Talenti Catalog: Premium Collections

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Style Premium

Talenti presenta le nuove collezioni ispirate alle calde e luminose atmosfere dei paesi che si affacciano sul Mar Mediterraneo declinando influenze e gusti con l’eleganza e lo stile minimal delle migliori scuole di design italiano e internazionale.

A raccontare lo splendore non solo della nostra bella Italia ma anche di Spagna, Francia, Grecia e Nord Africa sono i colori: la luminosità abbagliante del bianco, mitigata dai toni sobri ed eleganti dell’ecrù e del grigio, lascia spazio alla profondità del verde, alle sfumature calde e avvolgenti della terracotta, alla meraviglia dei fiori d’amaranto, al giallo vibrante dei limoneti del Sud. Come mutuandoli da una tavolozza impressionista, con i colori si gioca sapientemente: talvolta essi spiccano come pennellate pure e vibranti e talvolta fanno da raffinata cornice alla vera protagonista, la natura. Questa maestria, unita alla ricercatezza di materiali e finiture, darà vita a case e giardini piene di sole, mare e pura gioia.

The new collections presented by Talenti are all inspired to the warm and bright atmospheres that you can breathe in the countries lapping the Mediterranean Sea. Characterised by high-quality elegance and minimal style, they are the fruit of the best international and Italian design schools.

The use of colours allows to describe not only the beauty of Italy, but also the splendour of Spain, France, Greece and North Africa: the brightness of the white, tempered by the sober and elegant tone of the écru and grey, makes way to the intensity of the green, along with the warm shades of terracotta, the charm of the amaranth flowers and the yellow vibrancy of the south lemon orchards.

As in an impressionist palette, our designers have created plays of colours, sometimes pure and vibrant and sometimes coprotagonists of nature, the real star. This mastery, together with the quality and research for the materials will bring in your homes and gardens plenty of sun, sea and absolute joy.

Argo - Cruise - Cliff - Frame - George

Karen - Malè - Panama - Salinas - Scacco

Slam - Tribal - Tweet

Alabama - Cleo - Coral - Lake

Leaf - Milo - Reef



Moon Path

INDEX 09 61 85 119 169 193 211 261 287 321 333 349 427 457 465 507 513 519 Coral Slam//Rope Slam CleoSoft//alu Frame Lake Moon//alu Moon//teak Malè Tweet Reef Panama Alabama//alu Alabama//wood Milo Breez Breez 2.0 Sacco


Design Marco Acerbis

Ispirata alla modularità, la collezione Coral è caratterizzata da materiali quali alluminio e corda che impreziosiscono il prodotto e ne garantiscono la qualità nel tempo. Le linee pulite e le composizioni equilibrate della collezione sono arricchite da una serie di complementi che permettono un alto livello di utilizzabilità e confort. Il tema della corda è preponderante e lo si ritrova anche come dettaglio nelle impugnature delle sedute, nel side table o nei pouf. I divani sono caratterizzati da un volume solido sulla seduta, addolcita dai cuscini decorativi, in contrasto con le sedie e le sedute lounge la cui struttura esile e raffinata introduce il tema della leggerezza.

Coral Collection is inspired by modularity and it is characterized by materials, such as aluminum and rope, that embellish the product and at the same time grant its quality in the long term. The clean lines and the balanced compositions are enriched by a series of accessories that allow a high level of usability and comfort. The theme of the rope is predominant and it is possible to find it also as detail in the handles of the seats, in the side table or in the pouf. The Sofas, that are softened by the decorative cushions, are characterized by the solid volume of the seat creating a contrast with the chairs and the lounge seats whose thin and refined structure introduces the theme of lightness instead.

9 8
11 10


lounge rope armchair, coffee table 50x50

white frame

beige colour rope

cushions in warm white colour

ceramic beige top table

13 12
15 14


sofa lounge sx, side table

white frame

beige colour rope

cushions in warm white colour

ceramic beige top table

17 16
19 18
Coralcollection 21 20
Coralcollection 23 22
Coralcollection 25 24
27 26


daybed white frame

beige colour rope

cushions in warm white colour

ceramic beige top table

29 28
31 30
33 32
35 34


sofa lounge dx, sofa cx, sofa corner

cleo arc lamp

graphite frame

dark grey colour rope

cushions in grey colour

deco in blue ice & grey colour

37 36
Coralcollection 39 38


coffee table 120x80, 100x100 graphite frame ceramic charcoal top table

41 40
Coralcollection 43 42
Coralcollection 45 44
47 46
49 48
Coralcollection 51 50
Coralcollection 53 52
A14 A12 R8 S11 S18 C53 C46 C53 C48w C48w C38 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A12 A12 A12 A12 A12 A12 C53 C53 C53 C53 C53 C53 C48w C48w C48w C48w C48w C48w R28 R8 R8 R8 R8 R8 R28 R28 R28 R28 R28 C47 Finishing
Aluminium frame graphite Gres table top white warm white warm white peach beige dark grey dark grey dark grey charcoal beige Seat / back (70x45) fabric cushions Synthetic ropes Pillows fabric 50x35 (optional) blue ice mèlange beige SOFA CORNER / CODE: CORANG SOFA / CODE: CORDIV SOFA CX / CODE: CORCX SOFA LONGUE DX / CODE: CORLONDX SOFA LONGUE SX / CODE: CORLONSX POUF / CODE: CORPUF 23,0 40,0 19,0 32,0 32,0 12,0 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 KG KG KG KG KG KG 0.75 mc 1.19 mc 0.66 mc 1.40 mc 1.40 mc 0.39 mc Width 101 Width 180 Width 90 Width 101 Width 101 Width 90 Depth 101 Depth 90 Depth 101 Depth 190 Depth 190 Depth 90 Height 66 Height 66 Height 66 Height 66 Height 66 Height 41 H. seat 41 H. seat 41 H. seat 41 H. seat 41 H. seat 41 H. cushion 22 H. cushion 22 H. cushion 22 H. cushion 22 H. cushion 22 H. cushion 22 CF1 white Curtain fabric 55 54
Coralcollection Design Marco Acerbis










A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A12 A12 A12 A12 A12 A12 A12 A12 A12 A12 A12 A12 S11 S11 S11 S11 S18 S18 S18 S18 R8 R28 C53 C53 C53 C48w C48w C48w R8 R8 R8 R28 R28 R28 S11 S11 S11 S11 S18 S18 S18 S18
Width 62 Width 120 Width 100 Width 57 Depth 43 Depth 80 Depth 100 Depth 35 Height 32 Height 40 Height 30 Height 60 3,0 15,0 15,0 3,0 unit 1 unit unit unit 1 KG KG KG KG 0.116 mc 0.15 mc 0.16 mc 0.15 mc
CODE: CORPLONRP 6,0 19.0 12,0 7,0 unit 2 unit 1 unit unit 1 KG KG KG KG 0.70 mc 0.57 mc 0.07 mc 0.25 mc Width 77 Width 88 Width 50 Depth 86 Depth 90 Depth 50 Height 74 Height 66 Height 35 H. seat 37 H. seat 41 H. cushion 22 H. cushion 7 Width 65 Depth 60 Height 74 H. seat 44 H. armrest 58 R28 R8
Width 238 Width 120 Width 90 Width 75 Depth 118 Depth 120 Depth 90 Depth 75 Height 75 Height 75 Height 75 Height 105 72,0 30,0 21,0 18,0 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1+1 unit 1+1 KG KG KG KG 0.55 mc 0.23 mc 0.27 mc 0.33 mc x8 x6 x4 x4 57 56
A14 A14 A14 A12 A12 A12 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A12 A12 A12 A12 A12 H. cushion 22 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 LAMP H45 / CODE: CORLAMPH45 LAMP H95 / CODE: CORLAMPH95
H125 / CODE: CORLAMPH125 Width 28 Width 31 Width 31 Depth 28 Depth 31 Depth 31 Height 45 Height 95 Height 125 6.0 8,5 9,5 unit 1 unit 1 unit KG KG KG 0.04 mc 0.11 mc 0.14 mc R28 R28 R8 R8 R8 2800K 2800K 2800K LED 3.5W LED 7W LED 7W C53 C53 CF1 CF1 C48w C48w R8 R8 R28 R28 C53 C48w R8 R28 C53 C53 C48w C48w R8 R8 R28 R28 SUNBED / CODE: CORLET DAYBED / CODE: CORBED Width 200 Width 218 Depth 82 Depth 218 Height 30 Height 200 H. cushion 8 H. seat 42 H. cushion 5 20,0 79,0 unit 1 unit 1 KG KG 0.46 mc 3.51 mc DINING CHAIR/ CODE: CORSP 4,0 unit 4 KG 0.50 mc DINING ARMCHAIR / CODE: CORPP BAR STOOL / CODE: CORSGA 4,0 5,85 unit 4 unit 4 KG KG 0.50 mc 0.40 mc Width 60 Width 60 Depth 65 Depth 50 Height 83 Height 100 H. seat 46 H. seat 80 H. armrest 63 H. armrest 87 Width 61 Depth 60 Height 78 H. seat 47 H. armrest 65 R28 59 58

Slamcollection // ROPE

Design Ludovica + Roberto Palomba

Le molteplici combinazioni consentono di creare uno spazio outdoor a misura delle proprie esigenze. L’eleganza e la leggerezza di questo divano modulare donano pulizia ed equilibrio, adattabili ad ogni contesti e immancabili in uno spazio outdoor. La cuscinatura, sfoderabile e lavabile risulta essere perfetta per un living da vivere nel tempo senza rinunciare mai a comodità e stile.

The multiple combinations allow you to create an outdoor space which suit your needs. The elegance and lightness of this modular sofa provide clean lines and balance, it is adaptable to any context and essential in any outdoor space. The cushions, with removable and washable covers, are perfect for a living space to be experienced over time without ever renouncing comfort and style.

63 62
Slamcollection // Rope 65 64
Slamcollection // Rope 67 66
69 68
71 70


living armchair

white frame

cushions in silver colour

rope in light grey colour

carpet d200 in light grey colour

73 72

Slamcollection // Rope

dining chair & dining table 190x90

white frame

cushions in silver colour

rope in light grey colour

top gres light concrete colour

75 74
Slamcollection // Rope 77 76

Slamcollection // Rope

sunbed & daybed white frame

cushions in silver colour

rope in light grey colour

79 78

Slamcollection // Rope

Design Ludovica + Roberto Palomba

S25 light concrete Finishing R10 R10 R10 R10 R10 R10 A14 A12 C130w C130w S11 C96w C96w C96w C96w C99 C118 C118
Aluminium frame graphite white silver silver silver plain grey plain ochre plain ochre plain white plain white plain sky silver Seat / back (80x45) fabric cushions Pillows fabric 60x40 45x25 (optional) Pillows fabric ø 40 (optional) Covering fabric Gres table top charcoal R7 Synthetic ropes dark grey light grey R7 R7 R7 R7 R7 R7 A12 A12 A12 A12 A12 A12 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 C96w C96w C96w C96w C96w C96w C96w C96w C96w C96w C96w C96w SOFA CORNER BACKREST ROPE / CODE: SLAANG-C SOFA BACKREST ROPE / CODE: SLADIV-C 25,0 47,0 unit unit KG KG 0.51 mc 0.96 mc Width 96 Width 188 Depth 96 Depth 96 Height 65 Height 65 H. seat 41 H. seat 41 H. cushion 19 H. cushion 19 SOFA DX BACKREST ROPE / CODE: SLADX-C SOFA SX BACKREST ROPE / CODE: SLASX-C 44,0 44,0 unit unit KG KG 0.96 mc 0.96 mc Width 184 Width 184 Depth 96 Depth 96 Height 65 Height 65 H. seat 41 H. seat 41 H. cushion 19 H. cushion 19 SOFA LOUNGE DX BACKREST ROPE / CODE: SLALONDX-C 39,0 unit KG 0.96 mc Width 94 Depth 186 Height 65 H. seat 41 H. cushion 19 SOFA LOUNGE SX BACKREST ROPE / CODE: SLALONSX-C 39,0 unit KG 0.96 mc Width 94 Depth 186 Height 65 H. seat 41 H. cushion 19 R10 81 80




