junior Project Manager

Serves 5-8 | Prep time: 1 hr mins | Cook time: 45 mins


2.5 cups plain flour 0.5 cups milk 0.5 tsp salt 4 eggs 3 tbsp butter 1 onion

1 bunch parsley 1 bunch chives 120 g air-cured beef 200 g Salsiz / Salami 20 leaves of chard 250 ml beef stock 100 ml heavy cream 150 g shredded Gruyere cheese

Process: In a bowl, beat flour, milk, salt and eggs into a smooth dough, cover and leave to stand at room temperature for about 30 minutes. Finely chop onion, parsley, chives, air-cured beef and Salsiz. Melt 1 tbsp of butter in a pan and cook the onion until soft. Add herbs and meats and cook for another 3 minutes. Let the mixture cool down, and then add to the dough. In a big pot of simmering water, blanch the chard leaves in batches for approximately 1 minute. Remove the leaves, place them in cold water for a few seconds then lay them out on a towel and pat dry. If using chard with stalks, remove them, leaving the leaf intact. To assemble the capuns, place 1-2 tablespoons of dough at one end of each leaf, fold sides to centre and roll up (the same way you would roll a burrito). Melt 2 tbsp of butter in a pan large enough to hold all your capuns and place them in the pan‚ seam side down. Fry on low heat for 5 minutes, then cover the capuns with warm beef stock and simmer for 20 minutes. Add cream and simmer for another 20 minutes. Sprinkle the shredded cheese over the capuns and serve once the cheese has melted.

Beef Wellington Cook: Andrea Moeller, Project Leader, Watt d’Or

Serves 4 | Prep time: 90 mins | Cook time: 30 mins

Ingredients: 800 g Beef tenderloin (or pork) 1 TSP thyme leaves (or rosemary) 1/2 TSP Salt 1/4 TSP Paprika 1/4 TSP Mild curry

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

150 g Bacon in fine tranches 300 g Rectangular, rolled out Puff pastry 200 g Minced veal 1 egg, beaten Mustard Butter for frying

Process: Mix all spice and season meat. Heat butter in a frying pan, fry meat for about 3 minutes. Only turn the meat over when a crust has formed. Remove the meat from the pan and let it cool, dab cooking fat with a kitchen paper. Shape the dough slightly larger than needed to wrap the meat. Spread on the dough in the size of the meat. Leave margins emptly except for one on the long side. Lay meat on top. Coat margins of the dough, pack filet. Cut spare margins and press dough edges well together. Lay fillet package with the seam side down on a tray lined with baking paper. Sprinkle well with a fork. Decorate top with spare dough. Coat everything with egg. Baking: 30 min, 220 degrees celcius Serving: Remove meat from oven, let stand about 10 minutes before carving.

Roasted Chicken Cook: Sebastien Hug, Former Project Leader, Higher Eduction & Partnerships

Serves 5-8 | Prep time: 24 hours | Cook time: 1 hour

Ingredients: 2 teaspoons salt 1 teaspoon white sugar 1/8 teaspoon ground cloves 1/8 teaspoon ground allspice

1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 (4 pound) whole chicken 5 cloves garlic, crushed

Process: In a bowl, mix the salt, sugar, cloves, allspice, nutmeg, and cinnamon. Rub the chicken with the mixture. Cover chicken, and place in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Preheat oven to 500 degrees F (260 degrees C). Stuff the chicken cavity with the garlic. Place the chicken, breast side down, on a rack in a roasting pan. Roast 15 minutes in the preheated oven. Reduce heat to 450 degrees F (230 degrees C), and continue roasting 15 minutes. Baste chicken with pan drippings, reduce heat to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C), and continue roasting 30 minutes, to an internal temperature of 180 degrees F (85 degrees C). Let stand 20 minutes before serving.

Eggplant Parmigiana Cook: Niccolo Iorno, Project Leader, Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Serves 4-6 | Prep time: 1 hour | Cook time: 30 mins Olive oil Ingredients: 2 cans diced tomatoes 150 g shredded parmesan 3 large eggplants 200 g fresh mozzarella Salt 1 bunch basil Flour

Process: Remove the stem and cut the eggplants into slices maximum 1 cm thickness. Lay them out on a tray in one layer and sprinkle them with plenty of salt. Let sit for at least 30 minutes. Add the tomatoes to a pan with 2 tbsp olive oil and 1 tbsp salt, bring to a boil and let simmer until the volume has reduced by half. In a frying pan, heat up 1 inch of olive oil. The oil should be hot enough that bubbles form when you hold a wooden utensil into the oil, but not so hot that it starts smoking. Pat your eggplant slices dry with paper towels, cover them with flour by placing them in a bowl with flour one by one, and place them in the hot oil. Only put as many slices in the pan as fit next to each other. Flip occasionally and fry until golden on both sides. Remove excess oil by placing the slices on paper towels. Preheat oven to 400째F. Cut the mozzarella into thin slices and wash the basil leaves and cut them in half. Cover a baking dish with butter and place one layer of eggplant slices on the bottom. Add a layer of tomato sauce, a few slices of mozzarella, a few slices of basil and a thin layer of shredded parmesan. Continue layering, topping off with eggplant and parmesan. Bake for approximately 30 minutes at 400째F.

