Flying S Ranch Production Horse Sale

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Flying S Ranch

Production Sale August 6, 2011 at the Ranch Spruce Lake, SK

On offer 43 AQHA & APHA Horses

Reference Sires


Flying S Ranch Production Sale August 6, 2011

At the Ranch - Spruce Lake, Sk Preview Prior to sale Sale Time - 2 p.m.

Ken & Shauna Sinclair 306-845-4440 Sale day phones 306-845-8341 or 306-845-8331 Sale Staff Auctioneer: Chris Poley Ringmen: Bruce Isaak Justin Muirhead Pedigrees: Tim Edge Phone Bids: Duncan MacMillan Sale Conducted by: T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.

A 306-220-5006 306-883-9490 306-763-2505 or 306-747-8192 403-354-6730 780-853-2292 306-933-4200

Accommodations Turtleford- Four Leaf Inn Motel 306-845-2400 St. Walburg- Farm House Inn 306-248-3688 St. Walburg Inn 306-248-3414 Blueberry Inn 306-248-4650 or 248-3568 Bed & Breakfasts Hummingbird Haven 306-248-3388 Marie’s Country Getaway 306-248-3279

Sale Info

Please join us for complimentary lunch sponsored by Mach 1 Diesel Repair, Lloydminster, AB and Flying S Ranch Simmentals. Watch for our upcoming Simmental Bull Sale-Kuntz, Stoughton, Flying S and MacIntosh 13th Annual Bull Sale, Tuesday March 13, 2012, Lloydminster, SK.

Welcome Welcome to our 4th Annual Production Sale. Our sale has developed into a reputation sale where quality and customer satisfaction is number one. This year our sale features 40 plus AQHA and APHA horses that were all born and raised right here on our ranch, with the exception of three of the broodmares. We are proud of the horses we raise, we ride what we raise and we stand behind what we sell. Please feel free to view the horses at the ranch prior to the sale. There is definitely a more positive view in the livestock sector in 2011 and we are very glad to be a part of that. New for us in 2011 is our expansion of our Simmental cattle and we look forward to our upcoming bull sale in March 2012. Phone bids and order buying will be available, please contact Duncan, Ken or Shauna to discuss your needs and we will assist you with your selections. Hope to see you at the ranch on August 6th. Ken and Shauna

Cowboy Masterpiece

Cowboy Masterpiece 1999 AQHA Palomino Stallion

Hollywood Jac 86 Master Cowboy Jac Double Bee Miss

Easter King Miss Hollywood Nifty Bee Boggie Bee

Dry Doc Dry Doc Freedom Anita King 86 Freedoms Sassy Sue Hy Lizanne Miller San Hy Nino Master Cowboy Jac- sired earners of $86,722 in reining. Hollywood Jac 86offspring have earned $1,325,025 in reining. Freedoms Sassy Sue- has won $7,396 in reining. Dry Doc Freedom- Get have earned $68,000+ in reining and cutting as well as 119.5 AQHA pts. Our senior AQHA herdsire, Cowboy, is bred to rein and work with the best of them. Cowboy stands 14.3hh and weighs 1200 lbs. His foals have size and substance.


Carbon Copy Jac

1997 APHA/AQHA Sorrel Overo Stallion

Hollywood Jac 86 Slumber Jac Miss Glo Duster

Easter King Miss Hollywood

The Jac Be Nimble Nimbles Little Doll Dollys Nightie

Hollywood Jac 86 Shady Ruckers Pine

Mr Joe Glo Brick’s Miss Iowa

Palo Pinto Bar Ima Irishdoll

We have now had four foal crops from Chrome and we love them. They are all we had hoped for and more! Slumber Jac and The Jac Be Nimble are NRHA money earners. He is dual registered APHA and AQHA. His personality is that of a true gentleman. He was shown in reining as a three year old and has offspring that have won reining futurities. As well, a daughter has won the 2005 UFA Ranch Horse Competition in Lloydminter piloted by Rod Thiessen.


Carbon Copy Jac

Reference Sires

Reference Sires



Checotah Gun

Checotah Gun

2003 AQHA Sorrel Stallion

Dual Pep Dualin Gun Miss Silver Pistol

Peppy San Badger Miss Dual Doc Doc’s Hickory Pistol Lady 2 Be

Doc Bar Doc’s Lynx Jameen Tivio Checotah Lynx Checotah Bobbi Croton Oil Miss Ma Linda Rabicano color pattern. Dualin Gun- sired of 19 performers. NCHA, NRHA, USTPA money earning Get with LTE> $47K. Dual Pep- earner of $313,192.00. Get LTE> 17M! AQHA Superhorse, 4 times AQHA Champion Cutting, 2 times Reserve World Champion Cutting & Calf Roping. Miss Silver Pistol- Earner of $512,755.00. Dam of Playgun, Smart Littlel Pistol and Purdy Pistol. Get have LTE> $349K, progeny earners of > $42M. Peppy San Badger- NCHA LTE$172,711.00. Miss Dual Doc- NCHA producer earners of >$729,407.00. Docs Hickory- AQHA Champion, NCHA money earner, $9,850.00, NCHA producer LTE> $5,359,666.00. Doc Bar- NCHA producer. Jameen Tivio- NCHA producer. Croton OilAA rated, AQHA leading sire. His power packed, no holes cutting horse pedigree speaks for itself. Dually offers an excellent outcross pedigree that will adds plenty of cow to our program. His unique color adds some flash to his offspring.


