Hill 70 Quantock Ranch
“Barn Burnin’ Bull Sale” Saturday, Feb. 1, 2014 at the Ranch, Lloydminster, AB
380 Bulls ... 100 Females...
We really appreciate your business. We always stand behind every bull that we sell. Call Bill the “Bull Guy” any time - any day!
1-800-665-7253 email: info@hill70quantock.com www.hill70quantock.com
105 Red Angus
Notes & Picks:
50 Hereford
– Two’s & Yearlings –
– Two’s –
80 Black Angus
– Two’s & Yearlings –
80 Charolais
– Two’s & Yearlings –
45 Red & Black Angus X Simmentals – Yearling & Fall Born –
17 Red Angus X Gelbvieh – Two’s –
15 Black Simmental – Two’s –
100 Commercial Females – Bred & Open –
Please bring your personal catalogue to the sale! Printed by Meridian Printing, Lloydminster, AB Phone 780-875-3362
Call Bill the “Bull Guy” any time - any day!
1-800-665-7253 www.hill70quantock.com
email: info@hill70quantock.com
introduction “Barn Burnin’ Bull Sale” Sherry and Bill 780-875-8794 or 1-800-665-7253
Bailey, Connor, Rebecca, Sherry, Bill, Adam, Tenille, Ted
Hill 70 Quantock “The Ranch” Streamstown Road
Hwy. 17
Lloydminster Airport
17 Kms. 10.5 Miles
TV Tower
To Saskatoon
West Harvest Inn 44 Street
To Edmonton
to be held at the
50 Ave.
Hwy. 16
10-1/2 miles or 17 kms North of Lloydminster on Highway 17 (Watch For Signs)
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Sale Commences at 12:00 Noon MST Beef Lunch at 11:00 a.m. MST and lasts all day!
1-800-665-7253 Toll Free
We would sincerely like to welcome everyone to our 2014 Barn Burnin’ Bull Sale. Things are pretty darn good here in the cattle industry and all of agriculture. Good prices, good yields, always spell prosperity. We all hope we don’t have another winter from hell like last year’s. It never ended and the sun never shone, from October till May 1... then suddenly we had summer. Sherry’s mom, Aletha, reminded me last spring that usually you only see a couple of those winters in a lifetime... thank goodness. We are passionate about the cow industry, the cattle we raise and the people that we deal with, it is what we do and we enjoy it. I tell lots of people that most days I am still like a kid in a sandbox, so when your having fun the rest all falls into place. The uniformity and quality of our bulls is even better this year, as our numbers have grown so does our culling process... and is very evident. Our bulls are moderate framed, long and easy fleshing, yet still pack all the performance to increase your pay weight. The data is all there for you to appraise before the sale, to help with your selections. Last winter was very long and hard on cattle and people. Brad and Yvonne Fallis decided after 12 years to step back from the livestock industry with a career change. We thank them for their time, effort, friendship and dedication to the job. Our new crew is younger and very enthusiastic and have learned the ropes of the ranch very well. As usual the flyer, catalogue, pictures and videos of all the bulls will be online at www.hill70quantock.com in early January of 2014. Your comments and questions are always welcome, whether by phone, email or mail. We really look forward to visiting with each and every one of you as we get closer to sale time. Our “sight unseen purchase plan” works well if you cannot attend – just check it out in the catalogue, DVD or website, give us a call if you have questions. Our family would be honored to have all of you attend our bull sale. Move the cows to a new piece of winter grazing and join us for the weekend... it’s on us. We’ll start with the Friday night social, supper and branding party, bull sale on Saturday and a nice get together in the hotel on Saturday night. Call any time, any day and we can go through the bulls beforehand. We look forward to seeing all of you on January 31 and February 1, 2014. As always… PS: We hope you have had a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Wanna know what we offer? ...380 Bulls – 100 Females
... no need to run the wheels off your pickup – one day, one place, one stop, bull shopping! Bulls that have never had their feet trimmed!
...Cowboy Friendly Programs Read on to see which program can work for you...
✰ No Pictures have been photoshopped. ✰
Sight unseen purchase program
…the industry’s Premier Sight Unseen Program – it’s done right the first time.
How do we do it?
Your most economical and trusted way to access all your bull requirements this year. Especially when combined with our unique 60/40 Finance Plan. In fact we sell hundreds of bulls this method Give Bill annually. All Sight Unseen orders are handled by Bill. a call about
How do you do it? ● You set the price – the quality, plus we appraise them to your satisfaction before they are yours.
our sight unseen program, he will be with you from the 1st phone call to the corral.
● We know our cattle – that’s our business – their strengths and weaknesses. I will personally help you select Sight Unseen Purchase Order Form cattle to improve your bottom line.
● Complete data on all bulls – easy to read, easy to understand, completely documented with no hidden formulas. ●
Free Delivery on All sight unseen purchases in Western Canada. Cost share past that point. We arrange the trucking – the drop off points – you have no worries the job will be done and done right the first time.
● No Obligation – satisfaction on arrival or we take them home. ●
Name________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ PC _______________________ Phone _ __________________________
Breed of Bull(s) Required_________________________________________ No. and Age of Bulls_____________________________________________ Potential Use: (heifers, cows, breed of cow herd producing replacements) _____________________________________________________________
No. Cows to be Bred_ _________ Turnout Time_______________________ Think about it – folks if I went to your cow Bull Specs: BW______ WW_ ____ YW_____ Frame___________________ herd, you know - the best – the worst and everything in between. I would ask you for Maternal Traits_ _____________ Growth Traits_______________________ your input on your herd. Think on it – it really Budgeted Price_________________________________________________ makes the most sense.
● If leaving an order doesn’t suit you call early to reserve your phone line at ring side.
Comments_ ___________________________________________________ Mail to: Hill 70 Quantock, Bill & Sherry Creech Box 756, Lloydminster, AB S9V 1C1 Fax (780) 875-8332
free delivery – so come in your car!! Within a short time after the sale we will arrange delivery of all cattle, safely, to within a short distance of their new homes. This delivery will be provided to central ranch location, convenient to every buyer. No matter where you live we will get very close to you. Due to cost and time please be prepared to meet us when we phone to inform you of deliver dates. We run our delivery routes in both February and April for all bulls left on bull development. Delivery will be provided in the Western Provinces. On cattle going longer distances, Hill 70 Quantock will cost share delivery. Ontario and East, Hill 70 Quantock pays delivery to the Man./Ont. border. We make all the arrangements. You may take advantage of our $50/bull “haul your own” discount on all bulls.
60/40 finance...
wanted!!! Repeat Buyers Folks... if you bought bulls in the 2012 or 2013 Hill 70 Quantock Ranch Barn Burnin’ Bull Sales you qualify to discount 3% of your total bull purchase in the 2014 Barn Burnin’ Bull Sale.
If it works for you... it works for us!
We have developed a 60/40 finance program with 0% interest. Pay us 60% down sale day, leave a post-dated cheque for the 40% due July 1, 2014, O.A.C. plus sign a legal lending agreement. It’s simple... it’s easy and it helps us all. Give me a call “Bill the Bull Guy” any time - any day.
Hill 70 quantock bull development program A REAL VALUE AT $100 On Yearlings – $130 On 2 Year Olds
We have established a program to develop these young bulls here at Hill 70 Quantock to better serve our customers. We will keep the bulls at home after the sale and feed them until early April on a balanced TMR ration to gain about 2-1/2 lbs./day. We will then independently semen test them and deliver them to central points throughout Western Canada. Delivery will be from early April till early May. The price for this service is $100 for yearlings payable at sale time. It’s a real value as it includes 75 days board, independent semen test, and central point delivery. We request that you insure the bulls for 75 days and are negotiating a special rate for this purpose. On two year old bulls we will board bulls until April and deliver. As all two year olds have already been semen tested, we will recheck testicles and retest any that may have changed a significant amount. The charge for this service is $130/bull. So, if possession of a young bull is inconvenient for you, use this program - another customer service from Hill 70 Quantock. Insurance will be on site to insure all bulls.
Hill 70 quantock handshake warranty Simply put, when you buy a bull from Hill 70 Quantock we guarantee that you will have a bull to breed your cows - no matter what happens. All bulls are guaranteed to pass a semen test done by a licensed veterinarian using current, accepted industry standards when they reach 14 months. We provide warranty on soundness problems, provided they were not induced by physical injury or mismanagement. Your best protection for injury is to use insurance coverage. Should any Hill 70 Quantock bull fail to be a satisfactory breeder in his first season, he will be replaced with a bull of equal value and performance level. Should this not be possible, an adjustment in value will be made to reflect the genetic value of the bulls involved or a credit toward the purchase of another Hill 70 Quantock bull will be awarded. All warranty and responsibility is limited to replacement of the bull in question and in no way warrants loss of calf, or calf crops that may have resulted from this. Should you have any problem whatsoever, call us right away, not six months later, as we keep a battery of loaner bulls to be used whenever they are needed. We recommend 1 year insurance at time of sale – a sound investment and very easy to do at sale time or up to a maximum of 7 days afterward.
good neighbor program Bring your neighbor to the sale. If they have not bought bulls in 2012 or 2013 and you both buy bulls, we will refund each of you $150. You must register at the office before the sale. Minimum purchase $2500/customer. If it works for you, it works for us!!
index Sight Unseen Purchase Plan ������������������������������� 1 60/40 Finance Plan ���������������������������������������������� 2 Free Delivery Plan ������������������������������������������������ 2 Hill 70 Quantock Bull Development Plan �������������� 2 Repeat Buyer Discount ���������������������������������������� 2 Good Neighbor Policy ������������������������������������������� 3 Hill 70 Quantock Handshake Warranty ���������������� 3 Branding Party ������������������������������������������������������ 5 EPDs and How To Use Them ������������������������������� 5 Hereford Reference Sires ������������������������������������� 8 Hereford Sale Bulls ����������������������������������������������� 9 Red Angus Reference Sires ������������������������������� 15 Red Angus Yearling Bulls ����������������������������������� 18 Management of Yearling Bulls ���������������������������� 17
Red Angus Two Year Olds ���������������������������������� 23 Black Angus Reference Sires ����������������������������� 32 Black Angus Yearling Bulls ��������������������������������� 34 Black Angus Two Year Olds �������������������������������� 40 Black Simmental Two Year Olds ������������������������� 47 Black Angus x Simmental Bulls �������������������������� 50 RA x Simm Hybrid Bulls ������������������������������������� 54 Charolais Reference Sires ���������������������������������� 57 Charolais Yearlings ��������������������������������������������� 59 Charolais Two Year Olds ������������������������������������� 63 Red Angus x Gelbvieh ���������������������������������������� 68 Commercial Females ������������������������������������������ 70 Tentative Sale Order ��������������������������������������������� 4
general information Location:
The sale will be held at the Ranch, 10-1/2 miles or 17 kms North of Lloydminster. We are just off the blacktop so watch for the signs. Heated sales barn just 75 yards off the highway. WheelChair Friendly Facility
Agents will be on hand to handle any insurance.
Contact Bill or Sherry Creech for reservations 1-800-665-7253 or 780-875-8794. Note: Please reserve early as Lloydminster is very busy.
The sale will commence at 12:00 p.m. MST on Saturday, February 1. Lunch will be served at 11:00 a.m.
The West Harvest Inn and the ramada inn are our two official Host Hotels West Harvest Inn, 5620 - 44 Street, on Highway 16 West 1-800-661-7221 or 780-875-6113 They offer a special Hill 70 Quantock Sale Rate of $111. Full restaurant open at 6:00 a.m.
Branding Party – Friday, January 31 in the sales barn at the ranch.
This herd is maintained in TB Free and Bangs Free Area so that purchases may be taken right out from the sale to any point in Canada. Note: We maintain a very high standard herd health program. All cattle have been vaccinated for everything that they need. For a complete listing of vaccinations, contact us prior to sale time. All semen tests have been performed independently by a veterinarian.
Ramada Inn, 5610 - 44 Street, on Highway 16 West 1-800-2RAMADA or 780-871-6940 They offer a special rate of $155 (double). Free hot continental breakfast. PLEASE BOOK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
Guarantee: Please refer to page 3. Note:
Delivery: Please refer to page 2.
The sale cattle will be on display any time, any day before the sale. Excellent air connections to Calgary, Edmonton or Saskatoon are available.
Retained Interest in Bulls:
We do reserve the right to collect semen on any of the bull lots in this catalogue for within herd use only. This retained interest collection is at our expense and your convenience and in no way will incumber your walking privileges to the bull.
Refer to our 60/40 plan on page 2.
Sale Day Phone:
The owners, the employees and the sale staff and representatives accept no liability for accidents that occur; although these are rare at cattle sales and therefore any persons who attend this sale do so at their own risk.
1-780-875-8794 Fax 1-780-875-8332
or Ph.
info@hill70quantock.com www.hill70quantock.com
The terms and conditions of the sale shall constitute a contract between buyer and seller of each animal sold.
Mail Bids:
The following men can be relied on to act on your behalf should you be unable to attend: Craig Flewelling Nate Marin Helge By Cell 403-556-0515 306-869-7130 306-584-7937 Mobile 306-536-4261
Mark Stock Home 306-678-4811 Cell 403-357-8104
Soliciting: It is unethical for anyone to promote, advertise or arrange the sale of any cattle, other than those in the sale, on the sale premises.
Dennis Ericson Home 780-352-7630 Cell 780-361-9347
Cover photo credit: Don Whiting
Tentative sale order 1. Hereford
7. Black Angus x Simmental Yearlings
2. Charolais Two Year Olds
8. Red Angus x Simmental Falls
3. Charolais Yearlings
9. Red Angus Two Year Olds
4. Black Angus Two Year Olds
10. Red Angus Yearlings
5. Black Angus Yearlings
11. Bred Females
6. Black Simmental Two Year Olds
12. Open Females 4
CUSTOMER APPRECIATION BRANDIN’ PARTY Come the night before the sale for a casual evening of visiting, refreshments, viewing the bulls with fully lit pens and complimentary supper. Be sure to bring your branding irons for the “Branding Party” Friday night! Our branding wall has lots of room!!
Official Host Hotels for the 2014 Hill 70 Quantock Bull Sale! Rate – $111
Rate – $145 Single $155 Double
Restaurant open 6 am - 10 pm
Free Hot Continental Breakfast
Exterior of hotel under renovations! Inside is same great hotel & service. Centrally located: Centrally located: 5620 - 44 Street (Hwy. 16 West), Lloydminster, AB 5610 - 44 Street (Hwy. 16 West), Lloydminster, AB Call 780-875-6113 or 1-800-661-7221 Call 780-871-6940 or 1-800-2RAMADA Due to the high demand for hotel rooms in Lloydminster, we have two hotels within a short walk to each other. Please try to book rooms as soon as possible. We have a block of room set aside at each of these hotels.
expected progeny differences E.p.d.
EPDs are “Expected Progeny Difference”. They are a very useful tool in selection for traits when the accuracies are mid to high. EPDs compare all cattle across the whole breed. EPDs incorporate the individual animal with its averaged ancestry performance. EPDs do not compare across breeds and are totally breed specific. EPDs indicate a probable variance above or below breed average for that trait for a given bulls progeny. Use them as a guide in the direction you want your herd to go. Birth Weight – Birth weight is related to calving ease. A plus (+) value is heavier than breed average and indicates more birth weight while a minus (-) value is below breed average and indicates lighter than average birth weights. Weaning Weight – The EPD value predicts the difference in average 205 day weights of a bulls calves compared to calves of all other bulls evaluated. The higher the value the heavier the weaning weight. Yearling Weight – The EPD value predicts differences in average 365 day weights of a bulls progeny compared to all others evaluated. The higher the value the more yearling weight and often extremes breed larger mature size. Milk – The milking ability of a bulls daughters expressed in lbs. of calf weaned. The EPD value predicts the difference due to milking ability in average 205 day weight of a bulls daughter’s calves of all other bulls evaluated. To high a value often means open cows. Accuracy – Accuracy is a measure of the reliability of an EPD. Accuracy’s above .5 (50%) are most reliable. EPD’s cannot be compared between breeds.
– average e.p.d.’ s 2012 & 2013 born calves by breed – Breed Hereford Red Angus Black Angus Charolais
BW +3.5 -0.5 +2.8 +1.9
WW YW +46.5 +75.5 +46 +71 +42 +71 +41 +78 5
Milk +18.8 +16 +19 +20.6
TM +42.1 +39 +39 +41
Expert Sale Help Our sale week is very busy, all of these young people are knowledgeable and can help you with selections.
Col. John Blacklock Auctioneer
Ted is very knowledgeable about the bulls and can answer your questions.
Adam Creech 780-218-4301
Adam visits with lots of customers all year and is on the phone sale week and sale day.
Connor is very familiar with all the bulls... he can help out if you have questions.
Ted Creech 1-620-960-3258
1-800-665-7253 Pour service en français
Connor Creech 1-780-871-8496
Don looks after phones and handles orders.
Dan looks after phones and handles orders.
Buyer Reps Dan Steen 1-306-361-6154
Ryan Noble – 1-306-839-7949
RIng Service
Don Hodgins 306-375-7571
Dennis Erickson – 1-780-361-9347 (cell) Mark Stock – 1-403-357-8104 (cell) Hegle By – 1-306-584-7937; cell 1-306-536-4261 Nate Marin – 1-306-869-7130 Craig Flewelling – 1-403-556-0515 (cell)
hereford sale bulls
ords... stry! f e r e H l a e R to the indu
Not your usual Hereford. These are Hill 70 Quantock Herefords…
per, e e d , r e thick , r e d n u es, ● Ro m a r f e t a moder birth weights. m mediu s – t h g i e w g ● Weanin to sell calves. h enoug ugh to wean eno ig b – o k l i N . M s ● alve c + ms. . e s l b b l o r 0 p 0 6 feet o n d n a teats
offer more
Herefords have a thicker hide than the European breeds. Thicker skinned animals have more insulation, reducing the amount of additional energy that the animal requires. Alberta Agriculture
Boys – these are the bulls you say you can’t find!
– hill 70 quantock hereford performance profilE – calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw ADJ/205 DW ww epd tm epd Yr. epd Grass gain SS 6 U 95 600 +29 +10 +27 2.7 38 AoD - Age of Dam CE - Calving Ease BW - Actual Birth Weight ADJ/205 DW - Weaning weight adjusted to 205 days for easy comparison
WW EPD - Growth differences up to 205 days. The higher the # the more weaning lbs. Milk & Growth EPD (tm) - Combination of Milk and Weaning Growth Across Breed
YR. EPD - Growth differences thru to 365 days. The higher the # the more yearling lbs. Grass Gain - Pasture gain through 18 months, actual gain limited supplement
hereford reference sires A
H70 Quantock brick 404u
KSU Bounty Hunter 611 H70 Quantock Fancy 289P BW
KJ BJ Bounty Hunter 741P KSU Miss F 311 F-R 123G Lad 96K H70 Quantock Violet 158J
Wean Yearling milk WT Wt
TM +54
Our third offering of Brick sons and again they are awful good. He transmits his body style, mass and muscle to his sons. The first Brick daughters calved in 2012 with an average weaning index of 102. The udder structure is level, even quartered, and about as good as we have seen. We lost Brick to injury in the fall of 2012. 13 sons on offer.
hereford reference sires B
H70 quantock BH 344U
KSU Bounty Hunter 611 H70 Quantock Violet 241L BW
KJ BJ Bounty Hunter 611 KSU Miss F 311 GCK Volt Brigadier 8G H70 Quantock Lita 27G
Wean Yearling milk WT Wt
TM +47
We kept 344 on the power of his dam and the first daughters to calve, proved his worth with an average weaning index of 101. His sons are performance bulls, long and hairy and if like their sire will breed 50 cows a year. Use his sons on second calvers and older but expect some very big calves come fall. 12 sons on offer.
C AGA 22B Red domino 10R “hans� CTY Brigader 22B AGA 10B Miss Bear 112M BW
Bar Pipe Brigadier 19Y Lady 66J B Dom 509 LHAH 90Z Mark Donald 10B AGA 656U Miss Standard 29H
Wean Yearling milk WT Wt
TM +35
You will love the square hip, chest and barrel of the Hans sons. These traits are hard to find in the Hereford breed any more. His sons have topped our sales and are always some of the most sought after by our customers. His sons are a perfect cross for exotic type cows, moderate framed get lots of pay weight. The daughters are darn good as well with very level, sound udders with small teats. 8 sons on offer.
