Agbogbloshie - The Landfill as Landscape

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AGBOGBLOSHIE The Landfill as Landscape

Agbogbloshie - The Landfill as Landscape Sebastian Partoll

Master Thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Diplom-Ingenieur to the University of Innsbruck Faculty of Architecture Supervising Tutors Univ.-Prof. Dr. Claudia Pasquero Maria Kuptsova, MA ioud / synthetic landscape lab Innsbruck, March 2021

Abstract The constant urge for progress, the ever-increasing masses of products, brings an ever larger amount of waste. Old devices are replaced by new ones. The burden on the environment is increasing. The recycling of discarded products is becoming more and more important. Due to the mass, it is not possible to properly dispose of all the waste produced. This is why illegal landfills are emerging, particularly in poorer regions. This project deals specifically with one of these locations. Agbogbloshie, a district of the Ghanaian capital Accra, is one of the most contaminated areas in the world. Electronic waste from all over the world transformed a still partially untouched landscape into one of the largest illegal landfills in West Africa. The poor conditions do not allow proper recycling. Electronic waste is recycled with bare hands through burning, dismantling and collecting in order to obtain valuable resources. The consequences are air, soil and groundwater pollution, which poses a high risk to people and the environment. The aim of this master thesis is to come to a new form of landscape that can counteract this type of environmental pollution in an ecological way. The focus is on finding and analyzing new patterns and structures using computational techniques. The simulation, manipulation and visualization of local information and conditions form the main part of this process.


SITE 8 Agbogbloshie - The Electronic Waste Landfill 12 The Pollution 18




TRANSFORMATION CONCEPT 30 Hydro Erosion Catalog 1 34 Hydro Erosion Catalog 2 38


SITE TRANSFORMATION 42 Transformation Scale 1.00 46 Transformation Scale 0.25 48 Transformation Scale 0.06 50










54 58 78




fig. 01. Accra, Satellite Image, 2019


AGBOGBLOSHIE The Electronic Waste Landfill Agbogbloshie is a district of Ghana‘s capital Accra. It is located near the center of Accra on the banks of the Korle Lagoon. The place became known due to the fact that in recent years it has become one of the most contaminated areas in the world. Iillegal imported electronic waste from all over the world transformed a still partially untouched landscape into one of the largest electronic waste landfills in West Africa. Illegal Import of Electronic Waste Compared to its neighboring countries, Ghana is not affected by drought or food shortages. The consequence is a massive increase in immigrants, particularly from northern parts, looking for work. In addition, there is a high level of migration from the countryside to the cities. which greatly increases unemployment.

The unequal distribution becomes a big problem. The result is the formation of slums. Poverty affects large parts of Accra, especially the district of Agbogbloshie (see Wikipedia contributors 2021). The fact that Agbogbloshie is now one of the largest electronic waste landfills in the world is absurdly attributable to a development aid project. In the mid-2000s, as part of an aid project, the first containers with used computers for schools were imported to Ghana. But these good intentions were quickly abused by dubious traders to export illegal electronic waste. The export of electronic waste from Europe and many other countries is strictly forbidden under the Basel Convention. However, since the extraction of raw materials through recycling is too expensive for many industrialized countries, the electronic waste, labeled as second-hand goods, is exported to Africa or Asia. A large part of this products are

fig. 02. Landfill of Agbogbloshie, Satellite Image, 2019




just scrap that can no longer be used and is therefore illegal to export (see Edler 2018). Every year around 250,000 tons of electronic waste from Europe end up in Agbogbloshie. Containers with discarded computers, monitors, smartphones and refrigerators are shipped to the port of Accra every day.

young because the life expectancy under such circumstances is not very high (see Schilly 2018).

The Landfill Agbogbloshie has a very special sound, the sound of work. But it is not the sound of machines, it is a human sound, the sound of working people. Around 6000 women, men and children live and work on the landfill. Everything is done at the landfill, from recycling the electronic waste to cooking, eating and showering. The landfill is a good place for the people because they earn their money there. People come from everywhere to find work. Most of this workers are very

One method of recycling is with the help of fire. They burn everything - cables, screens, computers - to separate the metals from the plastic. This is how they get the `fresh` copper with which they earn their money. This type of recycling is called 'Urban Mining'. The People there see burning as a good thing, but toxic substances are released which harm humans as well as the environment. In addition to fire, water is of great importance to Agbogbloshie. The water is necessary to cool themselves and the glowing copper.