R10 R10 R10 R10 R10 R7 R7 R7 R7 R7 A12 A12 A14 A14 C96w C96w C96w C96w
/ CODE: SLAPL-C 21,0 22,0 unit unit KG KG 0.49 mc 0.30 mc Width 92 Width 74 Depth 96 Depth 70 Height 65 Height 65 H. seat 41 H. seat 41 H. cushion 19 H. cushion 19 A12 A12 A12 A14 A14 A14 C96w C96w C96w C96w C96w C96w
SUNBED BACKREST FABRIC / CODE: SLALET-C 58,0 23,0 unit 1 unit KG KG 1.78 mc 0.58 mc Width 180 Width 210 Depth 180 Depth 90 Height 65 Height 36 H. seat 41 H. cushion 19 H. cushion 10 DINING ARMCHAIR BACKREST FABRIC / CODE: SLAPP-C 6,0 unit 1 KG 0.26 mc Width 54 Depth 48 Height 76 H. seat 47 H. cushion 5 H. armrest 64 A12 A14 C96w C96w H. cushion 19 POUF / CODE: SLAPUF 8,0 unit KG 0.40 mc Width 90 Depth 90 Height 41 A12 A12 A14 A14 S11 S11
Width 230 Width 190 Depth 110 Depth 90 Height 75 Height 75 54,0 37,0 unit 1 unit 1 KG KG 0.55 mc 0.38 mc x10 x8 A12 A12 A12 A14 A14 A14 S11 S11 S11 COFFEE TABLE 80x80 / CODE: SLATC80 COFFEE TABLE 70x70 / CODE: SLATC70 10,0 8,0 unit 1 unit 1 KG KG 0.32 mc 0.28 mc Width 80 Width 70 Depth 80 Depth 70 Height 43 Height 47 DINING TABLE D120 / CODE: SLATP120 Width 120 Depth 120 Height 75 26,0 unit 1 KG 0.32 mc x6 S25 S25 S25 S25 S25 83 82


Design Ludovica + Roberto Palomba

Quando la semplicità e la linearità delle forme caratterizzano il progetto, nascono collezioni come la nuova Slam. Pochi elementi facilmente combinabili fra loro per dare vita ad innumerevoli interpretazioni. La struttura/telaio interamente in alluminio avvolta da un rivestimento in tessuto e unita a morbide cuscinature, caratterizza l’intera collezione per le sue linee pulite ed essenziali.

When simplicity and linearity of the shapes characterize a project, the result is a collection like the new Slam. Few elements can be easily combined to give life to several interpretations. The coated structure/frame entirely made in aluminum, enveloped by a textile coating and combined with soft cushions, connote the entire collection for the essential and clean shapes.

87 86
Slamcollection 89 88
Slamcollection 91 90


daybed white frame

cushions in silver colour

deco in silver, plain white & plain grey colour

93 92
Slamcollection 95 94


sunbed white frame

cushions in silver colour

97 96
99 98


sofa dx & sofa lounge sx graphite frame cushions in dark grey colour

101 100
103 102
Slamcollection 105 104
Slamcollection 107 106
109 108
111 110
113 112


R7 R8

grey Seat / back (80x45) fabric cushions Pillows fabric 60x40 45x25 (optional) Pillows fabric ø 40 (optional) Covering fabric Gres table top Depth 95 Height 65

grey Width 185 Depth 95


Width 182 Width 182


Depth 95 Depth 95

Height 65 Height 65

Height 65 H. seat 41

H. seat 41 H. cushion 19


34,0 34,0

unit unit

black plain grey plain ochre plain ochre 35,0 unit

plain white plain white plain sky unit KG

0.96 mc 0.96 mc

grey KG 0.51 mc

grey 0.97 mc Width 95

H. cushion 19 H. cushion 19 SOFA LOUNGE DX BACKREST FABRIC / CODE: SLALONDX 31,0 unit KG 0.96 mc Width 95 Depth 185 Height 65 H. seat 41 H. cushion 19 SOFA LOUNGE SX BACKREST FABRIC / CODE: SLALONSX 31,0 unit KG 0.96 mc Width 95 Depth 185 Height 65 H. seat 41 H. cushion 19

H. seat 41 H. seat 41

Synthetic ropes dark grey light grey 115 114

A14 A12 C130w C130w C96w C96w C96w C96w C95 C95 C95 C95 C99 A12 A12 A12 A12 A12 A12 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 C96w C96w C96w C96w C96w C96w C95 C95 C95 C95 C95 C95 C98 C118 C118 C129 S25 light concrete S11 charcoal
frame graphite white silver silver silver
silver dark
Slamcollection Design Ludovica + Roberto Palomba SOFA CORNER BACKREST FABRIC / CODE: SLAANG

TABLE 230x110 / CODE: SLATP230

A12 A12 A12 A14 A14 A14 C96w C96w C96w C95 C95 C95 H. cushion 19 POUF / CODE: SLAPUF 8,0 unit KG 0.25 mc Width 92 Depth 92 Height 41 SOFA CX BACKREST FABRIC / CODE: SLACX LIVING ARMCHAIR BACKREST FABRIC / CODE: SLAPL 16,0 17,0 unit unit KG KG 0.48 mc 0.33 mc Width 92 Width 75 Depth 95 Depth 73 Height 65 Height 65 H. seat 41 H. seat 41 H. cushion 19 H. cushion 19 A12 A12 A12 A14 A14 A14 C96w C96w C96w C95 C95 C95 DAYBED BACKREST FABRIC / CODE: SLABED SUNBED BACKREST FABRIC / CODE: SLALET 55,0 23,0 unit 1 unit KG KG 1.78 mc 0.56 mc Width 180 Width 200 Depth 180 Depth 96 Height 65 Height 36 H. seat 41 H. cushion 19 H. cushion 10 DINING ARMCHAIR BACKREST FABRIC / CODE: SLAPP 4,0 unit 1 KG 0.26 mc Width 55 Depth 53 Height 76 H. seat 47 H. cushion 5 H. armrest 64 A12 A12 A14 A14 S11 S11 DINING
SLATP190 Width 230 Width 190 Depth 110 Depth 90 Height 75 Height 75 54,0 37,0 unit 1 unit 1 KG KG 0.55 mc 0.38 mc x10 x8 A12 A12 A12 A14 A14 A14 S11 S11 S11 COFFEE TABLE 80x80 / CODE: SLATC80 COFFEE TABLE 70x70 / CODE: SLATC70 10,0 8,0 unit 1 unit 1 KG KG 0.32 mc 0.28 mc Width 80 Width 70 Depth 80 Depth 70 Height 43 Height 47 DINING TABLE D120 / CODE: SLATP120 Width 120 Depth 120 Height 75 26,0 unit 1 KG 0.32 mc x6 S25 S25 S25 S25 S25 117 116

CleoSoftcollection // Alu

Design Marco Acerbis

Filo conduttore della collezione Cleo Alu è la creazione di un prodotto giovane, dinamico, capace di coinvolgere emotivamente chi lo osserva. Una collezione nata dalla voglia di sperimentare un gioco di contrasti e di combinazioni materiche inedite: la leggerezza dell’alluminio, l’attualità delle superfici in vitter, la sorprendente eleganza dei rivestimenti tessili e una nuova cuscineria morbida di grande accoglienza e confort concorrono a creare una linea che si adatta perfettamente ad ogni stile o spazio esterno.

The leading principle of the Cleo Alu collection is the creation of a young and dynamic line,capable of emotionally involving the observer. Cleo alu collection is driven by the desire to experiment with contrasts and unprecedented combinations of materials: the lightness of the aluminium, the modernity of the vitter surfaces and the surprising elegance of the upholstery are combined with a new soft cushioning that is very welcoming and comfortable, creating a new line that perfectly suits any style or outdoor space.

121 120

CleoSoftcollection // Alu

sofa end pouf & coffee table 60x100 white frame

cushions in silver colour

deco in silver, white & plain sky colour

123 122
125 124
127 126

CleoSoftcollection // Alu

sofa end & coffee table D 100 - D75 white frame

cushions in silver colour

top Vitter light metal colour

129 128
131 130
CleoSoftcollection // alu 133 132
135 134
137 136

CleoSoftcollection // Alu

canopy sofa white frame

cushions in silver colour

deco in silver, white & plain sky colour

139 138
CleoSoftcollection // alu 141 140
CleoSoftcollection // alu 143 142
145 144

CleoSoftcollection // Alu

padded tub chair & dining table 220x100

white frame

cushions in silver colour

top Vitter light metal colour

147 146
149 148
CleoSoftcollection // alu 151 150
153 152
155 154
157 156

CleoSoftcollection // Alu


reed green frame

cushions in warm white colour

textilene in dove colour

159 158
CleoSoftcollection // alu 161 160


CleoSoftcollection // Alu Design Marco Acerbis





A12 S22 S23 A14 A4 T1 CF1 A12 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A4 A12 A12 A12 T1 T2 T1 A12 A12 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 C96w C96w C96w C96w C96w C96w C95 C95 C95 C95 C95 C95 Accoya wood table top natural teak colour L2 C42w beige mèlange C53 C53 C53 C53 C53 C53 C53 C53 warm white warm white Finishing
Vitter table top Canopy textilene Curtain fabric Pillows fabric 50x50 (optional) Cushions / covering fabric Aluminium frame graphite reed green white dark grey light metal white white
19,0 17,0 22,0 59,0 40,0 15,0 unit unit unit unit 1+1 unit unit KG KG KG KG KG KG 0.57 mc 0.57 mc 0.62 mc 1.69 mc 1.27 mc 0.33 mc Width 100 Width 100 Width 110 Width 230 Width 100 Width 230 Depth 100 Depth 100 Depth 100 Depth 100 Depth 100 Depth 100 Height 65 Height 65 Height 65 Height 65 Height 40 Height 200 H. seat 40 H. seat 40 H. seat 40 H. seat 40 H. seat 40 H. cushion 20 H. cushion 20 H. cushion 20 H. cushion 20 H. cushion 20 H. cushion 20
CLEALUANG C130w C96w C96w C95 C95 C129 plain white plain sky silver silver dark grey dark grey C120 plain bordeaux T2 dove 163 162













Width 90 Width 90 Depth 85 Depth 80 Height 73 Height 73 H. seat 35 H. seat 35 H. cushion 5 H. cushion 5 Width 100 Width 75 Width 50 Width 100 Width 60 Depth 100 Depth 75 Depth 50 Depth 100 Depth 100 Height 30 Height 40 Height 50 Height 20 Height 20 unit 1 unit 1+1 unit 1+1 unit 1 unit 1+1 unit 1 unit 0.37 mc 0.19 mc 0.14 mc 0.10 mc 0.22 mc 0.62 mc 0.62 mc A12 A12 A12 A12 A12 A12 A12 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 S23 S23 S23 C120 C129 C129 C96w C95 C95 S22 S22 S22 unit unit 1+1 unit 1+1 x8 x8 0.24 mc 0.22 mc 0.29 mc
Width 220 Width 150 Width 60 Depth 100 Depth 150 Depth 55 Height 75 Height 75 Height 76 H. seat 45 A12 A14 A14 S23 S23 A14 C129 C95 S22 S22 A12 A12 A14 A14 C96w C96w C95 C95
Width 214 Width 204 Depth 81 Depth 150 Height 33 Height 33 H. cushion 13 H. cushion 13 20,0 40,0 unit unit KG KG 0.48 mc 0.87 mc 165 164
T2 I6 I6 I6 I4 I4 I4 A12 I5 I5 I5 A14 LANTERN H66 / CODE: CLEL01 LANTERN H90 / CODE: CLEL02 LANTERN H120 / CODE: CLEL03 Width 35 Width 40 Width 45 Depth 35 Depth 40 Depth 45 Height 66 Height 90 Height 120 9,0 2800K 2800K 2800K 2800K 10,0 12,0 18,0 unit 1 LED 3,5W LED 7W LED 7W LED 12W unit 1 unit 1 unit KG KG KG KG 0.11 mc 0.17 mc 0.28 mc 0.25 mc ARC LAMP / CODE: CLEALUL02 Width 201 Depth 45 Height 225 T1 T1 A12 A14 C96w C95 51,0 unit 1 KG 1.46 mc DAYBED / CODE: CLEALUDBED Width 204 Depth 156 Height 200 H. cushion 13 167 166


Design Ludovica + Roberto Palomba

Caratterizzata dall’accostamento di strutture in alluminio, intrecci in corda e confortevoli cuscinature, indiscutibile la sua sensuale presenza nello spazio outdoor. L’intreccio della corda imbottita sulla struttura tubolare crea una finestra reticolata che regala affascinanti giochi di luce quando i raggi si posano sulle fessure. Volumi leggeri e sensuali per un perfetto relax outdoor e per una perfetta privacy visiva.

