Portfolio Portfolio
Portfolio Portfolio
by Andrea W L SzeCNY YEAR OF RABBIT 兔年插畫設計 01/ 02/ 03/ 04/ 05/
Illustration Design/ 插畫設計
Graphic Design/ Exhibition Design/ 展覽 及 平面設計
Branding/ Graphic Design/ 品牌設計 及 平面設計
Illustration Design/ Mural Design/ 壁畫設計
OTHER 其他作品
Water Colour Art Work/ Film Photography/ 水彩畫 及 菲林攝影

Design for Illustration

Merchandise for Exhibition

Client 客戶 : HKFYG 香港青年協會
Duration 工作期限 : 2 months

Locations 地點 : The Mills 香港荃灣南豐紗廠

孤獨星球展覽是為了提高青少年對孤獨感的認識而舉辦的活動,並教 育他們應對孤獨感的方法。

“孤獨星球”的主題貫穿整個展覽設計,包括背景和展板。以及青少年教 育手冊和帆布袋等產品。
該項目的設計範圍還包括展覽空間的設計,重點區域是閱讀區,設計了 一個藍色星球的圓形地毯,吸引了活動以外的路人,達到一個很好的宣 傳效果,讓更多人知道青年協會有意義的工作。
宣傳海報 Event Poster 小冊子 Event Booklet 帆布袋 Tote Bag 貼子 Sticker展板 Exhibition Panels


Alone Together Exhibition is an event created to raise awarness of loneliness among teenagers and intend to educate them ways to cope with the feelings of it.

The theme of “A Lonely Planet” is used throughout the entire exhibition design including backdrop and exhibition panels. As well as products such as the educational booklet and tote bags for the teenagers.

Design scope for this project also include the exhibition space, The

key area is the reading area where a round carpet of a blue planet is designed, it draws attention from passer-by at the event space, especially from those who are walking at L2 or L3, the piece really catch attention from above.

]The event also provides workshops such as painting and sound healing to interact with visitors, to accommodate such space, there are round tables arranged

Event Photos for Exhibition

Design for Brand
標誌設計 Logo

名片設計 Namecard
禮品包裝設計 Gift Set Packaging

Art on Climate 氣候變化主題設計

Design for Mural

Raise the public’s awareness of climate change and inspire others to make changes in their lifestyles, be environmental friendly and promote green living.
提高大眾對氣候變化的認識從而激發大眾在生活方式上做出改變,多 保護環境及提倡綠生活。

I have an interest in watercolour painting, I usually paint animals and landscape with a touch of imagination. 我平常也會畫畫,我比較擅長水彩畫,大自然是我最大的靈感。