Outdoor Decor Collections — 2024

Overview Index / Indice generale / Index général / Allgemeiner Index / Í ndice general
— p 4
Alphabetical index / Indice alfabetico / Index alphabétique / Alphabetischer Index / Í ndice alfabético
— p 13
Introduction to the new collections / Introduzione alle nuove collezioni / Présentation des nouvelles collections / Einführung in die neuen Kollektionen / Introducción a las nuevas colecciones
— p 15
Outdoor extras
— p 37
The collections / Le collezioni / Les collections / Die Kollektionen / Las colecciones
— p 53
Parasols, complements and accessories / Ombrelloni, complementi e accessori / Parasols, compléments et accessoires / Sonnenschirme, Ergänzungen und Zubehöre / Sombrillas, complementos y accesorios
— p 201
Outdoor lamps / Lampade da esterno / Lampes d’extérieur / Außenlampen / Lámparas de exterior
— p 215
Technical informations / Informazioni tecniche / Informations techniques / Technische Informationen / Información técnica
— p 225
Outdoor Collections – 2024
Overview index

Cosmo – p 38

Hut – p 49
Overview index

Allaperto – p 122
Lounge armchair / Sofa / Coffee table / Sunbed / Lounge bed / Swing

Calipso – p 98
S module / L module / XL module / Coffee table
Outdoor extras

Out-Fit – p 43
Gym system

Phil – p 44
Outdoor kitchen
The collections / Le collezioni / Les collections / Die Kollektionen / Las colecciones

Costes – p 136
Lounge armchair / Sofa / Modular sofa / Coffee table / Armchair / Table / Sunbed

Cube – p 174
Lounge armchair / Sofa / Modular sofa / Footstool / Pouf / Sunbed / Coffee table

Elisir – p 178
Lounge armchair / Sofa / Coffee table / Chair / Armchair / Table / Sunbed
Overview index

Esedra – p 143
Lounge armchair / Sofa / Coffee table / Armchair / Table / Sunbed

Grand Life – p 103
Lounge armchair / Sofa / Bergère / Sunbed / Coffee table

Notting Hill – p1 96
Armchair / Bench

Sport Collection Ace – p 132
Umpire chair / Bench / Bag holder / Shoes holder / Storage / Tray
The collections / Le collezioni / Les collections / Die Kollektionen / Las colecciones

Infinity – p 168
Lounge armchair / Sofa / Modular sofa / Coffee table / Sunbed

Phorma – p 176
Lounge armchair / Sofa

Rafael – p 67
Lounge armchair / Daybed / Modular sofa / Armchair / Table / Sunbed / Coffee table

Swing – p 74
Lounge armchair / Sofa / Modular sofa / Club armchair / Coffee table / Table / Armchair / Porch swing

Venexia – p 93
Lounge armchair / Sofa / Modular sofa / Coffee table

Kilt – p 111
Lounge armchair / Sofa / Coffee table / Armchair / Table

Rotin – p 116
Sofa / Lounge armchair / Pouf / Coffee table

Yacht Collection Baia – p 55
Lounge armchair / Sofa / Modular sofa / Daybed / Sunbed / Pouf / Coffee table
Outdoor Collections – 2024

Knit – p 86
Lounge armchair / Sofa / Footstool / Rocking armchair / Coffee table / Table / Chair / Armchair

Sling – p 120
Armchair / Coffee table / Footstool

Yacht Collection Costiera – p 62
Lounge armchair / Sofa / Modular sofa
Overview index

Allaperto Bistrò – p 130
Dining armchair

Costes – p 136
Dining armchair / Dining table

Knit – p 86
Dining armchair / Dining chair / Dining table

Rafael – p 67
Dining armchair / Dining table

Kilt – p 111
Dining armchair / Dining table

Ribot – p 150
Dining armchair / Dining chair / Barstool / Dining table
Dining chairs / Sedie / Chaises / Stühle / Sillas de comedor

Elisir – p 178
Dining armchair / Dining chair / Dining table

Laren – p 182
Dining armchair / Dining chair / Barstool / Dining table / High table

Studios – p 166
Folding armchair

Flower – p 189
Dining armchair / Dining chair / Barstool / Dining table / High table

Nicolette – p 163
Dining armchair / Barstool

Swing – p 74
Dining armchair / Barstool / Dining table

Grand Life – p 103
Dining armchair

Pluvia – p 147
Dining armchair

Venexia – p 93
Dining armchair / Dining table
Overview index

Bold – p 108
Dining table

Concreto – p 147
Dining table
Dining tables / Tavoli da pranzo / Tables à manger / Esstische / Mesas de comedor

Costes – p 136
Dining table / Dining armchair

Enjoy – p 164

Esedra – p 143
Coffee table / Lounge dining table / Dining table

Knit – p 86
Dining table / Dining armchair / Dining chair
Dining table / Dining armchair

Flat – p 166
Dining table

Cronos – p 155
Dining table

Elisir – p 178
Dining table / Dining armchair / Dining chair

Friends – p 156
Dining table

Laren – p 182
Dining table / High table / Barstool / Dining armchair / Dining chair

Play – p 158
Dining table / Ping pong table

Rafael – p 67
Dining table / Dining armchair

Kilt – p 111
Dining table / Dining armchair

Ribot – p 150
Dining table / Dining armchair / Dining chair / Barstool
Overview index

Swing – p 74
Dining table / Dining armchair / Barstool

Venexia – p 93
Dining table / Dining armchair
Dining tables / Tavoli da pranzo / Tables à manger / Esstische / Mesas de comedor
Overview index
Sun loungers and lounging / Prendisole e lounging / Chaises longues et lounging / Sonnenliegen und Loungebetten / Tumbonas y lounging

Allaperto – p 122
Sunbed / Lounge bed

Costes – p 136

Cruise – p 197
Deck chair

Cube – p 174
Sunbed / Coffee table

Elle – p 199
Deck chair
Sun loungers and lounging / Prendisole e lounging / Chaises longues et lounging / Sonnenliegen und Loungebetten / Tumbonas y lounging

Elisir – p 178
Sunbed / Coffee table

Esedra – p 143
Sunbed / Coffee table

Kilt – p 111
Sunbed / Coffee table

Ocean – p 172

Essenza – p 192
Sunbed / Lounge bed

Grand Life – p 103
Sunbed / Coffee table

Rafael – p 67
/ Sunbed / Daybed / Coffee table

Sand – p 194

Infinity – p 168
Sunbed / Coffee table

Swing – p 74
Lounge bed / Coffee table

Yacht Collection Baia – p 55
Sunbed / Daybed / Coffee table
Parasols, complements and accessories / Ombrelloni, complementi e accessori / Parasols, compléments et accessoires / Sonnenschirme, Ergänzungen und Zubehöre / Sombrillas, complementos y accesorios

Classic – p 202
Wooden umbrella

Free – p 204
Aluminium umbrella

Allaperto – p 122
Swing / Hanging chair

Pangea – p 211
Outdoor rug

Bulbi – p 208
Plant pots

Tetide – p 211
Outdoor rug

Freedom – p 205
Aluminium adjustable umbrella

Clostra – p 207
Shield / Planter

Holiday – p 206
Wooden umbrella

Nodi Rugs – p 212
Outdoor rug

T-Box – p 308
Overview index
Tavolini, pouf e vassoi / Coffee tables, poufs and trays / Tables basses, poufs et plateaux / Couchtische, Hocker und Tabletts / Mesas de centro, pufes y bandejas

Clay – p 308
Coffee table

Cross – p 85
Coffee table

Isola – p 64

Tender – p 240
Side table / Tray

Smart – p 294
Side table

Steward – p 261
Turning tray

Loto – p 176
Coffee table

Petit club – p 308
Coffee table

Swing – p 74
Overview index
Outdoor lamps / Lampade da esterno / Lampes d’extérieur / Außenlampen / Lámparas de exterior

Carré – p 222
Wall lamp / Table lamp / Floor lamp / Bollard

Milk – p 220
Portable solar lamp

Gaia – p 219
Table lamp / Hanging lamp

Pharos – p 220
Lamp post
Wall lamp post

Ginger – p 223
Wall lamp / Table lamp / Floor lamp

Kilt lamp – p 216
Suspension lamp

Lucerna – p 221
Rechargeable lantern / Wired lantern

Step – p 223
Path lamp

Woody – p 218
Floor lamp

Yacht Collection Baia Lamp – p 217
132 Ace
149 Agave
122 Allaperto
130 Allaperto Bistrò
55 Baia
217 Baia lamp
108 Bold
208 Bulbi C
98 Calipso
222 Carré
202 Classic
308 Clay
207 Clostra
147 Concreto
38 Cosmo
136 Costes
62 Costiera
155 Cronos
85 Cross
197 Cruise
174 Cube
E 178 Elisir
199 Elle
164 Enjoy
143 Esedra
192 Essenza
166 Flat
189 Flower
204 Free
205 Freedom
156 Friends
219 Gaia
223 Ginger
103 Grand Life H
206 Holiday
49 Hut I
168 Infinity
111 Kilt
216 Kilt lamp
86 Knit L
182 Laren
176 Loto
221 Lucerna M
220 Milk
163 Nicolette
212 Nodi
196 Notting Hill
172 Ocean
43 Out-Fit P
211 Pangea
308 Petit club
220 Pharos
44 Phil
176 Phorma
158 Play
147 Pluvia
67 Rafael
150 Ribot
116 Rotin
194 Sand
120 Sling
294 Smart
223 Step
166 Studios
261 Steward
74 Swing T
308 T–Box
236 Teak maintenance
240 Tender
211 Tetide
93 Venexia
218 Woody

en / Travel Tales. Unspoilt landscapes, majestic tranquillity, authentic moments to experience and share. This is the inspiration behind the Ethimo collection: a journey that continues through time, taking its cue from nature, culture, and the very soul of places such as Comporta, Portugal, where ancient traditions and craftsmanship blend with contemporary architecture and lifestyle.
it / Racconti di viaggio. Paesaggi incontaminati, maestosa tranquillità, momenti autentici da vivere e condividere. Sono le ispirazioni della collezione Ethimo: un viaggio che continua nel tempo, prendendo spunto dalla natura, dalla cultura, dall’anima stessa di luoghi come Comporta, in Portogallo, dove antiche tradizioni e maestrie si fondono con l’architettura e lo stile di vita contemporaneo.
fr / C arnets de voyage. Des paysages immaculés, une tranquillité majestueuse, des moments authentiques à vivre et à partager. Voici les inspirations de la collection Ethimo : un voyage qui se poursuit au fil du temps, en s’inspirant de la nature, de la culture et de l’âme singulière de lieux tels que Comporta, au Portugal, où traditions et savoir-faire antiques se mêlent à une architecture et un style de vie contemporains.
de / Reisegeschichten. Unberührte Landschaften, majestätische Stille, authentische Momente, die man erleben und mit anderen teilen kann. Dies sind die Inspirationen für die Ethimo-Kollektion: eine Reise durch die Zeit, inspiriert von der Natur, der Kultur und der Seele von Orten wie Comporta, Portugal, wo alte Traditionen und Handwerkskunst mit zeitgenössischer Architektur und Lifestyle verschmelzen.
es / Relatos de viaje. Paisajes vírgenes, tranquilidad majestuosa, momentos auténticos para vivir y compartir. Estas son las inspiraciones de la colección Ethimo: un viaje que continúa a través del tiempo, inspirándose en la naturaleza, la cultura y el alma misma de lugares como Comporta, en Portugal, donde las antiguas tradiciones y la artesanía se mezclan con la arquitectura y el estilo de vida contemporáneo.

Fragrant lavender, green paddy fields and flowering dunes, all facing the vast ocean. From a sand floor hut begins a journey towards new horizons, re-exploring ancestral sensations.
Lavanda profumata, verdi risaie e dune fiorite, di fronte all’oceano immenso. Da una capanna con il pavimento di sabbia, inizia un percorso alla riscoperta di sensazioni ancestrali, verso nuovi orizzonti.
La lavande parfumée, les rizières verdoyantes et les dunes fleuries, face à l’immensité de l’océan. Une aventure débute dans une cabane les pieds dans le sable, pour retrouver des sensations ancestrales, en route vers de nouveaux horizons.
Duftender Lavendel, grüne Reisfelder und blühende Dünen mit Blick auf den weiten Ozean. Von einer Hütte mit Sandboden aus beginnt eine Reise zu neuen Horizonten und zur Wiederentdeckung uralter Empfindungen.
Lavanda fragante, arrozales verdes y dunas repletas de flores frente al vasto océano. Desde una cabaña con suelo de arena, comienza un viaje para redescubrir sensaciones ancestrales, hacia nuevos horizontes.

en / B eyond borders. Moving beyond past experiences, expanding the significance and emotion of open-air living, entering an extraordinary outdoor dimension, transporting outside the scenarios and activities typical of indoor spaces. Ethimo extends its collection, exploring further types of environments and functions to discover ever new ways and opportunities to rediscover contact with nature.
it / O ltre i confini. Andare oltre le esperienze già vissute, ampliare i significati e le emozioni dell’abitare all’aria aperta, entrare in una dimensione straordinaria del mondo outdoor, trasportare all’esterno gli scenari e le attività tipiche degli spazi indoor. Ethimo estende la sua collezione, esplorando ulteriori tipologie di ambienti e di funzioni, per scoprire sempre nuove modalità e occasioni di ritrovare il contatto con la natura.
fr / Au delà des frontières. Aller au-delà des expériences vécues, approfondir les significations et les émotions de la vie au grand air, entrer dans une dimension extraordinaire du monde outdoor, transporter à l’extérieur les scénarios et les activités typiques des espaces intérieurs. Ethimo développe sa collection en explorant d’autres types d’atmosphères et de fonctions, afin de découvrir de nouvelles façons et opportunités de renouer avec la nature.
de / Ü b er die Grenzen. Über die bereits gemachten Erfahrungen hinauszugehen, die Bedeutung und die Emotionen des Lebens im Freien zu erweitern, eine außergewöhnliche Dimension der Außenwelt zu betreten, die für Innenräume typischen Szenarien und Aktivitäten nach draußen zu übertragen. Ethimo erweitert seine Kollektion und erforscht weitere Arten von Umgebungen und Funktionen, um neue Wege und Möglichkeiten zu entdecken, den Kontakt zur Natur wiederzuentdecken.
es / M ás allá de las fronteras. Ir más allá de las experiencias ya vividas, ampliar los significados y emociones de la vida al aire libre, entrar en una dimensión extraordinaria del mundo exterior, transportar al exterior los escenarios y actividades propios de los espacios de interior. Ethimo amplía su colección, explorando otros tipos de entornos y funciones, para descubrir nuevas formas y oportunidades de recuperar el contacto con la naturaleza.

