The Cattlemen's Bull Sale Event

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Saturday, March 12th, 2011 2:00 p.m. CST at Saskatoon Livestock Sales • Saskatoon, SK Located six miles west of Saskaoon on Hwy #14 Selling 70 Red & Black Angus Two Year Old & Yearling Bulls Sale Day Information: Lunch............................................................. 12:00 p.m. Sale Time......................................................... 2:00 p.m. Social & Customer Appreciation Following the Sale

The Cattlemen’s Service Program Term: 50% sale day and a post dated check for the balance dated May 31. Delivery: Free delivery for purchases totalling $2500 or more. Purchases totalling less than $2500 will be delivered at cost. Bulls will be delivered as soon as possible following the sale. Bulls may be returned to the farm until delivery can be made or you pick up your bull.

Phone Numbers: Saskatoon Livestock Sales......................(306) 382-8088 Matt Fleury...........................................(306) 291-3960 Michael Wheeler...................................(306) 260-7336 Harvey Wheeler....................................(306) 230-3582 Mike Fleury...........................................(306) 382-8088 Auctioneer Craig Flewelling....................................(403) 556-0515 Flewelling Cattle Services Nathan Marin.......................................(306) 869-7130 Marin Cattle Harvey Welter.......................................(306) 227-8684 Saskatooon Livestock Sales Alvin Busby...........................................(306) 221-0905 Saskatooon Livestock Sales Bill Dillabaugh......................................(306) 965-2554 Double AA Angus Riviera Motor Inn Hotel.......................(800) 667-5268

Wintering: We are willing to winter your bulls free of charge until April 12th. After that date bulls will be kept for a cost of $2.00/day. All bulls sent back to the farm MUST be insured for full mortality. Insurance: Larry Toner from Stockmen’s Insurance will be selling insurance sale day. Remember all bulls going back to the farm must be insured for full mortality. Cattlmen’s Common Sense Breeding Guarantee: All bulls will be semen tested and vet inspected. We fully guarantee all bulls sold 100%. In the event of a problem we guarantee to provide you with a quality bull to get your cows bred. We understand that when your livlihood depends on your cow herd’s production you need service and not hassles. Sight Unseen Purchase Program: For those who cannot attend, we offer a sight unseen purchase program. Call us with your needs and we will recommend suitable bulls. All bulls sold through this program do so with a satisfaction guarantee. Buyer Incentive Program: Any animals shown by a buyer that are sired by a bull purchased at the Cattlmen’s Bull Event are eligible for a credit towards the next sale. Grand Champion $500, Reserve Grand Champion $250.

2001 Ave B North Saskatoon Special Rate for the Cattlmen’s Bull Event Block of Rooms

Wheeler’s Stock Farm

Fleury Cattle Co.

Box 284 RR#9 Saskatoon, SK S7K 1P3

Matthew Fleury Box 177 Aberdeen, SK S0K 0A0 (306) 253-4242 (306) 291-3960 Matt Cell

Michael, Rhea & Ty Wheeler (306) 382-9324 (306) 260-7336 Michael Cell

Harvey & Frances Wheeler (306) 931-8471 (306) 230-3582 Harvey Cell


View the catalogue online in colour at


From the Cattlemen . . .

Matthew Fleury

Welcome to the Cattlemen’s Bull Event. First of all we would like to thank everyone who has supported us in the past. You are the people who have kept us in the cattle business through the hard times and now we can look forward to working together and enjoying the good times. Cooperation and partnerships are an important part of what The Cattlmen are based upon. We are two famillies who recognize that we have an advantage by working together to privide a superior product and service for our customers. The entire sale is run by family; right from desiging the catalogue, preparing the bulls, running the sale and completing the paperwork. We are fortunate enough to have people with these talents and abilities that we can complete these tasks in a professional manner and provide top quality service to our customers. We started this sale to supply commercial cattlemen with quality bulls. For several decades our famillies have been involved in producting and marketing commercial cattle. The life lessons learned breeding commercial cattle are reflected in the development of our purbred herds. Our breeding programs strive to produce Angus bulls which excel for their breed characterisitcs: calving ease, maternal, low maintenance, longevity. At the same time we realize that in the real world we still get paid by the pound. We have bred for the traits that are sometimes difficult to find in Angus cattle: performance, stretch, bone, muscle and hair.

Harvey & Frances Wheeler

Michael, Rhea & Ty Wheeler

The philosophy behind breeding and developing these bulls is also shared between booth outfits. Our goal is to develop these bulls to allow them to mature phsically and reproductively. We have spared no expense to provide a top quality diet for these bulls. Both farms fed a similar diet which was balanced by Blair’s Livestock Nutrition. All bulls sell fully guaranteed and have been examined by a veterinatian prior to the sale. In the rare event that a problem does arise feel free to contact us immediatly and we will do everything we can to help you. We stand behind every bull we sell 100%, and guarantee that you will have a quality bull to get your cows bred. Please stop by on sale day and introduce yourself. It is always a busy day but we like to meet everyone, and if possible answer any questions you might have. We may be able to help you find what you need in your program. If you are unable to make it sale day we are only a phone call away. We offer a sight unseen purchase program with a complete satisfaction guarantee. If you don’t like the bull when you see him then you don’t own him. To date that has yet to happen. We are very excited about the future. Cattle prices are improving despite a rising dollar, and its nice to see some young people buying bred cows.


What do the numbers mean? Actual Weights & Data: BW: Birth weight is the actual weight of a calf taken in pounds within 24 hours after birth. Adj. WW: This is the weaning weight of a calf adjusted to a common age of 205 days and is adjusted for the age of the dam, for accurate comparison reasons. Adj. YW: This is the yearling weight of a calf adjusted to a common age of 365 days to allow for easier comparison between bulls. Cow Weight: The cow weight is the weight of the bull’s mother taken at weaning time. It gives you an idea of the cows body type and her production efficiency which is very important in today’s times of rising input costs.

Calving Ease Rating System: Power Plus «: Bulls marked with this symbol have more punch and will have larger calves at birth and more performance at weaning time. They are recommended for cows only. Curve Bender ««: Bulls marked with this symbol have more moderate birth weights while maintaining performance. They can be used on cows with no problems or large, well developed heifers preferably of british breeds. A few assisted births may be expected out of heifers. Sleep Easy «««: As the name implies a Sleep Easy sire is a calving ease bull that lets you sleep easy knowing you should have very little calving difficulty. These are the bulls we recommend to use on heifers.

Notes About EPD’s: EPD’s between Black and Red Angus are not comparable. BW EPD: The birth weight EPD is a figure expressed in pounds and is a predictor of an individuals contribution to its progeny at birth and is a comparison to breed average. WW EPD: The weaning weight EPD is expressed in pounds as the average weight of his progeny compared to an average bull of the breed for weaning weight. YW EPD: The yearling weight EPD is expressed in pounds as the average weight of his progeny compared to an average bull of the breed for yearling weight. It is the best indicator of overall growth. Milk EPD: The Milk EPD is a predictor of a sire’s genetic merit for milk and mothering ability as expressed in his daughters, or in other words that part of weaning weight attributed to milk production. TM EPD: The TM EPD is a combination of and animalks Milk EPD added to 50% of its Weaning Weight EPD. It is an indicator of the growth potential of progeny based on performance and milking ability. CE EPD: The Calving Ease EPD is a percentage of probability that a bull’s calves will be born without any assistance. Therefor animals with a higher positive number will have greater probablility of having no calving problems. MCE EPD: The Maternal Calving Ease EPD is a percentage of probability that a bulls daughters calves will be born without any assistance. Therefor daughters of an animal with a higher positive number will have a great probability of having no calving problems.