Dampfnudle Cook: Raphael Ochsenbein, Junior Project Manager

Serves 5-8 | Prep time: 2 hrs | Cook time: 40 mins

Ingredients: 700 g Flour 1.25 teaspoon salt 230g butter, cut in little pieces 37g yeast

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

10 dl milk 2-3 eggs 7 tablespoon sugar Pepper Salt

Process: Mix flour, salt, sugar, 100g of butter, in a big pot ( so that you don’t have big butter pieces any more). Mix the milk with the yeast. Put 2.5 dl of the milk and the eggs in a hole in the middle of the flour mixture and knead it very well. Once you have a mass that is nice, cover it and wait for about 1 hour (maybe a little more - the dough should have approximately doubled its size after that time), Meanwhile, you can prepare the liquid. Combine 7.5 dl milk, sugar, 130g of the butter in a small pot and heat it until everything’s mixed. Put half of that liquid into the baking tray. When the dough is ready, you make small little balls of dough and put them into the baking tray as well (I’d say about the size of a tablespoon). Then you bake it for 30-40 minutes in the lower half of an oven heated to 220 degree Celsius. After 20-30 minutes, you can add the second half of the liquid.Then you serve it with some kind of vanilla cream // Apple Cream. Additional Comments: Actually: in hot places the dough needs less time to work and it should not be too long either. For the baking temperature: i think its too high, better start at a medium temperature and keep an eye but don’t open the oven too early for it will collapse.

Guinness Cake Cook: Elizabeth Galvin, Events Coordinator

Serves 5-8 | Prep time: 20 mins | Cook time: 10 mins


1 cup stout (such as Guinness) 1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter 3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder (preferably Dutchprocess) 2 cups all purpose flour 2 cups sugar

Photo Credit: Smitten Kitchen

1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda 3/4 teaspoon salt 2 large eggs 2/3 cup sour cream 6 ounces good semisweet chocolate chips 6 tablespoons heavy cream 3/4 teaspoon instant coffee granules

Process: Preheat oven to 350°F. Butter or spray a bundt pan well; make sure you get in all of the nooks and crannies. (Some people even go so far as to brush the inside of their bundt pans with melted butter–you cannot be too careful!). Bring 1 cup stout and 1 cup butter to simmer in heavy large saucepan over medium heat. Add cocoa powder and whisk until mixture is smooth. Cool slightly. Whisk flour, sugar, baking soda, and 3/4 teaspoon salt in large bowl to blend. Using electric mixer, beat eggs and sour cream in another large bowl to blend. Add stout-chocolate mixture to egg mixture and beat just to combine. Add flour mixture and beat briefly on slow speed. Using rubber spatula, fold batter until completely combined. Pour batter into prepared pan. Bake cake until tester inserted into center comes out clean, about 35 minutes. Transfer cake to rack; cool completely in the pan, then turn cake out onto rack for drizzling ganache. Ganache: For the ganache, melt the chocolate, heavy cream, and coffee in the top of a double boiler over simmering water until smooth and warm, stirring occasionally. Drizzle over the top of cooled cake. Original recipe: http://smittenkitchen.com/blog/2006/11/ganached-guinness-goodness/

Holiday Sugar Cookies Cook: Lia Breunig, Communications Manager

Serves: as many cookies as you make! | Prep time: 1 hr | Cook time: 10 mins

Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar 1 cup soft butter 1 egg 2 tsp vanilla

1 1/2 tsp almond extract 2 1/2 cups flour 1. Tsp baking soda 1 tsp cream of tarter

Process: Mix: 1) butter and sugar well 2) add eggs, vanilla and 1/2 tsp almond extract 3) then add flour, cream of tarter and baking soda 4) roll, cut out shapes 5) bake at 375 for 7-8 minutes Icing: Mix powdered sugar with 1 tsp almond extract. Then add milk, a little at a time to right consistency. Color with your favorite food coloring, add sprinkles and let dry. Enjoy!

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