The texture of cork and straw, birdsong, the play of shadows and light. An unspoilt environment in which to experience new encounters between people, situations and flavours.
La matericità del sughero e della paglia, il canto degli uccelli, il gioco delle ombre e delle luci. Un ambiente incontaminato in cui sperimentare nuovi incontri di persone, situazioni e sapori.
La texture du liège et de la paille, le chant des oiseaux, les jeux d’ombre et de lumière. Un environnement vierge, où l’on peut rencontrer de nouvelles personnes et découvrir de nouvelles situations et saveurs.
Die Materialität von Kork und Stroh, Vogelgezwitscher, das Spiel von Schatten und Licht. Eine unverfälschte Umgebung, in der man neue Begegnungen mit Menschen, Situationen und Geschmäckern erleben kann.
La materialidad del corcho y la paja, el canto de los pájaros, el juego de las sombras y las luces. Un entorno virgen en el que experimentar nuevos encuentros de personas, situaciones y sabores.
en / Free body. Moving joyfully from stillness to movement, cultivating your balance and renewing your energies, feeling your body reborn and your mind set free. This too is outdoor living, with a light, flexible, dynamic spirit.
it / C orpo libero. Passare con gioia dalla quiete al movimento, coltivare il proprio equilibrio e rinnovare le proprie energie, sentire il corpo che rinasce e la mente che si libera. Anche questo è il significato di vivere all’aria aperta, con uno spirito flessibile, leggero, dinamico.
fr / C orps libre. Basculer avec joie de la quiétude au mouvement, cultiver son équilibre et se revivifier, sentir son corps renaître et son esprit se libérer. La vie au grand air, c’est aussi cela, avec un esprit souple, léger et dynamique.
de / Freier Körper. Freudvoll von der Stille in die Bewegung übergehen, das Gleichgewicht kultivieren und die eigene Energie erneuern, den Körper wie neu geboren fühlen und den Geist befreien. Auch darin liegt die Bedeutung eines Lebens unter freiem Himmel, mit einem flexiblen, leichten und dynamischen Geist.
es / Cu erpo libre. Pasar alegremente de la quietud al movimiento, cultivar nuestro equilibrio y renovar las energías, sentir cómo renace el cuerpo y se libera la mente. Este también es el significado de la vida al aire libre, con un espíritu flexible, ligero y dinámico.

Outdoor extras.
Nature as a new home
/ La natura diventa una nuova casa
/ La nature devient une nouvelle maison
/ Die Natur wird zu einem neuen Zuhause / La naturaleza se convierte en un nuevo hogar

A room suspended between heaven and earth, the nature all around us and the universe inside us, the vital warmth of the sun and poetic light of the stars. Cosmo is a shading pergola with a structure made of sturdy wooden columns in brushed teak, material with an eco-friendly organic essence. The roof comprises cast aluminium “branches” that stretch outwards to support the waterproof fabric awning. Built-in Led lighting creates a fabulous relaxing atmosphere.
Technical info p 230
Pavilion with brushed teak columns and aluminium frame. Micro-perforated waterproof shading cover.


Design: Studio Adolini
Gym system
Freeing body and mind with an unusual versatile concept of open-air gym. Out-Fit is a space dedicated to fitness, in contact with nature. The compact versatile structure is in steel, floor and roof are in teak while the technical accessories permit different floor exercises. Its size and construction characteristics make it perfect for terraces, gardens and parks, in both contract and residential contexts.
Technical info p 232
Outdoor gym with steel frame.
Floor and roof in natural teak.
Fitness accessories.

Outdoor extras
Design: Gordon Guillaumier
Water and fire, primordial elements enclosed in totemic volumes for an informal, nomadic, creative kitchen. A single circular base with three possible configurations that can be used on their own or to create a system. The materials, specific for outdoor use, are in the colours of nature and the details in teak echo timeless refinement.
Phil is a contemporary smart kitchen idea, making any outdoor location ideal for socialising.
Technical info p 234
Modular outdoor kitchen with metal frame. Top in resin stone, accessories in stainless steel. Details in natural teak.

Hut Design: Atelier Lavit
An instant out of time, an intimate and protected space where you can find yourself. Made of Accoya® and aluminium, Hut has important dimensions and an eco-sustainable soul to fully experience contact with nature.
Technical info p 233
Alcove in Accoya® and aluminium structure. Curtains in Velum White fabric. Mattress and cushions in polyester Hydro White.

Yacht Collection / Baia
Design: Christophe Pillet
Collection composed of: lounge armchair / sofa / modular sofa / daybed / sunbed / pouf / coffee table / lamp
Baia has a sartorial elegance in which selected fabrics dress the sofas and armchairs in natural tones, which can be further interpreted with subtle stripes or combined with eco-friendly leather bands. The heritage appeal of the entire collection meets the contemporary nature of materials and workmanship specific to the nautical world, in a balance of aesthetic and technical needs. The coffee table with travertine top is a clear reference to the connection with the natural world, without ever abandoning the link with the peculiarity of its function.
Technical info p 236
Baia armchair with silver aluminium frame and Accoya® inserts. Cushions in Linen fabric and faux leather/ Baia daybed with silver aluminium frame and Accoya® inserts. Cushions in Navy fabric.

The Collections
Yacht Collection / Baia
Design: Christophe Pillet

Yacht Collection / Baia
Design: Christophe Pillet
Collection composed of: lounge armchair / sofa / modular sofa / daybed / sunbed / pouf / coffee table / lamp
The entire collection allows for material combinations that indulge creativity. The two nuances of aluminium can be combined with the two types of wood without predefined patterns, always maintaining the quality of performance required by the nautical sector.
The idea of modularity underpins the concept of the yacht collection, so the daybeds and loungers, like the coffee table, can be combined together with the welcoming lines of Costiera, fitting fluidly into any type of project.
Technical info p 236
Baia armchair with silver aluminium frame and Accoya® inserts. Cushions in Maiorca fabrics / Tender side table with aluminum frame and hand tray in iroko wood / Baia and Costiera lamp with aluminum frame and LED luminaire / Baia and Costiera coffee table detail with aluminium silver frame and Accoya® inserts. Top table in travertino stone.

The Collections
Yacht Collection / Baia

Yacht Collection / Costiera
Design: Christophe Pillet
Collection composed of: lounge armchair / sofa / modular sofa / lamp
The Costiera seats have voluminous armrests and a cocooning upholstery, with which the desire for generous comfort is combined with the specific functional features required by the marine environment. Costiera comprises classic elements, such as the sofa and armchair, and large modular seats that can be composed in the space without limits, responding to every specific need. An idea of modularity with a convivial and contemporary essence. The Cruise or Maiorca fabrics emphasise the link with the nautical world and nature.
Technical info p 239
Costiera modular sofa with carbon aluminium frame. Cushions in Maiorca fabric / Costiera sofa and armchair with carbon aluminium frame and teak inserts. Cushions in Cruise fabric.

Yacht Collection / Isola
Design: Christophe Pillet
A generously proportioned and comfortable system of poufs to complete or create lounge areas.
Furnishing elements that combine performance functionality with the fabrics refined aesthetics, where geometric and natural patterns alternate with typical embroidery designs.
Technical info p 241

Round (Ø120cm) and square (120x120cm) upholstered poufs in Polypropylene Dharma White.

Design: Paola Navone
Collection composed of: lounge armchair / daybed / coffee table / coffee table / sunbed / dining table / dining armchair

Rafael has unusual and characterising shapes, inspired by the sophisticated versatility of nature. Brushed teak wood defines the sturdy structure of the spacious lounge chairs and sun loungers, where the unstructured shape of the backrests is complemented by a touch of craftsmanship provided by the burnished wooden staples. The cushions feature bright colours and contemporary patterns.
Technical info p 242
The Collections

Rafael Design: Paola Navone
Collection composed of: lounge armchair / daybed / coffee table / sunbed / dining table / dining armchair
The dining tables or the coffee tables, with their different shapes and sizes, stem from a careful, sophisticated combination that enhances the noble quality of wood and the solid texture of their tops, in snowwhite marble or enamelled lava stone reminiscent of the varying hues of the sea.
Technical info p 242
Lounge armchairs with pickled teak frame. Cushions Laguna Mood. Coffee tables with pickled teak frame and top in Enamelled Lava Stone Smeraldo / Nodi rug, Camouflage Grey Silver / Turquoise.

The Collections

Design: Paola Navone
Collection composed of: lounge armchair / daybed / coffee table / sunbed / dining table / dining armchair

Dining chairs and round dining table in pickled teak. Round tray in Enamelled Lava Stone Smeraldo / Sunbeds in Laguna Mood with pickled teak frame. Coffee tables with pickled teak frame and tops in Enamelled Lava Stone Smeraldo.

Design: Patrick Norguet
Collection composed of: lounge armchair / 2 seater sofa / XL sofa / modular sofa / club armchair / porch swing / coffee table / barstool / dining armchair / dining table / pouf / lounge bed
An icon of contemporary outdoor living, the Swing collection resembles a nest that embraces both body and mind. Teak is repeated symmetrically on the solid metal frame, in a light alternation that highlights the continuity with nature, characterising the backrests of the lounge seats. The rocking chair is synonymous with lightness and wellbeing; the modular sofa is composed in the space to suit every need.
Technical info p 246

Design: Patrick Norguet
Collection composed of: lounge armchair / 2 seater sofa / XL sofa / modular sofa / club armchair / porch swing / coffee table / barstool / dining armchair / dining table / pouf / lounge bed

Design: Patrick Norguet
Collection composed of:
lounge armchair / 2 seater sofa
/ XL sofa / modular sofa / club armchair
/ porch swing / coffee table
/ barstool / dining armchair
/ dining table / pouf / lounge bed
The combination of teak and metal also characterizes armchairs and dining tables, in different shapes and sizes, as well as stools and poufs, completing the collection and creating perfect moments of conviviality in open air. The lounge bed is like a nest that embraces body and mind.
Technical info p 246
Rectangular and round table with Sepia black and Warmwhite aluminium frame. Tops in pickled teak and natural teak.
Dining armchairs in Sepia black and Warmwhite aluminium frame and backrest in pickled teak and natural teak.

The Collections
Design: Patrick Norguet
Collection composed of:
lounge armchair / 2 seater sofa / XL sofa / modular sofa / club armchair / porch swing / coffee table / barstool / dining armchair / dining table / pouf / lounge bed
Poufs alternation of sizes and colours. Porch swing.
Barstools in teak and aluminium.

Design: Patrick Norguet
Collection composed of: coffee table
A collection of coffee tables in different sizes and with a nomadic soul, in which the materials create an eco-friendly design. The natural teak base is FSC certified and the black cork of the top is a 100% ecological material.
Technical info p 253

The Collections
Design: Patrick Norguet
Collection composed of: armchair / 3 seater sofa / lounge armchair / lounge high back armchair / rocking lounge armchair / footstool / coffee table / dining armchair / dining chair / square, rectangular and round dining table
A synthesis of beauty, functionality and ergonomics, Knit is a complete line of furniture that arises from the encounter between teak and tricot woven rope in lava stone grey or light grey nuances. The iconic high-back armchair, also available in rocking version, the sofa and the comfortable dining set are all the elements that compose the entire collection, ideal to mark moments of relaxing conviviality in open air.
Technical info p 250

The Collections
Design: Patrick Norguet

Design: Patrick Norguet
Collection composed of: armchair / 3 seater sofa / lounge armchair / 2 seater sofa / lounge high back armchair / rocking lounge armchair / footstool / coffee table / dining armchair / dining chair / square, rectangular and round dining table
The Knit collection offers a dynamic and contemporary vision of outdoor living, in a perfect balance of shape and texture that conveys fascinating tactile and visual perceptions.
Technical info p 250

Design: Luca Nichetto
Collection composed of: lounge armchair / 2 seater sofa / back end module / coffee table / dining armchair / dining table
The aluminium of the frame creates a soft alternation of solids and voids, emphasising the light design that characterises the entire collection. The dining set evokes the colours of the mineral world and the material difference between the table top and the frame has a pleasant visual continuity. Mineral grey and limestone white enhance the cosy shapes of the lounge sets where the soft cushions recall the colours of stone and earth. The low side tables complement the modularity of the daybeds offering a sensation of well-being.
Technical info p 254

Lounge set with Mineral Grey aluminium frame. Cushions in Lichen acrylic. Coffee tables with Enalmelled Lava Stone Opaque White top.
The Collections

Design: Luca Nichetto
Collection composed of: lounge armchair / 2 seater sofa / back end module / coffee table / dining armchair / dining table
Dining table Limestone White aluminium frame and Enamelled Lava stone opaque White top, Ø130cm. Dining armchairs Limestone White aluminium frame and cushions in polyester Orange fabric.

