Halie Squires John Steinburg Colleen Stevens William & Donna Storm Shannon Straub Kenneth Strumpf Mary Studdiford Calixto & Joyce Suarez David Sullivan. Mark Sunheimer Cynthia Sutton LeeAnn Swager Rachel Fox Von Swearingen Tom & Lauren Sweeney Jean Sweeney Brady Systems Edward & MaryJane Szczesniak Nicole Talev Nina Tamrowski Clint & Suzy Tankersley Janet Tarr Mary Jo Tartaglia Joseph Cerroni & Linda Tassa Brian Taylor Roma Temnycky Mary Thompson
Alexander Thompson Robert & Kathleen Tiso Deborah Trent Dennis & Debbie Trepanier Shveta & Girish Trikha John Troyer Earl & Karen Turner Richard & Sara Vaccaro Andy Valletta William & Carolyn Vanderhoof Betsy Vavonese Fred & Patricia VonMechow Barbara Vural Kevin Wade Nancy Wadopian Stephen & Judith Waite Marc & Marcy Waldauer Susan M. Walker Meagan Walker JoAnn Wallace Jean Wanuga Bruce Ward Kathy Kelly & Len Weiner Gary Weinstein Jenna Weitzel Peter Wells Shirley Wells
Linda Westfall David & Daryll Wheeler Gary & Michelle White Scott & Christine Wickham Briana Wilkinson Susan Williams Susan Williams Timothy & Denise Wisely Matthew Witherell Varda Holland-Witter Meryl Wolff Michele Wood Allan & Cathy Wood Deborah Wood Ronald Woodruff Kerri Woods Barbara & Kelly Woznicki Susan Phipps-Yonas Gay Yonkers Robert Goodfellow & Prudence York Leslie Zaborsky Audrey Zaccarya Steven & Judith Zdep Carla Zimmerman
PLANNED GIVING A planned gift is a way to make a significant and lasting gift to Syracuse Stage. By making a bequest to the theatre, you are assuring that Syracuse Stage will continue to inspire, stimulate, and entertain Central New York audiences for generations to come, as well as maintain its high artistic standards that are recognized locally, and nationally. Mary Louise Dunn Fund Dr. William J. Clark, Jr. Fund The Estate of Rosemary Curtis
In Honor and Memory of Sheldon P. Peterfreund and Josephine A Peterfreund
The J. ZimmeisterYarwood Estate
Matching Gift Program Many companies will match gifts of their employees, retirees, and spouses with a gift of their own to Syracuse Stage. Ask your personnel office for a matching gift form, send the completed form with your gift – and we’ll do the rest!