Far Out Dixon

2000 APHA Black Overo Stallion

Mr Hoss Mardelle Dixon Squirmin’ Irma

Royal Bar Lowe Amber Sis

Painted Breeze Bar Red Susie Blue

Scootumpah Far-Ute El Rey Cream Puff Cindy Far Out And Foxy Janie’s Foxy Star Janie’s Boy Broseco Indigo We were very fortunate to find this black overo son of one of our all time favorite foundation APHA sires, Mardelle Dixon, who has a Race ROM and points in Reining and Hunter Under Saddle. He is also a Lifetime Leading Sire of APHA Champions, Versatility Award Winners and All Around Champions. On his dam’s side of the pedigree, Far Out and Foxy, is an own daughter of Far Ute El Rey, which is bloodline we have used in our program with a lot of success. Far Ute El Rey had 22 Halter Points and 12 Performance points. Far Out Dixon has disposition and athletic ability to spare and he is passing this on to his offspring.

Shining Leo County 2007 AQHA Perlino Stallion

Shining Spark Durable Shine Duranglo

Genuine Doc Diamonds Sparkle

Cooke County Etc Cooke With Sugar Leo Polo Pelican

Tivio Jessie James Cleo Pan

Mr Joe Glo Miss Day Go

Leo Tolo Aliso Gill 5

We are pleased with the quality and disposition he has delivered in his foals. Being a perlino guarantees that all his offspring will be coloredpalomino, buckskin, smokey black, perlino or cremello. Shine’s dam is a daughter of Cooke County Etc a buckskin cutting horse who stood 16.2, so there is size in his background. Cooke County’s offspring have earned over $69,000. Shine’s sire, Durable Shine, has won over $10,000 in the reining pen and is a son of Shining Spark, a leading NRCHA and NRHA sire whose offspring have earned more than $7.3 million and 32,881 AQHA Points. Shine has added size, disposition and color as well as reining and cow horse pedigree. Shine sired 100% buckskin offspring in 2011!


Kenos Golden Legacy

1996 APHA Palomino Overo Stallion

Far-Ute El Rey Far Ute Keno Far Ute Tinkett

Scootumpah Cream Puff Cindy Tinky Joe Honey Steen

Painted Robin Versary Bars Jocita Bars Skipa Verse Skipa Geany Skipa Jack Alamito Bess Far Ute Keno- Superior All Around Horse. Superior Halter, ROM in Western Pleasure, Hunter Under Saddle, Hunter Hack, Trail, Heading, Heeling, Cutting, Working Cow Horse. Superiors in Halter, Western Pleasure, Hunter Hack and Hunter Under Saddle. MT, Baker Snaffle Bit Futurity Winner. Earned over $13,500 in purses. Skipa Verse- Superior in Halter and 6 points away from her APHA Championhip. Versary Bars- Western Pleasure and 10 points in Reining. All of Legacy’s offspring ride well and are very versatile. They have been used for ranch work, team sorting, penning and halter. If you are looking for an honest all around horse with some color, check out his offspring.


Kenos Golden Glo

2002 APHA Palomino Overo Stallion

Far Ute Keno Kenos Golden Legacy Skipa Verse

Far-Ute El Rey Far Ute Tinkett Versary Bars Skipa Geany

Mr Norfleet Gold Contender Dee Lady Red Far Way From Utah Peaceful Farute Peace Pipe Farute Butterscotch His colts are long legged, easy moving sons of guns. They are great riders and we can’t say enough about them!


Far Out Dixon




Lot 3

Lot 1

Lot 1

Cowboys Jac Pine

2007 AQHA Buckskin Gelding

Master Cowboy Jac Cowboy Masterpiece Freedoms Sassy Sue

Hollywood Jac 86 Double Bee Miss

Cody Pine Chex Macs Shady Chic Chicado Pine

Barry Pine Miss Flashy Mcchex

Dry Doc Freedom Hy Lizanne

Master Sugar Jac

2006 AQHA Sorrel Gelding

Master Cowboy Jac Cowboys Masterpiece Freedoms Sassy Sue

Hollywood Jac 86 Double Bee Miss

Clymer Chex Sugar Bars Chex ST Gold Bar Kate

Wolverton Chex Goldi Clymer

Dry Doc Freedom Hy Lizanne

Sugar Bart Star Blue Gold Kate

Master is a nice five year old gelding that is an excellent choice for a penning, sorting or ranch horse. He has been used to move both cattle and horses on our ranch. He showed his versatility by attending a working cow horse clinic with Roger Johnson, as well as a Western Pleasure clinic with Stephanie Forester. He stands 15hh.

