The Holiday season is traditionally a time of giving and sharing.
All year long, at swissnex Boston, we share with you the
best and brightest Switzerland has to offer in Art, Science, Education
and Innovation. “We”, that is an enthusiastic team of
people with Swiss roots and/or Swiss bonds, living in Boston
and New York. Whenever we get the chance to go back to our
“Homeland”, we try to take advantage of our time there to the
fullest – and we know exactly how to do that.
After we shared our favorite cooking recipes with you last
year, we are now revealing our very personal travel secrets.
From ice-skating in the fairy tale landscape of the Engadin to
sunbathing on the Riviera of the Lake Thun; from eating dinner
on a chestnut tree in Ticino (watch out for the squirrels!) to
mingling with hundreds of Butterfl ies in the Papillorama – we
got you covered. We hope you enjoy your future adventures in
Switzerland with our Swiss Travel guide!
Thus, we wish you very happy holidays and are look