F-r 552 lad 5p
CJH L1 Domino 552 F-R 101F Lass 99J BW
CL 1 Domino 501 CJH 386 Miss 035 F-R 8020 Lad 101F F-R Miss 61Z Stan 150B
Wean Yearling milk WT Wt
TM +32
A real work horse around here. As he gets older we appreciate his sons and daughters more and more. His sons are just like his picture. 4 sons on offer.
H70 Quantock PT 271U
H70 Quantock FR 244P H70 Quantock Vicky 223H BW
F-R 123G Lad 96K H70 Quantock Sindy 107G BVHF Super Std Lad 43F H70 Quantock Donna 114F
Wean Yearling milk WT Wt
TM +34
Used exclusively on heifers and he calves like a dream. It is hard to find a Red Angus heifer bull that calves easier than 271U. His Use his so ns calves average in the low 80 and lots in the 70 lb birth weights. on heifers w His daughters will be his real legacy as we keep as many as confide ith nce. there are and they are all good cows with lots of milk. 3 sons on offer.
hereford reference sires F
H70 Quantock Eli 392X (polled)
WLB Eli 10H 83T H70-Quantock Fancy 344N BW
Dr World Class 517 10H WLB 035J Flora 85M F-R 123G Lad 96K H70 Quantock Violet 241L
Wean Yearling milk WT Wt
TM +54
We produced this exceptional polled Eli son and are using him heavily in our herd, he actually bred 48 head this summer. Lots of body mass, length and cherry red hair coats. He breeds lots of eye pigment and performance. You will love his first sons. 3 sons on offer.
hereford two year olds
H70-quantock BR 336Z
Birth Date: April H70-Quantock Brick 404U H70-Quantock Violet 166L
4, 2012 PMY 336Z KSU Bounty Hunter 611 H70-Quantock Fancy 289P GCK 42 Volt Brigadier 8G H70-Quantock Dejay 6D
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
11 u 95
H-349 H-317
11 u 91
9, 2012 PMY 317Z KSU Bounty Hunter 611 H70-Quanock Fancy 289P H70-Quanock Hooter 837E H70-Quantock Polly 71E
H70-quantock FP 334Z
Birth Date: May F-R 552 Lad 5P H70-Quantock Sue 138L
7, 2012 PMY 334Z CJH L1 Domino 552 F-R 101F Lass 99J H70-Quanock LM 76G H70-Quantock Donna 54C
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
11 u 93
14, 2012 PMY 349Z CTY Brigader 22B AGA 10B Miss Bear 112M H70-Quantock LM 76G H70-Quantock Vicky 223H
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
12 u 93
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
H70-quantock BR 317Z
Birth Date: April H70-Quantock Brick 404U H70-Quantock Hope 196K
H70-quantock HS 349Z
Birth Date: April AGA 22B Red Domino 10R H70-Quantock Sue 271L
Lot H-396
Lot H-415
hereford two year olds
H70-quantock BR 408Z
Birth Date: April H70-Quantock Brick 404U H70-Quantock Fancy 329P
12, 2012 PMY 408Z KSU Bounty Hunter 611 H70-Quanock Fancy 289P F-R 123G Lad 96K H70-Quantock 4102 Miss 257K
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
8 u 91
H-409 H-383
H70-quantock TF 383Z
Birth Date: April H70-Quantock BH 344U H70-Quantock Fancy 234N
2, 2012 PMY 383Z KSU Bounty Hunter 611 H70-Quantock Violet 241L F-R 123G Lad 96K H70-Quantock Sindy 806F
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
9 u 92
H70-quantock HS 389Z
Birth Date: April AGA 22B Red Domino 10R H70-Quantock Fancy 338N
15, 2012 PMY 389Z CTY Brigader 22B AGA 10B Miss Bear 112M F-R 123G Lad 96K H70-Quantock Sue 175L
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
9 u 93
H70-quantock BR 396Z
Birth Date: April H70-Quantock Brick 404U H70-Quantock Fancy 218P
3, 2012 PMY 396Z KSU Bounty Hunter 611 H70-Quanock Fancy 289P F-R 123G Lad 96K H70-Quantock Gwyn 79F
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
8 u 90
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
8 u 95
H70-quantock HS 436Z
Birth Date: April AGA 22B Red Domino 10R H70-Quantock Adel 342R
1, 2012 PMY 436Z CTY Brigader 22B AGA 10B Miss Bear 112M AD 83D Voltage Lad 27J H70-Quantock Hope 211L
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
7 u 84
5, 2012 PMY 403Z KSU Bounty Hunter 611 H70-Quanock Fancy 289P AD 83D Voltage Lad 27J H70-Quantock Connie 114J
14, 2012 PMY 415Z KSU Bounty Hunter 611 H70-Quanock Fancy 289P SH Diamond 03L H70-Quantock Adel 274M
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
8 u 90
H70-quantock BR 415Z
Birth Date: April H70-Quantock Brick 404U H70-Quantock Mary 367P
H70-quantock BR 403Z
Birth Date: June H70-Quantock Brick 404U H70-Quantock Adel 282P
8, 2012 PMY 409Z KSU Bounty Hunter 611 H70-Quanock Fancy 289P AD 83D Voltage Lad 27J H70-Quantock Tiskow 259K
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
8 u 92
H70-quantock BR 409Z
Birth Date: April H70-Quantock Brick 404U H70-Quantock Adel 330P
Lot H-436
Lot H-438
hereford two year olds
H70-quantock HS 438Z
Birth Date: April AGA 22B Red Domino 10R H70-Quantock Zena 352R
2, 2012 PMY 438Z CTY Brigader 22B AGA 10B Miss Bear 112M H70-Quantock SM 302N H70-Quantock Tiskow 293L
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
7 u 101
H70-quantock TF 444Z
Birth Date: April H70-Quantock BH 344U H70-Quantock Mary 245R
5, 2012 PMY 444Z KSU Bounty Hunter 611 H70-Quantock Violet 241L SH Diamond 03L H70-Quantock Hope 118G
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
7 u 90
H70-quantock TF 452Z
Birth Date: April H70-Quantock BH 344U H70-Quantock Teal 285S
12, 2012 PMY 452Z KSU Bounty Hunter 611 H70-Quantock Violet 241L H70-Quantock AR 241M H70-Quantock Sindy 134J
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
6 u 92
6 u 102
10, 2012 PMY 464Z WLB Eli 10H 83T H70-Quantock Fancy 344N F-R 123G Lad 96K H70-Quantock Sue 289N
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
6 u 96
3, 2012 PMY 458Z KSU Bounty Hunter 611 H70-Quantock Violet 241L H70-Quantock AR 241M H70-Quantock Sue 228K
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
H70-quantock PM 464Z
Birth Date: April H70-Quantock Eli 392X H70-Quantock Fancy 385S
H70-quantock TF 458Z
Birth Date: May H70-Quantock BH 344U H70-Quantock Teal 322S
Lot H-478
H70-quantock PM 468Z
Birth Date: March 31, 2012 PMY 468Z KSU Bounty Hunter 611 H70-Quantock Brick 404U H70-Quantock Fancy 289P SH Diamond 03L H70-Quantock Mary 399S H70-Quantock Adel 265P calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
6 u 70
H70-quantock TF 473Z
Birth Date: April H70-Quantock BH 344U H70-Quantock Pitsy 211T
3, 2012 PMY 473Z KSU Bounty Hunter 611 H70-Quantock Violet 241L H70-Quantock FR 244P H70-Quantock Gwyn 33F
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
5 u 89
H70-quantock TF 477Z
Birth Date: April H70-Quantock BH 344U H70-Quantock Fancy 274T
2, 2012 PMY 477Z KSU Bounty Hunter 611 H70-Quantock Violet 241L F-R 123G Lad 96K H70-Quantock Jena 925H
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
Lot H-458
5 u 95
hereford two year olds
H70-quantock BR 482Z
Birth Date: April H70-Quantock Brick 404U H70-Quantock Pitsy 336T
10, 2012 PMY 482Z KSU Bounty Hunter 611 H70-Quantock Fancy 289P H70-Quantock FR 244P H70-Quantock Violet 166L
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
5 u 95
H-502 H-478
H70-quantock BR 478Z
Birth Date: March 31, 2012 PMY 478Z KSU Bounty Hunter 611 H70-Quantock Brick 404U H70-Quantock Fancy 289P F-R 123G Lad 96K H70-Quantock Fancy 287T H70-Quantock Violet 146J calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
5 u 100
H70-quantock HS 479Z
Birth Date: April AGA 22B Red Domino 10R H70-Quantock Fancy 315T
4, 2012 PMY 479Z CTY Brigader 22B AGA 10B Miss Bear 112M F-R 123G Lad 96K H70-Quantock Sue 191K
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
5 u 98
H70-quantock TF 480Z
Birth Date: April H70-Quantock BH 344U H70-Quantock Teal 318T
23, 2012 PMY 480Z KSU Bounty Hunter 611 H70-Quantock Violet 241L H70-Quantock AR 241M H70-Quantock Hope 209K
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
4 u 84
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
4 u 103
H70-quantock PM 508Z
Birth Date: April H70-Quantock Eli 392X H70-Quantock Neli 386U
30, 2012 PMY 508Z WLB Eli 10H 83T H70-Quantock Fancy 344N Niel-Bar Classic Lad 11N H70-Quantock Adel 301N
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
4 u 82
23, 2012 PMY 481Z WLB Eli 10H 83T H70-Quantock Fancy 344N H70-Quantock AR 241M H70-Quantock Hope 209K
30, 2012 PMY 504Z KSU Bounty Hunter 611 H70-Quantock Fancy 289P Niel-Bar Classic Lad 11N H70-Quantock Hope 0211L
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
5 u 82
H70-quantock BR 504Z
Birth Date: April H70-Quantock Brick 404U H70-Quantock Neli 341U
H70-quantock PM 481Z
Birth Date: April H70-Quantock Eli 392X H70-Quantock Teal 9318T
7, 2012 PMY 502Z KSU Bounty Hunter 611 H70-Quantock Fancy 289P F-R 123 Lad 96K H70-Quantock Violet 118K
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
5 u 100
H70-quantock BR 502Z
Birth Date: April H70-Quantock Brick 404U H70-Quantock Fancy 308U
Lot H-479
Lot H-504
hereford two year olds
H70-quantock FV 510Z
Birth Date: April F-R 522 Lad 5P H70-Quantock Betts 392U
20, 2012 PMY 510Z CJH L1 Domino 552 F-R 101F Lass 99J KSU Bounty Hunter 611 H70-Quantock Fancy 344N
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
4 u 90
H70-quantock TF 515Z
Birth Date: April H70-Quantock BH 344U H70-Quantock Pitsy 435U
27, 2012 PMY 515Z KSU Bounty Hunter 611 H70-Quantock Violet 241L H70-Quantock FR 244P H70-Quantock Adel 332R
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
4 u 92
H70-quantock TF 517Z
Birth Date: April H70-Quantock BH 344U H70-Quantock Five 459U
7, 2012 PMY 517Z KSU Bounty Hunter 611 H70-Quantock Violet 241L F-R 522 Lad 5P H70-Quantock Ruby 341S
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
4 u 91
4 u 90
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
3 u 88
11, 2012 PMY 520Z CTY Brigader 22B AGA 10B Miss Bear 112M C Fantastic 2165 H70-Quantock Sindy 107G
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
H70-quantock PM 523Z
Birth Date: March 29, 2012 PMY 523Z WLB Eli 10H 83T H70-Quantock Eli 392X H70-Quantock Fancy 344N H70-Quantock FR 244P H70-Quantock Pitsy 211W H70-Quantock Gwyn 33F
H70-quantock HS 520Z
Birth Date: April AGA 22B Red Domino 10R H70-Quantock Tastic ET 2441U
Lot H-523
H70-quantock PM 528Z
Birth Date: April H70-Quantock Eli 392X H70-Quantock Pitsy 339W
20, 2012 PMY 528Z WLB Eli 10H 83T H70-Quantock Fancy 344N H70-Quantock FR 244P H70-Quantock Violet 195L
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
3 u 92
H70-quantock PM 532Z
Birth Date: March 30, 2012 PMY 528Z WLB Eli 10H 83T H70-Quantock Eli 392X H70-Quantock Fancy 344N AGA 22B Red Domino 10R H70-Quantock Hedi 352W H70-Quantock Tiskow 293L
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
3 u 104
H70-quantock TF 537Z
Birth Date: April H70-Quantock BH 344U H70-Quantock Hedy 396W
9, 2012 PMY 537Z KSU Bounty Hunter 611 H70-Quantock Violet 241L AGA 22B Red Domino 10R H70-Quantock Fancy 218P
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
Lot H-510
3 u 92
hereford two year olds
H70-quantock TF 547Z
Birth Date: April H70-Quantock BH 344U H70-Quantock Mary 482W
14, 2012 PMY 547Z KSU Bounty Hunter 611 H70-Quantock Violet 241L SH Diamond 03L H70-Quantock Pitsy 336T
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
3 M 84
H-552 H-541
H70-quantock HS 541Z
Birth Date: April AGA 22B Red Domino 10R H70-Quantock Pitsy 415W
2, 2012 PMY 541Z CTY Brigader 22B AGA 10B Miss Bear 112M H70-Quantock FR 244P H70-Quantock Mary 367P
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
3 u 90
H70-quantock BR 542Z
Birth Date: April H70-Quantock Brick 404U H70-Quantock Pitsy 442W
7, 2012 PMY 542Z KSU Bounty Hunter 611 H70-Quantock Fancy 289P H70-Quantock FR 244P H70-Quantock Mary 383R
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
3 u 90
H70-quantock XX 543Z
Birth Date: March 31, 2012 PMY 543Z GHC Model Man 21N PSF 34K Vics Model Pilgrim 27S PSF Victoria 34K H70 Quatock FR 244P H70-Quantock Pitsy 444W H70-Quantock Mary 245R
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
2 u 71
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
2 u 77
H70-quantock TS 563Z
Birth Date: April H70-Quantock PT 271U H70-Quantock Blossom 512X
13, 2012 PMY 563Z H70-Quantock FR 244P H70-Quantock Vicky 223H H70-Quantock Brick 404U H70-Quantock Pitsy 409U
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
2 u 90
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
11, 2012 PMY 556Z H70-Quantock FR 244P H70-Quantock Vicky 223H AGA 22B Red Domino 10R H70-Quantock Fancy 327R
H70-quantock TF 545Z
H70-quantock TS 556Z
Birth Date: April H70-Quantock PT 271U H70-Quantock Hedi 432X
Birth Date: March 30, 2012 PMY 545Z KSU Bounty Hunter 611 H70-Quantock BH 344U H70-Quantock Violet 241L F-R 552 Lad 5P H70-Quantock Five 468W H70-Quantock Mary 399S
3 u 93
13, 2012 PMY 552Z H70-Quantock FR 244P H70-Quantock Vicky 223H H70-Quantock Brick 404U H70-Quantock Sandi 266P
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw WW/epd milk/EPD yw/epd 18 mo. gg S.S.
3 u 87
H70-quantock TS 552Z
Birth Date: April H70-Quantock PT 271U H70-Quantock Blossom 400X
Lot H-532
Lot H-547
red angus bulls The Quantock Red Angus program was started in the fall of 1970 with the purchase of 20 Black Angus heifer calves. We were in fact one of the pioneer Red Angus herds. It was a bold step well ahead of its time, considered rebellious then... multi breed programs are now the norm.
tock n a u Q 0 Hill 7 s have u Red Ang ad their h ● never immed r feet t epth, d ● more of rib, ● spring utt with – b e e z r i o s ● m cow r , o t f u n e e c f lots o ented convenien and performanc SS - Scrotal Size ● documg ease, fleshing … bred s updated on website calvin ssive Red Angu more in January 2014 and e d r n g a o r r e p i ● available at e eas f i l e k a m o the sale! t . e l b a profit
red angus reference sires A
Red H70 Quantock 671U
Red 5L Norseman King 2291 Red SSS N.K. 43R Red SSS Goldedge 450E Red T G Impressive Rob 1095B Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 533M Red H70 Quantock 135 Miss 432G An excellent home raised N.K. 43R son that is a real work horse every year. His sons have that extra body and are performance bulls. Daughters are awful good. 20 sons on offer. EPDs: BW -1.4, WW +36, YW +60, Milk +29
red angus reference sires B
Red H70 Quantock 641W
Red Crowfoot Ole’s Oscar 2042M Red SSS Ole 353S Red SSS Goldedge 603P Red TG Impressive Rob 100G Red H0 Quantock 100 Miss 524L Red H70 Quantock 85 Ms 406G We kept 641W to carry on the Oscar lineage and he has done a very good job. You will be impressed with his 20 sons on offer. His sons are soggy beef bulls and first daughters did an admirable job this year. Many more to come. 20 sons on offer. EPDs: BW +1.6, WW +54, YW +80, Milk +19
red 5L Blazin Grand 518-285Y
Red 5L Double Blaze 1134-8576 Red 5L Classy 1706-518
Red 5L Blazin Time 982-5044 Red 5L Tess 5166-1134 5L Grand Alliance 101-5226 Red 5L Classy 288-1706
New outcross genetics to us that really seem to click. Blazin Grand is a double bred OCC Emblazon bull. These are very wide based, moderate framed, thick Red Angus cattle. They carry a lot more pay weight than what they often look like. Use his sons with confidence on cows and heifers. EPDs: BW -1.9, WW +60, YW +94, MILK +21
red YY Designer 47W
Red YY Dsgn King 522R Red YY Dawn 374N
Red Red Red Red
5L Norseman King 2291 Devolane Linda 2C Shoderee Rambo 72D Shoderee Dawna 47J
47W has been used exclusively on heifers here and calves like a dream, yet still sires enough weaning weight to let you sell calves. His sons are very thick and lower set. You will find them and appreciate them when you start calving your heifers or cows on grass. 10 sons on offer. EPDs: BW -4.6, WW +22, YW +33, MILK +18
Red Towaw VI 82P
Red Towaw Very Interesting 22L Red Towaw Sybil 134L
(deceased) Red Towaw Indeed 104H Red Towaw Mabel 38J Red SSS Bar None 109L Red Towaw Sybil 139C
Used naturally on heifers and then moved onto the cow herd - no worries calving with his sons. Very moderate framed, easy fleshing cattle. You can’t own enough of his daughters. 10 sons on offer. EPDs: BW -5.1, WW +39, YW +58, Milk +22
red angus reference sires F
red YY Explorer 825U
5L Explorer 1034-5446 Red Wildman Rebello 625S
5L Explorer 589-7414 Red 5L Norse Girl 1312-1034 Red Wildman El Grande 5M Red Wildman Rebello 311N
Purchased as the high seller from Jim King’s Chickadee Farms in 2009. His outcross black parentage interested us and has not disappointed as we have no registered over 100 progeny. He sires excellent bull and heifer calves. His daughters will be some of our best cows for a long time. 7 sons on offer. EPDs: BW +2.8, WW +41, YW +74, MILK +19
Other Sires Represented Red h70 quantock 850X - 9 sons offered
Red 5L Sabre X415-373 - 6 sons offered
EPDs: BW -5.8, WW +34, YW +54, Milk +21
EPDs: BW +0, WW +64, YW +93, Milk +22
Red h70 quantock 608W - 3 sons offered
Red KBJ Shining Armor 408J - 2 sons offered
EPDs: BW +.9, WW +52, YW +79, Milk +19
EPDs: BW -2.4, WW +44, YW +60, Milk +26
Red H70 Quantock 703W - 8 sons offered
Red 5L Blazin Kind 189-228Y - 5 sons offered
EPDs: BW +3 WW +73, YW +108, Milk +13
EPDs: BW -1.4, WW +65, YW +99, Milk +17
management of your yearling bulls The Red Angus bulls in this sale are presented in near perfect growing condition. They have been on a silage TMR ration since weaning time. To insure maximum usefulness it is important to keep your young bull growing and maturing normally. He should be fed a balanced ration, at least 10 lbs./day of some type of grain and good free choice hay will work well. If possible feed the bull alone or with a few head his own size. (Often young bulls running with mature bulls receive very little feed in reality.) Because our bulls are sold at a relatively young age and in very modest condition, attention to growing them out to their potential will be well worthwhile. After the first season young bulls, especially yearlings and fall borns should be wintered on their own away from bigger mature bulls, or at least with lots of bunk space. Your attention to this will ensure many years of service with your young bull. We prefer to develop your young bull in our Bull Development Option - real value at $100. Equal importance is to pull your yearling bulls back to the yard and feed them well after breeding season. This will keep them growing and in good shape for winter and next years breeding season.
