Sophisticated Woman Magazine | October 2024

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Sophisticated Woman Magazine

By Women. For Women. Inspiring Women.

Publisher Barbara Edwards Doyle

Editor Maureen O'Brien

Graphic Design Chris Gracia, Brad Growden

Contributing Writers Kim Bergeron, Maureen O'Brien, Mark Larson, Erin M. Cowser, Jan Windhorst, Lexi St. Laurent Hartmann

Account Executives Michelle Plaisance-Billiot, Maureen O'Brien

Contributing Photographers Chuck Billiot, Linda Larkin, Alec Griffin

Distribution Manager Anthony Figaro

Distribution for Rouses Danny Sunseri

Cover Photography

Chuck Billiot Photography

Fashion Coordinator Shari Bower

Behind the Scenes

Our Enterprising Women

Photo Shoot With Tiffani Tran Calix

The Sophisticated Woman team coordinated the photo shoot for this issue’s Enterprising Woman, Tiffani Tran Calix. Michele's photoshoot took place at Wigs by Tiffani. Read more about Tiffani on page 20.


Sophisticated Woman Magazine

200 Greenleaves Boulevard, Unit 4 Mandeville, LA 70448

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©2024 Sophisticated Woman Magazine. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission of the publisher. Views expressed are not necessarily shared by the publisher or staff of this publication. Please mail comments or submit articles and photographs to the above address.

Distribution— Delivers to upscale businesses and homes throughout St.Tammany and Tangipahoa Parishes and the Southshore. Issues are also available at area Rouses Markets, Barnes & Noble, and local businesses.

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Jan Windhorst is a Contributing Writer for Sophisticated Woman Magazine. She has a Master of Journalism from Louisiana State University and is a marketing consultant and freelance business writer. She also enjoys performing and playing keyboards in the band Four Unplugged.

Chuck Billiot, owner of Billiot Photography and Video, is a Certified Professional Photographer in Mandeville. Chuck is a veteran Navy photographer who specializes in weddings and events. He has photographed over 2000 weddings since starting his business 28 years ago.

Erin Cowser is a collaboration, communications, and legislative affairs strategist with experience in the higher education, non-profit and government sectors. She serves on the boards of several organizations and philanthropies. Writing is the creative escape for this Tangipahoa resident whose most important role will always be mom of Eliza Kate.

Kim Bergeron, APR, is an independent advertising and public relations specialist and event producer. She's the founder of Northshore Cultural Economy Coalition and the Krewe of Black & Gold. Her passion is advocacy for the celebration and support of arts and artists. Kim holds a BFA from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.

October is when we talk about Breast Cancer, and that is why we focused on women’s healthcare this month. We also added an article about the health of her partner, because women are often the ones that encourage men to seek medical care when needed.

The health of a woman is so very important to the family because she is typically the one that makes sure everyone else is okay. Women tend to neglect ourselves. That is why we think it is important to bring some of the issues that are covered in the magazine to their attention.

October also starts fall in our area, which is a festive time filled with so many wonderful outdoor festivals and activities like Trick or Treat or Trunk or Treat. Families and friends enjoy dressing up as some their favorite characters, while kids enjoy their favorite mouthwatering treats.

Another thing that we enjoy in fall is some of the nicest cool and comfortable temperatures of the year. One of the things I like about fall (probably one of my favorites) is that we fall back from Day Light Savings Time.  We gain an hour of sleep, and that is heaven to me!!!

Women's Health W

Many women often spend so much time helping others that they don’t take time for themselves. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and in this issue Sophisticated Woman is focusing on women’s health and wellness-and the importance of taking time for yourself. From physicians and fitness to skincare and integrated medicine, learn more about the best that the Northshore has to offer.

Schedule your annual checkups. Enjoy a facial. Get a massage. Start a new exercise routine. But most of all, take care of yourself-and don’t forget to treat yourself. You deserve it!

Integrated Concierge Reimagines Healthcare

24/7 Service Dedicated to You and Your Health

Imagine having your own nurse on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Now imagine being able to schedule and see your doctor as many times as you need, without having to pay a deductible each time. Thanks to Integrated Concierge, what may have once only been found in a world of pure imagination, is now a healthcare reality for the Northshore.

Dr. Ashley Mays, Dr. Laura Roan and Chad Carrone, RN, are entering year two of providing reimagined primary and urgent care as their proven solution to meet modern healthcare needs.

“We are healthcare that is by doctors, by nurses and for the patients. Everyone making decisions has your health in mind. Your major healthcare systems average 11 administrators for every doctor they employ,” said Founder and CEO Carrone. “Not so with Integrated Concierge. We all have medical backgrounds so your health comes first. For us, it’s not about profit. It’s about impact.” He said when creating Integrated Concierge, he and his partners built a business model centered around impact, not profits.

“If something was not focused on direct impact for patients, we

didn’t even discuss it,” he said. “We’re a healthcare provider that’s not just different, it’s better.”

“That’s what makes us stand out from other clinics, and it’s a game changer for my patients,” said Mays, echoing Carrone’s sentiment.

The team describes Integrated Concierge as “wildly available” and accessible to patients. “Our 24/7 nurse line ensures there is always someone real, not an answering service, available to give medical advice, whenever you need it. Appointments are available same or next day, and if you need to spend an hour with the doctor YOU CAN!” she said. “Concierge medicine is better in every way. And with Integrated Concierge, it’s also more affordable.”

Now with two Northshore locations, Slidell and Covington, Integrated Concierge is a direct primary care medical clinic that provides services in person or via text and video.

“At Integrated Concierge, members pay a monthly subscription fee for unlimited healthcare and 24/7 access to us. There’s no copay, and patients can see us as many times as they want,” said Roan. “We’re able to provide more care at less cost because we don’t pay the high

Ashley Mays, MD; Chad Carrone and Laura Roan, MD.
photo: Chuck Billiot

cost of personnel navigating the complicated and time-consuming world of insurance claims.”

But surely such clinics cannot provide the type of medical services that are actually needed, right?

Wrong. Integrated Concierge offers unlimited no cost primary and urgent care including simple procedures, wholesale diagnostics and medications including weight loss drugs, discounts on extras like vitamin infusions, massage, Botox, fillers, laser hair and skin treatments. Roan adds that Integrated Concierge also offers medications and lab work at wholesale costs.

