I’ve hired a
Story by: Shareen Baptiste
consulting firm, now what? A fter reading last year’s article
what services the contract entails and
is key that this liaison has excellent
featured in SYNERGY, “Top
what it does not, as well as the budget
organizational, communication and
5 Reasons Why Businesses
from which the consultant(s) will
coordination skills. Selecting one team
Should Outsource Professional
operate from in order to execute the
member to serve as a liaison reduces
Services,” you decide to hire a
requested services. In the beginning
the occurrence of miscommunication,
consulting firm. You did everything
as the business relationship forms,
ensures continuity in the flow of
by the book – you did your research,
the consultant(s) may need to meet
information and ideas, and facilitates
drafted a contract and even onboarded
often, so this individual needs to be
responsiveness, quicker decision
a specialized consulting firm. Now
responsive and accessible. One aspect
making and a stronger bond between
what? Here are some best practices to
to being responsive is providing
both parties.
engage your consulting firm effectively.
documents and information the
2. Communicate your preferences.
1. Select a liaison. Designate one
consultant(s) need within the agreed
Write down your preferences and
team member who will liaise with the
upon timeframe. Additionally, the
go over them with the consultant(s)
consulting firm.
liaison should have the authority
within one of the first few meetings.
This individual will need access
to make decisions on behalf of the
Doing so establishes clear boundaries
to the scope of work portion of the
business or open access to the
and sets precedent for how all parties
contract, so he/she has an accurate
business’ decision maker and his/
wish to be engaged. Preferences
and comprehensive understanding of
her calendar. Last but not least, it
include, but are not limited to the