Jubal Troupe Ol Shady Pine

A fancy buckskin gelding that will turn heads. Jac Pine is nice and light and moves off your leg well. He has been used to work cattle on the ranch as well has been hauled to some team sorting. If you are in the market for a working performance gelding, look no further. His maternal half brother sells as lot#10. Lot 3

Lot 2

Glos Solid Contender 2008 APHA Sorrel Gelding

Kenos Golden Legacy Kenos Golden Glo Far Way From Utah

Far Ute Keno Skipa Verse

Cita Mount Beau Cita Sioux Peggy Beau

Yellow Mount Jocita Bars

Gold Contender Peaceful Farute

Beau Bonanza Mis Double Peg

A real quiet, level headed 15.2hh gelding that is becoming one of our most reliable mounts around the ranch. His easy going disposition makes him an excellent prospect for 4-H, trail riding, ranch work or anything else you enjoy doing on horseback. He has a full brother that is being used for hunting and packing in the foothills. Another full brother is Lot #21.


Lot 2

Lot 4

Royal Dualin Gun

2008 AQHA Sorrel Gelding

Dualin Gun Checotah Gun Checotah Lynx

Dual Pep Miss Silver Pistol Doc’s Lynx Checotah Bobbi

Poco Bueno Tom Poco Bueno Royal Rosy Royal Poco Saneta Sue Allyson Quincy Heza Quincy Dan Miss Jacket King Gun is a thick, powerful, super stout gelding with a working pedigree. He is spending the summer months with Ryan Ewen, who does an excellent job bringing these young horses along. Has a great future as a penning, sorting or heel horse.

Lot 4



2011 Foals We are very pleased with our lineup of 2011 foals. There is a wide variety of color and pedigree to choose from. Many of the foals that sold in our first production sale are now being ridden by their new owners with good reports by all. Due to the date of our sale, all foals will stay here at the ranch until weaning in September. The foals were imprinted at birth and have been dewormed before the sale. Thank you and enjoy your purchases.

Lot 5

Lot 5

Chrome N Wrangler/ Chrome Wranglers 2008 AQHA Sorrel Gelding/ APHA Sorrel Overo Gelding

Slumber Jac Carbon Copy Jac Nimbles Little Doll

Hollywood Jac 86 Miss Glo Duster The Jac Be Nimble Dollys Nightie

Master Boot Jac Boots Rayo Jac Montoya Raya Rayo Wrangler Wranglers Q Dee Wranglers War Leo Oleo Lady Dee Wrangler is registered with both the AQHA and the APHA. He is double bred Hollywood Jac 86. With four high whites and an irregular face marking he will definitely catch your eye. This long strided easy moving gelding is spending the summer doing light ranch work and arena riding. All of the foals out of this mare have been quiet and nice to ride.

Lot 6

Bold Dictator

2008 APHA Red Dun Gelding

Tin Man A Real Wizard Dancers Finesse Kenos Golden Legacy Kenos Golden Diamond Ima Diamonds Sherry

Mr Fancy Bonanza Supeer Kitty Bold Dancer Sweet Melinda Dee Far Ute Keno Skipa Verse Skedadle Chick Diamonds Sherry

Bold is a nice 15hh dun gelding. He has seen lots of miles this summer checking pastures, which includes going through bush, water and up and down hills with no problems. We have moved cattle and horses off this guy. Ranch or arena prospect.

Lot 7

Lot 7


May 10, 2011 APHA Black Overo Colt

Mardelle Dixon Far Out Dixon Far Out And Easy

Mr Hoss Squirmin Irma

WW Max Smoke McCue Truly Smokin McCue Truly Inky

Blue Max Satin N Lace McCue

Far-Ute El Rey Janies Foxy Star

Truly A Chief Bee Coys Gal

What an awesome colt to start our 2011 foals. You will definitely be attracted to this guys style and presence. With APHA greats like Blue Max and Mardelle Dixon in his pedigree, he will be a stallion prospect deluxe, not to mention that his dam is put up as good as you could make one. This colt has made a lot of friends during pasture tours this summer and is sure to attract more on sale day. The good black overos are tough to find, so don’t pass him up.

Lot 8


April 27, 2011 APHA Sorrel Overo Colt

Slumber Jac Carbon Copy Jac Nimbles Little Doll

Hollywood Jac 86 Miss Glo Duster The Jac Be Nimble Dollys Nightie

Dirty Sonny Bodyguard Teddys Sparkle Prison Guard Miss Cat Ten Apache Cat Newtons Texbelle This mare has produced several of our lead off foals and sale features in the past and certainly did not disappoint. This guy is an excellent show gelding prospect that will be competitive in halter, western pleasure or reining. A full brother to this colt resides in Vermilion and a full sister is now in Quebec. This home raised mare has now produced seven consecutive colored foals.

Lot 6



Lot 8

2011 Foals

Lot 9

2011 Foals


April 30, 2011 AQHA Black Colt

Slumber Jac Carbon Copy Jac Nimbles Little Doll

Hollywood Jac 86 Miss Glo Duster

Cody Pine Chex Goetzs Glossy Pine Glossy Bell Pine A top notch black colt here that comes from a long line of proven ranch and arena horses. Stallion and performance prospect. A full brother to his dam sold as a head horse for $35,000.00. The dam is also registered with the National Foundation Quarter Horse Association.

