pablo Casilimas
Building a brand is a long-term game Story by: Staff Writer
ootex is a Content
was an extremely powerful
the Art of Biz, where they
Marketing Agency
medium for a brand to tell
share the stories of distinct
that is made up of a
their story, and that it was only
entrepreneurs, their successes,
blend of talented creatives and
becoming more relevant. He
failures and the lessons they’ve
marketing experts in order to
bought his first camera with
learned along their journeys.
give clients the highest return
$1500 he had saved up during
At its core, Rootex operates
on their marketing dollars.
an internship and started
on the principle that if we can
Pablo Casilimas founded
creating videos for non-profits
help our clients serve their
Rootex in late 2015 while he
and UF departments to build
target audiences, our clients
was an undergraduate student
his portfolio and brand.
will thrive and we will too as
at the University of Florida. He
In 2017, Pablo met his
a result. If you’re in business,
started it because he had an
mentor Marty, who taught
it’s because you’re either
undying curiosity to answer
him the importance of being
fulfilling a need or solving
the question: What makes a
a great leader and the power
somebody’s problem. At
business succeed rather than
of being a great listener. Pablo
Rootex, it’s our mission to help
fail? He knew that if he could
used the principles he learned
your organization connect with
figure that out, he could help
from Marty to assemble a team
as many of those people as
numerous other businesses
of the most talented creatives
thrive while growing his
and marketers he could find in
Our agency follows the same
own. From the start, he had a
the area. Pablo and Marty now
advice we give our clients,
conviction that video-content
have a podcast together called
“Building a brand is a long