2010 Annual Report

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bridging knowledge and competencies in science, education, art and innovation.

Consulate of Switzerland

contents  4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

Foreword Connecting the Dots Science Diplomacy Ventures and Entrepreneurs Innovation and Technology Community Building and Social Networking Higher Education and Young Talents Arts and Science Media and Publications Finance and Metrics Partners and Sponsors 10th Anniversary Outlook Staff


daring to innovate If the ability to rethink and reinvent is the hallmark of innovation,

and research centers have all seen the benefits of collaborating with

then the launch of the swissnex network in 2000 surely proved

a network of academic ambassadors to better target international

Switzerland’s aptitude for innovating.

partners and empower young talents. Swiss start-ups, innovators and emerging leaders also leverage the network to penetrate the

swissnex, a first-of-its-kind platform, is committed to connecting

world’s most competitive innovation ecosystems, such as Silicon

Switzerland’s knowledge-based economy with global centers of

Valley, and explore profitable markets.

science and education. But such innovation was not without risk. Global collaboration must be seen as an opportunity, not as a threat, for


Indeed, swissnex was a long-term bet. Introducing a new paradigm

Switzerland’s knowledge-based economy to continue ranking among

in foreign representation by leveraging public-private partnerships

the world’s best. Global collaboration is also our common responsibility

meant persuading academic, corporate and government

in order to face the tremendous social, energetic and environmental

stakeholders to journey into uncharted territory.

challenges that our planet — and many emerging countries — face.

Today, the bet is paying off for Switzerland. What was once seen

What has emerged from the swissnex mission of “connecting the dots”

as an experiment in Swiss science diplomacy is now a driving force

is a rich network with mutual interests and local expertise in strategic

in our International Science Policy with a well-defined strategy and

regions that allows Switzerland to reach out around the world. swissnex

tangible outcomes. From its start in Boston, the swissnex network

has truly established itself as an indispensable tool for Switzerland’s

has grown five-fold to include outposts in San Francisco, Singapore

scientific leadership. What was just a vision in 2000 has become a

and Shanghai, and near-complete outpost in Bangalore.

reality and we are currently planning the next steps in its development.

The Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology as well as the Swiss

Federal Councillor Didier Burkhalter,

Universities, Universities of Applied Sciences and the nation’s labs

Head of the Federal Department of Home Affairs

swissnex Boston 2010



café des sciences




social entrepreneurship

connecting the dots

bike festival

corporate innovation


human rights

federal office for professional education and technology

fribourg school of business administration


rectors’ conference of the swiss universities of applied sciences


rhode island school of design worcester polytechnic institute university of applied science zurich


a growing network of partners and topics The following pages reveal that 2010 was not just a

politics and even urban planning in a multi-disciplinary

year of celebration but also one of strategic planning

and cross-functional fashion. We advanced our

for the challenges of the next ten years. swissnex

involvement in the arts through theatre and design,

Boston made inroads in every field: strengthening

never forgetting their educational and scientific

our existing relationships and collaborating with new

components. And we expanded our outreach in

partners in new fields.

Switzerland to new universities, start-ups and large

boston university


lesley university


our long-standing relationships and established

innovation, public diplomacy and science were

topics, have engendered a dense network of

reinforced by the new connections we developed.

overlapping connections between Switzerland and connections are endless.

university of

city of cambridge



canton de vaud

cambridge innovation center

connecting the dots

boston world partnerships swiss american chamber of commerce

american swiss foundation swiss innovation promotion agency

MA clean energy center new england clean energy council

career fair

university of teacher education thurgau

The swissnex Boston team


swissnex Boston 2010

venturelab canton basel-stadt

lombard odier

future cities



école hôtelière de lausanne

for activities and partnerships. Plunging into the Web 2.0 phenomenon, we approached social media,

