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For several reasons: it is a first-rate international cultural event that has enormous historical significance, the premier Spanish event of 2010 as it coincides with the Jacobean Holy Year, and one which can easily be paired with a thousand and one opportunities to carry out meetings of any nature.

CITIES SANTANDER History and tradition, hospitality and friendliness, services and infrastructure; these are just some of the arguments this city in northern Spain poses Meetings Industry.

SPECIAL VENUES VILLA ONIRIA A boutique hotel in a 19thcentury palatial home located in the heart of Granada, everything here has been created and designed to make their guests’ dreams a reality.

HOTELS PARADORES An entire chain of unique hotels and establishments in Spain has a philosophy based in making sure work doesn’t clash with real pleasure.

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SPAIN: A SEA OF M.I. OPPORTUNITIES Despite the undeniable decline in MICE activities - some more than others - and its impact on an international scale, Spain, although certainly feeling the downturn, still remains a tempting offer. Across the territory there are enormous opportunities and possibilities to be had, which also enjoy needed support from the different autonomous communities, institutions and professional groups who have heavily invested in this tourism industry for several years. The pages and articles in Meetings Industry in Spain have always defended this country: there are few nations in the world that can provide such a variety of products and so many facilities to those hoping carry out their events here. Especially now in these times of recession, when there has undoubtedly been a much greater acceptance to keep prices down, greater interest from governmental bodies, and greater attention paid by organizational companies and DMC’s. All this has not gone unnoticed by those who have opted, trusted and hired the services they need to carry out an activity in any Spanish city or regions. And if all this was not enough - the complete infrastructure expected by some of the world’s leading tourist destinations, the outstanding readiness of all the agents who intervene in the tourism business, the plentiful attractions available and the hospitality of the locals – one must add a captivating calendar of local and national events, even those which are internationally renowned. We refer to the series of events to be held in the upcoming months in our country, which means an excellent opportunity is waiting to be taken advantage, in terms of pairing with business activities of any kind. In chronological order, they start with the Año Xacobeo, a monster event which extends the length of 2010 and whose main attraction is the Camino de Santiago, in and around which a thousand and one M.I. suggestions can be arranged. Another is the NYC-BCN Atlantic crossing, a peculiar regatta which aims to unite the city of New York and Barcelona, the race’s finish line, and all that could arise on an organizational level. Furthermore, this same Mediterranean city will host next summer’s edition of the European Athletics Championship, a new opportunity for the Catalan capital to ratify its top-notch skills in organizing these types of sporting events, exactly as it did for the ‘92 Olympics. To these events one can also add a handful of international motor sports competitions, such as the F1 Grand Prix (of Spain, in Montmeló and of Europe, in Valencia), the World Motorcycling Championships in Jerez (Cadiz), Cheste (Valencia), Montmeló (Barcelona) and this year a new notch on the calendar: the race in Alcañiz (Teruel), which will be held in September on the brand-new Motorland racetrack under the name of the Grand Prix of Aragón. All this is a mere sample, as there are events in Spain for all tastes. One cannot forget culinary or cultural events, or concerts such as Rock in Rio Madrid or the countless summer music festivals dotted across the Spanish territory. In other words, in the upcoming months and now more than ever Spain means a sea of opportunity for MICE. We look forward to you taking advantage of it.



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Honorific Editor: Juan Robles • Editor: José Alarcón • Technical Director: Martin Robles • Adversiting: Antonio Melchor, Tere Serra • Art Director: Sofía Alonso, Verónica Urrutia • General Coordination: Marta Muela • Administration: Manuela Fuster • Editorial Council: José Alarcón, Sofía Alonso, Francisco de A. Carrió, Pere Camprobí, Estrella Díaz, Alberto Díez, Fernando Martorell, Joan Molas, Pau Morata, Fermín Pérez, Joaquim Sagués, Ramzi Shuaibi, Santiago Soteras, André Vietor, Antonio Wangüemert. • Writers: Marta Martínez, Raquel Alba, Pau Morata, Jesús Díaz Gámez, Daniel Bra, Marta Muela Edition: Synergias de Prensa, S.L. C/ F. Pérez i Cabrero, 11-B, entlo. 8ª. E-08021 Barcelona. Tel.: +34 93 241 73 12. www.meetingsindustryinspain.com Editorial Production: Publications & Meetings Industry, S.L. • COVER PHOTO: Camino de Santiago (TURGALICIA) MEETINGS INDUSTRY IN SPAIN ® #11. ©Barcelona (Spain), 2010 • Legal Deposit: B-47.057-2007



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Cover Xacobeo 2010


Cities Santander


Special Venues Villa Oniria


Wellness & Spa Majestic Hotel & Spa


Hotels Paradores


Grand Hotel El Mirador

34 36

Hotel Swiss Moraira

Events in Spain Barcelona, the end to a unique voyage


Co. Events


Useful guide





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hether it is the nonexistence of regular airline routes or the lack of seats available on the most sought-after flights, the message is clear to the MICE industry; these organizers of conventions, conferences and incentive trips must find alternatives. The airline broker Europair has the solution: hiring a charter plane and arranging trips a la carte to avoid a world of headaches. The advantages of hiring an air broker abound, as it allows us to choose the most convenient route, timetable and airport possible. But that’s not all – customers also have the possibility of tailoring the flight to their image, making their brand visible at all times or choosing the onboard service they wish, from the most basic to the most sophisticated. Choosing Europair guarantees success, one backed by over 15 years in the business and an average of 2,700 flight hours per year.


he 38 convention center members held nearly 6,000 events entailing the attendance of nearly five million people in 2009. One of the most favorable aspects has been the 7.5% increase in overseas visitors, having a direct economic impact on the events, which took in 1,900 million euros. Despite all the favorable figures, it is proper to point out that the number of both international congresses and corporate conventions fell as a consequence of the trying times the country is enduring in general, and the industry in particular. This is why José Salinas, the president of the APCE, was cautious when he affirmed that “although apparently positive conclusions can be drawn from the data analysis, we must not cease our efforts to raise awareness of the public regarding our industry in order to correctly direct the strategies

of our centers and allow Spain to continue occupying a privileged spot when it comes time to choose a place to hold meetings”.



he Barcelona stand will be an obligatory stop for visitors to Expo Shanghai 2010, which will open its doors on May 1st to an estimated 70 million visitors. It is calculated that 450,000 people daily will be flocking to the fairgrounds installed on the banks of the river Huang in this, the most populous city in China. The city of Barcelona, along with 50 other cities the likes of Madrid and Bilbao, was selected to share its experience in good city management under the slogan, Urban Best Practices. Barcelona’s stand is located in the Livable Cities section, sharing a pavilion with Beijing, Hong Kong and Smyrna and next to the China Taipei pavilion (one of the big stars of the Expo), both joined by a small square highlighted by an exact replica of the dragon Gaudí created for Park Guell. The two-floor stand of 1,000 square meters designed by architect Danni Friezes explains the transformation of Ciutat Vella, as well as the birth of the 22@ hi-tech district, valuing the determination to regenerate the urban fabric, making the city more liv-

able through sustainable initiatives and respecting the history and economic/social development of the city’s many neighborhoods. The Barcelona stand, whose director is Ferrán Ferrer Viana, uses sophisticated audiovisuals to display the city’s new urban reality and has scheduled an intense program of activities to strengthen the presence of Barcelona: Economic Promotion Week, Sports Week, Mediterranean Week, Cultural Industry Week, Urban Development Week, etc., culminating with the festival of La Merçé. Rounding up the event will be a digital book managed by Gruman’s to send messages of friendship to the IOC’s President of Honor, Juan Antonio Samaranch, a venerated personality in China and a key figure in bringing the Games to both Barcelona and China. Can you imagine a showcase open to the world with more than 70 million visitors? All bets are placed on Barcelona, the star of Expo Shanghai 2010.

