Artist Proof: Volume 1, Issue 1

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Artist’s Proof Issue 1: November 2013–February 2014

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S TA F F Teri Hatch Aguilar, Exhibitions Coordinator Kathy Armstrong, Director of Exhibitions Leigh Baldwin, Director of Communications Kori Bennett, Assistant Registrar Stephanie Peche Canales, Development Associate Olga Castano, Visitor Specialist Ed Conroy, Director of Development Edward Dupuy, Dean Cesario Garcia, Groundskeeper Michelle Garrigan, Director of Admission and Recruitment Sylvia Glatman, Rentals Manager Ed Hepner, Facilities Manager Barbara Hill, Director of Community Programs Elaine Leahy, Executive Assistant Kiko Martinez, Digital Media Manager Patricia Morales, Director of Young Artist Programs Paula Owen, President Heather Rakowitz, Director of Finance Yvette Ramirez, Maintenance Teresa Rodriguez, Director of Information Systems Noelia Saavedra, Accountant Regina Sanders, Assistant Director of Young Artist Programs Stephen J. Strapple, Director of Operations Joe Turner, Maintenance Jerry Vasquez, Maintenance Lyn Woods, Development Assistant

F A C U LT Y Justin Boyd, Sculpture and Integrated Media Department Chair Margaret A. Craig, Printmaking Department Chair Robert Hils, Fiber Department Chair Gregory Alan Johnson, Faculty and Studio Manager Victor Pagona, Photography Department Chair Jillian Palone, Metals Faculty and Studio Manager Gary Schott, Metals Department Chair Dennis W. Smith, Ceramics Department Chair Ryan Takaba, Ceramics Faculty and Studio Manager Cover image: Adjunct faculty Jennifer Datchuk with Metals Department chair Gary Schott’s work Kissing Mediator. Photo by Sarah Sudhoff

Vincent Valdez, Drawing and Painting Department Chair Beck Whitehead, Paper and Book Arts Department Chair

Message from the President Dear Friends, It is a pleasure to introduce you to the first edition of Artist’s Proof, a new publication of the Southwest School of Art aimed at keeping you abreast of our kaleidoscopic array of programs, events, people, and plans. Some of you know that an artist’s proof is a printmaking term for a preparatory print that allows the artist to examine details before printing an edition. It marks the moment when the finished plate is first run through the press, and the artist sees the results. The excitement of this preliminary unveiling is reflected in Artist’s Proof – the publication, which will provide you with a first look at what we are up to and where we are going. And, as you know, our future is packed with transformational initiatives! As this publication arrives in your mailbox, for instance, we will be accepting applications for our first class of degree-seeking students. This legacy class will arrive on campus in August 2014 and receive their Bachelor of Fine Arts degrees in May of 2018. During those years we will also be actively engaged in advancing our programs for the community and activating solutions for future space and parking needs, completing the current capital campaign and celebrating the 50th anniversary of our founding.

As we move forward, no matter the requisite changes, we retain a powerful commitment to our mission and to preserving our core values: a) dedication to artistic and organizational excellence, b) esteem for art and artists, c) commitment to inclusivity and accessibility, d) determination to use and develop creative thinking, e) making a difference in the wider world, and f) steadfast stewardship of the historic site. I recently heard District 1 Councilman Diego Bernal talk about the “velocity of opportunity” in San Antonio. His phrase captures both the spirit and energy of the Southwest School of Art at this moment. We are indebted to you, our stakeholders, for the part you play in making it the remarkable institution that it is and will be. As ever, I look forward to your ideas and suggestions. Warm regards,



—— by Dr. Edward Dupuy, Academic Dean ——

new Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) program at the SSA offers students a unique opportunity. In preparation for our inaugural class, we honed a statement of intent for the program, which begins: The BFA degree program at the Southwest School of Art centers on making as a form of inquiry. Its goal is to provide students the critical thinking, professional, business, and studio skills necessary to be working artists and engaged citizens. What does such a statement mean and how will it be made manifest in the program? Because we plan to admit no more than 24 students each of the first four years, faculty can encourage, mentor, and challenge students individually. Art is a cognitive, epistemological endeavor — “a way of knowing.” In order to know, however, one has to be curious and ask questions. The BFA curriculum at SSA will create dialogue and emphasize exploration and problem-solving. Foundation classes will engage students through questions regarding line, form, value and shape in 2D, 3D, and 4D (time, sound, and motion)—focusing on perspective/space, texture/ pattern, time/motion, and words/sound. General education courses will range from basic composition to critical theory, history, math, and science, and will help students contextualize their work in ever-broadening frameworks.


Art history courses will focus on those works and movements that have shaped and reflected cultures over the centuries, including the contemporary period. Studio work will progress from assigned projects for mastering technique to independent and exploratory work in the junior and senior years, where students will begin to express a “voice,” blending technique and concept with their unique vision. Courses in professionalism will expose students to the realities of the working artist such as marketing, taxes, zoning, bookkeeping and contracts. An internship complements these professionalism courses, while community-based projects in the junior year encourage students to use their art as a way of engaging the community and social concerns. Though central, classroom and studio work is not everything. Students will have the chance to participate in activities organized by the office of student services, thus building a true community of aspiring artists. And because the program is brand new, students in the inaugural classes will help build the events that will become traditions for future students. We welcome the first class of BFA students, and eagerly await their influence on our School, our community, our state, and beyond.

A Quick Look

Four year Bachelor of Fine Arts degree Areas of emphasis: Ceramics, Drawing and Painting, Metals, Photography, Printmaking, or Sculpture and Integrated Media 2:1 student to faculty ratio More than 33,000 square feet of well-equipped, industry-standard studio facilities Incoming class August 2014

H O W T O A P P LY: The application and admission requirements can be found at

A ppl i c at i o n h e lp : Open Houses: Saturday, November 9, 2 pm Saturday, December 14, 2 pm Portfolio preparation day: Saturday, February 1, 2 pm Application assistance dates: Saturday, February 22, 10 am to 3 pm

A ppl i c at i o n d e a d l i n e s : March 1 – Priority application and scholarship deadline March 15 – Acceptance and award letters mailed Applications will continue to be accepted after March 15; however, applicants who apply early will have a greater chance of receiving scholarships. May 1 – Fall enrollment deposit ($250) due June – Applications close for Fall

What we’ve heard from applicants already: “I’ve been waiting for an opportunity like this for a long time.” “I have been looking for a college dedicated to Art for some time now and am really energized to find your school!” “I want to develop my skills as an artist but I realize that I need help to do this. I want to earn my BFA from SSA due to small classroom sizes and the opportunity to get the help and guidance that I need to develop into the artist that I want to become. Also SSA seems to be one of the major players in this new art movement that’s going on in San Antonio. I want to be part of that.”


making as a form of inquiry

Adding the BFA Degree Program The BFA is a logical next step for the Southwest School of Art, given the professional level faculty and facilities we already have to offer. That doesn’t mean we haven’t spent recent years investing heavily in some key new resources! Here are some of the steps that went into preparing for the new BFA program: We hired Vincent Valdez to chair the Drawing and Painting department. Valdez, a San Antonio native, received his BFA from The Rhode Island School of Design. His extensive list of solo exhibitions most recently include the McNay Art Museum, San Antonio and the List Center at Brown University.

We built more studio space! The new 2,600-square-foot Sculpture studio includes traditional tools and equipment for sculpture, as well as a CNC milling machine, video and sound production equipment, and new interactive and kinetic art-making platforms.

We created a new department of Sculpture and Integrated Media. This new department will focus not only on traditional sculpture but combine it with other media and technology, including sound and digital art forms.

We raised funds for scholarships for talented, low-income students who are accepted into the program and to add: 1) a studio for sculpture and integrated media, 2) student lounges and lockers, 3) student information systems software, and 4) to invest in new personnel.

We hired Justin Boyd to chair the new Sculpture and Integrated Media department. Boyd, a Texas native, received his MFA at The California Institute of the Arts and completed his BFA from The University of Texas at San Antonio. He has shown his work in numerous solo and group exhibitions including Artpace, San Antonio; Art Palace, Houston; and the Blue Star Contemporary Art Center, San Antonio.

We collaborated to form the Marie Swartz Art Resource Center in conjunction with the San Antonio Public Library. This 4,500 square foot area will be located on the second floor of the Central Library, directly across the street from the SSA campus, and hold both print and non-print materials, and provide access to art databases and periodicals. It will be accessible to SSA students and the public.



You’re worth it.

If you feel drawn toward learning about art, make it a priority. Ignore the negative internal monologue. It’s NOT too expensive, too far to drive, too late, etc. Making art is energizing, revitalizing and just plain fun! –Elissa Vura, Student

Registration begins December 4, 2013 for Winter/Spring 2014 Adult Studio Art Classes! Winter/Spring 2014 Term Registration Each term, the Southwest School of Art offers beginning, intermediate and advanced classes in all media. More than 2,400 students attend classes each year! Highlights for the Winter/Spring 2014 term include Abstraction in Painting, Narrative Jewelry and the Found Object, Small-Scale Powder Coating, and Contemporary Art History Survey.