“The health care system is absolutely broken. And there are no signs that it will get any better any time soon. We wanted to stop complaining about the current system and focus on building a better one,” Mays explains. “For example, many people have primary care physicians on paper, but when they seek an appointment, they can’t get one when they need it.”

Roan agrees, adding, “The system is definitely broken. One issue is the lack of accessible primary care providers. The cost and time spent on things that go into billing and claims in a traditional setting makes it difficult to practice medicine in the most beneficial way to the patient. At Integrated Concierge we don’t have to intentionally overschedule ourselves to see enough patients to pay for the high cost of administration and jump through hoops to get approval of necessary treatments in a timely manner.”

“Our system offers a better experience for patients, a better work environment for the physicians, and even a less expensive alternative to traditional benefits for employers. Creating this kind of impact is what drives us to do what we do,” said Mays.

Roan adds, “By focusing on the patient/physician relationship and

creating an environment where physicians have the time to connect with each of their patients individually without the distractions and red tape of insurance companies, we are able to provide more care for less cost.”

The team prides itself that patient visits are never rushed. They want to make sure patients have time to talk through all their medical concerns as well as any other aspects of their health that wouldn’t normally be addressed in a traditional settinglike weight loss, infusions, massage, genetic testing and other wellness services.

“Most importantly,” Roan adds, “Integrated Concierge has the training and expertise to merge the traditionally separate concepts of a doctor’s office and a medical spa by offering patient-centered individualized care.”

Dr. Ashley Mays, Dr. Laura Roan, Aimee Coulon, APRN 862 Brownswitch Rd. in Slidell.
Arden Ballard, PA and Amber Chandler, FNP-C 201 Holiday Blvd., Ste. 100 in Covington.
Amber Chandler, FNP-C; Arden Ballard, PA and Kerilynn Guerra.

Restless Leg Syndrome?

There is more and more being written lately about something called Restless Leg Syndrome. Well, many people misuse this term to describe someone who can’t keep their leg still, like the guy next to you in church who keeps bouncing his knee up and down. That’s Nervous Leg Syndrome! Then there’s the condition that my 6-year-old nephew has-Restless Kid Syndrome. But Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) is an actual medical condition that has a variety of different causes.

The syndrome of RLS can be some of the following: pain, aching, numbness and tingling, throbbing, pulling or having a “creeping” sensation of the extremity. The symptoms can vary from one person to the next, but one thing that does not vary is the uncontrollable urge to move the leg to relieve the symptoms. For reasons that we don’t completely understand, movement of the extremity will bring about relief. Symptoms begin to worsen in the evening when people begin to rest for the day, and they can become particularly prominent at night. This of course can cause a substantial decline in one’s quality of sleep and can actually interfere with an individual’s ability to function on a daily basis.

RLS affects both men and women, but women are affected twice as frequently. Up to 10 percent of the adult population of the U.S. may have some degree of the problem. A more advanced cousin of RLS is something called

PLMS, Periodic Limb Movement of Sleep. In this condition, the limb movements occur repeatedly throughout the night on an involuntary basis and of course disrupt sleep tremendously.

There are a variety of causes of Restless Leg Syndrome, many of which are very difficult to sort out. One of the most common causes however is Chronic Venous Insufficiency. Roughly 35 percent of RLS can be caused by leg vein problems. The symptoms of the two can be similar, however they are two distinctly different entities. The good news is that diagnosing venous insufficiency is easy and something that we do every day of the week with a painless ultrasound test. Better news: treating the underlying venous disease can eliminate symptoms of RLS completely.

I’m sorry to report that as of yet there is nothing we can do for Restless Kid Syndrome but Restless Leg Syndrome can be an easy fix and a good night’s sleep may be just around the corner.

Dr. Randall Juleff is a board-certified Phlebologist. Visit La Bella Vita Laser and Vein Center, 985-892-2950, 4080 Lonesome Road, Suite A in Mandeville. 4224 Houma Blvd., Suite 260 in Metairie, 504836-6000.


Dramatic silhouettes with an air of sophistication.

Whether it’s a sweeping gown with a touch of sparkle or a sleek, bold design, evening wear promises to make you the star of the night, turning heads with every step you take.

Make a bold statement.

Sparkling embellishments that catch the light.

AbreastKeeping with Karen Stall

Championing Breast Cancer

Early Detection

When Karen Stall was diagnosed with breast cancer more than 20 years ago, 3D mammography was not yet a possibility. Today it is not just a possibility, but rather a mandatory standard of practice for health insurers who want to do business in Louisiana. This is in large part thanks to Karen and the non-profit her husband gifted her on the 10th anniversary of her cancer survival journey.

The Karen T. Stall Research and Breast Institute, a 501c3, began by partnering with hospitals and providing endowments that could help cover the cost of scans that weren’t covered by insurance. Soon after, Karen saw the need for grants to go toward grocery bills, childcare or anything else that could mitigate the financial strain felt by families while loved

ones are undergoing treatments. “It should never be a question of whether to pay for groceries or get the scan that will allow you to raise the kids who need to eat those groceries,” said the mother of two and former industrial diving company CEO.

Those receiving grants have put the money toward such things as transportation costs to and from treatment and even house note payments when unable to work.

Karen mentions a recent grantee, a teacher diagnosed at the age of 38 with three children nine years of age and under. “This grantee does have health insurance through her work, but her annual deductible of $6,500 made it impossible for her to access the care she truly needed,” she said. “I’m grateful that our non-profit has been able to help.”

While keeping busy with fund-raising for survivor support efforts for KTSRBI, Karen was also busy “Keeping Abreast” (also the name of the KTSRBI podcast Karen hosts) of current advancements in breast cancer diagnosis. “The best cure for breast cancer is early detection,” Karen said. “When I saw how 3D Tomosynthesis imaging can now make cancer so crystal clear and easy to identify in scans, it was a no-brainer that everyone should have access to such life-saving potential.”

Unfortunately, not all insurance companies would cover the preventative scans even for those who received indeterminant yet worrisome results from regular mammograms and/

or those with a family history of breast cancer.

In 2018 Karen took her efforts in the fight against breast cancer to the State Capitol. She championed the need for 3D Tomosynthesis mammography technology as standard practice for insurers across Louisiana. With the help of legislators including former State Representative Julie Stokes (herself a breast cancer survivor) and now Senator Patrick Connick (a childhood friend of Karen’s), House Bill 460 passed unanimously out of both the House and Senate chambers and became law upon signature by Governor John Bel Edwards. Louisiana is one of only nine states with this standard of care. “It’s nice to have Louisiana at the top of a positive list for once,” she adds.