The Recycling The recycling of electronic waste at the landfill of Agbogbloshie takes place in different processes and steps.

The other methods of recycling the electronic waste are trough collecting and dismantling. People go through all the e-waste to find the valuable metals such as copper, aluminium and zinc. With the help of a sieve, the small metals are separated from the sand. In some cases, magnets are also used to collect the metals. The dismantling of the monitors, computers, smarthphones is done with bare hands. The people at Agbogbloshie call themselves the best recyclers.

ld. They pack the metals in containers and ship them. The companies buy them to manufacture new devices. Everything comes from there and it goes back there until one day the electronic waste ends up in the landfill again (see Blackbox Film & Medienproduktion GmbH 2018).

In Agbogbloshie is all about dealing with electronic waste. This is how the people earn their money. That is why they ´want` more. If electrical devices break down in Europe or are no longer of any value, they end up Ghana. The more electronic waste that is delivered, the better for people‘s business. After the recycling, the metals go back into the digitized wor-


1 electronic waste

2 port of accra

3 markets

7 recycling

8 deposit

9 trading

Containers with tons of discarded computers, monitor, smartphones and other electronic devices from all over the world are shipped to the port of accra.

The used electronic devices are sperated at the port of accra. The devices that are broken go straight to the landfill of agbogbloshie, the devices that still work come onto the markets and the devices that can still be repaired are brought to the repair shops.

The waste materials such as plastics that cannot be recycled by the people of agbogbloshie end up in the landfill.

The electronic waste is recycled by people through collecting, dismantling and burning them to get the valuable metals. These metals are sold to dealers at the landfill.

The second hand devices that still work sold to the consumers via markets.

The recycled metals are resold to the manufacturers of the electrical appliances.

4 1

fig. 03.



Electronic Waste Path (see Ottaviani 2016)




4 repair shops

After the damaged electrical appliances have been repaired, they are sold to the end consumer.

5 consumers

Schools, companies and individuals buy the second hand devices from the repair shops and markets. As soon as the electronic devices no longer work or have reached their service life, they end up on the landfill of agbogbloshie.

6 landfill of agbogbloshie

The electronic waste delivered is distributed over the entire landfill. Some of the waste ends up in the landfill and the other part is recycelt by the people.

10 manufacturer

The recycled raw materials are used to manufacture new electrical appliances.






project framework


THE POLLUTION of Air, Soil and Groundwater The electronic waste business has caused immense environmental pollution in and around Agbogbloshie. During the entire recycling process, toxic substances are released that are harmful to both humans and the environment. The list of pollutants ranges from dioxins, cadmium and to lead mercury. According to measurements, the pollution in and around the Landfill is more than 50 times higher than the values considered to be harmless to health. The pollution affects the air, the soil and the groundwater. Toxic smoke distributes over Agbogbloshie all day. The toxic smoke is created during Urban Mining. The workers burn the plastic sheaths from the cables to get to the valuable metals.. This creates toxic substances that are released into the air. These are absorbed every


day by humans through the skin and respiratory tract and are extremely carcinogenic. In addition, the toxins settle on the surfaces of the nearby vegetable fields and thus enter the food cycle. In addition to air pollution, the soil and groundwater are particularly affected. The rain puddles appear in rainbow colors and are full of heavy metals. The deposition and dismantling of electrical devices cause toxic substances such as mercury or cadmium to get into the ground. These seep away and contaminate the groundwater and are then discharged into the adjacent Odor River, which was previously rich in fish. On the one hand, the Odor River flows into the Atlantic near the Korle lagoon and, on the other hand, it is used to irrigate the adjacent vegetable fields. In turn, the toxic substances get into the food cycle (see Zeitler 2019).





re c

yc lin



air pollution groundwater pollution soil pollution recycling process

fig. 04.