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he tandem of the Hotel Rey Juan Carlos I and its Palau de Congressos de Catalunya will be 2010’s industry leaders. Around 20% of all European congresses will be taking place in its facilities, according to the Barcelona Convention Bureau in a recent study. 60% of the total number of congresses planned in the Catalan convention center in 2010 will be midsized events. A strategic location on one of the city’s main arterials, two auditoriums (one with capacity for an audience of 2,027), highly versatile meeting halls, large exhibition areas and abundant natural light in all rooms make the center one of the greatest landmarks of the congress and convention sector both nationally and interntionally.



or the third consecutive year, Iberostar Hotels & Resorts rolled out its Good Weather Guaranteed campaign for the Easter holiday. So you’re going on vacation and it rains three out of five days? Iberostar will make it up to you by giving away the same number of nights as the days it rained. The rebate can be cashed in at any Iberostar in Spain throughout 2010, so guests can get back the days they lost out to bad weather. The rebate is only applicable to your accommodations and there is no additional cost involved. So if it rained on your parade this Easter, go ahead and choose some new dates and a new destination, as Iberostar will take care of the rest.

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hallenging meeting organizers to set the price of a complete package... this was Dolce Sitges’s proposal, one receiving such an enthusiastic response that the hotel chain had to extend the sign-up period. The promotion was available at all the hotels of Dolce Sitges & Resorts Group, who invited meeting organizers to set a date, pick a Dolce hotel and everything they need to host an event, and suggest a price they would be willing to pay. If this price matched the chain’s estimate, a counteroffer would be made. If the price was too low, the hotel staff would make a new offer listing the precise details of everything they could do to meet this price. The promotion, which closed last March, was applied to meetings held before May 31st at any hotel in the group, including their latest additions: Dolce Munich Unterscheissheim, Thayer Hotel in West Point, New York and Seaview Dolce Resort, near Atlantic City, New Jersey.



or the third consecutive year, the Barcelona International Convention Center (CCIB) welcomed Networkers at Cisco Live!, a meeting held by Cisco, the multinational specialized in technology for Europe, the Mideast and Africa. The event attracted the leading representatives of the international telecommunications industry. The CCIB is more than capable of responding to the special needs required by an event such as this. It is one of the few centers in Europe outfitted with such a high level of logistics and technological capability. The potential to hold a gathering of these characteristics in a single venue is thanks to the size and extraordinary flexibility to adapt its interiors, not to mention its great accessibility. All this is without

forgetting the CCIB’s commitment to sustainability standards, the environment and corporate-social responsibility. On the other hand, the annual meeting of the Young President’s Organization (YPO) also chose the CCIB to host its first-ever event in Spain, the Global Leadership Summit. Under the slogan “Leaders for a New World: Prospering in any Environment”, the meeting brought 1,500 participants together to exchange ideas, business opportunities, knowledge, and challenges for the future. The YPO’s organizing committee, a world network of leaders under the age of 50, chose the CCIB for this event for its technological and logistical capability, size and compliance with environmental standards.



his up-and-coming events organization company was born with a clear intention to mark a difference. The key lies in “organizing an event a la carte, taking care of all the details to make sure the final result fits the client like a glove”. For Alex Clemente and Christian Grønli, partners and the brains behind d-versionevents (www.d-versionevents.com), this isn’t just phrase, it’s a motto. Nothing is left to chance or improvisation. They personally visit the hotels and restaurants which will form part of their programs in order to ensure that the quality on site is up to the standards required by their clients. The fact that the company is trilingual (English, Italian, and Norwegian) brings them an extra edge, strengthening their ties to Barcelona and the rest of Europe and vice versa, making the firm a sure bet in and out the Barcelona. Versatile and dynamic, they work shoulder to shoulder with their clients to ensure the complete success of the final product. Comprehensive programs which feature rooms in the best hotels, bet on innovative and exciting activities such as discovering some of the world’s best wine cellars, playing on the most exclusive golf courses, enjoying a day outdoors to the utmost onboard a quad, watching the best Barça on the pitch at Camp Nou or flying above Barcelona by helicopter. Just a small sample of all d-versionevents can do for you... so come and take a look.



roclientia, a company specialized in SaaS solutions and services, presented a study in Madrid revealing the ever-growing importance of digital marketing. 66% more companies will increase their digital investments, a new way of advertising that adapts to the times that is brushing aside traditional marketing channels. The study’s data was quite pertinent and pointed out that 28% more companies are diverting their publicity budgets towards digital outlets and 64% will increase their budgets outlaid for marketing campaigns in order to position themselves on web search engines, a tactic called SEO – Search Engine Optimization. More and more reputation-based companies are focusing their campaigns on social networks such as Twitter or Facebook. There can be no doubt we are in the midst of a period of change that has only just begun.

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ast February, the Baluarte Convention Center welcomed the 1st International Congress on Rural Tourism in the Kingdom of Navarra, which shared the date and space with Navatur tourism tradeshow. This convention premiere was founded on the premise of projecting the image of the Comunidad Foral as a reference in rural tourism and improving the overall quality of the region as a product. Here strategies developed for Navarra and other countries were analyzed, paying special attention to using social networks as a new marketing tool for rural tourism. Raimón Martínez Fraile, ex-secretary general of tourism, gave a conference that centered on marketing rural tourism products in times of economic crisis, underscoring its importance as a motor of the local economy; it represents 12% of the GDP and occupies 11% of the active population in Spain.

Navarra, a pioneer dedicated to the industry and which was a national leader in the sector for several years, was recognized as the best rural tourism destination by the Club del Buen Turismo (the Good Tourism Club) in the latest edition of FITUR.



he non-profit association Alava Incoming, a business association for the promotion of conventions and tourism in Alava, has published its new catalog for 2010. An umbrella organization encompassing the most important companies in this Basque province, this pioneering initiative has been a true reference within the industry. Ten years’ experience back an association that brings together convention organizers, travel agencies, coach companies, restaurants, active-tourism companies, wine cellars, golf courses, catering companies, and a long list of others which Alava Incoming uses to offer customized and personalized information and provide free and disinterested consulting to agencies, businesses, associations and promoters interested in Alava.

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ast February, the Hotel Bahía in Santander witnessed an act presided by Miguel Ángel Revilla, the President of Cantabria, and Francisco Javier López Marcano, the Minister of Culture, Tourism and Sports. After ten years in existence, the club has built a strong reputation as an excellent tourism management tool in Cantabria. The act saw the club welcome eight new members (three accommodations and five restaurants) which will form part of the club’s Accommodation and Restaurant Guide, which will also be printed in a pocket edition this year. The annually published guide has long been a reference nationwide. Another of the new features was the presentation of three new routes: Underground Heritage, the Camino de Santiago, Lebaniego and other Inland Routes and Cantabria, the Perfect Wave.



he Mercure hotel chain has added the Sofitel Madrid Plaza de España to its hotel portfolio. With this brand name change, the hotel is now called the Mercure Madrid Plaza de España and becomes the first incursion the French chain has made in the capital. Mercure, the world’s second largest hotel chain, is repositioning the establishments in its Accor Group to turn them into mid-range/high class hotels. The new Mercure Madrid Plaza de España will maintain its five-star rating. Located in the very heart of Madrid just a few steps from Gran Vía and the Puerta del Sol, the hotel features 97 classically decorated yet technologically up-to-date guestrooms (LCD screens, hi-speed Internet connection, free Wi-Fi). With such a great location and the finest quality, the hotel makes a great option for business travelers heading to the capital.



lobal Specialist Markets (GSM), an international business association and leader in trip management, has chosen Atlanta as its exclusive partner in Spain. After a rigorous selection process, GSM’s criteria for making such a choice focused in on Atlanta’s innovation and flexibility within their overall trip management strategy, plus the company’s ongoing investment in technology, excellent service and quality standards. Mr. Fuster, Atlanta’s general manager, affirms that this agreement allows his company to better consolidate their international standing to offer trip solutions and corporate events in 39 countries spanning 5 continents.