Barry Pine Miss Flashy McChex

The Jac Be Nimble Dollys Nightie

Barry Pine Jubal Gloss

Lot 11


April 22, 2011 AQHA Black Colt

Slumber Jac Carbon Copy Jac Nimbles Little Doll

Hollywood Jac 86 Miss Glo Duster The Jac Be Nimble Dollys Nightie

Barry Pine Cody Pine Chex Miss Flashy McChex Macs Shady Chic Chicado Pine Jubal Troupe Ol Shady Pine Another outstanding black colt sired by Carbon Copy Jac, who is a proven sire of big, strong, athletic foals that ride with the best of them. This guy will be a top ranch, rope, or arena prospect. Several of Carbon Copy Jac’s offspring are being run on barrels. The dam has produced some of our high sellers in past sales. Maternal brother to Lot #1.



April 21, 2011 AQHA Buckskin Filly

Durable Shine Shining Leo County Cooke With Sugar Goetzs Croton King Scottys Lil Princess Goetzs Spot Chex Lot 9

Lot 10

Lot 11

Lot 10

Shining Spark Duranglo Cooke County Etc Leo Tolo Pelican Croton Cody Reeds Bikini Cody Pine Chex Barrys Bikini

The first foal to sell out of Shine this year and she is a beauty. Super friendly and likes to come up to you in the pasture to get scratched. A perfect combination of bloodlines from some of the hottest reining blood in Shining Spark, to some foundation working horses like Joe Cody and Barry Pine who is an AQHA champion. This filly will have the ability to excel at any event and the disposition to allow you to enjoy yourself while doing it.

Lot 12


May 3, 2011 AQHA Buckskin Filly

Durable Shine Shining Leo County Cooke With Sugar

Shining Spark Duranglo Cooke County Etc Leo Tolo Pelican

Doc Tom Tucker Lil Red Tuckerchex Nunes Bonny Chex Tuckers Bonny Chex Goetzs Glossy Pine Cody Pine Chex Glossy Bell Pine A very similar filly to Lot #11. Her maternal grand sire, Lil Red Tuckerchex was the 1986 Open World Champion Junior Working Cowhorse with NCHA earnings of over $13,000.00. If you cannot decided on her or her sister Lot #11, maybe you should take them both home to be sure. They will be a beautiful pair of broodmares in the future.


Lot 12

2011 Foals

Lot 13


May 3, 2011 AQHA Buckskin Colt Shining Spark Duranglo

Durable Shine Shining Leo County Cooke With Sugar

Jacs Cool Million

2011 Foals

Cooke County Etc Leo Tolo Pelican

Great Jac 91

Hollywood Jac 86 Great Vaqueroette

Docs Cole Million

Docs Sug Cole Million

Another good buckskin colt that will cowhorse or rein with the best of them. Shining Spark and Hollywood Jac 86 has proven time and time again to be an excellent cross. A maternal sister was purchased by Tammy Wood in our 2010 sale.

Lot 15

Lot 15


May 2, 2011 AQHA Black Overo Filly Far-Ute El Rey Far Ute Tinkett

Far Ute Keno Kenos Golden Legacy Skipa Verse

Leo Filly

Versary Bars Skipa Geany

Dixons Oreosupreme

Mardelle Dixon PR Lonesome Dove

Late Night Magic

Stickin Close By Bet Me Becky

A minimal marked black overo filly that will make an excellent rider. Very nice and quiet to work with just like her dam. This is our last foal crop by Kenos Golden Legacy, as we sold him to Valerie and Burton at Red Horse Ranch last year. There are only two Legacy offspring in the sale this year. We purchased the dam of this filly in Idaho a few years ago. Lot 14

Lot 13

Lot 14


May 9, 2011 AQHA Buckskin Colt

Durable Shine Shining Leo County Cooke With Sugar

Poco Bueno Royal Zan Parrs Sassy Poco Ima Sassy Dee

Shining Spark Duranglo Cooke County Etc Leo Tolo Pelican Poco Bueno Tom Rosy Royal

Ima Sassy Wrangler Skip Zan Chex Shining Spark and Poco Bueno should make a solid all around individual for you to enjoy. The dam’s foals are always quiet and sensible to handle. The buckskin color is a bonus.

Lot 16 Far Out Dixon


May 8, 2011 APHA Black Filly Mardelle Dixon

Mr Hoss Squirmin Irma

Far Out And Foxy

Far Ute El Rey Janies Foxy Star

Eternal Ascent Pay Me In Diamonds Ima Diamonds Sherry

Rainy Day Blues Cherokees Lady

Skedadle Chick Diamonds Sherry Black is beautiful and so is this filly. A very versatile pedigree as she is sired by our Mardelle Dixon son and she is a granddaughter of our good old excellent producing Shedadle Chick mare. She will make a very nice riding horse and future broodmare.


to everyone for attending the sale!