Members priority registration: Online Mail/fax Phone

Wednesday, Dec. 4 at 9 am Friday, Dec. 6 Tuesday, Dec. 10

Non-members registration: Online Mail/fax/phone

Wednesday, Dec. 11 Thursday, Dec. 12

Register at 210.224.1848 ext. 317/334 FAX 210.224.9337


Students receive a lot of one-onone instruction… you won’t find more experienced and knowledgeable instructors. These instructors are working artists… –Amy Fees, Student

I loved the patience and understanding of the instructor, and how even though I was very much a novice, I felt like a real artist! –Adam Flores-Boffa, Student

First-Class Value Ever wonder what a community art class at the Southwest School of Art really costs? After a 50% subsidization from the School, semesterlong classes that range from 10-12 3-hour weekly sessions cost around $265-$330 per semester. For many artists and would-be artists, there’s a bit of a sting upfront, but broken down, it’s truly only $10 per hour, depending on course materials fees. This cost includes world-class facilities, individualized instruction, small classes full of camaraderie, additional studio time, tools, equipment and many materials. A few sessions at the gym, or a few rounds of cocktails (depending on your hobbies) may also bring pleasure for the same price, but do those activities really push you forward creatively? Do they enrich your life through the power of personal expression? Do they help you become the artist you knew you were always capable of being? Still not convinced? Then dip your toes in with a weekend workshop or short-term class. SSA offers classes to accommodate any level of time commitment.


YOUNG ARTIST PROGRAMS Helen Liljenwall, Untitled, 2013, oil on paper, 30” x 22”


Teen Studio Intensive

(AKA Bee Nation)

This year, the Teen Studio Intensive will be focusing heavily on the idea of observation. In addition to learning techniques in oil painting with a strong foundation in figure drawing, students will be incorporating multiple media into their final exhibition. Students will be tasked with exploring the art of film in addition to their work on canvas. They will also incorporate work from their personal “art” journals, where they have been encouraged to self reflect and express themselves through writing, drawing and painting. Finally, students will be creating their own short film that will be exhibited along with their finished gallery pieces at the All School Show in 2014. Some of the visiting artists that students will have the opportunity to work with include Alice Leora Briggs, Vincent Valdez, Justin Boyd, Rigoberto A Gonzalez and Jim Mendiola. The Southwest School of Art will be accepting new applications for the Teen Intensive Program in the spring. For more information, contact Patricia Morales, Director of Young Artist Programs, at

Saturday Morning Discovery The SSA Board of Trustees recently named the Saturday Morning Discovery Endowment in honor of a woman who devoted a great part of her life to supporting the growth of the Southwest School of Art: the late Vieve Duncan. Interest from the Genevieve Lykes Duncan Saturday Morning Discovery Endowment supports the annual operations of that popular and longstanding program at the SSA. The campaign to start the endowment was greatly aided by a very generous $750,000 challenge grant from Mrs. Duncan, which spurred significant giving from Texas foundations, corporations and many families and individuals. Vieve Duncan was a devoted lifelong friend of the SSA, serving as a volunteer and on the board, and making generous gifts, together with her late husband, Cameron. Their generosity to past campaigns is recognized by the Duncan Painting and Drawing Studio on the Navarro Campus. Paula Owen, president, said of Mrs. Duncan that “she had a special love for the children’s programs at the SSA, and so it is especially fitting that the Saturday Morning Endowment will now bear her name in perpetuity.” Saturday Morning Discovery is a free, introductory art experience offered every Saturday morning, September through May (excluding April), taught by professional artist teachers to nurture and inspire creativity among children and their parents.

Summer Arts Studios Summer Arts Studios offer one- and two-week classes that concentrate on a specific media topic and provide creative learning experiences in a positive, nurturing and fun environment. Classes are geared to specific age groups from 5 to 18 and cover a wide variety of arts media. SAS 2014 opens the first week of June. Registration starts in the spring so be sure to mark your calendars and look for the SAS catalog!

Please help SSA welcome our new Director of Young Artist Programs, Patricia Morales. She succeeds long-time YAP director Jim LaVilla-Havelin, who retired in May. Morales, a bilingual native of South Texas, joins the School from the Latino Cultural Center at the Office of Cultural Affairs, City of Dallas, where she served as the education and outreach coordinator. Morales completed her Master of Science in Arts Management at the University of Oregon in 2012, focusing on community arts education. Her career began as an art teacher and then museum coordinator in Harlingen, Texas. Welcome Patricia!


Chris Sauter, Doubt, 2012, Digital print

Chris Sauter, Doubt November 21, 2013 – February 2, 2014 Russell Hill Rogers Gallery I San Antonio artist Chris Sauter opens Doubt, the first of a series of three interrelated shows, at the Southwest School of Art. The series explores the false dichotomies between religion and science, a topic Sauter has been moving towards in his work for several years (for example, his recent Luminaria installation, The Wondrous Appearance of Saint Apophenia, an homage to the “patron saint of fortune tellers, the mentally ill, coincidence, patternmakers and artists”). The exhibition will include a wide variety of media including digital stills, video, furniture, sculpture and sound. Much of the show’s religious imagery is founded in Sauter’s own Lutheran upbringing, although none of the work is a reflection of his personal beliefs or position. Additionally, since both religion and the science of the stars and sky originate in a profound feeling of wonder, a need to connect with our unknown origin, notes Sauter, much of the scientific imagery is astronomical or cosmological. Two additional exhibitions – Faith and Reason opening at the Blue Star Contemporary Art Museum on December 5, and Shape of the Universe at FL!GHT gallery on December 14 – will invite viewers on a “pilgrimage” that begins at the Southwest School of Art and continues through the city. This exhibition is supported by a gift from Carol Lee Klose and Carolyn A. Seale.

O p e n i n g r e c e pt i o n :

Thursday, November 21, 6 – 8 pm



Robert and Shana ParkeHarrison, Counterpoint, 2007, Print on watercolor with wax, edition 2/20, 28”x21”

Robert and Shana ParkeHarrison, Selections from The Counterpoint Series November 21, 2013 – February 2, 2014 Russell Hill Rogers Gallery II American photographers Robert and Shana ParkeHarrison’s rich and surrealistic work focuses on the lost links with nature and the increasingly lonely condition of our existence. The artists state that their photographs “feature an ambiguous narrative that offers insight into the dilemma posed by science and technology’s failed promise to fix our problems, provide explanations, and furnish certainty pertaining to the human condition.” Selections from The Counterpoint Series will be shown in collaboration with Trinity University as part of the Stieren Arts Enrichment Series.

Anabel Toribo-Martinez, Uncouple, 2013, Oil on panel

Anabel Toribio-Martinez, Interludes November 21, 2013 – January 31, 2014 Ursuline Hall Gallery Toribo-Martinez’s series Interludes explores the quiet moments of distraction that emerge in domestic spheres. Although her figures are never alone in the frame, they present themselves as apart, as singular. Subjects are often lost in thought, at rest, or engaged in technology. Toribio-Martinez is equally informed by the subjects as their space, choosing patterns, textiles and architectural elements within the home to enhance and convey the overall tone of the composition. Toribio-Martinez received her MFA from the University of Texas at San Antonio and currently teaches art at the high school and college level in San Antonio.

Exhibitions 13

Membership Benefits Revised and Revitalized What do artists and art lovers do? They BUILD, they CREATE, they EXPLORE! They listen to their muse, design, innovate and invent. While we’ve kept the membership levels the same, they all have new names, and are grouped into three levels: Builders, Creators and Explorers. As the SSA prepares to become the only independent college of art in Texas—while at the same time serving students in the community adult and children’s/teen classes—we think it’s time our membership levels reflected the creative process. New benefits include: ★★ For all levels, a 10% discount on food and drink at the Copper Kitchen Café – just show your current membership card! ★★ For all levels, a new SSA Business Partners Program where business friends of the SSA will offer member discounts. Please see below for the list of current SSA Business Partners, a list that is sure to grow. ★★ At the Creators level and higher, two new social events: a Private Member-Only Preview for the All-School Exhibition, where eligible members will get an exclusive opportunity to purchase art in the show before its opening, and the Margaritas and Medals Party, where members and Fiesta Arts Fair sponsors may pick up their Fiesta Arts Fair medals while getting into the Fiesta spirit with good music, margaritas and beer! ★★ And at the Explorer level, year-round recognition, tours of exhibitions with artists and curators, and special privileges for free classes and 50% discounts!


The SSA warmly thanks the following Business Partners* who have agreed to offer 10% discounts to SSA members who display their current membership card when making purchases: Ácenar: Hotmex | Coolbar Asel Art Supply Bakery Lorraine Copper Kitchen Herweck’s Art Supplies Lily’s Cookies Ms. Chocolatier Tycoon Flats We encourage you to patronize these friends of the SSA frequently! *At time of publication To our members of many years, thank you for your loyal and generous support! To our new members and people thinking of membership, we hope these new benefits and recognition will help make you feel even more a vital part of the SSA community! To become a member or renew, e-mail Lyn Woods at or call her at 210.224.1848 ext. 307. You can also utilize the enclosed reply envelope, or go online at and click on GIVING. Savor the Arts 2013


SSA Membership Levels and Benefits


Senior/Educator – $35

| Individual – $45 | Family – $75

Benefits for all BUILDERS levels for one year include: $15 discount per SSA class for individuals at Senior/Educator and Individual levels. $15 discount per SSA class for all members of the family at Family level. (Family = 2 adults and all children in same household under 18.) Priority class registration. 10% discount on food and drink at the SSA’s Copper Kitchen Café (with presentation of current SSA membership card only). Discount at participating SSA Partner businesses (with current membership card). One-year subscription to SSA quarterly magazine, Artist’s Proof. One-time recognition in Artist’s Proof (after sign-up or renewal) Seniors are defined for membership as persons 65 and over. Educators must have valid Educator I.D.


