The Easiest Ever Kalua Pork & Cabbage
Ingredients: 1-2 lbs hot kalua pork 1 small head cabbage or 1 bunch of choi sum, or several small bunches of shanghai cabbage
Directions: 1. Go to Young’s Fish Market at City Square Building (1286 Kalani St.,#B101, 841-4885). Store Hours: MF 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Sat-8:00 am. to 4:00 p.m., CLOSED Sundays. 2. Buy kalua pork. 3. Either head cabbage, choi sum, or shanghai cabbage - Cut up into bite-sized pieces, & wash. 4. Place hot kalua into a large non-stick pot on high heat. 5. When kalua starts bubbling with hot, hot heat, place veggies into pot & season with garlic salt. 6. Stir everything together, & when veggies are halfcooked (color will be bright green!), turn off heat & keep mixing together. That’s All Folks!! Note: If you like lomi salmon with your kalua pig, then just BUY that at Young’s Fish Market too!! Oh! AND! Their laulau is the ULTIMATE - the BEST I’ve ever tasted, & so reasonably priced too!! Ha,ha, only gotta cook the CABBAGE!! My dear Lori, THIS is YOUR kind of recipe ~ it’s definitely one of OUR FAVORITES!!! love, Aunty Leiko