Lot 16

2011 Foals

Lot 20

Lot 17

Lot 17

May 26, 2011 APHA Bay Filly Mr Conclusion Luckalily

Sonnys Taylor Made Taylor Made Kitkat Pandora Kitty

Trailer Sonny Dee Parden Hep Cat Miss Pandora

May 18, 2011 APHA Palomino Tovero Colt Dual Pep Miss Silver Pistol Docs Lynx Checotah Bobbi


Gallagher McCue Baby Doll Honey Jill Bid

Sir Mickey McCue Buzz Baby Doll

Eternal Ascent Ima Diamonds Sherry

Lot 21

Glo Cita Beau

2010 APHA Sorrel Overo Gelding

Kenos Golden Legacy Kenos Golden Glo Far Way From Utah

Far Ute Keno Skipa Verse

Cita Mount Beau Cita Sioux Peggy Beau

Yellow Mount Jocita Bars

Gold Contender Peaceful Farute

Beau Bonanza Mis Double Peg

Beau will be an excellent show gelding. There are many APHA champions in his pedigree. He is quiet and well halter broke. Will mature to 15.1hh. He is a full brother to Lot #2.

Checotahs Lone Gun 2010 APHA Sorrel Gelding

Dualin Gun Checotah Gun Checotah Lynx

Dual Pep Miss Silver Pistol

A Real Wizard Sweet Shadow Dee TH Shadow

Tin Man Dancers Finesse

Doc’s Lynx Checotah Bobbi

Lone Ranger Apparition


Far Ute El Rey Janies Foxy Star

please bring your sale catalogue with you to the sale!

My Black Trump Precious Honey

A big strong colt that has a real nice disposition and out of a mare that always produces a good one. All the visitors to the ranch admire the friendliness of the Far Out Dixon foals.


Good Pacific Missile Mary

Ethan is a quiet, halter broke in your pocket kind of guy. With his cow horse pedigree, he will make a great team penning or cowhorse prospect.

May 3, 2011 APHA Black Colt Mr Hoss Squirmin Irma

Boots McCue TH Shadow

Lot 22

Lot 18

Mardelle Dixon Far Out Dixon Far Out And Foxy

Rick Skip McCue So Phenomenal Chick Triple Pay Day

Tin Man A Real Wizard Dancers Finesse Sweet Shadow Dee TH Shadow Lone Ranger Apparition This loud colored colt is super athletic and loves to get out and move. If you like the cowhorse events and want to stand out in the show pen then this guy is for you. There are not too many paints out there that are bred to work a cow so don’t miss out. A full sister sold to Quebec in our 2009 sale.

Lot 19

Rebelique Tinky Bucks

Sonny Dee Bar Tee Jay Misty Dawn


Dualin Gun Checotah Gun Checotah Lynx

JDS Rebel Rouser Givemagood Ace Ima Misty Missile


A real nice minded bay filly that has a good combination of halter and pleasure bloodlines. Her dam is sired by the very popular Saskatchewan stallion, Sonnys Taylor Made, who is well known as a great broodmare sire.

Lot 18


May 30, 2011 APHA Black Colt

One of the youngest colts in the sale, but you would never know it. He has some speed on the top side of his pedigree. He could make a barrel prospect or all around using horse.


Divine Conclusion Its Mr Divine To You Devotions

2011 Foals

Lot 19


Lot 23


Checotahs Royal Gun 2010 AQHA Bay Gelding

Dualin Gun Checotah Gun Checotah Lynx

Dual Pep Miss Silver Pistol Doc’s Lynx Checotah Bobbi

Poco Bueno Tom Poco Bueno Royal Rosy Royal Poco Saneta Sue Allyson Quincy Heza Quincy Dan Miss Jacket King Another good yearling that should have a career in the cowhorse pen. His dam is our good old Poco Bueno Royal mare that has always produced the good ones, including our high selling broodmare in 2010. All the work has been done for you on these yearlings, they all lead, load, tie, clip and have had their feet trimmed.

Lot 24

2011 Foals


May 3, 2011 AQHA Sorrel Filly

Hollywood Jac 86 Slumber Jac Miss Glo Duster Carbon Copy Jac Nimbles Little Doll The Jac Be Nimble Dollys Nightie

Lot 24


May 3, 2011 AQHA Sorrel Filly Hollywood Jac 86 Miss Glo Duster The Jac Be Nimble Dollys Nightie

Zan Parr Bar Skip Zan Parr Skips Foam Shoot For Parr Gal Bards Miss Parker Bard Parker Wyoming Miss This beautiful filly is proof of the quality and consistency that Carbon Copy Jac stamps his foals with. With Zan Parr Bar and Three Bars on the bottom side of the pedigree, she will do anything that needs to be done on horseback. We have retained a full sister for our program and another one sold in our first sale to WF Bar Ranch.



May 3, 2011 AQHA Buckskin Filly

Durable Shine Shining Leo County Cooke With Sugar

Shining Spark Duranglo

Lil Red Tucker Chex Codys Bonny Chex Macs Shady Chic

Doc Tom Tucker Nunes Bonny Chex

Lot 27

This is a real powerhouse filly. Along with her super quiet dam, they are always favorites to ranch visitors. Two full sisters have sold to Dale Eyben and M.C. Quantock. Whether you want to show this one or breed her, she is the right kind.