Frame Collection is characterized by the juxtaposition of aluminum structures, rope interweaving and comfortable cushions that make indisputable its sensual presence in the outdoor space. The interweaving of the padded rope on the tubular frame creates a reticulated window capable of giving fascinating plays of light when the rays lay on the slits. The light and sensual volumes are ideal for a perfect outdoor relax and a perfect visual privacy.

169 168
171 170
Framecollection 173 172
Framecollection 175 174
177 176
Framecollection 179 178
Framecollection 181 180
183 182


sofa red frame

cushions in indian red colour

deco in mèlange beige & plain bordeaux colour

185 184
Framecollection 187 186
Framecollection 189 188


Framecollection Design Ludovica + Roberto Palomba


R30 R30 R30 R30 R30 R30 R30 A12 A14 C96w C145 C96w C95 C95 C99 C129 R30 C120 C130w A12 A12 A12 A12 A12 A12 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 C96w C96w C96w C96w C96w C95 C95 C95 C95 C95 A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 red C38 mèlange beige C145 C145 C145 C145 C145 R40 Finishing
Aluminium frame Pillows fabric 55x55 45x45 (optional) graphite white plain white plain sky silver indian red silver dark grey dark grey plain grey grey red Syntetic rope plain bordeaux Seat / back (80x60) fabric cushions
34,0 30,0 20,0 8,0 8,0 24,0 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit KG KG KG KG KG KG 1.68 mc 1.40 mc 0.64 mc 0.30 mc 0.35 mc 0.11 mc Width 240 Width 200 Width 90 Width 76 Width 62 Width 80 Depth 90 Depth 90 Depth 90 Depth 85 Depth 65 Depth 80 Height 70 Height 70 Height 70 Height 40 Height 76 Height 73 H. seat 40 H. seat 40 H. seat 40 H. seat 47 H. armrest 66 H. cushion 17 H. cushion 17 H. cushion 17 H. cushion 17 H. cushion 7 191 190


Design Marco Acerbis

La collezione Lake si ispira alla pianta di bamboo così sinuosa e naturalmente elegante. I moduli dei tubolari di alluminio che si connettono tra loro con dei nodi in fusione sono un richiamo alla rigida morbidezza del bamboo che alterna zone lisce a punti rigidi dalla forma ad anello. Oltre alla collezione di sedute troviamo anche il tavolo allungabile, dalle forme morbide e aggraziate, che tramite le slitte e l’allungo nascosto non solo ottempera alla sua funzione ma è anche un oggetto di seducente contemplazione.

The Lake collection is inspired by the sinuous and naturally elegant bamboo plant. The aluminuim structures, which connect with cast knots remind to the rigid softness of bamboo, which balances smooth areas and ring-shaped rigid points. In addition to the seating collection we also find the extending table, with its soft and graceful shapes, which through its slides and hidden extension, not only fulfils its function but is also an object of seductive contemplation.

195 194
Lakecollection 197 196



white frame

cushions in silver colour

belt in light grey colour

top ceramic light concrete colour

199 198
Lakecollection 201 200


dining armchair & table

graphite frame

cushions in silver colour

belt in dark grey colour

203 202


sunbed graphite frame

cushions in silver colour

belt in dark grey colour

205 204



Design Marco Acerbis





B1 B1 B1 B1 B2 B2 B2 B2 A12 A12 A14 A14 S25 S25 S26 S26
Aluminium frame
A12 A14 white graphite B2 B1 Syntetic elastic belt dark grey light grey C96w C96w C129 C130w Pillows fabric 45x45 ø40 (optional) plain white plain sky silver silver Seat / back fabric cushions C118 plain ochre A12 A12 A12 A12 A14 A14 A14 A14 C96w C96w C96w C96w C96w C96w C96w C96w
31,0 19,0 15,0 11,0 12,0 15,0 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 KG KG KG KG KG KG 1.20 mc 0.88 mc 0.47 mc 0.27 mc 0.20 mc 0.23 mc Width 230 Width 170 Width 90 Width 75 Width 70 Width 100 Depth 80 Depth 80 Depth 80 Depth 75 Depth 70 Depth 70 Height 65 Height 65 Height 65 Height 41 Height 38 Height 30 H. seat 41 H. seat 41 H. seat 41 H. cushion 18 H. cushion 18 H. cushion 18 H. cushion 18 S25 S26 Gres table top dark
light concrete 207 206


A14 S26 A12 A12 A14 A14
LAKTP220 Width 50 Width 178/252 Width 220/337 Depth 50 Depth 90 Depth 100 Height 45 Height 76 Height 76 DINING ARMCHAIR / CODE: LAKPP SUNBED / CODE: LAKLET Width 59 Width 206 Depth 60 Depth 84 Height 85 Height 38 H. seat 50 H. armrest 65 H. cushion 6 H. cushion 10 B1 B1 B2 B2 A12 A12 A14 A14 C96w C96w C96w C96w 56,0 72,0 unit unit KG KG 0.48 mc 0.65 mc x10 x12 8,0 unit 1 KG 0.12 mc 21,0 unit 1 KG 0.71 mc 4,0 unit 4 KG 0.53 mc 209 208
TABLE 220/337 X 100 / CODE:

Mooncollection // Alu

Design Cristian Visentin

L’eleganza e le forme sinuose della collezione Moon Teak unite alla praticità dell’alluminio delle strutture danno vita alla collezione Moon Alu. Linee sobrie arricchite da soffici imbottiture proposte nelle varianti cromatiche del grigio che ben si adattano ad ogni tipo di arredamento. Una collezione calda, invitante, chic ed intrigante. Poltrone, divani e tavoli altamente funzionali dal fascino senza tempo.

The elegance and the sinuous forms of the Moon Teak combined to the practicality of the aluminum frames give life to the Moon Alu. Clean lines are enhanced by comfy paddings in different shades of grey that are perfectly adaptable to your home furniture. Moon Alu collection is simultaneously warm and appealing, stylish and tempting. A range of armchairs, sofas and tables with a practical functionality combined to a timeless elegance.

213 212
Mooncollection // alu 215 214
217 216

Mooncollection // Alu

dining armchair & dining table 240/300x100 graphite frame

rope & cushions in dark grey colour

ceramic dark grey top table

219 218
221 220

Mooncollection // Alu

love seat & side table graphite frame

rope & cushions in dark grey colour

ceramic dark grey top table

223 222
225 224

Mooncollection // Alu

dining armchair & table 80x80 graphite frame

rope & cushions in dark grey colour

ceramic dark grey top table

227 226
Mooncollection //alu 229 228
231 230

Mooncollection // Alu

living armchair & side table

white frame

rope & cushions in light grey colour

ceramic white top table

233 232
235 234

Mooncollection // Alu

dining table 240x100 & dining armchair

white frame

rope in light grey colour

ceramic white top table

237 236
239 238

Mooncollection //


swing armchair

white frame

rope & cushions in light grey colour

241 240

Mooncollection // Alu

daybed & coffee table 120x60 white frame

rope & cushions in light grey colour

deco in light grey colour

243 242
245 244

sunbed white frame

rope & cushions in light grey colour

247 246
Mooncollection // Alu
249 248
251 250
Mooncollection // alu 253 252

Mooncollection // Alu

chair, bar stool, dining & bar table dove frame

rope in sand colour

top in gres beige colour

255 254


Mooncollection // Alu Design Cristian Visentin






R28 R28 R28 R28 A12 A14 R7 R8 R28 C17w C17w C19 C19 A12 A12 A12 A12 A12 A12 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 C17w C17w C19 C19 C17w C17w C19 C19 R8 R8 R8 R8 R7 R7 R7 R7 C53 C53 warm white warm white A13 A13 A13 A13 A13 A13 A13 dove S18 S18 C53 C53 C53 C53 Finishing Cushions fabric Pillows fabric 50x30 ø45 ø35 (optional) Aluminium frame Synthetic ropes Gres table top white graphite dark grey dark grey dark grey beige light grey light grey light grey
25,0 11,0 27,0 13,0 13,0 6,0 unit 1 unit 2 unit 1 unit unit 1 unit 1 KG KG KG KG KG KG 1.06 mc 0.62 mc 1.82 mc 0.38 mc 0.34 mc 0.08 mc
Width 166 Width 86 Width 84 Width 180 Width 110 Width 39 Depth 96 Depth 74 Depth 75 Depth 85 Depth 59 Depth 39 Height 98 Height 66 Height 46 Height 66 Height 42 Height 42 H. seat 39 H. seat 39 H. seat 39 H. cushion 10 H. cushion 10 H. cushion 10 H. cushion 10 S18 beige
white dark grey S15 S15 S14 S14 257 256
S15 S14











R28 R28 R28 A12 A12 A12 A12 A12 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A12 A14 A12 A12 A12 A12 A14 A14 A14 A14 C17w C19 R8 R7 R7 R8 R7 R7 R7 R8 R8 R8 A13 A13 A13 A13 S18 S18 S18 S18 R28 A13 A13 A13 A13 A13 R28 C53 S15 S15 S15 S15 S14 S14 S14 S14 73,0 59,0 44,0 54,0 unit unit unit unit KG KG KG KG 0.80 mc 0.51 mc 0.44 mc 0.69 mc x10 x8 x8 x10 21,0 unit 2 KG 0.82 mc
Width 170 Width 200 Width 160/215 Width 80 Width 70 Width 200/260 Width 240/300 Width 160/215 Depth 155 Depth 80 Depth 95 Depth 80 Depth 70 Depth 100 Depth 100 Depth 95 Height 68 Height 33 Height 76 Height 76 Height 105 Height 76 Height 76 Height 76 H. seat 39 H. cushion 12 Width 64 Width 62 Width 65 Depth 62 Depth 56 Depth 56 Height 107 Height 75 Height 75 H. seat 79 H. seat 46 H. seat 46 37,0 unit 1 KG 1.88 mc 29,0 29,0 5,0 3,5 4,5 unit 1+1+1 unit 1+1+1 unit 4 unit 4 unit 2 KG KG KG KG KG 0.06 mc 0.06 mc 0.61 mc 0.46 mc 0.44 mc x4 x4 TABLE 80x80
259 258

Mooncollection // Teak

Design Cristian Visentin

Una proposta dallo stile elegante, caratterizzata dal colore del legno teak naturale e dalla corda intrecciata, che ne esalta l’aspetto naturale ed artigianale. Una collezione di tavoli, divani e sedie che traggono ispirazione dalle forme sinuose della luna. Una struttura affusolata concepita per sostenere e avvolgere sedute comode e spaziose che rendono la collezione Moon un accessorio indispensabile per godere di piacevoli momenti di relax creando ambienti unici e lussuosi.