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XACOBEO 2010: A GREAT DESTINATION FOR THE BEST EVENT ‘Come to Santiago as a traveler, return as a Pilgrim’ The city of Santiago is the beginning or ending of a thousand-year-old journey, one as magical as it is arduous. An extraordinarily invigorating experience, there is no one who has come back from the Camino de Santiago or visiting Compostela during Holy Year in the same way they left. Furthermore, as 2010 will be the first jubilee year celebrated in 11 years - and often the best ideas do not necessarily rise from behind an office desk - the Camino de Santiago, with its inner journey, challenge, disconnect and even relaxation in tow, and the city of Santiago de Compostela are now offering themselves as the best possible backdrop for hosting any type of business event or meeting. by Maria Eugenia Rúiz de Azcárate photos from TURGALICIA

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verything is set to go in Santiago. The cathedral, with its Portico de la Gloria - a true vestibule to the heavens with charlatans, singers and grinners as the poetess Rosalía would say - and its censer swinging up into the heights, has the very same sense of timelessness that seems to waft through the entire city. Through stone-lined Compostela echoing with the steps and voices of those strolling beneath the street arcades, through the University cloisters, through the prosaic yet very real Mercado de Abastos selling all the ingredients of a secular cuisine from pimientos de padrón to empanada. Or through its solemn squares: Obradoiro, Azabachería, or Quintana. It comes as no surprise, as affirmed by Valle Inclan, that nothing moves in Compostela, where the clock reads the same hour time and time again: the only place where eternity reigns. Despite such a resounding sensation, the city is by no means asleep, and nor is it numb either; in fact, it is restless, a city capable of creating true cultural outpost, opening the doors on many of its age-old sights, mansions, palaces and monasteries to congress and convention tourism, all more than suitably equipped. From the Hostal de los Reyes Católicos, the jewel of the National Parador Hotels, to the San Francisco Refectory or Pazo de San Lorenzo de Trasouto, Compostela has plenty of hotel facilities to match up with its grand convention center, the Palacio de Congresos, among them the recently opened Quinta da Auga, set in a spectacular 18th-century paper mill. Only when the commemoration of St. James (Santiago) the Apostle falls on Sunday is the Composteano Holy Year celebrated. However, due to the unique asymmetry that regulates the calendar, this will not occur again in 11 years. Xacobeo 2010 closes out a magical 6-5-611 cycle of jubilee years with an extraordinary cultural showcase. This

will feature an international traveling exhibition regarding the figure of Archbishop Xelmírez and another of the photography of Cándida Höffer; Cirque du Soleil, Zubin Mehta, Mark Knopfler, and the boys of Ruta Quetzal will be coming… Poets will be here too, as were Víctor Hugo or García Lorca in their day, whose poems captured the burnished sunshine that often tints Compostela with complex silver and jet-black filigrees, much like the jewelry sold in the traditional craft shops.

A thousand paths Compostela is the end but also the pretext and beginning of a journey, sort of an incentive trip itself. Companies know this and have been taking advantage of the network of establishments existing along various stages of the Camino de Santiago to host all types of business events and meetings in truly original ways. The Portuguese leg of the trail can be traced from the Parador Hotel of Tui above a marvelous panorama of the river Miño, an exceptional place to make a stop. Tui is one of those tucked-away cities to leisurely discover from within. Cobblestone streets, arches, staircases, an 11th-century fortress-cathedral and all the flavors of yesteryear; in no other place can this be more strongly felt than the old part of town. Yet there is a strange paradox: it is from the banks of the Miño where the towers of the cathedral are unveiled in all their majesty. The river is also the site of several activities well suited to incentive trips, from canoeing or waterskiing for the more adventurous to a relaxing excursion on uniquely beautiful islands. Heading inland, one takes in the sight of Monte Aloia with its wild horses or Santa Tecla with its Celtic forts before taking up the pilgrimage trail and walking, always with your

Each will live their own ‘Xacobeo’ experience, but it is said one comes to Santiago as a traveler and returns as a Pilgrim

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Of the main trail stands out the so-called portuguese trail, which sets off from the border town of Tui and follows a thousand-year-old cultural route sights and heart in Compostela, to the city of Pontevedra. Here the Parador hotel, set in the very heart of this city awash in memories of sailors, brings all the requisites to the table for hosting events and why not, discovering the richness of the estuary, sampling its fish and seafood, and taking delight in the stone and glass surroundings along the way.

Europe’s Main Street The Camino de Santiago, the trail of a thousand stars much like the Milky Way, a path that keeps you heading ever westward on clear nights, might be considered Europe’s Main Street. And considered as such for time immemorial, long enough to lead to all types of encounters, even with one’s own being. This is why taking up a stretch of the trail is such an original way to hold an incentive trip, a walking convention where ideas and projects bloom: the best and worst of them. Pousada de Portomarín, an inn whose grand gallery opens onto a splendid view of the hills, also has all the necessary facilities to host any event. The Belesar Reservoir is perfect spot for doing water sports under the gaze of two churches; on one hand the impressive San Nicolás with bearings of a fortress in a cathedral’s garb and the other, the airy yet rotund San Pedro. No one could say they have been anywhere else in over a thousand years, yet both monuments and many of the town’s emblematic country houses were moved stone by stone a half century ago to keep them from being swallowed up by the rising waters of the reservoir. And herein lies the miracle: Portomarín knew exactly know to best absorb its former essence. Its long line of porches extends the new flavor of an age-old city.

From Portomarín to Palas de Rei one must make a stop at Castromaior, next to its granary and chapel enveloped in an inexhaustible babbling brook, before continuing on through forests and moors on the way to Vilar de Donas. Here one must pay homage to the Knights of the Order of Santiago, the bane of the bandits that once infested the trail in the past and whose noble tombs dot the finest sights in the area. A bit further on, high atop the rosary, Pico Sacro comes into view, which means Compostela lies in the distance. In olden days, this signaled a time for prayer and a drenching in the spring bearing the peak’s name, a way to shed some of the trail’s sweat and weariness. Nevertheless, nowadays it is much more recommended to take in a bit of relaxation at the nearby spa, the Balneario de Pambre, just over a kilometer from Palas de Rei, which also features meeting rooms and even individual thatched cottages with several rooms and a common area perfect for working or relaxing. From Pambre, and back on the trail from Palas de Rei to Melide, the path winds through particularly evocative territory, shaded and literary, the backdrop of fairy tales. As are the pazos, or country houses, of Ulloa and the still-standing 14-th century Castillo de Pambre, its famous castle and only one to resist the Irmandiña Revolt.

Pazos and cruceiros From Palas de Rei to Melide, the trail traces its way through the most emblematic areas of Galicia. The Galicia that is most loyal to itself, with its pazos (traditional country houses), petos de ánimas (shrines), recto-

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ries and other vestiges of its Jacobean past. This section of the trail is profound and hidden away, a contrast with the profuse Baroque decor on the façade of the Melide Consistory and its cruceiro, one of the oldest stone crosses in Galicia. Melide is at the crossroads of another of the Camino’s legs, the oldest and so-called Camino Primitivo, which crosses the Cantabrian cornice from Oviedo. It was a trail which was guarded by Roman legions without knowing it would later become Jacobean. These set up camp in A Cidadela, near the town of Curtis, an impressive site which can be visited even though excavation has by no means finished. The surrounding area, in Santa Eulalia, whose church was sacked by the Normans in the 10th century, was the birthplace of San Pedro de Mezonzo, author of Salve Regina. Some eight kilometers from Palas de Rei, on the trail in the Visantoña parish heading to Arzúa, is Pazo Vilar de Ferreiros, an ideal place to regain strength with some lunch or dinner, for example. The more spirited can also attempt to find the treasure buried in this country house that legend says was hidden by an indiano, a local who returned from the Indies after making a fortune. Some say it is tucked away in the roof eaves, but so far no one has dared climb up to check. In the immediate surroundings of this pazo and found along the entire length of the trail are several charming country inns which brim with traditional Galician hospitality. As does Pazo de Brandexo, where Valle Inclán set his Sonata de Otoño; Pazo de Sedor, with its large hearth and cypress tree rising before the door in a clear symbol of hospitality, or Pazo de Andeade, as noble as it is endearing with more than 200 years of history under its belt, a extraordinary place to celebrate the end of the stage. A pause to reflect upon when has been walked and what lies ahead. A thousand trails come and go from Compostela lit by a thousand stars.