Slumber Jac Carbon Copy Jac Nimbles Little Doll

Lot 26

Lot 26

Cooke County Etc Leo Tolo Pelican

Cody Pine Chex Chicado Pine

Buckskin is the favorite color I have heard of all year. Her pedigree says cowhorse all the way. Note the maternal granddam, Macs Shady Chic, who is the dam of Lot #1&10, and the mare I consider to be our best broodmare.

Poco Bueno Tom Poco Bueno Royal Rosy Royal Tinas Doc O Dee Tuckers Jewel Chex Doc Bueno Egger Skip Zan Sparkle

Lot 25

2011 Foals

Lot 25


May 17, 2011 AQHA Palomino Filly

Hollywood Jac 86 Master Cowboy Jac Double Bee Miss Cowboy Masterpiece Freedoms Sassy Sue Dry Doc Freedom Hy Lizanne Cody Pine Chex Codys Barry Chex Ol Shady Pine Goetzs Pepper Pine Loto San Ata Loto San Penny Troupe This is another very fancy filly that is a dark palomino color. An excellent performance prospect out of a proven mare. She is one of only two Cowboy Masterpiece fillies in the sale.

Lot 28

Lot 27


May 8, 2011 AQHA Sorrel Colt

Hollywood Jac 86 Slumber Jac Miss Glo Duster Carbon Copy Jac Nimbles Little Doll The Jac Be Nimble Dollys Nightie Codys Barry Chex Goetzs Super Pine Super Little Pine Chicks Chexy Finale Ima Diamonds Sherry Skedadle Chick Diamonds Sherry This guy looks like he will be a smooth son of a gun to ride. With Barry Pine, Skedadle Chick and Hollywood Jac 86, he will make a super arena horse. A full brother sold to Les Fohry in last year’s sale.


Lot 28

Lot 29

2011 Foals

2011 Foals


May 13, 2011 AQHA Sorrel Colt

Dualin Gun Checotah Gun Checotah Lynx

to Dave and Sheila at Paradise Hill Farm Supply for the use of the Hi-Hog panels on sale day!

Docs Lynx Checotah Bobbi

Master Cowboy Jac Cowboy Masterpiece Freedoms Sassy Sue Sheza Special Cowgirl Glossy Bell Pine Barry Pine Jubal Gloss A solid working horse pedigree that could take you in any direction. The dam is our first Cowboy Masterpiece daughter in production and she has done a wonderful job on her first foal. Also notice that the maternal granddam is one of our great old Barry Pine daughters.

Lot 30


Dual Pep Miss Silver Pistol

Lot 32

Lot 29


May 10, 2011 AQHA Sorrel Filly

Dualin Gun Checotah Gun Checotah Lynx

Dual Pep Miss Silver Pistol

Barry Pine Wine Pine Astro Whiz

Poco Pine Codalena

Docs Lynx Checotah Bobbi

Astro Deck Grey Lina

You won’t attend many production sales in the country and find this nice of a filly out of a twenty one year old mare. We have retained two sisters to her for our own breeding program, but have decided to offer this one to the public. Whether you are hunting cows or cans, she could take you to the top.

Lot 32


May 19, 2011 APHA Buckskin Colt

Mardelle Dixon Far Out Dixon Far Out And Foxy

Mr. Hoss Squirmin Irma

Kenos Golden Legacy Kenos Splash of Gold Splash of Cita

Far Ute Keno Skipa Verse

Lot 31


Cita Mount Broadway Zippobabe

We definitely have something a little different here, a dark buckskin with two blue eyes. This is one of my favorites, a nice all around prospect. The dam has a full sister who has achieved an ROM in Western Horsemanship and a ROM in Showmanship at halter, with over 30 APHA points. A full sister sold to Quebec in last year’s sale.

Lot 33


May 13, 2011 APHA Bay Colt

Mardelle Dixon Far Out Dixon Far Out And Foxy

Lot 30

Far Ute El Rey Janies Foxy Star

Mr. Hoss Squirmin Irma Far Ute El Rey Janies Foxy Star

Our Sir Prize Scribbles Sin Bar Scribbled Trinket Tuffys Trinket Tuffys Two Spades Scribbles Trinket A big strong colt that will ride great. He is out of our own daughter of Scribbles, who has produced some of our best geldings, including one of our high sellers in 2008. The Mardelle Dixon breeding will give you a great disposition.

May 3, 2011 AQHA Bay Filly

Slumber Jac Carbon Copy Jac Nimbles Little Doll

Hollywood Jac 86 Miss Glo Duster The Jac Be Nimble Dollys Nightie

Hollywood Jac 86 Great Jac 91 Great Vaquereotte Great Jacs Pistol Pistol Jess Chex ST Clymer Chex Jess Dixie King A double bred Hollywood Jac 86 filly that deserves some attention from the serious breeder. We think this is the best cross out of this mare to date. The mare is super quiet, easy to handle and catch.