Muse – $150

| Designer – $250 | Master – $500

Benefits for all CREATORS level for one year include: All BUILDERS level benefits for all members of the family, plus: Passes to Private Member-Only Preview for the All-School Exhibition with advance opportunity to purchase art. Muse: 1 pass. Designer: 2 additional passes Master: 4 additional passes. Passes to Margaritas and Medals Party to be the first to receive your Fiesta Arts Fair Medals. Muse: 1 pass. Designers: 2 additional passes. Masters: 4 additional passes. Fiesta Arts Fair Medals: Designer: 2 Medals. Master: 3 Medals. Fiesta Arts Fair Tickets: Designer: 4 Tickets Master: 6 Tickets. Recognition in Artist’s Proof (after sign-up or renewal).


Innovator – $1,000

| Inventor – $2,500 | Visionary – $5,000

Benefits for all EXPLORERS for one year include: All CREATORS benefits for all members of the family, plus: Recognition for one year in Artist’s Proof. All Innovator and higher levels receive a private tour of an exhibition with exhibiting artist or curator (for up to 10 people). Inventor and Visionary level members enjoy continuing online recognition at for the year. Innovator level members receive a 50% discount on a class taught by a faculty member. (One per year excluding workshops.) Inventor level members receive a free class taught by a faculty member. (One per year excluding workshops.) Visionary level members receive two free classes taught by a faculty member. (Two per year excluding workshops.)


SSA’s 50th Anniversary Campaign Fuels Future Growth Thanks to a great outpouring of generous lead gifts from the SSA’s trustees, students, members, lovers of art and historical preservation, the SSA has reached $6,128,000* in gifts and pledges towards our goal of $10,000,000 by December 31, 2015. We are immensely grateful to all of the donors who have made our initial progress possible! This fall, having just completed the match for a $480,000 challenge grant for capital improvements and new equipment from the J.E. and L.E. Mabee Foundation, the SSA returns to our donor community with a new, $400,000 one-to-one matching grant from the Brown Foundation, Inc. of Houston. This very significant challenge grant from the Brown Foundation means that donors who give to the campaign between now and September 19, 2014 will see their gifts matched dollar for dollar.

The 50th Anniversary Campaign will provide funds to

For almost five decades, the Southwest School of Art has been a vital, creative force in the lives of its students, and in the development of the cultural communities of San Antonio and South Texas. Today the donors to the 50th Anniversary Campaign are helping the SSA continue to serve our community’s needs for excellent education in the visual arts while at the same time opening up opportunities for a whole new generation of professional artists.

support the addition of the BFA degree program, making us the only independent college of art in Texas

enable the purchase of adjacent property for future expansion

continue historic preservation of the Ursuline Campus

add to endowments for operating and building, reserves as well as scholarships for talented, low-income students, and

make other needed capital improvements.

*At time of publication


Gala 2013 T

he Southwest School of Art celebrated our annual Gala in the Garden Thursday, October 3, 2013. Titled “Laissez Les Bon Temps Roulez: A Night in the Garden District,” the gala had a vibrant New Orleans theme that included Cajun delicacies

catered by Club Giraud and the rousing Jim Cullum Jazz Band, with guest vocalist Ken Slavin. One of the highlights of this year’s event was a “second line” parade led by the Jim Cullum Jazz Band, with the “second line” following the band (the “first line”) through the grounds of the McNutt Convent Garden, the Coates Chapel, and out into the McNutt River Garden before making their way back to the bandstand. This year’s gala was in honor of SSA Founding Trustee Edith McAllister, the aunt of our co-chairs, Ashley Solcher Hixon and Whitney Solcher Miller. We wish to thank our chairs, our gala committee, our board of trustees and esteemed guests and patrons for their support of the annual gala. We hope to see you at next year’s Gala in the Garden!

Jeff and Lynda Frey, Gary Walton and Dana Quarles

Melanie and Anthony Lopiccolo

SSA Board Chair James Lifshutz and Sonya Dawson

Co-Chairs Ashley Solcher Hixon and Whitney Solcher Miller

Lucia Carter, Britt Kleberg and Margaret Walker

Mauricio and Denise Carranza



August 1, 2012 – July 31, 2013

The Southwest School of Art could not fulfill its mission to teach, preserve and advance the visual arts without the support of our many members and donors. Thank you for your contributions!

50th Anniversary Campaign

William and Salome Scanlan Foundation Valero Energy Corporation

Elizabeth and Steve Crawford


Sonya Medina

Josie and Marshall Davidson

Tom Frost III

Patsy and Dale Meyers

Cristella and Eusebio Diaz

Tara and Randy Hawkins

Cynthia Munoz

Christine and Robert Dickemper

Diana Kersey

Dan A. Naranjo

Betsy and Brooke Dudley

Ellie Lamb

Sarah and Victor Pagona

Genevieve L. Duncan

Garland M. Lasater


Suzy Finesilver

Patsy and Walter Light

Andi Rodriguez

Mary Flanagan

Hannah S. Margolis

Laura Rodriguez

Noel and David Goldberg

Vincent J. Mariano

Cristina Gonzalez

Angela and Trey Rabke

Abigail Kinnison and Richard Rodriguez

Stefan Grater

Lawrence and Tracy Reyes

Rolando Briseno and Angel Rodriguez-Diaz

Elizabeth and Graham Weston

Melanie Rush-Davis

$49,999 to $25,000

Noelia Saavedra

Natalie and Barry Beller

Regina Sanders

Elise and Craig Boyan

Gary Schott

William E. Greehey

Edith Speert

$500,000 and Above

NuStar Energy LP

Julie and Joe Straus

The Brown Foundation, Inc.

Laura and Jack Richmond

Arnold Swartz Trekker, Ltd. Charitable Fund of the SAAF

The Ewing Halsell Foundation $499,999 to $250,000

$24,999 to $10,000

Joe Turner

Pamela and Henry Bain

Charles C. Butt

Dr. and Mrs. Ron Calgaard

Mary Elizabeth Droste

Charles E. Cheever

The Kronkosky Charitable Foundation

Double W Charitable Foundation

Jerry E. Vasquez Caroline and Larry Walker Gretchen Hill and Pat Ward AnaPaula and Mark Watson III

Ray Ellison Charitable Foundation of the SAAF

Kathleen and Julius Gribou

San Antonio Conservation Society

Lou Celia and Don Frost

Barbara L. Hill

Ryan D. Takaba

Linda and Weldon Hammond

Stacey Hill and Erick Schlather

William F. Hanson

Drs. Marie and Charles Thurston

Larry Maki and Robert Hils

Lori and Mark Wright

Alturas Foundation

S.T. and Margaret D. Harris Foundation

Candace and Michael Humphreys

Argo Group US

James G. Lifshutz

Roxana Gage Catto Advised Fund of the SAAF

Amy Shelton McNutt Charitable Trust

The J.E. and L.E. Mabee Foundation, Inc. $249,999 to $100,000 Anonymous

Club Giraud The Flohr Family Foundation Houston H. Harte

Karen Diaz and Joe Johnson

Teri Aguilar


Bernice Appelin-Williams

Anne and Paul Krause

Kathy Armstrong

Cheri and Dickie Longoria

Richard C. Arredondo

Anita and Keith Martin

Evelyn Baiilie-Whitley

Maria Elena and Richard Mogas

Mari E. Boyd

Judy Morton

Olga and Al Castano

Paula and Ben Owen

Shelley Cook

Allan G. Paterson

Gayle Copeland and Jim Jacobs

Sunny and Bob Blumenthal

Dianne and Boone Powell

Margaret Craig

Aimee and Ernest Bromley

Heather and Fred Rakowitz

Mary Daly

Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Cadwallader

Amber and Jorge Canseco

Tashya and Lane Riggs

Norma Dolcater

Mr. and Mrs. James Callaway

Katy and Ted Flato

Ethel T. Runion

Beth and John Eadie

Mr. William F. Hanson

Gini Garcia

David Shelton

Thomas Edson

Candace and Michael Humphreys

Genie and Dan Hanke

Ann and Dennis Smith


Col. and Mrs. Larry G. Johnson

Jean T. Marmion

The Smothers Foundation


Mr. Colin Hill and Mr. Jesse Mata

Jesse Mata

Kathy and Lionel Sosa

Ricky A. Garza

Ms. Mary Ellen Matthews

Joe McMahon

Cathy and Jack Spector

Sylvia Glatman

Peggy and Lowry Mays

Darcy and Darryl Mix

Libby D. Tilley

Margaret Gorton

Darcy and Darryl Mix

Veronica Prida and Omar Rodriguez

Mary West and Richard Traylor

Susan Griffin

Ms. Nancy Pawel

The Richard and Joyce Harris Sapience Foundation

Robb Wasielewski


Ms. Joni Raba

Beck and Chuck Whitehead

Andrew Herdeg

Mr. and Mrs. John L. Vollmer, Jr.