Pollution depent on Recycling 19

fig. 05. , fig. 06. ``Urban Mining``, Agbogbloshie


fig. 07. ,fig. 08. ``Dismantling``, Agbogbloshie



PHYTOTECHNOLOGY The basis and the first step of this work lies in dealing with the pollutants caused by the electrical waste. There is a biological process to remediate, contain and prevent contamination in soils, sediments and groundwater. This process is called Phytotechnology or Phytoremediation. This is a purely plant-based technology for removing pollutants from a contaminated site. So Phytotechnology includes on the one hand the breakdown and removal of pollutants and on the other hand the minimization of an ecological problem before it occurs (see Kennen/Kirkwood 2015: 3). How and why plants can contribute to the remediation of polluted places lies in


the basic functions of a plant. These are the mechanisms a plant needs to grow. The energy transfer, nutrient transfer and water transfer. Energy Transfer Energy transfer involves the transport of photosynthetic products such as sugar into the roots. The sugar, oxygen and other root exudates are released in the root zone and can help convert pollutants. Nutrient Transfer During the nutrient transfer, the plants absorb nutrients from the soil. It can happen that pollutants with a similar chemical structure as the required nutrients are included in the process. Water Transfer The mechanism of water transfer invol-

ves absorbing water from the ground and transporting it into the stems and leaves. It is possible that certain plants can absorb polluted water (see Kennen/ Kirkwood 2015: 27). Mechanisms There are several techniques for applying phytotechnology. The technique that can be used depends primarily on the specific target pollutant. A distinction must be made between organic and inorganic pollutants. Organic contaminants can be broken down outside of the root zone. Inorganic contaminants must be absorbed by the plant, as they cannot be broken down into smaller parts. The following methods can be used for Phytoremediation at sites with organic pollution: Phytodegration and Rhizodegration. During Phytodegration or Phy-

totransformation, the organic pollutants are absorbed by the plant and broken down into smaller parts. During Rhizodegration, the organic pollutants in the root zone are broken down by the root exudates released by the plant (see Kennen/ Kirkwood 2015: 34). The following mechanisms can be used for the Phytoremediation of contaminated areas with inorganic pollutants: Phytovolatilization, Phytometabolism, Phytoextraction, Phytohydraulics and Phytostabilization. While Phytostabilization, for example, binds the pollutants in place by the plant, with Phytoextraction the inorganic toxins can be absorbed, stored and then harvested by the plant (see Kennen/Kirkwood 2015: 36). Phytoextraction Which Phytotechnology mechanism can


be used to remove pollutants depends on the particular conditions of a location. Agbogbloshie has the big problem of contamination through the electronic waste and the resulting heavy metal pollution. Because these heavy metals fall under the category of inorganic substances, they cannot be broken down outside the root zone and must therefore be absorbed by the plant. These plants are called hyperaccumulators. Researchers discovered this type of plant in metal-rich soils in the 1970s and found that they could absorb and convert an unusually high amount of metals. Depending on the species, these plants can absorb certain elements in concentrations that are up to 100 times higher than normal plants. The following techniques can thus be used: Phytovolatilization, Phytometabo-


lism, Phytoextraction, Phytohydraulics and Phytostabilization. Which of these methods actually makes sense in Agbogbloshie depends on its background. The daily cycle of delivery, recycling and trading of electronic waste results in repetitive pollution of the soil and groundwater. For example, it does not make sense to bind the pollutants on the spot, as this cannot counteract the ongoing process of the electrical scrap business in the long term. The only way to counteract the constant pollution is to remove the pollutants. That is why the method of Phytoextraction is chosen. Phytoextraction (fig. 10) is the ability of the plant to absorb inorganic pollutants from the soil and water and to transport them to the parts of the plant. The pollutants are stored in the shoots and leaves of the plant. In order to remove





fig. 10.


[a] roots take in metals [b] metals are transported to the shoots and leaves [c] inside the cell, acids or proteins bind with the elements and store them [d] to remove the pollutants, the plant must be harvested


the pollutant, the plant must be harvested on site. The harvested plant material can then be burned and melted into ore in order to obtain valuable metals again (see Kennen/Kirkwood 2015: 38). For Agbgobloshie this type of pollutant re-metabolzation is advantageous in two ways. On the one hand, pollution can be counteracted and, on the other hand, it also brings economic benefits. In addition to the electronic waste business, money can also be made from harvesting plants and the resulting extraction of metals. Particle Accumulation In addition to soil and groundwater pollution, Agbogbloshie is also affected by air pollution. Therefore, a second mechanism is used in besides to Phytoextraction. The Mechanism is called


Phytoaccumulation. This process involves collecting and depositing pollutants on solid surfaces. The particles settle on the leaf surfaces through impact and sedimentation. While some particles can be absorbed by the plant, most of the particles are retained on the plant surface. The plants function as a temporary collection point, as in most cases the deposited pollutants are washed off by the rain and thus end up in the soil. Consequently, the phytoaccumulation in combination with a mechanism for the remediation of the soil is effective. Type of plant: Deciduous plants with sticky (waxy coating and leaf hairs) leaves and plants with a higher leaf density are particularly suitable for the deposition of particles from the contaminated air (see Kennen/Kirkwood 2015: 191).