Eight kilometers from Palas de Rei on the trail to Arzúa is Pazo Vilar de Ferreiros, an ideal spot to regain strength with some lunch or dinner

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Cities Santander

Santander Elegant, cultured, and noble, Santander has always been flattered by poets and writers alike and highly praised by residents and visitors. This should come as no surprise, being Spain’s first tourism pioneer. A functional city, yet one with enormous natural appeal, it has long known how to preserve itself over the years while reaping the benefits of its tourist acclaim. Cultural assets, one of the city’s strong suits, plus pristine beaches, unbeatable surroundings and succulent cuisine, have made this the chosen place, even for kings. THE LOVELY SPANISH CITY OF THE NORTH By: JOSÉ ALARCÓN, photos from JAG

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Cities Santander


he vast majority of the ample gardens and boulevards dotting the city have tended to be silent witnesses of many a stroll by great literary minds, and have surely been a source of inspiration, as Santander has also been birthplace of several. Capital of the Autonomous Region of Cantabria, today Santander is a lovely noble city which knows how to keep in step with the times, meaning it can also be considered a modern urban setting bustling with the activity of its residents. Situated on the Cantabrian coast in the northern half of the Iberian Peninsula, from a tourist’s point of view, it forms part of a brand created years ago, the “Green side of Spain”. The spectacular natural beauty of the surrounding area and indeed the entire region is a harmonious mixture of a landscape dominated by the color green and the intense blue of the Cantabrian Sea, which bathes a hefty number of magnificent beaches lined with fine, golden sand. In fact, many of the beaches appear, as strange as it may seem, immune to the passage of time and their consequent transformations. This may be why it is often said that Santander’s beaches still cling to all

the flavor, scent and appearance of days gone by, this including the peace and tranquility that so characterized these enclaves centuries ago. Nevertheless, the city displays its rational, functional and well-balanced side, making it a pleasurable stroll despite the steep streets of some of its neighborhoods. Today it is a city open and devoted to tourism and culture with such important events as the International Music and dance Festival or Menéndez Pelayo International University.

A superb location and potential for events Santander has a great advantage over many other Spanish cities: its geographical location is an enormous factor in its favor. Near the rest of Europe, there is extensive infrastructure in terms of passenger transport, in addition to it being the only Spanish port that currently has direct connections to England. It also has an ample network of public and private premises and complete facilities for hosting conventions, competitions, and trade fairs. Spacious modern hotels and complexes such

as the Palacio de Festivales y Congresos, or the Palacio de La Magdalena provide part of the wide range of scenarios for business and event tourism. Indeed it is also true that the many hotel possibilities enable the city to welcome other types of tourism, both in terms of form (cultural, outdoors, sports, culinary) or season (full vacation periods, week-ends, business and incentive trips, congresses).

A bit of history One would have to trace back to the Roman Age to find a reference of what most certainly was «Portus Victoriae», the port used by the Romans as their natural access to the sea. However, documents first cited Santander in the 9th century for the existence of the Abbey of San Emeterio, around which the first settlements grew. It is precisely this linguistic derivation of the Latin name Sancti Emeterii which gave the city its name, one that Alphonse VIII conceded in 1187 a charter to which would enable its incipient mercantile development. By the end of the 13th century, the economy had flourished considerably, producing a growth in population that would

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Cities Santander

The modern and spacious hotels found in the city, along with centers such as the Palacio de Festivales y Congresos or the Palacio de la Magdalena, form part of the long list of settings to host any type of event continue until the 15th century. It reached its apogee in 1467, when King Henry IV declared Santander «a most loyal and noble city». After a slight economic downturn and with the opening in 1754 of the road to the Castilian plains, a burst of commercial activity came with the wool trace, which would last until the 18th century. With its entitlement as a city and the creation of a maritime consulate, Santander would become the port of Castile, exporting to the Americas in the 18th and 19th centuries, times of great prosperity.

A natural balcony With the new fashion of “taking a dip in the sea” in the mid-19th century, the city saw the birth of a select tourist haven: El Sardinero. Since then, this undoubtedly natural balcony

over the Cantabrian Sea has experienced slow yet progressive transformation into one of today’s most elegant and expensive swaths of Spanish coastline to which flock well-to-do tourists establishing their second homes in this rather bourgeois neighborhood of Santander. Extending from La Magdalena Peninsula to Mataleñas, its heart beats in Plaza de Italia, where countless outdoor terraces put their effervescent stamp on the summer night. The wide beach is presided over by a majestic and emblematic white building erected in 1916, the Gran Casino. It soon became a symbol of not just the area but the entire city. To give us an idea, in his day the Spanish novelist Benito Pérez Galdós said of the Sardinero: “nature has put all the luxury that is here”, which pretty much sums up all the enchantment of this natural setting. Apart from this beach, Santander offers oth-

er no less fortunate spots. For example, one could not think of the city without its bay, nor forget the influence this has had on its citizens. The sinuous shoreline runs nearly five kilometers long, yielding sandy beaches both large and small, some in the shelter of the wind and thus bathed in calmer waters. Of its many sights, there is one whose compelling beauty and privacy makes it truly enchanting: La Magdalena Park (on the peninsula of the same name). Overflowing with vegetation and wooded areas, it stands opposite Mouro Island and the powerful Cantabrian Sea, both in the company of the Royal Palace, the most typical snapshot of Santander.

A small urban paradise Notched between the city center and El Sardinero is a lovely stretch of earth set between

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Cities Santander

A majestic and emblematic white building erected in 1916, the Gran Casino has become a symbol of the entire city.

beaches, the La Magdalena Peninsula, a natural area that is a small paradise atop which rises the elegant English-style Royal Palace, the summer residence that the people of Santander presented King Alphonse XIII in the early 20th century. The king and queen returned the favor by their repeated presence, turning it into the capital of the kingdom during the summer months. It has some lovely stables, extensive gardens and its own beach. The municipality recovered the palace and surroundings, currently a public park. Gradually, a zoo was added with natural facilities for marine species among the cliffs, quite a spectacular sight thanks to its location at the water’s edge. If throughout the year this city becomes the perfect place to enjoy much more than a handful of attractions, in the summer its charms double, especially during the bustling period of its renowned cultural calendar. The Menéndez Pelayo International University, the International Music and Dance Festival, and the City of Santander International Piano Competition are the three largest events around which the

activity of the warm summer months revolves. The first attracts personalities from all over the field of human thought. Its courses and seminars become a true forum of expression dialectics. The second takes place in the Palacio de Festivales, a magnificent complex where mythic musicians, dancers and theater performers flock to, while the third attracts some of the finest musicians of this fabulous instrument. Standing out among the city’s remaining monuments, rather scarce due to the fire of 1941, are the Cathedral and the Cripta de El Cristo, the two oldest ones, plus the Asamblea Regional, La Magdalena Palace, the Menéndez Pelayo Library and the picturesque Paseo de Pereda, a boulevard lined with typical houses with lovely viewpoints. As for the city’s festivals, July 16th is the celebration of the Virgen del Carmen, where the seamen’s guilds put up decorations and commemorate their patron saint with a beautiful procession to the sea. Also drawing interest are the acts and activities organized by the City Hall to coincide with the Ferias de Santiago (Ju-

ly 25th), when the summer nights are filled with sound of concerts in the Auditorio or the smell of the sardinazas (culinary events based on grilled sardines), not to mention the firework displays at the beach drawing swarms of tourists. On the other hand, Santander and its province are not lacking in options in terms of sports and activities, thanks to the proximity to the sea and plentiful green spaces. Water sports are an obvious choice, yet golf is the sports which has a better image, highlighted by Golf de Mataleñas and Golf de Pedreña, the latter being the links where world-famous Severiano Ballesteros sharpened his swing. Without a shadow of a doubt, elegant and peaceful Santander, domineer of a lovely seascape, possesses indisputable natural beauty and offers visitors its very best without losing a drop of its authenticity. A series of irresistible suggestions that must not go unnoticed by any Meetings Industry professional if they want to pleasantly surprise their clients with a destination that is different and where everything is made easy.