Policy change was the logical next step for a cancer survivor who had already dedicated more than a decade to helping those diagnosed with the disease. In just the last six years alone, KTSRBI has gifted over half a million dollars into the local community. Thirty-five grants to survivors totaling $77,000 have been awarded in that same timeframe. “We are proud of these monetary gifts, and also of the longer-lasting donations of our time that resulted in better healthcare at the legislative level to benefit citizens across the state of Louisiana,” she said. “Our little non-profit has moved mountains that nobody thought possible. It’s all thanks to the concentrated effort of boots-on-the ground by so many supporters.”

In addition to running KTSRBI, Karen serves as one of six Trustees on the Cancer Advocacy Group of Louisiana (CAG-LA). This organization taps into the expertise of a 40-member Advisory Board made up of oncology specialists to help affect positive medical policy and practice in Louisiana healthcare. The group is working alongside KTSRBI to next tackle administrative guidelines set for by insurance companies that prevent timely detection and treatment for patients.

When not volunteering her time for the benefit of others, you’ll likely find Karen, a New Orleans native and Archbishop Blenk alumnae, traversing the Causeway to and from what she and her husband Charlie refer to as their “sanctuary in Folsom” to the Southshore to spend quality time with their grandchildren.

“Breast cancer so deeply impacts the families of those diagnosed. It’s not a disease that just attacks the individual,” she said. “My survival is not something I take for granted, and I’ll always spend as much time with my family as I’m able.”

Karen is a wife, mother, grandmother, breast cancer survivor, breast cancer treatment champion, and the founder of KTSRBI, which has made a difference in the lives of countless Louisianans.

If you’d like to find out more about KTSRBI’s advocacy and upcoming events, such as an November Golf Tournament and its annual Sip to Save event, go to the KTSRBI Facebook page.

Tiffani Tran Calix

In the heart of Metairie, a 3,500-square-foot, elegantly appointed hair studio is buzzing with big feelings. Children and teens navigating medical hair loss are getting their first look in the mirror after being gifted a Wigs by Tiffani wig. Their reactions – and those of their families – range from happy tears to pure, unadulterated joy. But it's the children’s newfound confidence that is perhaps most moving. As anyone who has witnessed it can attest, the transformation is nothing short of magical.

For Wigs by Tiffani founder Nhat-Thuy "Tiffani" Tran Calix, her own transformation from veteran hair stylist and salon owner to founder of one of the most sought-after wig brands on the market began with her own struggle with hair loss.

"I began losing hair after having my third child," Tiffani shares. "She's six now, and I'm still losing it every day, so it must be more than postpartum, but I don't care to go get it checked!" she adds with a laugh that belies the seriousness of her mission.

That mission? Normalizing hair loss and ending the stigma around wearing alternative hair.

After 13 years as a hairstylist, she began to worry that her increasing hair loss would impact her clients' trust in her work. She began experimenting with wearing wigs; however, she regularly found herself tweaking the pieces to make them more natural and suited to her style. Eventually, she decided to make her own.

The response when she revealed her secret via social media was overwhelming. So overwhelming, in fact, that she made the leap to dive into wigs full-time in 2019. What started as a one-woman side hustle in her kitchen has blossomed into a thriving business with a team of 14 stylists and consultants, half of whom


wear wigs themselves due to medical-related hair loss.

"It was the best decision I ever made," she reflects.

Tiffani’s wigs are known worldwide for their incredible realism, and a hairline that is all but undetectable. Her social media channels, boasting over half a million followers, are full of emotional transformations of clients of all ages experiencing Tiffani’s signature consultations.

The rapid growth of Wigs by Tiffani has caught the attention of major media outlets. Features in Forbes, Fox News, CBS, ABC, The New York Post, and People magazine have catapulted Tiffani's brand into the national spotlight. Celebrities like Jennifer Garner, Viola Davis, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Jennifer Love Hewitt have even commended her work, further amplifying her message of empowerment and self-confidence.

But for Tiffani, the real magic happens during the personalized consultations.

"We empathize with each of our clients' struggles with hair loss, and we strive to do our best to help guide them and gain their trust," Tiffani explains. Her team's expertise, combined with their personal experiences with hair loss, creates a uniquely

supportive environment.

The result? Wigs that are not just realistic, but transformative.

But for Tiffani, success isn't just about business growth – it's about giving back. The Wigs by Tiffani Children's Fund gifted over 100 wigs to children with medical-related hair loss in 2023 alone.

"The kids. It's the kids for me," Tiffani says, when asked about her favorite part of the job. "To have a little part in helping them blossom into strong, confident, secure young women is something I'll never take for granted."

Her philanthropic efforts extend beyond her own business. Tiffani recently joined the board of the Al Copeland Foundation, which focuses on pediatric cancer research and support. The inaugural Wigs by Tiffani Black Tie Gala Night in June 2024 raised over $31,000 for the foundation's patient assistance fund. "I am so excited to be part of an amazing organization that gives back to so many families of pediatric cancer and ecstatic about what's to come," she shares.

Tiffani's drive to innovate and give back is deeply rooted in her family history. Her parents were Vietnamese immigrants who arrived during the Vietnam War with

nothing but determination. They built a convenience store business from the ground up, running it for 30 years. "We know that money doesn't come from nothing. We know the value of working and giving," Tiffani explains. This ethos of hard work and generosity is evident in every aspect of Wigs by Tiffani. From hosting popup shops around the country to providing a deeply personal touch in every interaction, Tiffani and her team go above and beyond to ensure their clients feel seen, understood, and beautiful.

As we wrap up our conversation, Tiffani's excitement about the future is palpable. In 2023 alone, she was granted a patent for her wig grip, trademarked 'Wigs By Tiffani', launched her hair care line 'Nourished By Tiffani', and even started a scholarship program. "Never in my dreams would I have thought that my hair loss struggles would turn into something so great," she marvels.

Looking ahead, Tiffani envisions a world where wearing a wig is as normalized as

wearing glasses. “It’s just alternative hair, just like hair extensions,” she laughs. “What’s the big deal? When we don’t talk about it, we’re only contributing to the stigma.”