Design: Ilaria Marelli
Collection composed of: S module / L module / XL module / mattress / coffee table
The modules in teak form the base for oversize cushions, designed to be freely arranged, while the backs and armrests embrace the body in any position. The sofa can be instantly transformed into a comfortable lounge bed. The coffee table tops have circular profiles and tops in ceramic stone or enamelled lava stone.
Technical info p 256

The Collections

Grand Life
Design: Christophe Pillet
Collection composed of: lounge armchair / sofa / bergère / armchair / sunbed / coffee table
With a sartorial style and pure lines, Grand Life is a lounge collection with structure in teak and woven rope. The wide proportions and the soft cushions emphasize a sense of comfort and well-being. A collection conceived as a tribute to timeless Italian elegance. The craftsmanship of the braiding evokes weaving of the ancient Vienna straw, giving an elegant personality to this collection that invites you to live in harmony with nature.
Technical info p 258

Grand Life
Design: Christophe Pillet
Collection composed of: lounge armchair / sofa / bergère / armchair / sunbed / coffee table

Dining armchairs with natural teak frame and details in Light Grey Round Rope. Cushions in Polypropilene Corda fabric / Sunbeds with natural teak frame and Light Grey Round Rope details. Mattress in Polypropylene Corda fabric.

Grand Life

The Collections
Bold Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of: triangular dining table / r ectangular dining table
A collection of dining tables in which the almost primitive forms combine the strength of stone and concrete with the lightness of rounded lines and shades of ivory. Cement legs support the natural stone top with its silky smooth finish. The fluidity of the shapes and the monochrome of the nuances allow the Bold tables to be combined with many seats, without losing their personality.
Technical info p 261

Triangular dining table with natural stone top (150x150cm) and cement legs, Beige colour.

Design: Marcello Ziliani
Collection composed of: teak dining armchair / aluminium dining armchair / 2 seater sofa / lounge armchair / coffee table / dining table / sunbed / pendant lamp
The balanced encounter between hand-woven rope and teak characterizes the entire Kilt collection, giving life to lounge elements and dining sets with a versatile soul and a refined style. The classic dining armchair is also available in a special finish, born from a successful fusion between rope and aluminum, for a contemporary look & feel. The new sunbed is a maxi complement whose essential lines, enhanced by the combination of the woven rope and the teak of the structure, invite you to a relaxed outdoor living in contact with nature.
Technical info p 262

The Collections

Dining armchairs with Warmwhite and Warmgrey alumiunium frames, Round Rope Light Grey and Round Rope Dark Grey / Dining armchairs with natural teak frame and Round Rope Ruby Wine / Lounge armchairs with natural teak frame and Round Rope Sand. Square coffee table in natural teak.


Design: Zanellato / Bortotto
Collection composed of:
2 seater sofa / lounge armchair / pouf / coffee table
A new idea of outdoor living inspired by traditional bamboo bending, where the frame in pickled teak or aluminium is modelled into sinuous shapes that embrace the refined padded upholstery that supports the seating. Rope is an elegant detail that unites and decorates. The coffee table tops combine extraordinary creativity in use of colour with traditional marble and stone craftsmanship. Made entirely by hand, they generate fabulous patterns and compositions, some inspired by the Palladian technique.
Technical info p 264

Lounge set composed of sofa, armchairs and pouf with pickled teak frame and cushions in Rubelli Velvety Rust. Coffee tables with pickled teak frame and tops in Cipollino Marble, Mosaic Marble and Enamelled Lava Stone London smoke. Rope details.


Design: Studiopepe
Collection composed of: armchair / coffee table / footstool
Designed for outdoors, but perfect also indoors, Sling chair is informal with a holiday feel. Its shaped stainless steel tubular enjoys an unprecedented colour palette and the canvas seat, comfortable and sturdy, mixes geometric patterns with a vintage flavour.
Technical info p 260

Armchair and footstool with burnished brass stainless steel frame. Canvas in Elitis Lontano Black. Coffee table with burnished brass stainless steel frame and White concrete top.
Ethimo 120
Design: Matteo Thun & Antonio Rodriguez
Collection composed of: lounge armchair / 2 seater sofa / coffee table / sunbed / lounge bed / hanging armchair / free-standing outdoor swings
Allaperto is a single philosophy for four different outfits, in which the appearance changes but not the essence. Veranda, Nautic, Mountain and Urban are different concepts to live contemporary outdoor spaces in contact with nature. Natural rattan is the protagonist of the Veranda mood and it enhances the craftsmanship of the weave.
The suspended armchair, also available in the swing version, combines the fiber with the teak of the armrests. In the Nautic version the woven rope tells a sea life mood and ensures durability and resistance. The Urban outfit is the perfect set for metropolitan skylines.
Technical info p 266

Allaperto Nautic

Design: Matteo Thun & Antonio Rodriguez

Allaperto Mountain sunbeds with frame in coffee brown metal, pickled teak and bark Etwick fiber. Mattress in acrylic Espresso / Allaperto Veranda lounge set with frame in coffee brown metal, natural teak and natural rattan. Hanging armchair in natural teak and natural rattan.

The Collections

Allaperto Mountain
Design: Matteo Thun & Antonio Rodriguez
Collection composed of: lounge armchair / 2 seater sofa / coffee table / sunbed / lounge bed / hanging armchair / free-standing outdoor swings
Allaperto Mountain mood combines teak with lively tartan or sophisticated bark fiber. The mountain outdoors is a special place to live in contact with nature.
Technical info p 266

Allaperto Bistrò
Design: Matteo Thun & Antonio Rodriguez
Dining armchair
Echoes of elegant Parisian cafés and typically Italian tailoring in an irresistibly refined mix. The Bistrò armchair has a timeless soul. Its details of handcrafted herringbone weaving meet modern metal and naturally elegant teak.
Technical info p 270

Sport Collection / Ace
Design: Patrick Norguet
Collection composed of: umpire chair / bench / bag holder / shoes holder / storage / tray / free-standing panel
Ace is an innovative and sustainable project in which design meets the world of sport, creating a collection with multiple configurations. An innovative curvature of teak characterises the lines of the bench, also in its aluminium version, making it the focal element of the entire collection. The vast number of accessories that can be inserted make Ace easily adaptable to any type of sports environment.
Technical info p 271
Discover the new design experience for outdoor sports

Modular bench composed of beam, bag holder, seat with backrest and freestand perforated corrugated panel, all in Warmwhite aluminium / Modular bench composed of beam, bag holder, freestand perforated corrugated panel, all in Warmwhite aluminium, and seat with backrest in natural teak. Umpire chair with seat in natural teak and frame in Warmwhite metal.

Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of: 3 seater sofa / modular sofa / lounge armchair / coffee table / dining armchair / round and rectangular dining table / sun lounger
A complete line of furnishings whose fil rouge winds through the multiple expressive capabilities of wood. Sofas, loungers, dining sets furnish open spaces in which to relax in comfort and in continuity with nature.
Technical info p 274

Lounge set in pickled teak and sunbeds in natural teak. Cushions in Cherry Red acrylic / Free collection parasols with red fabric. Clay side table in natural teak.

Design: Ethimo

Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of:
3 seater sofa / modular sofa / lounge armchair / coffee table / dining armchair / round and rectangular dining table / sun lounger
Round with revolving tray or rectangular, all the tables from the Costes collection are an ode to conviviality. The large size accommodates up to ten seats, for outdoor dining in full comfort and in contact with nature.
Technical info p 274

The Collections

Design: Luca Nichetto
Collection composed of: lounge armchair / 3 seater sofa / coffee table / square, rectangular and oval dining table / dining armchair / sunbed
Inspired by elements of classical architecture, the Esedra collection is an icon of contemporary outdoor. A complete line of furniture in which different materials combine with each other with elegance and character.
Technical info p 276

The Collections


Pluvia / Concreto
Design: Luca Nichetto
Collection composed of: Pluvia – Natwick dining armchair / round rope dining armchair
Concreto – Dining table
Inspired by 1980s seats, the Pluvia armchair dresses its contemporary aluminium frame with a handcrafted tricot weave. Ergonomic and stackable, Pluvia is a balanced synthesis of aesthetics and function.
The Concreto collection reinterprets the classic bistro table. Available in different shapes and heights, the tables are characterised by an unusual combination of materials. The exquisite teak of the tops is combined with the contemporary aluminium of the frame and the strength of the concrete that forms the bases.
Technical info p 279-280

The Collections
Pluvia armchair with seat in Round Rope Light Grey, or Natwick Sand Beige, and frame in Warmwhite aluminium / Concreto round dining table with frame in Warmwhite aluminium and base in concrete. Top table in natural teak.

Design: Mattia Albicini
Collection composed of: lounge chair / coffee table
The solid teak, which characterizes the collection, has thin edges and soft curves that invite you to sit down. The mind traces the mythical 60s, while the woodworking speaks of sophisticated contemporaneity. Agave is a collection that invites to a relaxed and elegant conviviality.
Technical info p 281

Design: Marc Sadler
Collection composed of: rectangular extendable table / dining armchair / dining chair / lounge armchair / footstool / coffee table / counter stool / barstool
Balanced example of aesthetics and functionality, the Ribot collection draws an elegant use of teak. The table can extend up to 340 cm, thanks to an exceptionally fluid, user-friendly mechanism built into the middle part of the top, making an easy extendibility and maximum stability. The dining armchairs are linked to the table in a harmonious solution of material continuity. The lounge chairs follow the formal cleanliness of the design, dressing up with comfortable seat cushions. The bistro stools introduce the use of stainless steel, creating a sophisticated combination of materials.
Technical info p 282

Ribot Design: Marc Sadler

Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of: round dining table / rectangular extendable dining table
Made of natural or pickled teak, the Cronos tables collection recalls the artisan tradition of wood. The base, which supports the tops, creates geometries and symmetries with a classic contemporary style.
Technical info p 284

The Collections
Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of: square dining table / rectangular dining table

A line of tables with essential profiles, in which the warmth of teak wood is the protagonist. Available in two different sizes, the Friends tables narrate an idea of simple and refined conviviality.
Technical info p 284

Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of:
square dining table
/ XL square dining table
/ rectangular dining table
/ XL rectangular dining table
/ ping pong table
The Play collection is a complete proposal of aluminum tables with different sizes and tops made of several materials. The version with the 274x152,5 cm top, perfect for lunche and dinners in the open air, can also be turned into a fun Ping Pong table. An original dining element to cheerfully complete pleasant convivial moments. The entire line of Play tables easily meets both residential and contract needs.
Technical info p 286

Design: Patrick Norguet
Collection composed of: dining armchair / barstool
In die-cast aluminium and with enveloping shapes, Nicolette combines technology and design, creating a robust and sophisticated seat suitable for outdoor spaces and elegant indoor environments.
Technical info p 285

Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of: dining table / lounge dining table / high table / coffee table
Enjoy is a collection of tables available in four heights, with ceramic tops and rounded lines, which differ in size and colour.
Technical info p 288

Tables with metal frames, ceramic stone tops and optional teak base.

Flat / Studios
Design: Ethimo
Flat – rectangular extendable table
Studios – director folding armchair

The Flat metal table is a passe-partout of conviviality in the open air. A table with an essential design that fits in any natural context, without interrupting the harmony.
Inspired by the iconic director’s chair, the Studios collection combines comfort and technical materials. An ideal seat to complete contemporary dining sets in green spaces or at sea on yatches and sailboats.
Technical info p 290-291

Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of:
lounge armchair / 3 seater sofa / modular sofa / daybed / pouf / coffee table / sun lounger
The Infinity collection takes its name from the unlimited modularity of its elements: a versatile and welcoming system of lounge seats.
Technical info p 292
Modular sofa in warmwhite aluminium, Lightwick fiber and coffee table.

Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of: lounge armchair / 3 seater sofa / modular sofa / daybed / pouf / coffee table / sun lounger
A lounge collection in which woven fiber meets metal, creating comfortable sun beds and sophisticated modular lounge sets. The outdoor space is a special place to live and redesign according to your needs.
Technical info p 292
Sunbeds available in aluminium and Lightwick fiber or in aluminium and Ethitex technical fabric. Smart side table / Modular sofa with Lightwick Warmgrey and Warmgrey aluminium frame. Cushions in acrylic Nature Grey. Coffee table in Warmgrey aluminium.

Ocean Design: Ethimo
Sun lounger
Essential and sophisticated, the metal structure of the Ocean sun loungers takes on soft shapes like the waves of the sea. The stackability of each element emphasizes the functionality of the collection.
Technical info p 294

Sunbeds in aluminium and Ethitex fabric. Smart side table.

Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of: lounge armchair / 3 seater sofa / modular sofa / pouf / coffee table / double and single sunbed / footstool
Geometric volumes of the Cube collection take shape through the materiality of the hand-woven Etwick fiber. A complete range of lounge furniture dedicated to relaxation to create infinite compositions in the name of modularity.
Technical info p 276

Phorma / Loto
Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of: Phorma – lounge armchair / 3 seater sofa
Loto – coffee table
The Phorma lounge set has a soft and enveloping design. The cushions, which dress the three-seater sofa and lounge armchairs, welcome the body in maximum comfort and relaxation.
Technical info p 295

The Collections
Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of: lounge armchair / 2 seater sofa / coffee table / dining armchair / dining chair / round, square and rectangular dining table / sunbed
This collection of metal furniture inspired by classic lines shows a timeless style, but ready to meet all the needs of the contemporary outdoors.
Technical info p 298

Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of: lounge armchair / 2 seater sofa / coffee table / dining armchair / dining chair / round, square and rectangular dining table / sunbed
The tables and dining chairs meet the natural landscape and harmonize with it. The sunbeds combine their classic style with high-performance Ethitex cloths, which characterize the lightness of the design.
Technical info p 298

The Collections
Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of: folding chair / stacking chair / stacking armchair / round, square and rectangular dining table/ high table / barstool
The essential lines of the Laren collection are enhanced by the material encounter between metal and teak. A collection that harmoniously tells a conviviality with a discreet and refined style.
Technical info p 300

Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of: folding chair / stacking chair / stacking armchair / round, square and rectangular dining table/ high table / barstool

Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of: folding chair / stacking chair / stacking armchair / round, square and rectangular dining table / high table / barstool
Refined details that characterize tables, chairs and bistro stools making the Laren collection perfect in a residential garden as well as in outdoor environments with a contemporary and minimal character.
Technical info p 300

Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of: folding chair / stacking chair / stacking armchair / round, square and rectangular dining table / high table / barstool
The Flower collection is a line of tables and chairs in which coloured metal runs through the bright colours of nature. A new special selection of four nuances, inspired by the world of spices, joins the thirteen colours that characterise the lively personality of the collection. An extensive colour palette to furnish spaces with taste and creativity.
Technical info p 302

Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of: sunbed / lounge bed

Essenza collection comprises a single sun lounger and a double canopy, both adjustable, with generous proportions and thin brushed steel profiles embedded in a teak wood frame. The balanced play of materials creates an idea of continuity between design and well-being
Technical info p 304

Sand Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of: teak sunbed / teak and Ethitex sunbed
Teak wood makes up the rational profiles of the Sand sunbed. The practical adjustable backrest gives lightness to the structure accentuating its comfort.
Technical info p 305

Notting Hill / Cruise
Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of: Notting Hill – bench / armchair
Cruise – deck chair
Indispensable classics of outdoor furniture, the Cruise chaise-longue and the Notting Hill bench have a vintage charm that lives on in the design and details.
Technical info p 306-307

The Collections
Chaise longue in natural teak and bench in Langhe green mahogany.

Design: Ethimo
Deck chair
Minimalist in profiles and design, the Elle deck chair combine the teak wood of the structure with the different colours of the acrylic fabric cloths. True outdoor must haves.
Technical info p 306 The Collections

Parasols, complements and accessories / Ombrelloni, complementi e accessori / Parasols, compléments et accessoires / Sonnenschirme, Ergänzungen und Zubehöre / Sombrillas, complementos y accesorios

Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of: square, round and rectangular wooden parasol
Technical info p 310

Free Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of: square and rectangular aluminium parasols
Technical info p 312

Parasols with aluminium pole and white and grey fabric.
Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of: square adjustable aluminium parasol
Technical info p 313

Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of: square and rectangular wooden parasol
Technical info p 309

Design: Emmanuel Gallina
Collection composed of: high shield / low shield / planter

Clostra shielding arises from the encounter between teak and aluminium: the wooden slats are bonded to the metal, alternating on two levels and creating an interesting play of depth. The base can be completed with a planter to create green or flowered walls.
Technical info p 318
Design: Studiopepe
Collection composed of: plant pot / side table
Warm, natural tones enhance the textural and almost primitive feel of the Bulbi vases, inspired by plant forms. Eight concrete elements create multiple arrangements that can be joined to create unusual totem shapes.
Technical info p 314

Tetide / Pangea
Design: Studiopepe
Outdoor rugs
The colours of the ocean and the primordial earth intertwine in the warp that weaves two threads, inspired by tribal signs. Zig zags and diamonds follow one another, brought to life by the substance which, in the warm nuances, becomes three-dimensional through the art of weaving
Technical info p 317
Tetide rugs with zigzag pattern in Moka and Verde Alga colours / Pangea rug with diamond pattern in Rosso Granata colour.

Parasols, complements and accessories
Design: Paola Navone
Collection composed of: Rete / Camouflage / Puntocroce
Abstract, geometric, textured patterns take shape with a grain weaving inspired by skilled craftsmanship and the Mediterranean spirit. Different shades of concrete grey and black, bright nuances of green and blue intertwine, telling the story of the design with poetic surfaces and full-bodied weaves, that convey pleasant sensations to be experienced outdoors.
Technical info p 316

Kilt lamp
Design: Marcello Ziliani
Pendant lamp
The Kilt lamp is an idea of continuity of form and matter. The rope wraps around the teak and embraces the light, creating relaxing outdoor atmospheres.
Technical info p 320

Baia Lamp
Design: Christophe Pillet

Like a lighthouse at sea, a light shines into the night and creates a magic relaxing atmosphere. The light flows uninterruptedly through the room, creating a warm cosy atmosphere. A contemporary lantern that teams a Led light source with the versatile minimalism of metal in a Carbon or Silver finish.
Technical info p 320
Outdoor Lamps
Design: Marc Sadler
Floor lamp

The light filters the teak slats, creating fascinating dialogue between matter and illumination, outdoor settings and interior situations.
Technical info p 321
Design: Marc Sadler
Collection composed of: table lamp / hanging lamp
With stylish details, Gaia lamp interprets light with the liveliness of colour and the elegance of teak or the simplicity of natural rope. Powered by a chargeable transversal battery, Gaia is the perfect companion for outdoor living with no limits to space.
Technical info p 319

Design: Emmanuel Gallina
Portable solar lamp
Milk is a lamp with a ‘nomadic’ spirit, made of sandblasted glass, teak and leather, which evokes the traditional design of milk containers.
The light diffuses gently, using the clean energy of the sun.
Technical info p 321

Design: Luca Nichetto
Collection composed of: lamp post / wall lamp post Reminiscent in design of nineteenthcentury street lamps, Pharos has a led light source. Its glow reflecting from above creates a diffused and cosy light, featuring in style the most sophisticated outdoor spaces.
Technical info p 323

Design: Luca Nichetto
Collection composed of: rechargeable lantern / wired lantern / lamp holder bracket / wired applique

Inspired by ancient Roman oil lamps, Lucerna combines the use of Led light with the precious diffuser in transparent or etched blown glass. An object with a sophisticated design that spreads a warm and intimate glow.
Technical info p 322
Outdoor Lamps

Carré / Ginger / Step
Design: Niccolò Grassi
Collection composed of:
Carré – wall lamp / table lamp / rechargeable table lamp / XL floor lamp
Ginger – wall lamp / wired table lamp / XL floor lamp
Step – path lamp
Wood and metal come together to create Carré, a lamp available in several sizes, inspired by 20th-century classics. The Led makes it efficient and eco-sustainable.
An unexpected play of light is created by the teak slats that characterize the Ginger collection. The light seems to project itself into space with the same intensity as the sun passing through the shutters on summer afternoons.
Step is a collection of path lamps made of concrete, in nuances evoking the natural colours of the earth.
Technical info p 324-325-326

Ethimo’s collections share a deep connection—centred on well-being, harmonious balance, awareness and respect—with their surroundings. The aesthetic and practical aspects of each solution, as well its integration with its natural and architectural surroundings, stem from the pursuit of minimalist elegance and longevity. The decision to use high-quality sustainable materials, such as FSCcertified teak, goes hand-in-hand with the increasingly eco-friendly manufacturing processes employed, with the aim of protecting the resources and delicate balance of our planet.
Environmental protection
Physical and mental wellbeing generated by the contact with nature Design and production choices
Natural choices / Scelte naturali / Des choix naturels / Eine Entscheidung
die Natur / Una elección natural
it / Le collezioni Ethimo esprimono una profonda connessione con l’ambiente che le circonda: un rapporto fatto di benessere, armonia, consapevolezza e rispetto. I valori estetici e funzionali di ogni progetto, così come la sua integrazione nel paesaggio architettonico e naturale, nascono dalla ricerca di una bellezza essenziale e di un’usabilità che dura a lungo nel tempo. La scelta di utilizzare materiali sostenibili e di alta qualità, come il teak certificato FSC, si affianca a processi produttivi sempre più green, per tutelare le risorse e gli equilibri del pianeta in cui tutti abitiamo.
fr / Les collections Ethimo expriment un lien profond avec leur environnement : une relation faite de bien-être, d’harmonie, de sensibilité et de respect. Les valeurs esthétiques et fonctionnelles de chaque projet, tout comme l’intégration de celui-ci dans le paysage architectural et naturel, procèdent de la recherche d’une beauté essentielle et d’une utilisation durable dans le temps. Le choix d’utiliser des matériaux durables et de haute qualité, comme le teck certifié FSC, va de pair avec des processus de production de plus en plus écologiques afin de préserver les ressources et les équilibres de la planète que nous habitons tous.
de / D ie Kollektionen von Ethimo drücken eine tiefe Verbundenheit mit der jeweiligen Umgebung aus: ein Verhältnis von Wohlbefinden, Harmonie, Bewusstsein und Respekt. Die ästhetischen und funktionalen Werte eines jeden Projekts sowie seine Integration in die architektonische und natürliche Landschaft basieren auf der Suche nach wesentlicher Schönheit und dauerhafter Nutzbarkeit. Die Entscheidung, hochwertige, nachhaltige Materialien wie FSC-zertifiziertes Teakholz zu verwenden, geht Hand in Hand mit immer umweltfreundlicheren Produktionsprozessen zum Schutz der Ressourcen und des Gleichgewichts des Planeten, den wir alle bewohnen.
es / L as colecciones Ethimo reflejan una profunda conexión con el entorno que las rodea: una relación basada en el bienestar, la armonía, la conciencia y el respeto. Los valores estéticos y funcionales de cada proyecto, así como su integración con el paisaje arquitectónico y natural, nacen de la búsqueda de una belleza esencial y de una usabilidad duradera en el tiempo. La decisión de utilizar materiales sostenibles y de alta calidad, como la teca certificada FSC, se combina con procesos productivos cada vez más ecológicos, para proteger los recursos y los equilibrios del planeta en el que todos vivimos.

271 Ace
281 Agave
266 Allaperto
270 Allaperto Bistrò
B 236 Baia
320 Baia lamp
261 Bold
314 Bulbi
256 Calipso
324 Carré
310 Classic
308 Clay
318 Clostra
280 Concreto
230 Cosmo
274 Costes
239 Costiera
284 Cronos
253 Cross
306 Cruise
296 Cube
298 Elisir
306 Elle
288 Enjoy
276 Esedra
304 Essenza
290 Flat
302 Flower
312 Free
313 Freedom
284 Friends
319 Gaia
325 Ginger
258 Grand Life
309 Holiday
233 Hut I
292 Infinity
241 Isola
262 Kilt
320 Kilt lamp
250 Knit
300 Laren
295 Loto
322 Lucerna
321 Milk
285 Nicolette
316 Nodi
307 Notting Hill
294 Ocean
232 Out-Fit
317 Pangea
308 Petit club
323 Pharos
234 Phil
295 Phorma
286 Play
279 Pluvia
242 Rafael
282 Ribot
264 Rotin
305 Sand
260 Sling
294 Smart
326 Step
291 Studios
261 Steward
246 Swing
308 T–Box
236 Teak maintenance
240 Tender
317 Tetide
254 Venexia
321 Woody


All dimensions are in centimeters
Kg ≥ 255
7.6W 220-240Vdc
classe II IP44
3000K 1215lm CRI>80

Gym 2,5x2,5m
Rust and teak with equipment
Kg ≥ 431
• Bench with faux leather upholstery
• Heavy punch bag with faux leather upholstery
120x35cm 40Kg
• Kit n. 5 resistance rubber bands
• Excercise mat with faux leather upholstery
• Wooden gym rings
Hut Design: Atelier Lavit

Material - Frame Fabrics Fabrics

Alcove Ø 3m x h3,3m
mattress Ø 2,7m h8cm HUCUNI___
curtain 2,8x2,65 m HUTDV__
decorative cushion 55x55 cm
Kg ≥ 360
Wooden shelter Ø 3m x h3,3m
curtain 2,8x2,65 m HUTDV__
Kg ≥ 199
Round lounge bed Ø 2,7m x h44 cm
mattress Ø 2,7m h8cm HUCUNI___
decorative cushion 55x55 cm
Kg ≥ 161
Phil new
Design: Gordon Guillaumier
Metal Olive Green + Teak

Kitchen sink module
Metal olive green + Teak + Sink in Resin PILVD38
Metal sepia black + Teak + Sink in Resin PILVD48

Induction cooktop module
Metal olive green + Teak + Top in Marble Nero Africa PIIND38
Metal sepia black + Teak + Top in Marble Nero Africa PIIND48
Kg ≥ 105
Brazier grill module
Metal olive green + Teak + Top in Marble Nero Africa PIBRD38
Metal sepia black + Teak + Top in Marble Nero Africa PIBRD48
All dimensions are in centimeters
Yacht Collection / Baia
Design: Christophe Pillet

Aluminium Carbon + Teak
Aluminium Carbon

Aluminium Carbon + Accoya®
Collection composed of:
lounge armchair / sofa / modular sofa / daybed / sunbed / pouf / coffee table / lamp new
Lounge armchair
carbon/teak BAPLD69T1____ carbon BAPLD69_____ carbon/accoya BAPLD69A____