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Throughout the year, Santander presents the perfect place to enjoy its many sights, but summer is when its offer truly abounds, especially with its extensive cultural calendar which can be an excellent complement to a meeting or event

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Special Venues



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Selección de establecimientos que suponen garantía de éxito para cualquier reunión

VILLA ONIRIA Where dreams are discovered Villa Oniria is a boutique hotel in a 19th century palace located in the heart of Granada, just steps away from the city’s main sights. Not only is it surrounded by the best shopping and cultural areas this Andalusian city has to offer, it also is located just 259 meters from the city convention center, the Palacio de Congresos.

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ndeed, the hotel was refurbished according to the time-honored architectural canons found in Andalusian palaces, but it also features the up-to-date infrastructure and services, making the Villa Oniria a perfect place to host small business meetings, incentive trips and unique events. The hotel offers a total of 31 rooms, each one different and meticulously decorated by the prestigious interior designer Pascua Ortega. There is Wi-Fi Internet access in the rooms and common areas, plasma televisions, international channels, room service, satin robes, cotton slippers and luxurious amenities.

A standard bearer of luxury and comfort As we have said, this is a boutique hotel that strikes the perfect balance between luxury and comfort, ideal for small incentive trip groups who are seeking an added value for their meetings. There are also areas that can host both formal gatherings, such as the VIP room, and more relaxed events in the hall or garden, always taking into account whatever may be needed in terms of the lat-

est-generation audiovisual material. For sybarites and hedonists, the perfect place at Villa Oniria to relax and disconnect from a lengthy meeting is the hotel spa equipped with a wide range of services; a heated countercurrent swimming pool, Jacuzzi, bi-thermal showers, sauna and massage booth, or in the hotel’s many utterly charming nooks and crannies.

A culinary landmark For lovers of fine cuisine, such a hotel cannot be without a restaurant worthy of its class. La Fábula serves an excellent selection of fine dishes, while the ample wine cellar and lengthy list of spirits and cigars mark this truly top-of-the-line culinary reference in Granada today. Villa Oniria has undoubtedly been created to meet the most exigent demands, and the incomparable surroundings are matched by efficient, friendly and experienced service able to attend to every need. As this establishment, it would seem, “it is a place to discover your dreams”. More information: www.villaoniria.com

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Wellness & Spa

MAJESTIC HOTEL & SPA BARCELONA The new Majestic Spa offers an unforgettable stay where you can enjoy a wide range of therapies, from the conventional massages to the most sophisticated treatments in a luxury atmosphere.

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ince the year 1918 stands in the centric Paseo de Gracia of Barcelona the Majestic Hotel & Spa, recently catalogued with 5 Grand Luxe Stars. The Soldevila Casals family, owners of the hotel for three generations, has known how to endorse this emblematic establishment with its own special stamp that is exemplified in its interest in art, something that is reflected in the excellent collection of contemporary art that can be admired throug out the entire hotel. The Majestic has gone adapting its 303 bedrooms in order to guarantee its guests maximum comfort and well-being. A 300 sqm apartment with a splendid terrace on the ninth floor, offers one of the best panoramic views of the city. The Salón Mediterráneo, with over 650 sq


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m divisible into 6, completely sound-proofed salons, was totally updated, and fitted out with the latest technologies. And the new Majestic Spa offers an unforgettable stay where you can enjoy a wide range of therapies, from the conventional massages to the most sophisticated treatments in a luxury atmosphere. Not only the guests accommodated in the hotel bedrooms but also many citizens of Barcelona have discovered on the first floor of this establishment one of the city’s most famous restaurants: the Drolma, with one Michelín star. Rooms: 273 (From 199 to 450 €) Suites: 32 (From 399 to 4.800 €) Airport: El Prat (12 Km.)

Majestic Hotel & Spa Passeig de Gràcia, 68 08007 Barcelona Tel.: +34 93 488 17 17 www.lugaresdivinos.com

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PARADORES WORK DOESN’T CLASH WITH PLEASURE You can quit dreaming and make it reality. When it comes time to get down to business, what better way of doing so than in a place like Parador Hotels?

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here is no doubt this is a great way of starting off every meeting on a good foot and in an unbeatable atmosphere. Forums, conventions, workdays and board meetings become far more appealing when they are far from all the noise and interruptions yet close to all the necessary services and full of peace and quiet. Not to mention the wide variety of scenarios and settings to suit every need and time requirement.


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or invite your most valued customers, the gift to keep in mind is the Parador Hotels. The promise of a trip is one of the most effective ways of generating enthusiasm and motivation... What’s more, the Parador Hotels are incentives in themselves, a unique prize that is unmatched, much more surprising and stands apart from all the rest.

More Information www.parador.es

An incentive in itself Hosting a business meeting in a Parador Hotel means having a customized guide. Any of the 300 meeting rooms available can transform a meeting into a convention, a dialogue... Year after year, an ordinary meeting here becomes something historic. When the purpose is to give incentives to your sales network, award one of your teams

The promise of a trip is one of the most effective ways of generating enthusiasm

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Selección de establecimientos que suponen garantía de éxito para cualquier reunión


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he Iberostar El Mirador Grand Hotel with 120 suites is a boutiquestyle 5-star establishment possessing a universe of little treasures to share with guests coming to the island of Tenerife. What’s more, starting November 1st, 2009, it became an adults-only hotel. The hotel provides an unforgettable vacation on Tenerife for all to enjoy, under the bright Canary Island sun and bathed with the crystalline waters of the Costa Adeje, a place offering countless sports and activities. This Iberostar is located on the Atlantic Ocean on the peaceful Costa Adeje of Tenerife, just 15 metres from Duque Beach. Its luxury features count on cutting-edge facilities and pleasant spacious guestrooms – all suites – with a view of the sea. As for the exquisite cuisine, there are 2 a la carte restaurants, a beach club La Pérgola and a

gourmet restaurant, El Cenador, plus a buffet restaurant. The Iberostar El Mirador Grand Hotel provides us with 22,000 m2 to enjoy our free time to the utmost. Suites: 120 (From 200 to 620 €) Airport: Reina Sofía (17 Kms.)

This Iberostar is located on the Atlantic Ocean on the peaceful Costa Adeje of Tenerife

More Information Avda. Bruselas, s/n 38660 Costa Adeje (Tenerife) Tel.: 922 71 68 68 www.lugaresdivinos.com

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he Swiss Moraira Hotel is found in a true paradise set on the Costa Blanca in the midst of great swaths of green space: eight kilometres of coastline and three magnificent fine-sand beaches which alternate with small, picture-perfect rocky coves. Moraira is the small fishing port of Teulada on the coast of Alicante. Here the hotel rises up alongside stupendous gardens full of greenery and an exotic pool facing the sea. Its 34 guestroom do the same, of which there are 20 standard rooms (equipped with mini-bar, air conditioning, flat screen television, international channels...), 13 superior doubles (with a salon with hydro-massage, a large terrace with a private Jacuzzi...) and one spacious suite whose unique, exclusive comforts and large living room are specially intended for families. The restaurant Al Punt serves the chef’s own version of Mediterranean cuisine whose varied and excellent menu is loaded with imaginative dishes adapting more traditional cooking, not to mention the local wines, a pleasant surprise for D.O. Alicante neophytes. All in all, we can take full delight of the sense of space felt in every corner of this unique and appealing hotel whose decor is elegant, classic and rustic all at the same time. Rooms: 33 (From 140 to 210 €) Suites: 1 (From 350 to 380 €) Airport: El Altet (80 Kms.)