A collection that skillfully highlights both natural and artisan features, thanks to the warmth of wood (natural teak) and the woven rope. A collection of tables, sofas and chairs whose lines draw inspiration from the sinuous forms of the moon. A slender frame conceived to support and envelope an elegant and comfortable seating shell that makes Moon collection an indispensable furniture to live a relaxing moments creating a unique and luxury.

263 262
265 264
Mooncollection // teak 267 266
269 268

Mooncollection // teak

bar stool

natural teak frame

rope in beige colour

leaf bar table

mokka colour frame

top vitter stone finishing in corten colour

271 270

Mooncollection // teak

sofa, coffee table

natural teak frame

rope in grey colour

hpl table top

273 272
275 274
277 276
279 278
Mooncollection // teak 281 280

Mooncollection // Teak Design Cristian Visentin Synthetic ropes

Wood frame natural teak black grey grey grey

Cushions fabric

C88 mèlange grey


Width 184 Width 84

Depth 72 Depth 72

Height 67 Height 67


unit 1 unit 1

1.39 mc 0.58 mc


H. seat 37 H. seat 37

Depth 45 Depth 60 Depth 60

Height 31 Height 31 Height 31



unit 1

0.34 mc

unit 1 KG

0.12 mc Width 45 Width 110 Width 110

C88 C88 283 282


4,5 unit 1

KG 0.34 mc

L9 H1 C12 T7 L9 L9 L9 L9 L9 L9 C12 C12 R12 R12 L9 H1 R31 R31 dove R12 R31
Finishing Textilene Hpl table top

DINING TABLE 150X150 wood top / CODE: MONTEKTP150L


DINING TABLE 200X100 wood top / CODE: MONTEKTP200L


DINING TABLE 260X110 wood top / CODE: MONTEKTP260L






L9 L9 L9 T7 H1 H1
Width 56 Width 60 Depth 58 Depth 57 Height 107 Height 78 H. seat 74 H. seat 45 L9 L9 L9 L9 L9 L9 R12 R12 R12 R31 R31 R31 L9 L9 L9 L9 L9 C12 R12 R31 15,0 0.64 mc KG 47,0 40,0 36,0 60,0 49,0 0.42 mc 0.46 mc 0.42 mc 0.58 mc 0.68 mc KG KG KG KG KG unit unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1
Width 200 Width 260 Width 260 Width 200 Width 68 Depth 100 Depth 110 Depth 110 Depth 75 Depth 57 Height 76 Height 76 Height 76 Height 28 Height 78 H. seat 45
Width 150 Width 200 Depth 150 Depth 100 Height 76 Height 76
30,0 6,0 5,0 6,5 unit 1 unit 2 unit 2 unit KG KG KG KG 2.00 mc 0.64 mc 0.50 mc 0.52 mc Width 171 Depth 153 Height 68 H. seat 37 H. cushion 10
x10 x10 x8 x8 x8 285 284


Design Ludovica + Roberto Palomba

Da forme geometriche marcate, eleganti e leggere, nasce una collezione che offre il massimo comfort. La caratteristica principale della collezione Malè è la sua seduta bassa, una struttura rigida e squadrata, proprio come un guscio, realizzata in rotostampaggio, per una versatilità che si eleva grazie al rivestimento degli imbottiti. Molteplici sono i risultati possibili da poter creare grazie allo studio dei volumi e della loro modulistica, che vanno a dar vita a spazi pensati intimi e conviviale.

A new collection is born from elegant, light and marked geometric shapes and it offers maximum comfort. The main feature of the Malè collection is its low seat, a rigid and squared structure, just like a shell, made in rotomoulding, for a versatility that is elevated thanks to the upholstery of the padded furniture. There are many possible results that can be created - thanks to the study of volumes and their forms - which give life to spaces designed to be intimate and convivial.

287 286
289 288


living armchair white seat & frame

lamp h90 lamp h190 in white translucent frame quadro carpet ø 200 light grey colour

291 290
Malècollection 293 292
295 294
297 296
299 298
301 300


end sofa, sofa cx graphite frame

cushions in white-grey colour

deco in white-grey, grey colour

quadro carpet ø 300 dark grey

303 302
305 304


dining chair

graphite seat & frame

lamp h190 in graphite translucent frame

quadro carpet ø 200 light grey colour

307 306


end sofa, sofa cx, coffee table

white frame

cushions in mambo canvas colour

deco in mambo canvas, sweet grey, stripe canvas colour

lamp h90 lamp h190 in white translucent frame

living armchair

white seat & frame

quadro carpet ø 200 canvas

309 308
Malècollection 311 310
313 312


end sofa, sofa cx, coffee table blue frame

cushions in mambo canvas colour

deco in mambo canvas & mambo light blue colour

jackie pouf big & small in dove colour

315 314

Design Ludovica + Roberto Palomba

Polyurethane tech (only for chair)

C21 C21 C21
polyethylene (only for lamps)
Polyethylene PE1t PE1 PU1 PE2t PE2 PU2 PE3t PE3 PE4 PE5 PU3 white white white dove dove dove graphite graphite graphite red blue C21 C21 C20 C20 C91 C91 white-grey white-grey mambo canvas mambo canvas mambo light blue mambo light blue
Width 91 Width 88 Width 88 Depth 91 Depth 91 Depth 88 Height 59 Height 59 Height 32 H. seat 37 H. seat 37 H. seat 37 C21 C21 C21 C20 C20 C20 C20 C20 C20 C20 C20 C20 C20 C20 C20 C91 C91 C91 Seat / back fabric cushions
fabric 45x45 (optional) C100 C108 C22 C23 C33 C34 grey
red taupe stripe canvas stripe
S20 S21 Gres table top grey moon sand limeston I4 I6 I5 Stainless steel white graphite dove PE4 PE4 PE4 PE5 PE5 PE5 PE5 PE5 PE5 Finishing 22,0 16,0 8,0 unit unit unit KG KG KG 0.55 mc 0.53 mc 0.33 mc 317 316
light blue quadro taupe


Width 52 Depth 52 Depth 52 Height 87 Height 190 LED 48W LED 48W E14 40W E14 40W 220V 220V I6 I6 I5 I5 PE2t PE3t PE2t PE3t PE1t DINING CHAIR / CODE: MALSP Width 55 Depth 55 Height 82 H. seat 42 I4 I4 I6 I5 I5 PU2 PU2 PU2 PU1 PU3 SOFA CORNER / CODE: MALANG C21 C21 C20 C20 C20 C20 C91 PE4 PE4 PE5 PE5 PE5 PE1 PE2 PE3 COFFEE TABLE 90X90 / CODE: MALTC90 S21 S20 S20 S20 S20 Width 88 Depth 88 Height 10 LIVING ARMCHAIR / CODE: MALPL I4 I4 I6 I5 I5 Width 65 Depth 69 Height 70 H. seat 33 PU2 PU2 PU2 PU1 PU3 8,5 unit KG 0.31 mc 22,0 unit KG 0.55 mc 28,0 unit 1 KG 0.11 mc 5,5 unit KG 0.37 mc 319 318


Design Ludovica + Roberto Palomba

Nella collezione Tweet la tecnica dello stampaggio rotazionale trova un rinnovato vigore, una nuova ragion d’essere e l’outdoor si configura come luogo privilegiato del progetto. Ludovica + Roberto Palomba hanno voluto con Tweet assecondare il tema dell’accoglienza, della convivialità. Una nuova esperienza outdoor in cui potersi sentire abbracciati dalle curve degli elementi della collezione Tweet.

In the Tweet collection, the rotational moulding technique finds renewed vigour, a new raison d’être, and the outdoors is configured as a privileged place for design. With this collection Ludovica + Roberto Palomba wanted to support the theme of hospitality and conviviality. A new outdoor experience where you can feel embraced by the curves of the Tweet collection elements.

323 322
Tweetcollection 325 324
Tweetcollection 327 326


sofa, living armchair & coffee table red frame

carpet quadro ø200 in canvas colour

tribal in red colour

pouf medium jackie in dove colour

329 328



Design Ludovica + Roberto Palomba



PE1 PE2 PE3 PE4 PE5 white dove graphite red blue COFFEE TABLE D60 / CODE: REFTC60
KG KG KG Width 60 Width 190 Width 94 Depth 60 Depth 78 Depth 73 Height 35 Height 75 Height 75 5,0 45,0 17,0 unit unit unit 0.15 mc 0.15 mc 0.15 mc PE1 PE1 PE1 PE2 PE2 PE2 PE3 PE3 PE3 PE4 PE4 PE4 PE5 PE5
331 330


Design Marco Acerbis

Il lettino prendi sole in rotazionale è un tema molto caro ai designer in quanto il materiale plastico permette di esprimersi con delle forme libere che sono tipiche della tecnologia del rotazionale. Nel caso del lettino Reef l’ obiettivo del designer Marco Acerbis era quello di creare una forma comoda e pulita allo stesso tempo, senza fronzoli e che nascesse dal terreno in modo naturale. Così ha creato una seduta che ricorda le onde del mare pur avendo una stabilità ed equilibrio visivo rassicurante. Ogni curva e raccordo è stata studiata nel dettaglio in modo che il confort sia massimo. Per i più esigenti è stato inserito un cuscino che si adagia delicatamente sulla scocca della seduta ammorbidendo il prodotto. The creation of a rotational sunbed is a theme that is particularly close to a designer as the use of plastic materials, which are typical of the rotational technology, allows the expression with free forms. In the case of the Reef sunbed, the goal of the designer Marco Acerbis was to develop a comfortable product with clean shapes, without frills, seeming to grow naturally out of the ground. He has created a seat that brings to mind the sea’s waves, characterised by a reassuring stability and visual balance. Every curve has been studied in detail to ensure maximum comfort. For the most demanding clients, we have included the possibility to use a cushion that will make the product more comfortable and soft.

333 332
335 334
Reefcollection 337 336
Reefcollection 339 338
341 340
343 342
345 344
sunbed red frame


Design Marco Acerbis

Width 60 Depth 60 Height 35 Polyethylene PE1 PE2 PE3 white dove
C21 C20 C91
white-grey mambo canvas mambo light blue
fabric cushions
PE1 PE2 PE2 PE3 PE3 C21 C20 C91 PE4 PE4 PE5 PE5
PE5 red blue Finishing
347 346


Design Ludovica + Roberto Palomba

Nata dal desiderio di rievocare l’ondeggiare delle palme mosse dalla brezza marina e la levigatezza delle pietre modellate dall’ acqua, la collezione Panama presenta sedie, lounge, sgabelli, lettini, pouf e divanetti dalle ampie forme in cui le linee delle corde intrecciate e attraversate dai raggi del sole danno vita a giochi di luci e ombre.

Panama collection arises from the designer’s wish to evoke the cool sea breeze swaying the palm trees and the smoothness of the stones modeled by the water. It consists of chairs, lounge, barstools, sunbeds, poufs and sofas, whose main features are the wide shapes in which the lines of the intertwined ropes crossed by sun’s rays create a magical play of lights and shadows.

