Portfolio_Final Deliver

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ABOUT ME Laura Romeu Molero is a final year student in interior design at Elisava, with a broad range of disciplines including exhibition, domestic equipment and graphic software image manipulation. She helps people and develops assignments that satisfy the necessities of the client, which in essence is the purpose of design. She tries to transmit her knowledge and do it in the best way than she can. Laura began life as a design student at Elisava University, but before that, she studied technological A-level, related to her speciality, interior design. She has clear ides, and since she was the fifteen years old she has known what that she wanted to do something related to spaces. She also loves mathematics and music, and the relationship between these disciplins Currently, she is studying the final course of her design degree, and at weekends she works in a restaurant to earn money and allows her to pay her personal expenses. She looks forward some kind of job related to interior or furniture design to combine with her degree, in order to get greater experience in their sector.

COVER LETTER I am a final-year student who is about to graduate with a bachelor’s degree in Interior Design from ELISAVA University. I am writing to enquire about possible employment opportunities with Frank & Marcotullio Design Associates. I am interested in a position related to junior interior designer. As part of my degree course in interior design at ELISAVA with a broad range of disciplines including exhibition, domestic equipment and graphic software image manipulation, I learn some tools and software programs for doing better and in the correct way, the future assignments that clients want, so help they and do easily their lives. As you can see from my CV I have significant customer service skills from my work in a restaurant. This has enabled me to improve my communication in front of the people and in my class presentations, too. Within my position at work I am responsible to attending to the clients and give the best service that I can with friendly behaviour. Furthermore, I have considerable knowledge of administrative work as a secretary where I was responsible for attending to telephone calls, reading and writing emails, seeking customers and sending catalogues, bills and additional tasks for management. In addition, I have worked in different factories, such a textile company, called Naulover, or a sports company, called Decathlon. In this kind of job generally I was working for my own task. These jobs are not the main abilities that I need for my future career job, but I think that these kinds of jobs in helped me to have a good time management and be more efficient in my daily activities at university or my life. I am confident that the combination of my public relations experiences and my way to manage tasks and be more efficient makes me an ideal candidate for the position available. I think that I could help you with the two kinds of jobs that you have advertised posts for. My employment experience leads me to the conclusion that I am very suited to Interior Designer work and feel this move would be a logical career step. This kind of job would allow me the opportunity to develop my existing skills in a real world. I would appreciate the opportunity to work with your designer team. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours Sincerely, Laura Romeu

CURRICULUM VITAE Personal details Laura Romeu Molero 649 116 890 C/ Ramón i Cajal, 48 Sant Quintí de Mediona symphony.interiordesign@gmail.com web: https://lauraromeumolero.wix.com/symphonydesign


Personal statement A final year student of interior design at Elisava University. Constant, responsible, creative and an open minded person but thorough. Facility to learn quickly. Able to work in a team, in my speciality or in mixed discipline and equally team, as an individual working to own initiative. Eager to learn languages has a little knowledge of German, an intermediate level in spoken and written English, and obviously, speaks and writes Catalan and Spanish perfectly. Currently some assignments in graphic design, like a flyers or posters, while also working part-time in a challenging and insightful post as a restaurant waitress. Education and qualifications University studies: Escola Superior de Disseny I Enginyeria de Barcelona, ELISAVA (UPF) German course in Escola Oficial d’Idiomes (L’Hospitalet de Llobregat), currently first course. English course in Academy, to prepare first certificate exam. Selectivity: 5,7 Technological A-level: Escola Intermunicipal del Penedès (St. Sadurní). Qualification: 5,9 High school: Escola Intermunicipal del Penedès (Sant Sadurní d’Anoia) - 4th course Escola Agrària Camp Joliu del Penedès (l’Arboç) - 1st, 2nd 3rd course Elementary school: Escola Antoni Grau i Minguell (Sant Quintí de Mediona) Work experience On hostelry August 2012 – until now /RESTAURANT LA PALMA A weekend job that allows me to earn a salary to pay my course expenses. In addition, has helped me greatly improve my confidence in public, speaking and dealing effectively with costumers. On Offices July 2011 /QUIMIOPEN, S.L. Public service, assistant attending the customers and taking calls. Developed my relationship skills and improved communication skills when working in front of people. On Design 2011 /Fundació Joan Amades Designed posters for different activities that this foundation did in Sant Quintí de Mediona.

On Industry October 2010 – January 2011 /DECATHLON, S.A. During those months, I was working at heteroclitos section in the logistics centre of Decathlon in Sant Cugat Sesgarrigues (Alt Penedès). Another experience in the industry, but in this case only with students. Developed different work atmosphere, more sociable and comfortable, and closer relationship with workmates. July 2009 – September 2009 /DECATHLON, S.A. Worked at heteroclitos section in the logistics centre of Decathlon in Sant Cugat Sesgarrigues (Alt Penedès). June 2008 – July 2008 /NAULOVER, S.A. An insightful period of time where I gained my first experience of working in the industry. During those months, only on summer holidays, I was working in different parts of the production chain. June 2007 – July 2007 /NAULOVER, S.A. During summer holidays, worked in different parts of the production chain. June 2006 – August 2006 /NAULOVER, S.A. Working in different parts of the production chain. Languages Catalan and Spanish, speaks and writes perfectly English, intermediate spoken and written level German, beginner Software skills Adobe Pack Illustrator and Photoshop, high level InDesign, middle level Dreamweaver and Flash, low level 2D and 3D software Sketch up, middle level Rhinoceros, middle level AutoCAD, middle level Other skills A medium level at music, with some diplomas that I achieved from 1997 to 2006 in exams that Barcelona Liceo Music Academy. Reached the sixth year of music theory, the fifth year of piano and the second year of harmony. An enjoyable and insightful period which reflects the dedication and creativity that I apply to all my work. Interests and hobbies I am interested in learning more about the art of photography, it’s one of my hobbies but I want to do it much better. Another one is to be seated in front of the piano and try to play some pieces that I played when I went to the music school. In addition, since I was young I have participated in many sports, such as basketball, swimming or volleyball. I especially love volleyball because of the skills and teamwork it requires.