ST -gallen


New England where the possibilities of valuable We also embarked on daring and original concepts


boston college



our alliances with long-time partners in education,


art & science goethe institute inno-swiss public diplomacy french cultural center boston university geneva innovation cambridge science festival

reached younger and broader audiences through These new partners and fields, combined with


northeastern university

university of geneva

linked through our knowledge network.

networking and communication technologies. And

fletcher school/tufts university

community building higher education babson college harvard university university of basel boston globe young talents entrepreneurs

corporations, which though disparate were inextricably Trademark events were refined and adapted. Others

state secretariat for research and education


credit suisse thinkswiss

university of applied sciences bern

northwestern switzerland universities of applied sciences

solar energy typography

nation branding

hospitality and services public health social media


life sciences



science diplomacy “As the Swiss Ambassador to the United Nations in New York, I really enjoyed having a platform like swissnex Boston to open new dialogues with practitioners and academics of the Boston area about global governance and the current role of the UN. I am convinced that the swissnex network is a key asset in strengthening science and technology connections abroad.” Peter Maurer

the open-source approach

State Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Former Swiss Ambassador to the

As the world’s first “science consulate,” swissnex

director Thomas Zeltner during his year in a Harvard

Boston has explored ways to extend the notion of

leadership program.

public diplomacy. As a leading partner of the New England We accomplished this through both collaborations with

Francophonie celebrations, another former Federal

strategic partners, such as Jed Willard of Harvard’s Public Councillor, Pascal Couchepin, came in March to Diplomacy Collaborative, and landmark publications, like

stress the key role of French-speaking universities in

a nation-branding case study in Place Branding in Public

the resolution of global development issues.

Diplomacy, authored by Director/Consul Pascal Marmier and Rollins College professor Marc Fetscherin.

And then-Permanent Representative to the United Nations, now Secretary of State at the Department

Key figureheads arrived in a sharing spirit amid a

of Foreign Affairs, Peter Maurer, met students and

stream of US/Swiss events.

leaders during a whirlwind winter tour.

Key Events

UN (2004-2010)

Annual World Economic Forum Debriefing (February) Pascal Couchepin discussed Switzerland’s scientific policy at Francophonie 2010 celebrations (March)

Key Numbers 3 swissnex Boston-organized events at Francophonie 2010 8 foreign delegations interested in swissnex model 60% third-party contribution 7,000+ guests at events 106 visits and events


Former Federal Councillor Ruth Dreifuss discussed

Always keen on opening dialogue with fellow

Switzerland’s universal healthcare system at the

diplomats, we developed sustainable partnerships

height of the divisive nationwide debate in March.

with other area Consulates on topics from clean

She was joined by former Office of Public Health

technologies to the Francophonie.

swissnex Boston 2010

science diplomacy

Key Connections Collaboration with Harvard Business School and Harvard Alumni Healthcare Association on healthcare

Federal Councillor Didier Burkhalter, left, tours Harvard in October


ventures and entrepreneurs “For Swiss companies going global, swissnex Boston provides the best shortcuts to success. “Its enthusiastic and well-connected team is helping our gaming company with invaluable business contacts, strategy workshops and market knowledge that would take much longer to acquire any other way.” Hadi Barkat Founder and

helping grow bold ideas In 2010, swissnex Boston’s focus on

outreach with a desk at the new Cambridge

entrepreneurship both widened and deepened.

Coworking Center (C3), a novel idea in shared Cambridge Innovation Center.

audiences and to seek the invaluable collaborations

One of our trademark events, the venture leaders

Combined effort of all swissnex outposts at Swiss Innovation Forum, Basel (November)

that only Boston’s thriving innovation economy can

10-day entrepreneurial boot camp in collaboration

provide. For instance, cti start-up companies knime

with long-time partner venturelab, emerged in its

and InSphero held workshops with partners and

tenth year as more tailored to the individualized

potential customers in July and November respectively.

needs of today’s young innovators. We offered

We reached out to more Swiss start-ups, offering them space and events to present their activities to key

more personalized networking platforms and helped Along with our colleagues in San Francisco, we kicked-off the



US Market Entry


with the offer

1,000+ jobs created, 115 companies born and CHF210m in financing triggered through venture leaders program

to marketing themselves and pitching their ideas.