Again this year we have catalogued all the bulls in numerical order for everyone’s convenience. They have all been managed the same since weaning, on a growing ration to average 3 lbs./day gain. We have not marked any bulls as elite as the selection has never been better or more uniform. You be the judge.
– red angus performance profilE – calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205/ww milk/epd ww/epd yw/epd Proj. 365/DW 4 u 78 660 +10 +32 +50 1140 AOD - Age of Dam CE - Calving Ease BW - Birth Weight ADJ 205/WW - Weaning Weight adjusted to 205 days
milk/EPD - Indication of milking ability - across breed comparison WW/EPD - Across breed comparison of weaning weight potential YW/EPD - Across breed comparison of yearling weight potential
PRJ 365/DW - A combination of weaning weight and test ADG to project a yearling weight
Bull development is by far your best bet on all these yearling bulls!! 17
RED angus yearlings
red h70 quantock 21A
Birth Date: April 8, 2013 Red Red 5L Sabre X415-373X Red Red Red H70 Quantock 608 Ms 680Y Red
PMY 21A 5L Double Blaze 1134-8576 XXX Red Sky 415 Zu H70 Quantock 608W H70 Quantock 100 Ms 573M
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw
2 u 68
R-22 R-10
red h70 quantock 10A
Birth Date: March 30, 2013 PMY 10A 5L Double Blaze 1134 Red 5L Sabre X415-373X XXX Red Sky 415 Zu Red Towaw V.I. 82P Red H70 Quantock 82 Ms 597Y Red H70 Quantock 10 Miss 458J calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw
2 u 76
red h70 quantock 16A
Birth Date: March 20, 2013 PMY 16A Red YY Dsgn King 522R Red YY Designer 47W Red YY Dawn 374N Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 43 Ms 638Y Red H70 Quantock 100 Miss 503L calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw
2 u 85
red h70 quantock 17A
Birth Date: April 1, 2013 Red Red 5L Sabre X415-373X Red Red Red H70 Quantock 43 Ms 649Y Red
PMY 17A 5L Double Blaze 1134-8576 XXX Red Sky 415 Zu SSS N.K. 43R H70 Quantock 30 Miss 609L
2 u 89
red h70 quantock 25A
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw
2 u 76
red h70 quantock 26A
Birth Date: March 25, 2013 PMY 26A Red 5L Double Blaze 1134-8576 Red 5L Sabre X415-373X Red XXX Red Sky 415 Zu Red Towaw V.I. 82P Red H70 Quantock 82 Ms 716Y Red H70 Quantock 24 Ms 606N calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw
2 u 78
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw
Birth Date: March 25, 2013 PMY 25A Red YY Dsgn King 522R Red YY Designer 47W Red YY Dawn 374N Red Towaw V.I. 82P Red H70 Quantock 82 Ms 713Y Red H70 Quantock 2632 Ms 598N
red h70 quantock 18A
PMY 22A 5L Double Blaze 1134-8576 XXX Red Sky 415 Zu SSS Ole 353S H70 Quantock 450 Ms 448N
Birth Date: March 21, 2013 PMY 18A Red YY Dsgn King 522R Red YY Designer 47W Red YY Dawn 374N Red H70 Quantock 608W Red H70 Quantock 608 Ms 659Y Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 422M
2 u 78
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw
2 u 85
red h70 quantock 22A
Birth Date: April 1, 2013 Red Red 5L Sabre X415-373X Red Red Red H70 Quantock 353 Ms 695Y Red
Lot R-10
Lot R-16
RED angus yearlings
red h70 quantock 29A
Birth Date: April 5, 2013 PMY 29A Red YY Dsgn King 522R Red YY Designer 47W Red YY Dawn 374N Red Towaw V.I. 82P Red H70 Quantock 82 Ms 725Y Red H70 Quantock Viona 638N calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw
2 u 70
red h70 quantock 591A
Birth Date: March 21, 2013 PMY 591A 5L Explorer 1034-5446 Red YY Explorer 825U Red Wildman Rebello 625S Red T G Impressive Rob 100G Red H70 Quantock 100 Miss 429J Red H70 Quantock 61 Miss 190D calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw
14 u 82
red h70 quantock 611A
Birth Date: April Red H70 Quantock 671U Red H70 Quantock 175 Miss 539J
4, 2013 PMY 611A Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 533M Red H70 Quantock 175F Red H70 Quantock 380 Miss 464G
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw
14 u 93
red h70 quantock 622A
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw
11 u 86
Birth Date: April 4, 2013 PMY 622A Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 703W Red H70 Quantock 221 Ms 516N Red T G Impressive Rob 100G Red H70 Quantock 100 Miss 353L Red H70 Quantock 61 Miss 76A
12 u 86
red h70 quantock 671A
Birth Date: March 31, 2013 PMY 671A Red Buf Crk The Right Kind U199 Red 5L Blazin Kind 189 228Y Red 5L Firefly 1687-189 Red T G Impressive Rob 100G Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 533M Red H70 Quantock 135 Miss 432G
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw
Lot R-695
red h70 quantock 683A
Birth Date: March 28, 2013 PMY 683A Red 5L Double Blaze 1134-8576 Red 5L Blazin Grand 518-285X Red 5L Classy 1706-518 Red Hill Springs Boomer 221H Red H70 Quantock 221 Miss 584M Red H70 Quantock 225 Miss 386J calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw
11 u 82
red h70 quantock 695A
Birth Date: April Red YY Explorer 825U Red H70 Quantock 450 Ms 448N
1, 2013 PMY 695A 5L Explorer 1034-5446 Red Wildman Rebello 625S Red H70 Quantock 450J Red H70 Quantock 135 Miss 371D
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw
10 u 83
red h70 quantock 719A
Birth Date: April Red 5L Blazin Grand 518-285X Red H70 Quantock 2632 Ms 611N
14, 2013 PMY 719A Red 5L Double Blaze 1134-8576 Red 5L Classy 1706-518 Red Lodi Prince 2632 Red H70 Quantock 175 Miss 539J
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw
Lot R-671
10 u 98
RED angus yearlings
red h70 quantock 801A
Birth Date: April Red 5L Blazin Grand 518-285X Red H70 Quantock 597 Ms 366S
4, 2013 PMY 801A Red 5L Double Blaze 1134-8576 Red 5L Classy 1706-518 Red H70 Quantock 597N Red H 70 Quantock 14 Ms 175B
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw
7 u 94
R-818 R-735
red h70 quantock 735A
Birth Date: April Red H70 Quantock 641W Red H70 Quantock 503 Ms 492P
21, 2013 PMY 735A Red SSS Ole 353S Red H70 Quantock 100 Miss 524L Red H70 Quantock 503M Red H70 Quantock 169 Miss 400F
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw
9 u 84
red h70 quantock 739A
Birth Date: April Red H70 Quantock 671U Red H70 Quantock 564 Ms 515P
2, 2013 PMY 739A Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 533M Red H70 Quantock 564K Red H70 Quantock 135 Miss 373G
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw
9 u 85
red h70 quantock 760A
Birth Date: April 3, 2013 PMY 760A Red SSS Ole 353S Red H70 Quantock 641W Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 524L Red Bfck Cherokee Cnyn 4912 Red H70 Quantock 4912 Ms 385R Red Cornerstone Queen 385N
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw
7 u 90
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw 7 u 94 658 +25 +48 +71 1148
red h70 quantock 855A
Birth Date: April Red H70 Quantock 671U Red H70 Quantock 564 Ms 672T
6, 2013 PMY 855A Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 533M Red H70 Quantock 564K Red H70 Quantock 221 Ms 536M
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw
6 u 98
1, 2013 PMY 788A Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 533M Red H70 Quantock 503M Red H70 Quantock 221 Ms 502M
red h70 quantock 830A
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw
8 u 83
Birth Date: March 26, 2013 PMY 830A Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 671U Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 533M Red Wyatt 162P Red H70 Quantock 162 Ms 675S Red H70 Quantock 62 Ms 543M
red h70 quantock 788A
Birth Date: April Red H70 Quantock 671U Red H70 Quantock 503 Ms 665R
red h70 quantock 818A
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw
8 u 94
Birth Date: March 25, 2013 PMY 818A Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 703W Red H70 Quantock 221 Ms 516N Red Crowfoot Ole’s Oscar 2042M Red H70 Quantock 00 Ms 606S Red H70 Quantock 175 Miss 512J
Lot R-760
Lot R-801
RED angus yearlings
red h70 quantock 856A
Birth Date: April Red 5L Blazin Grand 518-285X Red H70 Quantock 41 Ms 677T
9, 2013 PMY 856A Red 5L Double Blaze 1134-8576 Red 5L Classy 1706-518 Red Lazy MC Smash 41N Red H70 Quantock 221 Miss 562M
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw
6 u 88
red h70 quantock 863A
Birth Date: March 31, 2013 PMY 863A Red Buf Crk The Right Kindu199 Red 5L Blazin Kind 189-288Y Red 5L Firefly 1687-189 Red SSS Onset 64R Red H70 Quantock 64 Ms 731T Red H70 Quantock 564 Ms 378P calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw
6 u 90
red h70 quantock 875A
Birth Date: April Red 5L Blazin Grand 518-285X Red H70 Quantock 597 Ms 430U
12, 2013 PMY 875A Red 5L Double Blaze 1134-8576 Red 5L Classy 1706-518 Red H70 Quantock 597N Red H70 Quantock 61 Miss 191D
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw
5 u 88
5 u 70
5, 2013 PMY 926A 5L Explorer 1034-5446 Red Wildman Rebello 625S Red H70 Quantock 582S Red H70 Quantock 221 Ms 477N
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw
4 u 76
1, 2013 PMY 889A 5L Explorer 1034-5446 Red Wildman Rebello 625S Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 568M
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw
red h70 quantock 926A
Birth Date: April Red YY Explorer 825U Red H70 Quantock 582 Ms 700W
red h70 quantock 889A
Birth Date: April Red YY Explorer 825U Red H70 Quantock 43 Ms 679U
Lot R-889
red h70 quantock 936A
Birth Date: April Red YY Explorer 825U Red H70 Quantock 240 Ms 749W
4, 2013 PMY 936A 5L Explorer 1034-5446 Red Wildman Rebello 625S Red Mem Branded Beef 240S Red H70 Quantock 107 Ms 611P
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw
4 u 89
red h70 quantock 939A
Birth Date: March 31, 2013 PMY 939A Red Buf Crk The Right Kindu199 Red 5L Blazin Kind 189-228Y Red 5L Firefly 1687-189 Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 43 Ms 785W Red H70 Quantock 502 Ms 9650R calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw
4 u 83
red h70 quantock 948A
Birth Date: March 31, 2013 PMY 948A Red 5L Double Blaze 1134-8576 Red 5L Blazin Grand 518-285X Red 5L Classy 1706-518 Red Shoderee Storm 30T Red H70 Quantock 30 Ms 841W Red H70 Quantock 519 Ms 466T calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw
Lot R-863
4 u 93
RED angus yearlings
red h70 quantock 986A
Birth Date: April Red YY Explorer 825U Red H70 Quantock 43 Ms 785X
6, 2013 Non-Registered PMY 986A 5L Explorer 1034-5446 Red Wildman Rebello 625S Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 502 Ms 9650R
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw 3 u 83 703 +25 +58 +92 1247
R-9935 Lot R-985
red h70 quantock 958A
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw
4 u 68
Birth Date: March 20, 2013 PMY 958A Red SSS Ole 353S Red H70 Quantock 641W Red H70 Quantock 100 Miss 524L Red H70 Quantock 582S Red H70 Quantock 582 Ms 692W Red H70 Quantock 2632 Ms 400N calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw
4 u 81
red h70 quantock 978A
Birth Date: April Red 5L Blazin Grand 518-285X Red H70 Quantock 43 Ms 703X
8, 2013 PMY 978A Red 5L Double Blaze 1134-8576 Red 5L Classy 1706-518 Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 221 Ms 516N
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw
3 u 94
red h70 quantock 9935A
Birth Date: March 26, 2013 PMY 9935A Red SSS Ole 353S Red H70 Quantock 641W Red H70 Quantock 100 Miss 524L Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 43 Ms 747W Red H70 Quantock 56 Ms 593P
red h70 quantock 985A
Birth Date: March 28, 2013 PMY 985A Red Buf Crk The Right Kindu199 Red 5L Blazin Kind 189-228Y Red 5L Firefly 1687-189 Red H70 Quantock 671U Red H70 Quantock 781X Red H70 Quantock 564 Ms 627R calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw 3 u 80 678 +19 +59 +92 1270
Brad and Yvonne Fallis worked with us for 12 great years. Thank you for your dedication and friendship. We wish you all the best in the next chapter of your lives.
RED angus two year olds
red h70 quantock 2Z
Birth Date: April 23, 2012 PMY 2Z Red YY Dsgn King 522R Red YY Designer 47W Red YY Dawn 374N Red Towaw V.I. 82P Red H70 Quantock 82 Ms 870X Red H70 Quantock 27 Ms 774T calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 2 u 70 629 +19 +36 +56 1073
red h70 quantock 17Z
Birth Date: March Red H70 Quantock 850X Red H70 Quantock 353 Ms 763X
18, 2012 PMY 17Z Red Towaw V.I. 82P Red H70 Quantock 64 Ms 606T Red SSS Ole 353S Red H70 Quantock 564 Ms 458R
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 2 u 68 576 +15 +44 +67 1151
red h70 quantock 18Z
Birth Date: April 3, 2012 PMY 18Z Red Towaw V.I. 82P Red H70 Quantock 850X Red H70 Quantock 64 Ms 606T Red Shoderee Storm 30T Red H70 Quantock 30 Ms 910X Red H70 Quantock 353 Ms 840U calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 2 u 60 540 +18 +41 +66 1077
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 4 u 80 577 +19 +48 +75 1097
28, 2012 Non-Registered PMY 32Z Red Towaw V.I. 82P Red H70 Quantock 64 Ms 606T Red Shoderee Strom 30T Red H70 Quantock 597 Ms 692U
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 2 u 72 591 +18 +44 +69 1118
31, 2012 Non-Registered PMY 23Z Red SSS NK 43R Red H70 Quantock 175 Miss 519J Red SSS NK 43R Red H70 Quantock 2632 Ms 611N
red h70 quantock 32Z
Birth Date: March Red H70 Quantock 850X Red BJK 30T Ms 13X
red h70 quantock 23Z
Birth Date: March Red H70 Quantock 608W Red H70 Quantock 43 Ms 719U
Lot R-35
red h70 quantock 33Z
Birth Date: March Red H70 Quantock 608W Red H70 Quantock 240 Ms 538U
27, 2012 Non-Registered PMY 33Z Red SSS NK 43R Red H70 Quantock 175 Miss 519J Red MEM Branded Beef 240S Red H70 Quantock 380 Miss 456G
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 4 u 78 617 +20 +53 +82 1173
red h70 quantock 34Z
Birth Date: April 6, 2012 PMY 34Z Red YY Explorer 825U H70 Quantock 887X Red H70 Quantock 43 Ms 673U Red H70 Quantock 564K Red H70 Quantock 582 Ms 9665X Red H70 Quantock 221 Ms 502M calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 2 u 75 577 +19 +41 +66 1150
red h70 quantock 35Z
Birth Date: April 1, 2012 Non-Registered PMY 35Z Red SSS NK 43R Red H70 Quantock 608W Red H70 Quantock 175 Miss 519J Red H70 Quantock 597N Red H70 Quantock 597 Ms 692U Red H70 Quantock 2632 Ms 400U
Lot R-32
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 2 u 90 600 +15 +49 +77 1220
RED angus two year olds
red h70 quantock 638Z
Birth Date: March 23, 2012 PMY 638Z Red 5L Double Blaze 1134-8576 Red 5L Blazin Grand 518-285X Red 5L Classy 1706-518 Red T G Impressive Rob 100G Red H70 Quantock 100 Miss 503L Red H70 Quantock 380 Miss 450F calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 11 u 74 584 +24 +46 +72 1200
R-640Z Lot R-659
red h70 quantock 36Z
Birth Date: March Red H70 Quantock 887X Red H70 Quantock 30 Miss 876X
31, 2012 PMY 36Z Red YY Explorer 825W Red H70 Quantock 43 Ms 673U Red Shoderee Storm 30T Red H70 Quantock 564 Ms 460U
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 2 u 72 675 +9 +45 +74 1177
red h70 quantock 558Z
Birth Date: April 2, 2012 PMY 558Z Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 671U Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 533M Red Double C Chief 85E Red H70 Quantock 85 Miss 378H Red H70 Quantock 232 Miss 315B calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 14 u 70 574 +26 +25 +36 1150
red h70 quantock 640Z
Birth Date: March 30, 2012 PMY 640Z Red Towaw Very Interesting 22L Red Towaw V.I. 82P Red Towaw Sybil 134L Red Meadow CK Chief 62J Red H70 Quantock 62 Miss 516L Red H70 Quantock 108 Miss 378G
red h70 quantock 608Z
Birth Date: April 13, 2012 PMY 608Z Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 703W Red H70 Quantock 221 Ms 516N Red H70 Quantock 175F Red H70 Quantock 175 Miss 519J Red H70 Quantock 85 Miss 384G
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 11 u 82 595 +17 +39 +54 1137
red h70 quantock 642Z
Birth Date: March 30, 2012 PMY 642Z Red SSS Ole 353S Red H70 Quantock 641W Red H70 Quantock 100 Miss 524L Red T G Impressive Rob 100G Red H70 Quantock 100 Miss 531L Red H70 Quantock 9604 Ms 427G calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 11 u 94 598 +14 +53 +79 1100
red h70 quantock 643Z
Birth Date: March 24, 2012 PMY 643Z Red SSS Ole 353S Red H70 Quantock 641W Red H70 Quantock 100 Miss 524L Red H70 Quantock 450J Red H70 Quantock 450 Miss 555L Red H70 Quantock 210 Miss 367H calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 11 u 65 596 +19 +48 +70 1078
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 13 u 80 643 +18 +51 +75 1010
red h70 quantock 626Z
Birth Date: April 10, 2012 PMY 626Z Red Towaw Very Interesting 22L Red Towaw V.I. 82P Red Towaw Sybil 134L Red T G Impressive Rob 100G Red H70 Quantock 100 Miss 400L Red H70 Quantock 61 Miss 227C calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 11 u 91 692 +22 +44 +67 1167
Lot R-768
RED angus two year olds
red h70 quantock 659Z
Birth Date: March 21, 2012 PMY 659Z Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 703W Red H70 Quantock 221 Miss 516N Red T G Impressive Rob 100G Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 422M Red H70 Quantock 61 Miss 120D calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 10 u 90 664 +19 +55 +84 1170
red h70 quantock 680Z
Birth Date: March 28, 2012 PMY 680Z Red SSS Ole 353S Red H70 Quantock 641W Red H70 Quantock 100 Miss 524L Red T G Impressive Rob 100G Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 573M Red H70 Quantock 135 Ms 0260J calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 10 u 70 603 +24 +40 +58 1110
red h70 quantock 684Z
Birth Date: March 30, 2012 PMY 684Z Red Towaw Very Interesting 22L Red Towaw V.I. 82P Red Towaw Sybil 134L Red Meadow CK Chief 62J Red H70 Quantock 62 Miss 598M Red H70 Quantock 387 Miss 469J calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 10 u 92 635 +17 +45 +67 1160
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 9 u 83 809 +18 +61 +93 1130
red h70 quantock 689Z
red h70 quantock 708Z
Birth Date: April 7, 2012 PMY 708Z Red 5L Double Blaze 1134-8576 Red 5L Blazin Grand 518-285X Red 5L Classy 1706-518 Red CR Sky 24H Red H70 Quantock 24 Ms 555N Red H70 Quantock 210 Miss 367H
Birth Date: April 14, 2012 PMY 689Z Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 671U Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 533M Red T G Impressive Rob 100G Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 606M Red H70 Quantock 175 Miss 512J calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 10 u 90 585 +27 +32 +51 1111
Lot R-853
red h70 quantock 720Z
Birth Date: May 22, 2012 PMY 720Z Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 671U Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 533M Red H70 Quantock 448L Red H70 Quantock 448 Ms 619N Red H70 Quantock 221 Miss 104L calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 9 u 80 585 +26 +31 47 1031