Aluminium Silver Aluminium Silver + Accoya®


Fabrics Polypropylene Cruise Polypropylene Navy Polypropylene Maiorca Polyester Linen Color + Leather 67 38 154 94
silver/teak BAPLD70T1____ silver BAPLD70______ silver/accoya BAPLD70A______
Kg ≥ 32,5
Rain cover

Lamp new
carbon BALAD69
silver BALAD70
Kg ≥ 4
Compatible also with Costiera
9W, 220-240Vdc classe I IP44 (main body IP65) 3000K 520lm CRI>90
2 Seater sofa
carbon/teak BAD2D69T1____ carbon BAD2D69_____ carbon/accoya BAD2D69A____
silver/teak BAD2D70T1____ silver BAD2D70______ silver/accoya BAD2D70A______
Kg ≥ 55
67 38
Yacht Collection / Baia
XL Sofa carbon/teak BAD3D69T1____ carbon BAD3D69_____ carbon/accoya BAD3D69A____
XL Central module carbon/teak BACD69T1____ carbon BACD69_____ carbon/accoya BACD69A____
silver/teak BAD3D70T1____ silver BAD3D70______ silver/accoya BAD3D70A______ Kg ≥ 69
Back end module - Left carbon/teak BAFSD69T1____ carbon BAFSD69_____ carbon/accoya BAFSD69A____
silver/teak BACD70T1____ silver BACD70______ silver/accoya BACD70A______
Corner module carbon/teak BAAUD69T1____ carbon BAAUD69_____ carbon/accoya BAAUD69A____
silver/teak BAAUD70T1____ silver BAAUD70______ silver/accoya BAAUD70A______
≥ 36
Chaise longue mod - Left carbon/teak BACLSD69T1____ carbon BACLSD69_____ carbon/accoya BACLSD69A____
silver/teak BAFSD70T1____ silver BAFSD70______ silver/accoya BAFSD70A______
Complementary back cushion 40x40 BACUSCM1____
Back end module - Right carbon/teak BAFDD69T1____ carbon BAFDD69_____ carbon/accoya BAFDD69A____
silver/teak BAFDD70T1____ silver BAFDD70______ silver/accoya BAFDD70A______
silver/teak BACLSD70T1____ silver BACLSD70______ silver/accoya BACLSD70A_____
Chaise longue mod - Right carbon/teak BACLDD69T1____ carbon BACLDD69_____ carbon/accoya BACLdD69A___
silver/teak BACLDD70T1____ silver BACLDD70______ silver/accoya BACLdD70A_____
≥ 69
All dimensions are in centimeters
Yacht Collection / Baia
Design: Christophe Pillet
Daybed - Left carbon/teak BADBSD69T1____ carbon BADBSD69_____ carbon/accoya BADBSD69A___
Sunbed carbon/teak BALED69T1____ carbon BALED69_____ carbon/accoya BALED69A___
silver/teak BADBSD70T1____ silver BADBSD70______ silver/accoya BADBSD70A_____
Kg ≥ 57
Collection composed of: lounge armchair / sofa / modular sofa / daybed / sunbed / pouf / coffee table / lamp new
Pouf 150x90
carbon/teak BAPUM1D69T1____ carbon BAPUM1D69_____ carbon/accoya BAPUM1D69A__
silver/teak BALED70T1____ silver BALED70______ silver/accoya BALED70A_____
Kg ≥ 59
Daybed - Right carbon/teak BADBDD69T1____ carbon BADBDD69_____ carbon/accoya BADBDD69A___
silver/teak BADBDD70T1____ silver BADBDD70______ silver/accoya BADBDD70A_____ Kg ≥ 57
silver/teak BAPUM1D70T1____ silver BAPUM1D70______ silver/accoya BAPUM1D70A____ Kg ≥ 30
Pouf 90x90
carbon/teak BAPUQD69T1____ carbon BAPUQD69_____ carbon/accoya BAPUQD69A___
silver/teak BAPUQD70T1____ silver BAPUQD70______ silver/accoya BAPUQD70A_____
Kg ≥ 20
Coffee table 90x90
carbon/teak + travertino silver
carbon + travertino silver
carbon/accoya + travertino silver
silver/teak + travertino silver
silver + travertino silver
silver/accoya + travertino silver
Pouf 210x90
carbon/teak BAPUM2D69T1____ carbon BAPUM2D69_____ carbon/accoya BAPUM2D69A__
silver/teak BAPUM2D70T1____ silver BAPUM2D70______ silver/accoya BAPUM2D70A____ Kg ≥ 40
Coffee table 150x90
carbon/teak + travertino silver
carbon + travertino silver
carbon/accoya + travertino silver
silver/teak + travertino silver
silver + travertino silver
silver/accoya + travertino silver
Kg ≥ 45 - 47
Yacht Collection / Costiera
Design: Christophe Pillet

Collection composed of: lounge armchair / sofa / modular sofa

Fabrics Material Material

carbon/teak CIPLD69T1____ carbon CIPLD69____ carbon/accoya CIPLD69A____ silver/accoya CIPLD70____ Kg ≥ 45

Corner module alu. carbon/teak CIAUD69T1____ alu. carbon CIAUD69____ alu. carbon/accoya CIAUD69A____ alu. silver/teak CIAUD70T1____ alu. silver CIAUD70____ alu. silver/accoya CIAUD70____ Kg ≥ 45
carbon/teak CID3D69T1____ carbon CID3D69____ carbon/accoya CID3D69A____
silver/teak CID3D70T1____
silver CID3D70____ silver/accoya CID3D70____ Kg
carbon/teak CIF_D69T1____
carbon CIF_D69____
carbon/accoya CIF_D69A____ silver/teak CIF_D70T1____ silver CIF_D70____
silver/accoya CIF_D70____ Kg ≥ 65
XL Lounge armchair XL XL SofaTender new
Design: Christophe Pillet
Collection composed of: side tables / tray

Isola new
Design: Christophe Pillet

Fabrics Fabrics Rain cover

Polypropylene Dharma 200/700 White

Polypropylene Maiorca + Ricamo White
Pouf 120X120

Polypropylene Dharma 200/300 Sage Green
Dharma 200/700 white ISPUQPP2201/7701
D harma 200/300 sage green ISPUQPP2202/3303
Maiorca + ricamo white ISPUQPP56RIC1
Kg ≥ 34

Polypropylene Dharma 400/100 Sage Green
Pouf Ø120
Dharma 200/700 white ISPUTPP2201/7701
D harma 400/100 sage green ISPUTPP4402/1102
Kg ≥ 29
Rafael Design: Paola Navone

Collection composed of: lounge armchair / daybed / lounge armchair with integrated coffee table / coffee table / sunbed / dining table / dining armchair
FSC TM certified product


Lounge armchair right
brushed natural teak RAPLDT1S pickled teak RAPLDT5 seat cushion RACUPLD___
Kg ≥ 35
Lounge armchair left
brushed natural teak RAPLST1S
pickled teak RAPLST5 seat cushion RACUPLS___
Kg ≥ 35
Daybed right
Daybed left
brushed natural teak RADST1S pickled teak RADST5 seat cushion RACUDS___
Kg ≥ 60,5
Lounge armchair right with integrated coffee table
brushed natural teak + marble RAD2T1STDMS
brushed natural teak + smeraldo RAD2T1STDPSR
pickled teak + marble RAD2T5TDMS
pickled teak + smeraldo RAD2T5TDPSR seat cushion RACUD2TD___
Kg ≥ 68,5
All dimensions are in centimeters
Lounge armchair left with integrated coffee table
brushed natural teak + marble RAD2T1STSMS
brushed natural teak + smeraldo RAD2T1STSPSR
pickled teak + marble RAD2T5TSMS
pickled teak + smeraldo RAD2T5TSPSR seat cushion RACUD2TS___
Kg ≥ 68,5
Rafael Design: Paola Navone
Coffee table 68 x 70 - small
brushed natural teak + marble RATCQT1SMS
brushed natural teak + smeraldo RATCQT1SPSR
Kg ≥ 26
Coffee table 70 x 170 - large
brushed natural teak + marble RATCRT1SMS
Sunbed brushed natural teak RALET1S pickled teak RALET5 seat cushion RACULEP__
Kg ≥ 40
Sunbed back cushion 75x50 cm RACULESC___
Kg ≥ 1,5
Collection composed of: lounge armchair / daybed / lounge armchair with integrated coffee table / coffee table / sunbed / dining table / dining armchair
FSC TM certified product
Coffee table 68 x 70 - small pickled teak + marble RATCQT5MS pickled teak + smeraldo RATCQT5PSR
Kg ≥ 26
Coffee table 70 x 170 - large pickled teak + marble RATCRT5MS pickled teak + smeraldo RATCRT5PSR
Kg ≥ 40
Sunbed roller cushion 90x Ø 17
Kg ≥ 1
Octagonal dining table 160 x 160
brushed natural teak + marble RATPQM1T1SMS
brushed natural teak + smeraldo RATPQM1T1SPSR
pickled teak + Carrara marble RATPQM1T5MS
pickled teak + smeraldo RATPQM1T5PSR
Kg ≥ 220 ≥ 8
Round dining table Ø 230
brushed natural teak RATPTM1T1S
pickled teak RATPTM1T5
Carrara marble rotating tray RAPGMS
lava stone smeraldo rotating tray RAPGPSR Kg
Dining armchair
brushed natural teak RAPDT1SR1
pickled teak RAPDT5R1 Kg
All dimensions are in centimeters
Dining table 264 x 154
brushed natural teak + marble RATPRM1T1SMS
brushed natural teak + smeraldo RATPRM1T1SPSR
pickled teak + Carrara marble RATPRM1T5MS
pickled teak + smeraldo RATPRM1T5PSR
Kg ≥ 354 ≥ 10
Seat cushion RACUPD___
Design: Patrick Norguet
Collection composed of: lounge armchair / 2 seater sofa / XL sofa / modular sofa / club armchair / porch swing / coffee table / barstool / dining armchair / dining table / pouf / lounge bed
FSC TM certified product

2 seater sofa
pickled teak SWD2D__T5 natural teak SWD2D__T1 cushions, seat + 2 back SWCUD2____
Kg ≥ 43
Porch swing
Kg ≥ 84
pickled teak SWDOD__T5 natural teak SWDOD__T1 cushions, seat + 2 back SWCUD2____ curtain SWTEDOV78
XL sofa
pickled teak SWD3D__T5 natural teak SWD3D__T1 cushions, seat + 3 back SWCUD3____
Kg ≥ 59
Lounge armchair pickled teak SWPLD__T5 natural teak SWPLD__T1 cushions, seat + back SWCUPL____
Kg ≥ 29
Corner module
pickled teak SWDMAUD__T5 natural teak SWDMAUD__T1 cushions, seat + 2 back SWCUDMAU____
Kg ≥ 30
XL central module
pickled teak SWDMCD__T5 natural teak SWDMCD__T1 cushions, seat + 2 back SWCUDMC____
Kg ≥ 35
Daybed left
pickled teak SWDMDSD__T5 natural teak SWDMDSD__T1 cushions, seat+2 back SWCUDMDS____
Kg ≥ 39
All dimensions are in centimeters
Daybed right
pickled teak SWDMDDD__T5 natural teak SWDMDDD__T1 cushions, seat+2 back SWCUDMDD____
Kg ≥ 39
Design: Patrick Norguet
Collection composed of: lounge armchair / 2 seater sofa / XL sofa / modular sofa / club armchair / porch swing / coffee table / barstool / dining armchair / dining table / pouf / lounge bed
FSC TM certified product
Back end module left pickled teak SWDMFSD__T5 natural teak SWDMFSD__T1 cushions, seat+3 back SWCUDMFS____
Kg ≥ 45
Small coffee table Ø 50 pickled teak SWTCQH2D__T5 natural teak SWTCQH2D__T1 Kg ≥ 9
Large coffee table 110x57 pickled teak SWTCRH1D__T5 natural teak SWTCRH1D__T1 Kg ≥ 20
Back end module right pickled teak SWDMFDD__T5 natural teak SWDMFDD__T1 cushions, seat+3 back SWCUDMFD____
Kg ≥ 45
Lounge bed with curtain pickled teak SWALS__T5 natural teak SWALS__T1 seat cushion + bed runner nature grey SWCUALAW24 back cushion red earth SWCUSCM1A76 back cushion nature grey SWCUSCM2AW24
Kg ≥ 127
Club armchair pickled teak SWPCD__T5 natural teak SWPCD__T1 cushions, seat+back SWCUPC____
Dining armchair pickled teak SWPDD__T5 natural teak SWPDD__T1 cushions, seat+back SWCUPD____ Kg ≥ 6,5
Barstool pickled teak SWSGD__T5 natural teak SWSGD__T1 cushions, seat+back SWCUPD____
Rectangular dining table 240x100
pickled teak SWTPRM2D__T5
natural teak SWTPRM2D __T1
Kg ≥ 45 ≥ 8
Pouf Ø 40 h38
pickled teak + seat cushion SWPM11D__T5___ natural teak + seat cushion SWPM11D__T1___
Kg ≥ 5
Round dining table Ø 140
pickled teak SWTPTM1D__T5
natural teak SWTPTM1D__T1
Kg ≥ 35 ≥ 6-7
Pouf Ø 40 h46
pickled teak + seat cushion SWPM12D__T5___ natural teak + seat cushion SWPM12D__T1___
Kg ≥ 6,5
Pouf Ø 60 h38
pickled teak + seat cushion SWPM21D__T5___
natural teak + seat cushion SWPM21D__T1___
Kg ≥ 10,5
Pouf Ø 60 h46
pickled teak + seat cushion SWPM22D__T5___ natural teak + seat cushion SWPM22D__T1___
Kg ≥ 13,5
Pouf Ø 140 h46 pickled
Design: Patrick Norguet
Collection composed of:
armchair / 3 seater sofa / lounge armchair / lounge high back armchair / rocking lounge armchair / footstool / coffee table / dining armchair / dining chair / square,
rectangular and round dining table
FSC TM certified product