Enabled cti start-up Plexim, incubated at swissnex Boston, to gain local employees

support services to connect entrepreneurs and

World Partnerships, participants got feedback and

develop their ideas. We also extended our own

tips on enhancing their presentation skills.

ventures and entrepreneurs

200 venture leaders in Boston (2000–2010)

Key Connections

Through strategy sessions with local partner Boston

swissnex Boston 2010

Key Numbers

participants develop an entrepreneurial approach

of a workspace within our office and customized


Key Events Study trip of Prof. Rico Baldegger and his entrepreneurship master’s class from the School of Business Administration, Fribourg (January, November)

workspaces for budding entrepreneurs at the


Former venture leader start-up Doodle connected to local business leaders for product trials

venture leaders 2011, in collaboration with venturelab, at the Global Pitchfest event


innovation and technology “Together with two Swiss friends, I founded Sandbox to support the most active young achievers between 20 and 30. While expanding our community worldwide, we were extremely fortunate to partner with swissnex Boston, which helped us not only to better understand the dynamics of the local market, but also to identify and connect with the market’s key players. From Singapore to Bangalore to Boston, swissnex

building key competencies and connections

Boston has been an enormously valuable partner that understands

It is incontrovertible: innovation drives the economy.

We discussed the value of networks in facilitating

In Boston, innovation fuels life. And at swissnex,

economic development with Northwestern

innovation feeds our mission.

Switzerland delegates in October, and highlighted fresh approaches to innovation at the Boston

swissnex Boston has long approached innovation

Corporate Innovation Forum in April.

holistically, combining the Swiss tradition of education and apprenticeship with today’s urgent

But we also took innovation to the next level,

need for skills in a fast-changing economy.

pioneering cross-functional events with multidisciplinary panels. For a discussion on the Future

We used both industry specialists and cutting-edge

of Cities, for instance, a law and policy professor

technology to probe tomorrow’s challenges. In

moderated a panel of university presidents, industry

the spring, we partook in a cross-continental

practitioners, field experts and renowned professors.

videoteleconference with the Command Center at cern’s

Large Hadron Collider led by



Felicitas Pauss. In the fall, we hosted a high-level workshop with Nestle Executive


Luis Cantarell on

bridging the gap between pharma and nutrition.

This, we know, is the way forward: a dynamic platform that sources and engages every outlook on a given issue. Indeed, a complex world necessitates a comprehensive approach.

Key Events ThinkSwiss-sponsored events throughout the year, e.g. sustainable transportation (May), particle physics with cern (April) “Future of Cities: What will be the urban model of 2020?” panel discussion (October)

innovative concepts and knows the right people to drive them forward.” Fabian Pfortmüller co-founder, Sandbox

Key Numbers 5 days, 4 Swiss experts, 3 cities (Washington DC, Pittsburgh, Boston) for Green Jobs series 200 participants and 160 “tweets” at Future of Cities 90 participants in Boston, 3 guests via vtc in Geneva at Big Bang 2.0

Key Connections Massachusetts Clean Energy Center and New England Clean Energy Council (Green Jobs series) Innovation networks under the leadership of Basel


swissnex Boston 2010

innovation and technology

Dr. Glenn Cummings, former US Department of Education Dep. Asst. Secretary, at Green Jobs in November


community building and social networking

“swissnex is a unique model of ‘consulate 2.0’ that connects Boston’s tech community with Switzerland’s academic leaders. It’s always on top of emerging trends by exploring social networking with the most connected people. As an


alumni and a Branco Weiss

Fellow in Boston, this is how I’m able to stay tuned to what is going on in Switzerland in social media and network analysis.”

real value in virtual relationships

Riley Crane Senior Post-doctoral Fellow,

One lesson we’ve learned over the past decade is

Similarly, a breakfast with the alumni of the University

not merely the value of building connections, but

of Geneva took place in real time, both face-to-face

giving those connections real value. Part of our

and via videoteleconference with Pascal Praplan,

success is owed to remaining in close contact with

the alumni director.

our partners and associates. But we also know now the importance of remaining relevant to them. That

We continued our engagement with innovators and

includes both being integrated in their activities and

scholars at the monthly Café des Sciences, a joint

using new communication technologies effectively.

venture with partners of Boston’s French-speaking community.