red h70 quantock 730Z
Birth Date: April 27, 2012 PMY 730Z Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 671U Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 533M Red TG Landscape 56L Red H70 Quantock 56 Ms 327P Red Quantock 61 Miss 190Z calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 8 u 86 651 +26 +36 +60 1146
red h70 quantock 734Z
Birth Date: April 11, 2012 PMY 734Z Red Towaw Very Interesting 22L Red Towaw V.I. 82P Red Towaw Sybil 134L Red Gold-Bar King V415 107K Red H70 Quantock 107 Ms 475P Red H70 Quantock 72 Miss 241F
Lot R-845
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 8 u 84 718 +19 +43 +65 1200
RED angus two year olds
red h70 quantock 801Z
Birth Date: March 30, 2012 PMY 801Z 5L Explorer 1034-5446 Red YY Explorer 825U Red Wildman Rebello 625S Red H70 Quantock 597N Red H70 Quantock 597 Ms 366S Red H 70 Quantock 14 Miss 175B calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 6 u 74 613 +16 +35 +57 1160
R-824Z Lot R-870
red h70 quantock 761Z
Birth Date: May 22, 2012 PMY 761Z Red Towaw Very Interesting 22L Red Towaw V.I. 82P Red Towaw Sybil 134L Red H70 Quantock 597N Red H70 Quantock 597 Ms 421R Red H70 Quantock 169 Miss 109D calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 7 u 88 673 +16 +46 +68 1157
red h70 quantock 768Z
Birth Date: March 18, 2012 PMY 768Z Red SSS Ole 353S Red H70 Quantock 641W Red H70 Quantock 100 Miss 524L Red H70 Quantock 450J Red H70 Quantock 450 Ms 519R Red H70 Quantock 85 Miss 384G calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 7 u 87 540 +22 +37 +55 1202
red h70 quantock 824Z
Birth Date: April 9, 2012 PMY 824Z 5L Explorer 1034-5446 Red YY Explorer 825U Red Wildman Rebello 625S Red H70 Quantock 597N Red H70 Quantock 597 Ms 651S Red H70 Quantock 221 Ms 357M
red h70 quantock 788Z
Birth Date: April 4, 2012 PMY 788Z Red SSS Ole 353S Red H70 Quantock 641W Red H70 Quantock 100 Miss 524L Red H70 Quantock 503M Red H70 Quantock 503 Ms 665R Red H70 Quantock 221 Ms 502M
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 6 u 93 605 +16 +38 +62 1159
red h70 quantock 828Z
Birth Date: May 1, 2012 PMY 828Z Red SSS Ole 353S Red H70 Quantock 641W Red H70 Quantock 100 Miss 524L Red H70 Quantock 564K Red H70 Quantock 564 Ms 670S Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 531M calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 6 u 96 729 +14 +63 +95 1227
red h70 quantock 834Z
Birth Date: April 5, 2012 PMY 834Z Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 671U Red H70 Quantock 100 Miss 533M Red Wyatt 162P Red H70 Quantock 162 Ms 709S Red H70 Quantock 62 Ms 564N calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 6 u 93 621 +26 +37 +56 1160
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 7 u 79 600 +21 +36 +54 1123
red h70 quantock 791Z
Birth Date: April 4, 2012 PMY 791Z Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 703W Red H70 Quantock 221 Ms 516N Red Badlands Mr Beef 805 Red H70 Quantock 805 Ms 679R Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 568M calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 7 u 75 621 +18 +58 +93 1261
Lot R-908
RED angus two year olds
red h70 quantock 845Z
Birth Date: April 15, 2012 PMY 845Z Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 703W Red H70 Quantock 221 Ms 516N Red Lazy MC Smash 41N Red H70 Quantock 41 Ms 512T Red H70 Quantock 85 Miss 301G calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 5 u 95 680 +15 +58 +88 1176
red h70 quantock 846Z
Birth Date: April 7, 2012 PMY 846Z Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 703W Red H70 Quantock 221 Ms 516N Red H70 Quantock 597N Red H70 Quantock 597 Ms 519T Red H70 Quantock 85 Miss 384G calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 5 u 70 546 +14 +44 +67 1118
red h70 quantock 853Z
Birth Date: April 8, 2012 PMY 853Z Red SSS Ole 353S Red H70 Quantock 641W Red H70 Quantock 100 Miss 524L Red TG Outlook 34M Red H70 Quantock 34 Ms 651T Red H70 Quantock 221 Ms 357M calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 5 u 82 659 +20 +43 +69 1183
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 5 u 75 633 +21 +50 +80 1190
red h70 quantock 855Z
red h70 quantock 870Z
Birth Date: April 3, 2012 PMY 870Z Red SSS Ole 353S Red H70 Quantock 641W Red H70 Quantock 100 Miss 524L Red LJC Mission Statement P27 Red H70 Quantock 27 Ms 774T Red H70 Quantock 564 Ms 562R
Birth Date: April 5, 2012 PMY 855Z Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 671U Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 533M Red H70 Quantock 564K Red H70 Quantock 564 Ms 672T Red H70 Quantock 221 Ms 536M calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 5 u 85 604 +24 +39 +64 1160
Lot R-954
red h70 quantock 883Z
Birth Date: March 29, 2012 PMY 883Z Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 671U Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 533M Red H70 Quantock 597N Red H70 Quantock 597 Ms 660U Red H70 Quantock 24 Ms 424M calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 4 u 82 619 +16 +40 +63 1139
red h70 quantock 890Z
Birth Date: May 4, 2012 PMY 890Z Red SSS Ole 353S Red H70 Quantock 641W Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 524L Red H70 Quantock 519P Red H70 Quantock 519 Ms 682U Red H70 Quantock 210 Ms 582M calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 4 u 71 592 +21 +39 +56 1171
red h70 quantock 895Z
Birth Date: March 21, 2012 PMY 895Z Red SSS Ole 353S Red H70 Quantock 641W Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 524L Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 43 Ms 734U Red H70 Quantock 107 Ms 475P
Lot R-923
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 4 u 87 594 +19 +47 +71 1167
RED angus two year olds
red h70 quantock 917Z
Birth Date: March 21, 2012 PMY 917Z Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 671U Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 533M Red SSS Ole 353S Red H70 Quantock 353 Ms 556W Red H70 Quantock 210 Miss 373H calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 3 u 70 583 +20 +44 +68 1157
R-922Z Lot R-993
red h70 quantock 897Z
Birth Date: March 25, 2012 PMY 897Z Red SSS Ole 353S Red H70 Quantock 641W Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 524L Red H70 Quantock 597N Red H70 Quantock 597 Ms 741U Red H70 Quantock 564 Ms 526P calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 4 u 96 665 +13 +53 +79 1165
red h70 quantock 898Z
Birth Date: April 17, 2012 PMY 898Z Red 5L Double Blaze 1134-8576 Red 5L Blazin Grand 518-285X Red 5L Classy 1706-518 Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 43 Ms 754U Red H70 Quantock 56 Ms 640P calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 4 u 90 668 +19 +60 +93 1275
red h70 quantock 922Z
Birth Date: April 1, 2012 PMY 922Z Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 671U Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 533M Red SSS Ole 353S Red H70 Quantock 353 Ms 9526W Red H70 Quantock 62 Miss 585L
red h70 quantock 900Z
Birth Date: April 22, 2012 PMY 900Z 5L Explorer 1034-5446 Red YY Explorer 825U Red Wildman Rebello 625S Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 43 Ms 771U Red H70 Quantock 597 Ms 538R
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 3 u 70 550 +23 +36 +56 1175
red h70 quantock 923Z
Birth Date: May 8, 2012 PMY 923Z Red 5L Double Blaze 1134-8576 Red 5L Blazin Grand 518-285X Red 5L Classy 1706-518 Red Mem Branded Beef 240S Red H70 Quantock 240 Ms 661W Red H70 Quantock 221 Ms 431M calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 3 u 92 702 +16 +59 +93 1225
red h70 quantock 924Z
Birth Date: May 15, 2012 PMY 924Z Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 671U Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 533M Red H70 Quantock 582S Red H70 Quantock 582 Ms 669W Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 524M calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 3 u 84 618 +24 +39 +61 1126
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 4 u 82 694 +23 +41 +67 1102
red h70 quantock 908Z
Birth Date: April 9, 2012 PMY 908Z Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 703W Red H70 Quantock 221 Ms 516N Red Towaw V.I. 82P Red H70 Quantock 82 Ms 826U Red H70 Quantock 564 Ms 666S calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 4 u 60 600 +16 +60 +89 1100
Lot R-9791
RED angus two year olds
red h70 quantock 931Z
Birth Date: April 19, 2012 PMY 931Z Red SSS Ole 353S Red H70 Quantock 641W Red H70 Quantock 100 Miss 524L Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 43 Ms 731W Red H70 Quantock 564 Ms 378P calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 3 u 80 645 +18 +50 +75 1077
red h70 quantock 944Z
Birth Date: April 30, 2012 PMY 944Z Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 671U Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 533M Red H70 Quantock 582S Red H70 Quantock 582 Ms 818W Red H70 Quantock 00 Ms 606S calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 3 u 94 632 +24 +45 +71 1080
red h70 quantock 950Z
Birth Date: March 28, 2012 PMY 950Z Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 671U Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 533M Red Towaw V.I. 82P Red H70 Quantock 82 Ms 846W Red H70 Quantock 597 Ms 519T calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 3 u 94 706 +20 +49 +76 1196
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 3 u 89 600 +22 +39 +66 1193
red h70 quantock 954Z
red h70 quantock 956Z
Birth Date: March 25, 2012 PMY 956Z Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 671U Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 533M Red Shoderee Storm 30T Red H70 Quantock 30 Ms 868W Red H70 Quantock 82 Ms 770T
Birth Date: April 2, 2012 PMY 954Z Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 671U Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 533M Red Towaw V.I. 82P Red H70 Quantock 82 Ms 863W Red H70 Quantock 64 Ms 731T calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 3 u 76 625 +24 +37 +60 1160
Lot R-708
red h70 quantock 958Z
Birth Date: April 21, 2012 PMY 958Z Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 671U Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 533M Red H70 Quantock 582S Red H70 Quantock 582 Ms 692W Red H70 Quantock 2632 Ms 400N calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 3 u 80 651 +23 +38 +62 1173
red h70 quantock 964Z
Birth Date: April 18, 2012 PMY 964Z Red YY Dsgn King 522R Red YY Designer 47W Red YY Dawn 374N Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 43 Ms 582X Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 0378J calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 2 u 88 685 +18 +39 +58 1149
red h70 quantock 971Z
Birth Date: March 25, 2012 PMY 971Z Red 5L Double Blaze 1134-8576 Red 5L Sabre X415-373X Red XXX Red Sky 415 ZU Red H70 Quantock 582S Red H70 Quantock 582 Ms 667X Red H70 Quantock 7182 Miss 519M
Lot R-643
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 2 u 75 639 +22 +48 +69 1095
RED angus two year olds
red h70 quantock 984Z
Birth Date: April 16, 2012 PMY 984Z Red YY Dsgn King 522R Red YY Designer 47W Red YY Dawn 374N Red SSS Ole 353S Red H70 Quantock 353 Ms 773X Red H70 Quantock 503 Ms 555R calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 2 u 76 644 +19 +36 +55 1186
R-991Z Lot R-950
red h70 quantock 972Z
Birth Date: April 26, 2012 PMY 972Z Red YY Dsgn King 522R Red YY Designer 47W Red YY Dawn 374N Red H70 Quantock 582S Red H70 Quantock 582 Ms 669X Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 524M calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 2 u 71 613 +21 +28 +43 1065
red h70 quantock 973Z
Birth Date: March 25, 2012 PMY 973Z Red YY Red Knight 640F Red KBJ Shining Armor 408J KBJ Misty 23E Red SSS Ole 353S Red H70 Quantock 353 Ms 671X Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 533M calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 2 u 85 675 +23 +47 +69 1196
red h70 quantock 991Z
Birth Date: April 18, 2012 PMY 991Z Red 5L Double Blaze 1134-8576 Red 5L Sabre X415-373X Red XXX Red Sky 415 ZU Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 43 Ms 804X Red H70 Quantock 00 Ms 469S
red h70 quantock 977Z
Birth Date: April 17, 2012 PMY 977Z Red YY Dsgn King 522R Red YY Designer 47W Red YY Dawn 374N Red SSS Ole 353S Red H70 Quantock 353 Ms 697X Red H70 Quantock 62 Ms 462N
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 2 u 71 603 +22 +45 +68 997
red h70 quantock 993Z
Birth Date: March 19, 2012 PMY 993Z Red YY Dsgn King 522R Red YY Designer 47W Red YY Dawn 374N Red H70 Quantock 671U Red H70 Quantock 671 Ms 810X Red H70 Quantock 00 Ms 526S calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 2 u 64 593 +20 +25 +38 1050
red h70 quantock 997Z
Birth Date: April 5, 2012 TWIN PMY 997Z Red YY Red Knight 640F Red KBJ Shining Armor 408J KBJ Misty 23E Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 43 Ms 838X Red H70 Quantock 00 Ms 742S calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 2 u 55 551 +22 +50 +75 1120
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 2 u 68 554 +18 +27 +41 1042
red h70 quantock 983Z
Birth Date: March 26, 2012 PMY 983Z Red 5L Double Blaze 1134 8576 Red 5L Sabre X415-373X Red XXX Red Sky 415 ZU Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 43 ms 768X Red H70 Quantock 450 Ms 519R calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 2 u 72 600 +21 +57 +86 1064
Lot R-9742
RED angus two year olds
red h70 quantock 9643Z
Birth Date: March 24, 2012 TWIN PMY 9643Z Red SSS Ole 353S Red H70 Quantock 641W Red H70 Quantock 100 Miss 524L Red H70 Quantock 450J Red H70 Quantock 450 Miss 555L Red H70 Quantock 210 Miss 367H calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 11 u 60 571 +19 +48 +70 1118
red h70 quantock 9791Z
Birth Date: April 4, 2012 PMY 9791Z Red SSS N.K. 43R Red H70 Quantock 703W Red H70 Quantock 221 Ms 516N Red Badlands Mr Beef 805 Red H70 Quantock 805 Ms 679R Red H70 Quantock 100 Ms 568M calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 7 u 70 610 +18 +59 +93 1209
red h70 quantock 9742Z
Birth Date: March 27, 2012 PMY 9742Z Red SSS Ole 353S Red H70 Quantock 641W Red H70 Quantock 100 Miss 524L Red Gold-Bar King V415 107K Red H70 Quantock 107 Ms 541P Red H70 Quantock 380 Miss 470G calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S. 8 u 66 600 +19 +49 +74 1160
Phil McMullin came to help again this fall. Most days he worked cattle but we got him packing silage. He thought he was back in the cockpit of a Boeing 737.
Black angus We have always admired Black Angus cattle, in fact we started our Red Angus herd in 1970 with the purchase of Black Angus heifer calves. By the fall of 1994 we had watched, studied and seen enough Black herds, that we knew the time was right to MOVE BACK TO THE FUTURE and invest in Black Angus. Each year we move closer to our goals as we expand our numbers. We would like to thank Ray and Lorraine Danyluk of Banana Hill Farm who co-operate on our Black Angus program.
● Moderate framed bulls ● Maintain your cow size. ● Light BW – quick growth to weaning ● Reduce your workload
● Easy fleshing, sound, never had their feet trimmed ● Reduce your cost ● The most afforable in the industry ● Reduce your capital outlay
– black angus performance profilE –
SS - Scrotal Size updated on website in January 2014 and available at the sale!
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205/ww milk/epd ww/epd yw/epd Proj. 365/DW 4 u 78 660 +10 +32 +50 1150 AOD - Age of Dam CE - Calving Ease BW - Birth Weight ADJ 205/WW - Weaning Weight adjusted to 205 days
milk/EPD - Indication of milking ability - across breed comparison WW/EPD - Across breed comparison of weaning weight potential YW/EPD - Across breed comparison of yearling weight potential
PRJ 365/DW - A combination of weaning weight and test ADG to project a yearling weight
Black angus reference sires A
Currie Foreman 1P
TC Foreman 1P MGA Queen Mother 2M
TC Foreman 016 TC Pride 8067 Minert Fortune 2000 Early Sunset Queen 18F
Without a doubt the thickest, moderate bull in Lloyd Bull Sale 2005 when we purchased him. Bulls like 1P become cornerstones of programs when the females work like his do... true 1300 lb black cows that wean 50% plus at weaning all the time. His sons have been some of the best accepted bulls we have sold. 10 sons offered. EPDs: BW +1.5, WW +31, YW +58, Milk +10
H70 Quantock 1207W
SCA 14R of Copenhagan 3299 H70 Quantock 1 Ms 1158S
SCA 3299 of Ideal 1418 SCA Lady Ann 88M Currie Foreman 1P H70 Quantock 8005 Ms 1133P
A home raised exceptional son of Copenhagan that really works good. His mother is a real treasure of a cow. His sons are some of our best. 13 sons offered. EPDs: BW +2.9, WW +54, YW +89, Milk +16
Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like.
Black angus reference sires C
H70 Quantock 1167T
SCA 14R of Copenhagen 3299 TAF Atalanta 12R
SCA 3299 of Ideal 1418 SCA Lady Ann 88M LLB Wham 169F TAF Alalanta 154N
His sons are without a doubt the thickest black bulls we have ever raised, even when we compare him to some big name AI bulls used here. Sons are wide bodied, low set and daughters work well. 13 sons offered. EPDs: BW +4.3, WW +51, YW +78, Milk +2
Peak Dot Predominant 351W
S A V 004 Predominant 4438 Rose of Peak Dot 864L
S A V 8180 Traveler 004 S A V Emblynette 1182 S A V Saugahatchee 9374 Cedar Creek Rose 47B
351W’s calves are mostly from 2 year old heifers. His calves are born easy and are well balanced, full bodied calves. His first daughters look promising and we will update you next spring on how they turn out. We used him this year on a big bunch of cows. 14 sons offered. EPDs: BW +1.7, WW +39, YW +69, Milk +20
Early Sunset Stout 64U
TC Stout 407 Early Sunset Dixie 94S
TC Freedom 104 TC Pride 2053 Geis Maximum 80’01 Dryland Dixie 270
He topped Early Sunsets sale and has done a good job here. High milk, lots of hair and just good sound, usable Angus genetics. Sons have been well accepted in the past and his first daughters are very nice productive cows. 11 sons offered. EPDs: BW +5.5, WW +53, YW +89, Milk +27
Other Sires Represented Standard Hill Yardstick 88Y - 5 sons offered EPDs: BW +3.7, WW +56, YW +96, Milk +26
Family Ties Networth 24Y - 6 sons offered EPDs: BW +4.6, WW +53, YW +93, Milk +25
H70 Quantock 1211Y (networth son) - 2 sons offered EPDs: BW +4.5, WW +52, YW +92, Milk +24
“Now listen... this is how we do it.”