Red Northline Atlantic City

1287490 • WMA 840R • 05 May 05 Red Cole Mister E 9J

Red Geis Pound Maker 22’96

Red PIE Atlantic 2204

Red northline queen 240h

Red PIE Boteet 899

Red Bar-V 7W Queen 240Y

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





86 na na na 3.3 51 102 16 41 -3.0 -4.0 • Atlantic City is one of the top breeding bulls today. • He sires square made, performance cattle with exceptional feet, more depth of heel, and added bone. • His sons have bred succesfully in purebred and commercial operations. • His daughters have level, tidy udders with well placed teats, and produce performance calves.

A first calver Atlantic City daughter.

Red Wheel Alliance 22U - Atlantic City son High Seller from the 2009 Sale to Bar E-L Angus and All Bull Holdings. Watch for sons in the 2012 sale.

Dam of Lot 1 - Red Wheel Auburn 34S


Red Wheel Metropolis 42W

1503434 • MFW 42W • 25 Jan 09

Power Plus «

red pie atlantic 2204

Red bar-e-l paramount 13p

red northline atlantic city

Red wheel auburn 34s

Red northline queen 240h BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW

Red wheel auburn 2k M




99 825 1329 1528 3.9 42 74 10 31 -3.0 -1.0 • Metropolis was one of the top calves from the 2009 calf crop. • He was injured just before the sale last year but is ready to go and will cover a lot of cows. • He is a moderate, powerfull bull full of muscle and guts. • His dam is an easy fleshing Paramount daughter from one of our best cow famillies. • See his maternal brother as Lot 20.



Red Wheel Atlantic City 151W Curve Bender ««

1503427 • FHW 151W • 11 Apr 09 red pie atlantic 2204

red lakeford kapton 7m

red northline atlantic city

Red wheel bridget 16r

Red northline queen 240h

Red handford creamet 203m

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





86 826 n/a n/a 1.4 37 76 16 34 2.0 0.0 • 151W was too young to sell last year but we thought enough of him that we took him to Agribition last year. • He really is built a lot like his sire Atlantic City • His dam comes from a heavy milking cow family. • We ran him as clean up on a few purebred cows. • Two year olds of this quality are almost non-existent.


Red Wheel Atlantic City 142W Power Plus«

1503424 • FHW 142W • 24 Mar 09 red pie atlantic 2204

Red Six mile hercules 19g

red northline atlantic city

Red soo line christy 11m

Red northline queen 240h

Red lazy mc christy 61j

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





80 734 n/a 1338 2.5 34 68 18 35 2.0 1.0 • 142W would cover a large group of heifers easily. • He is a good footed, sound bull that should last. • These two year olds are grown out and are ready to go out and breed in their working clothes. • Lots of maternal value in this cow family.


Red Wheel Amarillo 9X

1564813 • MFW 9X • 9 Jan 10

Power Plus«

red pie atlantic 2204

Red handford none better 260d

red northline atlantic city

Red wheel auburn 2k

Red northline queen 240h

Red cranston hera 3g

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





Dam of Lot 4 - Red Wheel Auburn 2K

92 783 1221 1675 1.5 34 63 12 29 1.0 -0.5 • Amarillo is a full brother to the Alliance bull. • Extremelly good, dark foot and free moving. • Very long sided, with a lot of muscle expression. • Amarillo would be ideal to keep replacements from as his dam and sisters are some of our best cows.


Red Wheel Atlantic City 15X

No Paper • FHW 15X • 13 Jan 10 red pie atlantic 2204

Curve Bender ««

Red lchmn gold robber 1909e

red northline atlantic city Red handford avocet 205m

Red northline queen 240h BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW

Red handford louise 83b M




81 712 1141 1536 0.6 36 74 19 37 1.5 3.0 • 15X sells without papers. • A very smooth made bull with a well shaped head, he could be used on some larger heifers. • This guy is pretty hard to fault structually.




Red Wheel Sioux City 20X

Red Wheel Carson City 28X

red pie atlantic 2204

Power Plus «

Red bar-e-l paramount 13p

1564818 • MFW 28X • 19 Jan 10 red pie atlantic 2204

Red Ter-Ron Cinch 910L

red northline atlantic city

Red wheel fancy lady 22s

red northline atlantic city

Red BBK Belle 132R

Red northline queen 240h

Red wheel fancy lady 17l

Red northline queen 240h

Red KSJ Belle 2M

1564758 • FHW 20X • 15 Jan 10

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW

90 853 1352 1606 3.2 38 71 12 31 -3.5 -0.5 • Tremendous performance in this calf, check out his weights! • Sioux City offers as much length, stretch and bone as any Angus bull you will find anywhere. • If you want to add pounds to your calves here is your bull. • A maternal brother is working at Kinzie Farms.

Power Plus «





104 760 1286 1584 4.0 44 84 11 33 -3.5 -1.5 • A favorite of everyone who has visited for his power, stoutness and completeness. • Belle 132R was a Red Round-Up purchase and stems from a great cow family. • Carson City will sire sale topping steers and excellent replacement females.

Dam of Lot 7 - Red BBK Belle 132R


Dam of Lot 8 - Red Wheel Eldora 50S



Red Wheel Rapid City 16X

1564756 • FHW 16X • 14 Jan 10

Power Plus «

red pie atlantic 2204

Red bar-e-l paramount 13p

red northline atlantic city

Red northline queen 240h

Red Wheel Memphis 31X Sleep Easy «««

1564819 • MFW 31X • 19 Jan 10 red pie atlantic 2204

OGL Battle cry 427 128

Red wheel Eldora 50S

red northline atlantic city

black wheeL countess 7n

Red wards eldora 21l

Red northline queen 240h

red little de countess 249y

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW

96 727 1253 1335 2.2 33 65 13 29 0.0 0.5 • Rapid City is a dark red, deep bodied, sqaure made package. • Several of the feature bulls are 3/4 brothers that are Atlantic City sons from Paramount daughters. • Here would be a good bull to build a cow herd around. • Rapid City’s dam is a moderate framed cow that is easy doing.





86 689 1212 1667 -0.5 25 58 14 26 4.0 1.0 • Memphis is a special genetic package. • A deep sided, good haired, sound footed, herd sire prospect. • His dam Countess is a conversation piece for all that see her because she is such an easy fleshing tank.

Dam of Lot 9 - Black Wheel Countess 7N


Dam of Lot 10 - Red Wheel Misty 68S

Lot 10 - Casino 47X at Weaning



Red Wheel Casino 47X

Red Wheel Miles City 64X

red pie atlantic 2204

Power Plus «

Red UBar sequoia 202

1564783 • FHW 64X • 4 Feb 10

red pie atlantic 2204

Red Lchmn Gold Robber 1909E

red northline atlantic city

Red wheel misty 68s

red northline atlantic city

Red Handford avocet 170l

Red northline queen 240h

Red handford louise 803h

Red northline queen 240h

red handford louise 83b

1564773 • FHW 47X • 27 Jan 10

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





Power Plus «

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW

97 765 1219 1308 2.9 33 66 11 28 -2.5 -3.5 • Casino has always had that special look and character. • Structually Casino is flawless; he is so well balanced. • His dam offers a different pedigree and is moderate framed. • From the cow family that produced Red Handford TCB.





98 804 1297 1501 0.7 34 68 17 34 1.5 3.0 • Miles City is moderate framed and full of muscle. • His dam Avocet 170L is a moderate cow that is ideal in her makeup, you could never have too many cows like her. • Maternal brothers have sold to Hillcrest Colony and Lilyholme Red Angus.

Dam of Lot 11 - Avocet 170L

Lot 11 - Miles City 64X at CWA.



Red Wheel Kansas City 35X Power Plus «

1564767 • FHW 35X • 23 Jan 10 red pie atlantic 2204

Red bar-e-l paramount 13p

red northline atlantic city

Red wheel rose 36s

Red northline queen 240h

red wheel rose 3l

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





85 823 1134 1528 3.0 39 72 12 31 -1.0 -0.5 • Kansas City has a lot of muscle and character. • Another mating of Atlantic City x Paramount that really works to increase performance and muscle. • To see what this cow family does look up Lot 28.


