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Buyer Journey

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The buyer’s journey is a process that customers will go through to decide if they want to purchase from a company. The goal is to get customers to purchase from Symmetry Surgical as well as develop brand loyalty and advocacy. These stages illustrate the different phases of the buyer’s journey, the information they typically seek, the actions normally taken, and where they look for more information and further actions.

Introduction Phase Research Phase Interaction Phase Purchase Phase Order & Delivery Phase Retention Phase


FIRST examples of what does that mean? Its the first time a potential customer engages with the Symmetry Surgical brand and one of our products.

Touchpoint collateral available:

• Digital Ad • Digital Banner • Digital Email • Magazine Print Ad • Social media posts • Sponsored Content • Website

WHO? Surgeons; Nurses; Supply Chain; SPD; Surgical Techs, Office staff The client has contacted us OR clicked on an ad link. This is our secondary level of information. It includes:

• Article links • Brochure • Catalog • Comparison Videos • Flyer • Product Call Out Videos • Promotional Video • Signature Banner • Website content

This phase has minimal content and is easily digestible; we provide highlights on the product, multiple images and possibly some specs and market comparisons.

WHO? Surgeons; Nurses; Supply Chain; SPD; Surgical Techs, Office staff The client has established contact with the sales team and we begin to engage in the sale process. Sales collateral is provided to support specific product needs, virtual or in-person demonstrations scheduled. Collateral here includes:

• Brochures • Catalogs • Clinical White Paper • Digital Animation • Flyers • Video • Pricing • Terms and Conditions • Animations

This level of information is comprehensive. Everything the client wants to know about the product should be here and include: product specs; product information; white papers; detailed information; attachments or products that work with the main product.

WHO? Surgeons; Nurses; Supply Chain; SPD; Surgical Techs, Office staff At this point the client is fully informed and has all the facts that they need to make a fully informed purchase decision. They will be guided through the purchase process with their sales person and/or customer service.

• Sample Kits • Demonstrations • Product Trials

WHO? Supply Chain; OR Directors; SPD During this phase Symmetry Surgical is fulfilling the brand promise by providing an ease of doing business, timely delivery, invoice processing, and an overall positive customer experience.

• Request New Customer

Account (will establish

Cust ID) • Request New Web Portal

Access • Share web portal access video links with digital postcard.

WHO? Supply Chain; OR Directors; SPD This retention phase is when the customer is reflecting on the product experience as well as the experience with Symmetry Surgical and determines if they will continue to do business with Symmetry Surgical.

The goal is retaining the customer, building a relationship with key stakeholders and creating advocacy.

WHO? Surgeons; Nurses; Supply Chain; SPD

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