From a kitchen-based side hustle born out of personal struggle to a thriving business changing lives globally, Nhat-Thuy "Tiffani" Tran Calix's journey embodies the spirit of an Enterprising Woman. Her story reminds us that our challenges can become our greatest strengths, and that true success lies

not just in personal achievement, but in lifting others up along the way.

Tiffani stands as a shining example of entrepreneurship with heart. In her studio in Metairie, amidst the buzz of drive, talent, and compassion, she’s crafting more than just wigs – she's creating a legacy of empowerment and self-confidence, one strand and smile at a time.

w wGiftGuide

1. Gift certificates can be used for waxing treatments, products, and of course, nails! Polish Nail Bar & Boutique, 167 Gateway Dr., Ponchatoula. 985-467-0290.

2. Watch Stitch come to life with this new animatronic puppet with 100+ actions and sound combinations. $89.99. Bayou Kids, 2385 Gause Blvd E, Ste. 9, Slidell, 985-214-9496.

3. Hydrafacials at The Spa at Cross Gates, 200 N. Military Rd., Slidell. 985-214-2922.

Cuisine & Cocktails

Pumpkin Cheesecake



1 ½ cups graham cracker crumbs

6 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted

1 tablespoon sugar

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon


24 ounces cream cheese, room temperature

1 ½ cups packed light brown sugar

15 ounce can pumpkin pie mix

4 large eggs

1/4 cup sour cream

2 tablespoons all-purpose flour

2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract

Optional Toppings

Whipped cream with sugar & vanilla

Pumpkin pie spice to dust

Toasted pecans

Caramel sauce



1. Preheat Oven to 350˚F.

2. Pulse graham crackers in a food processor until fine.

3. In a medium bowl, stir together graham cracker crumbs, sugar, cinnamon and melted butter. Transfer into a 9-inch springform pan with 3-inch tall walls. Use a large spoon to press crust into the bottom of the pan and go about 1/2 inch up the sides of the pan. Bake at 350˚F for eight minutes. Remove from oven and cool to room temperature.


1. Preheat Oven to 350˚F.

2. Beat the softened cream cheese and 1-1/2 cups brown sugar on medium speed for about five minutes until light, fluffy and smooth.

3. In a separate bowl, using a whisk, stir together the pumpkin pie mix, eggs, sour cream, flour, pumpkin pie spice, salt and vanilla extract. Mix until well combined. Add this mixture to the cream cheese filling and continue mixing on low speed until blended.

4. Transfer filling into pre-baked crust and bake on the middle rack at 350˚F for one hour. Turn off heat and let cheesecake sit in the oven another 30 minutes. Remove from oven and cool to room temperature.

5. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for four hours before serving.

6. Before serving, carefully remove cheesecake from springform pan by running a blunt knife along the sides of the cheesecake. Add desired toppings and serve chilled.

Cocktails to Frighten or Feast

What goes Best with a a crisp fall day? Cocktails, of course! From the warmth of cinnamon and pumpkin to the crispness of fruits and exotic liqueurs, you'll enjoy these delectable elixirs that will certainly be a treat for your tastebuds!

Monster Mash

1 ½ ounces vanilla vodka

1 ounce spiced rum

1 ounce ginger liqueur

2 tablespoons pumpkin puree

½ tablespoon white sugar

Add vodka, rum, ginger liqueur, pumpkin puree and sugar into a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake vigorously for about 10 seconds. Double strain into a chilled martini glass. cuisine & cocktails

Pie In The Sky

1 slice of apple, chopped or sliced

4 ounces apple cider

2 ounces pear nectar

3 ounces ginger ale

1 ½ ounces apple pie vodka

Brown sugar for rim

Combine apple cider, pear nectar, vodka and ginger ale in shaker and mix well.

Rim the glass with brown sugar and place apple slice in glass. Pour into icefilled glass and garnish with a sprig of rosemary.

Don't Fear The Reaper

1 ½ ounces cherry flavor-infused vodka

½ ounce lime juice

4 ounces cranberry juice

¼ ounce grenadine

Splash of lemon-lime soda Rosemary sprig

Combine cherry flavor-infused vodka, lime juice, cranberry juice and grenadine in a shaker. Shake for 10 seconds and pour into an 8 ounce tumbler glass. Top with lemon-lime soda. If desired, garnish with a rosemary sprig.

See You Latte

Whipped cream, caramel and cinnamon for garnish

Add coffee, vodka, cinnamon whiskey and creamer to a mug. Mix until smooth.

Top with whipped cream and caramel drizzle. Garnish with a sprinkle of cinnamon.

Dr. Gary Agena

It’s Sunday morning, and as Dr. Gary Agena prepares breakfast for his wife and daughter, he shares thoughts on the importance of family – how it is central to his daily life, how it impacts the way he delivers healthcare, and how it was a motivating factor in his decision to become an OBGYN.

Dr. Agena’s father was an engineer for Kaiser Aluminum in the 1970s, which meant that his family moved around a lot. His childhood was spent in Africa, South America, and West Virginia. Traveling was a “life-changing experience.” It allowed him to see and experience other cultures, but at the same time, it taught him to appreciate the importance of family – the one constant in his life.

Eventually, they moved back to his mom’s family farm in North Louisiana, and then he was off to college and medical school at LSU. “Like me,” Dr. Agena states, “most students go into medicine wanting to help people. But first you have to discover the most effective way to utilize your skill set.”

Dr. Agena explains that the third year of medical school is when many figure out their best fit. “My OBGYN clinicals delivered what I envisioned medicine should be for me. I wanted to work with patients who were passionately proactive about their health for the good of their families. When we encounter problems, such as bleeding, female cancers, or hormonal imbalance, our patients are highly motivated to work with us to figure out the most effective treatment plan. Being able to care for pregnant women is a small contribution to a magical part of life and a fascinating process.”


Starting early in his training and continuing throughout his career, Dr. Agena has garnered numerous awards for compassionate, quality care. He attributes this to his conscientious decision to treat his patients the way he would want the women in his own family to be treated. He adds that although there aren’t always easy answers to patient challenges, he realized early on that this was his calling. “It’s a demanding

path, so you have to be there for the right reasons to consistently deliver excellent care. I appreciate providing the preventative care portion – Pap Smears and mammograms – to detect possible issues early on, rather than having a problem progress before it’s addressed.”