Red Wheel Canon City 50X

1564776 • FHW 50X • 28 Jan 10 red pie atlantic 2204

Curve Bender ««

Red handford none better 260d

red northline atlantic city Red handford buttercup 2k

Red northline queen 240h

red handford buttercup 20c

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





89 738 1254 1444 0.5 30 63 16 30 2.5 -1.5 • Canon City is a smooth made bull. • We have two full sister to Canon City milking and they have absoutely gorgeous udders. • Atlantic City has worked extremely well on our old reliable None Better 260D cows.


Red Wheel Atlantic City 53X Power Plus «

1564778 • FHW 53X • 29 Jan 10 red pie atlantic 2204

Red Handford Robin Hood 268J

red northline atlantic city

Red wheel fancy lady 31m

Red northline queen 240h

red ruthe elsa 978 CE


104 723 1258 1580 2.4 36 66 13 31 0.0 • Add pounds, depth and hair with 53X. • He will sire the calves that the order buyers demand. • Expect longevity from this bull.

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





Red Wheel Atlantic City 55X

1564779 • FHW 55X • 30 Jan 10 • Twin

Sleep Easy «««

red pie atlantic 2204

Red Lchmn Gold Robber 1909E

red northline atlantic city

Red Wheel Bridget 20N

Red northline queen 240h

red Wheel Bridget 8L

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





62 670 1108 1446 -0.1 37 77 16 34 1.5 2.0 • 55X could be used on heifers. • His dam has been a good producing cow, like all the Gold Robber daughters we have.


Red Wheel Houston 73X

1564788 • FHW 73X • 8 Feb 10

Curve Bender ««

red pie atlantic 2204

Red Handford None Better 260D

red northline atlantic city

Red Wheel Rose 35M

Red northline queen 240h BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW

red Wheel Rose 4J M




86 802 1191 1673 0.5 24 39 13 25 5.0 -2.0 • Houston is a smooth, well built bull. • He is deep sided, sound footed and would be a female maker. • His dam is a tanky female from one of our best cow famillies.

Dam of Lot 16 - Red Wheel Rose 35M




Red Wheel Atlantic City 80X

1564791 • FHW 80X • 11 Feb 10

Curve Bender ««

red pie atlantic 2204

Red handford dynamics 480l

red northline atlantic city

Red northline queen 240h

Red Wheel Vegas 105X Power Plus «

1564832 • MFW 105X • 25 Feb 10 red pie atlantic 2204

Red Con air 55g

Red handford avocet 905n

red northline atlantic city

Red wheel pride 16m

red handford avocet 905j

Red northline queen 240h

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





red pttv pride 3’97

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW

88 729 1192 1482 1.4 37 74 14 33 2.5 -0.5 • Here is a dark, dark red, smooth made bull. • He is built that he could be used on heifers. • This cow has raised three sons that have sold to PFRA.





94 770 1246 1568 3.3 37 80 20 38 -0.5 0.5 • Vegas is a full brother to the Sin City bull that was the high seller in our 2008 sale to Blairs.Ag. • His dam has an outcross pedigree and is the result of an embryo transplant from the Six Mile donor Pride 3’97. • Pride 16M sports one of the best udders on the farm with loads of milk.


Red Wheel Laredo 136X

1564809 • FHW 136X • 21 Mar 10

Power Plus «

red pie atlantic 2204

Red brylor new trend 22d

red northline atlantic city

Red wheel rose 29p

Red northline queen 240h BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW

red wheel rose 1l M




98 868 1413 1670 2.7 43 85 19 40 -1.0 -2.0 • Laredo won’t be quite a year old by sale time and is the youngest bull in our offering. • Check out the performance Laredo has. • We like Laredo so much we took him to Red Roundup. • Rose 29P is an easy fleshing New Trend daughter from the Rose cow family that never misses. • Don’t overlook this powerful young bull.

Dam of Lot 19 - Red Wheel Rose 29P

ur next The road to yo through herd sire goes Atlantic City.


Ref Red Lazy MC Cowboy Cut 26U 1441140 • CBM 26U • 10 Feb 08 red lazy mc smash 41n

lazy mc worldwide 5k

Red lazy mc stout 30s

Red lazy mc star 185m

Red lazy mc scythia 78n BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW

Red lazy mc star 100j M




90 928 1428 n/a 2.1 34 59 18 35 1.0 2.0 • We admired Cowboy Cut as a calf for his squareness, depth of body and overall bone mass. • This the first calf crop from Cowboy Cut and we are one of only a few herds in Canada with these genetics. • We are expecting Cowboy Cut to have a positive maternal influence on our herd without sacrificing performance. • Expect to see more Cowboy Cut sons in future years.


Red Wheel Cowboy Up 68X Power Plus «

1564824 • MFW 68X • 7 Feb 10 red Lazy MC Stout 30S

Red bar-e-l paramount 13p

red Lazy MC Cowboy Cut 26U

Red wheel auburn 34s

Red lazy mc star 185m

Red wheel auburn 2k

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW
















Dam of Cowboy Cut - Red Lazy MC Star 185M

• Cowboy Up is an ideal bull to produce deep bodied, easy doing females that will produce. • His picture pretty much says it all. • His dam is an easy fleshing Paramount daughter from one of our best cow famillies. • Your only opportunity to buy Cowboy Cut sons in Saskatchewan.

Dam of Lot 20 - Red Wheel Auburn 34S



Red Wheel Cowboy Logic 94X

1564829 • MFW 94X • 18 Feb 10

Sleep Easy «««

red Lazy MC Stout 30S

Red bar-e-l paramount 13p

red Lazy MC Cowboy Cut 26U

Black wheel pride 93u

Red lazy mc star 185m

black wheel pride vrd 12p

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





85 793 1294 1248 2.6 35 62 16 33 0.5 4.0 • Cowboy Logic offers a unique pedigree with the new sensation Cowboy Cut and the Pride cow family. • His dam is moderate ET daughter of the Pride 12P cow. • Pride 12P is a daughter of the black bull Vermillion Dateline 7078 and our old Red Fly Away Pride 161K. • Here is a smooth made, deep bodied, calving ease prospect with outcross genetics to boot.

New Genetics for


Grand-Dam of Lot 21 - Black Wheel Pride 12P

PIE Headliner 9012

Our search for a calving ease bull lead us all the way to Pieper Red Angus of Hay Springs, Nebraska. Although they may seem a long ways away from home their genetics have played a large role in our breeding program including breeding the sire of Atlantic City. Headliner offers an outcross pedigree to Canada on the sires side, and some very proven bulls on his dams side including Atlantic, Rambo and Duke. He is a calving ease bull that offers so much more. Headliner scanned an impressive 14.81^2” ribeye and has a lot of natural thickness for a calving ease bull. His feet are awesome being dark, good shaped, with lots of heel. As cattle prices rebound we anticipated the need for more heifer bulls as producers retain more heifers.

Red Wheel Dodge City 3U

Dodge City offers the length of body, great bone and leg structure, volume and squareness of Atlantic City. Dodge City is backed by a very sound made cow that has produced three bull calves from Atlantic City and every time they are one of our best. Dodge City’s mother also pulls the birth weight down which gives Dodge City the advantage of offering the traits of the Atlantic cattle but with less birth weight. We are calving heifers from him with no problems because of his shorter gestation and ideal shaped calves. Owned with RJ Mitchell Red Angus.