A perfect example took place in October, when


Human Dynamics Group

American Swiss Foundation alumni event with local/state leaders (March)


Key Numbers Total $1,000 donated to Ahoto Human Rights and Global Health Initiative 7,000+ views on the swissnex Boston YouTube channel

And we jumped headfirst into new communication

with the help of swissnex Boston. This historic event

technologies, both to maintain contact with the

10,000+ website page views monthly

community and alumni, despite their changing locations,

Partnered for 40 Café des Sciences

Eichler and more than 100 former students, all

and to probe their real-life applications. Events such as

Key Connections

connected through new and social media.

Social Media and Nation Branding in May and Politics


President Ralph

2.0 in October were organized around and themselves utilized today’s savvy communication techniques.

swissnex Boston 2010

communit y building and social ne t working

Media Lab

Dinner with Harvard Professor Niall Ferguson on the Swiss economic model with local universities, Novartis, EMD Serono and Swiss American Chamber of Commerce (April)

Zurich launched its New England Alumni Chapter occurred in the presence of


Key Events

Collaborative events with Swiss organizations from Swiss Tourism to Swiss Trade and the Investment Promotion Agency

Nicco Mele, founder and president of EccoDitto, at Politics 2.0 in October


higher education and young talents

connecting the dots with Yvonne Moret swissnex Boston is always proud to accompany young talents on their paths to success, and Yvonne Moret is a good example. Recently graduated from mit with a PhD in civil engineering, Yvonne arrived in Boston in 2006. From the start, we supported her education, profession and community building. Today, she journeys to Beijing as a member of the Swiss diplomatic corps, and reflects on her fruitful alliance with swissnex Boston over the past five years.

my Boston beginnings “As a grad student freshly arrived to Boston, it was a relief to discover swissnex Boston: an impressive

nurturing tomorrow’s leaders

network of fellow researchers and scientists and a source of advice and support.

When we paired brilliant young minds with our

Michelle Stanners (Harvard Kennedy School) for a

Key Events

pioneering partners to speak at our tenth anniversary

neuroscience conference at the University of Zurich.


celebration, swissnex Boston encapsulated its mission in supporting young talents. From kindergarteners

Supporting our partners on specific topics and learning

Harvard Law School’s International Party (February)

to Nobel laureates, we sought ingenious ways of

objectives, we guided the Rectors’ Conference of

Cambridge Science Festival (May)

nurturing the next generation of leaders.

Swiss Universities of Applied Science ( kfh) toward

Key Numbers

understanding shifts in education policy in October. Always on hand to coach students and researchers interested in Switzerland, swissnex Boston’s

As part of the larger process of working closely

reputation was visible in the students who journeyed

with our academic partners, we hired our first

from as far as Chicago for our career networking

intern, whose initiative propelled the launch the

reception in January.

Alumni’s New England Chapter.



President Patrick

Aebischer’s close relationship with us led to the We accommodated groups of Swiss students and

establishment of several strong partnerships.

facilitated reverse connections: travel grants were

And we continued to empower young movers-

provided to Ole Fisher (Harvard Graduate School

and-shakers, like Fabian Pfortmüller of Sandbox

of Design) for an architecture conference and

talent incubator.