349 348
351 350
353 352


egg chair

dove frame

sand colour rope

cushions in mambo sand

deco in mambo sand & white colour

355 354


sunbed& coffee table 50x50 dove frame sand colour rope

cushions in mambo sand

deco in plain beige colour

357 356
359 358
Panamacollection 361 360
Panamacollection 363 362


living relax armchair & Tribal lamp

dove frame sand colour rope

cushions in plan white & plain beige colour

deco in mambo sand colour

365 364
Panamacollection 367 366


hammock & Tribal lamp

dove frame

sand rope

cushions in mambo sand colour

deco in plain white & ocean fantasy colour

369 368
371 370
Panamacollection 373 372


bar stool

red frame

red colour rope

375 374
Panamacollection 377 376


living relax armchair

red frame

red colour rope

cushions in twill rust colour

deco in twill rust & outmap plum colour

379 378
Panamacollection 381 380
Panamacollection 383 382
385 384
387 386
lounge armchair graphite frame dark grey rope
389 388


living armchair

graphite frame

dark grey rope

deco in ocean pattern

391 390
Panamacollection 393 392


lounge armchair, pouf & coffee table 50x50 graphite frame

dark grey rope

cushions in twill black colour

deco in ocean pattern

395 394
Panamacollection 397 396
399 398
401 400
Panamacollection 403 402
405 404
407 406
Panamacollection 409 408
Panamacollection 411 410


lounge armchair, pouf, coffee table 70x70 & Tribal lamp

teal green frame

teal green rope

deco in ocean pattern

413 412
415 414
Panamacollection 417 416

Panamacollection Design Ludovica + Roberto Palomba

A5 A6 A7 A14 A13 C56 C54 C73 C68 C69 C55 C74 C14 C70 C8 C49 C37 C30 S17 S19 R10 R10 R10 R10 R10 R10 R22 R22 R22 R22 R22 R22 R22 R22 R22 R23 R23 R23 R19 R19 R19 R19 R19 R19 R21 R21 R21 R21 R21 R21 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A13 A13 A13 A13 A13 A13 A13 A13 A13 A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 A6 A6 A6 A5 A5 A5 A5 A5 A5 C8 C8 C8 C68 C68 C68 C56 C56 C56 C54 C54 C54 C55 C55 C55 C14 C14 C14 C49 C49 C49 C73 C73 C73 C70 C70 C70 C69 C69 C69 R19 R21 R10 R22 R23 Finishing
Synthetic rope Seat fabric cushions pillows fabric 60x60 60x40 45x45 45x25 (optional) Aluminium frame teal green yellow red red dove sand graphite teal green yellow dark grey calacatta 12mm ceppo di gré 12mm plain white plain beige mambo sand outmap olive outmap plum twill rust outmap turquoise outcross sky twill yellow twill black outmap grey Gres table top ocean pattern city life pattern LIVING ARMCHAIR / CODE: PANPL SOFA LOVE SEAT / CODE: PANLOV 12,0 6,0 unit 1 unit 2 KG KG 0.82 mc 0.49 mc Width 140 Width 72 Depth 64 Depth 63 Height 74 Height 74 H. seat 38 H. seat 38 LOUNGE ARMCHAIR / CODE: PANPLON 12,0 unit 1 KG 1.19 mc Width 100 Depth 89 Height 107 H. seat 34 419 418
A14 A14 A14 A14 A13 A13 A13 A13 A13 A13 A7 A7 A7 A7 A6 A6 A5 A5 A5 A5 C8 C8 C68 C68 C56 C56 C54 C54 C55 C55 C14 C14 C49 C49 C73 C73 C70 C70 C69 C69 R10 R10 R10 R10 R22 R22 R22 R22 R22 R22 R23 R23 R19 R19 R19 R19 R21 R21 R21 R21 A14 A14 A14 A14 A13 A13 A13 A13 A13 A13 A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 A6 A6 A6 A5 A5 A5 A5 A5 A5 C8 C8 C68 C68 C56 C56 C54 C54 C55 C55 C14 C14 C49 C49 C73 C73 C70 C70 C69 C69 R10 R10 R10 R10 R22 R22 R22 R22 R22 R22 R23 R23 R23 R19 R19 R19 R19 R21 R21 R21 R21 Width 165 Width 92 Depth 98 Depth 90 Height 107 Height 110 LOUNGE SOFA / CODE: PANDIVLON BERGER ARMREST / CODE: PANBER 9,0 12,0 unit 1 unit 2 KG KG 1,86 mc 1.21 mc H. seat 34 H. seat 30 A14 A14 A13 A13 A13 C8 C68 C56 C54 C55 C14 C49 C73 C70 C69 R10 R10 R22 R22 R22 R19 R19 R21 R21 Width 100 Depth 69 Height 34 POUF / CODE: PANPOF 7,0 unit 1 KG 0.26 mc C8 C68 C56 C54 C54 C55 C14 C49 C73 C70 C69 R10 R22 R22 R23 R19 R21 C74 A14 A13 A13 A7 A6 A5 Width 160 Depth 125 Height 105 H. seat 45 LIVING RELAX ARMCHAIR / CODE: PANLIVREX 21,0 KG 1.41 mc unit 1 Width 156 Width 170 Depth 76 Depth 188 Height 78 Height 74 H. seat 40 H. seat 40 18,0 7,0 unit 2 KG KG 2.64 mc 1.10 mc DAYBED / CODE: PANDAB SUNBED / CODE: PANLET unit 1 H. cushion 8 421 420





A14 A14 A13 A13 A13 A7 A7 A6 A5 A5 C8 C68 C56 C54 C55 C14 C49 C73 C70 C69 R10 R10 R22 R22 R22 R23 R19 R19 R21 R21 Width 302 Depth 100 Height 96 H. seat 35 HAMMOCK / CODE: PANA 44,0 unit 1+1 KG 1.26 mc A14 A14 A14 A14 A13 A13 A13 A13 A13 A13 A7 A7 A7 A7 A6 A6 A5 A5 A5 A5 C8 C8 C68 C68 C56 C56 C54 C54 C55 C55 C14 C14 C49 C49 C73 C73 C70 C70 C69 C69 R10 R10 R10 R10 R22 R22 R22 R22 R22 R22 R23 R23 R19 R19 R19 R19 R21 R21 R21 R21 Width 98 Width 104 Depth 91 Depth 110 Height 140 Height 201 EGG CHAIR WITH ROTATING BASE / CODE: PANEGG + PANEGG-BSE EGG CHAIR WITH SUSPENDED SEAT FRAME / CODE: PANEGG + PANEGG-STR 53,0 86,0 KG KG H. seat 38 H. seat 48 unit 1+1 unit 1+1+1 1.18mc 1.6 mc A14 A14 A14 A14 A13 A13 A7 A7 A6 A6 A5 A5 S17 S19 S17 S19 S17 S17 S17 S17 S17 S17 S17 S17
15,0 15,0 unit 1 unit 1 KG KG 0.22 mc 0.16 mc Width 70 Width 50 Depth 70 Depth 50 Height 40 Height 45 A14 A14 A14 A14 A13 A13 A13 A13 A13 A13 A7 A7 A7 A7 A6 A6 A5 A5 A5 A5 C8 C8 C68 C68 C56 C56 C54 C54 C55 C55 C14 C14 C49 C49 C73 C73 C70 C70 C69 C69 R10 R10 R10 R10 R22 R22 R22 R22 R22 R22 R23 R23 R19 R19 R19 R19 R21 R21 R21 R21
7.0 5.0 unit 2 unit 4 KG KG 0.61 mc 0.52 mc Width 70 Width 68 Depth 69 Depth 58 Height 110 Height 73 H. seat 45 H. seat 45 423 422
A14 A14 A14 A14 A13 A13 A13 A13 A13 A13 A7 A7 A7 A7 A6 A6 A5 A5 A5 A5 C8 C8 C68 C68 C56 C56 C54 C54 C55 C55 C14 C14 C49 C49 C73 C73 C70 C70 C69 C69 R10 R10 R10 R10 R22 R22 R22 R22 R22 R22 R23 R23 R19 R19 R19 R19 R21 R21 R21 R21 DINING CHAIR / CODE: PANSP BAR STOOL / CODE: PANSGA 4.0 8,0 unit 4 unit 2 KG KG 0.38 mc 0.30 mc Width 56 Width 54 Depth 53 Depth 50 Height 80 Height 90 H. seat 43 H. seat 76 425 424

Alabamacollection // Alu Design Marco Acerbis

Il tratto sofisticato del design italiano e la nobiltà della tradizione artigiana: questa sintesi dà vita alla collezione Alabama. Un modello raffinato e contemporaneo con sedute comode e dimensioni contenute, in grado di soddisfare ogni esigenza di spazio e di stile. La struttura in alluminio, che fornisce stabilità al prodotto, si sposa con il listello in teak, dal colore caldo che rifinisce lo schienale ed braccioli, diversi materiali per creare un’alchimia perfetta con il contesto che lo circonda.

The sophisticated line of Italian design and the nobility of the artisan tradition: this union gives life to the Alabama collection. A refined and contemporary style with comfortable seats and contained dimensions, able to satisfy every need of space and style. The aluminum structure, which provides stability to the product, is perfectly combined with the teak slat, which with its warm color refines the backseat and the armrests. Different materials to create a perfect chemistry with the surrounding context.

429 428
431 430
433 432
Alabamacollection // alu 435 434

Alabamacollection // Alu


graphite frame

textilene in silver black colour

437 436

dining armchair graphite frame

cushions in dark grey colour

ebi table top with minorca base

439 438
Alabamacollection // Alu

rocking chair white frame cushions in light grey colour

441 440
Alabamacollection // Alu
443 442
445 444
Alabamacollection // alu 447 446
449 448

Alabamacollection // Alu


white frame

textilene in white colour

451 450

Alabamacollection // Alu Design Marco Acerbis




A12 A14 L1 B2 B1 C83 C81 S25 S26 T3 T1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 A12 A12 A12 A12 A12 A12 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 A14 C83 C83 C83 C83 C83 C83 C81 C81 C81 C81 C81 C81 Finishing Aluminium frame white graphite
Wood slats Cushions fabric Syntetic elastic belt dark grey dark grey teak light grey light grey Gres table top dark concrete light concrete silver black white Textilene
CX /
Width 81 Width 81 Width 77 Width 85 Depth 85 Depth 85 Depth 85 Depth 85 Height 80 Height 80 Height 80 Height 80 H. armrest 56 H. armrest 56 H. seat 37 H. seat 37 H. seat 37 H. seat 37 H. cushion 15 H. cushion 15 H. cushion 15 H. cushion 15 27,0 16,0 12,0 13,0 13,0 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 KG KG KG KG KG 1.19 mc 0.59 mc 0.53 mc 0.57 mc 0.57 mc
Width 180 Width 85 Depth 85 Depth 85 Height 80 Height 80 H. armrest 56 H. armrest 56 H. seat 37 H. seat 37 H. cushion 15 H. cushion 15 12,0 unit 1 KG 0.57 mc 453 452
L1 L1 B2 B1 A12 A12 A14 A14 C83 C81 L1 L1 L1 L1 B2 B1 A12 A12 A12 A12 A14 A14 A14 A14 C83 C81 T1 T3 S25 S25 S25 S26 S26 S26 DINING TABLE 160X90 / CODE: ALAALUTP160 DINING TABLE 220X100 / CODE: ALAALUTP220 DINING ARMCHAIR / CODE: ALAALUPP 37,0 42,0 5 unit unit unit 4 KG KG KG 0.69 mc 0.79 mc 0.50 mc x6 x8 COFFEE TABLE / CODE: ALAALUTC2 ROCKING CHAIR / CODE: ALAALUPD 13,0 15,0 unit 1 unit 1 KG KG 0.61 mc 0.23 mc Width 85 Depth 90 Height 80 H. armrest 56 H. seat 37 H. cushion 15 Width 110 Depth 70 Height 30 Width 197 Depth 85 Height 30 SUNBED / CODE: ALAALULET 8,0 unit 1 KG 0.63 mc Width 220 Width 61 Width 160 Depth 100 Depth 66 Depth 90 Height 74 Height 86 Height 74 H. armrest 66 H. seat 45 H. cushion 7 455 454

Alabamacollection // Wood Design Marco Acerbis

Design, gusto e proporzioni sono elementi essenziali di questa linea. Nella collezione Alabama, il legno di iroko fa da protagonista ed è unito alla morbidezza del tessuto degli schienali e delle sedute. Uno stile fresco e minimale ma al tempo stesso ricercato, in cui materiali diversi si fondono per creare una collezione dal carattere unico e dal sapore contemporaneo.

