Sophisticated Woman Magazine | February 2024

Page 36

The Lobby Lounge at the Harbor Center A sanctuary for music lovers

Imagine being at a typical music show in

This listening room caters to those who

Slidell, absorbed in the sounds, laughing and

appreciate music in its purest form. The ethos

chatting with friends, when someone quietly

of The Lobby Lounge is clear: everyone in the


and respectfully asks you to step outside

room, from the audience to the musicians, is

to continue your conversation. This is not a

there for one purpose - the music. It's a haven

usual occurrence at a regular concert, but it is

for dedicated fans ready to give their full atten-

the norm at The Lobby Lounge at the Harbor

tion to the performance.

36 Sophisticated Woman | February 2024

Center. Here, the music takes center stage, and

Mark Meyers, the silver-haired, goateed

every note, every chord is given the reverence it

founder, along with Chief Enjoyment Officer

deserves. The Lobby Lounge isn't just a venue;

Kathy Lowrey, have curated an environment

it's a sanctuary for music lovers.

that stands out in the relatively new world of

Designed for those who cherish the nuances

Listening Rooms. Their attention to detail has

of sound, it offers a fully realized immersive

created a space that attracts repeat customers

experience. Picture yourself transported back

and delights musicians. In this era where vinyl

to the golden age of music - perhaps the bebop

is making a comeback for its richer sound, The

fifties - or to a time when you sat with friends,

Lobby Lounge offers a similar, more immersive

engrossed in Jimi Hendrix’s riffs or the intricate

audio experience.

compositions of your favorite classical, jazz,

The Lobby Lounge's atmosphere has been

or folk artists. The Lobby Lounge revives this

described as a place where time seems to

experience, inviting you to immerse yourself

stand still, allowing for an unparalleled

completely in the music.

musical journey. Each performance is a unique

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