Red Ter-Ron Real Deal Red Ter-Ron Real Deal has a lot to offer our commercial bull customers. He excels in the traits that ranchers are looking for: deep bodied, dark red, hairy bulls with performance. Real Deal offers some outcross genetics which are loaded with maternal quality on the bottom side of his pedigree. The Brandy cow family is one of the best at Ter-Ron Farms. Real Deal is the reigning National Champion bull and his first calves that are arriving show that he will dominate the breeding field as well. Few bulls offer what Real Deal does, and his service is limited to a select group of breeders. Keep an eye out for his sons in the 2012 sale. Owned by Ter-Ron Farms.



Red Bar-E-L Paramount 13P

1230377 • YHB 13P • 3 Feb 04

red lazy mc divide 8j

red yy red knight 640f

Red ter-ron cinch 910l

Red bar e-l thelma 19h

Red alder abg hawamba 10g

Red cumnock thelma 766x

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





104 807 1408 na 4.0 30 47 3 18 -1.0 4.0 • Paramount has really proven himself, we have several calf crops, mature daughters and he is now deceased. • Paramount has a unique ability to add performance while moderating mature size and adding muscle. • His easy fleshing, good uddered daughters will be a cornerstone of our herd for years to come. • Take notice of how many top bulls in the sale were raised by his daughters.


Red Wheel Patriot 21X

1564759 • FHW 21X • 15 Jan 10

Power Plus «

red Ter-Ron cinch 910l

red handford dynamics 480l

red bar-e-l paramount 13p

Red wheel fancy lady 74r

Red bar-e-l thelma 19h

Red ruthe seresta 748g

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





97 765 1201 1611 2.4 25 41 8 20 2.0 1.5 • Patriot was a crowd favorite on the show road this fall and was the Grand Champion Red Angus Bull at Lloydminster. • We think he might be the best son of Paramount to date. • He has the character, feet, hair coat and quality to be a dominant breeding bull in any program. • Patriot’s dam comes from a productive, good uddered cow family and offers a different pedigree for most programs. • Selling 2/3 Interest and Full Possession

Dam of Paramount - Red Bar-E-L Thelma 19H

Lot 22 - Red Wheel Patriot 21X at CWA.


Dam of Lot 23 - Red Wheel Becky 1N



Red Wheel Paramount 19X Power Plus «

15647597• FHW 19X • 15 Jan 10 red Ter-Ron cinch 910l

red sss bust’n 596f

red bar-e-l paramount 13p

Red bar-e-l thelma 19h BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW

Red Wheel Paramount 46X Power Plus «

1564772 • FHW 46X • 26 Jan 10 red Ter-Ron cinch 910l

Red tkp bodacious 693

Red wheel becky 1n

red bar-e-l paramount 13p

Red wheel fancy lady 17l

Red handford becky 114

Red bar-e-l thelma 19h

Red ruthe seresta 748g





BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW

98 745 1236 1626 0.4 25 45 13 25 4.0 5.5 • 19X has always been at the top of the calf crop for his stoutness, character and performance. • We have a full sister that just calved and she is going to make a gorgous, easy doing cow. • His dam Becky 1N has been a good producer.





99 805 1250 1540 2.9 25 39 8 21 -3.0 1.5 • 46X has a very massive hip and is very wide through his pins. • He will sire attractive made calves with the stamp the order buyers are looking for. • Paramount sons will leave you the type of low maintenance females everyone needs.

usiness, In the cattle b ount. profit is Param


produce If you want to f “look alike” large groups o lots of calves we have nd designed closley bred a do the job. bulls that will


Red Wheel Paramount 24X

1564817• MFW 24X • 17 Jan 10

Power Plus «

red Ter-Ron cinch 910l

red Northline atlantic city

red bar-e-l paramount 13p

Red wheel Auburn 76T

Red bar-e-l thelma 19h

Red Wheel Auburn 17M

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





99 686 1231 1424 3.9 37 66 9 28 -2.0 1.0 • 24X has been a chunk since he was a young calf. • He is one of the smoothest, deepest made bulls in the sale. • Raised by a young Atlantic City daughter from the Auburn cow family who have all been money making mammas.

Red Wheel Auburn 17M pictured at 8 years old. Dam of Lot 26 and Grand-dam of Lot 25.


Red Wheel Paramount 37X

1564820 • MFW 37X • 23 Jan 10 • Twin

Power Plus «

red Ter-Ron cinch 910l

Red Brylor New trend 22d

red bar-e-l paramount 13p

Red wheel auburn 17m

Red bar-e-l thelma 19h

Red wheel auburn 1j

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





75 700 1210 1592 2.8 28 53 12 26 0.0 2.5 • 37X can add a lot of value to any program for his sound structure, muscle and maternal abilities. • Lot 25 and Lot 26 are very closely bred so if you want to make a large group of uniform calves here would be two bulls that could do it for you. • Keep all his daughters.


More width. More muscle. ability. More fleshing ge Angus. Not your avera



Red Wheel Paramount 63X

Red Wheel Paramount 65X

red Ter-Ron cinch 910l

Power Plus «

red wheel jack daniels 18m

1564784• FHW 65X • 4 Feb 10 red Ter-Ron cinch 910l

red handford none better 260d

red bar-e-l paramount 13p

Red wheel heather 84s

red bar-e-l paramount 13p

Red wheel rose 3l

Red bar-e-l thelma 19h

Red Wheel heather 6k

Red bar-e-l thelma 19h

1564782• FHW 63X • 3 Feb 10

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





Power Plus «

Red sgcc rose 8g

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW

97 798 1312 1520 2.5 25 45 8 20 0.5 4.0 • 63X is a stout bull with a lot of performance. • We don’t have a picture of his dam yet but she is a looker. • Having Jack Daniels in the pedigree never hurts.





105 846 1275 1536 2.0 24 39 8 20 2.0 2.5 • 65X is one of the top calves for growth, length of spine and overall power. • Paramount works so well on Rose 3L that we have had 5 calves from this mating. • Full brothers have sold to Grey Grybowski and Huziuk Farms


Red Wheel Captain Jack 83X

applied • MFW 83X • 13 Feb 10

red dryfor k-c precisely jack

Power Plus «

Red pie deep canyon 908 osc

red dimler jack 25t Red wheel countess 17r osc

Red dimler queen 414p BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW

Red wheel countess 12n M




94 774 1262 1486 2.3 41 72 15 36 1.0 1.0 • Captain Jack offers a different pedigree if you need some different genetics. • The Jack 25T bull is proving to sire deep sided, good footed, and super hairy calves. • We plan to use Jack a lot more in our breeding program and have some very good younger bulls that will be two year olds for next years sale.

Sire of Lot 29 - Red Dimler Jack 25T - Watch for more sons in the future.


his mama. He got it from

Dam of Lot 31 - Red Wheel Pride 29N



Red Wheel Gangster 14X

1564814• MFW 14X • 12 Jan 10 • Twin

Sleep Easy «««

red geis hi ho 180’04

red handford dynamics 480l

red svr gangster 14s

Red dwajo duchess 75m

Red Wheel Gangster 120X Power Plus «

1564837• MFW 120X • 7 Mar 10 red geis hi ho 180’04

red Brylor stallion 19j

Red wheel anne 80r

red svr gangster 14s

Red wheel pride 29n

Red rsl ann 920l

Red dwajo duchess 75m

Red fly away pride 161k

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW

63 670 1108 1309 -0.1 31 55 8 24 6.5 2.0 • Gangster is a sure bet calving ease bull. • His dam raised him and his twin sister, she weaned off over 100% of her body weight. • Our Gangster sons are limited this year because he was in stud having semen drawn and we got mostly heifer calves.





95 758 1317 1908 3.0 39 71 7 26 1.5 5.0 • 120X is only a March calf but he shows a lot of maturity and character. • One of the deepest sided, highest performing Gangster sons we have had. • His dam Pride 29N is a tank of a cow and throws that into all her offspring. • A Paramount son from Pride 29N was our high selling bull in 2006 to Diamond K at Maple Creek, SK.