Design, taste and proportion are essential elements of Alabama collection where iroko wood, with its ability to impart colour and warmth, plays the lead role. A collection with a minimal but refined style, where the mix and match of different materials creates a range from a unique and contemporary design.

459 458
Alabamacollection // wood 461 460


Alabamacollection // Wood

Design Marco Acerbis

palissandro colour natural teak colour
Iroko wood frame L3 L6 35,0 21,0 unit 1 unit 1 KG KG 1.37 mc 0.66 mc Elastic belt ecru mokka B6 B5 S20 Cushions fabric Gres table top Pillows fabric 45x45 (optional) white-beige white-beige C123 C123 leaf zen peach white peach white leaf beige peach beige C141 C141 C142 C143 C144 sand limestone 12mm L6 L6 L6 L3 L3 L3 L3 L3 B6 B6 B5 B5 B5 B5 COFFEE TABLE / CODE: ALAACCTC 25,0 unit 1 KG 0.29 mc Width 110 Depth 70 Height 30
LIVING ARMCHAIR / CODE: ALACCPL Width 180 Width 85 Depth 85 Depth 85 Height 80 Height 80 H. armrest 58 H. armrest 58 H. seat 41 H. seat 41 H. cushion 15 H. cushion 15 S20 S20 C123 C123 C123 C123 C141 C141
463 462


Design Marco Acerbis

Eleganza romantica, attenzione ai dettagli, la collezione Milo è costruita sartorialmente come un abito. Toccare è permesso, anzi, è obbligatorio. Questo il concept intorno al quali ruota il progetto di Marco Acerbis. Il risultato finale è una famiglia di oggetti che hanno tutti un animo forte, pur inserendosi nell’arredo senza arroganza. La linea è morbida ma rigida, colorata ma con equilibrio, moderna ma senza tempo. Romantic elegance. Attention to details. Tailored as a perfect dress. Touching is allowed, no, it is compulsory. This are some of the ideas that Marco Acerbis kept in mind while sketching this collection. The result is a very lively family of objects that have a strong character and yet do know their place without being too arrogant. It is soft yet rigid, colorful but with balance, modern but timeless.

467 466


living armchair & coffee table d50

white frame

light grey rope

cushions in silver colour

deco in plain sky colour

469 468
Milocollection 471 470
473 472


living armchair

dove frame

dark beige rope

cushions in warm white colour

deco in peach colour

475 474


dining armchair & extending alu dining table 200x100 frame & textilene dove colour

477 476
479 478


sofa, living armchair & coffee table d70-d100

graphite frame

light grey rope

cushions in dark grey colour

deco in dark grey & plain ochre colour

quadro carpet ø 300 dark grey

481 480
Milocollection 483 482
485 484
487 486
Milocollection 489 488
491 490


dining chair & extending dining table 200x100 white frame

cushions in light grey colour

top in gres white colour

493 492
Milocollection 495 494
497 496
499 498


Milocollection Design Marco Acerbis





A7 A7 A7 S18 beige red T10 Finishing A13 A13 A13 A12 A12 A12 A14 A14 A14 A12 A12 A12 A14 A14 A14 C96w C96w C96w C95 C95 C95 R32 R32 R32 R32 R32 R32 R33 R33 R33 C53 C53 C53 Width 228 Width 165 Width 100 Width 100 Width 70 Width 50 Depth 79 Depth 79 Depth 79 Depth 100 Depth 70 Depth 50 Height 70 Height 70 Height 70 Height 30 Height 40 Height 50 H. seat 36 H. seat 36 H. seat 36 H. cushion 14 H. cushion 14 H. cushion 14 LIVING ARMCHAIR
32,0 23,0 18,0 12,0 5,0 4,0 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 KG KG KG KG KG KG 0.99 mc 0.70 mc 0.42 mc 0.30 mc 0.20 mc 0.19 mc S15 S14 A14 A13 A12 T1 T2 T3
Aluminium frame dove dove graphite white white Gres table top Seat textilene Seat cushion (only for dining armchair) white dark grey silver black C96w C96w C96w C95 C95 C95 silver silver silver dark grey dark grey dark grey C129 plain sky C130w plain white Seat / back fabric cushions C53 C53 C53 warm white warm white warm white C118 plain ochre Pillows fabric ø40 45x45 (optional) C46 peach C83 C81 dark grey light grey R33 R32 Synthetic rope dark beige light grey C38 mèlange beige A7 red A4 reed green 501 500





A4 A4 A4 A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 A7 S18 S18 S18 S18 S18 S18 A14 A14 A14 A13 A13 A13 A13 A12 A12 A12 A14 A14 A14 A12 A12 A12 S15 S15 S15 S14 S14 S14 A14 A14 A13 A12 A13 A12 A12 A12 A12 A12 A14 A14 A14 A14 T2 T3 T1 Width 160/215 Width 200/260 Width 200/260 Width 160/215 Width 60 Width 100 Depth 95 Depth 100 Depth 100 Depth 95 Depth 100 Depth 60 Height 76 Height 76 Height 76 Height 76 Only for extending table 200x100 2 extension panel incluted Only for extending table 200x100
EXTRA ALU PANEL 60X100 / CODE: MLOEXT EXTRA CERAMIC PANEL 60X100 / CODE: MLOCEREXT 39,0 55,0 48,0 69,0 6,0 12,0 unit unit unit 1 unit unit unit KG KG KG KG KG KG x8 x8 x10 x10 0.32 mc 0.51 mc 0.50 mc 0.70 mc 0.06 mc 0.06 mc Width 90 Width 90 Width 160 Width 180 Width 59 Depth 90 Depth 90 Depth 90 Depth 38 Depth 58 Height 74 Height 74 Height 74 Height 45 Height 89 DINING ARMCHAIR/ CODE: MLOTXPP BENCH /
MLOALUPAN 18,0 unit KG 0.13 mc MILO TABLE D
MLOTAV9090 MILO TABLE 160x90 / CODE: MLOTAV16090 9,2 35,0 11,8 18,6 unit unit unit unit KG KG KG KG 0.09 mc 0.38 mc 0.14 mc 0.25 mc x4 x4 x4 x6 4,0 unit 4 x18 KG 0.44 mc H. armrest 65 H. seat 45 H. cushion 3 Width 120/180 Depth 80 Height 76
A4 A4 A4 A4 A7 T2 T10 503 502
A14 A14 A13 A13 A12 A12 T2 T2 T3 T3 T1 T1 SUNBED / CODE: MLOALULET DECK CHAIR/ CODE: MLODEC Width 191 Depth 77 Height 30 Width 63 Depth 136 Height 101 H. armrest 60 H. seat 40 11,0 9,0 unit 2 unit 1 KG KG 0.78 mc 0.72 mc 505 504


Design Karim Rashid

Firmato Karim Rashid, questo originale lettino prendisole è realizzato interamente in acciaio. La sua forma è un’unica affascinante curva. La sua ergonomia è studiata per accogliere perfettamente il corpo e per garantire il massimo comfort. Il lettino Breez è realizzato interamente in tubolare e rete ad intreccio. Compagno ideale dei vostri momenti di relax a bordo piscina o in giardino, Breez è un oggetto esclusivo e di tendenza che saprà garantire piacevoli sensazioni per tutta l’estate. Puro design per il tuo relax!

The Breez is the extraordinary outcome of Karim Rashid talent combined with the quality of Made in Italy. Its main feature is its charming and curvy shape. Its ergonomics is perfectly designed to accommodate your body and generate the maximum comfort. Breez sun lounger is made with a tubular frame and a woven mesh base. An ideal companion for lazy moments in your poolside or garden, Breez is an exclusive and trendy item that will guarantee you durable moments and positive sentations during the whole summer. Pure design for your relax!

509 508

Breezcollection Design Karim Rashid


M1 M3 M1 M3 C1 C1 C1 M1 M3 M2 M2 C1 M2
SUNBED / CODE: BRLE COFFEE TABLE / CODE: BRTAV Cushions fabric Steel frame 37,0 9,0 unit 1 unit 1 KG KG 0.80 mc 0.08 mc white graphite dove white Width 170 Width 75 Depth 64 Depth 46 Height 66 Height 23 H. seat 35 511 510


Design Karim Rashid

Il Breez 2.0 nasce come evoluzione moderna del Breez classico. Lettino realizzato con una struttura in alluminio verniciato in colore bianco. Il rivestimento della struttura è in tessuto Microfeel traspirante anche esso di colore bianco, facile da lavare e resistente agli agenti atmosferici. Con il nuovo Breez 2.0 terrazzi, giardini, bordi piscina e aree wellness avranno un protagonista d’eccezione. Il Breez 2.0 si presta meravigliosamente anche in interni esclusivi e alla moda.

Karim extravagance and creative genius one more time provide a relaxing sunbed with aluminum frame and Microfeel covering. Breez 2.0 is born as a contemporary evolution of our Breez lounge. The new Breez 2.0 exclusive sun lounge expresses a feeling of comfort and well being. This creation, certain to make a statement on terraces, gardens and pool-side, is a beautiful solution for the most exclusive and fashionable interiors as well.

515 514

Breez2.0collection Design Karim Rashid Aluminium frame Covering

grey mash white 21,0 unit 1 KG 0.91 mc 517 516

C82 A18
Finishing SUNBED / CODE: BR2LET Width 174 Depth 68 Height 70


Design Studio Talenti

Il perfetto incontro tra il totale relax e lo stile inconfondibile della Talenti. In un’unica parola? Sacco. Che sia a bordo piscina o in giardino, singolo o matrimoniale, troverà tutti d’accordo! Comodità, brio e colore in unica linea per l arredo del tuo esterno. Un prodotto 100% made in Italy. La varietà di colori in cui Sacco viene proposto permetterà di creare angoli trendy ed eleganti perfettamente intonati all’ambiente circostante.

The perfect balance between relax and style. In one word? Sacco. Sacco is a luxury furniture that is functional and at the same time has great personality. Sacco is a collection formulated in materials and finishes that will last over the time. It can be placed at the edge of a swimming pool area or in a garden, it can be 1 seat or 2 seater, everybody will love it! A 100% made in Italy product. All the materials used for this collection are carefully selected to achieve a perfect balance between aesthetics, functionality and comfort.

521 520
523 522
Saccocollection 525 524
527 526


Saccocollection Design Studio Talenti


C1 C29 C31 C32 C100 C102 C101 C103 C107 C105 C110 C104 C1 C1 C1 C29 C29 C31 C31 C31 C32 C32 C32 C100 C100 C102 C102 C101 C101 C103 C103 C107 C107 C105 C105 C105 C105 C110 C110 C110 C110 C104 C104 Finishing Plain single colour fabric Bicoloured
grey green dove blue stripe grey stripe green stripe dove white
piping blue-white piping
piping grey-white piping
H. seat 38 H. seat 38 H. seat 38 Width 136 Width 68 Width 68 Width 65 Width 65 Depth 116 Depth 116 Depth 116 Depth 65 Depth 65 Height 71 Height 71 Height 71 Height 38 Height 38
SCC POUF SINGLE COLOUR / CODE: SCCPUF POUF BICOLOUR / CODE: SCCPUF 16,0 8,0 3,0 3,0 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit 1 KG KG KG KG 0.93 mc 0.58 mc 0.20 mc 0.20 mc 8,0 unit 1 KG 0.58 mc 529 528



Alluminio: Grazie alla fusione di più leghe di alluminio che ne garantiscono solidità, maneggevolezza ed inattaccabilità alla ruggine, è un materiale di elavata qualità e permette di raggiungere massimi risultati qualitativi ed estetici.