More Information C/ Haya, 175. 03724 Moraira (Alicante) Tel.: 96 574 71 04 www.lugaresdivinos.com

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Events in Spain

Barcelona, the end to a unique voyage

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An initiative by Enrique Puig to enhance and strengthen the international draw of both cities through a transoceanic voyage. By Àngel Joaniquet/J.A. photos by Laura Carrau, Jorge Andreu, Nico Martínez and Marcel Mochet

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Events in Spain


tarting in April, two cities, New York and Barcelona, will be united by one sporting event: setting the record time to sail between them. This union has the objective of being repeated in the future, which is why companies linked to the tourism and MICE industries have poured their efforts into it. The underlying idea is to join two cities, Barcelona and New York, through a nautical challenge whose objective lies in establishing a sisterhood that encourages the emotional and lucrative feeling between both metropolises. Both cities have a similar future vocation. Both are innovation and creativity generator whose economy is based on exterior commerce, tourism and services, not to mention the large-scale events that the world of tra-

de fairs and conventions revolve around. The idea of strengthening such inclination, to encourage clustering if you will, and create new synergies, which is the spirit of this challenge.

Trade fairs and hotel sectors in alliance It is by no mean a coincidence that this initiative is backed by not only the city councils of both cities, but also their respective chambers of commerce and the Fira de Barcelona (the Barcelona fairgrounds) and other associations devoted to projecting the image of these metropolises abroad, such as the New York Sport Council or the Barcelona Ocean Navigation Foundation. As the means to an end, oceanic sailing was

an obvious choice as both cities have a long sailing tradition. Both are seaports and docking stations for the great international transoceanic routes, and they have renowned yacht clubs. It was natural for the New York Yacht Club and the Royal Yacht Club of Barcelona to play a leading role in this bi-city encounter with the backing of the Barcelona Ocean Navigation Foundation and New York Sport Council to make this project a reality.

The dream of Enrique Puig The original idea was spawned from a Barcelona businessmen and patron, the deceased Enrique Puig, a spirited lover of the sea and his native city. Puig was member of Fira de Barcelona and

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devoted to his company, Puig Perfumes, whose headquarters can be found Barcelona and New York. His unending business trips to the city on the Hudson made him feel, without ceasing to be a dyed-in-the-wool Barcelonan, like quite a New Yorker. He was in the City for the tragic events of September 11th, enduring the anxious times that washed over the Big Apple. Since then, and for his love of New York, he wanted to join his native city to this American city. And three years ago, shortly before his death, he began to draw up this initiative that now has become reality. The New York-Barcelona Record has been boosted by businesses with international clout who seek to make both cities the leading characters of the event and strengthen their hold on their status as MICE city leaders. The W

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Events in Spain

hotel chain, owner of the Hotel Vela in Barcelona, or the Cervezas Damm brewery, always behind the most successful international events, are sponsoring the two pioneering boats in this challenge to set a record time in the nautical union between the two towns.

Joined by the latitude 41º The regatta will set off from New York at Ambrose Lighthouse, (40°27 N/73°49 W) located opposite the coasts of New Jersey and Long Island and the finish line will be in Barcelona in front of the Hotel W, (41º38’N/02º18’E). Both cities are located at nearly the same latitude, yet more than 3,900 nautical miles (7,223 Km) apart. They shall be symbolically united through the efforts of the sailors, as the objective of this challenge is a test of endurance.

As the regatta’s announcement reads, it is “to establish a world oceanic sailing record between the two cities that will serve as a mark to beat”. The initiative is a truly pioneering one, as it will be the first time in the history of ocean sailing that an Atlantic and Mediterranean city have decided to establish a sailing record. The competition will be between two identical sailboats, the Estrella Damm Sailing Team, whose sails were designed by Custo Barcelona, a big fashion name in New York, and the W Hotels Sailing Team, a company with great interest in attracting American tourism to the Ciudad Condal. Both boats are the latest generation single-hull IMOCA Open 60’s, which compete in some of the most famous regattas in the world such as the Vendée Globe and the Barcelona World Race. The competition lasts from 18 to 22 days and the record is to be monitored by the World Sai-

ling Speed Record Council (WSSRC), an international body part of the International Sailing Federation (ISAF) that regulates sailing speed records all over the world. The “mariners” taking on the record are wellknown sailing world professionals. Each boat has a three-man crew; onboard the Estrella Damm are Alex Pella, Pepe Ribes and New Yorker Stan Schreyer and for W Hotels will be Santander-natives Pachi Rivero, Toño Piris and American Peter B. Becker. These will take the helm to convert the NYC-BCN record into one of the landmark events in international sailing and strengthen the both cities’ image around the globe as pioneering groundbreakers. Undoubtedly, such an event is a great opportunity to carry out parallel events and business gatherings. This sports challenge has only just begun and future editions are sure to make a sizeable impact.

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Co. Events



he FEVE rail company is devoted to social-cultural initiatives and what better way to do so than putting its facilities at the service of culture to attract local citizens, converting the stations into places to congregate and participate. The project is called Open Stations and forms part of the FEVE’s Corporate Social Responsibility Plan. Open Stations, which opened at the end of 2009, has brought to Gijón Station the exhibition Vía Ottaviano by Asturian painter Juan Falcón. The exhibition opening was on February 12th and among those attending were Begoña Fernández, Councilmember for Employment, Equality and Youth in the Gijón city government and Guillermo Martínez, Director of the Asturian Youth Institute. Via Ottaviano took inspiration from a trip the artist made to Rome. Juan Falcón defines his artwork as “research into my own style”. The artist offers us his personal universe where extreme characters, vibrant instruments and disturbing animals captivate our attention with color and personality.



arcelona hides countless mysteries that pass completely unnoticed. When night falls, the phantoms and witches take to the streets, alleyways and squares. They have formed part of our predecessors’ imagination for over two centuries and Sylvia Lagarda-Mata has compiled them into a book, a historical account of witches, exorcisms, ghostly appearances and enchanted convents. All of which we can now relive, thanks to the theatrical tours given by Icono Serveis Culturals. Having achieved the same success with literary tours for books such as The Shadow of the Wind or The Cathedral of the Sea, it is now the phantoms’ turn. Started at the end of January, the Phantoms of Barcelona tour regularly offers Spanish and Catalan tours twice a month, with the option of being held in any language for private groups. The mysterious disappearance of the deceased at the Monastery of Sant Pere de les Puelles, the black masses held near Santa Caterina Market, the condemned dragged through the Calle Bòria by their feet, what was once the school of witchcraft la Seca or the House of Exorcisms in Calle Mirallers... all will make us tremble at the sight of this completely unknown side of Barcelona. And if we come across a true ghost, it might be good to keep a handful of nettles in our pockets.



n just one year, The Brandery has undergone skyrocketing growth. The figures speak for themselves: over 14,600 visitors, up 51% from the previous edition, putting the event as “the most important show of the future in Southern Europe”, according to Pere Camprubí, Director of Expansion at Fira de Barcelona and manager of The Brandery. More than 210 brands presented their collections over the three-day winter edition held at the Montjüic Fairgrounds. Custo, Sita Murt, Xavier Berneda and Andrea Rosso were just some of the Catalan big wigs, while at a European level, France, Italy, Portugal and the United Kingdom took up more than half of the exhibitors. The success gleaned from this edition indicates the show is on the right track to bringing in more brands, designers and buyers from other parts of Spain and abroad. The event featured its own laboratory of ideas: The Laundry, which held conferences and round-table discussions where ex-

perts and coolhunters spun ideas together and hung out them out to dry for the future. Bets were placed on technological fabrics and ecological footwear, just some of the innovations on display, plus a strong emphasis on accessories and complements of all kinds. It wasn’t all work, though, as there was plenty of time for fun. Live performances from hell-bent professional skaters, an exhibition of snowboards and ironing boards customized by renowned tattoo artists, music, chill-out areas, and even an ice-skating rink. All in all, The Brandery adds up: more space, more companies and more visitors. After the success of the winter season, motors are heating up for summer. Next date, June 27-29 in Barcelona.