SPACE DESIGN 014 016 018 020 022 024

/01 /02 /03 /04 /05 /06


EXHIBITION DESIGN 028 030 032 034

/07 /08 /09 /10


PRODUCT DESIGN 038 040 042 044 046

/11 /12 /13 /14 /15



/16 /17 /18 /19 /20





Subject / Assignatura: Future Habitat project. Year of project / Curs acadèmic: 3rd. Team work / Equip de treball: Francesc Niell, Irene Rebenaque i Laura Romeu. Group exercise, where the main goal is to transform the purpose of any of the rooms of a house and change the context of these, but without losing the meaning. / Exercici en grup, el qual el seu objectiu és aconseguir transformar la finalitat de qualssevol de les sales d’un habitatge i canviar-les de context però sense deixar que perdi sentit.



This is an end exercice of the most important subject at the module of Future Habitat, done in groups where they have applied the knowledge worked in other subjects. Previously, each member of the group has working with some assigned spaces in a home. Library, dining room and the roof are what form the set final solution space to has become a house garden. The location assigned to constructing our project was an 8th to 10th floor at the final building, and thus can enjoy the sun. The garden has carried out on three levels, each one at a rate appropriate for the amount of sunshine that falls. Then, in the area with more shade and with the union to the staircase with the other group that are shared ground, we have created a flat with three floors, where the distribution are the same for all flats, and is made from the library concept, that it is reflected in the separation of spaces, and as an organization of the dining room, optimization of storage space.

Aquest és un exercici final de l’assignatura motor del mòdul d’Hàbitat Futur, realitzat en grup, en el qual s’hi han aplicat els coneixements treballats a les altres assignatures. Cada membre del grup ha treballat amb una dels espais d’un habitatge assignats anteriorment. La biblioteca, el terrat i el menjador són els que formen la solució final d’espai conjunt una casa-hort. Gràcies a la ubicació assignada a l’edifici que s’ha acabat construïnt, d’un 8é a un 10é pis, i així doncs podent gaudir del sol, s’ha dut a terme un hort a tres nivells, cada un d’ells amb un tipus de plantació adeqüada per la quantitat d’hores de sol que hi incideix. Seguidament, a la zona amb més ombra i també amb la unió per l’escala d’accés amb l’altre grup que s’hi comparteix planta, s’hi han creat els habitatges, un total de tres, on la distribució és la mateixa a tots i està formada de manera que el concepte de biblioteca es veu reflectit a les separacions d’espais, i la de menjador com a organització i optimització dels espais d’emmagatzematge.




Subject / Assignatura: expression and representation of exhibitions.Year of project / Curs acadèmic: 3rd. Team work / Equip de treball: Mervi Antila, Francesc Niell i Laura Romeu. Group exercise, where the main goal is to create an exhibition space or product from a pattern created with rhinoceros, which eventually will be built with cardboard matte, cut with laser machine. / Exercici en grup, el qual el seu objectiu és crear un objecte o espai expositor a partir d’un patró creat amb rhinoceros, que finalment es construirà amb cartró-mat tallat amb la màquina làser.



This entire exercise is created from the 2D and 3D editing software, Rhinoceros 4.0. The first step is to create a rectangular pattern with straight lines and curves that create an interesting way to work. The second step, is to find another pattern to continue to rise vertically above the line created in 2D. Once you have all the points, you join all lines to form plans, and these plans must intersect with others plans,so that in this way, the final piece remains rigid. The final piece has achieved to build an exhibition space, applied indoors or outdoors, and making function pergola, too. The sheets of this product / space are final may contain information or message that you want to show.

La totalitat d’aquest exercici està creat a partir del programa d’edició 2D i 3D, Rhinoceros 4.0. El primer pas, és crear un patró rectangular de linies rectes o corbes que generin una forma interessant per a treballar. A partir d’aqui, s’ha trobat un altre patró a seguir per aixecar verticalment les linies creades anteriorment en 2D. Un cop es tenen tots els punts, s’uneixen formant plans rectes, i amb aquests s’hi han d’interseccionar uns altres perquè així d’aquesta manera la peça final quedi rígida. La peça final aconseguida té com a finalitat constituir un espai expositiu, aplicable en interiors o exteriors, i també fent la funció de pèrgola. Les làmines d’aquest producte/espai final són les que poden contenir la informació o el missatge que es vol mostrar.



LAURA ROMEU MOLERO 649 116 890 SANT QUINTĂ? DE MEDIONA 08777 symphony.interiordesign@gmail.com https://lauraromeumolero.wix.com/symphonydesign

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