Lyn R. Woods

Shiva Izaddoust

Ms. Courtney J. Walker

Robert B. James

Wendy and Thomas Wirth

Claudia Huntington and Marshall Miller Keith Swinney Walton Signage Corporation The Watson Foundation Elaine Wolff and Michael Westheimer

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Newman, Jr./ The John and Florence Newman Foundation

Edward E. Whitacre / Whitacre Family Foundation

Linda Pace Foundation

$9,999 to $5,000

Jeanie and Bill Wyatt $99,999 to $50,000 Maggie S. Block The Elizabeth Huth Coates Charitable Foundation The Charitable Foundation of Frost Bank Howard and Betty Halff Fund of the SAAF


$499 to $1

Karen and Tim Hixon

Windgate Charitable Foundation


Monica and Marc Iacobucci

Sarah E. Harte and John S. Gutzler

Semmes Foundation, Inc.


Mrs. Ann G. Ash Mr. and Mrs. James Avery Mr. and Mrs. Brooke Dudley Ms. Genevieve L. Duncan Mr. and Mrs. John L. Nau III Ms. Page Saunders GOLD Pamela and Henry Bain

The Robert J. Kleberg, Jr. and Helen C. Kleberg Foundation

$4,999 to $1,000

The Lifshutz Foundation

Jean Bradley

$999 to $500



Teresa and Joe R. Long

Aimee and Ernest Bromley


Marline and Clinton Lawson

Wendy and Bryan Barrows

Mays Family Foundation

Laura and Frank Burney

Colleen and Bruce Barshop

Sarah Jo and Phil LeMessurier

Ms. Margaret C. Boldrick

Edith S. McAllister

Stephanie and Gabriel Canales

Ron C. Binks

Leslie Martinez

Molly and Jim Branton

The Myra Stafford Pryor Charitable Trust

Gloria and Fully Clingman

Catherine Brillson-Leonard

S.A. McReynolds

Mr. Charles C. Butt

Edward G. Conroy

Elizabeth and Clay Carrington

Ruth Medellin

Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Calgaard, Ph.D.


Kelly and Stephen Cavender

Dr. and Mrs. David Holck

Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Traylor

Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hardberger

Lyn and Peter Selig

Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Cheever, Jr.

Rhonda and Jim Hollerbach

Elizabeth and Matthew Tullis

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Shaw

Sally and Craig Clayton

Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Hornberger

Ms. Judy M. Vetter

Mr. John Gutzler and Ms. Sarah E. Harte

Mr. Taliaferro Cooper

Ms. Claire Inglish

Caroline and Lawrence Walker

Ms. Jacqueline Hartwig

Dr. and Mrs. Lon Smith

Janet and Bruce Flohr

Ms. Debbie Irby

Mr. Gary Walton

Ryan and Tanya Haug

Ms. Emily Spicer

Ms. Caroline Forgason

Dr. Shiva Izaddoust

Scarlette and Bill West

Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hawkins III

Mrs. Kristina Staskawicz

Sean and Margaret Gunn

Mr. John S. Jockusch

Roxie and Jim Hayne

Mr. and Mrs. Weston Stone

Linda and Weldon Hammond

Paul and Pamela Johnson

Ms. Elaine Wolff and Mr. Michael Westheimer

Cari and Russell Hill

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis T. Tarver, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan H. Hanke

Mr. Robert Knuth

Ms. Kathleen T. Whitehead

Mr. Larry G. Maki and Mr. Robert Hils

Mrs. Terence W. Touhey

Mr. and Ms. James Harden

Anne and Paul Krause

Dr. Alexis Wiesenthal, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Jacob

Jesse and Judi Travis

Randall and Steven Hays

Ms. Barbara C. Kyse

Ms. Lyn R. Woods

Sara and Jeremy Jessop

Mr. and Mrs. Marc Iacobucci

Mr. Pat Legan

Ms. Becky Yarborough

Margaret and Bill Kanyusik

Mr. and Mrs. Gustav N. Van Steenberg

Dr. and Mrs. Johnny C. Johnson

Dr. and Mrs. James Lehmann

Karen Lee and David Zachry

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kardys

Mr. Mark Wood

Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo E. Longoria

Mr. and Mrs. Philip LeMessurier

Catherine and Ritchey Woods

Col. Hannah S. Margolis

Mr. James G. Lifshutz


Dr. Gemma Kennedy and Dr. Bradley Kayser

Mr. Gene Williams and Mrs. Sonya Medina Williams

Mrs. Jean T. Marmion

Mr. Richard C. Arredondo

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D. Kelleher

Mrs. Janey Marmion

Mrs. Evelyn Baillie-Whitley

Mr. George T. Kimbell

Doris and Alex Miller


Ms. Stephanie Krueger and Mr. Paul Martin

Mrs. Elizabeth M. Barnes

Dr. Marsha Kinney and Mr. Gregory M. Kinney

Ruth and John Agather

Mr. Brad J. Parman

Mr. Brian Hughes and Ms. Lissa A. Martinez

Mr. Ron C. Binks

Mr. and Mrs. William Scanlan, Jr.

Ms. Julia O. Maverick

Mrs. Louis H. Stumberg

Mrs. Edith S. McAllister

Mrs. Gretchen A. Hill and Mr. Patrick H. Ward

Maria Elena and Richard Mogas

Mr. and Mrs. Graham Weston

Gregg and Sydney Muenster

Dr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Wood

Mr. Dale A. Neese

Mrs. Dolores M. Mitchell Dr. Lisa G. Nungesser

Laura and Lewis Moorman

Ms. Lillian K. O’Brien BRONZE

Susan and Stacy Oelsen

Sarita and Tom Akin

Mrs. Dorothea C. Oppenheimer

Dr. and Mrs. Wilbur S. Avant, Jr.

Anne and Chuck Parrish

Robert and Libby Bentley

Mr. and Mrs. Allan G. Paterson, Jr.

Mr. Jeffrey H. Berler

Mr. Spencer Stubbs and Ms. Joan Pedrotti

Craig and Elise Boyan

Mr. Bruce B. Barshop Ms. Norma C. Bodevin Ms. Rebecca A. Canary April and Richard Carnahan Caroline and William Carrington Mrs. Anna Catalani Tanya and Barry Clark Ms. Sonya Dawson Mr. Charles DeFreest Dr. and Mrs. Alex A. DePeralta, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Dickemper Mrs. Lacey N. Dorn Carolyn and Stuart Dowlen Linda and Larry Draper

Laura and Frank Burney

Mrs. Rosemary E. Kowalski Dr. Tom Langston Dr. Rene V. Rone and Mr. Fred LeSieur Patsy and Walter Light Anita and Jerry Lindner Mr. Michael Little Agnes and Jim Lowe Ms. Pat A. Lyster Dr. Sally Marrs Ms. Melba Martinez Melanie and Robert Maxham Ms. Gretchen M. Mayes Mr. and Mrs. B. J. McCombs Carol and Peter McGanity

Becky and John Canavan

Ms. Ellen Wise and Mr. Jeramy M. McMahon

Mr. Chris J. Carson

Ms. Beth E. McMahon

Mr. and Mrs. Martin W. Clement II

Ruth and Jose Medellin

Mr. and Ms. Merritt M. Clements

Lisa and Barry Menick

Ms. Anna B. Coiner

Mrs. Regina Moya

Mrs. Barbara S. Condos Mr. Edward G. Conroy

Dr. John Doski and Dr. Deborah L. Mueller

Mr. Arthur Coulombe

Dr. and Mrs. Chet L. Nastala

Mr. John F. De Arment

Ms. Catherine Nored

Dr. Joe Johnson and Dr. Karen Diaz

Toby and Barbie O’Connor

Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Droste

Casandra and Daniel Ortiz

Mr. Joel K. Erben

Paul and Peggy Pace

Jimmie Ruth and Dick Evans

Mrs. Jana Payne

Mrs. Hertzel Finesilver

Mr. and Mrs. Boone Powell

Ted and Katy Flato

Angela and Trey Rabke

Dr. Larry Franke and Mrs. Briana Franke

Ms. Claire Rhodes Stevenson

Lou Celia and Don Frost Elizabeth and Casey Fry Carra and Jorge Garza Ms. Genevieve D. Gill Mr. and Mrs. David Goldberg Dr. Stefan Grater Mrs. Betty M. Halff Mrs. Emory A. Hamilton Joyce and Richard Harris Mr. and Mrs. Randall Hawkins Ms. Stacey L. Hill

Tashya and Lane Riggs Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rork Mr. John L. Santikos Mr. and Mrs. William I. Saunders Ms. Sheryl L. Sculley Mr. David C. Shelton Kathy and Lionel Sosa Cathleen and Jack Spector Mrs. Patricia Steves Mr. and Mrs. George Stieren Mrs. Dan J. Sullivan IV

Reverends Mary and Doug Earle Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Earthman Mrs. Colette Edwards Mr. and Mrs. John W. Feik

Ms. Linda M. Perez Mr. and Mrs. Scott Petty, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pickering Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Price

Col. Kimberly Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Wright

Mr. Miguel A. Agathert Susan and Warren Albert Ms. Ethni M. Allison Mr. Glen Halff and Ms. Mindi Alterman Mrs. Lorena Angulo Mr. Karlos K. Anzoategui Ms. Jane A. Armstrong Mrs. Kathy J. Armstrong Susan and Thomas Arnim Ms. Yvette Austin Mr. Chadwick Avery Judy and Milton Babbitt Mr. Rafael V. Baca Karen and David Baker Ms. Lisa Bakke Andre and Virginia Bally Dr. Jennifer Bankler Mrs. Kim Barnfield Mr. Paul Barr Natalie and Barry Beller Ms. Tracey R. Bennett Sue and Eric Bernstein Ms. Cathy Bethay Mrs. Susan Biegler Ms. Ibis Bodevin Ms. Rocio Bodevin Mrs. Sharon Bonilla Ms. Yong S. Boone Frankie and Bradley Boone Mrs. Claudia C. Briell Ms. Debbie Brient Ms. Catherine G. Brillson Mr. Jerry Brown