Lot 33

2011 Foals

Lot 34

2011 Foals

Lot 34


May 8, 2011 APHA Black Colt

Lot 36

Jester Heathen PRR Zippos Heathen Holly Gold Bar

Sullivans Heathen Gay Ruckus

WW Max Smoke McCue Smokes Eternal Pearl A Eternal Pearl

Blue Max Satin N Lace McCue

CC Mr Good Bar Zippin to Business

The Real Thing Star Lynn Exchange

A nice black colt with a Western Pleasure pedigree. His sire is owned by Painted River Ranch. He is Breeders Trust nominated and could be your next show horse.

Lot 35


Hollywood Jac 86 Double Bee Miss Dry Doc Freedom Hy Lizanne

Heart Bar Feathers Captain Pines Flaco Ronnie Tens San Pines Tens Peppy San Peppy San Leo Leo Tolo Poco Tens Poco Pine, Peppy San and Hollywood Jac 86, give this filly a very balanced working pedigree that will work for trainers or breeders. She is out of a very pretty mare that comes from the Cartier breeding program.


Poco Nucents Tab Poco Pepperdell Rocky Sandell

Poco Tab Super D Day King

Lous Honor Zbar Shady Lou Ol Shady Pine

Jet of Honor Lou Charger

Lot 37

Rocky San Birdseye Lady Bar

Barry Pine Ole Shady Lady

Lot 35


May 31, 2011 APHA Sorrel Overo Colt

Far Ute Keno Kenos Golden Legacy Skipa Verse

We have purchased 8 horses from Flying S Ranch since their first sale in 2008. Our family is using them for 4-H, ranch work and pleasure riding and they give us many hours of enjoyment. The quality of horses and customer service we have received from Ken and Shauna has been great. D&J Alton

May 19, 2011 AQHA Sorrel Filly

We have a few of these mares in our program with a little speed in their pedigree along with the cowhorse breeding to produce arena horses. This filly has size, speed and pretty. Could be your next barrel prospect.

May 14, 2011 AQHA Sorrel Filly

Master Cowboy Jac Cowboy Masterpiece Freedoms Sassy Sue


Lot 36

Far Ute El Rey Far Ute Tinkett Versary Bars Skipa Geany

Tin Man A Real Wizard Dancers Finesse Lady Tin Red Far Way From Utah Gold Contender Peaceful Far Ute This is the last Kenos Golden Legacy to sell as Legacy has been sold. If you need a nice gelding to ride, here is your guy. Many APHA Champions in his pedigree.


to Kent & Marcie Carson dealers of Masterfeeds for the donation of two bags of horse mineral for buyer draws! 19

Lot 37

2011 Foals

Lot 38



Lot 38

June 7, 2011 APHA Black Colt

Divine Conclusion Its Mr Divine To You Devotions

Mr Conclusion Luckalily

Sonnys Taylor Made Bestmoneycanbuy Ms Kitty Money

Trailer Sonny Dees Pardon

Sonny Dee Bar Tee Jay Misty Dawn

Red Sonny Money Pandora Kitty

The youngest colt in the sale but he is catching up quickly. A combination of halter and pleasure bloodlines. He has just enough chrome on him to get you noticed.

Lot 39


May 31, 2011 APHA Sorrel Colt

Divine Conclusion Its Mr Divine To You Devotions

Mr Conclusion Luckalily

Lot 40

Lot 40

Jacs Cool Million

1999 AQHA Chestnut Mare

Hollywood Jac 86 Great Jac 91 Greatvaqueroette

Twist in Time Cocoa Twist Oleys Chocolate Lady Sheza Twist The Valley Girl The Big Mac Go Pride Go Another halter and pleasure bred colt. A quiet colt that could be a nice 4-H project. Boston Mac breeding on the bottom side. Lot 39

Great Pine Vaquero Cuban

Doc Bar Doc’s Sug Bar Gal Docs Cole Million Cole Million Peppy Tivio Miss Coleman We had to dig deep into the heart of our program to allow you the opportunity to purchase this great mare. Her sire, Great Jac 91, has NRHA earnings of $31,458, 27.5 AQHA points in reining, as well as a ROM in reining. She has an awesome reining/cowhorse pedigree. When you look at her fancy buckskin, Shining Spark bred colt, you will realize her outstanding production. There are only a handful of these Great Jac 91 mares around as he was sold to Italy. Bred to Spark N Glo (a palomino son of Durable Shine) for a 2012 foal. Breeding dates are June 10 to 15, 2011.

Lot 41

Pepos Royal High 2008 AQHA Black Mare

Onanotherhigh Kay Cross County Spooner Lane

Sonny Dee Bar Tee Jay Misty Dawn

Easter King Miss Hollywood

On A High Kellys Chick Lanes Leinster Amazing Trace

Pepo San Pepos Crown Royal Miss Royal Texas Crown Me Lady Blue Bruce’s Beauty Pudden’s Bruce Screw Top Gal This pretty mare came to us with a month’s training with Stephanie Clark of Cornerstone Natural Horsemanship. She is now bred to Far Out Dixon for 2012, who is producing fancy, nice moving babies, that are very people oriented. Pasture exposed from May 14 to July 15, 2011.