Dr. Agena chose the esteemed Medical College of Virginia [MCV] for his OBGYN residency and spent 4 years living in Richmond, Virginia. “MCV is a large facility with expert programs in many specialties and a great teaching program, but when my time there was done, I made the decision to move to the Northshore to be near family. I consider St. Tammany a great place to raise children, so Madisonville was the perfect place to open Agena Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2012.”

An important factor in the success of the practice, explains Dr. Agena, is that as a small, private group they are able to individually tailor care to patients. “Larger practices tend to be less personalized in their approach. We offer accessibility and approachability. When you call our office, Natalie or Tamie will actually answer the phone. I’ve known Natalie Turni’s family for years. She’s a great addition to our group. Tamie Kraft is more than our biller and coder. She’s been with us for over a decade handling phone triage and scheduling procedures and more like family than an employee. The nicest person in the office is Katie Smith, also a 10-year veteran. She’s an exceptional tech with experience in maternal fetal medicine and high-risk pregnancy. Our lead medical assistant, Kayla Lind, came to us with extensive experience and is a trusted and efficient caregiver. Our second medical assistant is Giselle Vargas who is bilingual, as am I, which is so important in serving our Hispanic patients. When you enter our office, you’ll see (stationed next to me) another long-time, caring team member, Melissa Ragas. She’s our Certified Nurse Midwife, who we hope will soon be able to deliver babies at St. Tammany Hospital. But the most important person in the office is my wife, Dee Agena, an RN with 30 years of experience and

the heart of our operation. She’s at the center of our success and the tie that binds our team, our patients and their families into a community.”

Our community also reaps the benefit of Dr. Agena’s dedication to staying at the cutting edge of treatment options. “We have excellent providers in our area, but I’ve always focused on staying ahead of the pack when it comes to advancements in procedures and technology.” Characteristic of his caliber, early in his career, Dr. Agena became certified as a Da Vinci robotics surgeon. Within 12 months, his technical acumen gained the attention of the company, which then hired him to proctor surgeons being trained to use their system.

When Dr. Agena comes home from helping families grow, he and Dee enjoy their own exceptional blended family. Landon, 25, was LSU’s drum major for the ‘22-’23 school year.

Alison is a double major in oboe performance and biochemistry at LSU, and Chloe, a junior at Hannon High, is on the swim team and an amazing piano player. “We had the kids take music so they would be well rounded and develop the ability to work toward a goal. We also had them do sports. They all made black belts in karate which I did with them as well. Working together with Dee at home parallels what we do at the office. There’s nothing more fulfilling than finding a passion and pursuing it wholeheartedly with your tribe. The work may sometimes be hard, but the sacrifices are rewarded with many beautiful outcomes.”

Agena Obstetrics and Gynecology is now welcoming new patients at 393 LA-21, #525 in Madisonville. 985-845-7121.

Gary Agena,

Rotaries in St. Tammany Parish Celebrate Milestones

Northlake Mandeville Rotary Club Turns 50 while Rotary Club of Slidell Northshore Celebrates 40 years.

Northlake Mandeville

Rotary Club Celebrates 50 years with Anniversary Gala

The Northlake Mandeville Rotary Club celebrated 50 years of Service Above Self at their Gold and White Anniversary Gala Friday, September 6, 2024, at Benedict’s Plantation in Mandeville.

The celebration included reflection by current club President Ted Dittmer on the history of Rotary. It also included a personal update and testimony to the impact of Rotary’s scholarship program

and mentorship from Afshin Salehi, M.D., M.S., a former Rotary Scholarship recipient (2003), and pediatric neurosurgeon at Children’s Nebraska, in Omaha. The evening culminated with guest speaker Norman Robinson, a fellow Rotarian, past president of the New Orleans Rotary Club, and retired long-time news anchor from WDSU.

Robinson spoke to the work that Rotarians do, the Rotary motto — Service Above Self — and said that his time in Rotary was by far the most important work he has ever done. “When I retired

from television news, I decided that I would do only positive things, because when I meet St. Peter at the pearly gates, I want him to welcome me in,” Robinson continued. “This work is by far the most important work I have ever done.”

Approximately 90 guests attended the celebratory event. Incoming Presidentelect Chase Villeret closed the evening’s program with a toast and guests then lingered to enjoy a celebratory cake and dance to the Groovy 7 Trio.

The flagship program of the Northlake Mandeville Rotary Club is their

scholarship program. Rotary selects four graduating seniors from local high schools for whom the scholarship will have the "greatest impact." These high school seniors are awarded $12,000 college scholarships at the annual scholarship banquet held in May. The students return every year to update the Rotary about their college careers and accomplishments. To date Northlake Mandeville Rotary has awarded over $500,000 to over 60 local students.

Rotary Club of Slidell Northshore Celebrates 40 years 0f Service

In March the Rotary Club of Slidell Northshore (RCSN) celebrated its 40th anniversary! Members and their spouses were treated to a fun filled evening at Slidell’s beautiful event venue, the Antebellum House. The evening also welcomed members of Rotary leadership, including Rotary District 6840 Governor, Vicky Gutierrez, who spoke of the important role Rotary plays in every community. City of Slidell Mayor Greg Cromer presented RCSN with a Proclamation citing March 23, 2024 as “Rotary Club of Slidell Northshore Day” and thanked the members for their continued service and support for the city.

all Rotarians strive to live. Also recognized were RCSN members Donald O’Bryan and Sharron Newton, who have both received the prestigious “Service Above Self” award by Rotary International. This award is given to only 150 Rotarians each year, of the 1.4 million Rotarians worldwide. It is a truly remarkable accomplishment that RCSN boasts two members who have been recognized with this great honor.

To learn more about how to become a member of Rotary, visit: Northlake Mandeville Rotary Club.

One highlight of the evening was a slideshow presentation narrated by founding member Ken Levy, which featured photos and memories from four decades of Service Above Self, the motto by which

Founded in 1984 by several Slidell businessmen, RCSN is proud to have supported over 100 local and international organizations over the past 40 years. Probably its best-known project, Slidell Heritage Fest, was started by RCSN and their fellow club, Rotary Club of Slidell. This wonderful event has entertained tens of thousands of festival goers over the past 25 years and donated over ONE MILLION DOLLARS back to the Slidell community.

Congratulations to Rotary Club of Slidell Northshore and thank you for your service to our community!

Northlake Mandeville Rotary Club President Ted Dittmer and Norman Robinson, long-time news anchor from WDSU.