“When founding SwissLinkBoston, a platform for young Swiss researchers in the Boston area, swissnex was instrumental in spreading the news and attracting new members through their support in setting up our

140 students at “Career night” (January)

webpage and co-organizing events targeted at the

22 Swiss university officers for khf ’s “Teaching and Learning” (October)

vibrant Swiss research community.

17 requests for funding to study in Switzerland 240 members of the ethz Alumni New England Chapter

Key Connections Canton Vaud – Boston College (nursing)

faculty for programs and idea exchange. We even

building the community

Career Fair (January)

htw Chur – Rhode Island School of Design (art and design)

my next career “Personally, I am grateful to swissnex Boston for connecting me to their network. When considering the diplomatic career, these contacts gave me invaluable perspectives and advice. For their support and mentorship, I owe a lot to swissnex Boston.”

FH Thurgau – Lesley University (education) zhaw – Worcester Polytechnic Institute (applied sciences)


swissnex Boston 2010

higher education and young talents


arts and science “swissnex provides a unique platform to share a new vision of innovation: exploring how emerging technologies can open up prospects for our society. Both the Boston and San Francisco outposts efficiently bring together the key players from science, art, design and the economy. This is where talk turns into action.” Nicolas Henchoz Director,

creativity across disciplines As we forge ahead into the next ten years, swissnex

cells invented by epfl Prof. Michael Graëtzel. Initiated by

Boston knows that neither art nor science will

the epfl-ecal Lab in Lausanne and brought to the US

forever remain the same. Thus, just as we approach

through the efforts of our colleagues in San Francisco,

our other endeavors in multi-disciplinary and

this large-scale international workshop epitomized both

crossfunctional ways, so too do we consider this.

the marriage of art and science and the collaborative nature of swissnex Boston’s activities.

of disciplines, swissnex Boston supported novel

There is a discernable educational component in

practitioners on a platform of promotion and contact-

these events. A “daylighting” exhibit spearheaded

building. The Sunny Memories exhibit at The Lab at

by then


Professor Marilyn Andersen, now at

was a research project for engineering and

Lab, Lausanne

Key Events American Repertory Theater’s “The Blue Flower” based on the Dada Movement (December) Swiss film “Home” by director Ursula Meier at the French Film Night, Francoponie 2010 (March) “Delight in a Greener Daylight” daylighting exhibit at mit (April)

Anchoring art and science firmly in a confluence


Key Numbers

“swissnex Boston literally opened the doors of




exhibit on

Typography. Thanks to its network in arts and design, it augmented in the US and

6 cities (Lausanne, London, Boston, Washington DC, New York, San Francisco) for Sunny Memories

the visibility of

graduate students. swissnex

Harvard took an avant-garde and resourceful approach


to artistic expression. Students from California to

architecture students to explore the swissnex

Key Connections

Lausanne adapted the concept of dye-sensitized solar

building in varying levels of light.


– MIT Museum for Typography exhibit

ecal – The

Lab at Harvard for Sunny


helped us to attract American Boston is an essential partner of the internationalization strategy of


Memories Cabaret Voltaire, Zurich – Harvardaffiliated American Repertory Theater for The Blue Flower

Pierre Keller Director,


Collaboration with swissnex San Francisco for its series on Light


swissnex Boston 2010

arts and science


media and publications

swissnex model soars into twittersphere More than media penetration, 2010 was the year of

audience of a half million about the inter-consular

media diversification. swissnex Boston’s pursuits and

soccer tournament we organized.

Key Events Appeared on National Public Radio ( npr ) twice

activities rippled across the Boston area, across the pond, and across the range of media.

Events surrounding around our tenth anniversary

We actively utilized swissnex Boston as a platform for

sites, particularly the

research collaborations. Several articles in scholarly

alliance made possible by the Bertarelli Foundation’s

1,300+ social media followers

and trade journals emphasized both the mounting

$9-million donation.

40 articles published in traditional and online media

were featured on Swiss television and online news epfl /Harvard

Medical School

trend towards science diplomacy and the unique “ppp” swissnex business model.