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loret de Mar is fast becoming a true point of reference in sports tourism, an essential complement to its longstanding grip on sun-and-sand vacationing. This is why the Costa Brava city will welcome the 1st International Congress on Nordic Walking from October 21-23, a physical activity strongly rooted in Europe combining nature, sports and health. The project was created by the City of Lloret de Mar and Lloret Turismo along with the company of with Nordic Walking, a consultancy specialized in sports tourism. A key role was played by the Lloret Convention Bureau, created especially to promote and project the city as a strategic place to host conventions and incentive trips. Lloret will also be the site of one of the events in the 1st Championships of Spain in the Nordic Walking Champion Series. The



erra Consultoría de Incentivos are specialists in organizing events and incentive trips based on two fundamental premises: solidarity and the environment. Last Christmas, the company hosted Christmas Concoctions, a low-cost children’s show where the little ones enjoyed the all the magic of season. Mario José de las Muelas, General Manager of Terra Consultoría de Incentivos, clarified the expression low cost to avoid misinterpretations: “a low-cost event does not mean low quality”. These types of events need to offer good quality at the cost the customer requests. Adapting to the customer’s objectives is comes first, which is why plenty of market research gets done for every event organized by Terra Consultoría de Incentivos. In this way the event organization is streamlined as much as possible in terms of logistics and human resources.

event consists of a 2-km race along the city’s boardwalk and will take place on May 30th. Lloret aims to position itself within this market segment and expand its appeal for active and sports tourism in the rest of Europe, where Nordic walking is a common sport. The activity consists in walking with poles to assist

Christmas Concoctions was a complete success. Children thoroughly enjoyed the magic that this is always stirred up this time of year. The catering was taken care of by the Association of IBERIA Employees with Handicapped Children, who put a note of solidarity to the project. It is worth mentioning that Terra Consultoría de Incentivos has important clients in its portfolio, such as Banco Santander, British Telecom or Roche Farma and has been awarded the Prize of Excellence for its incentive trips, and the prize for the Best Incentive Trip in all Europe.

the effort of the muscles, the cardiovascular system, coordination and mobility. It is a pleasant, low-impact sport apt for all ages. The initiative to create a Nordic Centre Walking in Lloret was awarded second place in the contest for the best Active Tourism product given by the magazine Aire Libre and Fitur.

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Co. Events



he Adrian Awards recognize the advertising campaigns, public relations and marketing strategies carried out by tourism companies. At its 20th annual banquet held in New York, Dolce Hotels & Resorts were given two awards. One was the Platinum Adrian Award for their campaign Play, Choose and Pack your Bag. This marketing strategy encouraged customers to become fans in the company’s Facebook page and send in proposals for the most original, fun and exciting vacation package with the best given a prize. They attained their second award, a Bronze, with the Dolce Box. This ingenious initiative aimed to bring back a European tradition inspired back in the times of World War II when tra-


velers used to bring cakes and gifts to their hosts. The initiative consisted of executive chef of Dolce Chantilly creating three different marmalades, one for each ring in the company’s logo which symbolize the hotel chain’s philosophy: enrichment, connectivity and community. Xavier Louyot, Dolce’s marketing and public relations director, remarked the

Dolce Box meant “we had succeeded in introducing the identity of the Dolce brand and had successfully spread the word regarding what hotels and resorts the company has in Europe”. He added that “we were able to go that extra step by introducing the Dolce kitchen experience through this experimental marketing and communication tool”.


ferent nationalities is really important when learning languages different than your mother tongue”. The top three golfers receive prizes and trophies and there was a gift raffle among all the participants.

nd to do so, it decided to open its Monthly Junior Championships to players to the rest of the area golf schools, in addition to those from its own academy, Positive Golf. The first of these championships was held this past February and had a sizeable turnout from the other schools in the area. Vanesa Garvayo, Head of Greenlife Golf in Marbella, believes “one of the most important aspects golf brings to children is its facet as a social sport” and it was for this reason the championship was opened up to other clubs, to bring “a great added value”. Positive Golf is one of the schools with the most British children in the entire Costa del Sol, although in the last few years the number of Spanish children has increased considerably. This is something truly positive for the Head of Greenlife because “the interaction on the green between children of dif-



he Valenti Sancti Petri Hotel and Convention Center on the Costa de la Luz (Cadiz) has recorded a sizable amount of activity at its facilities in the first few months of the year, in terms of hosting events, some of them of great magnitude. One of the highlights were the 400 professionals from the pharmaceuticals industry who had reserved the hotel resort to hold their internal convention. The event counted on the hotel’s exclusive service so its facilities could be personalized to better position the company’s brand. On the other hand, the large automobile manufacturer Volkswagen Group once again entrusted the Hotel and Convention Center for its 10th annual Paddleball and Tennis Tour Circuit. Over 130 people arrived at the hotel for this company event. The car company had already held the world launch of its Tiguan model here, which was attended by more than 3,000 dealers from several countries who took full advantage of this specialized hotel center.

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his past February Sitges held a casting call for extras for the new television series by director Manuel Huerga. Around thirty people were chosen among the over 150 who had turned up to form part of the cast of Operación Malaya. The port of Aiguadolç, the Terramar golf course and the city’s old town were converted into television film sets for the series which will be premiering at the end of 2010. The Sitges Film Office, the sole municipal office for handling and coordinating all the filing petitions for Sitges, has coordinated this and other film shootings during the month of February, such as for the program Divendres on TV3 and three publicity spots, two of them for cars. Last year Sitges recorded 96 different shootings, a fact contributing to economically stimulate the town and promote its image abroad. Sitges, innovator and nationally and internationally renowned tourist attraction, will also take part in a pilot project from the La Caixa, Telefónica and Visa focused on a mobile phone purchase system using NFC technology (Near Field Communication). The coastal town is ideal for the pilot project thanks to its bustling shopping district. It has taken all the necessary measures to get this six-month initiative off the ground and successful.

et another year Lloret de Mar dressed up in its best and headed out on the town. Fiesta, fun and color lined the streets of Lloret for the latest edition of Carnival. This year there were three suggestions topping the festival program. On one hand, there was the Used Costume Fair, an original initiative where you can sell your old penguin costume from last year and buy that bandoleer outfit that you like so much. On the other hand, there was the Wear-a-Costume-to-Work Contest. Imagine that for one day the office was full of Groucho Marxes, Snow Whites or Fred Flintstones. For this contest, the inhabitants of Lloret organized themselves by street, neighborhood or individually to head to work dressed up in costume, while the judges took to the streets to choose the best costumes. Finally, there was the twentythird edition of the Ladies’ Dance. Here the women took the floor and the men headed to one side in street clothes, while the ladies in their best danced to the sounds of the Costa Brava orchestra and band Trifàsic.