Ms. Gloria Galt

Mr. Stu Schlossberg and Judge Bonnie Reed

Laurie and Bob Garrison

Mr. Epitacio Resendez

Ms. Jo Anne S. Burnside

Cara and Robert Goldsbury

Dr. Mark Riddoch

Capt. Sean Burson

Ms. Catherine Gonzales

Ms. Emily Sano and Mr. Gilson Riecken

Mrs. Kathryn Callow

Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Gore

Ms. Sylvia S. Romo

Mrs. Elaine Campbell

Ms. Carina Gors

Mr. David S. Rubin

Ms. Gina Candelario

CeCe and James Griffin

Ms. Sandra L. Ryan

Amber and Jorge Canseco

Mrs. Margarite P. Guggolz

Mrs. Patty Schubert

Ms. Clare Carrillo

Ms. Machele Guin

Ms. Jane Scroggs

Ms. Geraldine Cervantes

Ms. Terry Buck

Mrs. Gloria S. Calvert


Mrs. Camille Chamberlain

Mrs. Bernadette M. Heller

Mr. JJ Mazuca

Ms. Liza Rosenthal

Ms. Germaine P. Walsh

Dr. Hyun joo Chung

Ms. Noel Heller

Mrs. Kathryn K. McCormick

Ms. Jessica Rowlett

Mary and Gordon Weiner

Sarah and Jon Cochran

Mrs. Greta McFarling

Sherril and Joe Rubin

Dr. Sue Weintraub

Mr. and Mrs. Todd Coerver

Mr. Abel Ramirez and Ms. Celina Herrera

Mrs. Annabelle McGee

Mr. Martin Weiss

Hillary and Chad Conrey

Ms. Renee Hill

Ms. Kate McLachlan

Mr. Kemp Davis and Mrs. Melanie Rush Davis

Ms. Chantelle Coulter

Martha and Stephen Hixon

Mr. Larry A. Mendez

Dr. Todd T. Russell

Mrs. Renee White

Ms. Cynthia Covarrubias

Mrs. Mira Hnatyshyn-Hudson

Mr. Andrew Meyer

Dr. Carol Rymer

Ms. Angel Whitley

Mrs. Beth A. Crawford

Mrs. Lori Houston

Mrs. Chrisitna Montelongo

Melinda and Paul Sanchez

Mrs. Heather Wilk

Ms. Kelly Creager

Mr. Ralph Howell

Ms. Ana Montoya

Mr. Robert Schneider

Mr. Stanley G. Curtis

Ms. Yvette Huerta

Ms. Ada T. Montoya

Mr. and Mrs. George F. Schroeder

Mr. William B. McDonald and Dr. Janet F. Williams

Mr. and Mrs. John L. Davis

Mr. and Mrs. Steve M. Huffman

Mr. James Moody

Mrs. Luanne R. Schuetze

Ms. Jill Wilson

Mr. Dennis Olsen and Mrs. Meredith Dean

Linda and Rick Illgner

Mr. Raymundo Morales, Jr.

Ms. Kimberly Scott

Mrs. Jeannette L. Wilson

Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. James

Carolina and Michael Morell

Dr. and Mrs. John R. Seals

Mr. and Mrs. James K. Wilson III

Mrs. Ann DeLee

Dr. Linda Myers

Ms. Chesley Seals

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Wyatt

Ms. Cheryl Dennis

Mr. Robert Brown and Dr. Angelika Jansen-Brown

Josephine and Frates Seeligson

Ms. Alicia Zuniga

Ms. Michelle Destefano

Ms. Leslie T. Jenison

Ms. Debra Z. Nason

Mr. Shawn Seiter

Ms. Cynthia K. Dickerson

Ms. Suze Jernigan

Dr. Aaron Navarro

Mrs. Henriette M. Seiterle

Mr. Richard Presutti and Ms. Sarah Jordan

Mrs. Roxana S. Newsom


Bill and Sarah Doerr

Mr. and Mrs. William L. Norwood

Mr. and Mrs. Davin Shaw

Ms. Katie Abbott

Mrs. Julie M. Nyberg

Ms. Mary Skillman

Ms. Penny Abbott

Mr. Taylor O’Dell

Mr. Greg Skrobarcek

Ms. Thelma Acevedo

Mr. John B. Flanagan and Ms. Lisa Ortiz

Ms. Elizabeth Smith

Ms. Carolyn D. Adams

Dr. and Mrs. Paul H. Smith, Jr.

Ms. Nicole Amor

Mrs. Lizbeth S. Smith-Leach

Mrs. Josephine J. Anderson

Mr. Robert Soza

Ms. Candace K. Andrews

Mrs. Mylene M. Doria Erin and Ben Drawert Ms. Brittany Drum Mrs. Linda W. Duncan

Mrs. Nadine Joshi Dr. Jamie Juntunen Karen and Steven Kalter

Ms. Gail W. Weitzenkorn

Ms. Jan Fluitt-Dupuy and Dr. Edward Dupuy

Ms. Kyla Katseanes Mrs. Stephanie Kelley

Mr. Christopher L. Hoffman and Mr. Moises Ortiz

Ms. Diana Dwyer

Mrs. Sasha L. Kelly

Paula and Ben Owen

Kari and Brooks Englehardt

Ms. Linda King

Ms. Amy Spencer

Melissa and Chris Parma

Mrs. Amber Anthony

Mr. Ken Weiher and Ms. Abigail Erwin

Ms. Abigail Kinnison

Mrs. Beverly J. Spengler

Mrs. Leigh Ann Antieri

Robert and Rosie Escamilla

Ms. Marion Koch

Mr. and Mrs. S. John Facey

Mrs. Patricia Koepp

Mr. Lindsay A. Martin and Mrs. Gillian E. Fassel

Mrs. Julie Koppenheffer

Mrs. Rachel Fessler

Mr. Joe Labatt

Mrs. Magdalene A. Flannery

Mr. and Mrs. David A. Ladensohn

Ms. Christine Fleming

Ms. Michelle M. Laier

Josie and Clare Flesher

Mrs. Eleanor Lamb

Ms. Adriana Flores

Ms. Sandra Langston

Mrs. Peggy M. Foerster

Mr. and Mrs. Phil Laws

Ms. Lucie Frost

Mr. and Mrs. Clinton F. Lawson

Ms. Susan T. Frost

John and Glynda Ledbetter

Mrs. Nancy H. Fullerton

Ms. Donna A. Ledvina

Mr. and Mrs. Verne J. Funk

Ms. Katie R. Lewis

Mr. Kevin Peckham

Mr. Victor Gaenzel

Dr. Luci K. Leykum

Annette and Steve Strapple

Ms. Connie Penaflor-Foster

Mrs. Michelle C. Belto-Schraub

Mrs. Elaine Gallegos

Emily and Ted Liljenwall

Mrs. Burgin Streetman-Lambrecht

Ms. Cynthia Perez

Nancy and Jaime Billups

Mr. Eduardo Garcia

Ms. Marie Lo

Alice and William Strunk

Ms. Amy Perry

Mrs. Beverly Blair

Ms. Sophia Garcia

Ms. Sasha Loffredo-Whitmore

Melanie and John Strybos

Maria and Fred Pfeiffer

Mr. Paul Blasingim

Leslie and Luis Garcia

Mrs. Virginia N. Lukefahr

Dr. Deena Sutter

Mrs. Mary Philip

Mr. Kin Bolz

Mr. and Mrs. James R. Garner

Ms. Tracy J. Lynch

Mrs. Beverly Swango

Ms. Kathy Phillips

Ms. Tatyana Boulgakova

Mr. Andrew Durant and Ms. Michelle Garrigan

Bonnie and Grant Lyons

Dr. Melanie Sweet

Andrea and Karl Pichler

Mrs. Lisa Bowen

Dr. Kelly Lyons

Dr. Melissa Talamantes

Ms. Sara K. Boyd

Dr. Geoff Gentry

Ms. Irene Pierce

Mrs. Marina Madden

Ms. Susan Talamantez

Nancy and John Mangan

Sandi and Scott Teeter

Mrs. Tracy Brady

Ovidio and Kim Giberga

Ms. Katy Tise and Dr. Jimmy Platt

Steve and Ellen Giust

Mr. Gary Poffenbarger

Ms. Audrey J. Mangold

Ms. Shelley Thill

Ms. Georgette Goacher

Ms. Terry G. Puckett

Ms. Linda S. Manning

Ms. Andrea Tingleff

Dr. and Mrs. Fred Goldner

Ms. Unity Puente

Francesca and John Mannix

Ms. Julia Torres

Ms. Marta I. G. Gonzalez-Stitts

Heather and Fred Rakowitz

Mrs. Nancy K. Marion

Mrs. Juana Trevino

Elizabeth and Maxwell Goss

Mr. John E. Reinhart

Mr. Angelo Grandelli

Mr. John Onderdonk and Dr. Ellen Marshall

Ms. Coleen Tsakopulos

Sarah and Justin Rice

Sheri and Cliff Turner

Ms. Susan Gray

Ms. Mary Martin

Kathleen and Julius Gribou

Ms. Sandra Martinez

Ms. Elizabeth Guerrero

Mr. Igor Maryanchik

Mrs. Theresa Hancock

Ms. Madeline Mathews

Dr. Elizabeth S. Harris

Mrs. Sharyl S. Matlock

Mrs. Krista Hartsell

Amelita and David Mauze


Mrs. Ildeliza Antonares Ms. Ann L. Arnold Ms. Adria Asher Mrs. Trish A. Ashton

Mr. David J. Kvapil

Mrs. Sage Austin Ms. Holly Baker Hill Mrs. Deborah K. Ball Ms. Brandi Banks Ms. Janie Barrera Mrs. Katheryn Barscewski Mr. Solomon Bassoff Mrs. Sandra Bassuk Dr. Brian Beck