Red Wheel Rob Roy 23X Power Plus «

1564816 • MFW 23X • 16 Jan 10

red wildrose robin hood 11f

Red u-s/tr dsign 4046p

red northline rob roy 122k

Red wheel auburn 89t

Red bar el sybil 122e

Red wheel auburn 2p

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





96 745 1236 1405 2.2 37 77 21 39 -1.0 4.0 • Rob Roy is another bull for those needing different genetics. • Rob Roy is a proven sire who has proven he can raise powerful sons and maternal females. • Again notice the Auburn cow family, you can’t go wrong.



Black Wheel Odyssey 2M

1115907 • MFW 2M • 2 Jan 02 svf gdar 216 ltd

krugerrand of donamere 490

circle a 2000 plus

rpm lady 3j 3f

circle a rita 5haa 3201

rpm connie 3f 60u

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





91 752 1255 n/a 0.6 27 57 18 32 10.0 8.0 • Odysey served us very well being that bull you could go to for anything: calving ease, performance, maternal, and muscle. • He bred cows up until this year at 8 years of age and his dam is still going at 12 years of age, so there is a lot of years of breeding in his sons.


Black Wheel Odyssey 32X Power Plus «

1564765 • FHW 32X • 21 Jan 10 Circle a 2000 plus

saskalta bardolene 553k

black wheel odyssey 2m

black wheel pride 59n

rpm lady 3j 3f

prairieland hduty pride 4071

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





92 690 1226 n/a 3.1 31 58 11 26 1.5 5.0 • A typical stout made Odyssey son. • We had a full brother to this bull last year that was built the same way.



Black Wheel Odyssey 40X

Black Wheel Odyssey 69X

Power Plus «

1564786 • FHW 69X • 7 Feb 10 Circle a 2000 plus

sav net worth 4200

black wheel odyssey 2m

JCC jestress 10m

black wheel odyssey 2m

black wheen jestress 54t

rpm lady 3j 3f

crescent creek jestress 128f

rpm lady 3j 3f

crescent creek jestress 128f

1564821 • MFW 40X • 24 Jan 10 Circle a 2000 plus

Stevenson Bruno 561G

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW

90 665 1206 1580 3.6 33 67 16 32 0.0 2.0 • A full sister to this bull is a good, easy fleshing cow. • The Jestress cow family is the backbone of our black herd.


Power Plus«

Circle a 2000 plus

roth regulator 0405

black wheel odyssey 2m

Northline roxy 321n

rpm lady 3j 3f

northline lady 321k

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





91 765 1243 1446 4.2 43 74 14 35 0.5 4.0 • A full sister was a very successful show heifer. • His dam earned an Elite Dam designation from the CAA because she is a consistant producer.


Black Wheel Gangster 117X

1564835 • MFW 117X • 5 Mar 10

Power Plus «

red geis hi ho 180’04

Red Wheel Jack Daniels 18m

red svr gangster 14s

black wheel countess 69s

Red dwajo duchess 75mh

black wheel countess 7n

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW








91 707 1236 n/a 3.3 38 76 20 38 1.0 4.0 • You will like this stout made bull. • His dam raised a bred heifer that was one of the high selling heifers in the 2010 Touch of Class Sale. • Again the Jestress cow family is a sure bet.

Black Wheel Odyssey 74X

1564825 • MFW 74X • 09 Feb 10

Power Plus «


99 784 1258 1511 1.0 26 50 7 20 3.5 2.5 • A March black Gangster son with syle, length and great hair. • A black Gangster son from his grand-dam Countess 7N sold in last years sale to Perry Oliver.



Double AA Bardolene 50’08

1464835 • RCE 50U • 8 Mar 08 double aa bardolene 8’98

angus acres winston 249b

double aa bardolene 47’04

double aa annie k 280’96

Double aa annie k 289’02

Double aa annie k 218’92

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW




Reference Sires


n/a n/a n/a n/a 3.6 34 58 8 24 -1.5 0.0 A straight Canadian bred bull that we are extremely excited about. This bull was discovered at the Rancher’s Choice Sale of 2009. DOUBLE AA 50’08 carries adequate bone, lots of mass and muscle, and has a picture perfect foot. He is a bull that has been admired by many visitors and I am excited to see the progeny off of the Blackman daughters. 50U’s dam DOUBLE AA ANNIE K 280’96 is a very recognized cow in the Angus business. This cow had produced many successful herd bulls for Double AA Angus and is the grandmother to the well known Double AA Old Post Bardolier bull. We really feel we have something special and unique. We are excited about the progeny off of 50U and feel they are the type of cattle that the industry demands.


Double AA Blackman 414’06

1329448 • RCE 414S • 15 Mar 06 double aa blackman 252’96

double aa reto 554’93

double aa blackman 292’01

double aa annie k 27’00

Double aa annie k 603’92

Double aa annie k 72’90

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





Reference Sire - Double AA Bardolene 50’08

84 708 1411 n/a 6.8 29 52 3 18 -7.0 2.0 This strong herd bull was discovered the spring of 2007. Double AA Blackman 414’06 was our pick of the Dillabaugh’s 2007 yearling bull pen. We bought half interest in this bull at the Rancher’s Choice sale in Medicine Hat. Blackman 414’06 has sure proven himself; this January we calved another package of heifers sired by this bull. His females milk and his sons are proven breeding bulls. This bull has an 80lb birth weight, 708lb weaning weight, and a 1411lb yearling weight. The numbers are right, his daughters are producers, and his sons are simply good. He has great ultrasound data with AAA marbling, 13.35”^2 REA. We are proud to have this bull working in our herd, his sons will impress you.


Mill Iron Blackjack 727’07

1485948 • ZMR 727T • 21 Mar 07 double aa bardolier 550’00

double aa bardolene 430’02

double aa bardolier 322’03

double aa anniek ‘581’04

Double aa annie k 674’99

Double aa annie k 535’94

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





84 708 1411 n/a 2.6 31 49 11 27 0.0 2.0 A Canadian pedigreed bull full of muscle, is a big boned bull and has plenty of length. This bull was used on our moderate framed cows and he bred well. 727’07 was injured after his first breeding season, which was unfortunate, but he has left some great sons and daughters.


Reference Sire - Double AA Blackman 414’06 as a yearling.

Fleury Roper 15T

1414686 • FAR 15T • 18 Feb 07 far krugerrand 410h

fv l463 scotchcap 134l

black wheel kryptonite 41p

fleury blackcap 53n

crescent creek jestress 128f

saskalta blackcap 048k

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





74 712 n/a n/a 2.8 37 70 11 30 0.0 3.0 FLEURY ROPER 15T was a standout that caught our eye since he was a calf out on pasture. FAR 15T is a long bodied, smooth made bull with lots of style. This bull’s dam FAR 53N is one of the most productive cows on our ranch. I really admire this bull, and with the proven females that are in his pedigree, his female offspring will be top replacement quality. This bull offers calving ease and has some top end heifer bulls in the sale.

Reference Sire - Fleury Roper 15T as a yearling.


• Here is a bull with as much performance as you will find in any Angus bull. • Member of the Supreme Champion Pen of Bulls Saskatoon Fall Fair 2010. • Full of stretch, style, bone, lots of hair and hip. • The ideal type of bull for the commercial cattlemen looking for performance.



