That went fast… here we are again!
Our family would like to welcome you to our second annual on-the-farm bull sale! We are excited to invite you to attend our live sale, January 31st, 2025, right here on our ranch! First off, we would like to thank those who have supported our bull program over the past years. Last year was our first ever live sale and it’s a day we will remember forever. We humbly thank all those who came out to fill the bleachers or joined us online or by phone. We appreciate each and everyone of you. It’s always a great pleasure to meet and visit with other hard-working cattle producers - and we can’t wait to do it again!
A bit about our bulls… These bulls were born to be two! All our cows calve May/June on grass. Calves are raised on grass and mamma’s milk, and then weaned in October. We have developed a year-round grazing program that works well for us, rotating between grass and corn. Our goal is to keep our program simple, letting the cows do the heavy lifting, with a focus on simplicity and practicality.
We call these bulls “Trusty Two-Year Olds” for good reason. Our bulls are developed slowly to maturity on grass, hay, and a 13% screening pellet rotating with the seasons. We have kept things simple with our bull data and have provided the straight-forward, common sense numbers. These bulls are semen tested and ready to work. They will travel the extra mile to get more of your cows bred than a yearling. They are strong and ready to produce calves the buyers will love.
A little about our family and operation… We are a small family-run, mixed grain and cattle farm consisting of a growing purebred Charolais herd and a Simmental Angus cross herd. We’re located on Highway 40 just East of Cut Knife, Saskatchewan. We pride ourselves as a small family operation with an “all hands-on deck” approach when it comes to getting the work done. Jackson is now 16 and got his driver’s license this year which has certainly been a game changer! Abby is 14 and has been super dedicated with training her two-year-old horses. We are proud to have them involved in all aspects of this life we live. We are fortunate to farm alongside Shantel’s parents, Ron & Cathy Parker, who live across the road from us. We are also thankful for our good friend Duane Stapley, who is always here to give a helping hand.
It takes a dedicated team to tackle the challenges of farming and ranching, and we were blessed again with just that! Brett Wasmuth has continued to put up with me for over a year now and we are so very thankful for him. He tackles everything I throw at him with confidence, skill, and an amazing attitude. We were thrilled that Haidyn Napper joined us again for a second summer from Olds College. She is very smart, mature, and capable beyond her years. We also enjoyed having Isabelle Zaugg from Switzerland. She was super dedicated with a wonderful work ethic to be proud of. This crew is outstanding.
Our door is always open, and the bull pen is accessible for viewing anytime. Please feel free to call or text if you have any questions. Everyone is welcome to come out to the farm on sale day, January 31st for some hospitality - so we hope to chat with you soon!
Thank you Trent, Shantel, Jackson & Abby
1.5 miles east of Cut Knife, on the North side of Highway 40.
Sale Management
T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd.
Box 2330, Warman, SK S0K 4S0 P: 306-933-4200 F: 306-934-0744
Chris Poley
Sale Ring
Shane Michelson
Ben Wright
Levi Rimke
Sale Day Phones
Trent Wirstuk
Carter Sidoryk
Duane Stapley
Shantel Wirstuk
Chris Poley
Shane Michelson
Ben Wright
Levi Rimke
Online Bidding
Watch and bid online!
Mark Shologan
Accidents can occur. Insurance is strongly recommended. Insurance will be onsite and available through:
Stockman’s Insurance
Larry Toner
Video Sale
These bulls will be sold by video and will not be walking through the sale ring. The bulls will be close by on sale day so please come early to view the bulls.
View the online catalogue or videos at wirstuk.com and www.dlms.ca
Accommodations can be made in our nearest centres: North Battleford, Unity, or Lloydminster, SK.
All bulls will be delivered between April 1st to April 15th, 2025, free of charge up to 300 kms. We will be happy to work with you to make arrangements beyond that.
If you can’t make it to the sale or need help with bull selection
You’re more than welcome to come view the bulls anytime before the sale. We are happy discuss the bulls to find the right ones to match your needs. The sale will be live on DLMS for your convenience. If you are unable to attend the sale or bid on DLMS, please reach out to Trent. We will be happy to assist.
Point of Sale
Each animal becomes the risk of the purchaser at time of sale.
Free Wintering
Bulls will be wintered free of charge until April 1-15th delivery.
Breeder’s Guarantee
All bulls have passed a veterinary Breeding Soundness Evaluation on November 9, 2024. Any bulls failing to be a satisfactory breeder will be replaced with a bull of equal value and quality, or a credit given towards purchase of another bull.