Mr. Derick Rodgers Ms. Ruth Rodriguez Ms. Laura Rodriguez Mr. Rolando Briseno and Mr. Angel Rodriguez-Diaz Mr. Michael Payne and Ms. Letitia Rogers

Ms. Cherise Bell

Mrs. Crystal Uzquiano Ms. Dru Van Steenberg Mrs. Julie Van Zandt Ms. Donna E. Vaughan Ms. Rosa I. Vera Mrs. Dawn Wales

Ms. Debra Brashear Ms. Rita Bray Mrs. Jodie L. Breingan Mrs. Gwen Brewer Ms. Yvonne Broussard Ms. Cynthia Brown Mrs. Jessica Brown Mr. William Brzozowski Mrs. Lillian A. Bunn Ms. Lorie S S. Burnett Mrs. Susan Calafrancesco Ms. Ingrid Calhoun Ms. Lisa A. Caplis

Mrs. Bethany Carrasquel

Dr. Nancy Fuhrman

Mr. Riley Lopez

Ms. Blanche Perrotta

Ms. Mercedes Stainken

Mr. Isaac Carrillo

Mr. LeRoy O. Garcia

Mrs. Sara Lowe

Mrs. Christy Perry

Mrs. Cristal Startz

Ms. Deborah Caulfield

Mr. David Garling

Ms. Christine Lumadue

Mr. Jonathan Pickett

Mrs. Deborah Stockert

Mr. Kellis Chandler

Ms. Laurie Gaudi

Mrs. Jodie Madison

Mrs. Susan K. Pierce

Mrs. Sherry L. Stone-Wightman

Mr. Erik Chaparro

Ms. Steffanie S. Gibbons

Ms. Inge Sullivan

Mrs. Nancy L. Chronister

Ms. Daniela Gomez-Vazquez

Ms. Nancy L. Summers

Mrs. Melba R. Chylinski

Ms. Alexia Gonzales

Ms. Kathy Swartz

Ms. Ellen Clegg

Mrs. Delia Gonzales-Conover

Mrs. Michele Swenson

Ms. Carolyn Clopton

Mrs. Lori A. Gonzalez

Mrs. Judi H. Tepperman

Ms. Catherine Coakley

Ms. Kathy Gottsacker

Ms. Carolle L. Ternus

Pam and Bobby Cohen

Ms. Betsy Grimm

Mrs. Sandi L. Tipps

Ms. Linda S. Combs

Mrs. Paula J. Gron

Ms. Erica Tolbert

Madam Sarah Connell

Ms. Edna Guerra

Ms. Elizabeth C. Tolle

Mrs. Lisa Cooper

Mr. Richard Haemmerle

Mrs. Teresa L. Corbin

Ms. Anne C. Hagelstein

Mr. Vincent Johnson and Ms. Jill Torbert

Mrs. Jessica Cowart

Patricia and Kenneth Halliday

Ms. Mary L. Traugott

Mrs. Gwen Cowden

Ms. Mary Harris

Ms. Mindy Cox

Mrs. Paulette A. Harrison

Ms. Kaitlyn Crawford

Mrs. Allison W. Hayne

Ms. Karen Crenshaw

Ms. Nita Hazle

Mr. Michael H. Crockett

Mr. Jorge H. Herrera

Mr. Edwin Custodio

Mrs. Sarah Hewitt

Ms. Linda Darst

Mrs. Maggie Hillburn

Mrs. Georgia R. Davis

Ms. Jo Hilton

Mrs. Patricia De La Garza

Ms. Martha Hoffer

Dr. Esmeralda De Los Santos

Ms. Laura Holck

Ms. Melissa Dilworth

Ms. Barbara Hoover

Ms. Norma Dolcater

Ms. Sarah Treanor

Mrs. Linda Magid

Jennifer and Charles Polnaszek

Mrs. Janice R. Mann

Mr. Luke Powell

Ms. Angela Y. Mann

Ms. Patricia A. Pratchett

Mrs. Ann Marlar

Mrs. Wende L. Quintanilla

Ms. Megan A. Marsch

Ms. Dawn Marie Rae

Dr. Judith L. Martin, Ph.D.

Dr. Adriel Ramirez

Ms. Lisa Martinez

Ms. Barbara Ras

Ms. Maureen Martinez

Mr. William Reddick

Mrs. Geneva McCaffrey

Ms. Rosie Reyes

Ms. Deborah L. McClintock

Ms. Erika Ann Reyes

Mr. Arlen McDonald

Ms. Frances Riley

Ms. Ann Hopkins

Ms. Catherine McGuire

Ms. Kate A. Ritson

Mrs. Lori Donnell

Ms. Elaine Hovey

Mrs. Cathy McKervey

Ms. Shelley E. Roff

Ms. Carol H. Dotin

Dr. Francis Y. Huang

Ms. Jan Meeks

Mr. and Mrs. David M. Rogers

Dr. Deborah D. Douglas, M.D.

Mrs. Maggie H. Hunt

Madam Julie Melchor

Ms. Mahala M. Rood

Mrs. Linda D. Dreyer

Mr. Alejandro Jaramillo

Ms. Leticia V. Mendoza

Ms. Louise Rosenfield

Ms. Cherrie L. Droutz

Ms. Dale E. Jenssen

Mr. Tom B. Menzies

Mrs. Karen Rudd

Ms. Louisa G. Dulaney

Ms. Doris Jewett

Mrs. Amanda Mercer

Mr. Mark A. Rue

Ms. Marcy Eady

Ms. Janet Johnson

Mrs. Patsy L. Meyers

Mrs. Judith Ruvuna

Ms. Robin Early

Mr. Laurence Johnson

Ms. Susan Michael

Ms. Kathleen F. Sadler

Ms. Deborah K. Eckel

Mrs. Hillary Jones

Mrs. Veronica Miller

Mr. Dylan Sahara

Ms. Melinda Wright

Mr. Gid’on Eilat

Mrs. Nina M. Jones

Ms. Cynthia Jones Milloer

Ms. Ofelia E. Salinas

Donna and James Wright

Mrs. Pat Elbel

Ms. Trinda Kajans

Mrs. Shirley Moehring

Ms. Cynthia Sanders

Mr. Joshua Yurcheshen

Ms. Beth Emery

Ms. Kala Kalmus

Mr. Dennis Mollgaard

Dr. Sandra D. Sarran

Ms. Vesna Zrinski

Mr. Donald H. Engelhart

Mrs. Archana Kapaleeswaran

Mrs. Victoria C. Montalto

Ms. Laura Saurborn Young

Ms. Melissa Engle

Mrs. Liseann Karandisecky

Ms. Vanessa M. Montano

Ms. Janis L. Schiller


Ms. Naomi Esquivel

Ms. Madeline Kawasaki

Ms. Laura Moore

Mr. Nathan Schmidt

Mrs. Bernadine Abend

Ms. Pamela Etchison

Mr. Byron Kelly

Mr. Clifford E. Moore

Mrs. Jennifer Schoenfeld

Mrs. Dorothy E. G. Adams

Mr. Gregory Everingham

Dr. Kathy Kennedy

Mr. Kenneth L. Moore

Mrs. Nancy Scott

Ms. Anne C. Alexander

Ms. Julia Eyer

Ms. Sarah Keyes

Dr. and Mrs. Carlos Morales

Ms. Hilary Scott

Mrs. Casey Allen

Mrs. Barbara A. Felix

Ms. Teresa King

Mr. Carlos Moreno

Ms. Sabine Senft

Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Arnecke, Jr.