[a] [b]


fig. 11.

Particle Accumulation

[a] solid surface [b] deposited pollutants [c] contaminated air



TRANSFORMATION CONCEPT After the method for pollutant re-metabolization has been defined, the next step is to determine a technique for transforming the landscape. The aim is to transform a landscape in order to create a basis for the application of Phytoaccumulation and Phytoextraction. Since water plays an important role in both Phytoaccumulation and Phytoextraction, water is defined as the main influencing factor of the transformation. With the help of computational techniques, a terrain is transformed by simulating hydro erosion. Two different approaches are being tested. The results are visualized in Hydro Ersoion Catalog 1 and Hydro Erosion Catalog 2. Hydro Erosion Catalog 1 In the first simulation, a starting terrain is transformed in several erosion pro-


cesses. The erosion is defined by hydroerosion. The thermal erosion is set to the value 0. Minimal changes are made to the settings between the erosion processes. The result is a very detailed, linear morphology with a large number of faces. The surface has increased immensely compared to the surface of the starting terrain (fig. 14). Hydro Erosion Catalog 2 In order to be able to compare the two simulations with each other, simulation 2 starts with the same terrain as simulation 1. As in simulation 1, the terrain is changed by several erosion processes. After each completed erosion process, the morphology is manipulated by a distortion function. This significantly increases the variability. The result is a very detailed morphology consisting of a large number of variable faces whose orientations differ greatly (fig. 16).

fig. 12. Markarfljot River, Iceland, 2012


hydro erosion 1 erodability 1 erosion rate 0.7 bank angle 70 spread iterations 100 frame 1-20


hydro erosion erodability erosion rate bank angle spread iterations frame

2 1 0.4 70 40 1-20

hydro erosion erodability erosion rate bank angle spread iterations frame

3 1 0.8 70 120 1-20













fig. 13.

Hydro Erosion [ top view | catalog 1 | frame 1.1.1-1.3.20 ] 35

hydro erosion erodability erosion rate bank angle spread iterations frame

fig. 14.


3 1 0.8 70 120 20

Hydro Erosion [ top view | catalog 1 | frame 1.3.20 ]



hydro erosion distort by noise erodability erosion rate bank angle spread iterations frame

1 1 1 0.7 70 100 1-20

hydro erosion distort by noise erodability erosion rate bank angle spread iterations frame

2 2 1 0.4 70 40 1-20

hydro erosion distort by noise erodability erosion rate bank angle spread iterations frame

3 3 1 0.8 70 120 1-20













fig. 15.

Hydro Erosion [ top view | catalog 2 | frame 2.1.1-2.3.20 ] 39

hydro erosion distort by noise erodability erosion rate bank angle spread iterations frame

fig. 16.


3 3 1 0.8 70 120 20

Hydro Erosion [ top view | catalog 2 | frame 2.3.20 ]



SITE TRANSFORMATION The aim of the site transformation is to create a new topography for the electronic waste landfill of Agbogbloshie. The site transformation takes place in four steps by simulating hydro erosion. The knowledge from the transformation concept is applied. Input The first step is to import the satellite image of Agbogbloshie, in order to preserve the original topography of the landfill. The satellite image shows an area of 1600 meters by 1600 meters. The import of the original terrain does not bring any terrain with a special topography, as there are no significant elevations within the terrain, but the areas covered with electronic waste can be localized. These areas are the target of the transformation.


Transformation Scale 1.00 The imported terrain is transformed by three successive erosion processes. A new morphology emerges on the localized electronic waste areas. In order to recognize the qualities of the morphology, several zoom-ins take place. During each zoom-in, the resolution is increased by simulating further erosion processes. Transformation Scale 0.25 The first zoom-in shows a four times enlarged detail with a side length of 400 meters by 400 meters. The morphology is transformed again by an erosion process. The resolution increases and new patterns emerge. Transformation Scale 0.06 A last zoom-in takes place to get a detail that can be used to continue processing. This again shows a four times enlarged detail with a side length of 100 meters by 100 meters. Finally, another hydro erosion is simulated, to get the base for the new landscape.