H70 Quantock 1114W - 2 sons offered EPDs: BW -2.3, WW +43, YW +69, Milk +22
Badlands Widespread 18R - 6 sons offered EPDs: BW +1.3, WW +32, YW +59, Milk +1
black angus yearlings
H70 Quantock 1231A
Birth Date: April 1, 2013 PMY 1231A S A V Bismarck 5682 Standard Hill Yardstick 88Y Standard Hill Lady Ann 83U SCA 14R of Copenhagan 3299 H70 Quantock 14 Ms 1127U H70 Quantock 353 Ms 1081M calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw 6 u 90 713 +21 +52 +88 1321
1244 Lot 1217
H70 Quantock 1244A
Birth Date: April 18, 2013 PMY 1244A S A V Bismarck 5682 Standard Hill Yardstick 88Y Standard Hill Lady Ann 83U SCA 14R of Copenhagan 3299 H70 Quantock 14 Ms 1162U TAF Atalanta 36G
H70 Quantock 1082A
Birth Date: March 29, 2013 PMY 1082A SCA 14R of Copenhagan 3299 H70 Quantock 1167T TAF Atalanta 12R Blacktof Extra 48D H70 Quantock 48 Miss 239J Red Quantock 89 Miss 85Y
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw 6 u 76 675 +17 +49 +88 1315
H70 Quantock 1252A
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw 15 u 90 731 +1 +43 +67 1235
Birth Date: April 6, 2013 PMY 1252A S A V Net Worth 4200 H70 Quantock 1211Y H70 Quantock 14 Ms 1105T Currie Foreman 1P H70 Quantock 1 Ms 1185U H70 Quantock 1120 1132R
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw 6 u 94 657 +17 +43 +76 1153
H70 Quantock 1114A
Birth Date: March 26, 2013 PMY 1114A SCA 14R of Copenhagan 3299 H70 Quantock 1167T TAF Atalanta 12R Willabar Specialist 215H H70 Quantock 215 Ms 1082L H70 Quantock 48 Miss 239J calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw 13 u 98 711 +8 +47 +69 1271
H70 Quantock 1211A
Birth Date: March 29, 2013 PMY 1211A S A V Bismarck 5682 Standard Hill Yardstick 88Y Standard Hill Lady Ann 83U SCA 14R of Copenhagan 3299 H70 Quantock 14 Ms 1105T H70 Quantock 127 Miss 1076K
H70 Quantock 1271A
Birth Date: April 4, 2013 PMY 1271A S A V Net Worth 4200 H70 Quantock 1211Y H70 Quantock 14 Ms 1105T Currie Foreman 1P H70 Quantock 1 Ms 1179W H70 Quantock 1120 1114R calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw 4 u 81 700 +17 +46 +81 1178
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw 7 u 90 701 +22 +52 +87 1203
H70 Quantock 1217A
Birth Date: March 27, 2013 PMY 1217A S A V Bismarck 5682 Standard Hill Yardstick 88Y Standard Hill Lady Ann 83U SCA 14R of Copenhagan 3299 H70 Quantock 14 Ms 1129T H70 Quantock 34 Ms 1097M calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw 7 u 94 667 +20 +49 +83 1174
Lot 1231
black angus yearlings
H70 Quantock 1298A
Birth Date: April 5, 2013 PMY 1298A S A V Bismarck 5682 Standard Hill Yardstick 88Y Standard Hill Lady Ann 83U Crowfoot 8096U H70 Quantock 8096 Ms 1231X H70 Quantock 14 Ms 1127U calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw 3 u 82 714 +21 +48 +82 1338
H70 Quantock 1330A
Birth Date: February 23, 2013 PMY 1330A S A V Net Worth 4200 Family Ties Net Worth 24Y Family Ties Lara 14T Red H70 Quantock 317H RLB Noire Cherise 306N Banana Hill Cherry 310K calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw 11 u 86 600 +16 +37 +66 1125
H70 Quantock 1333A
Birth Date: February 13, 2013 PMY 1333A TC Stout 407 Early Sunset Stout 64U Early Sunset Dixie 94S Bear Hills New Dimension 8M RLB Provo 456P H70 Quantock 45 Ms 1069L calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw 10 u 92 671 +19 +44 +79 1072
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw 10 u 80 648 +16 +40 +74 1208
H70 Quantock 1334A
H70 Quantock 1335A
Birth Date: February 12, 2013 PMY 1335A S A V Net Worth 4200 Family Ties Net Worth 24Y Family Ties Lara 14T Cajun Saugahatchee 7J RLB Potter 478P H70 Quantock Miss 1001F
Birth Date: March 19, 2013 PMY 1334A S A V Net Worth 4200 Family Ties Net Worth 24Y Family Ties Lara 14T Cajun Saugahatchee 7J RLB Plum 475P H70 Quantock 48 Miss 1024F calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw 10 u 78 638 +15 +36 +69 1090
Lot 1342
H70 Quantock 1337A
Birth Date: March 24, 2013 PMY 1337A Bad Lands Widespread 17J Bad Lands Widespread 18R Bad Lands Lady Fanny 57K Windover Kentucky 22K Banana Hill 880Q Swish 697S H70 Quantock 927 Miss 401H calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw 8 u 78 659 +1 +25 +44 1140
H70 Quantock 1342A
Birth Date: February 8, 2013 PMY 1342A S A V Net Worth 4200 Family Ties Net Worth 24Y Family Ties Lara 14T H70 Quantock 1137P Banana Hill 701Q Umber 840U H70 Quantock 45 Miss 1059K calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw 6 u 80 560 +18 +34 +63 1090
H70 Quantock 1344A
Birth Date: February 27, 2013 PMY 1344A S A V Net Worth 4200 Family Ties Net Worth 24Y Family Ties Lara 14T H70 Quantock 1137P Banana Hill 850Q Urba 857U RLB H70 Rival
Lot 1335
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw 6 u 90 689 +22 +44 +74 1221
2013 Barn Burnin’ bull sale
There was more enthusiasm in the barn than there has been for many years. Thanks so much to all that help out in “launching” the sale. We couldn’t do it without you. Huge thank you to our buyers... we really appreciate the trust you put in our program.
2013 Barn Burnin’ bull sale
black angus yearlings
H70 Quantock 1353A
Birth Date: February 16, 2013 PMY 1353A S A V 004 Predominant 4438 Peak Dot Predominant 351W Rose of Peak Dot 846L Early Sunset Stout 64U RLB 835Q Yllis 112Y Banana Hill 835Q Sophie 672S calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw 2 u 84 674 +10 +24 +40 1145
1354 Lot 1344
H70 Quantock 1354A
Birth Date: February 2, 2013 PMY 1354A S A V 004 Predominant 4438 Peak Dot Predominant 351W Rose of Peak Dot 846L H70 Quantock 1109R RLB 880Q Yawni 111Y Banana Hill 114 Serena 656S
H70 Quantock 1345A
Birth Date: March 12, 2013 PMY 1345A Bad Lands Widespread 17J Bad Lands Widespread 18R Bad Lands Lady Fanny 57K Bear Hills Alliance 129R Banana Hill 004 Wiera Banana Hill Cherry 310K
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw 2 u 80 638 +10 +20 +35 1165
H70 Quantock 1355A
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw 4 u 96 715 +6 +42 +73 1209
Birth Date: February 11, 2013 PMY 1355A S A V 004 Predominant 4438 Peak Dot Predominant 351W Rose of Peak Dot 846L Early Sunset Stout 64U RLB 814Q Yule 117Y Banana Hill 814Q Big Time 790T
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw 2 u 78 695 +10 +24 +41 1175
H70 Quantock 1349A
Birth Date: February 16, 2013 PMY 1349A S A V Net Worth 4200 Family Ties Net Worth 24Y Family Ties Lara 14T Bear Hills Alliance 129R Banana Hill 811 Xray RLB Prosper 484P calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw 3 u 88 713 +13 +43 +71 1223
H70 Quantock 1350A
Birth Date: February 16, 2013 PMY 1350A S A V 004 Predominant 4438 Peak Dot Predominant 351W Rose of Peak Dot 846L H70 Quantock 1121P Banana Hill 835 Xola RLB H70 Raquel
H70 Quantock 1356A
Birth Date: February 10, 2013 PMY 1356A TC Stout 407 Early Sunset Stout 64U Early Sunset Dixie 94S H70 Quantock 1121P Banana Hill 306 Wish RLB Noire Cherise 306N calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw 4 u 92 699 +16 +49 +84 1243
calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw 3 u 82 590 +10 +21 +37 1214
H70 Quantock 1352A
Birth Date: February 2, 2013 PMY 1352A S A V 004 Predominant 4438 Peak Dot Predominant 351W Rose of Peak Dot 846L H70 Quantock 1109R RLB 880Q Yawni 111Y Banana Hill 114 Serena 656S calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw 2 u 60 695 +10 +20 +35 1181
Lot 1345
black angus yearlings
H70 Quantock 1357A
Birth Date: February 11, 2013 PMY 1357A S A V 004 Predominant 4438 Peak Dot Predominant 351W Rose of Peak Dot 864L Early Sunset Stout 64U RLB 814Q Yule 117Y Banana Hill 814Q Big Time 790T calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd proj. 365/dw 2 u 90 746 +24 +40 +70 1226
Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
Lot 1357
Ranch Staff
Meagan Job
Ashton Carson 39
black angus Two Year Olds Our Black program continues to grow in quality and numbers, and quality has always been our top priority. As we expand, it enables us to offer a balanced offering of exceptional yearling and two year olds. Don’t ever think these are left overs. We sort them at weaning, primarily by age and these bulls are untouchable until we feature them as twos on the first Saturday of February. The first winter these bulls are backgrounded for a modest gain, only to express growth. They are turned to grass with no supplementation until we start them on feed again in late October. Because of the two different feeding regimes please do not try to compare the gains and yearling weights between yearling and two year olds. All bulls have been semen tested. No feet have been trimmed... the kill floor does our hoof trimming.
– black angus 2 year old performance profilE – calving traits Maternal traits aod CE BW adj 205/WW MILK/EPD WW/EPD 3 U 85 610 +12 +30
Growth Traits fertility YW/EPD ADJ 365/DW S.S. +42 1090 40 cm
AOD - Age of Dam Milk/EPD - Indication of milking ability – across ADJ 365/DW - Yearling weight adjusted to BW - Birth Weight: Actual weight taken in 24 hours. breed comparison. 365 days for easy comparison. CE - Calving Ease: U - unassisted, E - easy pull, M - WW/EPD - Across breed comparison of weaning mal presentation weight potential. SS - Scrotal Size ADJ/WW - Weaning weight adjusted to 205 days of YW/EPD - Across breed comparison of yearling updated on website in January age for easy comparison. weight potential.
2014 and available at the sale!
H70 quantock 1127Z
Birth Date: April 15, 2012 PMY 1127Z SCA 14R of Copenhagan 3299 H70 Quantock 1167T TAF Atalanta 12R Red H70 Quantock 353K H70 Quantock 353 Ms 1081M Black Creek 7J calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
10 u 97
2132 2102
H70 quantock 1102Z
Birth Date: April 6, 2012 PMY 1102Z SCA 14R of Copenhagan 3299 H70 Quantock 1207W H70 Quantock 1 Ms 1158S Minburn Lancer 127G H70 Quantock 127 Miss 1061K H70 Quantock 48 Miss 1023G
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
9 u 80
H70 quantock 1125Z
Birth Date: March 31, 2012 PMY 1125Z SCA 14R of Copenhagan 3299 H70 Quantock 1207W H70 Quantock 1 Ms 1158S Valleyhills Ideal 033 45F H70 Quantock 1064M H70 Quantock 30 Miss 1037G calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
10 u 83
H70 quantock 1132Z
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
12 u 94
Birth Date: May 10, 2012 PMY 1132Z SCA 14R of Copenhagan 3299 H70 Quantock 1207W H70 Quantock 1 Ms 1158S Cajun Saugahatchee 7J RBL Cjsaga 7J Negotiator 301N H70 Quantock 45 Miss 1060K
Lot 2107
Lot 2125
Black angus two year olds
H70 quantock 1135Z
Birth Date: April 22, 2012 PMY 1135Z TC Foreman 016 Currie Foreman 1P MGA Queen Mother 2M Willabar Equator 33K H70 Quantock 33 Ms 1056N Waveny Gammer 33G calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
9 u 84
H70 quantock 1147Z
Birth Date: April 26, 2012 PMY 1147Z SCA 14R of Copenhagan 3299 H70 Quantock 1207W H70 Quantock 1 Ms 1158S Willabar Specialist 215H Black Creek Penny Lor Win Barbara 130F calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
8 u 101
H70 quantock 1148Z
Birth Date: April 12, 2012 PMY 1148Z SCA 14R of Copenhagan 3299 H70 Quantock 1167T TAF Atalanta 12R Windover Kentucky 22K RLB Peter’s Portia 464P MH Atalanta of Sidekick 5’98 calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
8 u 94
H70 quantock 1150Z
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
8 u 77
Birth Date: April 7, 2012 PMY 1150Z SCA 14R of Copenhagan 3299 H70 Quantock 1167T TAF Atalanta 12R Willabar Equator 33K H70 Quantock 33 Ms 1037P H70 Quantock 72 Miss 245E
8 u 88
H70 quantock 1155Z
Birth Date: April 21, 2012 PMY 1155Z SCA 14R of Copenhagan 3299 H70 Quantock 1207W H70 Quantock 1 Ms 1158S Willabar Equator 33K H70 Quantock 33 Ms 1108P H70 Quantock 27 Miss 1028L
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
Lot 2171
H70 quantock 1157Z
Birth Date: April 5, 2012 PMY 1157Z SCA 14R of Copenhagan 3299 H70 Quantock 1207W H70 Quantock 1 Ms 1158S Willabar Equator 33K H70 Quantock 33 Ms 1119P H70 Quantock 1096L calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
8 u 84
H70 quantock 1171Z
Birth Date: April 3, 2012 PMY 1171Z SCA 14R of Copenhagan 3299 H70 Quantock 1167T TAF Atalanta 12R Willabar Specialist 215H H70 Quantock 215 Ms 1034R Ruby Majorette 53C calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
7 u 88
H70 quantock 1181Z
Birth Date: May 25, 2012 PMY 1181Z SCA 14R of Copenhagan 3299 H70 Quantock 1167T TAF Atalanta 12R Willabar Specialist 215H H70 Quantock 215 Ms 1119R H70 Quantock 1096L calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
Lot 2127
7 u 82
Black angus two year olds
H70 quantock 1207Z
Birth Date: April 29, 2012 PMY 1207Z TC Foreman 016 Currie Foreman 1P MGA Queen Mother 2M Currie Foreman 1P H70 Quantock 1 Ms 1158S H70 Quantock 8005 Ms 1122P calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
6 u 89
2214 2184
H70 quantock 1184Z
Birth Date: April 12, 2012 PMY 1184Z SCA 14R of Copenhagan 3299 H70 Quantock 1167T TAF Atalanta 12R Willabar Specialist 215H H70 Quantock 215 Ms 1130R H70 Quantock 34 Ms 1099M calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
7 u 90
H70 quantock 1198Z
Birth Date: April 20, 2012 PMY 1198Z SCA 14R of Copenhagan 3299 H70 Quantock 1207W H70 Quantock 1 Ms 1158S Boyd New Day 8005 H70 Quantock 8005 Ms 1132S RLB Cjsaga7J Negotiator 301N calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
6 u 85
H70 quantock 1201Z
Birth Date: April 12, 2012 PMY 1201Z SCA 14R of Copenhagan 3299 H70 Quantock 1207W H70 Quantock 1 Ms 1158S H70 Quantock 1120N H70 Quantock 1120 Ms 1140S H70 Quantock 33 Miss 1097N
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
5 u 80
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
5 u 90
H70 quantock 1218Z
Birth Date: April 14, 2012 PMY 1218Z TC Foreman 016 Currie Foreman 1P MGA Queen Mother 2M SCA 14R of Copenhagan 3299 H70 Quantock 14 Ms 1130T H70 Quantock 34 Ms 1099M calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
5 u 83
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
H70 quantock 1215Z
H70 quantock 1206Z
Birth Date: April 7, 2012 PMY 1215Z SCA 14R of Copenhagan 3299 H70 Quantock 1207W H70 Quantock 1 Ms 1158S Currie Foreman 1P H70 Quantock 1 Ms 1120T Black Creek Medusa
Birth Date: April 29, 2012 PMY 1206Z SCA 14R of Copenhagan 3299 H70 Quantock 1167T TAF Atalanta 12R Currie Foreman 1P H70 Quantock 1 Ms 1155S H70 Quantock 33 Ms 1108P
6 u 100
H70 quantock 1214Z
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
6 u 84
Birth Date: April 22, 2012 PMY 1214Z SCA 14R of Copenhagan 3299 H70 Quantock 1207W H70 Quantock 1 Ms 1158S Currie Foreman 1P H70 Quantock 1 Ms 1120T Black Creek Makala
Lot 2181
Lot 2214
Black angus two year olds
H70 quantock 1221Z
Birth Date: March 1, 2012 PMY 1221Z Bad Lands Widespread 17J Bad Lands Widespread 18R Bad Lands Lady Fanny 57K F-R 232 Lad 5166 H70 Quantock 5166 Ms 1141T H70 Quantock 33 Ms 1098N calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
5 u 96
H70 quantock 1224Z
Birth Date: April 4, 2012 PMY 1224Z B C Lookout 7024 H70 Quantock 1114W H70 Quantock 215 Ms 1082L F-R 232 Lad 5166 H70 Quantock 5166 Ms 1159T H70 Quantock 387 Ms 1128P calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
5 u 88
H70 quantock 1226Z
Birth Date: April 18, 2012 PMY 1226Z TC Foreman 016 Currie Foreman 1P MGA Queen Mother 2M SCA 14R of Copenhagan 3299 H70 Quantock 14 Ms 1179T H70 Quantock 1120 Ms 1114R calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
5 u 86
H70 quantock 1230Z
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
4 u 85
Birth Date: April 10, 2012 PMY 1230Z TC Foreman 016 Currie Foreman 1P MGA Queen Mother 2M Currie Foreman 1P H70 Quantock 1 Ms 1121U Black Creek Miss
4 u 90
H70 quantock 1232Z
Birth Date: April 24, 2012 PMY 1232Z TC Foreman 016 Currie Foreman 1P MGA Queen Mother 2M SCA 14R of Copenhagan 3299 H70 Quantock 14 Ms 1129U H70 Quantock 34 Ms 1097M
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
Lot 2264
H70 quantock 1238Z
Birth Date: April 1, 2012 PMY 1238Z TC Stout 407 Early Sunset Stout 64U Early Sunset Dixie 94S Currie Foreman 1P H70 Quantock 1 Ms 1144U H70 Quantock 73 Ms 1107N calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
4 u 72
H70 quantock 1240Z
Birth Date: April 8, 2012 PMY 1240Z TC Stout 407 Early Sunset Stout 64U Early Sunset Dixie 94S Bad Lands Widespread 18R H70 Quantock 18 Ms 1151U H70 Quantock 1090P calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
4 U 88
H70 quantock 1242Z
Birth Date: March 28, 2012 PMY 1242Z SCA 14R of Copenhagan 3299 H70 Quantock 1167T TAF Atalanta 12R Bad Lands Widespread 18R H70 Quantock 18 Ms 1156U H70 Quantock 33 Ms 1113 calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
Lot 2224
4 u 88
Black angus two year olds
H70 quantock 1256Z
Birth Date: April 26, 2012 PMY 1256Z SCA 14R of Copenhagan 3299 H70 Quantock 1167T TAF Atalanta 12R SCA 14R of Copenhagan 3299 H70 Quantock 14 Ms 1204U H70 Quantock 1 Ms 1153S calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
4 u 78
2258 2246
H70 quantock 1246Z
Birth Date: March 26, 2012 PMY 1246Z SCA 14R of Copenhagan 3299 H70 Quantock 1167T TAF Atalanta 12R Bad Lands Widespread 18R H70 Quantock 18 Ms 1168U H70 Quantock 215 Ms 190R calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
4 u 92
H70 quantock 1247Z
Birth Date: April 7, 2012 PMY 1247Z SCA 14R of Copenhagan 3299 H70 Quantock 1207W H70 Quantock 1 Ms 1158S S A V 004 Density 4336 H70 Quantock 4336 Ms 1177U H70 Quantock 215 Ms 1101R calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
4 u 88
H70 quantock 1252Z
Birth Date: April 28, 2012 PMY 1252Z SCA 14R of Copenhagan 3299 H70 Quantock 1207W H70 Quantock 1 Ms 1158S Currie Foreman 1P H70 Quantock 1 Ms 1185U H70 Quantock 1120 1132R
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
4 u 70
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
3 u 90
H70 quantock 1264Z
Birth Date: April 2, 2012 PMY 1264Z TC Foreman 016 Currie Foreman 1P MGA Queen Mother 2M SCA 14R of Copenhagan 3299 H70 Quantock 14 Ms 1142W H70 Quantock 33 Ms 1102N calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
3 u 83
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
H70 quantock 1259Z
H70 quantock 1255Z
Birth Date: April 5, 2012 PMY 1259Z TC Foreman 016 Currie Foreman 1P MGA Queen Mother 2M Currie Foreman 1P H70 Quantock 1 Ms 1103W H70 Quantock Miss 1065K
Birth Date: April 1, 2012 PMY 1255Z TC Foreman 016 Currie Foreman 1P MGA Queen Mother 2M SCA 14R of Copenhagan 3299 H70 Quantock 14 Ms 1202U H70 Quantock 33 Ms 1142S
4 u 89
H70 quantock 1258Z
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
4 u 78
Birth Date: April 21, 2012 PMY 1258Z TC Foreman 016 Currie Foreman 1P MGA Queen Mother 2M MCC Blackout 404 H70 Quantock 404 Ms 1102W H70 Quantock 127 Miss 1061K
Lot 2284
Lot 2301
Black angus two year olds
H70 quantock 1275Z
H70 quantock 1301Z
Birth Date: April 5, 2012 PMY 1275Z SCA 14R of Copenhagan 3299 H70 Quantock 1207W H70 Quantock 1 Ms 1148S F-R 232 Lad 5166 H70 Quantock 5166 Ms 1219W H70 Quantock 14 Ms 1132T
Birth Date: April 13, 2012 PMY 1301Z TC Stout 407 Early Sunset Stout 64U Early Sunset Dixie 94S Cajun Saugahatchee 7J H70 Quantock 7 Ms 1052L H70 Quantock 48 Miss 1014F
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
3 u 75
11 u 86
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
6 u 97
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
H70 quantock 1303Z
Birth Date: March 19, 2012 PMY 1303Z TC Stout 407 Early Sunset Stout 64U Early Sunset Dixie 94S Windover Kentucky 22K Banana Hill 880Q Ace of Spades H70 Quantock 218M
H70 quantock 1295Z
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
Birth Date: April 22, 2012 PMY 1295Z S A V 004 Predominant 4438 Peak Dot Predominant 351W Rose of Peak Dot 864L Bad Lands Widespread 18R H70 Quantock 18R Ms 1226X H70 Quantock 14 Ms 1179T
2 u 71
H70 quantock 1284Z
Birth Date: April 11, 2012 PMY 1284Z S A V 004 Predominant 4438 Peak Dot Predominant 351W Rose of Peak Dot 864L H70 Quantock 1167T H70 Quantock 1167 Ms 1165X TAF Pride 79J
2 u 71
H70 quantock 1304Z
Birth Date: April 12, 2012 PMY 1304Z B C Lookout 7024 Hill 70 Quantock 1114W H70 Quantock 215 Ms 1082L H70 Quantock 1137P Banana Hill 812Q Sprite 673S RLB Pixy 463P calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
6 u 94
H70 quantock 1298Z
Birth Date: March 28, 2012 PMY 1298Z S A V 004 Predominant 4438 Peak Dot Predominant 351W Rose of Peak Dot 864L Crowfoot 8096U H70 Quantock 8096 Ms 1231X H70 Quantock 14 Ms 1127U calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
2 u 84
“Big Boss” make “big smoke”.