Inox: L’acciaio inossidabile è un materiale che, grazie alla sua alta resistenza alla corrosione e alle caratteristiche meccaniche di rilievo, risulta maggiormente duraturo e affidabile nel tempo.

Acciaio: Lega di ferro e carbonio con percentuale di carbonio inferiore al 2% trattata per resistere agli agenti atmosferici con il processo della cataforesi e verniciatura a polvere.

Manutenzione: Per mantenere a lungo il prodotto in buone condizioni, consigliamo una corretta pulizia periodica, particolarmente frequente in località caratterizzate da forte umidità e clima marino. Si raccomanda di pulire le superci con un panno morbido utilizzando acqua o detergenti neutri. Prolungate ed ininterrotte esposizioni a intense radiazioni UV o a temperature molto rigide possono incidere sulle caratteristiche iniziali del rivestimento estetico colorato costituito da poliestere. Consigliamo di pulire e conservare in luoghi riparati prodotti durante periodi d’inutilizzo prolungato e invernali.

Aluminum: Thanks to the fusion of several aluminum alloys that guarantee solidity, manageability and rust resistance, it is a material of high quality and allows to reach the maximum qualitative and aesthetic results.

Inox: Stainless steel is a material that, thanks to its high resistance to corrosion and to the mechanical characteristics of relief, is more durable and reliable over time.

Steel: Iron and carbon alloy with carbon percentage less than 2% treated to resist to the atmospheric agents with the cataphoresis process and powder coating.

Maintenance: To keep the product in good condition for a long time, we recommend a regular cleaning period, particularly frequent in places characterized by high humidity and marine climate. We recommend cleaning the surfaces with a soft cloth using water or neutral detergents. Prolonged and uninterrupted exposures to intense UV radiation or at very low temperatures can affect the initial characteristics of the colored polyester coating. We recommend cleaning and storing products in sheltered areas during long periods of non-use and winter.

Bianco White Bianco White Giallo Yellow Reed green Verde bamboo Tortora Dove colour Tortora Dove colour Verde petrolio Teal green Grafite Graphite Grafite Graphite Rosso Red
A14 I5 A7 A13 I6 A6 A5 A4
Alluminio / Alluminium
A15 A12 I4
Inox / Stainless steel
531 530

Materials Materials

Doppia treccia costruita con anima in poliestere e copertura in propilene multi filamento. La fibra esterna di cui è composta è impermeabile e resistente ai raggi UV.

Si raccomanda di pulire con prodotto neutro e panno non abrasivo.

Double braid made with polyester core and multi-filament propylene cover. The external fiber is waterproof and resistant to UV rays.

It is recommended to clean with a neutral product and a non-abrasive cloth.

Teak: Materiale di elevata qualità ideale per la realizzazione di mobili da esterno perché estremamente resistente ai cambiamenti di temperatura, all’acqua, all’umidità e alla salsedine.

Accoya è una nuova varietà di legname di eccezionale durabilità, questo legno dalle elevate prestazioni viene prodotto con materie prime sostenibili e gestite in maniera ottimale, non è tossico ed è inoltre dotato di una stabilità dimensionale e di una durabilità in grado di superare quella dei migliori legni duri tropicali.

Iroko: particolare tipo di legno dotato di numerose proprietà meccaniche, fisiche e tecnologiche: la capacità di opporsi alle sollecitazioni esterne e l’attitudine a lasciarsi lavorare nonostante la sua durezza. La particolare stabilità e la medio-alta durezza conferiscono a questo legno una buona resistenza alle deformazioni e ne garantiscono una durata nel tempo davvero eccellente.

Trattandosi di un materiale naturale si potrebbero osservare variazioni di colore o anche crepe dovute al grado di umidità ed ai bruschi cambiamenti di temperatura. Qualora non ricevesse alcun trattamento di manutenzione, mediante l’applicazione periodica di comuni e specifici protettivi a base olio, la superficie potrebbe prendere una patina grigio argento che potrà essere eliminata con una leggera carteggiatura superficiale e successiva lucidatura con panno di iuta. Piccole macchie superficiali dovute ad olio o altri prodotti alimentari dovranno essere rimosse tempestivamente, prima che il legno possa assorbirle in profondità, carteggiando la superficie interessata e lucidandola successivamente con un panno di iuta.

Teak: High quality material suitable for outdoor furniture because it is extremely resistant to changes in temperature, water, humidity and saltiness.

Accoya is a new variety of wood characterized by an exceptional durability. This wood shows very good performances and is produced with sustainable row material, managed in an optimal way. It is not toxic and it has got a dimensional stability. Its durability is much higher than the one of the best hard tropical wood.

Iroko: particular type of wood with numerous mechanical, physical and technological properties: its resistance to external stress and workability despite its hardness. The particular stability and medium-high hardness give this wood a good flexural strenght resistance to deformation and guarantee excellent durability.

Being a natural material, colour variations or even cracks due to the degree of humidity and sudden changes in temperature may be observed. If no maintenance treatment is received, through the periodic application of common and specific protective oil-based, the surface may take a silver-gray patina that can be easily removed with a light surface sanding down and subsequent polishing with a jute cloth. Small superficial stains due to oil or other food products must be removed promptly, before the wood can absorb them in depth, sanding down the affected surface and then polishing it with a jute cloth.

Corde sintetiche / Synthetic ropes Giallo Yellow Grigio chiaro Light grey Grigio chiaro Light grey Beige Dark beige Rosso Red Tortora Dove Grigio Grey Grigio Grey Rosso Red Grigio scuro Dark grey Grigio scuro Dark grey Sabbia Sand Verde petrolio Teal green Teak
L9 L1
Natural teak Legni / Wood
R28 R7 R30 R40 R12 R31
L6 L2 L3 R19 R10 R8
R22 R23 R33 R32 533 532
Accoya natural teak colour Iroko natural teak colour Iroko palissandro colour

Materials Materials

Cinghie elastiche / Elastic belt B2 B1

Ottenute mediante la tessitura di materiali sintetici studiati per permette di essere usata all’esterno.

SI consiglia di evitare il contatto prolungato con sostanze grasse e/o coloranti che potrebbero venir assorbite dal materiale di rivestimento e dare luogo, di conseguenza, a macchie permanenti e rischiare di deteriorare la struttura del filato. Si consiglia di evitare l’utilizzo di solventi. Utilizzare acqua e detergenti liquidi non abrasivi con PH neutro ed incolori.

Obtained through the weaving of synthetic materials especially conceived outdoor use.

We recommend to avoid prolonged contact with greasy substances and / or dyes which could be absorbed by the covering material used and consequently cause permanent stains and risk to deteriorate the structure of the yarn. It is advisable it is suggested to avoid the use of solvents. Use water and non-abrasive liquid detergents with neutral PH and colourless.


S23 S22

Light metal Il Vitter è un durevole laminato compatto di ultima generazione, senza formaldeide che ha come caratteristica esclusiva quella di essere tutto colore, interno ed esterno.

Caratteristiche principali:

-interamente impermeabile

-ignifugo ed autoestinguente (classe B-s2, d0)

-altissima resistenza agli urti e ai graffi

-resiste all’uso di detergenti chimici aggressivi

-adatto al contatto diretto con gli alimenti

-non trattiene odori e sapori

-antibatterico, per rispondere ai più severi requisiti igienici.

In caso di sporco ostinato o incuria rimuovete prima con un panno morbido e umido eventuali depositi di materiale secco, senza sfregare per non rigare la superficie.

Utilizzate poi una spugna morbida non abrasiva e un detergente domestico, lavate la superficie con il detergente e risciacquate con acqua tiepida, quindi asciugate bene.

Vitter is the latest generation compact laminate formaldehyde-free caractherized by a durable surface, with the unique feature of being full colour, inside and outside.

Main features:

- it is completely waterproof

- it is flame-retardant and self-extinguishing (class B-s2, d0)

- it has a very high resistance to impacts and scratches

- it s resistant to the use of aggressive chemical detergents

- it is suitable for direct contact with food

- it does not retain odours or flavours

- it is antibacterial, to meet the most stringent hygiene requirements.

In case of stubborn dirt or lack of care, we recommend to first remove any dry deposits with a soft and damp cloth, without rubbing to avoid scratching the surface.

Then use a soft, non-abrasive sponge and a household detergent, wash the surface with the detergent and rinse with warm water, at the end dry thoroughly.

Grigio scuro Dark grey Grigio lamiera chiaro Grigio scuro Dark grey Grigio chiaro Light grey
Ecru Mokka 535 534
B5 B6

Materials Materials

Gres porcellanato / Porcelain

Il gres porcellanato, grazie alle sue eccellenti proprietà fisiche e meccaniche, risulta essere ideale per uso esterno, essendo inattaccabile dagli agenti atmosferici e inalterabile ai raggi UV. Tale materiale viene ottenuto tramite il processo di sintetizzazione di argille ceramiche, feldspati, caolini e sabbia.

Per la pulizia dei in piani in gres si consiglia l’utilizzo di un panno inumidito con acqua e detergente neutro da risciacquare ed asciugare con un panno asciutto. Nella fase di lavaggio porre particolare attenzione al fine di evitare l’accumulo di sporco o calcare.

Porcelain stoneware, thanks to its excellent physical and flexural strenght, turns out to be ideal for outdoor use, being unaffected by atmospheric agents and unalterable to UV rays. This material is obtained through the synthesis process of ceramic clays, feldspars, kaolins and sand.

For the cleaning of stoneware tops it is advisable to use a damp cloth with water and a neutral detergent to be rinsed and dried with a dry cloth. During the washing phase, pay particular attention to avoid the accumulation of dirt

100% Translucent polyethylene

Il polietilene è un materiale plastico molto adatto all’arredo esterno. Ha una superficie particolarmente pratica, lavabile, resistente ai raggi UV e agli agenti atmosferici nel corso del tempo. Ha un’ elevata resistenza agli urti, una resistenza eccellente alla corrosione e ai prodotti chimici. Non è penetrabile da liquidi come acqua, soluzioni saline o alcool.

Non utilizzare acidi ossidanti, quali acido Nitrico, acido solforico o alogeni.

Polyethylene is a plastic material that is perfectly suitable for outdoor furniture. Its surface is particu-larly practical, washable, UV and weather- resistant over the time.

Not penetrable by liquids such as water, salt solutions or alcohol, this material stands out also for its high-impact resistance and its excellent resistance to corrosion and chemicals.

Do not use oxidising acids, such as nitric acid, sulphuric acid or halogens.

Perla Pearl Beige Ceppo di gré 12mm Limestone sand 12mm Light concrete Grey moon 12mm Dark concrete Antracite Charcoal Bianco White Grigio scuro Dark grey stoneware S14 S15 S11 S4 S18 S19 S20 S25 S21 S26 Grafite Graphite Grafite Graphite Blu Blue Tortora Dove colour Tortora Dove colour Rosso Red Bianco White
PE2t PE2 PE1t PE1 PE3t PE3 PE4 PE5 537 536

Materials Materials


Il poliuretano Tech è un poliuretano strutturale quindi non necessita di alcuna struttura metallica interna. é un materiale ad alta densità (600-700 Kg/m³) che permette di realizzare qualsiasi forma, con spessori anche molto sottili. Ha un’elevata resistenza agli urti, ben superiore a quella dei tradizionali rigidi strutturali, mantenendo comunque una gradevole elasticità in termini di comfort. Ha una buona resistenza al graffio.

Pulire le sedute in poliuretano è molto semplice, pratico e veloce.

Per prima cosa è necessario rimuovere lo sporco dalla seduta, per garantire la durata dei prodotti pulisci le superfici utilizzando solo acqua tiepida e sapone neutro.