Ms. Rachel Fernandez

Ms. Felicia King

Ms. Barbara Murrell

Ms. Dana Shannon

Mrs. Priscilla M. Astleford

Miss Georgie F. Ferrell

Ms. Laurie Knobel

Ms. Leslie Newton

Mrs. Tina Shippy

Janice and Courtenay Atkins

Ms. Deborah A. Ferris

Ms. Lisa Koenig

Mrs. Gricelda C. Nill

Mr. Seijin A. Shirotori

Ms. Cynthia Baird

Mrs. Kristin R. Fetzer

Ms. Jean E. Kolovson

Ms. Deborah K. Noppen

Mrs. Elizabeth Shrivastava

Ms. Jenny N. Barker

Ms. Carolina Fierro Touche

Ms. Kathleen Kridler

Ms. Carolyn Nowak

Ms. Sylvia Q. Sierra

Ms. Susan Bee

Mr. Jerry Firebaugh

Mrs. Claudia B. Langford

Ms. Nancy Nowak

Ms. Rasa Silenas

Ms. Marie Bell

Ms. Mary F. Fischer

Mrs. Alisha Lariscy

Ms. Gloria L. O’Brien

Ms. Kim Siragusa

Dr. Thomas A. Berg

Mr. Lewis S. Fisher

Mrs. Meg LaVergne

Dr. Debra Ochoa

Mrs. Tammy Smith

Ms. Virginia Bethke

Ms. Cheryl Fodera

Ms. Alexandra LeBrun

Mr. Mark Olivares

Mrs. Patty Smithers

Col. James Blakely

Ms. Kit Fontaine

Ms. Michelle Leib

Ms. Suzanne Paquette

Mr. Lawrence Snyder

Ms. Carol A. Britt

Ms. Dana M. Fossett

Mrs. Nancy Leonard

Mr. Doug Park

Ms. Shell K. Somoza

Dr. Barbara A. Brooks-Eidelberg

Mrs. Vikki K. Foster

Mrs. Rachel L. Lerner Morse

Ms. Maritza Parra

Ms. Hermelinda H. Sosa

Ms. Reiko Brown

Ms. Jennifer Foster

Mrs. Patricia Levine

Ms. Amruta Patel

Mrs. Lisa Spadavecchia

Dr. Sarah Predock Burke

Ms. Judy H. Freeman

Ms. Ying Li

Mr. Robert B. Patterson

Mrs. Lucy Springs

Ms. Teresa Cardenas

Ms. Rose Mary Fry

Mr. Joseph Little

Ms. Shannon Perez

Mr. Davis Sprinkle

Mrs. Carol E. Carpenter

Mrs. Eva M. Trejo Ms. Joan B. Trimble Mrs. Mary L. Trousdale Tamara and Alan Trout Ms. Brandy Upton Mrs. Pat A. Valdez Ms. Jessica Veilleux Mrs. Ines Walker Mrs. Wendy S. Walsh Mrs. Mary Walsh Ms. Cris Ward Ms. Miwa Watson Ms. Doerte Weber-Seale Mr. Michael Weil Ms. Ayon Wen Ms. Wendy J. Werts Ms. Amanda Wilcox Mr. Brenton Wooley Ms. Sarah Woolsey


Ms. Barbara Cavanaugh

Mr. Kenneth Neal

Ms. Mary Lil Chappell

Deana and John Nelson

Mrs. Donna L. Chitwood

Ms. Virginia S. Nicholas

Ms. Lyn C. Cornish

Mrs. Barbara B. Nurick

Ms. Eva H. Cox

Mrs. Karon O’Ferrall

Mrs. Sharon R. Crutchfield Mrs. Marjorie A. Davis Mr. Allen R. Davis Ms. Mary Alice Deanda Icy and Frank Donnelly Mrs. Gail M. Dunagan Mrs. Rachel L. Edwards-Ridder Mr. Philip J. Evett Ms. Ziena Faltin Mrs. Priscilla Ferguson

other gifts Honors and Memorials

In Honor of Mrs. Leo Hearn

Fresh Horizons Creative Catering

H-E-B Tournament of Champions


The G.A.C. Halff Foundation

Christopher L. Gartner & Associates

JP Morgan Chase Bank

Gunn Automotive Group

The Marcia and Otto Koehler Foundation

Karen and Tim Hixon

In Honor of Mr. James G. Lifshutz

Dr. Vivian L. Paul

Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hardberger

Mr. and Mrs. Leo F. Perron, Jr.

In Honor of Mrs. Edith S. McAllister

Ms. Virginia Plumly

Lyn and Peter Selig

Ms. Trudy Rafelson

In Memory of Mrs. Maggie S. Block

Mrs. Janice Randa

Pamela and Henry Bain

The L.D. Ormsby Charitable Foundation, Inc.

Ms. Charlotte S. Randolph

Jane and David Digby

The Parker Foundation, Inc.

Ms. Marilyn Redding

Mrs. Suzy Finesilver

Rackspace US

Texas Commission on the Arts

The Flohr Family Foundation

Carmen and Ernesto Rubio

Vollmer Products International

Mrs. T. Maxey Hart, Jr.

The David and Betty Sacks Foundation

Walton Signage Corporation

Mrs. Hortense D. Patterson Dana and William Powell

Shield-Ayres Foundation

Wendy and Tom Wirth

Henriette and Josef Seiterle

Luke and Merle Soules Family Foundation


Ms. Georganne Roberts

Mrs. Ellinor S. Forland

Ms. Anna Karen Robinette

Mrs. Cris Forney

Ms. Kay S. Rodgers

Mr. Michael J. Foster

Mrs. Francine Rowden

Ms. Lesta Frank

Ms. Carolyn Rubottom

Ms. Joan Frederick

Ms. Betsy Ruckman

Mrs. Dorthy L. Friesen

Mrs. Diane L. Ruse

Ms. Cynthia Garcia

Mrs. Tracy Brawner

Mr. Thomas E. Ryan

Ms. Sandy Garza

In Memory of Mr. David Carter

Ms. Brigitte B. Saidi

Mrs. Francine Garza-Vale

Laura and Frank Burney

Mrs. Dolores Schultz

Mr. Frank G. Giraud

Mr. Robert Schumacher

In Memory of Mr. Alvin Stewart Golding

Mrs. Lyane B. Scoskie

Sally and Bill Hawkins

Mrs. Patricia R. Scrivano

In Memory of Mrs. Mary Frances Hamilton

Ms. Cecilia C. Hancock

Community First Health Plans

The Greehey Family Foundation

Ms. Louise L. Oppenheimer

Mrs. Jane K. Fohn

Ms. Lynne A. Hamilton

The Boeing Company

The Gorman Foundation

Mrs. Dan J. Sullivan IV

Ms. Sallie K. Riester

Ms. Katie Gwaltney

BE&SCO Manufacturing Company

The Alfred S. Gage Foundation

Mr. Jerry Olofson

Ms. Jessica Fernandez-White

Ms. Madeline N. Guyer

Ms. Patricia Jane Fugitt

Mrs. Iris A. Seale Mr. Stephen W. Seale, Jr

Texas Club of Cardiologists The Fenwick Club In Memory of Mr. Darrell Bohlsen

Bertie Smith

Ms. Linda McDavitt Ms. Chastity R. Morris

Spellman Charitable Fund of the SAAF Texas Art Education Association Texas Commission on the Arts Texas Women for the Arts The Texas Cavaliers Charitable Foundation

La Paloma River Walk The NRP Group Ricos Products Company San Antonio Meeting Center San Antonio Press, Inc.

Weston Centre

Akin, Doherty, Klein & Feuge Bolner’s Fiesta Products, Inc. Catto & Catto LLP Computer Rescue DH Realty Partners Digital Pro Lab

USAA Foundation, A Charitable Trust

Dixie Watkins III & Associates

Walton Signage Corporation

Downtown Alliance San Antonio

The Dixie and Cedric Wenger

Ford, Powell & Carson Insite Architects

Fiesta Arts Fair 2013

JW Marriott San Antonio Hill Country Resort & Spa

Ms. Susan Sideman

In Memory of Mrs. Mary Ann Hammond

Ms. Donna Simon

Sally and Bill Hawkins

Music Stage

Lake/Flato Architects, Inc.

Mrs. Hildegarde E. Slaughter

In Memory of Col. Hal Lamb

Bud Light / Silver Eagle Distributors

Marriott Rivercenter & Riverwalk

Mr. and Mrs. James Humphries

Mr. Anthony M. Smith

Margaret C. Boldrick

Mr. Truett L. Hunt

Ms. Edith S. Speert

Gretel and Tom Ekbaum

Children’s Art Garden

Mission Pharmacal Company

Mrs. Barbara E. Joseph

Mr. William Stevens

Mrs. Ellie Lamb


MPL Limited Partnership

Ms. Jo Etta Jupe

Ms. Janet Sullivan

Target Stores

Redeemer Presbyterian Church

Ms. June R. Kachtik

Gary and Janet Sweeney

In Memory of Mrs. Naomi RussellWolfman

Mrs. Luverne E. Keller

Mrs. Louise B. Thomas

Pamela and Henry Bain


Ms. Jane M. Key

Col. Thomas Tredici

Claudia and David Langford

Club Giraud

Mr. James G. Kohl

Mrs. Ana Uviedo

In Memory of Mrs. Phyllis Ann Smith


Jack and Kaye Lenox

Mr. Armando Valdez

Mrs. Nancy Puckett

Sally and Chriss Lloyd

Mercedes-Benz of San Antonio / smart center San Antonio

Mrs. Earline Valdez

Mrs. Diane S. Lopez

Rubiola Construction Company

Mrs. Anita Valencia

Mr. Ronald Lorton

Young Artists Program

Mrs. Jo L. Vanden

Ms. Catherine Lotz

Mrs. Cari Allen

Ms. Nancy Vandenberg


Mr. Ronald Vantz

Architecture Foundation of San Antonio

Mrs. Kay W. Vavrina

James Avery Charitable Foundation

Bromley Communications

Mr. Ruben G. Villalobos

George W. Brackenridge Foundation

Janet and Bruce Flohr

Mrs. Lisa Walker

Brighton Collectibles

Illusions / The RK Group

Amber and Jorge Canseco

Mays Family Foundation

In Memory of Mrs. Maggie S. Block

NuStar Energy LP

Ms. Anna B. Coiner In Honor of Mrs. Molly Branton

The Arch and Stella Rowan Foundation

Mr. Edward G. Conroy


Mr. Paul Hinojosa Dr. Kathleen Holcomb Mrs. Billie J. Hollis Mrs. Lucy Huff

Mrs. Alice A. Lynch Ms. Deborah Magruder Ms. Marilyn Maizel Ms. Maria Marquez Ms. Charlotte Maxwell Ms. Marguerite McCormick Ms. Mary McGannon

Mr. Paul Waryas Mrs. Carol Waryas

Martin & Drought, P.C.