Lot 2316
Black angus two year olds
H70 quantock 1305Z
H70 quantock 1315Z
Birth Date: February 24, 2012 PMY 1305Z Bad Lands Widespread 17J Bad Lands Widespread 18R Bad Lands Lady Fanny 57K H70 Quantock 1121P Banana Hill 310 Terri 742T Banana Hill Cherry 310K
Birth Date: January 26, 2012 PMY 1315Z TC Stout 407 Early Sunset Stout 64U Early Sunset Dixie 94S H70 Quantock 1121P Banana Hill 101 Wilke H70 Quantock 7 Ms 1052L
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
5 u 88
3 u 88
H70 quantock 1309Z
H70 quantock 1316Z
Birth Date: April 17, 2012 PMY 1309Z TC Stout 407 Early Sunset Stout 64U Early Sunset Dixie 94S H70 Quantock 1121P Banana Hill 604Q Ursla 848U RLB 70Q 604 Norris 305N
Birth Date: March 10, 2012 PMY 1316Z TC Stout 407 Early Sunset Stout 64U Early Sunset Dixie 94S H70 Quantock 1121P Banana Hill 305 Waltz RLB 70Q 604 Norris 305N
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
5 u 88
4 u 78
H70 quantock 1310Z
H70 quantock 1322Z
Birth Date: February 24, 2012 PMY 1310Z Bad Lands Widespread 17J Bad Lands Widespread 18R Bad Lands Lady Fanny 57K H70 Quantock 1121P Banana Hill 837Q Unice 851U H70 Q Naomi 318N
Birth Date: March 4, 2012 PMY 1322Z S A V 004 Predominant 4438 Peak Dot Predominant 351W Rose of Peak Dot 864L Bear Hills New Dimension 8M Banana Hill 614 Xylum RLB Plum 475P
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
4 u 76
2 u 68
H70 quantock 1311Z
H70 quantock 1323Z
Birth Date: February 11, 2012 PMY 1311Z Bad Lands Widespread 17J Bad Lands Widespread 18R Bad Lands Lady Fanny 57K H70 Quantock 1121P Banana Hill 604Q Ultima 861U H70 Quantock 132F
Birth Date: March 17, 2012 PMY 1323Z S A V 004 Predominant 4438 Peak Dot Predominant 351W Rose of Peak Dot 864L Bear Hills Alliance 129R Banana Hill 812 Xilla RLB Rilla
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
4 u 80
2 u 86
H70 quantock 1314Z
H70 quantock 1325Z
Birth Date: February 29, 2012 PMY 1314Z TC Stout 407 Early Sunset Stout 64U Early Sunset Dixie 94S Bear Hills Alliance 129R Banana Hill 004 Wiera Banana Hill Cherry 310K
Birth Date: March 15, 2012 PMY 1325Z S A V 004 Predominant 4438 Peak Dot Predominant 351W Rose of Peak Dot 864L Bear Hills Alliance 129R Banana Hill 004 Xpert Banana Hill 310 Terri 742T
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
calving traits maternal traits growth traits Fertility aod ce bw adj 205 Dw Milk/epd ww/EPD yw/epd ADJ 365/Dw S.S.
Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.
Appreciate good people. They are hard to come by.
3 u 98
2 u 86
Black simmental two year olds This is an exciting new joint venture with Garnet and Gisele Marin. They used to raise registered cattle and when they switched to commercials, not much changed except the breed and the registration papers. They keep a wealth of records on this cow herd, AI everything one go round to produce this initial set of non-registered high % Black Simmental bulls. Use these bulls on all types of cows, to breed performance and big pay weight calves. The female side will be equally as attractive as replacements. These bulls have been here since weaning and slowly developed so they will last a very long time. All AI sired by 3D Black Full Throttle 483X and OLF Odin U5. Owned, sold and warranted by Hill 70 Quantock. These are all non-registered bulls so don’t worry, the quality is there but you won’t have to compete with registered breeders on these bulls. Garnet & Gisele Marin 1-306-869-2946 (h) or 1-306-869-7600 (c)
Black simmental Reference Sires
3D BLK Full Throttle 483X
OLF Odin U5
Black simmental two year olds
S-5396 H70 Quantock G.M. Simm 5396Z Birth Date: March 28, 2012 PMY 5396Z Wheatland Bull 131L 3D Blk Full Throttle 483X Crossroads Romona 357R Ken Co/ME Powerline 204L Simmental Cow #5396 Unregistered 1/2 Simm/1/2 Angus AOD ce bw adj 205 Ww adJ 365 DW Color H/P/S SS 7 u 98 721 1210 blk p
S-6457 H70 Quantock G.M. Simm 6457Z Birth Date: April 1, 2012 PMY 6457Z Wheatland Bull 131L 3D Blk Full Throttle 483X Crossroads Romona 357R Simmental Bull Simmental Cow #6457 Unregistered Simm/Angus Cow AOD ce bw adj 205 Ww adJ 365 DW Color H/P/S SS
Lot 5396
H70 Quantock G.M. Simm 0773Z
Birth Date: March 25, 2012 PMY 0773Z Ellington Legacy M229 OLF Odin U5 OLF Lady Triathlon S655 ACS Red Knight 715T Simmental Cow #0773 Unregistered Simmental Cow AOD ce bw adj 205 Ww adJ 365 DW Color H/P/S SS 2 u n/a 792 1325 blk p
S-0807 H70 Quantock G.M. Simm 0807Z
6 u
1270 blk p
S-6461 H70 Quantock G.M. Simm 6461Z Birth Date: March 27, 2012 PMY 6461Z Wheatland Bull 131L 3D Blk Full Throttle 483X Crossroads Romona 357R Preferred Beef Simmental Cow #6461 Unregistered Simmental Cow AOD ce bw adj 205 Ww adJ 365 DW Color H/P/S SS 6 u 95 660 1158 blk p
Birth Date: March 29, 2012 PMY 0807Z Ellington Legacy M229 OLF Odin U5 OLF Lady Triathlon S655 ACS Red Knight 715T Simmental Cow #0807 Unregistered Simmental Cow AOD ce bw adj 205 Ww adJ 365 DW Color H/P/S SS 2 u 75 695 1224 blk p
S-5001 H70 Quantock G.M. Simm 5001Z Birth Date: March 29, 2012 PMY 5001Z Wheatland Bull 131L 3D Blk Full Throttle 483X Crossroads Romona 357R Simmental Bull Simmental Cow #5001 Unregistered Angus Cow AOD ce bw adj 205 Ww adJ 365 DW Color H/P/S SS 7 u 95 714 1251 blk p
Lot 6457
Official Hill 70 Quantock Sale Supplier
Attention Cattlemen! Meridian Printing, your “Sale Catalogue Specialist” would be pleased to provide free estimates on catalogues or any type of commercial printing.
Call 780-875-3362
Fax 780-875-3423 48
5714 - 44 Street, Lloydminster, AB T9V 0B6
Black simmental two year olds
S-6463 H70 Quantock G.M. Simm 6463Z Birth Date: March 22, 2012 PMY 6463Z Wheatland Bull 131L 3D Blk Full Throttle 483X Crossroads Romona 357R Simmental Bull Simmental Cow #6463 Unregistered Simmental Cow AOD ce bw adj 205 Ww adJ 365 DW Color H/P/S SS 6 u n/a 733 1301 blk p
S-7485 H70 Quantock G.M. Simm 7485Z Birth Date: March 29, 2012 PMY 7485Z Wheatland Bull 131L 3D Blk Full Throttle 483X Crossroads Romona 357R TNT Dynamite Black 137L Simmental Cow #7485 Unregistered Simmental Cow AOD ce bw adj 205 Ww adJ 365 DW Color H/P/S SS 5 u 95 700 1167 blk p
S-7488 H70 Quantock G.M. Simm 7488Z Birth Date: April 1, 2012 PMY 7488Z Wheatland Bull 131L 3D Blk Full Throttle 483X Crossroads Romona 357R KL JI The Rock 1L Simmental Cow #7488 Unregistered Simmental Cow AOD ce bw adj 205 Ww adJ 365 DW Color H/P/S SS 5 u 92 664 1131 blaze p
Lot 7485
S-8655 H70 Quantock G.M. Simm 8655Z Birth Date: April 4, 2012 PMY 8655Z Wheatland Bull 131L 3D Blk Full Throttle 483X Crossroads Romona 357R Simmental Bull Simmental Cow #8655 Unregistered Simmental Cow AOD ce bw adj 205 Ww adJ 365 DW Color H/P/S SS 4 u 106 679 1275 blk p
S-9670 H70 Quantock G.M. Simm 9670Z
H70 Quantock G.M. Simm 8627Z
H70 Quantock G.M. Simm 8629Z
Birth Date: April 4, 2012 PMY 8627Z Wheatland Bull 131L 3D Blk Full Throttle 483X Crossroads Romona 357R MRL Black Bear 79S Simmental Cow #8627 Unregistered Simmental Cow AOD ce bw adj 205 Ww adJ 365 DW Color H/P/S SS 4 u 106 653 1178 blk p
Birth Date: April 4, 2012 PMY 8629Z Wheatland Bull 131L 3D Blk Full Throttle 483X Crossroads Romona 357R KL SI The Rock 1L Simmental Cow #8629 Unregistered Simm/Angus Cow AOD ce bw adj 205 Ww adJ 365 DW Color H/P/S SS 4 u N/a 640 1200 blk p
Birth Date: March 29, 2012 PMY 9670Z Wheatland Bull 131L 3D Blk Full Throttle 483X Crossroads Romona 357R Simmental Bull Simmental Cow #9670 Unregistered Simmental Cow AOD ce bw adj 205 Ww adJ 365 DW Color H/P/S SS 3 u 95 716 1266 blk p
S-9672 H70 Quantock G.M. Simm 9672Z Birth Date: April 4, 2012 PMY 9672Z Wheatland Bull 131L 3D Blk Full Throttle 483X Crossroads Romona 357R Wheatland Red Ace Simmental Cow #9672 Unregistered Simmental Cow AOD ce bw adj 205 Ww adJ 365 DW Color H/P/S SS 3 u 92 676 1227 blaze p
S-8636 H70 Quantock G.M. Simm 8636Z S-9720 H70 Quantock G.M. Simm 9720Z
Birth Date: April 1, 2012 PMY 8636Z Wheatland Bull 131L 3D Blk Full Throttle 483X Crossroads Romona 357R Ellingson Black Perfector Simmental Cow #8636 Unregistered Simmental Cow AOD ce bw adj 205 Ww adJ 365 DW Color H/P/S SS 4 u 92 728 1235 blaze p
Birth Date: April 1, 2012 PMY 9720Z Wheatland Bull 131L 3D Blk Full Throttle 483X Crossroads Romona 357R Simmental Bull Simmental Cow #9720 Unregistered Simm/Angusl Cow AOD ce bw adj 205 Ww adJ 365 DW Color H/P/S SS 3 u 98 650 1154 blk p
black angus X simmental bulls Our Black Angus X Simmental bulls are produced using the best of lower set black and black blaze face Simmental bulls on purebred Black Angus cows. They are black on both sides so will be true to black color. This venture has proved very successful over the last years. We have kept the numbers relatively the same and kept the quality very high. Again this year these bulls are March and early April born. We used the same principles in this program that we have in all our other lines. We demand moderate framed cattle with depth of body and stress structural soundness. As with the rest of the sale cattle no feet have been trimmed, the kill floor does that for us. Gabriel and Candace Lavoie co-operate on this project with us and do a very good job. Their herd is an impressive one that produces big, robust calves every year and in volume. It’s great to see two young people like Gabriel and Candace that have this much enthusiasm for agriculture, combined with a real desire to make agriculture work for their future. Feedback on these bulls from previous years is real positive. Use them with confidence on your Angus, Hereford and exotic base cows to add performance with that extra Simmental muscle, hair and quarters, yet not sacrificing the British convenience. This years bulls are 1/2 Angus 1/2 Black Simmental except lots BS-845 through BS-895 which could be from 5/8 Simmental to 3/4 Simmental. The higher percentage bulls were well received in last years sale and these are equally as good. You be the judge, very impressive bulls, to give your calf crop just that little extra.
Candace, Brielle, baby José, Gabriel, Kale & Christian Lavoie
black angus X simmental reference sires Lasy S black line drive 471T
Lasy S black Powerline 132W
Sire: RCC/TCF Line Drive M 181 Dam: BCV Sage J70
Sire: Lasy S Blk Powerline 626S Dam: Lasy S Black P 195N
BW 101 lbs.
BW 95 lbs.
Adj. 205 DW 931 lbs.
Adj. 205 DW 810 lbs.
Lasy S black Superior 27X
LFE BS Lewis 3051X
Sire: Mr NLC Superior 36018 Dam: Ms Lasy S Black P 52R
Sire: TNT Tanker U263 Dam: LFE BS Crocus 70R
BW 102 lbs.
BW 100 lbs.
Adj. 205 DW 922 lbs.
Adj. 205 DW 795 lbs.
These four bulls run multi-sire and are the sires of the next 25 lots. We have 3 new sires and it really shows. A powerful set of Black Angus X Simmental bulls, you’ll be impressed.
black angus X Simmental yearliings
H70 Quantock GL 166a
Birth Date: March 25, 2013
GL 166A
Sire: Registered Black Simmental Dam: Black Angus Cow #166 bw adj 205 dw proj/yw
% color
1412 half
H70 Quantock GL 170a
Birth Date: March 11, 2013
GL 170A
Sire: Registered Black Simmental Dam: Black Angus Cow #170 bw adj 205 dw proj/yw
Lot BS 177
% color
1239 half
black angus X Simmental yearliings
H70 Quantock GL 174a
Birth Date: March 11, 2013
GL 174A
Sire: Registered Black Simmental Dam: Black Angus Cow #174 % color 1400 half black
bw adj 205 dw proj/yw
H70 Quantock GL 176a
Birth Date: March 26, 2013
GL 176A
Sire: Registered Black Simmental Dam: Black Angus Cow #176 % color 1212 half black
bw adj 205 dw proj/yw
Lot BS 694
H70 Quantock GL 177a
Birth Date: March 21, 2013
GL 177A
Sire: Registered Black Simmental Dam: Black Angus Cow #177 94
% color 1399 half black
GL 249A
Sire: Registered Black Simmental Dam: Black Angus Cow #249 93
% color 1397 half black
% color 1325 half black
bw adj 205 dw proj/yw
GL 299A
Sire: Registered Black Simmental Dam: Black Angus Cow #299
% color 1277 half black
H70 Quantock GL 534a
Birth Date: March 21, 2013
bw adj 205 dw proj/yw
H70 Quantock GL 299a
Birth Date: April 11, 2013
GL 475A
GL 534A
Sire: Registered Black Simmental Dam: Black Angus Cow #534
bw adj 205 dw proj/yw
H70 Quantock GL 475a
Birth Date: March 7, 2013
bw adj 205 dw proj/yw
H70 Quantock GL 249a
Birth Date: March 23, 2013
Sire: Registered Black Simmental Dam: Black Angus Cow #475
bw adj 205 dw proj/yw
% color
1300 half
H70 Quantock GL 694a
Birth Date: March 7, 2013
GL 694A
Sire: Registered Black Simmental Dam: Black Angus Cow #694 bw adj 205 dw proj/yw
% color
1403 half
H70 Quantock GL 718a
Birth Date: March 5, 2013
GL 718A
Sire: Registered Black Simmental Dam: Black Angus Cow #216 % color 1290 half blaze
bw adj 205 dw proj/yw
H70 Quantock GL 784a
Birth Date: March 19, 2013
GL 784A
Sire: Registered Black Simmental Dam: Black Angus Cow #234 % color 1310 half black
bw adj 205 dw proj/yw
Lot BS249
black angus X Simmental yearliings
H70 Quantock GL 878a
Birth Date: March 4, 2013
GL 878A
Sire: Registered Black Simmental Dam: Black Angus x Simmental Cow #878 bw adj 205 dw proj/yw
% color ¾ simm black
H70 Quantock GL 882a
Birth Date: March 7, 2013
GL 882A
Sire: Registered Black Simmental Dam: Black Angus x Simmental Cow #882 bw adj 205 dw proj/yw
Lot BS 785
H70 Quantock GL 785a
Birth Date: March 3, 2013
GL 785A
¾ simm black
H70 Quantock GL 800a
Birth Date: March 9, 2013
GL 800A
¾ simm black
H70 Quantock GL 810a
Birth Date: March 23, 2013
H70 Quantock GL 909a
Birth Date: March 23, 2013
H70 Quantock GL 912a
GL 810A
H70 Quantock GL 918a
bw adj 205 dw proj/yw
% color
¾ simm black
H70 Quantock GL 847a
GL 847A
% color ¾ simm black
H70 Quantock GL 856a
Birth Date: March 29, 2013
GL 856A
Sire: Registered Black Simmental Dam: Black Angus x Simmental Cow #856 bw adj 205 dw proj/yw
% color ¾ simm star
Birth Date: March 24, 2013
Sire: Registered Black Simmental Dam: Black Angus x Simmental Cow #847
GL 912A
GL 918A
Sire: Registered Black Simmental Dam: Black Angus x Simmental Cow #918
Birth Date: April 3, 2013
bw adj 205 dw proj/yw
GL 909A
% color ¾ simm star
Birth Date: April 4, 2013
bw adj 205 dw proj/yw
Sire: Registered Black Simmental Dam: Black Angus x Simmental Cow #869
% color ¾ simm black
Sire: Registered Black Simmental Dam: Black Angus x Simmental Cow #912 % color
bw adj 205 dw proj/yw
Sire: Registered Black Simmental Dam: Black Angus x Simmental Cow #800
bw adj 205 dw proj/yw
% color
bw adj 205 dw proj/yw
Sire: Registered Black Simmental Dam: Black Angus x Simmental Cow #909
Sire: Registered Black Simmental Dam: Black Angus x Simmental Cow #785 bw adj 205 dw proj/yw
% color ¾ simm black
Lot BS 856
% color ¾ simm star
black angus X Simmental yearliings
H70 Quantock GL 927a
Birth Date: March 22, 2013
GL 927A
Sire: Registered Black Simmental Dam: Black Angus x Simmental Cow #927 bw adj 205 dw proj/yw
% color 他 simm black
GL 972A
Sire: Registered Black Simmental Dam: Black Angus x Simmental Cow #972 bw adj 205 dw proj/yw
Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning. - Bill Gates
H70 Quantock GL 972a
Birth Date: March 12, 2013
% color 他 simm black
H70 Quantock GL 1069a
Birth Date: April 1, 2013
GL 1069A
Sire: Registered Black Simmental Dam: Black Angus Cow #1069 % color 1411 half black
bw adj 205 dw proj/yw
RED angus X simmental The Red Angus X Simmental bulls are making lots of believers in the real world. All these lads are 50/50 which gives you only a 1/4 Simmental calf, for an excellent hybrid cow and blaze or red exotic steer to top the market. They are the answer for downsizing big cows, adding hybrid vigor and squeezing that last $ out of your cowherd. The fall borns are produced here, with the use of deep, thick Fleckvieh Simmental bulls on some of our very best Red Angus cows in a fall calving program. We will slowly grow our numbers and produce more of these bulls in the fall, as it spreads our workload, simplifies grazing scenarios, and is a great way to offer you, our customers, a great product.