Fleury Blackman 47X

Fleury Blackman 77X

double aa blackman 292’01

Power Plus «

peak dot new trend 42m

1564523• FAR 77X • 5 Mar 10

double aa blackman 414’06

double aa annie k 558’06

double aa blackman 292’01

saskatlta triple threat 99p

double aa blackman 414’06

double aa annie k 370’06

double aa annie k 27’00

double aa annie k 261’98

double aa annie k 27’00

double aa annie k 650’99

1564520• FAR 47X • 26 Feb 10

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





25 -11.0 -1.0









Power Plus «

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





25 -5.0 1.0









• Member of the Supreme Champion Pen of Bulls Saskatoon Fall Fair 2010. • Stout, loose hided bull with depth, and lots of grow. • Performance bull who will add extra performance to your program. • Standout since a calf, out of a long bodied Annie K cow.


ht aig n r t S adia Can


Fleury Bardolene 49X Curve Bender ««

1590110• FAR 49X • 26 Feb 10 double aa bardolene 47’04

saskatlta bardolene 28m

double aa bardolene 50’08

double aa annie k 53’06

double aa annie k 280’96

double aa annie k 302’02

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW
















• Herd bull material, with lots of hair, hip, length and very correct. • A Straight Canadian, outcross pedigree bull who is an outstanding individual. • Member of the Supreme Champion Pen of Bulls Saskatoon Fall Fair 2010. • 2010 Saskatoon Fall Fair pen show Jackpot Champion bull. • FAR 49X’s dam Double AA 53’06 was selected out of the Double AA herd and is a phenomenal female. • Only bull in Canada carrying this type of pedigree.

You may have seen these bulls at Saskatoon Fall Fair, Agribition or Medicine Hat.

Fall Fair Supreme Champion Pen of Bulls




Fleury Bardolene 26X

Fleury Bardolene 32X

double aa bardolene 47’04

Curve Bender ««

double aa bardolier 555’00

1590109• FAR 32X • 21 Feb 10 double aa bardolene 47’04

double aa blackman 205’04

double aa bardolene 50’08

double aa ruby 338’06

double aa bardolene 50’08

double aa annie k 41’06

double aa annie k 280’96

double aa ruby 591’92

double aa annie k 280’96

double aa annie k 257’02

1590115• FAR 26X • 19 Feb 10

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





Curve Bender ««

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW

86 674 1177 1755 3.6 25 45 13 • Stout made bull, with that extra muscle and shape. • Canadian pedigreed bull, which can be used on cows or heifers. • Easy fleshing type, FAR 26X is the commercial man’s type of bull.





85 708 1174 1521 2.7 24 40 4 • Sale Feature! • Cattlemen look here, a top BARDOLENE 50’08 son who is an exact image of his sire. • Double AA ANNIE K 41’06 is a picture perfect 1521lb cow that was one of our top picks out of the Double AA program. • A bull that we are excited about and are excited to have him on offer. • Straight Canadian pedigree!

ht aig r n St adia n a C




Fleury Bardolene 39X

Fleury Bardolene 53X

double aa bardolene 47’04

Curve Bender ««

saskalta triple threat 99p

1590118• FAR 53X • 27 Feb 10 double aa bardolene 47’04

double aa rito 21’03

double aa bardolene 50’08

double aa annie k 420’06

double aa bardolene 50’08

double aa annie k 295’06

double aa annie k 280’96

double aa annie k 606’00

double aa annie k 280’96

double aa annie k 359’03

1590116• FAR 39X • 22 Feb 10

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





Curve Bender ««

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW

87 678 1159 1436 3.7 31 51 10 • Smooth made bull, clean fronted, with eye appeal and hair. • Out of a great mother cow weighing 1436lbs off of grass, and has been a good producer for us. • A bull that is put together right, and can be exposed on heifers or cows.






85 791 1286 1443 5.1 42 71 5 • FAR 53X would be one of the top bulls on offer. • This bull is full of stretch, big quartered, stylish and has lots of bone. • FAR 53X’s dam is a top end cow weighing 1443lbs at weaning off of grass. • Sired by DOUBLE AA BARDOLENE 50U, FAR 53X is one of his top sons on offer.



Fleury Bardolene 60X

1590111• FAR 60X • 28 Feb 10

Sleep Easy «««

double aa bardolene 47’04

double aa bardolier 550’00

double aa bardolene 50’08

double aa annie k 280’96

double aa bardolier 322’03

double aa annie k 359’03

double aa bardolene 50’08

double aa annie k 460’06

double aa annie k 211’99

double aa annie k 280’96

double aa annie k 568’00





BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW

84 691 1090 1424 3.6 26 39 6 • A calving ease bull with tons of thickness, muscle and quarter. • FAR 60X is extremely easy doing and is a thick topped bull. • A maternal brother sold last year to Ed Wilson for $3000.


Power Plus «

double aa bardolene 47’04

double aa bardolene 28m

double aa bardolene 50’08

double aa annie k 280’96





84 752 1169 1509 3.3 29 55 8 • A thick moderate made bull with muscle. • Maternal brother sold to Ed Wilson in last year’s sale. • Another top BARDOLENE 50U son, a bull that bred real well for us.

Fleury Bardolene 76X

1590121• FAR 76X • 05 Mar 10

Curve Bender ««

double aa bardolene 47’04

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW


Fleury Bardolene 67X

1590120• FAR 67X • 02 Mar 10

Fleury Bardolene 82X Curve Bender««

1590112• FAR 82X • 05 Mar 10 double aa bardolene 47’04

peak dot new trend 42m

double aa annie k 90’06

double aa bardolene 50’08

double aa susie 62’05

double aa annie k 433’02

double aa annie k 280’96

double aa Susie 345’02

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW

90 654 1205 1710 5.0 29 56 10 • A long smooth put together individual. • Only a March calf that is double bred Bardolene! • Is a three quarter brother to a show bull out of last year’s sale FAR 005W sold too Matador Pasture Co. for $3000.





84 715 1161 1730 3.1 31 48 13 • FAR 82X’s dam Double AA Susie 62’05 is a thick made, easy doing cow, with as much hind quarter as I have seen in an Angus cow. • Half maternal brother sold too Century Cattle/Don & Helen Danzie in last year’s sale for $7600. • A well put together DOUBLE AA BARDOLENE 50’08 son.

Cattlmen’s Common Sense Breeding Guarantee: All bulls will be semen tested and vet inspected. We fully guarantee all bulls sold 100%. In the event of a problem we guarantee to provide you with a quality bull to get your cows bred. We understand that when your livlihood depends on your cow herd’s production you need service and not hassles.

Three quarter brother to Lot 47 sold to Matador Pasture.

A note about the EPD’s on the Fleury bulls: The genetics that the Fleury breeding program is based upon has had limited data reported to the CAA Performance Program up until this point. Therefore the EPD’s generated for the Fleury bulls are of extremely low accuracy. In many cases the EPD’s do not reflect the true genetic value of the cattle. For several decades these cattle have been bred for the traits that are important to commercial cattlemen.

Maternal brother to Lot 48 sold to Century Cattle.




Fleury Bardolene 101X

1590114• FAR 101X • 18 Mar 10

Curve Bender ««

double aa bardolene 47’04

double aa bardolier 558’03

double aa bardolene 50’08

double aa annie k 280’96

Sleep Easy «««

double aa bardolene 47’04

black wheel hick hop 49r

double aa annie k 12’06

double aa bardolene 50’08

double aa annie k 131’08

double aa annie k 266’97

double aa annie k 280’96

double aa annie k 39’98

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW

87 752 1201 1610 4.2 35 52 11 • A stylish BARDOLENE 50’08 son, he is smooth and correct. • This young bull has a Canadian bred pedigree. • DOUBLE AA ANNIE K 12’06, a 1610b cow coming off grass with performance.


Double AA Bardolene 92X

1597463 • RCE 92X • 11 Mar 10





89 754 1293 1290 • A March 11th calf, out of a first calf heifer, that has lots of length and hair. • BTR 92X is one of Bill Dillabaugh’s bulls out of one of the few cows that he runs at our place.