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Useful guide


PALMA DE MALLORCA Mallorca Convention Bureau 34 971 73 92 02 info@mallorcacb.com

Barcelona Convention Bureau 34 93 368 97 00 bcb@barcelonaturisme.com


S.C. TENERIFE Tenerife Convention Bureau 34 922 23 78 89 info@tenerifecb.com

Bilbao Convention Bureau 34 94 479 57 70 bicb@bilbaoturismo.bilbao.net


SANTANDER Santander Convention Bureau 34 942 20 30 02 congresos@ayto-santander.es

Girona Convention Bureau 34 972 41 85 00 gicobu@cambrescat.es

LA CORUÑA Consorcio de Turismo y Congresos de La Coruña 34 981 18 43 44 info@turismocoruña.com

LAS PALMAS Gran Canaria Convention Bureau 34 928 26 15 70 convention@laspalmasgccb.com

MADRID Spain Convention Bureau 34 91 364 37 00 femp@femp.es

Madrid Convention Bureau 34 91 588 29 00 congresos@munimadrid.es


SAN SEBASTIÁN San Sebastián Convention Bureau 34 943 48 14 66 bureau@donostia.org

CONVENTION CENTRES BARCELONA Centre de Convencions Internacional de Barcelona 34 93 230 10 00 ccib@ccib.es

Palau de Congressos de Catalunya 34 93 364 44 00 marta.rodriguez@pcongresos.com

Centro de Convenciones Gran Vía 34 93 233 20 00 info@firabcn.es

Palacio de Congresos de Barcelona


34 93 233 20 00 info@firabcn.es

Santiago de Compostela Convention Bureau

World Trade Center Barcelona

34 981 55 51 29 turismo@santiagoturismo.com


34 93 508 80 00 congresos@wtcbarcelona.es


Turismo de Sevilla

Palacio de Congresos y de la Música de Bilbao ‘Euskalduna’

34 95 459 29 15 turismo@sevilla.org

34 94 403 50 00 info@palacioeuskalduna.net



Toledo Convention Bureau 34 925 21 31 12 congresos@toledo-congresos.org


Málaga Convention Bureau

Turismo Valencia Convention Bureau

34 95 206 18 30 convention.bureau@ayto-malaga.es

34 96 360 63 53 turisvalencia@turiosvalencia.es



Oficina de Congresos de Murcia

Zaragoza Convention Bureau

34 968 34 18 18 congresos.murcia@congremur.com

34 976 72 13 33 zcb@zaragoza.es

Palacio de Congresos Y. Atapuerca 34 947 00 11 22info@palaciocongresosatapuerca.com

CÁDIZ Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones 34 956 29 10 17 cadiz2000@palaciocongresos-cadiz-com

CÓRDOBA Palacio de Congresos 34 957 48 31 12 palacio@cordobacongress.com

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GRANADA Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos 34 958 24 67 00 palacio@pcgr.org

Centro de Convenciones Mapfre Vida


34 91 581 16 27 cc@mapfre.com

34 942 29 00 40

Palacio de Congresos de Madrid


34 91 337 81 00 castellana.palacio@tourspain.es

Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones


34 956 18 07 32 ifeca@dipucadiz.es

Palacio de Ferias y Congresos de Málaga

LA CORUÑA Palacio de Congresos-Auditorio 34 981 14 04 04 director@palacongres.com

LA LÍNEA DE LA CONCEPCIÓN Palacio La Línea 34 956 769 950 info@palaciolalinea.com

LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIAS Palacio de Congresos de Canarias 34 928 49 17 70 info@pcongresos-canarias.com

34 952 04 55 00 pfyc@promalaga.es

MÉRIDA Palacio de Congresos de Mérida 34 924 007 308 palacios@palaciosdecongresosdeextrema dura.com


Riojaforum Palacio de Congresos y Auditorio de La Rioja 34 941 276 200 riojaforum@riojaforum.com

MADRID Centro de Congresos Príncipe Felipe Hotel Auditorium Madrid 34 91 400 44 00 info@hotelauditorium.com

Centro de Convenciones Feria de Madrid 34 91 722 50 74 convenciones@ifema.es

SEVILLA Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos de Sevilla 34 95 447 87 00 general@fibes.es

SITGES Centro de Congresos Meliá Sitges 34 93 811 08 11 melia.sitges@solmelia.com

TARRAGONA Palacio Ferial y de Congresos de Tarragona 34 977 24 55 77 info@palaucongrestgna

Auditorio y Centro de Congresos Víctor Villegas


34 968 34 10 60 congresos@ auditoriomurcia.org

Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones

PALMA DE MALLORCA Congress Palace Palma


Palacio de Exposiciones

34 971 73 70 70 info@congress-palace-palma.com

SALAMANCA Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones 34 923 26 51 51 congresos@palaciocongresossalamanca.com

SAN SEBASTIÁN Palacio de Congresos Auditorio Kursaal 34 943 00 30 00 kursaal@kursaal.org

34 95 237 92 03 direccion@palacio-congresos.com

VALENCIA Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias 34 96 197 45 00 rree@cac.es

Palacio de Congresos 34 96 317 94 00 palcongres-vlc@palcongres-vlc.com

Centro de Eventos de Feria Valencia 34 902 74 73 32 eventos@feriavalencia.com

VALLADOLID Centro de Congresos Valladolid 34 983 42 93 00 feriavalladolid@feriavalladolid.com



Centro Internacional de Ferias y Congresos de Tenerife

Auditorio Palacio de Congresos de Zaragoza

34 922 22 29 52 iftsa.iftsa@cabtfe.es

34 976 72 13 00 informacion@auditoriozaragoza.com



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Useful guide




AC Gran Hotel La Rioja

Hotel Maria Cristina

34 941 27 23 50 aclogroño@ac-hotels.com

34 943 43 76 00 hmc@westin.com



Hotel Hesperia Madrid

Hotel Real

34 93 495 77 77 barcelona@hilton.com

34 91 210 88 00 hotel@hesperia-madrid.com

34 942 27 25 50 realsantander@husa.es

G.H. La Florida

Hotel HUSA Princesa

34 93 259 30 00 info@hotellaflorida.com

34 91 542 21 00 husaprincesa@husa.es

Hotel Grand Marina

Hotel Meliá Castilla

34 93 603 90 00 info@grandmarinahotel.com

34 91 567 50 00 melia.castilla@solmelia.es

34 981 55 24 44

Hotel Majestic

Hotel Miguel Angel

34 93 488 17 17 recepcion@hotelmajestic.es

34 91 442 00 22 hma@occidental-hoteles.es


Hotel Princesa Sofia

Hotel Ritz

34 93 508 10 00 psofia@expogrupo.com

34 91 701 67 67 comercial@ritz.es

Hotel Rey Juan Carlos I


BARCELONA Hotel Arts 34 93 221 10 00 info@harts.es

Hotel Barcelona Hilton

34 93 364 40 40 reservas@hrjuancarlos.com

BILBAO Hotel Lopez de Haro 34 94 423 55 00 lh@hotellopezharo.com

BURGOS Hotel Landa Palace 34 947 25 77 77 landapal@teleline.es

Hotel Don Carlos 34 95 283 11 40 resa@hotel-doncarlos.com

PALMA DE MALLORCA Arabella Sheraton Golf Hotel Son Vida 34 971 78 71 00 golfhotelsonvida@arabellasheraton.es

SALAMANCA Salamanca Forum Resort 34 923 33 70 20 convenciones.hoteldb@grupomrs.com

Hotel Alameda Palace Salamanca 34 923 28 26 26 angela@hotelalamedapalace.com

SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA Hotel AC Palacio del Carmen pcarmen@achotels.com

Hotel Meliá Colon 34 95 450 55 99 melia.colon@solmelia.com

TOLEDO Hotel Hilton Buenavista Toledo 34 925 28 98 20 info.buenavistatoledo@hilton.com

VALENCIA Hotel Meliá Valencia Palace 34 96 337 50 37 melia.valencia.palace@solmelia.es

ZARAGOZA Hotel Palafox 34 976 23 77 00 hotelpalafox@palafoxhoteles.com






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