Non utilizzare solventi aggressivi come l’acetone o detergenti a base di benzine e alcalini che possono aggredire chimicamente il materiale compromettendone estetica e integrità strutturale.

The polyurethane Tech is a structural polyurethane, therefore it does not need any inner metallic structure.

Is a high density material (600-700 Kg/m³) that enables to make any shape with very thin designs. Tech has a high shock resistance, much higher if compared to traditional structural rigid PU, keeping at the same time a good elasticity in terms of seating comfort. It has a good resistance to scratches too.

Cleaning polyurethane seats is very simple, practical and fast.

First of all, it is necessary to remove the dirt, then you must moisten a cloth with water and with a suitable specific product that is not too aggressive. To ensure the durability of the products, clean the surfaces using only warm water and neutral soap. Do not use aggressive solvents such as acetone or petrol and alkaline based detergents which can chemically attack the material compromising its aesthetics and structural integrity.

Il Textilene è una fibra di poliestere protetta da un rivestimento in PVC. Le fibre vengono poi legate insieme in modo da ottenere una sostanza fibrosa particolarmente solida è permanente, resistente allo stiramento ed immune da strappi. La caratteristica più importante è la sua elasticità, offre un’eccellente resistenza alle muffe e alle macchie, e presenta un trattamento superficiale contro la degradazione UV.

Il textilene può essere pulito semplicemente con un panno di spugna con acqua saponata. Abrasivi e solventi devono essere assolutamente evitati! Si asciuga molto rapidamente a causa della loro struttura aperta.

Textilene is a polyester fiber protected by a PVC coating. The fibers are bonded together so in order to obtain a particularly solid fibrous material which is durable, resistant to stretching and wear resistant too. The most important characteristic is its elasticity, offers excellent resistance to inhibits mold and stains, and has a surface treatment against UV degradation.

Textilene can simply be cleaned with a sponge cloth with soapy water. Abrasives and solvents must absolutely be avoided! It dries very quickly due to their open structure.

Tortora Dove Tortora Dove Silver black Caffe Coffee Nero Black Rosso Red Bianco White Silver
T5 T3
T6 T7 T10
100% Polyurethane tech P12 P31
Grafite Graphite Tortora Dove colour Bianco White
PU2 PU1 PU3 539 538


Tessuto 100% acrilico, idrorepellente / 100% acrylic fabric, water repellent


Beige mèlange Mèlange beige

Bianco White Pesca Peach Celeste ghiaccio Blu ice C1 Blu Blue
Grigio Grey Tortora Dove 40°
C32 C31 C29 Grigio Grey C12 30°
Tessuto 100% polyolefinic / 100% polyolefinic fabric
Plain bordeaux Plain sky Nero Black C21 C20 Mambo canvas Mambo light blue C22 C23 C33 C34 Taupe Stripe canvas Stripe light blue Quadro taupe C145 White-beige C123 C46 C47 C38 Plain white Mambo sand Plain beige C49 C54 C56 C99 C98 C118 C129 C120 Plain grey Indian red 541 540
Plain ochre


Tessuto 100% pp / 100% pp fabric


Tessuto 100% olefyn, idrorepellente / 100% olefyn fabric, water repellent

chiaro Light grey



C14 C69

Grigio rigato Stripe grey Verde Green Verde rigato Stripe green Blue rigato Stripe blue Bianco White Tortora Dove Tortora rigato Dove grey C101 C102 C103
C107 C110
C104 C105
Grigio Grey C100 Outmap plum Outmap turquoise Outmap grey
Outcross sky Outmap olive
C74 C73 C91
White-grey C108 Burgundy red Mèlange grigio chiaro Light grey mèlange Grigio scuro Dark dark
C19 C17w
Grigio scuro Dark grey
Grigio 30°
C83 C81
Grigio scuro Dark grey
Plain white
Twill black Twill yellow Twill rust
Tessuto 100% pl FR, infiammabile classe 1 / 100% fabric pl FR, flammability class 1
Ocean pattern
C30 City life pattern C37 C88 Mèlange grey Warm white C53
Grigio scuro Dark grey
C96w C95 Silver 543 542

Materials Materials

Realizzato con un accoppiato in 3 strati. due strati esterni sono di propilene ed hanno funzione sia estetica, sia di protezione della membrana interna. La membrana interna è il tessuto tecnico che svolge la maggior parte del lavoro e che ha le proprietà di permeabilità all’aria e impermeabilità. Lavaggio: acqua e sapone, no lavaggio a macchina o a secco.

- Composizione tessuto: polipropilene

- Peso del tessuto: gr 170 circa

- Resistenza alla lacerazione (chiodo):

N(MD) 180 - norma EN12310-1

- Resistenza alla penetrazione d’acqua: mm 1200 - norma EN 1928

- Permeabilità all’aria l/(mq-s): norma EDANA 140.2-99

- Trasmissione del vapore acqueo: Sd value m 0,051 - norma EN 12752.

- Protezione contro i raggi UV 500/1000 ore

It is made of three coupled layers. The external ones are made of propylene whose function is not only the aesthetic one, since it also protects the internal membrane. Such membrane is the technical fabric that plays the most important role: the permeabilty to air and the impermeabilty. Washing: to wash with soap and water, do not wash in washing maschine or dry cleaning.

- Composition of the fabric: propylene

- Weight of the fabric: about gr 170

- Resistance to laceration (nail): N(MD) 180 - EN12310-1 Standard

- Resistant to water penetration: mm 1200 - EN 1928 Standard

- Resistance to air penetration l/(mq-s): EDANA 140.2-99 Standard

- Water vapor transmission: Sd value m 0,051 - regulation EN 12752.

- protection against UV 500/1000 hours

C144 40° 87% pp + 13 % acrylic
Fabri 17% fr pp + 83% fr polyester
Peach beige Peach white
545 544
Leaf beige Leaf zen

Technical information

Peso netto KG Net weight KG

Imbottitura in dry foam Quick dry foam padding

Schienale reclinabile Recliner backrest

Unità per imballo Unit for box Sedute per tavolo Table seats

Resistente alle intemperie Weather-resistant

Cuscineria sfoderabile Removable lining

Tavolo allungabile Extending table

Lavare a mano Hand wash

Articolo da assemblare To assemble

Impilabile Stackable

Piedini con ruote Feet with wheels Pieghevole Folding

Impilate a carrello Stacked on trolley

Facile da pulire Easy clean

Provvisto di illuminazione With lighting system

Alimentazione a batteria Battery powered Alimentazione a 220V 220V power supply

Per ogni articolo sono indicate caratteristiche, dimensioni, peso, numero dei pezzi nell’imballo, materiali e colori. For each item are provided features, sizes, weight, packaging, material, available colours.

Per ogni articolo sono indicate caratteristiche, dimensioni, peso, numero dei pezzi nell’imballo, materiali e colori. For each item are provided features, sizes, weight, packaging, material, available colours.

Legenda / Legend
Non lavare a secco Not dry cleanable Non stirare Do not
Non usare candeggina Do not use bleach
Non asciugare a tamburo Not machine dryable
/ Legend
Technical information
547 546


1. I colori, disegni e misure dei prodotti presenti nel catalogo sono indicativi. La Talenti Spa ha facoltà di eliminare o modificare i modelli delle proprie collezioni senza alcun preavviso.

2. I prezzi dei modelli standard sono espressi nello specifico listino prezzi fornito dall’azienda. Per quanto riguarda gli articoli su misura il preventivo verrà tempestivamente fornito dalla Talenti dietro richiesta del cliente.

3. L’acquirente è tenuto a controllare sempre la merce e ad indicare nel DDT la data di ricevimento, la persona che la riceve ed il timbro della ditta, nonchè le eventuali anomalie nel materiale.

Talenti Spa accetterà esclusivamente reclami presentati entro 5 (cinque) giorni dal ricevimento della merce.

4. La Talenti Spa con la consegna al vettore in nessun caso risponde dei rischi a cui la merce è sottoposta durante il trasporto. Quindi eventuali ammanchi, rotture, deterioramenti o manomissioni sono a totale carico dell’acquirente.

5. Gli ordini dovranno essere fatti per scritto utilizzando i codici, descrizioni e prezzo come da catalogo e listini prezzi relativi.

6. Per ogni controversia è competente il foro di Terni (Italia).


1.Thecolours,drawingsandsizesoftheproductsinthis catalogueareapproximate.TalentiSpareservestheright todiscontinueorchangethemodelsinitscollections atanytimewithoutadvancenotice.

2.Thepricesofthestandardmodelsareexpressed inthespecificpricelistthatTalentiSpawillprovide. Concerningcustomizeditemstheofferwillbeimmediately madeandprovidedbyTalentiSpaonrequestofthe customer.

3.Thepurchaserisalwaysrequiredtoinspectthegoods andindicateonthetransportdocumentthedateofreceipt, thepersonwhoreceiveditandthecompany’sstamp, aswellasanyanomaliesfoundinthematerial. TalentiSpawillnotacceptanyclaimspresented morethan5(five)daysafterreceiptofthegoods.

4.OnceTalentiSpahasdeliveredproductstothecarrier, itisnolongerresponsibleforrisksthesearesubject toduringtransport.Thepurchaseristhustotally responsibleforanymissingpieces,breakage,deterioration ortampering.

5.Ordersmustbeinwritingusingthecodes,descriptions andpricesshowninthecatalogueandpricelists.

6.TheCourtofTerni(Italy)willbeexclusivelycompetent foranydisagreements.


“Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali”

Il trattamento dei dati personali si svolge nel rispetto dei diritti e delle libertà fondamentali, con particolare riferimento alla riservatezza e al diritto alla protezione.

Il trattamento viene effettuato per adempiere ad obblighi amministrativo-contabili e fiscali e per l’esecuzione degli obblighi contrattuali.

I Vs. dati possono essere comunicati, oltre che a tutti gli incaricati del trattamento all’interno dell’azienda, a consulenti amministrativi, contabili e legali, ad Istituti Bancari.

Titolare del trattamento è TALENTI SPA avente sede legale in Strada Amerina km 4,5, 05022 - Amelia (Tr) - Italy

Al Titolare del trattamento ci si potrà rivolgere per far valere i diritti previsti dall’art. 7 del D.Lgs 196/03.

© 2022/2023 - Talenti spa - Prima edizione

Tutti i diritti riservati - All rights reserved


Studio Palomba Serafini Associati

Talenti Technical Department


Talenti Technical Department


Giordano Mocchegiani

Giordano Mocchegiani per Rplus

Roberto Sacchini

Gruppo Bento


Yourpersonalinformationwillbehandledwithrespect foryourrightsandfundamentallibertiesandwithparticular referencetoconfidentialityandtherightofprotection. Yourinformationwillbehandledtofulfilouradministrative, accountingandtaxobligationsandtofulfilourcontractual obligations.Inadditiontothecompany’semployees assignedtohandleyourinformationinternally,itmayalso becommunicatedtoadministrative,accountingandlegal consultantsandtobanks.

Theowneroftheinformationforhandlingpurposes isTalentispa,whichislocatedatStradaAmerinakm4,5, 05022-Amelia(Tr)-Italy

Youmaycontacttheownertoassertyourrightsunder article7ofDL196/2003.

Karim Rashid by Mario Schmolka

Ramón Esteve by Alfonso Calza


Francesca Conti

Silvia Garattoni

Talenti Technical Department



Studio 59


Talenti spa


Varigrafica srl


Paola Paronetto

Noleggio Cose


Cedit-Ceramiche d’Italia (Made in Florim)


Rina Menardi

Kristina Dam Studio

101 Copenhagen

Form and Refine

Agave Fioristi


Talenti spa

Strada Amerina km 4,5 05022 - Amelia (Tr) - Italy

customerservice@talentispa.com www.talentispa.com


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