Fleury Blackman 29X

Fleury Blackman 41X

double aa blackman 292’01

Power Plus «

peak dot new trend 42m

1565220• FAR 41X • 24 Feb 10

double aa blackman 414’06

double aa annie k 390’06

double aa blackman 414’06

dessa blackcap 33m

double aa annie k 27’00

double aa annie k 874’99

double aa annie k 27’00

allencroft blackcap 03 47x

1564518• FAR 29X • 20 Feb 10

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW




Curve Bender««

double aa blackman 292’01


northline grantie 95g

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW

95 714 1231 1620 6.5 35 64 11 29 -8.0 1.0 • This long sided bull, with lots of bone and growth is a bull that has always caught our eye. • A power plus bull that is out of a good stretchy ANNIE K cow that weighed 1620lbs off of grass. • FAR 29X I feel is the type that any Angus program could use to keep the length in these Angus. • Sired by BLACKMAN 414’06 a bull that has had a lot of influence on my program.





88 652 1099 1574 6.1 31 50 3 19 -7.0 2.0 • End of February bull, with stretch and style. • DESSA BLACKBIRD 33M has produced a sale bull selling for $3250 and two females that were retained in my herd.



Fleury Blackman 65X

1565227• FAR 65X • 2 Mar 10

Curve Bender««

double aa blackman 292’01

double aa bardolene 22’98

double aa blackman 414’06

Double AA Elena 38’02

double aa annie k 27’00

Double AA Elena 8’95

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





86 710 1148 1634 4.3 31 46 4 20 -4.0 1.0 • A thick meat machine, with hip and has a proven pedigree. • DOUBLE AA ELENA 38’02 is the number one producing cow on the ranch. • Full brother sold to Walter Hauber for $3700. • FAR 65X’s dam has raised two bulls averaging $4825, and has also produced two top producing females in my herd today. • DOUBLE AA ELENA 38’02 was the grandmother to the high selling bull at SASKALTA FARMS for $10,000. • Sired by BLACKMAN 414’06 and goes back to my ELENA 38’02 cow.

Dam of Lot 52 - Double AA Elena 38’02

Full Brother to Lot 52

Maternal Brother to Lot 52




Fleury Blackman 102X

double aa blackman 292’01

double aa bardolene 35’04

double aa blackman 414’06

double aa annie k 421’06

double aa annie k 27’00

double aa annie k 342’04

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW




Power Plus«

double aa blackman 292’01

johnston bandolier 170f

double aa blackman 414’06

double d 9l pearl 79r

double aa annie k 27’00

dif pearl 9l

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW






81 658 1145 1314 4.3 17 30 2 • A stylish young March 19th bull calf that displays lots of hip and hair. • FAR 103X’s dam is one of our larger framed, higher performance cows. • Please note this bull will sell without registration papers.

81 615 1069 1314 3.1 26 46 8 • Here is an end of March bull, who is smooth-made and would work great on heifers. • FAR 102X’s dam DOUBLE AA ANNIE K 421’06 is a moderate framed cow with an exceptional udder. • Please note this bull will sell without registration papers.


Fleury Blackman 103X

no paper • FAR 103X • 19 Mar 10

Sleep Easy«««

no paper • FAR 102X • 18 Mar 10

Fleury Bardolier 45X Curve Bender««

1564519 • FAR 45X • 25 Feb 10 Double AA Bardolier 322’03

double aa rito 21’03

Mill Iron Blackjack 727’07

double aa amber 292’06

double aa anniek 581’04

double aa amber 683’03

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





89 626 1141 1456 5.0 32 55 4 20 -5.0 -2.0 • FAR 45X is a deep sided bull with stretch and is sired by the MILL IRON BLACKJACK 727’07 bull that has left some impressive calves. • DOUBLE AA AMBER 292’06 produced FAR 7W sold to Western Beef Development Center for $2800, and is an admirable Angus cow.

Maternal Brother to Lot 55


Fleury Bardolier 83X Power Plus«

1565233 • FAR 83X • 5 Mar 10 Double AA Bardolier 322’03

johnston bando 184k

Mill Iron Blackjack 727’07

cc miss bando 06r

double aa anniek 581’04

johnston 5175 jestress 06k

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





40 -1.0 2.0









• This bull is a sale feature! • FAR 83X is a thick made, deep sided bull, with lots of bone, and will add that extra performance. • Sired by MILL IRON BLACKJACK 727’07, and is a mirror image of his dad. • If you need some performance and weight in your calves come fall this bull will add the pounds.



Fleury Bardolier 91X Power Plus«

1565235 • FAR 91X • 11 Mar 10 Double AA Bardolier 322’03

double aa rito 324’02

Mill Iron Blackjack 727’07

fleury princess 2p

double aa anniek 581’04

saskalta princess 213m

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





87 717 1169 1450 2.8 29 50 10 25 0.0 2.0 • Rugged with stretch, loose hided and a ton of performance. • FLEURY PRINCESS 2P has been a top producing cow for us; raising three females now working in our herd. • A middle of March BLACKJACK 727’07 son who catches your eye in the pen.



Fleury Bardolier 100X Sleep Easy«««

1565238 • FAR 100X • 18 Mar 10 Double AA Bardolier 322’03

saskatlta bardolene 28m

Mill Iron Blackjack 727’07

double aa anniek 581’04

Fleury Roper 4X

1565244 • FAR 4X • 6 Jan 10

Sleep Easy«««

black wheel kryptonite 41p

double aa blackman 548;05

double aa princess 58’05

fleury roper 15t

mill iron annie 817’08

double aa princess 6’94

fleury blackcap 53n

double aa annie k 591’00

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW

80 722 1241 1544 2.4 29 47 10 25 1.0 3.0 • A bull with length and lots of hind quarter. • DOUBLE AA PRINCESS 58’08, FAR 100X’s dam, is a top producer; producing a herd bull running at Saskalta Farms and Darral Brossart’s. • Only a March 18th bull, who has performance, the commercial man’s type of bull.





79 727 1197 1230 3.6 36 63 10 28 -2.0 3.0 • Smooth made, correct, lots of muscle, and has lots of performance to top it off. • FAR 4X’s actual birth weight was 79lbs and had a weaning weight of 821lbs. • MILL IRON ANNIE 817’08, FAR 4X’s dam’s weight was 1230lbs at weaning producing 66% of her body weight as a first calf heifer. • Impressive individual, and has a quality female producing pedigree.



Fleury Blackman 79X

1565250• FAR 79X • 5 Mar 10

Curve Bender««

double aa blackman 292’01

black wheel kryptonite 41p

double aa blackman 414’06

fleury lady lass 56s

double aa annie k 27’00

saskalta lass 264m

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





87 745 1278 1403 4.7 34 62 8 25 -3.0 3.0 • FAR 79X is full of muscle, has lots of depth, quarter and is a real thick topped bull. • FLEURY LADY LASS 56S, a top producing cow; 56S’s sons are now working at Brandon Robbins and Century Cattle Co. • Easy fleshing type, a good, solid commercial bull.


Fleury Roper 8X

1564517 • FAR 8X • 10 Jan 10

black wheel kryptonite 41p

Sleep Easy«««

bell rock freightliner 605s

fleury roper 15t

fleury annie k 15u

fleury blackcap 53n

double aa annie k 306’06

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW




Grand-dam of Lot 60 - Saskalta Lass 264M


83 723 1253 1327 3.0 39 69 12 32 0.0 3.0 • An easy fleshing type of bull with lots of depth, and thickness. • Out of FLEURY ANNIE K 15U one of our top young cows at home. • FAR 8X is full of performance, is real smooth, and this bull would be suitable for heifers or cows. • Sired by FLEURY ROPER 15T, this pedigree has left us some real nice females.


Fleury Roper 9X

1565246 • FAR 9X • 10 Jan 10

Sleep Easy«««

black wheel kryptonite 41p

double aa blackman 414’06

fleury roper 15t

fleury lass 46u

fleury blackcap 53n

saskalta lass 264m

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW





83 660 1120 1241 4.2 32 60 9 25 -2.0 3.0 • Here is a moderate calving ease bull with lots of thickness, and is the easy doing type. • Fleury Lady Lass 46U weighed 1241lbs as a first calf heifer, producing 724lbs of calf, and 58% of her body weight. • This bull is surrounded by a proven, moderate easy doing cow family that has worked well for us.