Mr TNT 103T
SU Rocky 223R OPS Krista 8R
IPU Endevor 75M SU Martina 223M MTV Garner 12N OPS Kristan 26N
EPDs: BW +1.4, WW +30.9, YW +58.3, Milk +11.0
Scrotal Measurements available online and sale day!
RED angus X simmental Fall Born
H70 Quantock RAS 645Z
Birth Date: September 3, 2012
PMY 645Z
Sire: RUK Mr TNT 103T Dam: Red H70 Quantock 30 Ms 575L AOD ce bw adj 205 Ww Grass test adJ
11 u
ADJ yw color SS
H70 Quantock RAS 697Z
Birth Date: September 12, 2012
PMY 697Z
Sire: RUK Mr TNT 103T Dam: Red H70 Quantock 62 Ms 462N AOD ce bw adj 205 Ww Grass test adJ
9 u
ADJ yw color SS
1070 Blaze
Lot RS 743
H70 Quantock RAS 707Z
Birth Date: August 27, 2012
PMY 707Z
Sire: RUK Mr TNT 103T Dam: Red H70 Quantock 62 Ms 538N AOD ce bw adj 205 Ww Grass test adJ
9 u
ADJ yw color SS
1114 blaze
H70 Quantock RAS 715Z
Birth Date: August 29, 2012
PMY 715Z
Sire: RUK Mr TNT 103T Dam: Red H70 Quantock 62 Ms 604N AOD ce bw adj 205 Ww Grass test adJ
Lot RS 707
9 u
ADJ yw color SS
1075 red
RED angus X simmental Fall Born
H70 Quantock RAS 738Z
Birth Date: September 14, 2012
PMY 738Z
Sire: RUK Mr TNT 103T Dam: Red H70 Quantock 56 Ms 507P AOD ce bw adj 205 Ww Grass test adJ
8 u
ADJ yw color SS
1106 star
H70 Quantock RAS 743Z
Birth Date: September 13, 2012
PMY 743Z
Sire: RUK Mr TNT 103T Dam: Red H70 Quantock 56 Ms 546P AOD ce bw adj 205 Ww Grass test adJ
8 u
ADJ yw color SS
1122 blaze
Lot RS 9738
H70 Quantock RAS 837Z
Birth Date: August 20, 2012
PMY 837Z
Sire: RUK Mr TNT 103T Dam: Red H70 Quantock 519 Ms 731S AOD ce bw adj 205 Ww Grass test adJ
6 u
3 u
PMY 864Z
Sire: RUK Mr TNT 103T Dam: Red H70 Quantock 41 Ms 732T 5 u
5 u
PMY 866Z
ADJ yw color SS
1069 red
ADJ yw color SS
1110 red
RS-1065 H70 Quantock RAS 1065Z
14 u
H70 Quantock RAS 866Z
AOD ce bw adj 205 Ww Grass test adJ
Birth Date: September 23, 2012 PMY 1065Z
AOD ce bw adj 205 Ww Grass test adJ
1164 red
Sire: RUK Mr TNT 103T Dam: Red H70 Quantock 519 Ms 747T
PMY 938Z
Sire: RUK Mr TNT 103T Dam: Black Creek Cuddles 18H
ADJ yw color SS
Birth Date: August 27, 2012
H70 Quantock RAS 938Z
Birth Date: September 17, 2012
AOD ce bw adj 205 Ww Grass test adJ
1184 star
H70 Quantock RAS 864Z
AOD ce bw adj 205 Ww Grass test adJ
Sire: RUK Mr TNT 103T Dam: Red H70 Quantock 597 Ms 760W
ADJ yw color SS
Birth Date: September 7, 2012
ADJ yw color SS
RS-9738 H70 Quantock RAS 9738Z
Birth Date: September 14, 2012 PMY 9738Z
Sire: RUK Mr TNT 103T Dam: Red H70 Quantock 56 Ms 507P AOD ce bw adj 205 Ww Grass test adJ
8 u
Lot RS 837
ADJ yw color SS
1065 star
charolais bulls The Hill 70 Quantock Charolais bull program has been developed on the same principles you have become accustomed to with our Herefords, Red Angus, Black Angus and Hybrids. Our number one goal is the commercial cattleman and customer satisfaction. We are not satisfied until you are satisfied. With four breeds and seven lines we offer the building blocks and recipe for a planned efficient cross breeding program on your ranch. Truly one stop bull shopping. Our bulls are moderate frame, thick, easy to handle Charolais bulls that possess lots of hair. Our bulls have had to earn the respect of commercial cattlemen throughout Western Canada. As always we have presented a wealth of data on the bulls, right from birth weights, scrotal sizes and all the pertinent performance weights to aid you in your selection. All polled and red factor bulls are noted on the top right hand corner of every pedigree. As usual it is our pleasure to work with Gordon and Leone Thurston and Kevin and Crystal Stebeleski and their families as co-operators on this great breed of cattle. Both outfits are long-term families in the Charolais breed with great cow herds and most of all the passion that it takes to make registered cattle work. As always the bulls have been developed with their future in mind... they will last. All the bulls are on feed at the ranch, just north of Lloydminster. We welcome your visit any time, just drop in or if you can’t make it, just call 1-800-665-7253 and we can go through the bulls. Owned, sold and warranted by Hill 70 Quantock.
Bill & Sherry Creech 1-800-665-7253 Fax 780-875-8332
Kevin & Crystal Stebeleski Kory and Shaylyn 1-204-234-5425
Gord & Leone Thurston 1-780-754-2176
– Charolis performance profilE – calving traits maternal traits growth traits aod bw ce adJ 205 Dw ww EPD YW EPD proj 365 DW p/H/s 4 92 u 770 +14 +60 1395 P AoD - Age of dam - aids in evaluating longevity and production BW - Actual Birth Weight taken 24 hrs of birth CE - u - Unassisted E - Easy pull H - Hard pull M - Malpresentation ADJ/WW - Weaning weight adjusted to 205 days of age. WW EPD - Reflects growth up to weaning a cross breed. Refer to EPD page for breed averages and full explanation.
YW EPD - Weight differences up to 365 days. Proj/YW - A projected weight at 1 year using their adjusted weaning weights and test gain to project to 365 days. P/H/S - P-Polled H-Horned S-Scurred
charolais References sires A
LT Bluegrass 4017 Circle Cee Temptation 730T
LT Assertion 1277P LT Pearl’s Breeze 2236 Circle Cee Velocity 309N Circle Cee Dream 112L
You will really appreciate the sons of this real deep dimensional LT Bluegrass son. 7 sons on offer. EPDs: BW -0.2, WW +42, YW +79, Milk +8
Rolling D Vintage 922W
HTA Blockbuster Pld 620F Rolling D Cher 63K
HTA Whitehot 105A HTA Sara Lee Pld 407D Sparrows Vendetta 14H Rolling D Ms Ueli 232B
Excellent set of two year old bulls by Vintage. 8 sons on offer. EPDs: BW -0.1, WW +53, YW +94, Milk +13
Circle Cee Distinct 20X
D R Revelation 467 Cee White Resonance 618S
Hoodoo Slasher 1144 Dr WC Forever Lucy 372ET DWK Till’s Echo 3N HFCC White Promise 34L
Revelation has done an excellent job at Thurstons. 17 sons on offer - both two year olds and yearling. EPDs: BW +0.6, WW +45, YW +84, Milk +15
KCH Winchester 26X
KCH Remington 41T KCH Bedazzled 140L
SDC Laredo 17N KCH Arizona 40M KCH 2244 Power Play 12J KCH White Lady Pld 2E
An excellent breeding Red Factor bull for the Stebileskis. 4 sons offered. EPDs: BW -0.4, WW +46, YW +84, Milk +25
charolais References sires E
Circle Cee Bohica 826U
Circle Cee Courage 508R SOS Betterbgood 2 Me 36R
Moore’s Legacy 117L Circle Cee Shiver 24K SVY Wide Cut 20K JSR Jasmine 40J
8 sons offered. EPDs: BW +0.4, WW +46, YW +83, Milk +18
Other Sires Represented Rolling D Budweiser 601S - 7 sons offered EPDs: BW +0.5, WW +43, YW +80, Milk +14 Circle Cee Tequila 112Y - 5 sons offered EPDs: BW +2.5, WW +42, YW +78, Milk +22 Circle Cee Perpetrator 624s - 2 sons offered EPDs: BW -1.7, WW +37, YW +71, Milk +21
The boys branding and tattooing at Edgerton.
Scrotal Measurements available online and sale day! 58
Charolais yearlings
Circle Cee Distinct 20X GLT Miss Wrangler 1W AOD
98 u
ADj 205 DW
YW Epd
Circle Cee Bohica 826U GLT Miss Wind 8R AOD
100 u
YW Epd
c-14 BW
94 u
YW Epd
c-16 AOD
98 u
YW Epd
106 u
GLT quantock 26A
Birth Date: March 23, 2013 GLT 26A D R Revelation 467 Circle White Resonance 618S Berich Prime Cut 121L GLT Miss Buck 27J
ADj 205 DW
YW Epd
GLT quantock 16A
Circle Cee Distinct 20X GLT Miss Prime Cut 27P
1440 p
1451 p
Birth Date: March 24, 2013 GLT 16A D R Revelation 467 Circle White Resonance 618S Circle Cee Sizzler 21K GLT Miss Buck 186J
ADj 205 DW
Lot C-26
1323 p
GLT quantock 14A
Circle Cee Distinct 20X GLT Miss Wind 16P
Birth Date: March 17, 2013 GLT 14A Circle Cee Cinch 315N Circle Cee Laliquant 725T Circle Cee Perpetrator 624S GLT Miss Stemwinder 42M
ADj 205 DW
1410 p
GLT quantock 8A
Circle Cee Tequila 112Y GLT Miss Suspect 41W
Birth Date: March 23, 2013 GLT 8A Circle Cee Courage 508R SOS Betterbgood 2 Me 36R Circle Cee Sizzler 21K GLT Miss 803C
ADj 205 DW
GLT quantock 1A
Birth Date: March 8, 2013 GLT 1A D R Revelation 467 Cee White Resonance 618S Wrangler Prime Rib 1S GLT Miss Wind 11R
Circle Cee Entice 920W GLT Miss Buck 27J AOD
94 u
GLT quantock 27A
Birth Date: March 16, 2013 GLT 27A LT Bluegrass 4017 P Circle Cee Temptation 730T Berich Uncle Buck 375C GLT Miss 27Y
ADj 205 DW
YW Epd
1356 p
1440 p
Circle Cee Tequila 112Y GLT Miss Courage 370X AOD
98 u
ADj 205 DW
YW Epd
Circle Cee Distinct 20X GLT Miss Prime Cut 33U Lot C-16
100 u
GLT quantock 30A
Birth Date: April 4, 2013 GLT 30A Circle Cee Cinch 315N Circle Cee Laliquant 725T Circle Cee Bohica 826U GLT Miss Prime Cut 370R Proj/yw
1198 p
GLT quantock 33A
Birth Date: March 25, 2013 GLT 33A D R Revelation 467 Cee White Resonance 618S Circle Cee Primetime 203M GLT Miss Jack 833N
ADj 205 DW
YW Epd
1451 p
Charolais yearlings
Circle Cee Tequila 112Y Berich Project Lady 554R AOD
98 u
ADj 205 DW
YW Epd
Circle Cee Distinct 20X Berich Easy Lady 582R
Lot C-50
GLT quantock 37A
Birth Date: March 16, 2013 GLT 37A Circle Cee Courage 508R Circle Cee Bohica 826U SOS Betterbgood 2 Me 36R Circle Cee Primetime 203M GLT Miss Prime Cut 370S GLT Miss Buck 37E AOD
103 u
ADj 205 DW
YW Epd
Circle Cee Bohica 826U GLT Miss Wind 46R AOD
106 u
YW Epd
c-47 AOD
100 u
YW Epd
c-50 AOD
104 u
YW Epd
c-79 AOD
98 u
YW Epd
c-80 AOD
100 u
YW Epd
ADj 205 DW
YW Epd
1238 p
Lot C-58
1447 p
1392 p
GLT quantock 80A
GLT quantock 50A
Birth Date: March 26, 2013 GLT 80A D R Revelation 467 Cee White Resonance 618S Circle Cee Sizzler 21K GLT Miss Buck 80H
Birth Date: March 23, 2013 GLT 50A D R Revelation 467 Cee White Resonance 618S Berich Sir Lion PLD 106L Berich PLD Cat Lady 331N
ADj 205 DW
1449 h
GLT quantock 79A
Circle Cee Distinct 20X GLT Miss Wind 88T
Birth Date: March 15, 2013 GLT 79A D R Revelation 467 Cee White Resonance 618S Circle Cee Primetime 203M GLT Miss Buck 927H
ADj 205 DW
1300 h
GLT quantock 58A
ADj 205 DW
Circle Cee Distinct 20X GLT Miss Prime Cut 79S
GLT quantock 47A
Circle Cee Distinct 20X Berich PLD Lady 509R
1423 h
100 u
Birth Date: March 12, 2013 GLT 58A D R Revelation 467 Cee White Resonance 618S Berich Easy 237M Berich PLD Ritz Lady 836H
Birth Date: April 22, 2013 GLT 47A Circle Cee Courage 508R SOS Betterbgood 2 Me 36R Circle Cee Sizzler 21K GLT Miss Buck 4G
ADj 205 DW
GLT quantock 46A
Circle Cee Bohica 826U GLT Miss Wind 46P
1382 h
Birth Date: March 16, 2013 GLT 46A Circle Cee Courage 508R SOS Betterbgood 2 Me 36R Circle Cee Sizzler 21K GLT Miss Buck 4G
ADj 205 DW
GLT quantock 54A
Birth Date: March 28, 2013 GLT 54A Circle Cee Cinch 315N Circle Cee Laliquant 725T Gerrard Sparky 24L Berich Star D Lady 608F
1401 h
Charolais yearlings
Circle Cee Distinct 20X GLT Miss Prime Cut 81R AOD
102 u
ADj 205 DW
YW Epd
Circle Cee Bluesky 101Y GLT Miss Wind 82T AOD
96 u
YW Epd
c-83 BW
92 u
YW Epd
c-85 AOD
96 m
YW Epd
100 u
GLT quantock 89A
Birth Date: March 18, 2013 GLT 89A D R Revelation 467 Cee White Resonance 618S Berich Prime Cut 121L GLT Miss Buck 839H
ADj 205 DW
YW Epd
GLT quantock 85A
Circle Cee Distinct 20X GLT Miss Primecut 89N
1488 p
1421 h
Birth Date: March 25, 2013 GLT 85A LT Bluegrass 4017 P Circle Cee Temptation 730T Circle Cee Instinct 615S GLT Miss Wind 84S
ADj 205 DW
Lot C-91
1390 s
GLT quantock 83A
Circle Cee Entice 920W GLT Miss Cinch 84W
Birth Date: March 17, 2013 GLT 83A D R Revelation 467 Cee White Resonance 618S Berich PLD Jack 858H GLT Miss Buck 83J
ADj 205 DW
1401 p
GLT quantock 82A
Circle Cee Distinct 20X GLT Miss Jack 883N
Birth Date: March 24, 2013 GLT 82A LT Bluegrass 4017 P Cee’s Lady In Red 906W Circle Cee Sizzler 21K GLT Miss Prime Cut 81N
ADj 205 DW
GLT quantock 81A
Birth Date: March 9, 2013 GLT 81A D R Revelation 467 Cee White Resonance 618S Circle Cee Primetime 203M GLT Miss Buck 81H
Circle Cee Bohica 826U GLT Miss Jack 89M AOD
102 u
GLT quantock 90A
Birth Date: March 7, 2013 GLT 90A Circle Cee Courage 508R SOS Betterbgood 2 Me 36R Berich PLD Jack 858H GLT Miss Buck 839H
ADj 205 DW
YW Epd
1379 h
1380 h
Circle Cee Distinct 20X GLT Miss Wind 90T AOD
94 u
ADj 205 DW
YW Epd
Circle Cee Bohica 826U GLT Miss Wind 93S Lot C-89
103 u
GLT quantock 91A
Birth Date: March 14, 2013 GLT 91A D R Revelation 467 Cee White Resonance 618S Circle Cee Sizzler 21K GLT Miss Jack 89M Proj/yw
1372 p
GLT quantock 93A
Birth Date: March 23, 2013 GLT 93A Circle Cee Courage 508R SOS Betterbgood 2 Me 36R Circle Cee Sizzler 21K GLT Miss Primecut 92N
ADj 205 DW
YW Epd
1501 p
Charolais yearlings
GLT quantock 371A
Birth Date: March 15, 2013 GLT 371A Circle Cee Courage 508R Circle Cee Bohica 826U SOS Betterbgood 2 Me 36R Circle Cee Primetime 203M GLT Miss Primecut 3700S GLT Miss Jack 370L AOD
98 u
ADj 205 DW
YW Epd
Circle Cee Entice 920W WDC Miss 450 718T
Lot C-133
Circle Cee Entice 920W GLT Miss Prime Cut 79R AOD
102 u
YW Epd
Circle Cee Distinct 20X GLT Miss Wind 89U AOD
106 u
YW Epd
c-133 AOD
98 u
WW EPD +39
c-181 AOD
96 u
106 u
GLT quantock 718A
Birth Date: March 24, 2013 GLT 718A LT Bluegrass 4017 P Circle Cee Temptation 730T Berich PLD Red Ryder 450P WDC 801 YL 1K
red factor
ADj 205 DW
YW Epd
Circle Cee Distinct 20X GLT Miss Wrangler 8U AOD
102 u
1330 p
YW Epd
Circle Cee Bohica 826U GLT Miss Wind 839U
1444 p
96 u
YW Epd
92 u
YW Epd
ADj 205 DW
YW Epd
1387 h
1437 p
GLT quantock 890A
Birth Date: March 19, 2013 GLT 890A Circle Cee Cinch 315N Circle Cee Laliquant 725T Circle Cee Perpetrator 624S GLT Miss Jack 89M
ADj 205 DW
YW Epd
1320 p
GLT quantock 181A
Birth Date: March 28, 2013 GLT 181A Circle Cee Cinch 315N Circle Cee Laliquant 725T Circle Cee Tuscon 806U GLT Miss Buck 81H
1400 h
GLT quantock 839A
Birth Date: March 14, 2013 GLT 839A Circle Cee Courage 508R SOS Betterbgood 2 Me 36R Circle Cee Sizzler 21K GLT Miss Buck 839H
ADj 205 DW
Circle Cee Tequila 112Y GLT Miss Suspect 89X
+75 n/a p
GLT quantock 808A
Birth Date: March 21, 2013 GLT 808A D R Revelation 467 Cee White Resonance 618S Wrangler Prime Rib 1S GLT Miss Wind 8R
ADj 205 DW
GLT quantock 133A
Circle Cee Tequila 112Y GLT Miss No Doubt 81X
Birth Date: March 13, 2013 GLT 133A D R Revelation 467 Cee White Resonance 618S Circle Cee Explosive 419P GLT Miss Jack 833N
ADj 205 DW
1410 h
GLT quantock 99A
Circle Cee Distinct 20X GLT Miss Legacy 133S
Birth Date: March 7, 2013 GLT 99A D R Revelation 467 Cee White Resonance 618S Circle Cee Sizzler 21K GLT Miss Primecut 89N
ADj 205 DW
1393 p
GLT quantock 97A
Birth Date: March 30, 2013 GLT 97A LT Bluegrass 4017 P Circle Cee Temptation 730T Circle Cee Primetime 203M GLT Miss Buck 927H
ADj 205 DW
To be old and wise, you must first have to be young and stupid.