From the desk at T Bar C …
What a way to start the 2025 spring bull sale season!
January 31st marks the Wirstuk Two-year old Bull Sale at the ranch, Cutknife, Saskatchewan. On the heels of their first very successful live auction in ’24, the Wirstuk family present a programmed offering which is powerful, exciting and will add value to your programs.
The lineup is full of performance money-makers designed to be marketed as twos…untouched, they are born on grass and raised on grass, two breeds of the most profit earning cattle in the industry. The Charolais are thick, hairy, optimum in frame size, have solid and uniform performance data and importantly no calving problems. The Sim-Angus bulls carry the same quality performance as the whites but are different in color. In selecting a Sim-Angus you will get pounds at weaning and as a bonus you will want to keep all the daughters.
A great family operation dedicated to producing high quality breeding stock for ranchers and breeders alike. This powerful offering has bulls for all types of operations and all types of budgets. These bulls will add extra pounds at weaning, cover more cows and bigger pastures. If you are on or near highway 40, stop by the ranch prior and view the lineup, they will be pleased to give you a personal tour or just give them a call.
If we at T Bar C may be of any assistance prior to or sale day, do not hesitate to call any of our team and we will be pleased to assist in a professional and confidential manner.
Chris Poley
These boys are born unassisted on grass and start growing. They are thick and hairy and sure to put pounds on your calves. They are just what you need to make those cross bred tan and silver calves that top the market year after year.
Lot 944L
to Kirk MacDonald, who did a fabulous job capturing our bulls for both pictures and videos. He is very talented with the camera as well as working with cattle - so it’s a perfect combination!
These boys will make your breeding program simple. They provide hair, muscle and performance in your calves while maintaining moderate frame, calving ease, maternal instinct, and calf vigour. They will give you the best of both worlds.
We have been beyond blessed with the team we had help throughout the year. This crew achieved a tremendous amount of work while having many laughs along the way. It’s true – teamwork really does make dream work! Thanks for being our dream team!
Brett Wasmuth with his daughter Emmersyn. Brett is our year-round help, and we couldn’t be more grateful for his work ethic, dedication, and great attitude that keeps us having fun while we work!
Isabelle Zaug joined us in April all the way from Switzerland. Her previous livestock experience showed up right away and it was a huge relief to have her help!
Haidyn Napper- Whiting was here for her second summer between college years. We were sad as ever to see here leave in the fall, but keeping our fingers crossed she will come back again this spring!
The terms of the sale are cash or cheque, payable at par at the sale location. The right of property shall not pass until after settlement has been made; no invoicing on buyers in attendance unless previous arrangements have been made. Every animal sells to the highest bidder and in cases of disputes, the auctioneer’s decision will be final. Announcements from the auction block will take precedence over the printed matter in the catalogue. Current exchange rates will be announced sale day. All monies are in Canadian funds.
Each animal will carry papers issued by the Canadian Charolais Association unless otherwise stated. A certificate of registry duly transferred will be furnished to the buyer for each animal after payment has been made.
Pedigree Estimates (PE) are created on the projected mating of the animal’s sire and dam based on averages of the two, creating estimated values that do not hold the same accuracy of actual EPDs issued from the association and should be used as such.
All animals in the sale have met all necessary health requirements.
Each animal becomes the purchaser’s risk immediately after the animal is sold. All animals in this sale will be sold under the terms and guarantees set forth by the applicable breed association with regard to health, freedom from defects and from both reproductive and specific genetic unsoundness.
All persons attend the sale at their own risk. The seller, facility owner and sale manager assume no liability legal or otherwise, for any accidents that occur. It is understood that T Bar C Cattle Co. (2013) Ltd. is acting only as a medium between buyer and seller and is not responsible for any failure on the part of either party to live up to his obligations. Neither does T Bar C Cattle Co. (2013) Ltd. assume any financial obligations to collect or enforce collection of any monies between parties and any legal action that may, in exceptional cases, be taken must be between the buyer and the seller. T Bar C Cattle Co. (2013) Ltd. assumes no responsibility for any credit extended by the seller to the buyer. The buyer must look to the seller for fulfillment of all guarantees and representations made hereunder.
Every assistance will be given in getting your purchases home. Each animal becomes the risk of the purchaser as soon as sold.
Bidders unable to attend the sale may phone, wire or mail their bids and instructions to the sale manager, auctioneer or special representatives. Bids must be received in sufficient time prior to the sale.
We strongly recommend that insurance is purchased for full value. ERRORS:
All announcements at sale time, written or oral, supersede any written material in the catalogue.