Hydro Erosion 3

Transformation Scale 0.25

Input Satellite Image Transformation Scale 1.00

Hydro Erosion 2

zoom in

Hydro Erosion 4

fig. 19

Hydro Erosion 5

fig. 20

Transformation Scale 0.06

Hydro Erosion 1

zoom in

fig. 17.

fig. 18

Transformation Process 45

Transformation Scale 1.00

hydro erosion 1 erodability 1 erosion rate 0.7 bank angle 70 spread iterations 100 freeze at frame 40

hydro erosion 2 distort by noise 1 erodability 1 erosion rate 0.4 bank angle 70 spread iterations 40 frame 40

hydro erosion 3 distort by noise 2 erodability 1 erosion rate 0.7 bank angle 70 spread iterations 120 frame 24

fig. 18

fig. 18. Transformed Landscape [ top view | agbogbloshie | scale 1.00 ] N





Transformation Scale 0.25

zoom in

hydro erosion 4 distort by noise 4 erodability 1 erosion rate 0.4 bank angle 70 spread iterations 40 frame 24

fig. 19

fig. 19. Transformed Landscape [ top view | agbogbloshie | scale 0.25 ] N





Transformation Scale 0.06

zoom in

hydro erosion 5 distort by noise 5 erodability 1 erosion rate 0.4 bank angle 70 spread iterations 40 frame 24

fig. 20

fig. 20. Transformed Landscape [ top view | agbogbloshie | scale 0.06 ] N





The result of the site transformation brings a new topography for the landfill of Agbogbloshie. This also creates new conditions. A three-dimensional morphology emerges from the flat, almost two-dimensional original terrain. The transformation resulted in several highand lowpoints. The elevations within the topography range from 0 to 15 meters. These elevations build up like terraces over many small plateaus. The individual


levels are separated by almost vertical walls. The distortion function during the erosion processes brings a great variability in the morphology. Areas with different qualities arise. These qualities will be visualized in the next steps through analyzes. The geometry in scale 0.06 is used for further processing (fig. 21). It forms the basis for the implementation of phytoaccumulation and phytoextraction.

fig. 21.

Transformed Landscape [ perspective view | terrain 0.06 ]



Transformed Landscape

Particle Simulation Terrain 0.06

Accumulation Wall Areas

Accumulation Wall Geo A

Accumulation Wall Geo B

Particle Simulation Geo B

Terrain Scan

Panel Manufacturing

fig. 22.


Implementation of Accumulation Wall [ network ]

Particle Simulation Geo A

Accumulation Wall

Water Distribution

Terrain Slope

Extraction Pool Areas

Extraction Pool

fig. 23.

Implementation of Extraction Pool [ network ] 57

ACCUMULATION WALLS Counteract Air Pollution The first part of the implementation of phytotechnology relates to the elimination or reduction of air pollution. This should take place with the help of phytoaccumulation. For this purpose, parts of the new landscape are designed as accumulation walls. These accumulation walls have the function of catching and depositing the pollutants from the contaminated air. The implementation of the accumulation walls takes place through computational techniques in the form of simulations, analyzes and manipulations of the transformed landscape (fig. 22). The first step in implementing the accumulation walls involves analyzing the air flow. This should show how the contaminated air behaves in the new topography of the landfill. A particle simulation is used to determine this. The


particle simulation is defined by a certain number of particles that spread through a given wind direction within a defined area. The selected area is a detail of the transformed landscape in the 0.06 scale. This geometry works as a collider in the particle simulation. The aim of the particle simulation is to find those areas in the terrain that cause the particles to accumulate. Those areas are suitable for phytoaccumulation and can consequently be designed as accumulation walls. The results are visualized in a catalog (fig.24). After the suitable areas have been defined by the particle simulation, one of these areas is examined more closely in the next step. The aim is to identify the effects of the surface on the particle accumulation so that the effectiveness of the accumulation walls can be increased as a result. This is done by zooming into one of these areas. This part of the geometry is subjected to a

further particle simulation. This should show what influence the surface of the geometry has on the behavior of the particles. The results from this are used to optimize the accumulation walls. The accumulation walls are optimized by manipulating the surface. The aim of the manipulation is to generate a surface that causes a maximum accumulation of air particles. The manipulation takes place with the help of a fractal function. The advantage of the fractal function is that the individual faces of a geometry can be manipulated. The manipulated geometry is subjected to a further particle simulation (fig. 31). The results from this simulation lead to the final shape and structure of the accumulation walls.