Laura and Jack Richmond

Valero Energy Corporation

Bain Medina Bain, Inc.

Zachry Holdings, Inc. Friend Natalie and Barry Beller Adelle Brewer Centro Properties Dr. Lisa Davis Jana and Kenneth Fowler Kathleen and Julius Gribou Mrs. Edith S. McAllister Dr. Adele McCormick Mission Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Co., Inc. Syd & Gregg Muenster Ms. Cynthia Munoz

Mr. Helario Melchior

Mrs. Sharon Whisnand

Dr. Mary T. Morrell

Ms. Gail White

Mrs. Janan R. R. Moses

Dr. Leslie Williams

Ms. Judé Mueller

Mrs. Kit E. Williamson

The Nathalie and Gladys Dalkowitz Charitable Trust


W.D. Deli

Ms. Ruth T. Mulligan

Ms. Carolene Zehner

The Dickson-Allen Foundation

Acadian Ambulance Service

Elaine Wolff and Michael Westheimer

Ms. Martha Murray

Mr. Bernard Zenus

Ford Motor Company Fund

Baptist Health System

Woods Wonders Jewelry

Mrs. Betty C. Muyres

Mrs. Carol Zuclich

In Memory of Ms. Sue Burkhalter

Bartlett Cocke General Contractors

R.L. Worth & Associates, Ltd.


The Pool House Cathy and Jack Spector Van Steenberg Enterprises, Inc.

Gala Raffle 2012 DONORS Bliss Dr. Angelika Jansen-Brown and Mr. Bob Brown Center for Complimentary Medicine Central Market Classic European Skin Care Club Giraud Dr. Lawrence Cohen The Gage Hotel Bryan Gathright Glow Restaurant Hacienda Tres Aguilas The Hayne Family Julian Gold Aimee and Stacy Locke Mac & Ernie’s Roadside Eatery Ric Marmolejo Salon Greg Massari Dr. Deborah McCormick The Monterey Oak Hills Country Club Quarry Golf Club Revolution Sports & Fitness Richard Ruiz SA Fresh Catering San Antonio Gun Club TPC San Antonio UT McDonald Observatory Vino 30 Jeanie and Bill Wyatt Zero Balance Savor the Arts 2013 Sponsors Signature H-E-B Chef d’ Cuisine Cavender Audi Frost Bud Light / Silver Eagle Distributors Valero Energy Corporation Epicurean Bain Medina Bain, Inc. Cinco Vodka

Lou Celia and Don Frost Walton Signage Corporation Gourmet Joe Baker Dr. and Mrs. Brandon Bregman Krause Family Pinot’s Palette Rudy’s Custom Upholstery & Design, Inc. Savor the Arts 2013 Restaurants 20 Nine Restaurant & Wine Bar Bakery Lorraine Bird Bakery Café Salsita Central Market Cheesy Jane’s FrankieB Bakery Lily’s Cookies Lüke San Antonio Ms. Chocolatier Neiman Marcus Mariposa Restaurant Original Mexican Restaurant Page Barteau Catering Paloma Blanca Mexican Cuisine Picante Grill Savor the Goen South Catering Company Spice of Life Catering / The Veranda The Grey Moss Inn Restaurant The Smoke Shack True Flavors Catering Tycoon Flats Zedric’s Fresh Gourmet To Go General Contributions & Operational Support AIGA San Antonio Anonymous Mrs. Maggie S. Block Sunny and Bob Blumenthal The Brown Foundation, Inc. Dr. Sarah Predock Burke City of San Antonio: Department for Culture & Creative Development The Membership of Club Giraud

The Victor & Peggy Creighton Charitable Trust Double W Charitable Foundation The Kittie Nelson Ferguson Foundation Mrs. Mary Hart Frost theFund: Arts. Culture. Community Mr. and Mrs. James R. Garner Dr. Dudley H. Harris Hixon Properties Incorporated International Encaustic Artists Col. and Mrs. Robert E. Kelso Mr. James G. Lifshutz Melanie and Bob Maxham Mrs. Edith S. McAllister Monika Maeckle and Robert Rivard Surface Design Association Texas Commission on the Arts UTSA: Department of Art & Art History Elizabeth and Graham Weston In-Kind Contributions ($500 and Above) Joe Baker Andréa Caillouet Catalani Wholesale Produce Cinco Vodka Patricia Jane Fugitt Dr. Dudley H. Harris Hixon Properties Richard Mogas Architecture Dr. Steve Nivin Rio San Antonio Cruises Silver Eagle Distributors Jamie Stolarski SYSCO Food Services University of Texas at Austin List includes all gifts as of 7/23/2013. Please notify us if our records do not accurately reflect your contributions. Contact Stephanie Peché Canales at 210.224.1848. Thank You. Support is provided by the city of San Antonio’s Department of Culture and Creative Development, theFund, the Texas Commission on the Arts, and the National Endowment for the Arts as well as by many generous individual and corporate donors.

2013–2014 B OARD O F T RUS T EES O F F ICERS James G. Lifshutz, Chairman Elise Boyan, Vice Chairman Gini Garcia, Secretary Dan H. Hanke, Treasurer T RUS T EES Bernice Appelin-Williams Pamela Bain Barry Beller Clay Carrington Josie Davidson Karen Diaz Bruce Flohr David Goldberg Stefan Gräter Julius Gribou Richard Harris Randall Hawkins Andrew Herdeg Stacey Hill Anne Krause Cheryl Longoria Dan Markson Anita Uribe Martin Jesse Mata Ruth Medellin Darryl Mix Cynthia Munoz Boone Powell Angela Rabke Larry Reyes Andi Rodriguez David Shelton Kathy Sosa Gary Walton M CN U T T G A RDEN T RUS T EE Courtney Walker F O UN DI N G T RUS T EES Helen Marie Hendrie Edith McAllister Nancy Brown Negley CH A I RM A N ’ S ADVIS O RY CO UN CI L Andrés Andujar Adelle Brewer Frank B. Burney Marilyn Eldridge Otis Parchman H O N O RA RY T RUS T EES Chris Carson Robert C. Maxham

Events Calendar November 2013

January 2014

BFA OPEN HOUSE Saturday, November 9, 2 pm

EXHIBITION ARTIST TALK Tuesday, January 14, 6:30 pm

Learn about admissions criteria and scholarship information, tour SSA, meet with faculty, participate in a workshop, and receive informal portfolio feedback

Chris Sauter Russell Hill Rogers Lecture Hall

EXHIBITION OPENING RECEPTION Thursday, November 21, 6 – 8 pm Chris Sauter: Doubt Russell Hill Rogers Gallery I Shana and Robert ParkeHarrison: Selections from the Counterpoint Series Russell Hill Rogers Gallery II Anabel Toribio-Martinez: Interludes Ursuline Hall Gallery To learn more about our exhibitions, call the audio cell phone tour at 210.280.4028

December 2013 ADULT CLASS REGISTRATION Members Priority online: Wednesday, December 4, 9 am Open Registration online: Wednesday, December 11, 9 am Register at 210.224.1848 ext. 317/334 FAX 210.224.9337 CONCERT Thursday, December 12, 8 – 10 pm Cryin’ D.T. Buffkin and the Bad Breath Coates Chapel Celebrate the season with a special holiday-themed performance by San Antonio’s favorite growly blues band. The nine-member line-up includes all the brass you need performing holiday classics like “Blue Christmas” as well as their own unique work.

BFA OPEN HOUSE: Saturday, December 14, 2 pm Learn about admissions criteria and scholarship information, tour SSA, meet with faculty, participate in a workshop, and receive informal portfolio feedback.

300 Augusta • San Antonio, TX 78205.1216 210.224.1848 • Find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr

Sauter discusses the use of disparate materials, the transformation of common objects into other recognizable objects, and the inspirations for his newest works.

EXHIBTION ARTIST TALK Tuesday, January 21, 6:30 pm Shana and Robert ParkeHarrison Influences, Inspirations: The Artistic Path Trinity University | Dicke Art Building | Ruth Taylor Recital Hall

February 2014 BFA PORTFOLIO PREPARATION DAY Saturday, February 1, 2 pm Learn tips and tricks for putting together a dynamic portfolio and receive additional portfolio feedback.

EXHIBITION OPENING RECEPTION Thursday, February 13, 6 – 8 pm Texas Draws III Russell Hill Rogers Gallery Texas Draws III is a biennial exhibition that highlights drawings by contemporary Texas artists who choose this most elemental form of expression from a great variety of perspectives. Sarah Fox Ursuline Hall Gallery San Antonio artist and former SSA student exhibits new figurative paintings that explore mythology and consciousness from a female point of view.

BFA APPLICATION ASSISTANCE DAY: Saturday, February 22, 10 am to 3 pm Receive individual assistance on applications before the March 1 deadline.

300 Augusta Street San Antonio, TX 78205

Robert and Shana ParkeHarrison, Winter Arm, 2007, Print on watercolor with wax, edition 2/20, 21”x21”


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