Lumbar cushion for 3 seater sofa
2 lumbar cushions red diamond KNCUDCM2PP53 Kg ≥ 1
Lumbar cushion for armchair
1 lumbar cushion red diamond KNCUDCM1PP53
Lounge armchair
natural teak KNPLT1R70 pickled teak KNPLT5R71 lumbar cushions KNCULBPL___
natural teak KNFTT1R70 pickled teak KNFTT5R71
Lounge high back armchair
natural teak KNPLH2T1R70 pickled teak KNPLH2T5R71 lumbar cushions KNCULBPL___
Lumbar cushion
black stone KNCULBPLAW28 nature grey KNCULBPLAW24 red diamonds KNCULBPLPP53
All dimensions are in centimeters
Rocking armchair
natural teak KNPLH2RKT1R70 pickled teak KNPLH2RKT5R71 lumbar cushions KNCULBPL___
Design: Patrick Norguet
Collection composed of: armchair / 3 seater sofa / lounge armchair / lounge high back armchair / rocking lounge armchair / footstool / coffee table / dining armchair / dining chair / square, rectangular and round dining table FSC TM certified product
Rectangular coffee table 137x75
natural teak KNTCR M1T1 pickled teak KNTCR M1T5
Round coffee table Ø 50
natural teak KNTCTT1 pickled teak KNTCTT5
Dining chair
Dining armchair
natural teak KNPDT1R70
Square dining table 90x90 natural
Round dining table Ø 110
Rectangular dining table 200x100
XL rectangular dining table 263x110
Cross Design: Patrick Norguet
Collection composed of: round coffee table Ø100x33 / round coffee table Ø60x43 / round coffee table Ø40x54

Design: Luca Nichetto
Collection composed of:
lounge armchair / 2 seater sofa / back end module / cup holder / coffee table / dining table / dining armchair
FSC TM certified product

Material Frame Fabrics Fabrics

Material Table top

Aluminium Mineral Grey Enamelled Lava Stone Opaque White

Ceramic Stone Anthracite

Ceramic Stone Ice White
Lounge armchair
alu. mineral grey VXPLD53 alu. limestone white VXPLD56 cushions, seat+3back lichen VXCUPLA46 cushions, seat+3back linen color VXCUPLA49
Kg ≥ 26
Rain cover Cup holder

Pickled Teak Ethi-Care

Polyester Rubelli Orange stripe
Complementary back cushion 40x40
lichen melange VXCUSCM1A47
lichen twill VXCUSCM1A48
orange stripe VXCUSCM1P09 orange VXCUSCM1TR18
Kg ≥ 0,5
Cup holder Ø 25
VXPBT5 Kg ≥ 0,5
cushions, seat+5back lichen VXCUD2A46 cushions, seat+5back linen color VXCUD2A49
Acrylic Lichen Acrylic Lichen MelangeVenexia
Back end module left
alu. mineral grey VXFSD53
alu. limestone white VXFSD56 cushions, seat+4back lichen VXCUFA46 cushions, seat+4back linen color VXCUFA49
Kg ≥ 35
Coffee table Ø 60 h48
alu. mineral grey + white VXTCTM1D53PLSB
alu. mineral grey + ardesia VXTCTM1D53PLA
alu. limestone white + white VXTCTM1D56PLSB alu. limestone white + ardesia VXTCTM1D56PLA
Kg ≥ 16,5
Dining table
alu. mineral grey + anthracite top VXTPTD53LC
alu. limestone white + ice white top VXTPTD53LC
Kg ≥ 43,5
Back end module right
alu. mineral grey VXFDD53
alu. limestone white VXFDD56 cushions, seat+4back lichen VXCUFA46 cushions, seat+4back linen color VXCUFA49
Coffee table Ø 90 h43
alu. mineral grey + white VXTCTM2D53PLSB
alu. mineral grey + ardesia VXTCTM2D53PLA
alu. limestone white + white VXTCTM2D56PLSB alu. limestone white + ardesia VXTCTM2D56PLA
All dimensions are in centimeters
Dining armchair
alu. mineral grey VXPDD53
alu. limestone white VXPDD56 cushions, seat+back lichen VXCUPDA46 cushions, seat+back lichen melange VXCUPDA47 cushions, seat+back linen color VXCUPDA49 cushions, seat+back orange VXCUPDTR18
Design: Ilaria Marelli
Collection composed of: S module / L module / XL module / mattress / coffee table
FSC TM certified product

Aluminium Dark Grey

Ceramic Stone Ice white Ceramic Stone Emperador Extra Brown

Enamelled Lava Stone
S module 120x120
teak + alu. dark grey CPBAM1T1DG
Kg ≥ 27

Polyolefins Soft Ivory Melange Polyolefins Aquamarine

Elitis Corsaro
L module 120x180
teak + alu. dark grey CPBAM2T1DG Kg ≥ 39,5
Cushion 100x100
Cushion 170x100
soft ivory melange CPCUM2O001
aqu amarine CPCUM2O732
Kg ≥ 12
Short back cushion
soft ivory melange CPCUSCM1O001 aquamarine CPCUSCM1O732
Kg ≥ 4
Long back cushion
soft ivory melange CPCUSCM2O001
aquamarine CPCUSCM2O732
Kg ≥ 5.5
Cushion 200x100
soft ivory melange CPCUM3O001
aqu amarine CPCUM3O732
Kg ≥ 14
Back cushion 45x45
soft ivory melange CPCUSCQO001
aqu amarine CPCUSCQO732
elitis acquamarina CPCUSCQO11440
Kg ≥ 1
Coffee table 140x65 h25
dark grey + ice white CPTCRM2DGLI d ark grey + brown CPTCRM2DGLEE
Kg ≥ 30
Coffee table Ø53 h7
d. grey + ice white CPTCTH1DGLI
d . grey + brown CPTCTH1DGLEE
d. grey + acquamarina CPTCTH1DGPSP
Armrest cushion
soft ivory melange CPCUBRO001
aqu amarine CPCUBRO732
Kg ≥ 1
Back cushion 50x30
soft ivory melange CPCUSCRO001
aqu amarine CPCUSCRO732
elitis acquamarina CPCUSCRO11440
Kg ≥ 1,5
Coffee table Ø53 h33
d. grey + ice white CPTCTH2DGLI
d . grey + brown CPTCTH2DGLEE
d. grey + acquamarina CPTCTH2DG PSP
Kg ≥ 10
All dimensions are in centimeters
Coffee table 80x35 h7
dark grey + ice white CPTCRM1DGLI d ark grey + brown CPTCRM1DGLEE
Kg ≥ 10
Grand Life
Design: Christophe Pillet
Collection composed of: lounge armchair / sofa / bergère / sunbed / coffee table / dining armchair new
FSC TM certified product


Material - Table top Pickled

Lounge armchair
natural teak GLPLT1R1 pickled teak GLPLT5R2 cushions, seat+back GLCUPL____
Complementary back cushion for XL sofa and armchair
Grand Life
Coffee table Ø 77 h25
natural teak + ceramic stone ice white GLTCTH1T1LI pickled teak + ceramic stone sand GLTCTH1T5LS
Kg ≥ 9
Coffee table Ø 77 h45
natural teak + ceramic stone ice white GLTCTH2T1LI pickled teak + ceramic stone sand GLTCTH2T5LS Kg ≥ 9
Rectangular coffee table 100x65 h25
natural teak + ceramic stone ice white GLTCRHT1LI pickled teak + ceramic stone sand GLTCRHT5LS
Square coffee table 100x100 h35
natural teak + ceramic stone ice white GLTCQHT1LI pickled teak + ceramic stone sand GLTCQHT5LS Kg ≥ 15
Dining armchair new
Sling Design: Studiopepe
Collection composed of: armchair / coffee table / footstool

Bold / Steward
Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of: triangular dining table 150x150 / rectangular dining table 280x150 / Steward rotating tray Material

Triangular dining table 150x150
Steward rotating tray BLVST1I
Kg ≥ 188
Rectangular dining table 280x150
Steward rotating tray BLVST1I
Kg ≥ 315
Design: Marcello Ziliani
Collection composed of: teak dining armchair / aluminium dining armchair / 2 seater sofa / lounge armchair / coffee table / dining table / hanging lamp / sunbed new
FSC TM certified product

Tortora Chiaro
Rain cover
Teak + Round Rope Olive Green Teak + Round Rope Ruby Wine Teak + Round Rope Sand Pickled Teak + Round Rope Dark Grey Acrylic Nature Nature Grey Aluminium Warmwhite + Round Rope Light Grey Aluminium Warmgrey + Round Rope Dark GreyKilt
Dining armchair - Teak
teak + round rope sand KIPDT1RCS teak + round rope olive green KIPDT1R56 teak + round rope ruby wine KIPDT1R52 pickled teak + round rope dark grey KIPDT5RCD seat cushion 46x42 h2 KICUPDA__
Kg ≥ 6,5
Dining armchair - Aluminium
alu warmwhite + round rope light grey KIPDD43R1 alu warmgrey + round rope dark grey KIPDD44RCD seat cushion 46x42 h2 KICUPDA__
Kg ≥ 6,5
Square dining table 91x91
Square coffee table 65x65
Lounge armchair
teak + round rope sand KIPLT1RCS teak + round rope olive green KIPLT1R56 teak + round rope ruby wine KIPLT1R52 pickled teak + round rope dark grey KIPLT5RCD seat + back cushions KICUPL___
2 seater sofa
teak + round rope sand KID2T1RCS pickled teak + round rope dark grey KID2T5RCD seat + back cushions KICUD2___
Sunbed new
All dimensions are in centimeters
Sunbed cushions new mattress KICULE___ roll cushions KICURLE___ pillow cushion KICUGLE___
Design: Zanellato / Bortotto
Collection composed of:
2 seater sofa / lounge armchair / pouf / coffee table
FSC TM certified product

Material - Frame

Pickled Teak Aluminium burnished brass

Material - Table top Rain cover

Enamelled Lava Stone London Smoke

Carrara Marble Round Rope Blue Marble Mosaic Cipollino Marble

Mood Rust
Mood Ice-Blue
Sofa Fabrics 264
Seat and back cushions

Rubelli Velvety Rust

Polypropylene Ice

Polypropylene Ice Polypropylene Aegean Blue
Back cushion 45x45

Polypropylene Ice Rubelli Velvetforty Chartreuse

Pierre Frey Amazone

Polypropylene Aegean Blue

Polypropylene Leofanto 1 Polypropylene Carmide 11
Back cushion 50x30

Polypropylene Ice Rubelli Velvetforty Chartreuse

Polypropylene Leofanto 1

Polypropylene Carmide 11
2 seater sofa
pickled teak + fabric RTD2T5P___ aluminium + fabric RTD2D57P___
Kg ≥ 46
Lounge armchair
pickled teak + fabric RTPLT5___ aluminium + fabric RTPLD57P___
Kg ≥ 22,5
Pouf pickled teak + fabric RTPUT5P___ aluminium + fabric RTPUD57P___
Kg ≥ 17
Coffee table Ø 43,5 h42
pickled teak + top RTTCTM1H2T5__ aluminium + top RTTCTM1H2D57__
Kg ≥ 9
Coffee table Ø 68,5 h33
pickled teak + top RTTCTM2H1T5__
a luminium + top RTTCTM2H1D57__
Kg ≥ 9.5
Back cushion 45X45
aegean blue RTCUSCQPP41
leofanto 1 RTCUSCQPP42 carmide 11 RTCUSCQPP43
chartreuse RTCUSCQP29
amazone RTCUSCQA54
Kg ≥ 0,5
All dimensions are in centimeters
Back cushion 50X30
leofanto 1 RTCUSCRPP42 carmide 11 RTCUSCRPP43
chartreuse RTCUSCRP29
Kg ≥ 0,5
Design: Matteo Thun & Antonio Rodriguez
— Mountain
Collection composed of: lounge armchair / 2 seater sofa / coffee table / sunbed / lounge bed / hanging armchair / free-standing outdoor swings
FSC TM certified product