Particle Simulation Terrain 0.06 The simulation takes place in a 100 by 100 meter section of the transformed landscape. The geometry of the landscape is used as a collider. 70,000 particles per frame are defined for the simulation. The wind direction is defined according to local information. The results of the particle simulation are visualized as a catalog of the frames in fig.xx

and an overlay of the frames in fig.xx. The simulation shows that the particles spread constantly until they collide with the geometry. There they start to accumulate or change their direction. The more particles are on top of each other, the brighter they appear in the simulation. In this way, those areas in the landscape can be seen that have a particularly large influence on the air flow.

fig. 24. Particle Simulation Terrain 0.06 [ top view | catalog: frame 11-191 | collider: terrain 0.06 ]



fig. 25. Particle Simulation Terrain 0.06 [ top view | overlay: frame 11-191 | collider: terrain 0.06 ]



detail accumulation wall

fig. 26. Accumulation Wall Areas [ perspective view | terrain 0.06 ] accumulation areas terrain


fig. 27. Accumulation Wall Geo A [ perspective view | detail ]

fig. 28. Accumulation Wall Geo B [ perspective view | detail | fractal ]


Particle Simulation Geo A In the particle simulation Geo A, a detail of the determined accumulation areas is used. The geometry of this detail becomes the collider ( The number of particles per frame remains at 70000. The results are shown in a catalog (fig.

xx) and an overlay of the frames (fig.xx). The simulation shows that the geometry is causing the particles to accumulate as desired. Furthermore, with ongoing simulation it becomes clear that the collider is overcome from a certain point in time.

fig. 29. Particle Simulation Geo A [ top view | catalog: frame 11-191 | collider: geo A ]



fig. 30. Particle Simulation Geo A [ top view | overlay: frame 11-191 | collider: geo A ]



Particle Simulation Geo B In the particle simulation Geo B, the same detail is used as in the particle simulation Geo A. However, the geometry is manipulated with a fractal function. This causes a change in the surface and aims at an optimized accumulation of the particles. The effects of the mani-

pulation are shown in fig.xx and fig.xy. As with Geo A, the simulation of Geo B shows the accumulation of particles at the time of impact, as well as overcoming the geometry with continuous frames. However, a comparison shows that when stopping in the same frame in Geo B, significantly more particles are accumulated than in Geo A.

fig. 31. Particle Simulation Geo B [ top view | catalog: frame 11-191 | collider: geo B ]



fig. 32. Particle Simulation Geo B [ top view | overlay: frame 11-191 | collider: geo B ]



Integration of Accumulation Panels [a] [b] [c] [d] [e] [f] [g] [h]


retrieving the particle simulation and scanning of the terrain selected area with high accumulation of contaminated air print material made from recycled electronic waste components - appropriate production by the manufacturer is required sending the captured terrain information to a print-robot and filling it with the recycelt print material print-robot is used to create the accumulation panels for the scanned areas printed accumulation panel selected area through scanning accumulation panels




fig. 33. Terrain Scan [ perspective view | detail terrain ]



[e] [f] [c]


fig. 34. Panel Manufacturing [ perspective view | detail terrain ]





fig. 35. Accumulation Wall [ perspective view | detail terrain ]


EXTRACTION POOL Counteract Soil and Groundwater Pollution The second part of the implementation of phytotechnology relates to the elimination or reduction of soil and groundwater pollution. The pollution of the soil and the groundwater is caused on the one hand by dismantling and deposit of the electronic waste on the landfill and on the other hand by the pollutants washed off by the rain on the leaves of the accumulation walls. The elimination takes place with the help of phytoextraction. The phytoextraction should be done with the help of so-called extraction pools. These have the task of using hyperaccumulators to clean the contaminated water and contaminated soil from pollutants. The implementation of the extraction pools takes place via further simulations, analyzes and manipulations


of the transformed landscape (fig. 23). The first step in the implementation of the extraction pools is an analysis of the water distribution. This is to show how the surface water is distributed within the transformed landscape. The flow lines are generated using computational techniques. The transformed landscape on a scale of 0.06 is used as the geometry. Based on the knowledge of the water distribution, those areas are sought where the greatest amount of surface water seeps away. This means that in this areas most of the pollutants enter the soil and, consequently, the groundwater. An analysis of the slope of the topography is used to find these locations. The surface water collects in the flat areas of the landscape. This creates a Slope Angle Mask that shows all areas that have a slope between 0 and 3 degrees. In this way, the areas where the greatest amount of

pollutants enter the soil can be located. After those areas have been located where most of the surface water and thus the greatest amount of pollutants enter the soil, a manipulation of the surface is applied. These localized areas are transformed into pools. The pools serve as a collection point for the contaminated surface water. In order to absorb the pollutants from the contaminated water, the hyperaccumulators are planted within these pools. These can absorb and store the pollutants from the contaminated water as well as the pollutants from the soil. In order to remove the pollutants from the site, they must be harvested. This process can then be repeated.


fig. 36.