Covey Rise Lodge hosts a yearly girls camp, which is a tour of how outdoor life is lived. Monica and Jimbo Geisler and their daughter, Sophie, are the camp hosts for up to 12 girls per session. There is an on-site safety instructor, along with a plethora of team members. This team is well-versed in working with young ladies.

A typical day at the all-girls camp (ages 12 - 14) includes yoga, breakfast, a certified hunter safety class, and of course, swimming. Target shooting in the English style of sporting clays is also taught. The girls enjoy the Covey Rise farm’s beautiful flowers and great fresh produce during their visit. Lunch is provided at the “Venue” dining room. The participants enjoy afternoon snacks on the Astroturf lawn, where lawn games and Jeopardy are played. Movie night is a big hit with popcorn, girl talk and making friends.

The girls attending get to enjoy the Lodge’s brand-new cabins, complete with a private in suite bathroom and each are assigned a roommate.

The camp is located on LA 445 in the village of Husser. It is located on Singing Waterfall Road. If that sounds peaceful, it is, because you are in the country, “The country of Covey Rise Lodge.”

If any young lady in your life wants a wonderful adventure, new friends, and an appreciation for country life, have her attend a Covey Rise girl’s camp. They can come along for the ride, where the girls swim, farm, play night games, and build lasting life skills and friendships.  The adventure, which has great food, air-conditioned cabins with bunkbeds and great counselors, ends with exhausted girls having made wonderful memories. They leave Covey Rise Lodge more learned in outdoor life and a little bit more “Sophisticated.”

photo: Alec Griffin
photo: Alec Griffin

Three Breakthroughs In Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction (E.D.) is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection. It affects the majority of men to some degree after the age of forty. There are many different causes: blood flow, neurological conditions, mental health, and injuries. Diabetes, hypertension, high triglyceride or LDL cholesterol, and being overweight can all contribute to the clogging of the main penile artery, affecting the strength and duration of erections. Erectile difficulties can be the first sign of a future heart attack or stroke.

A strong pelvic floor enhances rigidity during erections and helps keep blood from leaving the penis by pressing on a key vein. In a British medical study, three months of twice-daily sets of Kegel exercises (which strengthen these muscles), combined with lifestyle changes — quitting smoking, losing weight, limiting alcohol — were proven to help. So, could we somehow enhance pelvic floor muscle contractions?!  YES, with High Intensity Electromagnetic Stimulation!


1) The EMSELLA(tm) Chair technology utilizes High Intensity Focused Electromagnetic energy (HIFEM) to provide a  pain-free option to treat erectile dysfunction and urinary incontinence. Studies show the HIFEM treatment is 7 times more effective than Kegel exercises and is FDA cleared for the treatment of men and women with urinary incontinence.

HIFEM technology stimulates deep pelvic floor muscles and restores neuromuscular control. Scientific research demonstrates that 95% of clients have reported significant improvement. During the 28-minute treatment the HIFEM chair delivers the equivalent of over 11,000 Kegel exercises. A human being could not do thousands of Kegel exercises in a half hour.  And it is as simple as sitting fully clothed on the HIFEM chair!

A stronger pelvic floor means an improved ability to maintain erections. Over time, men see a reduction in incontinence and a greater blood retention in the penis. Some additional benefits seen are a temporary increase of local circulation (THINK BIG!) and an increased sensitivity during intercourse.

The HIFEM treatment protocol consists of (2) -30-minute sessions per week for 3 weeks, a total of 6 sessions.

2) Exosomes are small vesicles secreted by stem cells and can be used to treat erectile dysfunction. When injected into the penile tissue, exosomes stimulate tissue regeneration, improve blood flow, promote the formation of new blood vessels, and enhance overall erectile function.  This treatment is virtually painless, No Kidding!  This advanced treatment is still considered experimental. It offers a highly effective solution for men seeking to overcome erectile dysfunction and restore their sexual vitality.

Exosomes are extracted from donated human mesenchymal stem cells, but unlike in traditional stem cell therapy, they are sterilized before use.

When injected into the penile tissue, exosomes stimulate tissue regeneration, improve blood flow, promote formation of new blood vessels and enhance overall erectile function. Men also report an improvement in penile sensation. This advanced treatment offers a non-surgical and highly effective solution for men seeking to restore their sexual vigor and overcome erectile dysfunction.

The entire procedure typically takes a few minutes.  Exosome stem cell injections can be offered alone or in combination with the HIFEM and Platelet Rich Plasma Treatments.

3) Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) for E.D. is known as: the Priapus Injection, the Man Up Shot or the P Shot.

PRP is an effective and natural way of harnessing the healing power of your own blood to help reverse the signs of male aging. It is simple and safe, without any risk of disease transmission, allergic reaction, or immune reaction. For men, there is also promising scientific data that illustrates the ability of PRP therapy to safely improve the health and functioning of erectile tissue assisting with low libido and erectile dysfunction.

The P-Shot (Priapus Shot) is an injectable E.D. treatment. While exosome therapy uses sterilized growth factors from human donor cells, the P-Shot involves injecting plateletrich plasma (PRP) derived from your own blood into the penile tissue to improve erections. Again, Tiny needle and virtually painless!

Clients can resume their normal activities immediately after any of these three procedures. The duration of results from these 3 major E.D. Breakthroughs- HIFEM, Exosomes, and PRP are long-lasting, but may vary depending on individual factors, health and lifestyle habits. Many men require periodic maintenance treatments to sustain their results over time, much like you would continue to go the gym to maintain muscle mass achieved.

These 3 Breakthrough treatments - HIFEM, Exosomes or PRP can be effectively used alone or combined together, and with other erectile dysfunction treatments.

Kelly Burkenstock

A Lil Bit of Heaven.

A Whole Lot of Healing.

Healing with Horses Louisiana

In northwestern St. Tammany Parish, amidst rolling hills and sprawling country fields, lies the little village of Folsom. Nestled amidst its lush green forests is an enchanting place that has come to be known as “A Lil Bit of Heaven,” home to a whole lot of healing via Healing with Horses Louisiana.

Under the direction of Executive Director

Kelly Cox Vicari, Healing with Horses offers Alternative Equine Therapy, unique, non-mounted Touch and Sensory Equine Therapy to treat a variety of conditions and symptoms ranging from hopelessness to grief to anxiety, pain and depression. Treatments can benefit those with Alzheimer’s, Autism, PTSD, OCD, depression and suicidal ideation,

veterans, first responders, cancer survivors, grief survivors, recovery addicts, trauma victims, Hospice care patients and individuals with special needs.