Fleury Roper 12X

1565255 • FAR 12X • 14 Jan 10

Sleep Easy«««

black wheel kryptonite 41p

black wheel kryptonite 41p

fleury roper 15t

fleury blackcap 53n BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW

Fleury Roper 21X Curve Bender««

1565211 • FAR 12X • 14 Feb 10 • Twin black wheel kryptonite 41p

johnston bandolier 170f

fleury rosebud 52u

fleury roper 15t

cc 170 miss universe 73n

double d rosebud l3

fleury blackcap 53n

valleyhills blackcap 73k





BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW

80 648 1123 1440 3.4 35 69 12 30 -1.0 4.0 • Moderate calving ease bull, with an 80lb birth weight that will work great on a package of heifers. • FLEURY ROSEBUD 52U is an easy doing young cow, and we are excited for the future of this female. • Sired by FLEURY ROPER 15T, a bull that was admired by many cattlemen.





70 655 1075 1698 2.9 38 67 6 25 0.0 2.5 • A thick made bull with lots of hair, and depth. • CC 170 MISS UNIVERSE 73N is a larger framed cow, with that extra performance. • FAR 21X is the kind of bull that can be used on heifers or cows.




Fleury Roper 27X Curve Bender««

1565213 • FAR 27X • 19 Feb 10 black wheel kryptonite 41p

peak dot new trend 42m

fleury roper 15t

fleury blackcap 53n

double aa bardolene 321’02

double aa annie k 390’04

fleury roper 15t

double aa annie k 224’05

double aa annie k 574’99

fleury blackcap 53n

double aa annie k 548’03





BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW

88 626 1095 1677 4.0 32 65 12 28 -2.0 3.0 • A moderate typed bull that is stylish, correct, and goes back to a real strong mother cow. • DOUBLE AA ANNIE K 390’04 has produced many replacement females and sale bulls; big stout cow that isn’t hard to look at. • This bull will produce some real respectable females.

Fleury Kryptonite 65W

1498012• FAR 65W • 3 Apr 09

Sleep Easy«««

black whee kryptonite 41p

smc emerald lady 30n

crescent creek jestress 128f

smc emerald 4k

far krugerrand 410h

smc ultrblack 3l

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW















Curve Bender««

black wheel kryptonite 41p

BW Adj ww Adj yw Cow wt BW WW YW


Fleury Roper 107X

1565239• FAR 107X • 26 Mar 10






87 657 1148 1695 3.4 27 51 8 22 -1.0 3.0 • Another FLEURY ROPER 15T son with an 87lb birth weight who can be used on cows or heifers. • Only a March 26th calf that displays lots of length and muscle for his age.

• FAR 65W bred as a yearling bull and was used for clean-up on our bred heifers last summer. • Just an April 3rd bull, he is smooth made and would work great on heifers. • FAR 65W’s dam Emerald Lady 30N sure has proven herself; she has produced a son who sold to Triangle D Land & Cattle in the 2007 sale, an easy doing cow who raises moderate birth weight calves. • Sired by Black Wheel Kryptonite 41P who has left many respectable females working in our herd today.

New Genetics for 2012

SASKALTA BANDOLIER 40W SASKALTA BANDOLIER 40W was selected out of the Saskalta Farms program the spring of 2010. This bull was selected on his out-cross pedigree, his big hip and overall natural thickness. BANDOLIER will be used on my BLACKMAN and BARDOLENE cows as I feel these three lines of cattle will complement each other. 40W was put on display at the Medicine Hat Beef Pen Show and caught the eyes of many cattlemen walking through the barn. This young herd bull has a picture perfect foot and a great disposition. We are really excited to see the progeny off of SASKALTA BANDOLIER 40W. Co-owned with Saskalta Farms and Double AA Angus.


Reflections . . . After breeding cattle for more than sixty years. Watching all kinds of fads, numbers, tall cattle, small cattle, cross bred cattle, continental cattle, Beefalo. The only constant was, so much a pound. Sixty five years ago we listened to cattle prices from Omaha, Nebraska, our markets followed as they do today. My father would try and figure out when a rising market was taking place and then get our few stall fattened steers into Saskatoon. Hoping to get the high so much a pound for them.

“The only constant was, so much a pound.”

Some of the Angus cattle today are losing that necessary stretch. They are fancy and look good. But lack frame and stretch. These look good cattle are just too short to put on the needed extra pounds in feed lots.

Fleury Cattle Co. has put together a set of mostly Canadian bred cows. This herd has that needed stretch that is so necessary, it is combined with good muscling and bone and all the other desirable Angus traits. Matt’s pen of three bulls out performed all other breeds at Saskatoon Fall Fair, congratulations. As the order buyers? Do you want small framed pretty calves? Or do you want calves with bone and stretch. Then go home and raise what they want. I am not familiar with the Wheeler cattle, so cannot do them justice. Three or four years ago we bought a Wheeler bull and he worked very well for us breeding us top cattle. Harvey and family are top cattle people; very knowledgeable, honest and easy to chat with. Their cattle are top contenders at shows. By getting to know Harvey and Mike they will be bringing top cattle to this sale. The cattle industry needs young people like Mike and Matt. Come to the sale and see what these young people have accomplished. If you work with this type of seed stock producers, your calves will top the markets with those extra pounds. Bill Dillabough


Your Success Is Our Success

Terms and Conditions Terms: The terms of the sale are cash or cheque, payable at par at the sale locations. The right of property shall not pass until after settlement has been made; no invoicing on buyers in attendance unless previous arrangements have been made. Every animal sells to the highest bidder and in cases of disputes the auctioneer’s decision will be final. Announcements from the auction block will take precedence over the printed matter in the catalogue. Current exchange rates will be announced sale day. All monies are in Canadian funds. Certificate of Registration: Each animal will carry papers issued by the applicable breed association. A certificate of registry duly transferred will be furnished to the buyer for each animal after payment has been made. Health: All animals in the sale have met all necessary health requirements. Guarantee: Each animals becomes the purchaser’s risk immediately after the animal is sold. All animals in this sale will be sold under the terms and guarantees set for by the applicable breed association with regard to health, freedom from defects and from both reproductive and specific genetic unsoundness.

Gangster sired the Grand Champion Red Angus Bull at the 2011 National Western Stock Show for Northline Angus, Pugh Farms and Glessbar Farms. Congratulations!

Liabilities: All persons attend the sale at their own risk. The sellers, facility owner, auctioneer and sale staff assume no liability, legal or otherwise, for any accidents that occur. Delivery: Every assistance will be given in getting your purchases home. Each animal becomes the risk of the purchaser as soon as sold.

Sight Unseen Purchase Program:

For those who cannot attend, we offer a sight unseen purchase program. Call us with your needs and we will recommend suitable bulls. All bulls sold through this program do so with a satisfaction guarantee.

At the National Western Stock Show Gangster sired four bull division champions that competed for the Grand Champion title.

Insurance: Agents will be in attendance to insure your purchases. We strongly recommend that insurance in purchased for full value. The Right to Collect Semen: Wheeler’s Stock Farm and Fleury Cattle Co. reserve the right to collect semen on any of the bulls sold at their expense and the buyers convenience. Errors: All announcements at sale time, written or oral, supersede any written material in the catalogue.

View the catalogue online in colour at:

Please bring this catalogue with you to the sale.

Red Wheel Alliance 22U has done an great job for Bar-E-L Angus & All Bull Holdings. In his first calf crop he sired the Red Roundup Heifer Calf Champion, and Agribition Jr. Heifer and Bull Calf Champions. Not bad for his first try.


Return to: The Cattlemen’s Bull Event Box 284 R.R.#9 Saskatoon, SK S7K 1P3


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