Flow Lines [ top view | catalog: frame 20-180 | terrain 0.06 ]

fig. 37.

Flow Lines [ perspective view | frame 160 | terrain 0.06 ] flow lines terrain


fig. 38.

Slope Angle Mask [ top view | slope range 0-3 degrees | terrain 0.06 ] low elevation high elevation


fig. 39.

Slope Angle Mask [ perspective view | terrain 0.06 ] surface slope between 0 and 3 degrees terrain


detail extraction pool

fig. 40.

Plant Areas [ perspective view | terrain 0.06 ] pools with hyperaccumulators pools at groundwater level


fig. 41.

Detail Extraction Pool [ perspective view | terrain 0.06 ] hyperaccumulator-plants terrain



[A] [E]

fig. 42.


Accumulation Wall Extraction Pool Contaminated Air Accumulated Air

Proposed Landscape [ top view | scale 0.03]



fig. 43.

Proposed Landscape Detail 01 [ top view ]



fig. 44.

Proposed Landscape Detail 02 [ top view ]



fig. 45.

Proposed Landscape [ perspective view ]



Bibliography Wikipedia contributors (undated): Elektroschrottdeponie in Agbogbloshie, [accessible online] [retrieved 2021-02-20]. Edler, Nina (2018-11-07): Die Endstation für jedes Leben, in: News, [accessible online] [retrieved 2020-03-30] Schilly, Julia [2018-11-22]: Welcome to Sodom: Europas größte Müllhalde mitten in Afrika, in: Der Standard, [accessible online] https:// [retrieved 202003-30] Blackbox Film & Medienproduktion GmbH (2018): Welcome to Sodom, [retrieved 2020-03-06] Ottaviani, Jacopo (2016-04-09): Die Elektroschrott-Republik, in: Der Spiegel, [accessible online] elektroschrott-in-afrika-recyclingmethoden-schaden-a-1085773.html [retrieved 2021-01-23] Zeitler, Annika (2019-09-03): Giftiger Elektromüll, in: Planet Wissen, [accessible online] ghana/pwiegiftigerelektromuell100.html [retrieved 2021-03-01] Kennen, Kate/Kirkwood, Niall (2015): Phyto: Principles and Resources for Site Remediation and Landscape Design, Published 201504-29 by Routledge ((((Tylor & Francis Ltd))) *The sources are listed in the order of their appearance


Figures fig. 01: Google Earth [retrieved 2020-01-24] fig. 02: Google Earth [retrieved 2019-11-13] fig. 05: Author: Blackbox Film & Medienproduktion GmbH [retrieved 2020-03-30] fig. 06: Author: Blackbox Film & Medienproduktion GmbH [retrieved 2020-03-30] fig. 07: Author: Blackbox Film & Medienproduktion GmbH [retrieved 2020-03-30] fig. 08: Author: Blackbox Film & Medienproduktion GmbH [retrieved 2020-03-30] fig. 12: Author: Edward Burtynsky [retrieved 2019-10-28] *All remaining figures are produced by Sebastian Partoll







Eidesstattliche Erklärung Ich erkläre hiermit an Eides statt durch meine eigenhändige Unterschrift, dass ich die vorliegende Arbeit selbständig verfasst und keine anderen als die angegebenen Quellen und Hilfsmittel verwendet habe. Alle Stellen, die wörtlich oder inhaltlich den angegebenen Quellen entnommen wurden, sind als solche kenntlich gemacht. Die vorliegende Arbeit wurde bisher in gleicher oder ähnlicher Form noch nicht als Magister-/Master-/Diplomarbeit/Dissertation eingereicht.



many thanks to my family , friends and colleagues and all who have supported me particulary Lukas Stephan Sophia special thanks to Claudia Pasquero and Maria Kuptsova for the inspirations, the passionate and constructive conversations

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