For Kelly, the genesis of Healing with Horses was personal. A single mother with five kids, Kelly also served as the caregiver for her mother, Zula “Boots” Cox, who was diagnosed

with Alzheimer’s Disease. On one particularly challenging day, Kelly had an idea, and asked her children to fetch one of the horses from the stable. When Boots, once an avid horsewoman, spotted the horses through the window, she lit up. So Kelly brought her mother outside to be nearer to the horses.

What happened next would ultimately change her mother’s life. And hers.

“I’m getting goosebumps just talking about it,” says Kelly. “Mom reached out to one of the horses, and it instinctively approached her. She began to pet its nose, and then I watched as mom just melted into the horse. Then I realized, the horse was reciprocating with the same ‘oneness’, and the connection between the two of them was undeniable. It was like

nothing I had ever seen before!”

From that day on, Kelly ensured that Boots had frequent time with the horses. It was in those times that her mother was the happiest. On one of those days, as one by one the horses came up to greet Boots, she grabbed her daughter’s hand and said, “I hope someday you will do something really special with this place.”

of experience including training and certifying therapy horses, instructing riders and competing at high levels of competition.

The 20-acre spread had become Kelly’s childhood home after Hurricane Betsy destroyed the family’s home. Her father, Dr. Kenneth John Cox, felt the Folsom countryside was an ideal option for his family. She didn’t know it at the time, but it would ultimately become so much more, creating a legacy far beyond his passing at age 66.

When her mother passed at age 88, 13 years after the Alzheimer’s diagnosis, Kelly recalled her mom’s wish, and came to believe that everything in life had led her to this moment, as part of God’s plan.

Kelly’s friend Cathy was familiar with the impact the horses had on Boots, so she reached out to request an opportunity to bring her mother, Elouise, who also suffers with Alzheimer’s, to visit the horses. Kelly happily agreed. When witnessing the impact of that interaction, Cathy was in awe, and she encouraged Kelly to consider offering the opportunity to others.

And so, in 2019, Kelly founded Equine Therapy Connection, joining the ranks of similar equine therapy centers gaining momentum throughout the United States. In 2023, the organization was recognized with 501 (c)(3) non-profit status, and in 2024, she rebranded as Healing with Horses Louisiana. Though Kelly credits the horses as healers, she is an Equine Specialist, certified in Natural Horsemanship. She offers more than 50 years

She currently has eight therapy horses, including two miniatures. The majority were at one time thoroughbred racehorses, acquired after injuries. She has worked extensively with the horses to rehabilitate them, all the while building trusting relationships and tremendous bonds with each of the animals. The training process and certifications span one to two years per horse.

A number of options are available for clients, ranging from custom, one-hour private sessions to group sessions for five or more people, plus on-site options for assisted living facilities, nursing homes, hospice care facilities and rehabilitation centers. The miniature horses are even specially trained for indoor therapy. In many cases, the therapy is covered by healthcare insurance, with the clients or caregiving facilities responsible for filing the claims.

For Kelly, this is the dream she never knew she had, coming to fruition. “I wake up with a smile. I go to sleep with a smile,” she says. “Of course, there’s a lot of stuff that happens between the two, but I feel very blessed to be doing what I love and serving others in the process. It truly is a gift.”

To learn more about Healing with Horses Louisiana and its upcoming Healing with Horses fundraising gala, visit

Opposite page: Kelly and Jet (horse) with Cheryle at an on-site therapy session at Neuro RehabCare. Below: Kelly and Bean (horse).
Kelly's mother, Zula "Boots" Cox aboard Ginger (horse).

A Mission of Motion


Gina Pausina Cherry had an idea and a dream.  She wanted to create a dance team and support group to help others affected by cancer. Her idea stemmed from her own experience with breast cancer, and how well she did throughout her treatment. Compared to others, she had fewer negative symptoms from chemotherapy, and she attributes her exercise regime for those results. With a mission of motion, the Bionic Babes Founder/CEO, Gina Pausina-Cherry, established the team in October 2022. This certified group fitness

instructor works hard to help others stay active and keep a positive mind set after a cancer diagnosis.

Gina soon realized that this team was bringing fulfillment and purpose to her life in more ways than she originally envisioned.  After a cancer diagnosis, surgeries and treatment from June 2017 to November 2018, she also had the heartbreak of losing her 21-year-old first born son in a tragic car accident on Dec, 26, 2018.  With all this, later when established, the organization became so much more to her

physically and emotionally.

Twenty-two cancer survivors, medical professionals, caretakers and supporters from all over St. Tammany, the Southshore, and the Baton Rouge area, with all levels of dance ability participate. The Babes make guest appearances, perform and volunteer for various events for both adults and children throughout the communities. Also included in the group are the Spirit Babes, ladies who volunteer for all the fun and inspiring events but are not interested in dancing.

As a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, they also support childhood cancer patients through the Bitty Bionic Babe Program that was established in January 2024. They named Julianna “Juju” Cotton as the first Bitty Bionic Babe.  For her first outing, she rode in a convertible in the Krewe of Carrollton Parade behind the dance group and had a grand time throwing beads to all the revelers! While this brought her tremendous joy, the group wants to do more. Throughout the year, as the program develops, the group hopes to provide aid to the family in any way they can.

Bionic Babes, Dancers of Hope is a group of amazing people who make a positive difference in our communities, while having a great time.

Bionic Babes, Dancers of Hope are looking for new members.  Are you interested in participating? For more information contact Gina at Please follow them on Facebook, Instagram and

St. Tammany Chamber of Commerce
The Grand Opening of the new Costco in Covington.
LN Hughes Funeral Services 5th Anniversary Diane Nata, Lisa Hughes and Megan Richardson celebrate 5th anniversary of LN Hughes Funeral Services.
St. Tammany Chamber of Commerce
St. Tammany Chamber of Commerce Congressional Update breakfast with Sen. John Kennedy.
After Hours with St. Tammany Parish Chamber of Commerce At Keesler Federal Credit Union in Mandeville.
The Oz Escape
The OZ Escape was an immersive experience held in Olde Town Slidell.
East St. Tammany Habitat for Humanity Build Rosemary's Rosies.