I started purchasing geldings from Ken and Shauna in 1996, and currently own five top geldings from them. These horses are mostly used for hunting and packing in the foothills, so they must be sound and reliable. My daughter used one of these geldings in 4-H for 7 years and won many ribbons at both the local and regional shows. Our versatile horses have also been used in dressage, jumping and cattle work. Each horse we get seems to be better than the last one. Ken and Shauna have always been very helpful and honest in helping us pick out the best horse for our needs. R. Warren



Lot 41

Thank You...


Lot 42

Lot 42

KR Ima Little Skipper 2008 APHA Black Tovero Mare

Little Peppe Leo Ima Sugar Leo Silkin Sugar

Spotsdotsandmore G W Skipper Class Time Ima Shinin Silk

Boots McCue Rick Skip McCue TH Shadow So Phenomenal Chick Triple Pay Day Eternal Ascent Ima Diamonds Sherry A loud colored black and white mare that goes back to one of our original foundation paint stallions, Eternal Ascent. This mare is bred to Carbon Copy Jac for a 2012 fancy loud colored foal. Pasture exposed from May 14 to July 15, 2011.

Lot 43

To all the buyers that have Bill Swenson Carolynn Franc John & Hazel Sidoryk Diane Leduc Larry & Stacey Tesch D & J Alton Denis De Montarnal Dale Eyben Grant & Dee Dee Smith Scott Adamson Robert Whiteman Northern R Stables Gerald Mandtler Flying F Ranch Dorla Malo Randy Lobb Silverdew Farms Kerry Bakken Brett Brown Edward & Sandra Haines Evelyn Bloom Wes Unruh Robert Warren Cody Allin

supported us in the past. Keith Unrauh Stewart McMurphy Les Fohry Bob Pugh Tim Unger Treena Olafson Jesse McKay WF Bar Ranch Morgan Nyholt Patricia Schuk Tammy Wood Ryan Ewen Terry Murphy K.C. Hansen Paul & Wanita Siklenka Kevin & Tracey Stock B-C Ranch Inc. Lyle & Heather Wood Z-Bar Quarter Horses M.C. Quantock Livestock Mandi Matheson Buster Bodnar Chris & Rhonda Sayers

Sweet Delta Dixon 2006 APHA Sorrel Mare

Tin Man A Real Wizard Dancers Finesse

Mr Fancy Bonanza Supeer Kitty Bold Dancer Sweet Melinda Dee

Far Ute Keno Kenos Golden Legacy Skipa Verse Dixons Miss Keno Dixons Miss Kitty Mardelle Dixon Sodi Cat Delta has 45 days of riding as a three and four year old. She has lots of heart, loves working cattle and always has an extra gear when needed. She is bred to Strike Gold, our new own son of four time World Champion Halter Stallion, Prairie Gold. Take her home and foal her out and then decided her future. Breeding dates are from June 11 to 15, 2011.


Lot 33


Terms and Conditions - The Auctioneer will sell each horse to the highest bidder and will settle any disputes, his decision will be final - Terms of the sale are cash. Personal cheques will be considered cash when accompanied by proper identification. Payment must be made before horses are released. - Cheques will be made out to T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. 5% GST will be charged. - Visa or Mastercard will be accepted- 3% surcharge applies - Registration papers will be mailed out after cheques have cleared. Buyers will pay the transfer fees. - Announcements from the auction block take precedence over catalogue information. - Any agreements are between the buyer and the seller only - Foals will not be weaned until 4 months of age. - All foals will stay at Flying S Ranch and pickup will be arranged for September or October, 2011. - We will assist with transportation to several central points if required. - Horses become the buyers risk and responsibility after they are sold. - Foals selling above $500.00 will be registered by Flying S Ranch. Foals selling less than $500.00 will be sold with an application for registration. - All persons attending the sale do so at their own risk. The seller, facility owner and sale manager assume no liability, legal or otherwise, for any accidents that occur. It is understood that T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. is acting only as a medium between buyer and seller and is not responsible for any failure on the part of either party to live up to his obligations. Neither does T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. assume any financial obligations to collect or enforce collection of any monies between parties and any legal action that may in exceptional cases be taken, must be between the buyer and the seller.

Horses, Harmony & Balance

Total alignment - Body, Mind and Soul Equine Massage Therapy Now Offering - Equine Massage & Rehabilitation course. Course Offered Sept. 2011 for 10 months (1 weekend/month) at the ranch. WEEKEND CLASSES AVAILABLE New SK Distributor of Laodas-Way Herbal product line

Shauna Edwards, RMT Spruce Lake, SK 306-845-4440 24

Directions: From Spruce Lake - Hwy 26, 10 1/2 miles East on Grid 796, North side of the road. From Junction of Hwy 3 & 795 - 8 Miles North on 795, 4 1/2 miles West on Grid 796. Watch for signs!


for attending our sale, Have a safe trip home!

Sinclair’s Flying S Ranch Box 7, Spruce Lake Saskatchewan S0M 2W0 Created by Today’s Publishing

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