And we soared into the “Twittersphere” as event

2 reports on swissnex Boston carried by Swiss television

Key Numbers

40 YouTube videos

participants tweeted questions to our expert panels, This energy extended beyond the books, however. Our energy was picked up on the airwaves of


indicative of a virtual presence that now extends to all major social media outlets.

where we were interviewed in June for an estimated


swissnex Boston 2010

media and publications


finance and metrics 55%

7.75 %



strengthening our ppp In 2010, swissnex Boston’s unique business model moved closer towards the ideal



diplomacy becomes the norm over the next ten years, swissnex Boston is happy to work with the consulates

partnership), expanding our private sector base of

of other countries in seizing upon this novel form of

sponsorship and partners.

nation-branding, outreach and collaboration by virtue of our seven key missions:

Our bottom-up approach allowed us to diversify


Strengthen Switzerland’s reputation as a center of science


Maintain a network of contacts with universities, research institutions and companies, and support Swiss scientists

funding, particularly in-kind support, which enhanced


Promote the interests of Switzerland and the presence of Swiss research, technology and know-how

our ability to connect our guests.


Support internationalization efforts of Swiss institutions


Coordinate the network of partner institutions and researchers to develop a tradition of knowledge exchange

proven not only successful but also reproducible, fast


Expand brand-building, public relations and media coverage

becoming a standard in public diplomacy. As science


Extend bilateral research cooperation programs

our portfolio of activities while remaining au fait with the real needs of educators, policy-makers and entrepreneurs. It also gave us additional sources of

Indeed, the model adopted by swissnex Boston has


swissnex Boston 2010

finance and me trics










Third-party Contributions




In-kind non-project


In-kind Project
















Third-party Contributions









partners and sponsors Tufts University

a wider web of collaboration

Harvard University

As a public-private partnership whose mandate

de Vaud, Presence Switzerland through its Think Swiss

is “connecting the dots,� swissnex Boston is both

program, academic partners epfl and eth, and ecal and

founded and functions daily on the support and



Lesley University

Cambridge Innovation Center

for our tenth anniversary celebration.

interface of partners and sponsors. Swiss American Chamber of Commerce

As always, we are eternally grateful to our chief In 2010, these collaborations reached new heights

sponsors for making such fruitful collaboration

as we expanded our support base, particularly in the

possible: our core founding partner Lombad Odier,

private sector. We broadened our alliances with both

Credit Suisse for its

Swiss and American partners, other swissnex outposts,

Secretariat for Education and Research ( ser ) for

and Swiss and foreign consulates, which generated an

its funding.



support and the State Boston University

outstanding level of teamwork in every field.

Boston College Indeed, as the illustration shows, the network of

Particularly, we were proud to partner with the Swiss

cross-continental collaboration that swissnex Boston

Innovation Promotion Agency (cti), the Federal Office for

has sustained grew extensively in 2010, taking our

Professional Education and Technology (opet), Canton

mission further.

MassChallenge Northeastern University MassMEDIC Massachusetts Clean Energy Center

Babson College

New England Clean Energy Council Boston World Partnerships

Map of Worchester, MA

Worcester Polytechnic Institute


swissnex Boston 2010

partners and sponsors

Map of Providence, RI

Rhode Island School of Design


Babson College

Bern University of Applied Sciences

Boston College

Board of Higher Education, Canton de Vaud

Boston University

Canton Basel-Stadt–Cantons of Northwestern Switzerland

Boston World Partnerships


Cambridge Innovation Center


Harvard University

EPF Lausanne

Lesley University

ETH Zurich

Massachusetts Clean Energy Center

Federal Office for Professional Education and Technology


Fribourg School of Business Administration Northwestern Switzerland Universities of Applied Sciences


Rectors’ Conference of Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences


Thurgau University of Teacher Education

New England Clean Energy Council Northeastern Universty

University of Basel

Rhode Island School of Design

University of Geneva

Swiss American Chamber of Commerce

University of St.Gallen

Tufts University


Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Zurich University of Applied Sciences