Material - Etwick version

Etwick Bark Velum Grey Stone Ethitex Tartan padded
— Nautic

Material - Tartan version Accessories Ethi-Care

– Urban

Material - Urban

Metal Coffee Brown Pickled Teak

Ethitex Cappuccino padded
— Veranda
Velum Grey Stone
Rain cover

Rain cover Material

Metal Coffee Brown Natural TeakAllaperto
Design: Matteo Thun & Antonio Rodriguez
Collection composed of: lounge armchair / 2 seater sofa / coffee table / sunbed / lounge bed / hanging armchair / free-standing outdoor swings
FSC TM certified product
Lounge armchair
Allaperto Mountain Etwick AAPLS51T5W20 seat cushion espresso AACUSEPLAW39
Allaperto Mountain Tartan AAPLS51T1E38
lumbar cushion red navajo with velvet blue piping AACULBA31
Allaperto Urban AAPLS51T5E37
Allaperto Nautic AAPLS51T1RFG lumbar cushion AACULBM2____ decor cushion AACUDCQ____
Allaperto Veranda AAPLS51T1WN lumbar cushion AACULBM2____ decor cushion AACUDCQ____
Kg ≥ 12-14
Square coffee table 50x50
Allaperto Mountain Etwick AATCQB51T5
Allaperto Mountain Tartan AATCQB51T1
Allaperto Urban AATCQB51T5
Allaperto Nautic AATCQB51T1
Allaperto Veranda AATCQB51T1
Kg ≥ 8
2 seater sofa
Allaperto Mountain Etwick AAD2S51T5W20 seat cushion espresso AACUSED2AW39
Allaperto Mountain Tartan AAD2S51T1E38 lumbar cushion red navajo with velvet blue piping AACULBA31
Allaperto Urban AAD2S51T5E37 lumbar cushion AACULBM2____ decor cushon AACUDCQ____
Allaperto Nautic AAD2S51T1RFG lumbar cushion AACULBM2____ decor cushion AACUDCQ____
Kg ≥ 18-21
Rectangular coffee table 100x70
Allaperto Mountain Etwick AATCRB51T5
Allaperto Mountain Tartan AATCRB51T1
Allaperto Urban AATCRB51T5
Allaperto Nautic AATCRB51T1
Allaperto Veranda AATCRB51T1
Kg ≥ 16
Allaperto Mountain Etwick AALES51T5W20 mattress espresso AACULEAW39 lumbar cushion red navajo with velvet blue piping AACULBA31
Allaperto Urban AALES51T5E37
Lounge bed
Curtains included
Allaperto Mountain Etwick AAALB51T5W20 2 mattresses espresso AACUALAW39 lumbar cushion red navajo with velvet blue piping AACULBA31
Allaperto Urban AAALB51T5E37 Kg
Hanging armchair
Allaperto Nautic AAPLAS51T1RFG lumbar cushion AACULBM2____ decor cushion AACUDCQ____
Allaperto Veranda AAPLAS51T1WN lumbar cushion AACULBM2____ decor cushion AACUDCQ____
Kg ≥ 19
Free-standing outdoor swings
Allaperto Nautic AA2ACS51T1RFG lumbar cushion AACULBM2____ decor cushion AACUDCQ____
Kg ≥ 74
Allaperto Bistrò
Design: Matteo Thun & Antonio Rodriguez
Dining armchair
FSC TM certified product

Metal Coffee Brown Natural Teak

Flat Rope Grey
Rain cover

Bistrò new

Flat Rope light grey /dark grey
Flat Rope light grey /olive green
Metal+ Teak + rope grey AASES51T1RFG
Metal+ Teak + rope light grey / olive green AASES51T1R1R56
Metal+ Teak + rope light grey / dark grey AASES51T1R1RCD
Kg ≥ 7
Sport Collection / Ace
Design: Patrick Norguet

Material - Frame

Alu or Metal Black Red + Aluminium Sport Red
Alu or Metal Moss Green + Aluminium Sport Green
Beam L 150 with legs
Beam L 240 with legs
Alu or Metal Warmwhite + Aluminium Sport Grey
All dimensions are in centimeters
Collection composed of: umpire chair / bench / bag holder / shoes holder / storage / tray / free-standing panel

Material - Tray

Black Cork

Beam L 210 with legs
Beam L 300 with legs
Sport Collection / Ace
Design: Patrick Norguet
Bag holder 30x52 alu. ACPZM1D__
Kg ≥ 2,5
Shoe holder alu. ACPSD__ Kg ≥ 3
Freestand perforated corrugated panel alu. ACPPD__
Kg ≥ 11
Collection composed of: umpire chair / bench / bag holder / shoes holder / storage / tray / free-standing panel
Bag holder 90X52 alu. ACPZM2D__
Kg ≥ 7,6
Storage alu. ACPBD__ Kg ≥ 19
Seat L
60cm with backrest teak ACS11T1 alu. ACS11D__ seat cushion 53x41 h6 cm ACCUSEA___Sport Collection / Ace
Black cork tray
Side panels
Design: Ethimo

3 seater sofa
Collection composed of:
lounge armchair / 3 seater sofa / modular sofa / coffee table / dining armchair / round and rectangular dining table / sun lounger

teak COD3T1 pickled teak COD3T5 cushions, seat+2 back COCUD3A___
Kg ≥ 48
Central module
teak CODMCT1 pickled teak CODMCT5 cushions, seat+back COCUDMCA___
Kg ≥ 36
FSC TM certified product Fabrics Rain cover

Ethi-Care Cherry Red Narval Blue Nature White Nature Grey

Lounge armchair
teak COPLT1 pickled teak COPLT5 cushions, seat+back COCUPLA___
Kg ≥ 34
Corner module
teak CODMAUT1 pickled teak CODMAUT5 cushions, seat+back COCUDMAUA___
Kg ≥ 58
Back end module right (D) / left (S)
teak CODMF_T1
pickled teak CODMF_T5 cushions, seat+back COCUDMFA___
Kg ≥ 39
XL coffee table 120x80
teak COTCRM2T1 pickled teak COTCRM2T5 Kg ≥ 20
Coffee table 100x60
teak COTCRM1T1
pickled teak COTCRM1T5 Kg ≥ 11
Round dining table Ø 175
teak COTPTM1T1
pickled teak COTPTM1T5
94,5 ≥ 8 -10
XL rectangular dining table 300x110
Dining armchair
teak COPDT1 pickled teak COPDT5 Kg ≥ 10
Cushion cushion COCUPDA___ Kg ≥ 1
Rectangular dining table 240x160
teak COTPRM1T1 pickled teak COTPRM1T5 Kg ≥ 105 ≥ 10 -12
All dimensions are in centimeters
Sun lounger
Design: Luca Nichetto
Collection composed of: lounge armchair / 3 seater sofa / coffee table / square, rectangular and oval dining table / dining armchair / sunbed
FSC TM certified product

Lounge armchair
natwick tight weave ESPLH1WNFD43 natwick wide weave ESPLH1WNHD43 cushions, seat+3 back ESCUPLAW25
Kg ≥ 32
Lounge high back armchair
natwick tight weave ESPLH2WNFD43 natwick wide weave ESPLH2WNHD43 cushions, seat+3 back ESCUPLAW25 headrest cushion ESCUTEAW25
Kg ≥ 35
3 seater sofa
natwick tight weave ESD3H1WNFD43 natwick wide weave ESD3H1WNHD43 cushions, seat+5 back ESCUD3AW25
3 seater high back sofa
natwick tight weave ESD3H2WNFD43 natwick wide weave ESD3H2WNHD43 cushions, seat+5 back ESCUD3AW25 headrest cushion ESCUTEAW25
Square coffee table 90x90
Oval coffee table 160x80 with
Square dining table 90x90 with
Oval dining table 240x112,4 with
Design: Luca Nichetto 278
Collection composed of: lounge armchair / 3 seater sofa / coffee table / square, rectangular and oval dining table / dining armchair / sunbed
FSC TM certified product
Dining armchair natwick tight weave ESPDH1WNFD43 natwick wide weave ESPDH1WNHD43 cushions, seat+back ESCUPDAW25
Rectangular dining table 200x99 with pickled teak table top ESTPRD43T5
Sun lounger sun
Design: Luca Nichetto
Collection composed of: natwick dining armchair / round rope dining armchair

Dining armchair
natwick + warmwhite PVPDD43WN rope light grey + warmwhite PVPDD43R1 rope lava grey + dark grey PVPDDGR4
Design: Luca Nichetto

Dining table
FSC TM certified product
Dining table Ø 60 h

Dining table 60X60 h 74
Dining table Ø 70 h
Dining table 70X70h 74
Design: Mattia Albicini

Lounge chair

All dimensions are in centimeters
Collection composed of:
lounge chair / coffee table
FSC TM certified product

Square coffee table 65x65
Design: Marc Sadler
Collection composed of: rectangular extendable table / dining armchair / dining chair / lounge armchair / footstool / coffee table / counter stool / barstool
FSC TM certified product

Lounge armchair

extendable dining table 235-340x100
Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of:
round dining table / rectangular extendable dining table
FSC TM certified product

Round dining table Ø 147
Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of:
square dining table / rectangular dining table
FSC TM certified product

Rain cover

Extendable rectangular dining table 220-260-300x100
Rain cover

Square dining table 90x90
teak FDTPQT1
pickled teak FDTPQT5
Kg ≥ 10 ≥ 4
Rectangular dining table 180x90
Design: Patrick Norguet
Collection composed of: dining armchair / barstool FSC TM certified product

Play Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of:
square dining table / XL square dining table / rectangular dining table / XL rectangular dining table / ping pong table
FSC TM certified product Material - Base Material - Table top Rain cover Ethi-Care

Square dining table 99x99
aluminium + ceramic stone PLTQM1D__L_
Square dining table 99x99
XL square dining table 149x149
XL square dining table 149x149
aluminium + ceramic stone PLTPQM2D__L_
Kg ≥ 54 ≥ 8
XL square dining table 149x149
aluminium + teak PLTPQM2D4_T1
Kg ≥ 44 ≥ 8
Rectangular dining table 199x99
aluminium + ceramic stone PLTPRM1D4_L_
Kg ≥ 50 ≥ 8
Rectangular dining table 199x99
aluminium + teak PLTPRM1D4_T1
Kg ≥ 40 ≥ 8
XL rectangular dining table 274x99
aluminium + ceramic stone PLTPRM2D4_L_
Kg ≥ 63 ≥ 10
XL rectangular dining table 274x99
aluminium + teak PLTPRM2D4_T1
Kg ≥ 49,2 ≥ 10
Rectangular dining / Ping pong table 274x152,5
aluminium + ceramic stone PLTPRM3D38LR ping pong kit included
Kg ≥ 96,5 ≥ 12
Design: Ethimo

Collection composed of: dining table / lounge dining table / high table / coffee table
FSC TM certified product

Coffee table 70x90 h 29
Coffee table 70x90 h 51
Dining table 70x90 h 75
Complementary base cover
Flat Design: Ethimo
Extendable dining table

Extendable dining table 160-250x100
Extendable XL dining table 240-360x100 FTTPRM2B4_
Design: Ethimo
Director folding armchair

Material Material

Aluminium Warmwhite + Acrylic Nature White

Aluminium Warmwhite + Acrylic Nature Grey
Folding armchair
Kg ≥ 6
Aluminium Warmgrey + Acrylic Nature White
All dimensions are in centimeters

Rain cover
Infinity Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of:
lounge armchair / 3 seater sofa / modular sofa / daybed / pouf / coffee table / sun lounger



Lightwick Warmwhite + Aluminium Warmwhite
3 seater sofa
cushions, seat+back IFCUD3AW2_
Kg ≥ 36.5

Aluminium Warmgrey + Ethitex Dove Grey

Aluminium Warmwhite + Ethitex White

Rain cover
Lightwick Warmgrey + Aluminium Warmgrey Nature White Nature Grey
Lounge armchair
cushions, seat+back IFCUPLAW2_
Kg ≥ 29
Square coffee table 90x90
Kg ≥ 15
Rectangular coffee table 120x90
Central module
cushions, seat+back IFCUDMCM1AW2_
Corner module
IFDMAUD4_W2_ cushions, seat+back IFCUDMAUAW2_
XL central module
seat+back IFCUDMCM2AW2_
XL corner module right (D) / left (S) IFDMF_D4_W2_
seat+back IFCUDMF_AW2_
Daybed module right (D) / left (S)
cushions, seat+back IFCUDMD_AW2_
All dimensions are in centimeters
Smart – side table 43x35
Ocean Design: Ethimo
Sun lounger
Smart Design: Ethimo Side table


Aluminium Warmwhite + Ethitex White
Aluminium Warmgrey + Ethitex Dove Grey

Sun lounger
mattress nature grey OCCULEAW24
Kg ≥ 17

Fabrics Nature Grey
Rain cover Ethi-Care

Smart side table 43x35
Kg ≥ 3,5
Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of: lounge armchair / 3 seater sofa

3 seater sofa
Lounge armchair
Loto Design: Ethimo Coffee table

Rectangular coffee table 65x40
Square coffee table 90x90
Cube Design: Ethimo

Collection composed of:
lounge armchair / 3 seater sofa / modular sofa / pouf / coffee table / double and single sunbed / footstool Material Bark

3 seater sofa
CBD3W2_ cushions, seat+2 back CBCUD3A__ Kg ≥ 41,5

Rain 68 40 87

CBPUW2_ cushion, seat CBCUPUA__ Kg ≥ 9
cover Ethi-Care 68 40 101 87 40 87 87 87 87
Nature Grey

Lounge armchair
CBPOW2_ cushions, seat+back CBCUPOA__ Kg ≥ 24,5
Corner module
68 40 296
White Dove GreyCube
Rectangular coffee table 120x80 with glass
Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of: lounge armchair / 2 seater sofa / coffee table / dining armchair / dining chair / round, square and rectangular dining table / sunbed

2 seater sofa
EID2S__ cushions, seat+2 back EICUD2____ Kg


Lounge armchair
EIPLS__ cushions, seat+back EICUPL____ Kg

Square dining table 70x70 – 80x80 – 90x90
70x70 EITPQM1B__
80x80 EITPQM2B__
90x90 EITPQM3B__
Kg ≥ 12 -14 - 17 ≥ 2–4
Extendable XL rectangular dining table 200-260x100 EITPRM2B__
Kg ≥ 85 ≥ 8—10
Dining chair
Classic seat cushion (H 3cm) EICUSEPDAW2_
Pratic seat cushion (H 2cm) CUSEPREIA1
Seat and back cushion (H 3cm) EICUSSPD____
Kg ≥ 7
Dining armchair
Classic seat cushion (H 3cm) EICUSEPDAW2_
Pratic seat cushion (H 2cm) CUSEPREIA1
Seat and back cushion (H 3cm) EICUSSPD____
Kg ≥ 8,5
Smart – side table 43x35
Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of:
folding chair / stacking chair / stacking armchair / round, square and rectangular dining table / high table / barstool
FSC TM certified product