Charolais Two Year Olds
Happy Haven QTK 101Z
Birth Date: March 29, 2012 KTS 101Z SOS Hemi PLD 65N Rolling D Budweiser 601S SOS Budweiser Elsie 4P Happy Haven Popeye 14P Happy Haven Sarah 80S Happy Haven Polly 35P AOD BW CE
YW Epd
Adj 356 Dw
6 103 U
Happy Haven QTK 107Z
Birth Date: April Rolling D Budweiser 601S Happy Haven Lashonda 26S
3, 2012 DST 107Z SOS Hemi PLD 65N SOS Budweiser Elsie 4P Happy Haven Red Charm 36L Happy Haven Marry 106M
YW Epd
6 106 u
Adj 356 Dw
1297 p
Happy Haven QTK 11Z
Birth Date: February 25, 2012 KTS 11Z Eatons Predictor 9230 LT Western Spur 2061 PLD LT Maiden’s Breeze 8242P MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G Happy Haven Trisha 2T Happy Haven Shimano 38R AOD BW CE
YW Epd
5 100 u
c-213 4
94 u
YW Epd
Adj 356 Dw
1292 h
2, 2012 KTS 119Z HTA Blockbuster PLD 620F Rolling D Cher 63K LT Bluegrass 4017 P Happy Haven Sensational 97S
YW Epd
98 u
11, 2012 KTS 113Z HTA Blockbuster PLD 620F Rolling D Cher 63K MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G KTS Unltd Performer 19G
Happy Haven QTK 119Z
Birth Date: May Rolling D Vintage 922W Happy Haven Untouchable 12U
Adj 356 Dw
1304 p
1340 p
Happy Haven QTK 113Z
Birth Date: April Rolling D Vintage 922W Happy Haven Unlimited 17U AOD BW CE
Adj 356 Dw
Lot C-219
Birth Date: April Circle Cee Entice 920W GLT Miss Prime Cut 23R
GLT Quantock 23Z
9, 2012 GLT 23Z LT Bluegrass 4017 P Circle Cee Temptation 730T Circle Cee Primetime 203M GLT Miss Special 24G
YW Epd
7 104 u
Adj 356 Dw
1255 p
Happy Haven QTK 24Z
Birth Date: February 28, 2012 KTS 24Z SOS Hemi PLD 65N Rolling D Budweiser 601S SOS Budweiser Elsie 4P KCH Cowboy Logic 104L Happy Haven Raquelle 94R Happy Haven Impressive 3N AOD BW CE
YW Epd
96 u
Birth Date: April Circle Cee Entice 920W GLT Miss Wind 11R Lot C-211
Adj 356 Dw
1306 p
GLT Quantock 31Z
3, 2012 GLT 31Z LT Bluegrass 4017 P Circle Cee Temptation 730T Circle Cee Sizzler 21K GLT Miss Buck 11K
YW Epd
7 103 u
Adj 356 Dw
1359 p
Charolais Two Year Olds
Happy Haven QTK 46Z
Birth Date: March 5, 2012 DST 46Z HTA Blockbuster PLD 620F Rolling D Vintage 922W Rolling D Cher 63K Rolling D Budweiser 601S Happy Haven Unbreathable 82U Happy Haven Breezer 29N AOD BW CE
YW Epd
94 u
c-248 AOD BW CE
c-235 4
YW Epd
76 u
Adj 356 Dw
1240 p
YW Epd
96 u
Adj 356 Dw
1251 p
red factor
YW Epd
94 u
c-249 AOD BW CE
YW Epd
7 100 u
Birth Date: April Circle Cee Entice 920W Berich Project Lad 554R
c-242 Happy Haven QTK Vintage 42Z ADj WW
YW Epd
Adj 356 Dw
98 u
YW Epd
1307 p
Happy Haven QTK 43Z
YW Epd
3 100 u
Adj 356 Dw
1194 p
Lot C-271
Adj 356 Dw
1214 p
GLT Quantock 54Z
Birth Date: March 4, 2012 DST 43Z Circle Cee Perpetrator 624S GLT Quantock 83W GLT Miss Buck 83J Rolling D Budweiser 601S Happy Haven Weiser 40W Happy Haven Hank 31N AOD BW CE
17, 2012 GLT 54Z LT Bluegrass 4017 P Circle Cee Temptation 730T Gerrard Sparky 24L Berich Star D Lady 608F
Birth Date: March 4, 2012 KTS 42Z HTA Blockbuster PLD 620F Rolling D Vintage 922W Rolling D Cher 63K Rolling D Budweiser 601S Happy Haven Unethical 34U Happy Haven Nacy 17N 94 u
1415 p
Happy Haven QTK 49Z
Adj 356 Dw
Birth Date: March 5, 2012 KTS 49Z SOS Hemi PLD 65N Rolling D Budweiser 601S SOS Budweiser Elsie 4P Sparrows Eldorado 361L Happy Haven Eldorado 13R Happy Haven Nanette 40N
Happy Haven QTK 48Z
Happy Haven QTK 37Z
Birth Date: March 3, 2012 KTS 37Z HTA Blockbuster PLD 620F Rolling D Vintage 922W Rolling D Cher 63K Rolling D Budweiser 601S Happy Haven Unrelated 61U Happy Haven Norma 37N AOD BW CE
Happy Haven QTK 35Z
Birth Date: March 3, 2012 DST 35Z HTA Blockbuster PLD 620F Rolling D Vintage 922W Rolling D Cher 63K Rolling D Budweiser 601S Happy Haven Unemotional 54U Happy Haven Hank 31N AOD BW CE
1300 p
Birth Date: March 5, 2012 KTS 48Z KCH Remington 41T KCH Winchester 26X KCH Bedazzled 140L Happy Haven Eldorado 14R Happy Haven Xantipi 21X Happy Haven Sammy 43S
Lot C-261
Adj 356 Dw
Adj 356 Dw
1200 h
Charolais Two Year Olds
Happy Haven QTk 56Z
Birth Date: March 8, 2012 KTS 56Z Circle Cee Perpetrator 624S GLT Quantock 83W GLT Miss Buck 83J Southern Prairie Mr 71P Happy Haven 83W Happy Haven Shomano 92R AOD BW CE
YW Epd
3 102 u
Adj 356 Dw
1216 p
Happy Haven QTk 57Z
Birth Date: March 8, 2012 KTS 57Z Circle Cee Perpetrator 624S GLT Quantock 83W GLT Miss Buck 83J Shelco Shimano 219K Happy Haven Shimano 38R KTS Fairchild 27F AOD BW CE
YW Epd
7 103 u
Adj 356 Dw
1323 p
Happy Haven QTk 60Z
Birth Date: March 8, 2012 DST 60Z KCH Remington 41T KCH Winchester 26X KCH Bedazzled 140L Happy Haven Tauras 36T Happy Haven Xandra 31X Happy Haven Unique 15U AOD BW CE
YW Epd
98 u
Adj 356 Dw
YW Epd
Adj 356 Dw
1326 p
YW Epd
96 u
Happy Haven QTk 61Z
8 102 u
Happy Haven QTk 63Z
Birth Date: March 9, 2012 KTS 63Z HTA Blockbuster PLD 620F Rolling D Vintage 922W Rolling D Cher 63K Rolling D Budweiser 601S Happy Haven Unplugged 51U Happy Haven Naomi 25N Adj 356 Dw
1307 p
1357 p
Birth Date: March 9, 2012 KTS 61Z SOS Hemi PLD 65N Rolling D Budweiser 601S SOS Budweiser Elsie 4P Shelco Shimano 219K Happy Haven Poem 88P Happy Haven Dainty 58D AOD BW CE
Lot C-279
Happy Haven QTK 65Z
Birth Date: March 10, 2012 KTS 65Z KCH Remington 41T KCH Winchester 26X KCH Bedazzled 140L Southern Prairie Mr 71P Happy Haven Xerena 82X Happy Haven Polly 35P
red factor
YW Epd
2 102 e
Adj 356 Dw
1179 p
GLT Quantock 270Z
Birth Date: February 25, 2012 GLT 270Z D R Revelation 467 Circle Cee Distinct 20X Cee White Resonance 618S Circle Cee Instinct 615S GLT Miss Cinch 27W GLT Miss Buck 27J AOD BW CE
YW Epd
98 u
Adj 356 Dw
1338 p
Happy Haven QTK 71Z
Birth Date: March 12, 2012 DST 71Z SOS Hemi PLD 65N Rolling D Budweiser 601S SOS Budweiser Elsie 4P Happy Haven Icare 23L Happy Haven Selica 120S Happy Haven Hank 46N Lot C-274
YW Epd
6 100 u
Adj 356 Dw
1343 p
Charolais Two Year Olds
GLT Quantock 920Z
Birth Date: March 26, 2012 GLT 920Z D R Revelation 467 Circle Cee Distinct 20X Cee White Resonance 618S Circle Cee Sizzler 21K GLT Miss Wind 92U GLT Miss Primecut 92N AOD BW CE
YW Epd
4 100 u
c-291 c-274
Happy Haven QTK 74Z
Birth Date: March 12, 2012 KTS 74Z Circle Cee Perpetrator 624S GLT Quantock 83W GLT Miss Buck 83J MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G Happy Haven Hank 30W Happy Haven Xcentra 6K AOD BW CE
YW Epd
80 u
Birth Date: May Circle Cee Distinct 20X GLT Miss Wrangler 7W AOD BW CE
Adj 356 Dw
1301 p
YW Epd
Adj 356 Dw
1210 p
YW Epd
6 101 u
YW Epd
6 101 u
YW Epd
Birth Date: April Circle Cee Perpetrator 624S GLT Miss Wind 82T
Adj 356 Dw
c-295 3
92 u
YW Epd
1400 p
GLT Quantock 82Z
YW Epd
5 100 u
Adj 356 Dw
Adj 356 Dw
1338 p
Happy Haven QTK 95Z
11, 2012 GLT 82Z LC Suspect 0109 P ET Circle Cee Silhouette 414P Circle Cee Sizzler 21K GLT Miss Prime Cut 81N
Birth Date: March 25, 2012 KTS 95Z Circle Cee Perpetrator 624S GLT Quantock 83W GLT Miss Buck 83J GCR Mighty Adonis Jo 3ET Happy Haven Adonis 28W Happy Haven Newonce 20N
Happy Haven QTK 79Z
4 101 u
1316 p
GLT Quantock 93Z
Birth Date: March 12, 2012 KTS 79Z HTA Blockbuster PLD 620F Rolling D Vintage 922W Rolling D Cher 63K KCH Cowboy Logic 104L Happy Haven Unruled 136U Happy Haven Jane 62J AOD BW CE
Adj 356 Dw
Birth Date: March 8, 2012 GLT 93Z SVY Ad Invincible P 748T XAL Cee World Class 11W Medonte Rumours 9R Circle Cee Sizzler 21K GLT Miss Wind 93S GLT Miss Primecut 92N
Happy Haven QtK 91Z
GLT Quantock 75Z
14, 2012 GLT 75Z D R Revelatioin 467 Cee White Resonance 618S Wrangler Prime Rib 1S GLT Miss Wind 7R
90 u
1258 h
Birth Date: March 22, 2012 KTS 91Z SOS Hemi PLD 65N Rolling D Budweiser 601S SOS Budweiser Elsie 4P KCH Cowboy Logic 104L Happy Haven Sheila 116S Happy Haven Jump 9J
Lot C-293
Adj 356 Dw
1210 p
Lot C-370
Adj 356 Dw
1229 p
Charolais Two Year Olds
Happy Haven QTK 19Z
Birth Date: February 27, 2012 KTS 19Z KCH Remington 41T KCH Winchester 26X KCH Bedazzled 140L Southern Prairie Mr 71P Happy Haven Xena 40X Happy Haven Eldorado 13R AOD BW CE
red factor
YW Epd
92 u
Adj 356 Dw
1305 p
GLT Quantock 37Z
Birth Date: March 5, 2012 GLT 37Z Circle Cee Cinch 315N Circle Cee Instinct 615S Cee Prime Desire 305N Circle Cee Primetime 203M GLT Miss Primecut 3700S GLT Miss Jack 370L AOD BW CE
YW Epd
6 102 u
Adj 356 Dw
GLT Quantock 79Z
Birth Date: March 19, 2012 GLT 79Z LC Suspect 0109 P ET Circle Cee Perpetrator 624S Circle Cee Silhouette 414P Circle Cee Primetime 203M GLT Miss Prime Cut 79S GLT Miss Buck 927H
1300 h
Nothing worth having comes easy.
YW Epd
6 100 u
Adj 356 Dw
1332 h
RED angus X gelBvieh bulls Nearly 20 of these big, good full April born two year olds for your appraisal. Gelbvieh sired out of some real good registered Red Angus cows. This is our most uniform set yet. Sorting top to bottom as a challenge as they are all pretty darn good. They will make some believers when you get to the sale. Add a touch of Gelbvieh to your Red or Black cows, gain the economic advantage of heterosis in your next calf crop, yet never having to change your management. Gelbvieh early sexual maturity, excellent milk flow plus carcass qualities complements all the attributes of the Red Angus breed. Check them out, we know you will find the good in them. Scrotal measurements available in early January on the website and sale day.
H70 quantock GV RA 776Z
Birth Date: April 8, 2012
PMY 776Z
Sire: FRL Fir River Bearcat 40W Dam: Red H70 Quantock 1244 Ms 585R AOD
CE bw adj 205 dw adj 365 DW SS
7 u
H70 quantock GV RA 778Z
Birth Date: March 28, 2012
PMY 778Z
Sire: FRL Fir River Bearcat 40W Dam: Red H70 Quantock 56 Ms 593R AOD
Lot GR-466
PMY 466Z
H70 quantock GV RA 673Z
Birth Date: April 10, 2012
PMY 673Z
H70 quantock GV RA 787Z
Birth Date: April 26, 2012
H70 quantock GV RA 877Z
H70 quantock GV RA 757Z
Birth Date: April 10, 2012
PMY 757Z
H70 quantock GV RA 774Z
Birth Date: April 14, 2012
PMY 774Z
Sire: FRL Fir River Bearcat 40W Dam: Red H70 Quantock 564 Ms 562R AOD
CE bw adj 205 dw adj 365 DW SS
7 u
PMY 877Z
CE bw adj 205 dw adj 365 DW SS
7 u
CE bw adj 205 dw adj 365 DW SS
8 u
Birth Date: April 15, 2012
Sire: FRL Fir River Bearcat 40W Dam: Red H70 Quantock 564 Ms 653P AOD
PMY 787Z
Sire: FRL Fir River Bearcat 40W Dam: Red H70 Quantock 597 Ms 466U
CE bw adj 205 dw adj 365 DW SS
10 u
CE bw adj 205 dw adj 365 DW SS
7 u
Sire: FRL Fir River Bearcat 40W Dam: Red H70 Quantock 1244 Ms 537M AOD
Sire: FRL Fir River Bearcat 40W Dam: Red H70 Quantock 502 Ms 663R
CE bw adj 205 dw adj 365 DW SS
17 u
H70 quantock GV RA 466Z
Birth Date: April 15, 2012
Sire: FRL Fir River Bearcat 40W Dam: Red H70 Quantock 169 Ms 380E AOD
CE bw adj 205 dw adj 365 DW SS
7 u
Lot GR-776
RED angus X gelBvieh bulls
H70 quantock GV RA 916Z
Birth Date: April 6, 2012
PMY 916Z
Sire: FRL Fir River Bearcat 40W Dam: Red H70 Quantock 597 Ms 546W AOD
CE bw adj 205 dw adj 365 DW SS
3 u
H70 quantock GV RA 940Z
Birth Date: April 11, 2012
PMY 940Z
Sire: FRL Fir River Bearcat 40W Dam: Red H70 Quantock 597 Ms 791W AOD
CE bw adj 205 dw adj 365 DW SS
3 u
Lot GR-946
H70 quantock GV RA 943Z
Birth Date: April 24, 2012
PMY 943Z
Sire: FRL Fir River Bearcat 40W Dam: Red H70 Quantock 582 Ms 817W AOD
PMY 945Z
H70 quantock GV RA 946Z
Birth Date: April 7, 2012
PMY 946Z
Sire: FRL Fir River Bearcat 40W Dam: Red H70 Quantock 597 Ms 828W AOD
CE bw adj 205 dw adj 365 DW SS
3 u
GR-9778 H70 quantock GV RA 9778Z Birth Date: March 28, 2012
PMY 9778Z
CE bw adj 205 dw adj 365 DW SS
7 u
PMY 989Z
Sire: FRL Fir River Bearcat 40W Dam: Red H70 Quantock 56 Ms 593R
CE bw adj 205 dw adj 365 DW SS
3 u
Sire: FRL Fir River Bearcat 40W Dam: Red H70 Quantock 43 Ms 821W AOD
H70 quantock GV RA 989Z
Birth Date: April 11, 2012
CE bw adj 205 dw adj 365 DW SS
2 u
H70 quantock GV RA 945Z
Birth Date: March 30, 2012
Sire: FRL Fir River Bearcat 40W Dam: Red H70 Quantock 240 Ms 790X
CE bw adj 205 dw adj 365 DW SS
3 u
Lot GR-940
Commercial Females
Quilchena Cattle Co. heifers calving 2012. These females are all raised by ourselves and our bull customers, guaranteed not traded, imitated or put together. We offer Sight Unseen Purchase on all these heifers. We do ask that you look after the delivery on your own. We do not deliver a lot of bulls in February as most are left till April. If our truck is going to a central point after the sale we will certainly haul them for a small amount, only representing our fuel. Thanks, Bill.
Initial Listings ✭ 50 Red Angus heifers bred easy calving - Red Angus Due April 1 - Bulls pulled at 45 days. ✭ 20 Hereford heifers bred easy calving Hereford bulls Due April 1 - Bulls pulled at 45 days. ✭ 10 Red Angus x Simmental open fall born heifers. Mates to the bulls that are selling. If you are looking for the true FI these blaze faces are for you. ✭ 10 Gelbvieh x Red Angus heifer calves. April born sweethearts. ✭ Call ahead for more listings as we get closer to sale time.
Call Bill the “Bull Guy” any time – any day! 1-800-665-7253 70
2013 sale summary Herefords…
High Seller - $10,000 - Banana Hill Farms, AB
Red Angus…
High Seller - $7,750 - Daryl Michaluck, AB
Black Angus…
High Seller - $6,100 - Greg Els, SK
High Seller - $5,500 - Perrin Ranching, SK
Red Angus x Simmental…
Black Angus x Simmental…
High Seller - $4,600 - BV Farms, AB
High Seller -$5,400 - White Ranches, SK
Red Angus x Gelbveih… High Seller - $4,750 - Morgan Farms, MB
Afforda“BULL” Bulls
2013 Sale Results on all Bulls
3,501 - 4,500
$ 2,501 - 3,500
% of Bulls
(2013 Sale)
2,000 - 2,500
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Thanks to these 4-H steer purchasers:
Your continued support is very much appreciated.
Notes & Picks:
the crew
chasing kids & cows
Becca shows her heifer “Patches” at some fairs this summer. Becca... “1st day of school.” ... we are down to one!
Big day, Ted graduates from high school... whew!
Becca and a “whole sweet mess” of puppies! Ted and roommate “Riley Lafrentz” outside their apartment in Hutchinson, Kansas. Riley’s mom, Denise and Bill were there to get them settled in.
Adam and Tenille. Adam keeps busy being a “landman”. Gets home to help when he can. We are real proud of Tenille, as she graduated this year from her nursing program.
Ted showing his heifer... at some summer fairs. Connor, now done his Junior hockey years “ranched” and “cowboyed” here for the summer.
Hill 70 Quantock Ranch
“Barn Burnin’ Bull Sale” Saturday, Feb. 1, 2014 at the Ranch, Lloydminster, AB
380 Bulls ... 100 Females...
We really appreciate your business. We always stand behind every bull that we sell. Call Bill the “Bull Guy” any time - any day!
1-800-665-7253 email: info@hill70quantock.com www.hill70quantock.com
105 Red Angus
Notes & Picks:
50 Hereford
– Two’s & Yearlings –
– Two’s –
80 Black Angus
– Two’s & Yearlings –
80 Charolais
– Two’s & Yearlings –
45 Red & Black Angus X Simmentals – Yearling & Fall Born –
17 Red Angus X Gelbvieh – Two’s –
15 Black Simmental – Two’s –
100 Commercial Females – Bred & Open –
Please bring your personal catalogue to the sale! Printed by Meridian Printing, Lloydminster, AB Phone 780-875-3362
Call Bill the “Bull Guy” any time - any day!
1-800-665-7253 www.hill70quantock.com
email: info@hill70quantock.com