Continuing Teacher Education program

Massachusetts Innovation Tour

Networking New York seminar

Sunny Memories exhibit

Executive Education program

Memorandum of Understanding

New Markets and Technology Entrepreneurship seminar

St.Gallen Wings of Excellence/Global MBA-FSI

Executive MBA International Management program

Memorandum of Understanding (School of Nursing)

Translational Neuroscience and Neuroengineering

Types We Can Make exhibit

Future of Cities panel discussion

MIT Career Fair

Seminar on R&D policy

Workshop on Strategic Paths for Future Energy Systems

Global Perspective program

Monitoring Compliance with Corporate Codes of Conduct seminar

Succeeding in the Green Economy — Skills Matter! workshop

Venture Leaders bootcamp

10th anniversary

here’s to the next ten years! In the presence of Federal Councillor Didier

chefs, and discussion, with paired speakers of young

Burkhalter; Thierry Lombard, founding partner of

talents and pioneering partners.

Lombard Odier; Manuel Sager, Ambassador of Switzerland to the USA, and a host of friends,

It was not merely a festivity but also a testament to

dignitaries and sponsors, we commemorated an

the value of “connecting the dots”: relationships that

historic milestone on October 28, 2010: the tenth

stand the test of time. It was also a way of looking

anniversary of the swissnex network.

forward with a collective consciousness and a resolution to face the challenges of the next decade

Among the likes of ecal


President Patrick Aebischer,

Director Pierre Keller and swissnex directors

past and present, the evening was both gala reception, with exquisite culinary creations by

together, where idea generation through collaboration within and beyond the burgeoning swissnex network would surmount — we are certain — any obstacle.


Here’s to the next ten years of “connecting the dots!”


swissnex Boston 2010 10 th




the next 10 years of connecting the dots In the end, celebrating ten years of Swiss science diplomacy was less about acknowledging past achievements and more about envisaging future challenges. Our strong set of stakeholders has expanded exponentially and served to remind us that connecting the dots will take on a new form in the future. So we pooled their collective intelligence to brainstorm the swissnex vision and mission for 2020 and beyond. The 10 big ideas that emerged all speak to the collaborative nature of our work, and we hope they will inspire your own reflections on the future of science diplomacy. We look forward to building the next decade with you.


swissnex Boston 2010




My five years at swissnex Boston were a highlight in my career. Boston offered me unparalleled opportunities to work with many outstanding colleagues, interns, experts and world-class organizations. I enjoyed the amazing swissnex Boston team spirit: thinking, planning, decision-making and execution were done cooperatively. Every year, we laid the groundwork for all team members to go the extra mile and to transform challenges into

Pascal Marmier

Kati Reusche

Heike Saenze, Sam Foerstler and

opportunities. My heartfelt thanks to all of you!

Consul and Director since 2008

Executive Assistant and Project Manager

Philipp Voser

since 2004

IT Specialists New in 2011

Emil Wyss

Andreas Rufer

Deputy Consul, swissnex Boston (2005–2010)

Deputy Consul, Head of Administration and

Sophie Sithamma

Project Manager, Arts, Culture and Society

Accounting and administration assistant

since August 2010

since 2009

Jacqueline Gasser-Beck

Denzil Mohammed

Advisor for Education and Academic Affairs

Communication Specialist since 2009

Thomas Boillat Intern, Project Management Sabine Ledermann Intern, Project Management

since 2009 Angela Rupp Nina Ryser

Intern, Project Management, 2010

Intern, Project Management, SACC

Advisor for Innovation and Entrepreneurship since January 2010 Pierre Dorsaz

Marie-Charlotte Bagnoud

Francesco Albertini Intern, Project Management since

Claudia Schusterbauer

August 2010

Consultant, Life Sciences

Project Manager, Communication and Outreach since 2009 30

swissnex Boston 2010



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