Ribbon Cuttings

East St. Tammany Business Alliance Ooh La La Boutique in Slidell.
East St. Tammany Business Alliance New Meeting Room at The Harbor Center in Slidell.
St. Tammany Chamber of Commerce Northshore Rejuvenation in Slidell.
St. Tammany Chamber of Commerce Geaux Tax Resolution, LLC in Mandeville.
St. Tammany Chamber of Commerce Costco in Covington.
St. Tammany Chamber of Commerce TruWealth Advisors in Mandeville.


October Calendar

Making a Miracle Golf Scramble Registration 11:00am, Tee-off 1:00pm, Money Hill Golf and Country Club 100 Country Club Dr., Abita Springs (504)301-7614


Tangipahoa Parish Fair

Oldest Fair in the State of Louisiana

3:00pm-9:00pm, 400 Feid Ave, Amite (985)229-3132


Rockin’ the Rails Concert

5:30pm-7:30pm, Covington Trailhead 419 N. New Hampshire St., Covington (985)892-1873


St. Tammany Parish Fair

Daily: Wed thru Sun: Free St.Tammany Parish Fairgrounds 1304 N. Columbia St., Covington (985)892-8421


SLT Presents “She Kills Monsters”

8:00pm Fri & Sat, Sun 2:00pm, Slidell Little Theatre 2024 Nellie Dr., Slidell, (985)643-0556


Olde Towne Pumpkin Fest

11:00am- 4:00pm,Free First United Methodist Church 433 Erlanger Ave., Slidell (985)646-0718



10:00am- 4:00pm,Free Heritage Park Amphitheater 1701 Bayou Ln., Slidell


Oxtoberfest Louisiana Craft Beer Fest

6:00pm-9:00pm, 419 N New Hampshire St., Covington


Bras for a Cause 6:00pm-9:00pm, The Harbor Center 100 Harbor Center Blvd.,Slidell, (985)788-8238


Abita Fall Fest

5:00pm-9:00pm Fri, 10:00am-7:00pm Sat, Abita Springs Trailhead Plaza and Park 22044 Main St., Abita Springs (985)773-8539


Fall for Art

6:00pm-9:00pm,Free, Historic Downtown Covington 320 N. Columbia St., Covington (985)892-8650


Northshore Beer Festival

11:00am-3:00pm, Mandeville Trailhead 675 Lafitte St., Mandeville


30 by Ninety presents “Murder on the Orient Express” 8:00pm Fri-Sat, 2:30pm Sun , 30 by Ninety Theatre 880 Lafayette St., Mandeville 844-THE-3090 (843-3090)


Monster Mash presented by Metairie Bank Northshore 10:00am-2:00pm, Bogue Falaya Wayside Park 213 Park Dr., Covington (985)898-4435


Ozone Songwriter Showcase

Featuring Rack & Roll Icon John Oaks 6:00am-10:00pm, The Furhrmann Auditorium 317 N. Jefferson Ave., Covington, LA 70433 (985)898-4435


Ozone Songwriter Festival

Free Family Fun

Mandeville & Covington

See website for more details

Please Note: All calendar events are subject to change. Call or visit websites for any updated information.


Field of Screams Halloween Trail Sunset - 10:00pm, Free, Covington Recreation Complex 4001 De Porres Road, Covington (985)892-1873


Whisperings: Covington Cemetery Living History Tour 5:00pm-7:00pm, Covington Cemetery #1 608 N. Columbia St., Covington, (985)892-1873


Abita Springs Trunk-or-Treat Block Party

6:00pm-8:00pm, Free, Abita Springs Town Hall 22161 Level St., Abita Springs, (985)892-0711


Weekly Markets

Covington Farmers Market. 10am–2pm, Covington Trailhead, 419 N. New Hampshire Street, Covington,


Lafitte Street Market. 4–8pm Thursdays, 8am–Noon Saturdays, 698 Lafitte Street, Mandeville,


Pearl River’s Honey Island Art & Farmers Market. 10am–6pm, year round 64378 Highway 41, Pearl River, 985-640-5482


The Giddy Up Market. 10am–2pm (weather permitting) Giddy Up Folsom, Live Music from 11am-2pm 82292 LA-25, Folsom, (985) 705-1091,

Camellia City Market. 8am–Noon, rain, or shine 1808 Front Street, Slidell, 985-640-7112,

Covington Farmers Market. 8am–Noon, 609 N. Columbia Street on side lawn of the Covington Police Department,

Hammond Farmers Market. 8am–Noon, corner of #2 W. Thomas Street and 106 N.W. Railroad Avenue, Downtown Hammond, 985-277-5682

Mandeville Trailhead Community Market. 9am–1pm, Mandeville Trailhead 675Lafitte St.,Mandeville, 985-624-3147,


Abita Springs Art & Farmers Market. 11am–3pm, Abita Trailhead, Drive-thru and pedestrian service, 985-892-0711 ext. 7,

Claiborne Place Makers Market. 10am–2pm, Claiborne Place, 1000 US-190, Covington,

WYES Northshore Lunch and Learn

WYES was pleased to welcome speaker Michael Hecht, president and CEO of Greater New Orleans, Inc. and Super Bowl LIX State Coordinator for Infrastructure and Economic Development, to the networking event, WYES Northshore Lunch and Learn, at the Pontchartrain Yacht Club in August.

Hecht spoke to an intimate crowd on "The Good, the Bad and the Super." Highlights included New Orleans’ latest plans for Super Bowl LIX, which the city will host on February 9, 2025. He shared how city and state funds are being spent and what projects are being prioritized to

help the greater New Orleans region leverage the international exposure that the Super Bowl and surrounding events will bring next year.

Hecht also discussed the ongoing challenges and opportunities he sees for the region - with a particular focus on the Northshore - in terms of economic development. From a burgeoning clean energy sector and ever-evolving tech and health care industries to the serious challenges of the insurance market and ongoing goals of economic growth and investing in educational programs to continue to develop a skilled workforce.

1. Everett Bonner, Marc Leunissen, Pierre G. Villere and Suzie Villere. 2. Parish President Mike Cooper, Mimi Dossett and Michael Hecht. 3. Jennifer Carter, Parish President Mike Cooper and Diane Brehm.
4. Guy Winstead, Shelley Winstead and Leigh Anne Wall.
5. Madison Burris, Bobby Young, Katie LeBreton, Mia Hegwood, Brian Cook and Tammy O’Shea. 6. Jasmine Bass, Joey Donaldson, David Smith and Shane Purvis.

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