Metal Mud Grey + Pickled Teak
Folding chair
pickled teak LASPB40T5 teak LASPB51T1
Kg ≥ 6

Rain cover
Dining chair
pickled teak LASEB40T5 teak LASEB51T1
Kg ≥ 5
Dining armchair
pickled teak LAPDB40T5 teak LAPDB51T1
Kg ≥ 6
Round dining table Ø 60
pickled teak LATPTH1B40T5 teak LATPTH1B51T1
Kg ≥ 12,5 ≥ 2
Square dining table 70x70
pickled teak LATPQM1H1B40T5 teak LATPQM1H1B51T1
Kg ≥ 15,5 ≥ 4
Rectangular dining table 160x90
pickled teak LATPRM2B40T5 teak LATPRM2B51T1
Kg ≥ 36 ≥ 6—8
Square dining table 90x90
pickled teak LATPQM2B40T5
teak LATPQM2B51T1
Kg ≥ 25 ≥ 4
pickled teak LASGB40T5 teak LASGB51T1
Kg ≥ 6
High rectangular table 120x60
pickled teak LATPRM1B40T5 teak LATPRM1B51T1
Kg ≥ 31 ≥ 4—6
High round table Ø 60
pickled teak LATPTH2B40T5 teak LATPTH2B51T1
Kg ≥ 17,5 ≥ 2
High square dining table 70x70
pickled teak LATPQM1H2B40T5 teak LATPQM1H2B51T1 Kg ≥ 20,5
Flower Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of: folding chair / stacking chair / stacking armchair / round, square and rectangular dining table / high table / barstool


Round folding table Ø 60
Kg ≥ 7 ≥ 2
Rectangular folding table 55x70
Kg ≥ 9 ≥ 2
Square folding table 80x80
Kg ≥ 13 ≥ 4
Round folding table ø 105
Kg ≥ 16,5 ≥ 5
Rectangular folding table 80x160
Kg ≥ 26 ≥ 6
Square dining table 70x70
Kg ≥ 18 ≥ 2—4
High square dining table 70x70
Kg ≥ 23 ≥ 2—4
Kg ≥ 7
Design: Ethimo

Lounge bed
Curtains included EZALT1S00T1
mattresses EZCUALA__
Kg ≥ 91
Collection composed of: sunbed / lounge bed
FSC TM certified product

Sunbed EZLES00T1
mattress EZCULEA__ Kg ≥ 37
Sand Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of: teak sunbed / teak and Ethitex sunbed FSC TM certified product



mattress SDCULEA___
Kg ≥ 25

Kg ≥ 20,5

Rain cover
All dimensions are in centimeters
Design: Ethimo
Deck chair

FSC TM certified product Material + Fabrics Natural

Deck chair teak + fabric ELSRT1__ pickled teak + fabric ELSRT5A_

Design: Ethimo
Deck chair
FSC TM certified product

Deck chair pickled teak CRSDT5 teak CRSDT1 mattress CRCUSDA1

Notting Hill
Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of: bench / armchair
FSC TM certified product


pickled teak NHPOT5
teak NHPOT1
mahogany NHPOM_ classic cushion NHCUPOA___
Kg ≥ 12,5
Rain cover

Ivory Acrylic Espresso

All dimensions are in centimeters
Acrylic Cherry Red Acrylic Black Stone

pickled teak NHPAT5
teak NHPAT1
mahogany NHPAM_ classic cushion NHCUPAA___
Kg ≥ 21
Design: Ethimo
FSC TM certified product

T–Box Trunk
Clay / Petit club
Design: Ethimo
Coffee table
FSC TM certified product
Clay Square coffee table 45x45

Petit club Square coffee table
54x54 with removable tray pickled teak PCTCQT5 teak
Petit club Rectangular coffee table
84x54 with removable tray
Holiday Design: Ethimo

Rectangular parasol 4x3 m
8 concrete tiles SETMA8PZ
parasol Kg ≥ 90 + tiles Kg ≥ 167
All dimensions are in centimeters
Collection composed of: Square and rectangular wooden parasol

Acrylic Lilac

Rain cover
Square parasol 3x3 m
8 concrete tiles SETMA8PZ
parasol Kg ≥ 85 + tiles Kg ≥ 167
Classic Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of:
Square, round and rectangular wooden parasol

Rectangular parasol 4x3 m
All dimensions are in centimeters
Free Design: Ethimo
Collection composed of: Square and rectangular aluminium parasol

Material - Pole Material - Base Fabrics Aluminium Mud Grey Dove Grey Red
Square parasol 2,2x2,2 m

Rectangular parasol 3x2 m UMOMRP_ Kg
Rain cover Ethi-Care
Square parasol 3,5x3,5 m
Base for 2,2x2,2 –3x2 m parasols
23 kg base OMBAM11PB__
47 kg base OMBAM12PB__ Kg ≥ 23 - 47
Base for 3,5x3,5 m parasols
48 kg base OMBAM22PB__
70 kg base OMBAM23PB__ Kg ≥ 48 - 70
Freedom Design: Ethimo
Square adjustable aluminium parasol Material - Pole Fabrics

Adjustable square parasol 3x3

All dimensions are in centimeters
Bulbi Design: Studiopepe

Collection composed of: plant pot / side table

Collection composed of: Rete / Camouflage / Puntocroce
Design: Paola Navone

Pangea / Tetide new
Design: Studiopepe

Kg ≥ 14
All dimensions are in centimeters
Outdoor rugs

Verde alga PRTAPP68153
Moka PRTAPP68152
Kg ≥ 14
Design: Emmanuel Gallina
Collection composed of: high shield / low shield / planter FSC TM certified product

Gaia Design: Marc Sadler
Collection composed of:
table lamp / hanging lamp
FSC TM certified product

olyester Bianco Polyester Argilla Polyester Argento Polyester Ruggine
Table lamp
Kg ≥ 0,5
max endurance
Hanging lamp
Kg ≥ 0,5
max endurance >10h
recharging cycles 6/10h
Yacht Collection / Baia Lamp new
Design: Christophe Pillet

Lamp new
carbon BALAD69
silver BALAD70
Kg ≥ 4
Compatible also with Costiera
9W, 220-240Vdc classe I
IP44 (main body IP65) 3000K
Kilt lamp
Design: Marcello Ziliani
Pendant lamp
FSC TM certified product

520lm CRI>90
Teak + Round Rope Sand

Pickled Teak + Round Rope Dark Grey
IP44, 1XE27 (Bulb not included, depends on the bulb used) according to European regulations
Milk Design: Emmanuel Gallina
Portable solar lamp
FSC TM certified product

Woody Design: Marc Sadler
Floor lamp
FSC TM certified product

Solar lamp
Kg ≥ 3
IP65 50-100 LUMEN
Rechargable battery 3.6V 2600 mAh
Li-ion Max endurance: 8h
Recharging cycles whith line power 10h

Material Natural Teak
All dimensions are in centimeters
Floor lamp
Kg ≥ 16
IP44 2700° K - 1650 LUMEN
LED 230 Vac 17W
Design: Luca Nichetto

Material - Lighting fixture

Collection composed of: rechargeable lantern / wired lantern / lamp holder bracket / wired applique / suspension lantern

Material - Blown glass

Aluminium colour Brass colour Fumé Amber Light Anthracite
Rechargeable lantern
3000° K - 450 LUMEN
N. batteries: 4 X 1,5V / 2600 mA
Max endurance with batteries: 8h
Recharging cycles 8h
Wired lantern
≥ 2,5

Acid-etched Fumé Acid-etched Amber Acid-etched Light Anthracite
IP44 LED 230 VAC 6W
3000° K - 450 LUMEN
Lamp holder bracket
Suspension lantern
Wired applique LNLAAV__D__
IP44 LED 230 VAC 6W
3000° K - 450 LUMEN
Design: Luca Nichetto
Collection composed of: lamp post / wall lamp post

Ginger Design: Niccolò Grassi
Collection composed of: wall lamp / wired table lamp / XL floor lamp Natural

Kg ≥ 3,5
IP44 2700° K - 1650 LUMEN
LED 230 Vac 17W
Kg ≥ 9
IP44 2700° K - 1650 LUMEN
LED 230 Vac 17W
Kg ≥ 3
IP44 2700° K - 1650 LUMEN
LED 230 Vac 17W
All dimensions are in centimeters
Design: Niccolò Grassi
Collection composed of:
wall lamp / wired table lamp / XL floor lamp
FSC TM certified product Natural

Kg ≥ 3,5
IP44 2700° K - 1650 LUMEN
LED 230 Vac 17W
Kg ≥ 9
IP44 2700° K - 1650 LUMEN
LED 230 Vac 17W
Kg ≥ 3
IP44 2700° K - 1650 LUMEN
LED 230 Vac 17W
Design: Niccolò Grassi
Path lamp

Teak maintenance

Teak revitalizer
Nourishing teak oil
Cleaning and maintenance of pickled teak KITP05
Maintenance kit for pickled teak KITR05
Maintenance kit for accoya KITRAC
General information
Headoffice Ethimo Italy
N° 6 Via La Nova, 01030 — Vitorchiano VT (Italy)
tel +39 0761 300 444 e-mail info@ethimo.com www.ethimo.com
Ethimo reserves the right to make slight variations (dimensions or details) to the products presented in the catalogue due to improvements or technological adaptation. The colour of the product images could be slightly different from reality due to photographic and printing resolution.
Ethimo si riserva di apportare lievi variazioni (misure o dettagli) ai prodotti presentati in catalogo per ragioni migliorative o di adeguamento tecnologico. Il colore dei prodotti presentati nelle immagini potrebbe essere lievemente difforme dalla realtà a causa della resa fotografica e di stampa.
Certificate SGSCH–COC–090034 Look for our FSCTM certified

Colophon — info
Project coordinator — Ethimo
Art direction — Designwork
Copy — Daniele Varelli
Copyright — Ethimo
Total or partial reproduction of text, photos and illustrations is not allowed, unless authorized
Photographers — Bernard Touillon, Massimo Gardone / Azimut Mauro Mattioli, Frédéric Vasseur
Made and printed — Italy, October 2023
Ethimo — Whitessence srl
Registered office N° 16 Via Brisa, 20123 — Milano (Italy)
Headquarter N° 6 Via La Nova, 01030 — Vitorchiano VT (Italy)
VAT number 04445850961
tel +39 0761 300 444
e-mail info@ethimo.com www.ethimo.com
Milan / 8, Via Felice Cavallotti
Milan / Corso Magenta ang. Via Brisa
Rome / 27, Piazza Apollodoro
London / Next opening
Paris / 62, B oulevard Malesherbes
Cannes / 98, Boulevard Carnot – Le Cannet Viterbo / 6a, Via La Nova – Vitorchiano
Collections and technical information — 2024
en / How to read the technical information
For each collection, the materials and/or colours available and any complementary fabrics are indicated. For each element size, weight, features are listed.
it / Come leggere le informazioni tecniche
Per ogni collezione sono indicati i materiali e/o colori in cui è disponibile e gli eventuali tessuti di completamento. Per ogni elemento sono riportate caratteristiche, dimensioni, peso.
fr / Comment lire les informations techniques
Pour chaque collection, les matériaux et/ou les coloris disponibles ainsi que les tissus complémentaires éventuels sont indiqués. Pour chaque élément sont indiqués: les caractéristiques, les dimensions, le poids.
de / Wie Sie die technischen Informationen lesen
Für jede Kollektion werden die Materialien und/oder die Farben angegeben, in denen die eventuellen Gewebe erhältlich sind. Für jedes Element werden Abmessungen, Gewicht, Charakteristika angegeben.
es / Como leer las informaciones técnicas
Para cada colección están indicados los materiales y/o los colores en los que está disponible y los tejidos para completar. Para cada elemento están indicados características, dimensiones y peso.
Legenda / Légende / Legende / Leyenda
Kg × weight in kg peso in kg poids en kg Gewicht in kg peso en kg modular modulare modulaire modular modular × number of seats posti tavola places à table Tischplätze Asientos en la mesa stackable impilabile empilable stapelbar apilable to assemble da assemblare à monter zu montieren de ensamblar foldable pieghevole pliant zusammenklappbar plegable extendable table tavolo estensibile table avec rallonge ausziehbarer Tisch mesa extensible
equipped with a hole for umbrella dotato di foro per ombrellone muni d’un trou pour parasol mit Öffnung für Sonnenschirm equipado con agujero para sombrilla adjustable position posizione regolabile position réglable verstellbare Position posición regulable waterproof impermeabile imperméable undurchlässig impermeable water resistant padding imbottito impermeabile bourrage imperméable wasserfeste Polsterung relleno impermeable uv resistant resistente ai raggi uv résistant aux rayons uv Uv-Strahlen-fest resistente a los rayos UV with wheels dotato di ruote avec roulettes mit Rädern equipado con ruedas
Registered office n° 16 via Brisa, 20123 — Milano (Italy)
Headquarter n° 6 via La Nova, 01030 — Vitorchiano VT (Italy) ethimo.com